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An all-sky-mapping filter photometeer has been used to study equatorial 630.0 nm nightglow intensity depletions. A generally eastward drift of the ~ 0m/sec. At times two airglow depletions moving at different velocities were observed simultaneously; in one case they merged. Simultaneous interferometric determinations of doppler shifts in the 630.0 nm line indicated that the velocity of the neutral atmosphere does not appear to be correlated with the drift of the airglow depletions. The results are compared with other observations.  相似文献   

Using ground based airglow photometry, depletions in the 630.0 nm airglow were observed at Vanimo near the southern limb of the intertropical airglow arc. The results were compared with the more common properties of equatorial plasma bubbles such as depletion magnitude, cross-sectional size and East-West drift, with good agreement. In particular, airglow depletion depths ranged from 18 to 64% with a maximum loss in emission rate of 700 R (55%) on a night when the maximum recorded airglow was almost 1700 R. This corresponds to an electron density depletion of about 1.5 × 1012 el m ?3 observed near solar maximum. It is somewhat higher than values reported near solar minimum. The airglow depletions move eastward with velocities ranging from 90 to 140 ms ?1. There is qualitative evidence of vertical motion and strong correlation with range type spread F.  相似文献   

Neutral air winds blowing across the magnetic field cause a slow transverse drift of the positive ions, perpendicular to both the winds and the magnetic field. This drift sets up an electric polarization field which can only be neutralized by currents flowing along magnetic field lines and through the E-layer. But at night the E-layer conductivity may be too small to close this circuit, so that polarization fields build up in the F-layer, causing the plasma to drift with the wind. This polarization effect may influence the behaviour of the nighttime equatorial F-layer and contribute to ‘superrotation’ of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Determining the optical constants of Titan aerosol analogues, or tholins, has been a major concern for the last three decades because they are essential to constrain the numerical models used to analyze Titan’s observational data (albedo, radiative transfer, haze vertical profile, surface contribution, etc.). Here we present the optical constant characterization of tholins produced with an RF plasma discharge in a (95%N2–5%CH4) gas mixture simulating Titan’s main atmospheric composition, and deposited as a thin film on an Al–SiO2 substrate. The real and imaginary parts, n and k, of the tholin complex refractive index have been determined from 370 nm to 900 nm wavelength using spectroscopic ellipsometry. The values of n decrease from n = 1.64 (at 370 nm) to n = 1.57 (at 900 nm) as well as the values of k which feature two behaviors: an exponential decay from 370 nm to 500 nm, with k = 12.4 × e?0.018λ (where λ is expressed in nm), followed by a plateau, with k = (1.8 ± 0.2) × 10?3. The trends observed for the PAMPRE tholins optical constants are compared to those determined for other Titan tholins, as well as to the optical constants of Titan’s aerosols retrieved from observational data.  相似文献   

An exact, closed-form solution of the problem of the motion of a satellite in the equatorial plane of an oblate body is obtained. It is shown that the classic formula for the motion of the perihelion is a first order approximation to the exact formula.  相似文献   

We develop here theoretical relations between fluctuations of airglow brightness, fluctuations of temperature as revealed by airglow, and the atmospheric gravity waves that are believed to cause these fluctuations. We note and account for differences between our relations and those obtained by Krassovsky (1972, Ann. Geophys. 28, 739) and Weinstock (1978, J. geophys. Res. 83, 5175), correcting both of the latter in the process. We explicitly repudiate the need for a nonlinear treatment of O2(1Σg) emissions as it was asserted by Weinstock, one aspect of the nonlinear treatment he gave, and the conclusions he drew from that treatment, including, inter alia, the conclusion that temperature fluctuations carry more meaning as a diagnostic than do brightness fluctuations. Instead, we note the dependence of both types of fluctuation on variable gravity-wave parameters, which dependence can be applied to the study of gravity waves via airglow or of airglow via gravity waves. As a first step, we note the ability of the present analysis to account for certain observations of OH and O2(1Σg) emissions that have been, until now, inadequately or incorrectly explained, and we stress the importance of the proper measurement of parameters such as wave frequency and propagation speed if our own tentative explanations are to be put to the test and further progress is to be made.  相似文献   

The excitation, energy transfer and quenching of O2 (A3 Σu+, C3 Δu, c1 Σu?) and O(1S) are discussed, taking into account laboratory measurements and observations on the airglow of the Earth, Venus and Mars. The excitation of O(1S) occurs by the Barth mechanism with O2(c) as a precursor: the rate coefficient is 2.5 × 10?12 cm3 s?1 for υ > 0 and 2.5 × 10?12 exp(?1100T) cm3 s?1for υ = 0. The O2(c) can be formed directly by recombination or by O2(A) and O2(C) colliding with other molecules; the O2(c) yield through quenching of these states is about 0.3 in air and about 1.0 in carbon dioxide. The rate coefficients of some processes that control the molecular oxygen bands and the atomic oxygen green line are estimated.  相似文献   

J. Arregi  R. Hueso 《Icarus》2009,202(1):358-360
A reanalysis of Galileo images of Jupiter's Equatorial Zone obtained in 1999 and 2001 reveals the presence of trains of cloud bands, probably generated by gravity waves, similar to those seen in Voyager 1 and 2 (1979) and New Horizons (2007) images. No such waves have been found in a similar analysis of the Cassini flyby (2000) dataset. We present the properties of these waves and discuss them in the context of previously proposed models and observations.  相似文献   

A mathematical model has been developed to calculate consistent values for the O+ and H+ concentrations and field-aligned velocities and for the O+, H+ and electron temperatures in the night-time equatorial topside ionosphere. Using the results of the model calculations a study is made to establish the ability of F-region neutral air winds to produce observed ion temperature distributions and to investigate the characteristics of ion temperature troughs as functions of altitude, latitude and ionospheric composition. Solar activity conditions that give exospheric neutral gas temperatures 600 K, 800 K and 1000 K are considered.It is shown that the O+-H+ transition height represents an altitude limit above which ion cooling due to adiabatic expansion of the plasma is extremely small. The neutral atmosphere imposes a lower altitude limit since the neutral atmosphere quenches any ion cooling which field-aligned transport tends to produce. The northern and southern edges of the ion temperature troughs are shown to be restricted to a range of dip latitudes, the limiting dip latitudes being determined by the magnetic field line geometry and by the functional form of the F-region neutral air wind velocity. Both these parameters considerably influence the interaction between the neutral air and the plasma within magnetic flux tubes.  相似文献   

N. É. Bauman Scientific-Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 227–232, March–April, 1991.  相似文献   

The structure of the corotating region, which forms an inner portion of a stellar magnetosphere, is reconsidered in a quasi-neutral case by taking into account the inertial effects of electrons as well as that of ions up to the first order in their mass ratio (δ=m?/m+). It is emphasized first that the magnetosphere is not globally equipotential even in the frame rotating with a central star (i.e. ?#0, where ? is the ‘non-Backus’ potential) due at least to the inertial effects of plasma particles. However, it is shown that the condition ?=0 is asymptotically recovered in the corotating region owing to the presence of the drift current which can be taken into account only when δ is not entirely neglected. This fact suggests that the deviation of the plasma motion in the outer magnetosphere from the corotation can be attributed to the non-zero ?. A globally self-consistent solution is obtained under this condition (?=0). In contrast with the solutions in the ‘force-free’ and the ‘mass-less-electron’ approximations, this solution has a disk structure in the corotation zone in which the plasma and the current density are concentrated to a thin disk near the magnetic equator. Owing to this sheet current in the disk the lines of force of the stellar magnetic field are modified to form a very elongated shape (the magnetodisk) if the plasma β-value is fairly large. Such a disk structure seems to be a common feature in the high β inner magnetospheres of various types of stars.  相似文献   

The inertial effect on the structure of the magnetosphere of a rotating star is investigated, in the corotation approximation for a surrounding quasi-neutral plasma. The equation of motion reduces to a usual static balance equation between the electromagnetic and the centrifugal forces, in the rotating frame. However the MHD condition, which can be regarded as a special form of the generalized Ohm's law, is modified by the inclusion of inertial effect, with a violation of the frozen-in condition in case of a general (i.e., not restricted to corotation) plasma motion. The inertial effect on the electromagnetic field is summarized in a partial scalar potential named the non-Backus potential, which is proportional to the centrifugal potential in the corotation approximation.An approximate solution of this corotation problem is given, in which another characteristic radiusr M appears besides the light radiusr L . This radius defines a distance beyond which the inertial effect becomes dominant over the electromagnetic one, and is useful in estimating the magnitude of the terminal velocity of a centrifugal wind. A few examples of the modification of dipole magnetic field due to the inertial effect are visualized. In an oblique-rotation case, it can be seen that such a warp of the neutral sheet (the surface ofB r =0) is reproduced as observed in the Jovian magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Approximate solutions for the electromagnetic fields produced by a uniformly magnetized oblique rotator in vacuum are derived systematically in various regions by using general relativistic considerations. The results, which are expressed in compact vector notation, are compared with the component expression of Deutsch (1955) and Backus (1956). In our method, the potentials (, A) and fields (E, B) due to the rotating magnet are represented in terms of the vector potential for a rest magnet, with the proper correction for rotation. In doing this, the transformation laws for various quantities between the rest and rotating frames play important roles. The meaning of rotating magnetic field lines is also considered in connection with the apparent paradox in the gedanken-experiment of a unipolar inductor.  相似文献   

The electromagnetic field produced by a magnetic dipole moment, , which is rotating obliquely surrounded by a corotating plasma sphere, is investigated. This corotating-plasma approximation has the same order of accuracy as the force-free one but has somewhat different physical implications. In the former the effect of non-electromagnetic forces such as the inertial force are included, though in somewhat artificial manner, as a departure from the strict MHD condition and this fact seems to guarantee the existence of physical solutions.Analogous to the relativistic force-free equation, a set of two differential equations (the corotation equation) are derived for the scalar functions associated with the electric and magnetic fields. A self-consistent solution of these equations is given and it is shown that this solution has no singularity, in spite of apparent divergence in the formal solution, on the light cylinder. It is concluded from this solution that, even in the extreme case of the largest possible corotation-radius (i.e.b=r L , wherer L is the light radius), the existence of a corotating plasma does not alter the field structure drastically from the vacuum case. It is also suggested through this treatment that inclusion of the inertial term in generalized Ohm's law might be essential in considering the centrifugal-wind problem.  相似文献   

In the process of modelling the Magnetic-Binary systems, we deal with the permissible areas of motion in the equatorial planes of the representative model. The zero velocity curves, derived by the well known steepest descent method, provide the means for determining these areas. Further these curves reveal all the equilibrium points located on the above planes.  相似文献   

The non-linear regime of electrostatic perturbations of the equatorial ionospheric F-region generated by Rayleigh-Taylor instability has been discussed, taking into account conductivity along magnetic field lines. A closed non-linear equation has been derived in the stationary limit for the polarization electric field potential. It coincides with the Karman equation of an ideal liquid. To solve the equation, the averaged variational Whitham method has been proposed. Some solutions localized along and across the geomagnetic field, B, as well as quasi-periodic solutions in the transverse direction, have been investigated. Non-linear longitudinal localization of perturbations has been shown to be due to electron-ion collisions.  相似文献   

Yuan Lian  Adam P. Showman 《Icarus》2010,207(1):373-393
Three-dimensional numerical simulations show that large-scale latent heating resulting from condensation of water vapor can produce multiple zonal jets similar to those on the gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn) and ice giants (Uranus and Neptune). For plausible water abundances (3-5 times solar on Jupiter/Saturn and 30 times solar on Uranus/Neptune), our simulations produce ∼20 zonal jets for Jupiter and Saturn and 3 zonal jets on Uranus and Neptune, similar to the number of jets observed on these planets. Moreover, these Jupiter/Saturn cases produce equatorial superrotation whereas the Uranus/Neptune cases produce equatorial subrotation, consistent with the observed equatorial-jet direction on these planets. Sensitivity tests show that water abundance, planetary rotation rate, and planetary radius are all controlling factors, with water playing the most important role; modest water abundances, large planetary radii, and fast rotation rates favor equatorial superrotation, whereas large water abundances favor equatorial subrotation regardless of the planetary radius and rotation rate. Given the larger radii, faster rotation rates, and probable lower water abundances of Jupiter and Saturn relative to Uranus and Neptune, our simulations therefore provide a possible mechanism for the existence of equatorial superrotation on Jupiter and Saturn and the lack of superrotation on Uranus and Neptune. Nevertheless, Saturn poses a possible difficulty, as our simulations were unable to explain the unusually high speed (∼) of that planet’s superrotating jet. The zonal jets in our simulations exhibit modest violations of the barotropic and Charney-Stern stability criteria. Overall, our simulations, while idealized, support the idea that latent heating plays an important role in generating the jets on the giant planets.  相似文献   

Spectrum analyses of ionospheric electron density and content fluctuations show periods with a lower limit near 5 min. Interpretation of this cut off in terms of gravity waves in a windless atmosphere leads to unacceptably low thermospheric temperatures near 180°K. It is concluded that neutral winds reduce the apparent cut-off period in the ionosphere. The maximum horizontal wind speed obtained from cut-off data is about 100 m/sec.  相似文献   

The morphology and distribution of ridges and scarps on Mars in the ± 30° latitude belt were investigated. Two distinct types of ridges were recognized. The first is long and linear, resembling mare ridges on the Moon; it occurs mostly in plains areas. The other is composed of short, anastomosing segments and occurs mostly in ancient cratered terrain and intervening plateaus. Where ridges are eroded, landscape configurations suggest that they are located along regional structures. The age of ridges is uncertain, but some are as young as the latest documented volcanic activity on Mars. The origins of ridges are probably diverse-they may result from wrinkling due to compression or from buckling due to settling over subsurface structures. The similar morphologic expressions of ridge types of various origins may be related to a similar deformation mechanism caused by two main factors: (1) most ridges are developed in thick layers of competent material and (2) ridges formed under stresses near a free surface.  相似文献   

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