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Sustainable development in El Arish area of North Sinai, Egypt, is retarded by serious environmental problems, where the land-use and land cover of the region is changing over present time. The impact of human activities in the study area is accompanied by the destruction and over-exploitation of the environment. This study applies multivariate statistics (factor and cluster analyses) and GIS techniques to identify both anthropogenic and natural processes affecting the groundwater quality in the Quaternary sands aquifer. The aim of this study was to investigate the impacts on groundwater resources, the potential pollution sources, and to identify the main anthropogenic inputs of both nutrients and trace metal. Since the depth to the water table is shallow especially in the northern part (<4?m), and the aquifer was exposed on the ground surface, it has poor buffering capacity and the pollution risk is very high. Groundwater chemistry in this coastal region has complex contaminant sources, where intensive farming activities and untreated wastes put stress on groundwater quality. Several areal distribution maps were constructed for correlating water quality with possible contributing factors such as location, land-use, and aquifer depth. These maps identified both anthropogenic and natural processes affecting groundwater quality of the studied aquifer. Cluster analysis was used to classify water chemistry and determine the hydrochemical groups, Q-mode dendrogram is interpreted and there are three main clusters. Factor analyses identify the potential contamination sources affecting groundwater hydrochemistry such as: nitrate, sulfate, phosphate and potassium fertilizers, pesticides, sewage pond wastes, and salinization due to circulation of dissolved salts in the irrigation water itself.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the impacts resulting from the construction of two large-scale detached breakwater systems on the Nile delta coast of Egypt at Baltim and Ras El Bar beaches (~18.3 km shoreline length). The two protective systems were installed in a water depth of between 3 and 4 m and consist of 17 units in total (each ~250 m long). A comprehensive monitoring program spanning the years 1990 to 2002 was implemented and included beach-nearshore profiles, grain size distribution of seabed sand and information related to the background coastal processes. Evaluation of these systems concentrates on the physical impacts on coastal morphodynamics, mitigation and their design implications. The beach and nearshore sedimentation (erosion/accretion patterns) and grain texture of seabed sediment in the study areas have been substantially disrupted due to the interruption of longshore transport by the shore-parallel detached breakwaters. Rate of shoreline and seabed changes as well as alongshore sediment volume have been substantially affected, resulting in accretion in the breakwater landward sides (tombolo or salient) followed by downdrift erosion. The preconstruction beach erosion at Baltim (–5 m/year) and at Ras El Bar (–6 m/year) has been replaced, respectively, by the formation of sand tombolo (35 m/year) and salient (9 m/year). On the other hand, beach erosion has been substantially increased in the downdrift sides of these protective systems, being –20 m/year at Baltim and –9 m/year at Ras El Bar. Further seaward, the two protective systems at Baltim and Ras El Bar have accumulated seabed sand at maximum rates of 30 and 20 cm/year and associated with downdrift erosion of –45 and –20 cm/year, respectively. Strong gyres and eddies formed in the breakwater gabs have drastically affected swimmers and subsequently caused a significant number of drownings each summer, averaging 35 and 67 victims/year at Baltim and Ras El Bar beaches, respectively. This study provides baseline information needed to help implement mitigation measures for these breakwater systems.  相似文献   

The Sinai Peninsula has a triangular shape between the African and Arabian Plates and is bounded from the western and eastern borders by the Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba–Dead Sea rift systems, respectively. It is affected by strong and destructive earthquakes (e.g., March 31, 1969 and November 22, 1995) and moderate earthquakes (m b?>?5) throughout its history. After the installation of the Egyptian National Seismic Network (ENSN), a great number of earthquakes has been recorded within and around Sinai. Consequently, the seismogenic source zones and seismotectonic behavior can be clearly identified. Available data, including both historical and instrumental (1900–1997), have been collected from national and international data centers. While the data from 1998 till December 2007 are gathered from ENSN bulletins. The seismogenic source zones that might affect Sinai Peninsula are defined more precisely in this work depending on the distribution of earthquakes, seismicity rate (a value), b value, and fault plane solution of the major earthquakes. In addition, the type of faults prevailed and characterized these zones. It is concluded that the Gulf of Aqaba zone–Dead Sea transform zone, Gulf of Suez rift zone, Cairo–Suez District zone, and Eastern Mediterranean dislocation zone represent the major effective zones for Sinai. Furthermore, there are two local seismic zones passing through Sinai contributing to the earthquake activities of Sinai, these are the Negev shear zone and Central Sinai fault (Themed fault) zone. The source parameters, a and b values, and the maximum expected moment magnitude have been determined for each of these zones. These results will contribute to a great extent in the seismic hazard assessment and risk mitigation studies for Sinai Peninsula to protect the developmental projects.  相似文献   

The Gabal Marwa area is located in the southeastern part of Sinai,Egypt.It comprises gneisses and migmatites,granodiorites and monzogranites.Field,petrographic,mineralogic and chemical investigations indicated that the Gabal Marwa granites are classified as granodiorites and monzogranites.The monzogranites constitute the most predominant rock unit exposed in the study area.They have been subjected to hydrothermal alterations,especially along the shear zones.Sericitization,desilicification,nametasomatism and development of spotty or dendritic manganese oxides are the most pronounced alteration features.These alterations resulted in the increase of TiO2,Al2O3,FeOt,MnO,CaO,MgO,Na2O,K2O and Cr,Zr,Rb,Y and Sr and the decrease of SiO2,P2O5,Ni,Zn,Ba and Nb.Radiometric studies indicated that the altered granites belong to high thorium,high uranium granites.The U,Th,U and Th,Th/U,Th and U-K variation diagrams suggested that magmatic processes controlled the distribution of these elements but the effect of hydrothermal alteration processes were clearly distinct.The Scanning Electron Microscope and X-ray Diffraction analyses indicated that the most important radioactive minerals include uranothorite,thorite,zircon,monazite and samarskite.Cinnabar and Mn minerals were also found.From the U,Th,Ra and K activity concentrations obtained for all the studied granitic samples,radium equivalent activity(Raeq),external hazard index(Hex),and internal hazard index(Hin),were calculated to assess the radiation hazard to human beings living in dwellings made of the studied granites.Altered monzogranites have radioactivity above the proposed acceptable level and,therefore,caution must be taken when these granites are used as building materials.  相似文献   

The frequent appearance of some hydro-environmental hazard features, such as waterlogging and soil salinization along the susceptible zones at Northwest Sinai area (NWSA), has put serious challenges and obstacles for a correct and efficient land use planning of this region, for several decades. Although previous studies have shown that the whole region of Northern Sinai is greatly affected by the tectonic movements associated with the Syrian Arc folding system (SAS), NWSA is barren of any obvious surficial structures. The current work aims to investigate the effect of subsurface tectonic features on the hydrogeologic regime of NWSA.Hydrogeological and remote sensing data were integrated with ground geophysical gravity and magnetic measurements, using the geographic information system. Data integration asserts the role played by buried tectonic features not only in governing the landforms of the upper water-bearing quaternary formations but also in controlling their flow regime.Two major subsurface structures were identified through interpreting the geophysical measurements. A buried dome-like structure, dominating the central part of the mapped area, coincides with the radial flow pattern observed on the water table map. At the southwestern corner of the study area, an elevated groundwater level, caused by continuous groundwater accumulation at the discharge boundary, is superimposing a subsurface block-faulted depression. The waterlogging features (saturation of the soil by groundwater and inundation of local depressions due to rising of water table) dominating the discharge lowlands of NWSA support the conclusion that a buried block-faulted structure exerts a strong influence on the thickness and groundwater flow regime of the shallow quaternary aquifer.  相似文献   

The heavy metal contents of Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cr, Co, Pb, Cd, Fe, and V in the surface sediments from five selected sites of El Temsah Lake was determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Geochemical forms of elements were investigated using four-step sequential chemical extraction procedure in order to identify and evaluate the mobility and the availability of trace metals on lake sediments, in comparison with the total element content. The operationally defined host fractions were: (1) exchangeable/bound to carbonate, (2) bound to Fe/Mn oxide, (3) bound to organic matter/sulfides, and (4) acid-soluble residue. The speciation data reveals that metals Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni, Mn, Cu, Cr, Fe, and V are sink primarily in organic and Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides phases. Co is mainly concentrated in the active phase. This is alarming because the element is enriched in Al Sayadin Lagoon which is still the main site of open fishing in Ismailia. Average concentration of the elements is mostly above the geochemical background and pristine values of the present study. There is a difference on the elemental composition of the sediment collected at the western lagoon (Al Sayadin Lagoon), junction, the shoreline shipyard workshops, and eastern beach of the lake. Depending upon the nature of elements and local pollution source, high concentration of Zn, Pb, and Cu are emitted by industrial wastewater flow (shoreline workshops), while sanitary and agricultural wastewater (El Bahtini and El Mahsama Drains) emit Co and Cd in Al Sayadin Lagoon. On the other hand, there is a marked decrease in potentially toxic heavy metal concentrations in the sediments at the most eastern side of the lake, probably due to the successive sediment dredging and improvements in water purification systems for navigation objective. These result show that El Temsah receives concentrations in anthropogenic metals that risk provoking more or less important disruptions, which are harmful and irreversible on the fauna and flora of this lake and on the whole ecobiological equilibrium.  相似文献   

Blasband  B.  Brooijmans  P.  Dirks  P.  Visser  W.  White  S. 《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1997,76(3):247-266
In the late Precambrian history of the Wadi Kid area in the Sinai, Egypt, two deformation phases are clearly recognized. The first phase, D1 (pre-620 Ma), produced a steep regional foliation, axial planar to upright F1 folds, in rocks of a lower-greenschist grade. This compressional phase of deformation is interpreted in terms of subduction in an island-arc setting. The second phase, D1 (post-620 Ma), is mainly expressed by the widespread development of sub-horizontal mylonitic zones with a total thickness of 1.5 km. Shear sense indicators give a consistent regional transport direction to the northwest, with local indications of reversal to the southeast. This event is associated with regional LP/HT metamorphism, indicative of high thermal gradients. Because of the LP/HT metamorphism, the change in geochemical nature of the granitoids, and the orientation of the dykes, we interpret the mylonitic zones as low-angle normal shear zones related to core-complex development during an extensional event with the transport reversal being induced by doming. We postulate that orogenic collapse was responsible for the transition from the D1 compressional phase to the D1 extensional phase.  相似文献   

H. Holail  R. Tony 《GeoJournal》1995,35(4):481-486
The stable isotopic composition (13C and 18O) and elemental (Sr and Mg) of marine molluscs are presented for Carditacea and Solenacea shells collected off the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. Based on shell microstructures and mineralogy, the bivalve shells are preserved in their original mineralogy and chemistry.The Sr and Mg concentrations of the bivalve shells have mean values of 1960 ppm and 226 ppm respectively. The stable isotopic composition generally show high values of 18O and 13C. The 18O values range from +0.1 to –1.8 PDB and most shells are highly enriched in13C; averaging +2.5 PDB. These elemental and isotopic signatures are analogous to modern marine bivalves from other localities.The oxygen and carbon isotopes, together with the calculated temperatures, suggest that the aragonitic bivalve shells were precipitated in isotopic equilibrium from warm marine waters.  相似文献   

The investigation of the exposed middle Miocene strata from Wadi Sudr yielded well-preserved ostracod carapaces. Detailed taxonomic and paleontological studies led to the recognition of 36 ostracod species belonging to 25 genera, 4 species of them were considered new which fully described. Three assemblage biozones were recorded as follows: Actinocythereis spinosa–Actinocythereis hystrix zone, Chrysocythere cataphracta muricata-Cytheretta africana zone, and Disopontocypris schweijeri-Bythocypris tripolensis zone. The recorded biozones were calibrated with the previously studied middle Miocene planktonic foraminiferal biozones on the same samples and also correlated with the Miocene ostracod biozones from the neighboring countries. Our ostracod assemblages present in the lower and upper parts of the studied section (section II) indicated an inner neritic marine environment of moderate energy of currents and rapid sedimentation, while the assemblages in the middle part showed more deeper (outer neritic) environments with low energy of currents and low rate of sedimentation. The palaeobiogeographic distribution of the studied ostracods showed high affinity with the ostracod assemblages of the southern Mediterranean and moderate to low affinities with that of the northern and eastern Mediterranean respectively. The highly ornamented ostracod species with structures on the carapace were recorded from both Northern and Southern Mediterranean, while the smooth ones were found in the Southern Mediterranean only. The highly ornamented species are more widely distributed in both Southern and Northern Mediterranean than the smooth species. This may indicate that the ornamented species are more able to migrate than the smooth ones.  相似文献   

Three types of hydrothermal alterations are recorded in Wadi El Regeita area, argillic, phyllic, and propylitic. Whole-rock analysis of representative samples of the alteration halo (1) shows a Cu, Au, and Ag content up to 1.7 wt.%, 1.6 g/t, and 4 g/t, respectively; in the alteration halo (2), these metal contents are up to 1.3 wt.%, 1.4 g/t, and 3 g/t, following the same order. The integrated remote sensing and geophysical data, as well as geological field verification, show that Wadi El Regeita area includes promising Cu ores within two hydrothermal alteration haloes. Spatial data analyses of lineaments from Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) band ratio image (7/5, 5/4, 3/1) reveal the presence of alteration haloes that potentially may host Cu mineralization at south and north of El Regita Cu mine. Gravity interpretation indicates that the surveyed area is dissected by NE–SW fault zones in the central part, near Wadi El Regeita Cu mine. Ground magnetic survey data revealed that the surveyed area includes six magnetic bodies at depths ranging from 32 to 90 m, possibly recording the presence of mineralized and hydrothermally altered andesitic dykes. The half length of these dykes ranges from 600 to 1,070 m; their half thickness from 30 to 123 m and their half width from 48 to 531 m. Dyke locations coincide with surface alteration haloes (1) and (2) as indicated by the ETM band ratio image processing. The final assessment of the area, however, needs more detailed geological and geophysical studies with contributions of remote sensing techniques.  相似文献   

South Sinai Governorate acts as one of the most vital regions in Egypt for its location and natural resources. This governorate has a special economic importance to increase the national income due to its tourism expansion and petroleum. The fresh water is transferred from Cairo through pipelines to cover the demands of local inhabitants in the north Sinai governorate and the capital city of south Sinai governorate. The groundwater exploration and exploitation in this area have a great importance to cover the need of water for the different activities (tourism, petroleum, and agriculture) and to achieve a maximum development in this region. Therefore, the present study deals with using the different geophysical exploration techniques (magnetic, geoelectrical resistivity and shallow refraction seismic) to detect the groundwater aquifer or aquifers in the area between latitudes 27°52′ and 28°05′?N and longitudes 33°55′ and 34°05′?E. in southwestern Sinai—Egypt. The main results of these tools are the maximum depth to the basement surface 180 m and structure elements which affected on this area are represented by a number of normal faults have a trends (NNW–SSE and ENE–WSW) making two grabens isolated by one horst. Tariff Sandstone bed recorded as water-bearing formation and the basement ridge gates in the gulf direction are not capable to pass the ground water from the study area to the Gulf of Suez. Finally, the best locations for drilling groundwater wells were selected from the decision map which generated by using the GIS technique.  相似文献   

The plateau east of the Nile Valley at El Minia, Egypt, has been chosen for the siting of El Minia El Gedida city. Problems of underground caves suggested the need for integral geological, geotechnical and environmental hazard studies to examine the suitability of the area as a building site.Geologically, the area is formed of a thick sequence of Middle Eocene fossiliferous limestones and chalk with some layers of sandy, cherty and marly limestones. These rocks have heterogeneous physical and mechanical properties and fall within the weak to very weak range of limestones. Their mode of failure is almost of the brittle type developing extension, wedge and single shear type fractures. The mechanical properties are controlled by their physical, geological and mineralogical properties. They increase with density and dolomite content and decrease with porosity and calcite content. Empirical equations for some of these relations as well as the relation between field measures of rebound index and compressive strength are presented.Both regional and detailed structural analyses revealed the presence of major and minor normal faults and fractures trending in NW and NE directions. The NW faults are dominant. They define the topographic escarpments in the area. Most of the caves are aligned along major faults of this trend. Faults, fracture distribution and structural hazard maps of the area are presented. Paleostress tectonic analysis of these fractures suggests that the NW and NE faults are extensional due to tectonic stress which changes from normal to parallel to the Red Sea at different geologic times starting in post Middle Eocene. The similarity of this paleotectonic setting to present Red Sea tectonics points out the possibility of future rejuvenation of these faults.Topographically, the area lies in shallow surface drainage basins. The topographical risk is increased by fracturing and it should be considered if the area is subjected to a long period of heavy rainfall. Radiometrically, El Minia El Gedida city represents one of the lowest natural radioactivity areas within the safe limits recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP).  相似文献   

Sixteen groundwater samples collected from production wells tapping Lower Cretaceous Nubian Sandstone and fractured basement aquifers in Sinai were analyzed for their stable isotopic compositions, dissolved noble gas concentrations (recharge temperatures), tritium activities, and 14C abundances. Results define two groups of samples: Group I has older ages, lower recharge temperatures, and depleted isotopic compositions (adjusted 14C model age: 24,000–31,000 yr BP; δ18O: − 9.59‰ to − 6.53‰; δ2H: − 72.9‰ to − 42.9‰; < 1 TU; and recharge T: 17.5–22.0°C) compared to Group II (adjusted 14C model age: 700–4700 yr BP; δ18O: − 5.89‰ to − 4.84‰; δ2H: − 34.5‰ to − 24.1‰; < 1 to 2.78 TU; and recharge T: 20.6–26.2°C). Group II samples have isotopic compositions similar to those of average modern rainfall, with larger d-excess values than Group I waters, and locally measurable tritium activity (up to 2.8 TU). These observations are consistent with (1) the Nubian Aquifer being largely recharged prior to and/or during the Last Glacial Maximum (represented by Group I), possibly through the intensification of paleowesterlies; and (2) continued sporadic recharge during the relatively dry and warmer interglacial period (represented by Group II) under conditions similar to those of the present.  相似文献   

The Cenomanian marine sequence in north Sinai is mostly represented by El-Halal Formation. Petrographically, it is composed of four microfacies, namely: (1) dolomitic micrite, (2) dolomicrite, (3) dolowackestone and (4) dolosparite. The assigned pore volume (10–25%) could be differentiated into: micro intercrystalline pore spaces, micro to meso vugs and micro pore channels. The present pore spaces are frequently reduced by drusy and/or xenotopic dolosparite and micro sparry calcite. El-Halal Formation has been deposited in a restricted marine platform (SMF-23, FZ-8) with a progressive shallowing sea level upward. The diagenetic history has been controlled by cementation, dolomitization, aggrading neomorphism and creation of authigenic illite. Petrophysically, the studied samples could be grouped into three petrophysical facies: (1) dolomitic micrite/dolomicrite facies, (2) dolowackestone and (3) dolosparite. The permeability (ave. 3.54, 12.9 and 0.49 md, respectively) is dependent on the pore channel radius (ave. 1.03, 1.92 and 0.19 μm, respectively) and porosity (ave. 22.1%, 25.8% and 11.4%, respectively); it could be related to the electrical tortuosity as well (ave. 3.28, 1.40 and 5.06, respectively). The apparent formation resistivity factor was measured at five consequent saline concentrations of 6, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kppm and the true one has been calculated. It is controlled by the effective porosity and electrical tortuosity. Though dolomitization has an enhancing effect on the studied petrophysical features, it had a reducing effect in its first stages of invasion through filling the pore spaces and in the last stages through the aggrading neomorphism.  相似文献   

Salt tectonic along offshore North Sinai was studied using seismic reflection data. The study revealed and identified various types of salt tectonics and structures in the study area. The triggering mechanism of salt tectonics was attributed to the pressure regime initiated from overloading sediments on the Messinian evaporites. The sediment load of 3,000?m exceeds the critical load (more than 1,000?m) and hence creates a pressure zone. The salt-generated structures resulted from thin-skinned extension that is driven by gravity gliding of the overloading sediments above the Messinian evaporite boundary, which acts as a detachment layer. These structures comprise normal growth faults and keystone grabens, trending roughly perpendicular to the slope of the continental margin. Salt tectonics in the study area were also triggered by the deformation of the movement of evaporite layer that causes stretching and fragmentation of the evaporite layer. Moving salt layer took place laterally and vertically, causing lateral and vertical pressures inside the Pliocene sediments. These movements of sediments led to the formation of salt rollers, salt weld, salt diapirs, rollover structures, and fault blocks. The interpretation of seismic data illustrates that the evaporite layer was switched off between the famous reflector M at its top and another reflector N at its base. M reflector is present and can be traced across the whole study area, while the N reflector pinched out in some parts of the study area.  相似文献   

Beach profile data, covering the coast of Ras El Bar, northeast Nile Delta, collected during the years from 1990 to 2002 combined with landsat images for the area and sedimentological investigation have been used to identify beach and nearshore seafloor sediment changes. Along the coast of Ras El Bar, two accretion sectors and one of erosion have been recognized. The first accretion sector is located west of Damietta harbour, where the harbour jetties have halted the littoral transport, while the second one is behind a system of detached breakwaters protecting Ras El Bar resort. Both the two sectors are characterized by growing shoreline with maximum rates ∼15 and 10 m/year, respectively. Also, they have maximum nearshore seafloor accretion rates of ∼18 and 22 cm/year, respectively. The erosion sector is located east of Damietta port and has a maximum rate of shoreline retreat ∼−10 m/year. Erosion of its nearshore seafloor is indicated recording a maximum rate of ∼−20 cm/year. The rate of net sediment volume change in the area indicates shifting of the accretion sector (II) westward, responding to installation of the new breakwaters unit. The two accretion sectors are characterized by dominance of moderately sorted fine sands in their shore area which change seaward into less sorting very fine sands. Beach sands of the eroded sector are poorly sorted medium grain size. The dominant constituents of heavy mineral species in beach and sea-bottom sands are the characteristic assemblages of the Nile deposits. The sands of the eroded zone are relatively enriched in monazite, zircon, tourmaline, garnet, and rutile.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions in the leucosomes of Wadi Feiran migmatites showed that CO 2 , H2O and (H2O-CO2) fluids were likely to have been present when partial melting began in these rocks. Low salinity, aqueous fluid, to a lesser extent, CO2-rich fluids are the most abundant fluids. The present study suggests that high-density CO2 inclusions were formed at the earliest stage, while H2O inclusions were formed at the late stage. In an intermediate stage, low-density CO2 and H2O, CO2 inclusions were formed. At the early stage of uplift and during melt crystallization, the CO2-bearing vapour was trapped at grain boundaries. At the late stage of uplift, H2O released at the time of crystallization of the melt was trapped as inclusions.  相似文献   

Genus Polyphylloseris is a scleractinian colonial coral that has been established by d’Orbigny (1849) from the Neocomian of Yonne, France. The genus is characterized by having elevated domal calices that are mammillar or craterlike in shape and with porous confluent septa. Columella is absent or rudimentary, and the lower surface of the corallum is covered with a thick and wrinkled holotheca. Specimens having the above-mentioned characteristics have been collected from the Upper Jurassic Arousiah Member of the Masajid Formation (Callovian–Oxfordian) of Gebel Maghara, Northern Sinai, Egypt. They are characterized by having a cupolate colonial form and porous pennulate septa which reach 40–50 in number. Based on these characters and other characters such as density of septa, height, and width of mammillar calices, the studied material is attributed to a new species named Polyphylloseris magharensis. The new species is a first undoubted record of Polyphylloseris in the Jurassic. Previously recorded undoubted ages of the genus are Early and Late Cretaceous. The fewer number of septa and the smaller-sized and closer mammillar calices allow differentiation of the species from other species such as Polyphylloseris icaunensis d’Orbigny and Polyphylloseris convexa d’Orbigny.  相似文献   

The groundwater extracted from the unconfined Quaternary aquifer is the main source of water supply in El-Tur area. The area is bounded from the east by the elevated basement complex of Southern Sinai and from the west by El-Qabaliyat Ridge. The wadis dissecting these highlands form effective watersheds of the Quaternary aquifer. These wadis form areas of focused recharge. Recharge also occurs directly via the Quaternary sediments covering El-Qaa Plain. Subsurface lateral groundwater flow from the fractured basement contributes significant recharge to the aquifer as well. The aquifer sediment facies affect the type and quality of groundwater. In the eastern part where the aquifer is composed mainly of gravel and coarse sand with fragments of weathered basement, the Na-Cl-SO4 water dominates. In the west where the facies change is rapid and complex, many water types arise. The base exchange index (BEX) is positive in this part reflecting the role of clay minerals in changing the water types via cation exchange. In the east where clays are insignificant in the aquifer, the BEX is negative. In the western part next to El-Qabaliyat Ridge, the wells discharging from the calcareous sand zone have low groundwater salinities compared to the wells discharging from the alluvium. In general, the groundwater salinity increases in the direction of groundwater flow from the northeast to the southwest which reflects the dissolution of aquifer sediments. The concentration relationships between the major ions on one hand and chloride on the other reflect the dissolution of calcium carbonates, precipitation of K- and Mg-bearing minerals, and cation exchange of Ca for Na on clay minerals. The hydrochemical models support these reactions. In addition, they show that the effect of evaporation on the recharge water in the western catchment is about four times its effect on the eastern recharge water which reflects the rapid recharge through the wadis draining the fractured basement. Moreover, the contribution from the eastern catchment in sample No. 23 is more than four-folds the contribution from the western recharge area. The stable isotopes (2H and 18O) show that the Quaternary aquifer is recharging from recent rainfall. However, upward leakage of Paleogene groundwater (depleted in 18O) also occurs. The groundwater level map shows strong overpumping impact especially in the areas close to El-Tur city.  相似文献   

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