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Laboratory model test results for the uplift of a shallow circular plate anchor embedded in a soft saturated clay are presented. For all tests the bottom of the anchor plate was vented to eliminate the mud suction force. The tests were divided into two categories: (1) short‐term tests to determine the variation of the net ultimate uplift capacity and hence the breakout factor with embedment ratio, and (2) creep tests with sustained uplift loads at varying embedment ratios. Based on the model test results, the variation with time, has been determined for the rate of strain of the soil located above the plate anchor. Empirical relationships for obtaining the rate of anchor uplift have been proposed.  相似文献   

陈洋彬  郑敬宾  王栋 《海洋工程》2021,39(1):112-120,170
自升式平台作业前需对桩靴基础进行预压安装,使桩靴具备抵抗竖向-水平-弯矩复合荷载的能力。安装过程中,桩靴上部将形成一定深度的孔洞。弱超固结黏土地基中,土体强度较高,桩靴最终贯入深度较浅,而形成的上部孔洞较深,因此孔洞将对桩靴就位后的承载力产生影响。通过有限元分析,研究弱超固结黏土中桩靴上部孔洞对承载力的影响,结果表明:1)与无孔洞的情况相比,孔洞的存在对桩靴的单向和复合承载力有削弱作用; 2)当桩靴与孔洞底部距离大于桩靴直径时,承载力不再受上部孔洞的影响; 3)当桩靴埋深小于等于0.75倍桩靴直径时,无论桩靴上部有无孔洞,现有预测公式都不能较为合理地预测弱超固结黏土地基的复合承载力,为此提出了考虑孔洞影响的桩靴复合承载力包络面预测公式。  相似文献   

周松望  王建华 《海洋工程》2014,32(1):106-111
在一个大型土池中进行了软土中组合四桶基础在竖向静荷载与水平循环荷载共同作用下的承载力模型试验,研究了竖向静荷载与水平循环荷载对组合桶形基础破坏形式与承载力的影响。试验结果表明,组合四桶基础的变形主要包括水平循环变形与竖向循环累积沉降。基础的破坏形式取决于水平循环荷载与竖向静荷载。若竖向静荷载较小,过大的水平循环位移将导致基础破坏;随竖向静荷载增加,竖向循环累积沉降将变为导致基础破坏的主要原因。试验结果还表明,在不同竖向静荷载与水平循环荷载共同作用下,基础的水平循环承载力大约为水平静承载力的70%左右。  相似文献   

近海海床表层多为软黏土或淤泥质土,为探究海床表层软土对海上风电宽浅式筒型基础承载特性的影响,以中国广东某海域风电场为背景,通过有限元分析的方法,研究竖向、水平、弯矩荷载作用下软土层厚度和土体强度对基础极限承载力、破坏模式以及筒基土压力分布的影响。研究结果表明:当软土层厚度小于H/2(H为筒裙高度)时,单向荷载作用下宽浅式筒型基础极限承载力随软土层厚度的增加呈线性减小的趋势;当软土层厚度大于H/2后,承载力降低速率逐渐增大。表层软土的存在,使得塑性区范围缩小,软土层内土体塑性破坏更加明显。竖向荷载作用下,随软土层厚度的增大,筒顶承载先减小后增大,筒内侧摩阻力先增大后减小;水平荷载和弯矩作用下,筒侧被动土压力的降低是引起软土覆盖地基中基础承载能力降低的主要因素。  相似文献   

In this paper, the computational lower bound (LB) limit analysis using finite element with second-order cone programming was used to investigate the LB solutions of the undrained bearing capacity of continuous footing with a linear increase in the strength profile and an adhesion factor at the soil–footing interface. A full range of parametric studies of the dimensionless strength gradients and adhesion factors at the soil–footing interface were performed in the LB calculations. The results were verified by comparison with the available solution from the method of characteristics (slip-line analysis) for perfectly smooth and rough footings. The LB analyses were able to complete a prior solution of undrained bearing capacity with a linear increase in the strength profile by incorporating the influence of adhesion factor at the soil–footing interface. Based on the nonlinear regression to the computed LB solutions, an approximate expression of the LB solution regression was proposed, which is applicable to an accurate prediction of a safe load for offshore shallow foundations in clay with an arbitrary linear increase in strength and adhesion factor at soil–foundation interface in practice.  相似文献   

The paper presents a constitutive model to describe undrained cyclic stress-strain responses of soft clays based on the equivalent visco-elastic and creep theories. The hysteretic and nonlinear stress-strain responses of soft clays are described using the equivalent visco-elastic relationship and variations of the cyclic modulus and the damping ratio with the octahedral shear strain, respectively in the model. The cyclic accumulative strain is described using the Mises creeping potential function and the associated flow rule. The method determining the model parameters is given by static and cyclic triaxial tests. The finite element method to analyze deformation of anchor foundation in soft clay under static and cyclic loads is developed based on the model. For the method, a cyclic loading time history is divided into a series of incremental loading sub-processes which include one load cycle at least. The cyclic stress-strain responses of soil elements at any time are not tracked in detail and determined by the equivalent visco-elastic calculations for every loading sub-process. The accumulative deformation of anchor foundations is calculated using the initial strain algorithm. The method has been implemented in ABAQUS Software by developing interface programs. Model tests of the suction anchors are conducted and predicted using the method. Comparisons of predicted and model test results show that the method can be used to evaluate cyclic stability and reveal the failure process and mechanism of anchor foundations by analyzing deformation time-histories.  相似文献   

在自升式平台的预压载过程中,桩靴在层状地基上较易发生“穿刺”现象,很大程度上影响着平台的安全运行。准确地分析桩靴峰值阻力,避免平台桩靴发生“穿刺”是非常重要的。采用极限分析上限定理,合理构建运动许可速度场,从理论上推导了层状地基上桩靴峰值阻力的上限解答。为了进一步验证峰值阻力理论解答的准确性,采用ABAQUS有限元软件构建了“桩靴—弹塑性海床”的三维数值模型,对桩靴贯入海床的过程进行了数值模拟,分析桩靴周围土体的塑性变形演变规律,研究土体的破坏机理。研究结果表明:推导的桩靴峰值阻力上限解答,能够较好地计算层状地基极限承载能力,通过与离心机试验和数值结果对比,计算误差在18%以内;给出的运动许可速度场能够较好地反映桩靴周围土体破坏模式;桩靴阻力达到峰值时,下层软土中的土塞高度约为桩靴直径的0.2倍。  相似文献   

循环应力下饱和黏土剪切变形特性试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对饱和重塑黏土,利用土工静力-动力液压三轴-扭转多功能剪切仪,在不固结不排水(UU)条件下进行了应力控制式循环扭剪和竖向-扭转耦合试验,通过对试验结果的对比分析探讨了初始预剪应力和应力反向对应力-应变关系特性的影响,并阐述了不同加荷模式下孔隙水压力发展特性。以此为基础,综合考虑剪切变形和正向偏差变形的共同效应,同时为了能够反映平均残余变形和循环变形的影响,建议了一个综合应变破坏标准的算式。进而通过利用试验数据与目前常用的应变标准比较,表明这种破坏标准具有普遍适用性和较好的稳定性,适用于判定各种应力条件下黏土试样破坏及其强度。  相似文献   

大直径宽浅式筒型基础,阻水宽度大,在位工作期间受波浪海流作用,其周围土体易被冲刷。为研究单侧地基土体受冲刷后筒型基础的竖向极限承载力变化,通过引进冲刷率的概念,采用有限元方法研究了不同冲刷率下筒型基础的竖向极限承载力;并基于Meyerhof理论建立了计算不同冲刷率下筒型基础竖向极限承载力的极限平衡方法。研究结果表明,随着冲刷率增大,筒型基础的极限承载力出现不同程度的下降,当冲刷率为0.8时,即筒型基础单侧土体冲刷深度达6.4 m时,筒型基础的竖向极限承载力折减率为3.28%。建立的极限平衡算法可准确计算冲刷条件下筒型基础的竖向极限承载力。  相似文献   


Under seismic loading, the soil layer is subjected to multidirectional cyclic shear stress with different amplitudes and frequencies because of the coupling of multiple shear waves and the soil element within a slope or behind a retaining wall is subjected to initial static shear stress before subjected to cyclic loading. Due to the complexity of seismic loading propagation, a phase difference exists between the initial static shear stress and cyclic shear stress. To investigate the influence of the phase difference and initial static shear stress on cyclic shear strain, cyclic modulus, and cyclic strength, a series of laboratory tests are performed on Wenzhou marine soft clay by multi-directional simple shear system, which can simulate the actual state better by controlling the horizontal cyclic stress in the x and y directions simultaneously. As the phase difference varies from 0° to 90°, the dynamic shear modulus increases and cyclic strain accumulation decreases with an increasing number of cycles. The shear strain increases with the initial shear stress.  相似文献   

高桩结构是码头工程普遍采用的一种结构形式,多年来,码头上部结构耐久性受到挑战,对新型的整体拼装双向预应力板结构进行了模型试验研究,结果显示所提出的设计方案、施工工艺和方法是可行和可靠的,并提出了混凝土结构模型试验的相似准则,从而可根据模型试验所得的荷载能力来估算原型结构荷载能力的方法。  相似文献   

通过两组不同水平荷载作用下吸力式沉箱基础长期模型试验,对吸力式沉箱基础随时间的位移变化规律以及土压力分布规律进行了研究。试验结果表明:在长期模型试验中位移发展主要集中在试验前期,后期位移稳定需要更长时间,土体流变效应较为明显。土压力沿深度分布曲线呈抛物形状,表明沉箱基础在水平荷载作用下为转动模式,随时间增加被动区土压力变化呈增大趋势,主动区土压力呈减小趋势。土压力发展主要集中在试验前期,后期土压力变化相对较小,但土压力稳定所需时间较长,同时荷载值越大土压力稳定所需时间越长。  相似文献   

针对现阶段深水软黏土地基防波堤建设的设计理论和稳定性分析方法尚不成熟,结合实际工程,采用三维弹塑性有限元数值分析方法,研究在水平或竖直单一方向荷载以及复合加载条件下软黏土地基上沉箱防波堤的失稳模式,提出破坏包络线的稳定性判别方法。在波浪水平荷载作用下,深水软基上沉箱防波堤发生倾覆失稳破坏,失稳转动点为沉箱底面以下中轴线偏右的某点,不同于规范中规定的岩石或砂质地基沉箱倾覆转动点为其后踵点;在重力等竖向荷载作用下,沉箱的失稳模式为结构整体下陷,抛石基床及地基形成连贯的塑性区域,呈现较明显地冲剪破坏形式;在水平、竖向复合荷载作用下,软基上沉箱防波堤的破坏包络线由结构倾覆破坏线和地基承载力破坏线组成,包络线将荷载组合区分成稳定区、仅发生水平承载力不足倾覆破坏区、仅发生地基竖向承载力不足破坏区、同时发生水平承载力和地基竖向承载力不足破坏区4个区域。研究成果为深水软基沉箱防波堤建设提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Semi-deep skirted foundations are now considered to be a viable foundation option for a variety of onshore and offshore applications. The capacity under combined vertical, horizontal, and moment loadings must be found to ensure their capability and stability. In this study, undrained bearing capacity subjected to vertical loading, as part of combined loading is determined through stress characteristics and finite element analyses. Circular skirted foundations with different soil strength and geometries considering embedment depth effects have been studied. Stress field, kinematic mechanism accompanying failure, and bearing capacity factors for various embedment ratios are investigated. Acquired vertical failure mechanism has demonstrated the transition from a general shear to a punch shear failure. Comparisons with different research works including conventional methods, upper and lower bound, finite element analyses, physical modeling, experimental, and centrifuge tests have indicated the underestimation of conventional approaches and accuracy of proposed methods in determining bearing capacity. Furthermore, differences between predicted bearing capacities and the results of this study increased with D/B ratio due to ignoring the significant role of skin friction in larger embedment circumference.  相似文献   


Soil solidification technology can create an artificial hard shell on a soft soil surface but the type and proportion of the curing agent, the construction technology, and the strengthening depth have large influences on the strengthening effect and engineering cost. This study introduces a new technology of soil solidification whereby an artificial hard shell layer is used as a new method to improve the soft ground. For the in-situ solidification technology, the soil and curing agent are mixed well by using a strong stirring machine so that the soil is strengthened rapidly and forms a hard crust. We introduce the key technology of the in-situ soil solidification method and determine the in-situ crust carrying capacity. The indoor experiment on the curing agent proportions is validated with field tests and a vane shear test, static penetration test, and plate loading test are used to evaluate the reinforcement effect. The experimental results show that the in-situ curing technology of dredged fill processing markedly reduced the reinforcement depth range of the soil water content, improved the physical and mechanical indices, and increased the bearing capacity and strength of the artificial hard shell layer, thereby fully meeting the requirements for the bearing capacity of construction machinery.  相似文献   

数值模拟作为海啸预报的主要研究方法在海啸预警中起着关键作用。本文采用Godunov格式的有限体积方法,使用MUSCL-Hancock格式,并利用HLLC Riemann近似求解器计算单元界面上的流体通量,建立了球坐标系下二阶精度的海啸数值模型。模型所基于的全和谐型浅水方程保证了数值的稳定性,而地形重构方法实现了干湿边界的精准模拟。本文模拟了2015年9月16日智利Mw8.3级地震海啸,通过与智利近岸14个测站和环太平洋20个DART浮标实测数据比较,验证了模型对实际越洋海啸模拟预报的能力。  相似文献   

Deep cement mixing (DCM) technique is a deep in-situ stabilization technique by mixing cement powder or slurry with soft soils below the ground surface to improve their properties and behavior. Some of DCM treated soft soil grounds are approximately in a plane-strain condition; for example, a fill embankment on DCM improved ground. In this study, a plane-strain physical model was created with instrumentation and used to investigate the bearing capacity and failure mode of a soft soil improved by an end-bearing DCM column group. This study focuses on the observed wedge-shaped shear failure of the model ground and attempts to give an account of the failure. Two different methods are used to calculate the bearing capacity of the model ground, and the computed values are compared with the measured ones. It is found that the simple Brom's method gives a better estimate of the bearing capacity of the present model ground. It is also found that measured data of pore water pressures at different locations in the soft soil indicate coupling between failure of columns and consolidation of the soft soil. This study has presented the first time that a wedge-shaped block failure was observed for pattern of DCM treated soil ground.  相似文献   

New laboratory experiments have produced detailed measurements of hydrodynamics within swash generated by bore collapse on a steep beach. The experiments are based on a dambreak rig producing a highly repeatable, large-scale swash event, enabling detailed measurements of depths and velocities at a number of locations across the swash zone. Experiments were conducted on two beaches, differentiated by roughness. Results are presented for uprush shoreline motion, flow depths, depth-averaged velocity, velocity profiles and turbulence intensity. Estimates of the time- and spatially-varying bed shear stress are obtained via log-law fitting to the velocity profiles and are compared with the shear plate measurements of Barnes et al. (2009) for similar experimental conditions. Experimental results are compared with model predictions based on a NLSWE model with momentum loss parameterised using the simple quadratic stress law in terms of the depth-averaged velocity. Predicted and measured flow depths and depth-averaged velocities agree reasonably well for much of the swash period, but agreement is not good at the time of bore arrival and towards the end of the backwash. The parameterisation of total momentum loss via the quadratic stress law cannot adequately model the swash bed shear stress at these critical times.  相似文献   


The effect of microstructure on shear strength of saturated marine clays was investigated by conducting a series of consolidated-drained (CD), consolidated-undrained (CU) triaxial shear tests and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) tests on undisturbed and reconstitute specimens. The valuable findings from the experimental study are follows: (1) The shear strength of undisturbed specimens is lower than that of corresponding reconstituted specimens due to larger void ratio at the same confining pressure. However, undisturbed specimens have higher strength than reconstituted specimens when their void ratios are the same. (2) The main reason for the lower shear strength of reconstituted specimens with the same void ratio as undisturbed specimens is that more volume of inter-aggregate pores exists in the reconstituted specimens according to the MIP test results. And the difference in shear strength between undisturbed and reconstituted specimens is mainly caused by the difference in soil fabric. (3) The shear test results dealt with a reference void ratio, as a fabric index, show that there is a unique linear relation between strength and void ratio at failure to the reference void ratio. Moreover, the linear relation is suitable for other marine clays from the literature. Therefore, the reference void ratio can be used as a soil fabric index to normalize the strength characteristics of marine soft clays.  相似文献   

孙德成  方辉  刘勇 《海洋工程》2020,38(6):42-52
开孔沉箱孔洞周围存在以三轴循环应力为特征的复杂承载区,其中混凝土损伤速度远大于单轴应力条件,局部疲劳损伤快速累积使结构整体承载能力迅速下降。考虑迎浪面入射波浪与消浪室内反射波浪的循环作用,针对开孔区域复杂应力状态下的疲劳损伤问题,基于不可逆损伤力学发展的数值计算方法模拟开孔板疲劳过程,得到循环荷载作用下不同类型开孔板的损伤演化历程,并计算损伤后整体结构极限承载力大小,通过综合对比孔洞损伤发展规律和结构极限承载能力,建立了疲劳作用下开孔沉箱极限承载能力判断依据。现有规范依据设计使用年限、波浪条件、作用效应组合等确定材料与结构强度,但并未充分体现开孔结构的优势与承载特点,在此基础上文中补充了开孔结构的优化设计以及实际寿命判断。  相似文献   

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