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An investigation into the late Pleistocene sediments exposed at Afton Lodge has helped to clarify the glacial history of western central Scotland. The sequence includes several allochthonous bodies of ‘shelly clay’ (Afton Lodge Clay Formation) associated with Late Devensian (Weichselian) age diamict. The shelly clay contains abundant marine macro- and microfauna, as well as palynomorphs consistent with its deposition within a shallow marine to estuarine environment. Faunal changes within the main body of marine clay record at least one, millennial-scale cycle of Arctic-Boreal, to Boreal, and back to Arctic-Boreal climatic conditions. A radiocarbon date of over 41 ka 14C BP obtained from the foraminifera indicates that the marine clays are older than the surrounding till. Afton Lodge is thus one of a suite of ‘high-level’ shelly clay occurrences around the Scottish coasts that are now considered to be glacially transported. Together with closely associated ‘shelly tills’, the rafts were emplaced during an early phase of the last glaciation by ice flowing from the western Grampian Highlands of Scotland through the topographically-confined Firth of Clyde basin. The blocks of marine sediment were detached subglacially, unfrozen, and carried at least 10 km by ice that splayed out onshore against reversed slopes favouring raft emplacement and the creation of closely associated ribbed moraine. Transport of the rafts was facilitated by water-lubricated décollement surfaces and their accretion was accompanied by dewatering. The shelly tills were formed mainly by the attenuation and crushing of rafts of shelly clay during their transport within the subglacial deforming bed.  相似文献   

The ability of glaciers to detach and transport bedrock as glaciotectonic rafts is widely observed throughout Quaternary sections. However, the glaciological, hydrological and geological parameters controlling rafting are currently poorly constrained. There is a lack of structural and sedimentary evidence concerning rafting, and therefore the processes driving raft detachment, transport and emplacement are poorly understood. This paper contributes to our understanding by presenting a macro‐ and microstructural study of deformation associated with a chalk raft at West Runton, north Norfolk. Detailed thin‐section analysis reveals several discrete micro‐fabric orientations, representing poly‐phase deformation occurring during raft transport and emplacement. A four‐stage conceptual model for raft transport and emplacement is proposed, with deformation being partitioned into the relatively weaker Happisburgh Till member, the latter forming the host to the raft. Stage 1 is the main transport phase of the chalk raft, and was dominated by easterly (down‐ice) directed ductile shearing. During Stage 2 a narrow ductile shear zone within the Happisburgh Till member propagated upwards through the base of the raft, leading to the detachment of an elongate block of chalk. Attenuated lenses of diamicton in this shear zone possess kinematics recording an easterly directed sense of shear. As deformation progressed, during Stage 3, the detached block impinged on the ‘high‐strain’ zone wrapping the base of the raft, influencing the style of deformation partitioning and leading to localized, up‐ice‐directed kinematics. Stage 4 represents the final stages of raft emplacement, when the detachment zone at the base of the raft began to ‘lock‐up’. These results demonstrate the relative importance of the hydrological controls associated with raft transport and emplacement underneath an actively advancing glacier. Furthermore, the model represents an example of how micromorphological analysis can reveal detailed poly‐phase deformation histories in deformed glacial sediments.  相似文献   

Detailed mineralogical analysis of the fine and very fine sand fractions (63–250) in the Dreihausen Loess Sequence shows the presence of numerous glacially crushed grains, including a significant amout of quartz. Previous theories regarding the origin of loesses in central Germany held that all sediments were derived locally, following short-distance transport from nearby sandstone outcrops. New data presented here show that many quartz and feldspar grains were glacially crushed, weathered, crushed again, transported, and emplaced by aeolian processes at Dreihausen. Crushing features observed are compatible with transport in both continental and alpine glaciers; some clasts show the effects of abrasion by both water and ice transport, while others are partly rounded presumably by fluvial and/or aeolian processes. Stronger palewind systems during the Pleistocene presumably contributed to the transport and emplacement of glacial grains from ice centers in both the Alps and the Baltic areas, and also possibly from the Rhine Basin.  相似文献   

Reinvestigation of the lower part of the key Quaternary section at Castle Hill, Gardenstown, has shown that the sediments are not in stratigraphical order, but consist chiefly of glaciotectonites, including rafts of soft sediments, which were deposited by ice moving southeastwards from the Moray Firth. Sedimentary structures are preserved in some of the rafts, which are separated by subhorizontal shears. The rafts accreted subglacially under conditions of moderate to high strain, the final glacial event being the deposition of a thin, discontinuous sheet of till, probably derived from a more westerly direction. It is proposed that interbedded dark grey shelly clay, till and sand elsewhere in northern Banffshire were emplaced, at least in part, by a similar mechanism during either the Middle Devensian, or more likely, the Late Devensian. Sand and clay with paired bivalve shells, which were formerly exposed within the Quaternary successions at Castle Hill and inland at King Edward, some 12 km to the south, are interpreted to be within glacigenic rafts, and are not in situ deposits formed during a widespread marine transgression. It is suggested that the alternation of phases of constructional and excavational deformation within a single glacial event rather than discrete glaciations provides a useful model for glacial deposition in northern Banffshire, and more generally in northeast Scotland. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a glaciotectonic model for raft emplacement based on a study of large-scale and small-scale deformation structures associated with the accretion of chalk rafts at three Middle Pleistocene sites on the north Norfolk coast, eastern England. Detailed structural measurements taken from the three localities indicate an overall sense of ice movement and raft emplacement towards the south/southeast, suggesting a source area for the rafts located to the north of the present Norfolk coast in the offshore area of the North Sea. Provenancing of the chalk rafts, based on analysis of the foraminifera, also indicates a northern nearshore provenance for the chalk. Mechanisms for the detachment, transport and accretion of the rafts are explored, and it is concluded that pressurized pore water played an important role in all three phases. An imbricate thrust stack model of glaciotectonic raft generation is presented, with the structural history of raft emplacement explained by the geometric relationships between the large-scale basal shear planes and associated deformation structures within adjacent preglacial and glacial sediments.  相似文献   

Recent analyses of microtextures on quartz particles (63–2000 μm) from Quaternary tills in Antarctica, Germany, southern Ontario, western Wyoming, Tibet, the Austrian Alps, and Mount Kenya show that glacial fracture and abrasion microfeatures may be used to infer the thickness, transport history and ice dynamics of Pleistocene and Holocene glaciers. Quartz sands emplaced by continental and mountain ice were studied by SEM after transport over variable distances in glaciers estimated to range from 150 m to 1500 m in thickness. Relative differences in ice thicknesses, distances of transport, and/or ice dynamics appear to have determined the frequency of occurrence and type of microtextures occurring on sand-size particles. Subparallel fracture microfeatures tend to increase in frequency over a greater proportion of particle surfaces with increasing ice thickness and distance of transport. Conchoidal fractures, the most typical in quartz, and to some degree crescentic gouges abound on fragments emplaced by continental ice. Other possible fracture and fragmentation mechanisms, producing features of generally glacial origin, involve low velocity impacts induced by stick-slip mechanisms, under variable cryostatic stresses, producing fracturing and abrasion across particle surfaces. Their generation implies high local contact stresses associated with high strain rates.  相似文献   

The distribution of basal drag zones (sticky spots) underneath palaeo‐ice streams or lobes is largely unknown. We investigated the centre of the large (300 km long and up to 400 km wide) deglacial Hayes Lobe in NE Manitoba, Canada, by focusing on surficial till and its composition to get insights into dispersal patterns and their potential relationships to areas of basal drag. Subglacial bed roughness is a good criterion to identify areas of basal drag, but till composition may provide important insights across smoother beds. The onset zone of the Hayes Lobe overlies Palaeozoic Carbonate Platform rocks, whereas the majority of the lobe overlies the low‐lying Canadian Shield. We show that, within a 3500‐km2 central area of this lobe, calcareous detritus within the till has been transported over 100 km within subglacial environments of reduced ice‐bed coupling and fast ice flow. Six per cent of samples (n = 782), however, outline 0.2 to 4 km wide spots with a dominantly local composition. The glacial history and composition indicate that the till within these spots contains high inheritance from a pre‐Late Wisconsinan ice‐flow phase, which we suggest was protected beneath sticky spots (low erosion, high strength) during transport of substantial calcareous detritus to the area. Furthermore, our findings show that local till spots are present within streamlined landforms, as well as till blankets or veneers over bedrock. This diverse geomorphology indicates that the process of drumlinization within the deglacial Hayes Lobe does not appear to have been responsible for significant sediment transport or deposition across the study area. The overall record thus indicates potentially complex spatiotemporal shifts between calcareous till deposition, sticky conditions, erosion and drumlinization – which supports the subglacial bed mosaic model.  相似文献   

It is proposed that a lake, here named “Subglacial Lake McGregor”, existed beneath the Laurentide Ice Sheet at, or near, the last glacial maximum. The lake resided in the ancient buried McGregor and Tee Pee preglacial valleys, which are now mostly filled with glacigenic deposits. The greatest thickness of sediment in the valleys is in the form of chaotically deposited lake beds that were laid down in a subaqueous environment by a number of process: gravity flow, water transport, and suspension settling. Topographic, sedimentary, and stratigraphic evidence point to a subglacial, not a proglacial, origin for the beds. During the early stages of lake existence, ice movement was significant as there are numerous sets of shear planes in the sedimentary beds. This indicates that the lake filled (lake sedimentation) and drained (shearing of the beds by overlying ice when ice contacted the bed) often. Thus, early in its history, the lake(s) was/were ephemeral. During the later stages of lake existence, the lake was relatively stable with no rapid draining or influx of sediment. Gradual drainage of the lake resulted in lowering of the ice onto the lake beds resulting in subglacial till deposition. Drainage was not a single continuous event. Rather it was characterized by multiple phases of near total drainage (till deposition), followed by water accumulation (lake sedimentation). Water accumulation events became successively less significant reflected by thinning of lake beds and thickening of till beds higher in the stratigraphic sequence. Since subglacial lake sedimentation appears to be restricted to the subglacial valleys, it is suggested that the valleys acted as a large-scale interconnected cavity system that both stored and transported water. It is also suggested that these acted as the main routes of water flow beneath the Laurentide Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

The deformed metasedimentary bedrock and overlying diamictons in western Anglesey, NW Wales, record evidence of glacier-permafrost interactions during the Late Devensian (Weichselian). The locally highly brecciated New Harbour Group bedrock is directly overlain by a bedrock-rich diamicton which preserves evidence of having undergone both periglacial (brecciation, hydrofracturing) and glacitectonic deformation (thrusting, folding), and is therefore interpreted as periglacial head deposit. The diamicton locally posses a well-developed clast macrofabric which preserves the orientation of the pre-existing tectonic structures within underlying metasedimentary rocks. Both the diamicton and New Harbour Group were variably reworked during the deposition of the later Irish Sea diamicton, resulting in the detachment of bedrock rafts and formation of a pervasively deformed glacitectonite. These structural and stratigraphic relationships are used to demonstrate that a potentially extensive layer of permafrost developed across the island before it was overridden by the Irish Sea Ice Stream. These findings have important implications for the glacial history of Anglesey, indicating that the island remained relatively ice-free prior to its inundation by ice flowing southwards down the Irish Sea Basin. Palynological data obtained from the diamictons across Anglesey clearly demonstrates that they have an Irish Sea provenance. Importantly no Lower Palaeozoic palynomorphs were identified, indicating that it is unlikely that Anglesey was overridden by ice emanating from the Snowdon ice cap developed on the adjacent Welsh mainland. Permafrost was once again re-established across Anglesey after the Irish Sea Ice Stream had retreated, resulting in the formation of involutions which deform both the lower bedrock-rich and overlying Irish Sea diamictons.  相似文献   

Southwestern Barents Sea sediments contain important information on Lateglacial and Holocene environmental development of the area, i.e. sediment provenance characteristics related to ice‐flow patterns and ice drifting from different regional sectors. In this study, we present investigations of clay, heavy minerals, and ice‐rafted debris from three sediment cores obtained from the SW Barents Sea. The sediments studied are subglacial/glaciomarine to marine in origin. The core sequences were divided into three lithostratigraphical units. The lowest, Unit 3, consists of laminated glaciomarine sediments related to regional deglaciation. The overlying Unit 2 is a diamicton, dominated by mud and oversized clasts. Unit 2 reflects a more ice‐proximal glaciomarine sedimentary environment or even a subglacial depositional environment; its deposition may indicate a glacial re‐advance or stillstand during an overall retreat. The uppermost Unit 1 consists of Holocene marine sediments and current‐reworked sedimentary material with a relatively high carbonate content. A significant proportion of the sedimentary material could be derived from Svalbard and transported by sea ice or icebergs to the Barents Sea during the late deglacial phase. The Fennoscandian sources and local Mesozoic strata from the bottom of the Barents Sea are the likely provenances of sediments deposited during the deglacial and ice re‐advance phases. Bottom currents and sea‐ice transport were the main mechanisms influencing sedimentation during the Holocene. Our results indicate that the provenance areas can be reliably related to certain ice‐flow sectors and transport mechanisms in the deglaciated Barents Sea.  相似文献   

Theoretical considerations imply that the suitability of glacially-deposited sediments for thermoluminescence (TL) dating will be influenced by transport routes within the ice, and by facies of deposition. Measurments on sediments obtained from the Austerdalsbreen glacier in western Norway indicate that zeroing of sediment does not occur at the base of a valley glacier, but that englacial and supraglacial sediments showed evidence of bleaching but not total zeroing. Analysis of sediments from recent glacial and fluvioglacial landforms showed no evidence that they had been zeroed prior to deposition. Results indicate that the TL-age of glacial landforms will be a function of the derivation and travel paths of the sediments of which it is composed rather than of the form itself. It is concluded that as knowledge of the rates of bleaching associated with various facies of transport and deposition of glacial sediments improves, so the potential of the technique to act as a diagnostic sedimentological tool will increase, even when dating of glacial deposits by TL is impossible.  相似文献   

Deglaciation processes within different rock relief types are discussed. The lower parts of the fissure-valley landscape in western Sweden were covered by the late-glacial sea at deglaciation, while the rock plateaux between the valleys formed an arctic archipelago. The glacial movements, deposition activity and recession were intimately dependent on the variations of the topography and on the buoyancy of the seawater in the valleys. The opinion that a piedmont glaciation existed in eastern Halland during the deglaciation stage has been corroborated concerning areas above the marine limit. In the valleys below this limit the ice margin, however, was straight or slightly concave. The western part of the South Swedish Highland, situated high above the marine limit, is characterized by a zonal deglaciation; zone by zone of the ice margin was detached from the actively moving ice and became immobile. Subglacially formed eskers appear together with glaciofluvial deltas which formed extramarginally in ice-dammed lakes. The moraine forms are often dominated by 1–2 km long drumlins with rock cores. Where the ice diverged over a convex bedrock basement, Rogen-like moraine ridges, radial as well as transverse, were formed during the deglaciation stage when the ice was stagnating.  相似文献   

Under glacial climates, continental ice sheets such as, e.g., the Greenland Ice Sheet, extended onto the continental shelves and often carved out deep cross-shelf troughs. The sedimentary infill of such troughs commonly is a product of the complex interactions between the ice sheets, largely driving sediment input into the ocean, and the surrounding water masses. Off West Greenland, research has focused on the Disko and Uummannaq troughs, leaving the northerly adjacent Upernavik trough relatively understudied. Hence, neither the chronology of deglaciation nor the details of its postglacial infill are sufficiently well understood. Here, we combine computed tomography image-derived information with geochemical and granulometric data from four sediment cores recovered from the Upernavik trough that point to (i) deglaciation of the mid-shelf probably around 13.4 cal. ka BP that was most likely driven by a northward advection of warmer Atlantic waters during the Bølling–Allerød, (ii) the presence of widespread mass wasting around 8 cal. ka BP on the inner shelf and (iii) the complex interplay between various modes of sediment input, transport and deposition under hemipelagic sedimentation afterwards. While this interplay complicates provenance studies, we identify two major sediment delivery mechanisms that control transport and deposition from four sediment source areas. Through the Early Holocene the relative contributions of sediments from the various sources changed from a predominantly local origin to more southerly sources, mainly driven by decreasing input from the local sources. The integration of relative sediment source contributions with varying sedimentation rates challenges previous studies postulating intensified sediment delivery from the south through a greater influence of the West Greenland Current and highlights the need for the integration of sediment input and transport mechanisms into provenance studies in the area.  相似文献   

A three–till section in eastern Overijssel, eastern Netherlands, represents the most complete till sequence of the Older Saalian glaciation presently known from The Netherlands and adjacent Germany. On the basis of structural analyses, four different glacial events within one continuous glacial cover can be distinguished: (1) deposition of till 1 (lowest till) by ice probably moving in a southerly direction, (2) glaciotectonic dislocation of till 1 under a compressive strain regime acting towards the west, (3) deposition of till 2 by ice moving in a westerly direction, and (4) deposition of till 3 by southeasterly moving ice. During deposition of tills 2 and 3, the underlying older tills were subjected to a strong extensional tectonic regimc, leading among other things to the development of characteristic sheath folds. On the basis of directional and compositional characteristics, the three tills can be correlated with the till stratigraphy of the northern Netherlands.  相似文献   

The glacial deposits at the Boyne Bay Limestone Quarry near Portsoy, a key Quaternary Site of Special Scientific Interest, comprise (i) a sandy, partly weathered diamicton (Craig of Boyne Till Formation, CBTF) resting on decomposed bedrock, (ii) a central, variably glaciotectonised assemblage of dark clay, diamicton and sand, with rafts of sand and weathered diamicton (Whitehills Glacigenic Formation, WGF), and (iii) an upper dark sandy diamicton (Old Hythe Till Formation, OHTF). The CBTF was probably derived from the west or southwest, and the WGF from seawards. Structures within the OHTF conform to deposition by east‐ or southeast‐moving ice from the Moray Firth, but some erratics indicate derivation from the south. The CBTF is believed to pre‐date the last (lpswichian) interglacial, but the WGF and OHTF both post‐date the early Middle Devensian, and are probably of Late Devensian age. It is proposed that the OHTF was deposited by ice from inland which was directed eastwards near the coast by a vigorous glacier in the Moray Firth, and that the complex, Late Devensian glacial history of the south coast of the Moray Firth as a whole is the result of the interplay of these two contemporary ice‐masses. British Geological Survey. © NERC 2000.  相似文献   

Three kinds of end moraines, depending most probably on climatic conditions affecting depositional environments, are characterized: (1) fluvioglacial end moraines - built of gravels and sands froming fans superimposed on one another, and accumulated by abundant melt water during intense melting of an ice front in a comparatively warm environment; (2) 'Glacial' end moraines - built of flow tills accumulated during slow melting in a comparatively cold environment; and (3) fluvioglacial-and-glacial end moraines, the most widespread ones in Polish lowlands – built of fluvioglacial stratified gravels and sands and of glacial 'flow' deposits; zones of considerable prevalence of glacial deposits over fluvioglacial ones may probably point to comparatively cold stages during deposition, and vice versa. The question of deposition of end moraines in distal and proximal direction, and their geological and geomorphological features is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Knight, J. 2010: Subglacial processes and drumlin formation in a confined bedrock valley, northwest Ireland. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00182.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Subglacial processes beneath the Late Weichselian ice sheet in northwest Ireland are deduced from sediments and structures within drumlins in a bedrock valley at Loughros Beg, County Donegal. Here, a glacially smoothed bedrock surface underlies the drumlins, which are composed on their up‐ice side of stacked, angular rafts of local bedrock. Overlying and down‐ice from these rafts are down‐ice‐dipping beds of massive to bedded diamicton that contain sand and gravel interbeds. In a down‐ice direction the diamicton matrix coarsens and the beds become laterally transitional to water‐sorted gravels. The down‐ice end of one drumlin shows a concentrically bedded stratified gravel core aligned parallel to ice flow and resembling the internal structure of an esker. With distance away from this core, the gravels become more poorly sorted with an increase in matrix content, and are transitional to massive to stratified diamicton. A four‐stage model describes the formation of drumlins in this sediment‐poor setting. The sediments that are located directly above the bedrock represent deposition in a semi‐enclosed subglacial cavity. A trigger for this process was the formation of subglacial relief by the thrusting up of bedrock rafts, which created the leeside cavity. Subsequent sediment deposition into this cavity represents a form of feedback (self‐regulation), which may be a typical characteristic of subglacial processes in sediment‐poor settings.  相似文献   

Tephra abundance data and geochemistry in Late‐glacial and Holocene sediments on the East Greenland shelf are presented. Two well‐known tephras were identified from electron microprobe analysis of tephra shards picked from ash peaks in the cores. These are the Vedde Ash and Saksunarvatn Ash, which probably were deposited on the shelf after transport on drifting ice. The radiocarbon dates (marine reservoir corrected by −550 yr) that constrain the timing of deposition of the tephra layers compare well with the terrestrial and ice‐core ages of the tephras without requiring additional reservoir correction to align them with the known tephra ages. Several prominent tephra layers with a composition of Ash Zone 2 tephra punctuate the deglacial sediments. These tephra peaks coincide with significant light stable isotope events (signifying glacial meltwater) and fine‐grained sediments poor in ice‐rafted detritus. We interpret the Ash Zone 2 tephra peaks as sediment released from the Greenland Ice Sheet during strong melting pulses of the deglaciation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recognition of positions of glacial lakes along the margin of continental ice sheets is critical in reconstructing ice configuration during deglaciation. Advances in remote sensing technology (e.g. LiDAR) have enabled the generation of accurate digital‐elevation models (DEMs) that reveal unprecedented geomorphic detail. Combined with geographical information systems, these tools have considerably advanced the mapping and correlation of geomorphic features such as relict shorelines. Shorelines of glacial Lake Peace (GLP) developed between the Laurentide and Cordilleran ice sheets in northeastern British Columbia and northwestern Alberta. Shoreline mapping from high resolution DEMs produced more than 55 500 elevation data points from 3231 shorelines, enabling the identification of four major phases of GLP: Phase I (altitude 960–990 m a.s.l.); Phase II (890–915 m a.s.l.); Phase III (810–865 m a.s.l.); and Phase IV (724–733 m a.s.l.). The timing of Phase II of GLP is estimated by two optical ages of <16.0±2.5 and 14.2±0.5 ka BP. Extensive mapping of the shorelines allows for measuring of glacial isostatic adjustment as ice retreated. Shorelines currently dip to the northeast at around 0.4–0.5 m km?1. This slope reflects the asynchronous retreat of the Cordilleran (CIS) and Laurentide (LIS) ice sheets. The relative uplift in the southwest of the study area within the Rocky Mountains and foothills suggests that the Late Wisconsinan (MIS 2) CIS persisted in the foothill after the LIS lost mass and retreated, or that the Late Wisconsinan CIS was very thick and caused deep crustal loading, which resulted in more uplift in the southwest before reaching equilibrium during, or shortly after deglaciation.  相似文献   

The coast-parallel Flakkerhuk ridge on southern Jameson Land revealed a succession of four marine formations separated by tills and glaciotectonic deformation zones representing glacier advances. Paleontological evidence. supported by 32 luminescence datings, indicates that deposition took place during the Eemian and Early Weichselian. A pronounced rise in sea-level due to glacio-isostatic depression is evidenced within the Late Eemian part of the sequence, indicating buildup of ice commencing while interglacial conditions still prevailed. A diamicton interpreted as a till deposited by a glacier moving from the interior of Jameson Land and overlying the interglacial deposits would seem to suggest the presence of a local ice cap on Jameson Land at the last interglacial/glacial transition. Three ice advances from the fjord onto the coast were identified following the last interglacial. The glaciers at no time advanced beyond 2–3 km inland from the coast in the investigated area. This demonstrates that the glaciers advancing through the Scoresby Sund fjord during the Weichselian were relatively thin, with a low longitudinal gradient. Glacier advances onto the coast were apparently strongly influenced by local topography and relative sea-level. The Flakkerhuk ridge is mainly an erosional landform originating from continued fluvial downcutting of former drainage channels from along the Early Weichselian ice margin. Only the very top of the ridge is considered to he a constructional ice marginal ridge, related to the Flakkerhuk glaciation.  相似文献   

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