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冀西南古元古界赵家庄组发育了一套独具特色的沉积地层,近年来在其碎屑岩中识别出“叠层”砂质MISS这种新的微生物成因沉积构造之后,寻找微生物化石的方向更加清晰。本文通过普通岩石薄片的详细观察,在赵家庄组砂岩的石英颗粒中首次发现了微生物化石,尽管部分样品并不太典型,但化石内部结构和外部形态特征及个体大小与元古宇汝阳群的Plicatidium比较一致,其个体的直径大小也在元古代微生物化石范围之内。通过保存状态和特点分析,认为本文在石英碎屑颗粒中发现的微生物化石可能形成于古元古代中期,也有可能来自太古代末期的风化产物,地质时间约为2 530~2 000 Ma或更加古老。石英碎屑颗粒中微生物化石的发现,证明冀西南古元古界赵家庄组地层中保存了较为丰富的微生物信息,碎屑岩的碎屑颗粒也可作为微生物研究的理想对象,这为前寒武纪微生物研究提供了新的线索和方向。  相似文献   

Charnwood Forest (UK) hosts some of the oldest and best-preserved macrofossils known from the Ediacaran. It is the counterpoint to the more widely studied fossil sites of south-eastern Newfoundland (Canada), which include the recently-designated UNESCO World Heritage Site of Mistaken Point. Discoveries made in Charnwood Forest since 2008 have the potential to revolutionise our understanding of the evolution of complex macroscopic life and the subsequent development of ‘modern’ (i.e. Phanerozoic) ecosystems. The sites in Charnwood include the holotypes for several iconic Ediacaran taxa, and potentially both the oldest and youngest representatives of the deep-water Avalon Assemblage. These communities provide a unique opportunity to test models of community ecology, biological endemism and environmental sensitivity and adaptability in the Ediacaran. Here, we review the geology of Charnwood Forest and the palaeobiology of its biotas, and we summarise recent scientific advances in the context of our developing understanding of early macroscopic life. We review the application of Reflectance Transformation Imaging to these ancient communities, and signpost exciting new directions for research in Charnwood Forest, almost 170 years after the fossils were first brought to light.  相似文献   

对山西古元古代末期火山岩的构造属性进行了研究,旨在为解决现今国内外关于古/中元古界(代)分界问题的分岐提供依据。该期火山岩角度不整合于具活动大陆边缘特征的结晶基底之上。无论是汉高山群(或小两岭组)还是西洋河群(—熊耳群),均呈SEE向展布,熔岩占绝对优势,偶见碎屑岩;以裂隙(串珠状)宁静式溢流喷发为主,同期的基性侵入岩墙群为其岩浆上升的通道。岩性以安山岩-玄武安山岩为主,含少量玄武岩和流纹岩。岩石斑晶为辉石和斜长石,偶见角闪石和黑云母。岩石地球化学富大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,亏损高场强元素,w(Th)>w(Ta)。全岩εNd(t)值和εHf(t)值均为负值,在SiO2-K2O图解中以SH+HKCA系列为主,为钾质火成岩系列。该期火山岩是古元古代中晚期华北克拉通结晶基底的西部陆块与东部陆块碰撞拼合的延续,为后碰撞火山弧岩浆。  相似文献   

The Ediacaran of Uruguay has been regarded as containing a significant geological and paleontological record, which would make these successions critical to unraveling diverse aspects regarding the assembly of southwestern Gondwana and to understanding the conditions surrounding the rise of animal life in a period punctuated by drastic paleoenvironmental changes. However, a review of currently available data leads to the conclusion that, although variable, the stratigraphy, distribution and age of these units remain ambiguous. The same is true for existing basin models and tectonic evolution, which show different and sometimes contradicting supporting evidence. Here, we propose that the Ediacaran record consists of the Maldonado Group (Playa Hermosa, Las Ventanas and San Carlos formations), and the Tacuarí, Barriga Negra, Rocha and Sierra de Aguirre formations. The Arroyo del Soldado Group (Yerbal, Polanco Limestones and Cerro Espuelitas formations) and the Arroyo de la Pedrera Group (Piedras de Afilar and Cerro Victoria formations) were likely deposited between 700 and 1000 Ma. The best available radiometric age constraints indicate intense magmatic–tectonic activity occurred between 600 and 560 Ma, incompatible with previous models suggesting a stable, Atlantic-type passive margin on this portion of southwestern Gondwana. Further research is needed in order to firmly establish a consistent litho- and chronostratigraphic framework; particularly, before attempting any regional or global correlation, and inferences on global paleoenvironmental and paleobiological events.  相似文献   

Storm event beds in the Paleoproterozoic riftogenic sedimentary succession of Aravalli Supergroup are described from a 12.8 m-thick sandstone-mudstone interbedded unit in Zawar area, Rajasthan, India. The storm event beds include different primary structural assemblages indicating deposition from waning storm current. Sequential arrangement of beds with characteristic primary structural assemblages suggests deposition under a transgressive phase, and overall retrogradational evolution of the storm-succession provides evidence in favour of faster downsagging of the basin floor. The Pb-Zn sulphide ore bearing sedimentary succession of Zawar records repeated downsagging and exhumation of the basin floor in the frame of continental rift tectonics.  相似文献   

Discoidal sedimentary structures are commonly described in Proterozoic strata, and even more common in Ediacaran to lower Cambrian sedimentary successions. Many abiotic processes are able to produce such circular or discoidal structures in bedding planes, however, their abundance in Ediacaran strata suggests a possible correlation with the evolution and preservation of epibenthic metazoans that emerged at the end of this period. In the South American paleontological record, studies regarding the Ediacaran soft-bodied organisms are meager and restricted to few reports in Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. In many cases, such “fossils” were only tentatively characterized in terms of their general morphology and putative taxonomic affinity. Thus, considering the almost absence of work on these enigmatic structures in South America, this paper aims to make a critical analysis on the main occurrences of Ediacaran-Cambrian discoidal structures described in this continent. Based on a detailed review and unpublished data, it was possible to provide a general picture concerning the main paleoenvironmental and sedimentary significance of this structures, as well as on the most promising prospects in terms of the paleontological record of Ediacaran soft-bodied metazoans in South American. In this sense, it was settled that occurrences such as those in the Jaibaras and Itajaí basins should be reassessed in order to establish reliable criteria of biogenicity. In the case of the material from the Sete Lagoas and Tagatiya Guazu formations, it is considered more parsimonious to interpret the discoidal features as resulting from microbial processes. Similarly, the discoidal structures of the Cerro Negro Formation presents a series of internal laminations and textures that resembles those developed by processes of microbial grain binding and trapping suggesting that, at least part of this material, can be related to microbially induced sedimentary structures. Finally, for the ichnologically diversified Puncoviscana and Camaquã basins, two different scenarios were identified. The first presents an ichnological assemblage strongly indicative of lower Paleozoic, and possibly Cambrian affinity. Thus, the discs in association with these traces, should be viewed with caution and interpretations made in light of a Paleozoic context. The second possesses an ichnological association typical of that expected for the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition, and the diversity of discoidal forms can potentially represent imprints of macroorganisms on a microbially bounded substrate, thus deserving a more detailed approach.  相似文献   

In north-central Brazil, a number of granite plutons, which intrude Paleoproterozoic gneiss-granulite terrains of the Goiás Massif, crop out along a thermal axis parallel to the Transbrasiliano Lineament. Single zircon lead evaporation ages from three granitic bodies span between 552 and 545 Ma. Sm–Nd model ages (TDM) vary between 2.1 and 1.7 Ga and negative εNd(0.55 Ga) values between −10 and −13 show that Paleoproterozoic crust was involved in the genesis of these granites. These plutons, which form the Lajeado Intrusive Suite are part of an important Ediacaran magmatic event in central-northern of the Tocantins Tectonic Province, composed of metaluminous to slightly peraluminous granites with geochemical characteristics similar to A-type granites, whose crystallization occurred under low water activity during magmatic emplacement. The granitic intrusive bodies are related to a crustal extensional/transtensional tectonic event at the end of the Neoproterozoic. They may have connection with the granitic plutons of similar age (0.56–0.52 Ga) in northwestern Ceará state, on the other side of the Paleozoic Parnaíba Basin in northwest of Borborema Province, along the Transbrasiliano Lineament.  相似文献   

许虹  彭齐鸣  Martin  R.  Palmer 《中国地质》2004,31(3):240-253
辽宁东部古元古界底部地层(南辽河群)中赋存着大型的硼酸盐矿床,含矿层位中广泛分布含电气石的变粒岩和电英岩。空间上这些含电气石的岩石与硼酸盐有着密切的联系,电气石可以作为区域硼矿找矿的标志。已有研究结果表明,该地区的硼酸盐矿床是变质蒸发岩成因。本研究对该区不同产状的电气石和硼酸盐的地质特征,全岩和矿物成分、硼同位素组成进行了分析。本区的电气石包括层状和脉状两大类,而电气石的富集与硼酸盐关系密切,电英岩往往分布在硼酸盐矿体的上盘。而矿体的下盘一般不产出富电气石的岩石。当长英质脉体穿过硼酸盐矿体时,脉体中往往会富集电气石。含电气石岩石的全岩地球化学分析表明,它们的REE及其他微量元素特征以及相关性关系与周围不含电气石的同类岩石十分相似,反映出一种成因上的联系。本区电气石主要属于镁电气石一铁电气石系列,靠近硼矿体的电气石比远离硼矿体的电气石更加富镁,有着更高的Mg/Fe比值。电气石和硼酸盐的硼同位素成分分析显示出二者在同位素组成上的相似性,前者比后者的δ^11B稍低,这可能是由于热液活动过程中同位素分馏的结果。电气石的硼同位素组成在空间上显示出变化规律:远离硼酸盐矿体的电气石的δ^11B值(-5.2‰- 3.6‰)比矿体附近的电气石低(平均 10.5‰)。以上空间和成分上的关系表明硼酸盐可能是形成电气石主要的硼来源,电气石是在热液过程中通过淋滤下伏含硼蒸发岩中的硼形成含硼热液,在与上覆沉积物交代过程中形成含电气石岩石。电气石的条带是热液顺层选择交代的结果。本区电气石与硼酸盐的关系表明,层状电气石可以通过含硼热液交代的方式形成。变质地体中的层状电气石岩石的出现可能与变质蒸发岩有关。这一认识对区域硼矿勘查工作和变质地体的沉积环境分析有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

蔡佳  刘福来  刘平华  王舫  施建荣 《岩石学报》2015,31(10):3081-3106
乌拉山-大青山孔兹岩系岩石出露于华北克拉通孔兹岩带中段,是洞悉华北克拉通前寒武纪基底构造演化历史的一个重要窗口。研究区孔兹岩系岩石包括堇青石榴黑云二长片麻岩、夕线堇青石榴黑云二长片麻岩、紫苏石榴黑云片麻岩和石榴长英质粒状岩石,系统的岩相学观察显示多种典型的减压反应结构。阴极发光图像特征显示乌拉山-大青山孔兹岩系岩石均存在大量继承性碎屑锆石和变质增生锆石,其中继承性碎屑锆石形态复杂,多显示典型岩浆结晶环带,标志着源区物质主要来源于岩浆岩。变质锆石为新生的单颗粒或围绕着继承性碎屑锆石核生长,内部结构均匀,整体的Th/U比值较低。锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年结果表明,该区孔兹岩系岩石的继承性碎屑锆石的207Pb/206Pb年龄主要集中在2400~2500Ma、~2300Ma和2000~2100Ma,进而可限定其最老沉积时代应为~2000Ma,表明乌拉山-大青山孔兹岩系的原岩形成时代为古元古代中期。乌拉山-大青山孔兹岩系中典型的变质锆石记录其变质时代为1850~1950Ma,并显示~1950Ma和~1860Ma两组年龄峰。结合前人对内蒙古孔兹岩带乌拉山-大青山地区高级变质地体的变质作用、构造演化和同位素年代学的研究结果,综合判断该期变质事件与古元古代华北克拉通西部陆块内北部的阴山陆块和南部的鄂尔多斯陆块之间的俯冲-碰撞并折返抬升至地表的动力学过程有关,其中~1950Ma代表了陆-陆碰撞形成孔兹岩带的初始阶段,而~1860Ma则代表了其折返抬升的时代。  相似文献   

Sedimentological investigation of the late Paleoproterozoic (Orosirian) Vempalle Formation of the Cuddapah Basin, Dharwar craton, India, reveals three facies association that range from supratidal to deep subtidal. Sedimentary rocks of this succession are dominated by heterolithic carbonate mudstone, intraformational carbonate conglomerate, and a variety of columnar, domal, and stratiform microbialite facies. Deposition occurred in an extensional regime during development of a low-gradient ramp, where the distribution of microbialite facies is distinctly depth-partitioned. A gradual increase in synoptic relief of columnar stromatolites through the section, and the upward transition from stratiform to columnar microbialites, record a prolonged marine transgression with little or no influx of terrigenous detritus. Siliciclastic influx along the northeastern side of the shelf reflects the redistribution of topographic highs concomitant with large scale volcanic activity. Redistribution of topographic highs eventually led to progradation of peritidal facies and shutting down of the carbonate factory. Earthquake-induced ground shaking and voluminous volcanism experienced by this platform point to the reactivation of a deep-seated mantle-plume that resulted in thermal doming of the Dharwar crust prior to the onset of Cuddapah deposition. Isotopic and elemental chemistry of a selection of Vempalle Formation carbonate rocks record elevated Mn2+ and Fe2+ concentrations and depleted carbon isotope values in inner ramp lagoonal facies, relative to more open marine stromatolitic facies. Patterns of isotopic and elemental variation suggest the presence of geochemically distinct water masses—either within the water column or within substrate pore fluids—that resulted from a combination of globally low marine oxygenation and restricted oceanographic circulation in inner ramp environments. These data suggest that, even in the aftermath of Early Paleoproterozoic oxygenation, that ocean chemistry was heterogeneous and strongly affected by local basin conditions.  相似文献   

The Ediacaran to lowermost Cambrian successions of south‐eastern Uruguay preserve an unusual and significant record of deposits generated during the Gondwana assembly (ca 590 to 535 Ma). This study presents a review of data obtained through extensive field‐based mapping coupled with detailed sedimentology and stratigraphy of key formations. The geological units within the study area consist of the Maldonado Group (Playa Hermosa, Las Ventanas and San Carlos formations), the Arroyo del Soldado Group (Yerbal, Polanco Limestones, Barriga Negra and Cerro Espuelitas formations) and the Arroyo de la Pedrera Group (Piedras de Afilar and Cerro Victoria formations). The Maldonado Group is characterized by a glacially influenced volcanogenic‐sedimentary sequence with ice‐rafted debris and dropstones in the Playa Hermosa and Las Ventanas formations. The Arroyo del Soldado Group is a mixed siliciclastic‐carbonate succession, mainly represented by an intercalation of basal pink dolostones, banded siltstones, rhythmites of dolostone‐limestone, iron formations, cherts and conglomerates. Carbonates in the Polanco Limestones Formation are characterized by a negative δ13C excursion up to ?3·26‰ PeeDeeBelemnite. The Arroyo de la Pedrera Group consists of quartz arenites and stromatolitic/oolitic dolostones. Preliminary data indicate that the Precambrian–Cambrian could be contained within or at the base of this group. The entire succession is almost 6000 m thick, and contains a rich fossil assemblage composed of organic‐walled microfossils and small shelly fauna, including the index fossil Cloudina riemkeae. The stratigraphic and chemostratigraphic features are suggestive of a Gaskier age (ca 580 Ma) for the basal glacial‐related units. In this scenario, the results show the importance of lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic data of these Ediacaran units in the global correlation of terminal Proterozoic sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

中国剑龙类恐龙化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江山  彭光照  叶勇 《江苏地质》2015,39(4):530-534
我国中生代陆相沉积地层发育、分布广泛,有近百个恐龙化石产地分布,从东部的山东半岛到西部的甘肃、新疆;从云南、四川到内蒙古和黑龙江。目前,我国已经成为世界上发现恐龙化石最多的国家,已研究命名的恐龙种类达210多个。其中剑龙类恐龙化石9属10种,包括在国内外都享有盛名的华阳龙、沱江龙、嘉陵龙、巨棘龙、将军龙。太白华阳龙化石的发现为剑龙类起源于东亚提供了佐证,四川巨棘龙副肩棘原始埋藏状态的发现使研究人员对其功能和意义有了新的认识,四川巨棘龙皮肤印模化石的发现对认识剑龙类表皮结构提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

Variations of carbon and oxygen isotopic ratios in response to cyclical sea level fluctuations have been documented from a Paleoproterozoic peritidal stromatolite succession. The upper division of the Kajrahat Limestone, Vindhyan Supergroup of central India consists of several shallowing upward stromatolite cycles identified by regular and systematic changes in stromatolite size. Normally, larger stromatolites are followed upward in the succession by smaller stromatolites and microbial laminites that occupy the top of the cycle. Desiccation cracks are found in all the facies indicating subaerial exposure. We investigated the stable isotope compositional variations across nine complete stromatolite cycles showing frequent subaerial emergence. Carbon and oxygen isotopic values of the limestones, in general, are comparable to contemporary marine values available from earlier studies but show regular depletion in response to shallowing of the water level. The δ13C and δ18O values of the limestones vary within an individual stromatolite cycle; depleted values characterize the topmost part of the cycles. The isotope pattern is explained by micritic carbonate deposition in different sub environments of the shallow marine domain having different salinity and variable duration of exposure. These variations also probably caused the observed scatter in δ13C and δ18O values of supratidal microbial laminites.  相似文献   

华北克拉通古元古代构造事件   总被引:45,自引:55,他引:45  
翟明国  彭澎 《岩石学报》2007,23(11):2665-2682
本文讨论了华北克拉通的古元古代表壳岩系、高压麻粒岩和孔兹岩系的若干问题,提出了(1)华北克拉通在约2500Ma太古宙结束时已基本形成.在2300Ma之前处于相对稳定的构造环境;(2)2300~1950Ma期间,华北克拉通经历了一次基底陆块的拉伸-破裂事件,在克拉通内部发育了晋豫、胶辽裂陷盆地和丰镇陆内凹陷盆地;(3)约1900Ma期间,有地幔上涌并伴随辉长岩浆的底侵作用,引起大青山-丰镇地区的超高温变质作用.底侵的辉长岩浆作为岩体和岩墙在下地壳就位,并发生高压麻粒岩相变质作用;(4)约1850Ma期间,华北克拉通经历了一次挤压构造事件,导致了裂陷盆地的闭合和焊接,形成晋豫和胶辽两个类似于现代陆.陆碰撞型的造山带;(5)在华北克拉通的北缘,华北克拉通可能与其北部的另一古老陆块或岛弧拼合,其拼合带应位于白云鄂博以北.现在已残缺不全.孔兹岩系可能代表了平行于北缘造山带的一条构造带.与北部造山带的俯冲碰撞相关的陆内深部逆掩造成了麻粒岩相岩石的形成和抬升;(6)白云鄂博群、化德群和渣尔泰(-狼山)群是与长城系相同时期发育的被动大陆边缘裂谷盆地;(7)1850~1700Ma期间,华北克拉通进入伸展构造体制,导致基底抬升,产生裂陷槽、基性岩墙群和非造山岩浆活动.  相似文献   

山西吕梁地区古元古界小两岭组火山岩角度不整合于华北克拉通结晶基底之上,主要由玄武-安山岩、英安-流纹岩组成,SiO2含量57%~63%的火山岩很少.岩石富集大离子亲石元素(Ba、K等)和轻稀土元素,相对亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta等).主、微量元素及Nd同位素地球化学特征表明:玄武-安山岩与英安-流纹岩为同源岩浆产物,成分间隙的产生由分离结晶作用导致;岛弧型火山岩地球化学特征产生的原因主要不是由于地壳的混染,而是继承于受俯冲组分改造的岩石圈富集地幔.对小两岭组顶部流纹岩中的锆石进行激光探针等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)年龄测试,表明火山岩形成于1779±20Ma(^207Ph/^206Pb).通过对小两岭组火山岩与熊耳群火山岩的地层层位、岩相学、地球化学和Nd同位素特征的对比,以及年代学方面的证据,表明小两岭组火山岩与熊耳群火山岩相当,是同期岩浆活动在不同空间的产物,都形成于大陆裂谷环境,可能与地幔柱有关.  相似文献   

吉南地区古元古代地层层序及构造背景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵冰仪  周晓东 《世界地质》2009,28(4):424-429
依据变质岩石组合特征及其在地层序列中的堆叠关系, 吉南地区古元古代集安岩群自下而上可划分为蚂蚁河岩组、荒岔沟岩组、大东岔岩组, 其沉积时限为2 350~2 150 Ma, 经历了低压相系高角闪岩相的变质作用, 并被晚期花岗岩侵入(2 160 Ma) ; 老岭群自下而上可划分为达台山组/林家沟组、珍珠门组、花山组、临江组、大栗子组, 其沉积时限为1 900~1 800 Ma, 经历了中压相系低角闪岩相的变质作用。集安岩群伏于老岭群之下, 原岩建造为一套大陆拉斑玄武岩-蒸发岩-(钙质)硬砂岩-复理石组合, 属裂谷环境沉积; 老岭群的原岩建造为一套石英砂岩-白云岩-页岩组合, 属陆内坳陷沉积。  相似文献   

大别造山带北大别超高压变质带是研究秦岭-大别-苏鲁造山带古老基底演化过程的关键区域,其内广泛发育的混合岩长期被认为主要形成于中生代。本文对北大别团风一带新识别出的一套混合岩开展了锆石U-Pb定年和Hf同位素组成分析,结果显示,混合岩第一类锆石核部具有岩浆锆石特点,组成的不一致线上交点年龄为2850±86 Ma,该年龄代表了混合岩原岩年龄。第二类锆石具有变质深熔锆石特点,其加权平均207Pb/206Pb年龄为2011±12 Ma,代表了混合岩化的时间。岩浆锆石多数具有负的εHf(t)值(—8.1~2.2),对应两阶段Hf同位素模式年龄(TDM2)为3.6~3.0 Ga,表明原岩可能为大别造山带内古太古代地壳物质重熔形成,并可能在形成过程中伴有少量幔源物质加入。与之相比,变质锆石均具有正的εHf(t)值(0.3~8.2),对应TDM2为2.7~2.2 Ga,说明在混合岩化变质深熔过程中锆石Lu-Hf同位素体系完全开放,导致了锆石Hf同位素组成的升高。本文研究表...  相似文献   

中国北方从东到西绵延3000 km范围上的华北克拉通、塔里木克拉通及其中间微地块上都保存有埃迪卡拉纪冰川沉积记录,但有关它的年代学、冰川规模、古地理重建和大地构造背景等存有争论。本文基于中国北方埃迪卡拉纪冰碛岩空间分布、地层与沉积层序,沉积环境与沉积相等,结合以往国内外文献,系统分析了埃迪卡拉纪冰川上述有关问题。研究揭示,埃迪卡拉纪时期,国内外应存在年轻于(Gaskiers)580 Ma的冰期;中国北方埃迪卡拉纪冰川时限约562.5~551 Ma,堆积了冰下、冰缘和冰前沉积相(物),构成垂向上(由下至上)从冰下至冰前与海相冰碛物沉积层序,符合大陆冰川(盖)沉积响应样式;此外,国内外埃迪卡拉纪冰碛岩及冰川剥蚀地貌均十分发育;部分冰碛岩之上还可见盖帽白云岩,并呈现与成冰纪盖帽白云岩类似的沉积构造,但彼此碳同位素剖面却不尽相同;本研究推测,埃迪卡拉纪时期,原特提斯洋及周缘大陆(群)可能普遍存在至少是洲际性大陆冰盖,甚至是全球性的冰期。研究认为,埃迪卡拉纪时期的亚洲陆块群应与冈瓦纳大陆缺乏构造亲缘性的若干重要证据。本文研究结果在埃迪卡拉纪大陆及其古地理重建和大地构造背景恢复方面具有重要科学意义...  相似文献   

Octoradiate Spiral Organisms in the Ediacaran of South China   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Shales of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation of South China contain a new disc-shaped macrofossil, Eoandromeda octobrachiata, characterized by eight spiral arms that were probably housed within an outer membrane. Although the presence of eight radiating structures entails a resemblance to cnidarian octocorals as well as to ctenophores, direct homologies with these extant groups are unlikely. Instead we bring attention to the helicospiral morphology of newly reported embryos from the Doushantuo Formation, suggesting that the long-sought adults of the Ediacaran embryonic metazoans have finally been found.  相似文献   

库鲁克塔格地区出露了塔里木克拉通最完整的前寒武纪基底,其中新太古界—古元古界构成了塔里木早前寒武纪结晶基底。本文详细总结了该区古元古界岩石组成及变质变形特征,并获得其中的变质火山岩锆石U-Pb年龄为(1 965±13) Ma,代表了该区古元古界沉积年龄。结合区域地层格架、变质事件的研究,认为古元古界沉积时代为2.0~1.8 Ga,并在1.8 Ga发生角闪岩相变质。该变质事件是对北塔里木地体哥伦比亚超大陆汇聚的构造响应。依据岩石组合、前寒武纪大陆地壳生长过程及变质事件综合分析,推测北塔里木地体在中元古代之前属于印度—华北克拉通的一部分,哥伦比亚超大陆裂解过程中与印度—华北克拉通分离,形成一个独立的微陆块,并在罗迪尼亚超大陆汇聚过程中,与南塔里木地体拼合形成了统一的塔里木克拉通前南华纪基底。  相似文献   

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