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针对经典的机载LiDAR点云数据滤波方法不适用于车载LiDAR点云数据滤波的问题,该文提出了一种基于点云分割的不规则三角网渐进加密滤波方法。首先,剔除粗差;然后,进行点云分割;最后,以分割对象为基本判别单元,迭代地进行地面对象的识别。采用两个场景的车载LiDAR点云进行滤波实验。实验结果表明,本文滤波方法的总误差明显小于经典的不规则三角网渐进加密滤波方法。  相似文献   

一种机载LiDAR点云电力线三维重建方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
林祥国  段敏燕  张继贤  臧艺 《测绘科学》2016,41(1):109-114,64
针对直升机激光雷达电力巡线中电力线三维重建方法研究的不足,文章提出一种长距离架空输电线路直升机激光雷达点云数据的电力线三维重建方法,它包括电力线激光雷达点云聚类、悬挂点检测和电力线三维建模等3个部分:首先运用3D连通成分分析分离出某一电力线的点;然后在XOY平面上对某一电力线的点进行线性拟合和格网索引,通过二阶导数分析分离出某一档某一根电力线的点;最后对单根电力线进行三维建模,且三维模型使用比例因子作为抛物线参数。实验表明,该方法在重建过程中对输电线走廊内线路数目、电力线的根数、电力线类型、电力线的空间配置结构、线路长度、线路曲率等因素不敏感,且具有效率高、重建精度高的优势。  相似文献   

Automatic change detection and geo-database updating in the urban environment are difficult tasks. There has been much research on detecting changes with satellite and aerial images, but studies have rarely been performed at the street level, which is complex in its 3D geometry. Contemporary geo-databases include 3D street-level objects, which demand frequent data updating. Terrestrial images provides rich texture information for change detection, but the change detection with terrestrial images from different epochs sometimes faces problems with illumination changes, perspective distortions and unreliable 3D geometry caused by the lack of performance of automatic image matchers, while mobile laser scanning (MLS) data acquired from different epochs provides accurate 3D geometry for change detection, but is very expensive for periodical acquisition. This paper proposes a new method for change detection at street level by using combination of MLS point clouds and terrestrial images: the accurate but expensive MLS data acquired from an early epoch serves as the reference, and terrestrial images or photogrammetric images captured from an image-based mobile mapping system (MMS) at a later epoch are used to detect the geometrical changes between different epochs. The method will automatically mark the possible changes in each view, which provides a cost-efficient method for frequent data updating. The methodology is divided into several steps. In the first step, the point clouds are recorded by the MLS system and processed, with data cleaned and classified by semi-automatic means. In the second step, terrestrial images or mobile mapping images at a later epoch are taken and registered to the point cloud, and then point clouds are projected on each image by a weighted window based z-buffering method for view dependent 2D triangulation. In the next step, stereo pairs of the terrestrial images are rectified and re-projected between each other to check the geometrical consistency between point clouds and stereo images. Finally, an over-segmentation based graph cut optimization is carried out, taking into account the color, depth and class information to compute the changed area in the image space. The proposed method is invariant to light changes, robust to small co-registration errors between images and point clouds, and can be applied straightforwardly to 3D polyhedral models. This method can be used for 3D street data updating, city infrastructure management and damage monitoring in complex urban scenes.  相似文献   

机载LiDAR点云提取城市道路网的半自动方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对从卫星和航空正射影像中手工提取道路的方法速度慢的问题,该文基于机载LiDAR点云的高程和反射强度信息,手工选取一定量的种子点,采用区域生长法分割出初始道路区域;在填充空洞和平滑预处理后,利用细化算法提取出道路中线;根据长度阈值剔除毛刺短分支,使用自动算法和手工结合的方法消除多余通路和环形通路;并跟踪连接成矢量道路线,根据抽稀算法移除大量的小弯曲拐点,最后平滑矢量道路线成道路网。在测试复杂场景下的城市LiDAR点云后,发现提取的道路网的完整率和正确率较高。  相似文献   

机载LiDAR技术为探测建筑物提供了大量三维点云坐标.为了能从植被中有效识别建筑物面域,首先利用渐进式TIN加密法识别非地面点云,经过移除低于地面3 m的点云和孤立点云后生成菲地面点云的二值化格网,依据自定义的分割算子打断建筑物和植被间的可能连接;然后通过区域生成算法以高差阈值来聚类二者的面域,并使用大坡度密度阈值来提取建筑物的面域;最后使用形态学闭算子填充面域孔洞并平滑其边缘.选取3个典型的复杂城市区域进行测试,结果显示,各区域的提取质量与完成率均高于91%,表明该算法能够达到自动识别建筑物的目的.  相似文献   

针对全自动建筑物3D重建存在需要后续人工检验,且发现重建错误需要花费额外时间修改的问题,提出了一种半自动的面向对象的机载LiDAR点云建筑物3D重建方法。基于建筑物类别点云的联通分析和平面生长分割结果,提出了自动的建筑物栋数检测、单栋建筑物外轮廓提取、单栋建筑物内部结构线提取方法;同时,在计算机无法完成部分工作时,人工辅助计算机完成高程阶越线提取、识别建筑物屋顶附属物点云等工作。实验证明,该方法可以适用于高密度机载LiDAR点云数据中城区大部分建筑物的3D模型重建。  相似文献   

车载LiDAR点云相连行道树精细分割   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对车载激光雷达获取的行道树树冠点云相连问题,该文提出了基于树木生长模型的距离加权分割方法。首先通过等距原则将相连树粗分割为单株树木,采用求差和拟合算法获得树木高度、胸径等属性信息;再根据树木的理论和实际生长模型,计算得到树冠距离加权值;最后在此基础上对树冠进行迭代处理,实现邻接行道树点云的精确分割。经过不同树种试验验证,该算法能够实现对多棵相连树点云的进一步精确分割。  相似文献   

针对直接从LiDAR点云数据中提取道路信息比较困难的问题,文章提出了一种基于点云分割和区域生长的机载LiDAR数据道路点云提取方法:采用曲面生长法对点云进行分割,直接得到包含道路信息的曲面点集合;应用LiDAR数据的回波强度对分割结果中的道路进行强度标定,并采用区域增长的思想实现了道路的精细提取。实验表明,该方法能够高效、准确地提取道路点云,在路桥建模方面有较强的使用价值。  相似文献   

为实现电力线走廊更加有效地巡检,本文设计了一套LiDAR点云数据中电力线自动提取与重建的方法。首先,利用改进的渐进形态学滤波剔除地面点,通过高差阈值与高程离散度分割,实现电力线点粗提取;然后,借助RANSAC直线检测,得到电力线直线模型,依靠密度检测,实现单根电力线点云精确聚类;此外,利用k-means算法完成分裂导线束间归类;最后,进行二次多项式限制的最小二乘拟合,生成电力线曲线模型。试验结果表明,使用该方法电力线点云提取的正确率达98%以上,非电力线点云误判率低至1%左右,电力线直线模型拟合误差在5 cm以下,曲线模型拟合误差在3 cm以下,完全满足实际工程需求。  相似文献   

Accurate 3D road information is important for applications such as road maintenance and virtual 3D modeling. Mobile laser scanning (MLS) is an efficient technique for capturing dense point clouds that can be used to construct detailed road models for large areas. This paper presents a method for extracting and delineating roads from large-scale MLS point clouds. The proposed method partitions MLS point clouds into a set of consecutive “scanning lines”, which each consists of a road cross section. A moving window operator is used to filter out non-ground points line by line, and curb points are detected based on curb patterns. The detected curb points are tracked and refined so that they are both globally consistent and locally similar. To evaluate the validity of the proposed method, experiments were conducted using two types of street-scene point clouds captured by Optech’s Lynx Mobile Mapper System. The completeness, correctness, and quality of the extracted roads are over 94.42%, 91.13%, and 91.3%, respectively, which proves the proposed method is a promising solution for extracting 3D roads from MLS point clouds.  相似文献   

为解决车载LiDAR城市场景中路灯提取和识别问题,文中提出基于样本的路灯提取算法。先通过人机交互的方式提取路灯的样本参数;再依据数学形态学闭运算提取点云场景中疑似路灯的位置,根据样本参数确定疑似路灯范围并提取疑似路灯点云;然后进行路灯样本和疑似路灯点云的匹配;最后,通过建立路灯样本缓冲区实现路灯判断和提取。通过试验验证,算法不仅可以快速自动提取路灯点云,还能完成路灯单一种类的识别。  相似文献   

The hydrologic response of a catchment is sensitive to the morphology of the drainage network. Dimensions of bigger channels are usually well known, however, geometrical data for man-made ditches is often missing as there are many and small. Aerial LiDAR data offers the possibility to extract these small geometrical features. Analysing the three-dimensional point clouds directly will maintain the highest degree of information. A longitudinal and cross-sectional buffer were used to extract the cross-sectional profile points from the LiDAR point cloud. The profile was represented by spline functions fitted through the minimum envelop of the extracted points. The cross-sectional ditch profiles were classified for the presence of water and vegetation based on the normalized difference water index and the spatial characteristics of the points along the profile. The normalized difference water index was created using the RGB and intensity data coupled to the LiDAR points. The mean vertical deviation of 0.14 m found between the extracted and reference cross sections could mainly be attributed to the occurrence of water and partly to vegetation on the banks. In contrast to the cross-sectional area, the extracted width was not influenced by the environment (coefficient of determination R2 = 0.87). Water and vegetation influenced the extracted ditch characteristics, but the proposed method is still robust and therefore facilitates input data acquisition and improves accuracy of spatially explicit hydrological models.  相似文献   

道路边界精确提取建模是城市道路管理、智能交通规划和高精度地图制作等领域的重要课题之一。本文提出了一种基于车载激光雷达点云数据和开源街道地图(OSM)的三维道路边界精确提取方法。首先,针对原始车载LiDAR点云数据应用布料模拟滤波分离地面点,再结合相对高程分析获取道路边界点候选数据集。然后,应用OSM矢量道路网数据的节点辅助道路边界点候选点集进行分段。最后,在各分段点云数据集中基于随机抽样一致性算法获得三维道路边界点集。通过直道、弯道及高密度复杂场景3种不同类型的城区道路边界路段分类提取试验。结果表明,利用该方法进行道路边界提取的准确率和召回率分别达96.12%和95.17%,F1值达92.11%,本文方法可用于高精度道路边界的三维精细提取与矢量化,进而为智能交通与无人驾驶导航提供支撑。  相似文献   

室内移动 LiDAR测量系统集成了IMU、激光扫描仪、数码相机等仪器设备,在无GNSS室内场景的三维空间信息快速获取方面取得了重大突破,为室内空间数据获取提供了全新的技术手段.然而,由于室内环境复杂、目标丰富、移动对象、多次反射等情况,移动LiDAR测量系统获得的点云具有遮挡严重、数据缺失、噪声较大、密度分布不均匀的特...  相似文献   

以正确提取城区Li DAR点云中建筑物为目标,综合利用不同类别目标点云的回波特征以及地形信息,提出了一种基于区域多次回波密度分析的Li DAR点云建筑物提取方法。首先,将点云构建不规则三角网(triangulated irregular network,TIN),获取封闭的等高线;然后,利用等高线间的拓扑关系得到等高线族区域;最后,统计每一区域的多次回波点云密度信息,通过建筑物和树木区域多次回波点云在区域密度上的巨大差异来识别建筑物点云和树木点云。研究结果表明:该方法既充分利用了建筑物表面与植被间多次回波特性的差异,又不否定建筑物边缘同样存在多次回波的现象;通过封闭的等高线自适应地检测出地物目标的轮廓,弥补了传统Li DAR建筑物提取方法的不足;该方法能够较其他方法更准确地提取建筑物。  相似文献   

李炼  王蕾  刘刚  郭加伟 《测绘科学》2016,41(4):144-147
针对现有LiDAR点云去噪算法难以实现自适应的问题,该文提出了基于空间盒子结构的自适应移动盒子去噪算法。基于经验模型建立盒子自适应准则,较好规避了现有算法的去噪阈值确定问题;采用聚类分析实现噪声点与有效点的精确标示。基于不同类型噪声的点云数据实验结果表明:与现有去噪算法相比,基于自适应移动盒子的去噪算法具有更好的适应性和去噪效果。  相似文献   

Semantic labelling of LiDAR point cloud is critical for effective utilization of 3D points in numerous applications. 3D segmentation, incorporation of ancillary data, feature extraction and classification are the key stages in object-based point cloud labelling. The choice of algorithms and tuning parameters adopted in these stages has substantial impact on the quality of results from object-based point cloud labelling. This paper critically evaluates the performance of object-based point cloud labelling as a function of different 3D segmentation approaches, incorporation of spectral data and computational complexity of the point cloud. The designed experiments are implemented on the datasets provided by the ISPRS and the results are independently validated by the ISPRS. Results indicate that aggregation of dense point cloud into higher-level object analogue (e.g. supervoxels) before 3D segmentation stage offers superior labelling results and best computational performance compared to the popular surface growing-based approaches.  相似文献   

Identifying and characterizing variations of human activity – specifically changes in intensity and similarity – in urban environments provide insights into the social component of those eminently complex systems. Using large volumes of user-generated mobile phone data, we derive mobile communication profiles that we use as a proxy for the collective human activity. In this article, geocomputational methods and geovisual analytics such as self-organizing maps (SOM) are used to explore the variations of these profiles, and its implications for collective human activity. We evaluate the merits of SOM as a cross-dimensional clustering technique and derived temporal trajectories of variations within the mobile communication profiles. The trajectories’ characteristics such as length are discussed, suggesting spatial variations in intensity and similarity in collective human activity. Trajectories are linked back to the geographic space to map the spatial and temporal variation of trajectory characteristics. Different trajectory lengths suggest that mobile phone activity is correlated with the spatial configuration of the city, and so at different times of the day. Our approach contributes to the understanding of the space-time social dynamics within urban environments.  相似文献   

针对城市地物信息提取中地物边界难以确定、分类精度不高的问题,该文提出一套综合利用影像及激光雷达点云高程信息的面向对象分类方法。在分割中,各类地物的最佳分割尺度由监督法分割精度评价确定,最终分割结果利用粒度理论下的分割尺度综合方法进行合成,能兼顾不同地物最优分割尺度,获得准确地物边界;在分类中,采用ReliefF特征选择算法度量从影像及点云数据提取的对象特征重要度,选择最佳特征组合,并采用多分类器组合方法进行分类,以消除Hughes现象,提高分类精度。选择德国斯图加特市两块实验区进行分类实验,结果表明:该方法有利于提高大范围城市地物精细信息提取的精度和效率,具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

杜金莉 《地理空间信息》2021,19(4):113-114,130
基于Geoway 3DMapping软件,对LiDAR点云处理后生成的2×2 m间隔的DEM数据进行滤波,提取1∶10000的等高线数据。经过实验,研究总结出提取等高线的最优方法、步骤及生产中的常见问题和解决方法,提取的等高线成果地貌形态逼真,等高线连续性好、形态美观、精度高,符合规范要求,为提高成图质量和作业效率提供了良好的技术保障。  相似文献   

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