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Helical piles are used mainly to resist tension forces generated by uplift and overturning moments of various structures, therefore they have been suggested as a potential alternative to driven piles as offshore pile because they provide a large uplift capacity due to the anchor effect of the helix. To date no standards are available for the assessment of the use of helical piles in the offshore environment. State-of-the art installation and uplift capacity assessment is based on field onshore tests on small helical piles. The purpose of this review is to critically evaluate the current knowledge on helical piles considering uplift capacity, cyclic load, installation torque models and the parameters affecting the installation torque, to understand whether they can be considered for potential offshore applications. The paper could be of valuable interest for engineers and contractors involved in the offshore installation of piles.  相似文献   


A closure on the recent discussion regarding the review on the behavior of helical piles as a potential offshore foundation system by the Authors is presented. Installation torque, uplift capacity, installation effects, model pile, installation speed and results proposed by Discussers are commented.  相似文献   

针对海相软土地区螺旋钢管桩承载力低与腐蚀问题,提出一种新型压力注浆螺旋钢管桩,并设计5根足尺试验桩,进行现场抗拔承载性能试验,研究螺旋叶片直径与排布方式对成桩直径与桩基抗拔承载性能的影响.结果表明,成桩直径与螺旋叶片直径呈正相关,在每节延长段钢管末端设置螺旋叶片利于提高水泥土柱完整性,使成桩直径更为饱满,提高桩基的抗拔承载性能.将试验结果和现行规范抗拔极限承载力计算结果进行对比,计算结果约为实测平均值的94%,在此基础上提出压力注浆螺旋钢管桩抗拔承载力计算参数修正建议,为后续的设计提供参考.  相似文献   

桩基础是我国海上风电工程中应用最为广泛的基础形式,其中嵌岩桩因其施工难度大,承载力高备受关注。与其他类型的桩基础不同,嵌岩桩的水平承载力不仅受到围岩强度的影响,更与其成桩质量与灌浆材料的强度相关。采用有限元方法分析了嵌岩深度、桩基直径与壁厚、桩身倾斜度等多种因素对嵌岩桩水平承载力的影响,提出了确定嵌岩桩水平极限抗力的标准。研究表明:桩与围岩间的灌浆环会先于桩身发生破坏,因此可将灌浆环受拉破坏作为判断嵌岩桩达到水平极限承载力的标准;桩身倾斜度对嵌岩桩的水平极限承载力影响较大,直径和壁厚的增加,均能提高桩基的水平承载力。  相似文献   

Helical piles present a possible alternative to driven displacement piles in the offshore sector. While this type of pile is used widely in the onshore environment, design methods tend to be highly empirical and there is considerable uncertainty around the bearing resistance and the installation resistance required to install large diameter piles necessary to resist uplift. The paper combines a theoretical model for estimating torque resistance from the literature with a cone penetration test (CPT)-based model originally developed to estimate the axial resistance of helical piles and to predict the installation torque required to install piles in sand. The model appears to be able to capture the general installation behavior of piles across a range of scales and in various sand states.  相似文献   

李敏  王辉  金啟华 《海洋预报》2009,26(3):114-120
海上大风是一种灾害性海洋天气现象,能够准确、及时的预报海上大风对沿海地区的防灾减灾具有十分重要的意义.目前近海风场的预报方法有经验预报、统计预报、数值模式预报和统计动力(数值产品的释用)预报等.本文主要针对这些预报方法进行汇总与分析,为预报员提供可靠的依据.  相似文献   

李东  侯西勇  张华 《海洋科学》2019,43(2):82-90
曹妃甸明显的区位优势、独特的地理特征、较强的资源支撑为其成为我国北方天然深水大港提供了必要条件。曹妃甸临港工业区的开发建设将大大加快环渤海经济一体化的进程。规模宏大的曹妃甸围填海工程在带来显著社会经济效益的同时,也对近海环境产生了巨大影响。本文在结合前人调查研究的基础上,对曹妃甸海域概况及围填海工程背景进行了介绍;然后从地貌景观、水沙动力、海洋污染、生物多样性4个方面详细论述曹妃甸围填海工程对近海环境的影响;针对曹妃甸海域生态环境问题,提出加强科学研究、优化评估方法、落实管理制度、注重生态补偿的思考与建议,以期为曹妃甸围填海区域及其周边的可持续发展提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

苏文  吴霓  章柳立  陈绵润 《海洋通报》2020,39(3):291-299
随着世界各国对能源安全、生态环境、气候变化等问题日益重视,加快发展风电已成为国际社会推动能源转型发展、应对全球气候变化的普遍共识和一致行动。过去十余年,我国海上风电产业受益于国家政策的大力推动而蓬勃发展,大有乘势崛起,赶超其他清洁能源的势头。相比陆上风电场,海上风电场对环境的影响较小,但其开发实施以及运行对海洋生态环境和资源开发的累积影响还尚不明确。本文系统全面地梳理了海上风电工程对鸟类、鱼类、海洋哺乳动物、底栖生物、浮游生物及海洋生物多样性等影响的研究进展,总结了海上风电环境影响研究的现状。结合我国实际,提出了将科学研究与海上风电工程环境影响评价紧密结合,开展海上风电项目对区域生态环境影响的研究等有关建议。  相似文献   

为了得到桶基础承受风、浪动荷载的承载性能,结合我国东海地质条件,统计中国东海2010—2020年浅、深海风速和最大海浪数据,通过计算得到风浪荷载并制成ABAQUS软件幅值曲线施加到海上风电吸力桶基础上,分析了吸力桶基础在动荷载作用下的承载特性。结果表明:吸力桶基础受风、浪荷载影响明显,桶基础迎力面受到风浪动荷载产生拉拔现象。在浅海区,桶基础在风浪荷载作用下桶身自上而下变形不协调,风浪荷载最大的10月份桶基础迎力面最大位移超出了规范0.02D的限制,基础失稳;桶基础背力面受压变形较小。在深海区,桶基础在风浪荷载作用下桶身自上而下变形相对协调,施加风浪荷载后桶体迎力面最大位移为14.9 mm,整体上迎力面位移比背力面位移大4 mm,桶体处于稳定状态。相较浅海区的吸力桶单桶结构,深海区吸力桶结构由于尺寸增加,桶体的稳定性得到提高,说明吸力桶结构的尺寸对稳定性起决定性作用。  相似文献   

The stress state and rock mechanical properties govern the growth of faults and fractures, which constitute shallow hydrothermal pathways and control the distribution of seafloor massive sulfide (SMS) mounds in the seafloor hydrothermal field. The stress field has an important influence on the formation and persistence of hydrothermal pathways. Based on multibeam bathymetric data from the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG) field, we establish two three-dimensional geological models with different scales to simulate the stress field, which investigate the characteristics of hydrothermal pathways and associated SMS mounds. The simulation results show that oblique faults and fissures form in the tensile stress zone and that mounds, including active and inactive hydrothermal mounds form in the compressive stress zone. Fault activity, which is related to the stress field, affects the opening and closing of hydrothermal channels and changes the permeability structure of subseafloor wall rock. Therefore, the stress field controls the development and persistence of shallow hydrothermal pathways. The features of shallow hydrothermal pathways in the stress field can provide geomechanical information that is useful for identifying favorable zone for SMS deposit formation.  相似文献   


The possibility of seafloor failure under external loadings on a gently sloping continental shelf is controlled, to a large extent, by the geotechnical characters of subbottom sediments (e.g., shear strength, compressibility, and liquefaction potential) and structural factors (e.g., sedimentary stratification). By means of undis‐turbing coring, in‐situ acoustic measurement, and subbottom profiling, the authors conducted an investigation into the seafloor instabilities and possibilities of sediment slope failure within the continental shelf off the Pearl River mouth, which is one of the most important areas for offshore development in the northern South China Sea. Based on in‐situ and laboratory measurements and tests for sediment physical properties, static and dynamic behavior, and acoustic characteristics, the analyses indicate: (1) subbottom sediments that originated from terrigenous clay during the Pleistocene are compact and overconsolidated, and the mean sound velocity in such sediments is relatively high; (2) the maximum vertical bearing capacity of subbottom sediments is efficiently conservative on the safe side for dead loads of light structures, and the trench walls are stable enough while trenching to a depth of about 2 m below the seafloor under still water; and (3) it is quite improbable that the subbottom sediments liquefy under earthquake (M ≤ 6) or storm wave loading.  相似文献   

生物硅的生成与溶解速率的研究-以胶州湾为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
营养盐的含量与元素间的比值直接控制着生态系统的生产力和浮游植物的种类组成.近岸海区硅藻可占初级生产的75%,但其生长速率受Si(OH)4含量的限制.胶州湾浮游植物的物种组成以硅藻为主.用29Si同位素示踪培养方法,采用四极杆质谱同位素稀释技术同时测定了胶州湾硅的生成速率与溶解速率.胶州湾生物硅(BSi)的含量为0.90~1.14 μmol/L,岩成硅(LSi)的含量为46.3~52.3 μmol/L.岩成硅是生物硅的约50倍.胶州湾BSi的含量处于世界近岸海区的低值范围,LSi的含量与LSi/BSi的比值均处于高值区.BSi的绝对生成速率为4~6 nmol/L*d,比生成速率为6~17/d.BSi的绝对溶解速率为<9 nmol/d,比溶解速率为<23/d.进一步开展胶州湾不同季节水体中BSi的生成速率与溶解速率的研究,是深入认识海湾浮游植物生长限制及其资源可持续利用的基础.  相似文献   

It is likely that there will be a substantial increase in the number of tidal stream turbines within the UK over the next decade. However, the ecological impacts upon marine top-predators, including seabirds, remain largely unknown. Although tidal stream turbines could have many direct and indirect impacts upon seabird populations, it is the risk of direct collisions between individuals and moving components that currently causes the most concern. Species such as Auks Alcidae sp., Cormorants Phalacrocorax sp. and Divers Gavia sp. almost certainly face higher risks than others. However, it is likely that they are not equally vulnerable. Part of predicting which are most vulnerable involves the estimation of spatial overlap between their foraging distributions and the location of tidal stream turbines. This paper reviews potential methods and approaches that should help to predict whether a population would: (1) exploit areas suitable for tidal stream turbines, (2) dive near tidal stream turbines within these areas, or (3) dive to depths where moving components are found? Answering these questions in a hierarchical manner (from 1 to 3) could help to predict the extent of spatial overlap for vulnerable populations. These approaches require a fundamental understanding of the mechanistic links between physical conditions, prey characteristics and foraging opportunities. Therefore, multi-disciplinary approaches incorporating methods usually associated with oceanographic and fisheries studies are needed to document physical conditions and prey characteristics over large and small spatial scales. Answering these questions also requires collaborative efforts and a strategic governance approach to collating the wide range of distributional, prey and physical datasets currently being collected.  相似文献   

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