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Clay minerals in 32 samples collected from the upper 6 meters of drill core LF 82/1-3 in Lake Frome, Australia have been examined using X-ray powder diffraction techniques. The results show that the clay mineral species are predominated by illite, kaolinite and a small amount of montmorillonite. Minor chlorite and vermiculite can also be identified in some of the samples. In terms of clay mineral species, crystallinity and other characteristics, the upper 6-m core can be divided into 3 sections, the boundaries of which are marked at depths of about 125–150 cm and 415–455 cm with ages of 14 and 19 thousand years B.P., respectively. The middle section at a burial depth of 150–415 cm may have been deposited under moist conditions while the other two under relatively dry conditions. Additionally, some slight climatic fluctuations seem possible in different stages.  相似文献   

The writers have been studying the origin of porosity in the Neogene calcareous rocks of Akita, Japan, and in the Mississippian Windsor Group carbonate rocks of Nova Scotia, Canada. The former consist mainly of dolomitic clayey-siliceous marls, derived mainly from opaline skeletal debris of microscopic organisms. These marls were deposited in bathyal to inner-neritic environments. The carbonate rocks of Windsor Group, which include both dolostones and limestones, originated from biogenic carbonate debris and were deposited in inner-shelf to shoal environments.  相似文献   

南海西部表层沉积物碎屑矿物分布特征及其物源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
南海西部海域的物源研究程度相对较低,尤其对中段的物源有较大的争议。通常认为中部没有大河注入,其物源主要来自其南北的湄公河和红河。笔者通过对该区表层沉积物的系统取样及碎屑矿物分析鉴定认为,碎屑矿物主要分布于南部陆架区和中部陆坡区域。根据因子分析,南海西部碎屑矿物可以明显分为南部、中部、北部三区。南区陆架碎屑矿物主要由重矿物金红石、锐钛矿、白钛矿、锆石、透闪石、十字石及轻矿物石英、长石等组成,原岩应以岩浆岩类为主,包括部分变质岩;中区陆坡以十字石、透闪石、电气石、褐铁矿及黑云母、白云母为主,原岩可能主要为变质岩类;北区陆坡碎屑矿物少,组合特征不明显。各区不仅组合特征明显不同,且各区分界明显,表明其物质来源明显不同,南区物源主要来自红河和加里曼丹岛;中部海域的碎屑矿物组合与中南半岛大量出露的变质岩基本吻合,表明其物源主要来自中南半岛,而不是来自其南北的湄公河和红河。  相似文献   

基于"我国重点海岸带滨海环境地质调查与评价"项目,分析了广西典型岸段20 m以浅的海域表层沉积物和地貌类型及其分布特征,并在此基础上探讨了碎屑矿物含量和种类的分布、变化以及组合.研究结果表明:研究区水动力较强,作用方式多样,有近30种碎屑矿物,其中主要有石英、长石、钛铁矿、云母、锆石、黄铁矿以及海绿石等,重矿物较为丰富;自全新世早期海侵以来,研究区先后进入了浅海海湾相沉积环境,但碎屑矿物种类与之前基本相似,其含量变化是由于气候和海平面的波动而致;研究区碎屑矿物在以沉积物和地貌类型为单位的各类地质单元中,其含量和种类均有所不同,尤以重矿物的变异性最为突出;各研究区重矿物组合可分为2~3个亚分区,均反映出与沉积环境关系密切.结果表明,研究区碎屑物质主要源于周缘陆区风化剥蚀、海岸侵蚀和河流输入,碎屑物质具有陆源性.  相似文献   

利用X射线衍射等分析方法,对贵州威宁麻窝山岩溶盆地沉积物中粘土矿物进行研究,获得了粘土矿物的组成、相对含量、结晶度指数、化学指数以及相对含量比值等方面的信息,探讨该盆地的沉积环境演化特征。研究表明,粘土矿物以伊/蒙混层矿物(30%~75%)和绿泥石(10%~45%)为主,高岭石(5%~20%)和伊利石(10%)次之,基本不含蒙脱石。伊/蒙混层矿物和绿泥石含量呈负相关性。高岭石含量在剖面底部较稳定,在484cm上部出现较大的波动。伊利石结晶度和化学指数与伊/蒙混层矿物含量具有较好的正相关性,且在第Ⅰ阶段相对于其它指标较敏感,出现波动。通过综合对比分析,将研究区剖面划分为4个阶段,其是3个冷暖干湿的大循环和若干个小循环气候环境的物质记录。  相似文献   

安徽龙河口水库流域沉积物中粘土矿物分析及其环境意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
龙河口水库是巢湖上游的重要水源地,对水库钻孔ALE的粘土矿物进行定性和半定量分析,发现水库沉积的粘土矿物主要是绿泥石(含绿泥石/蛭石混层矿物),多年平均含量达40%,其次是高岭石和伊利石及少量的蒙皂石,伊利石的多年平均含量只有21%,远低于该流域中晓天河(54%)和滑石河(63.5%)的表层样。水库和龙潭河粘土矿物的含量组成较相似,与晓天河和滑石河差别较大。表层样中粘土矿物的差异主要受流域的地质地貌的影响,水库沉积物中粘土矿物的特征主要与环境动力和粘土矿物的结晶习性有密切的关系。  相似文献   

Two sediment cores from the inner continental shelf of SW India, SK‐148/13 (4.66 m long; from 50 m water depth) and SK‐148/14 (5.37 m long; from 22 m water depth), were studied for provenance and palaeomonsoonal implications. Sediment layers at different depth intervals in these cores were estimated for clay minerals and organic matter content. Five surface sediment samples from the nearby Kali River estuary of the adjacent hinterland were also analysed for clay mineral contents. In both cores and Kali River sediments, smectite is the dominant clay followed by illite, and kaolinite or chlorite. Based on the similarities of the abundances of clay minerals and their relative wt‐% in the inner shelf sediment cores and in surface sediments of the estuary as demonstrated by significance tests, Al‐rich illite, and negligible contribution of clay from the deep‐sea and aeolian sources, it can be inferred that the sediments of the two inner continental shelf cores were derived from the adjacent hinterland. Application of statistical discordancy and significance tests on the down‐core variations in the crystallinity index (CI) of illite and organic matter content in the sediment cores indicates intense monsoonal (high rainfall) conditions at the adjacent hinterland during about 4300–6200 and 9300–10,400 years BP. These inferences are comparable to those from other well‐established palaeomonsoonal indicators such as sedimentation rates and mineral magnetic properties. The CI of illite, an easily determinable and climatically sensitive parameter, can thus be a reliable palaemonsoonal indicator for inner shelf sediment cores. The statistical methodology used in this work highlights the advantages of a quantitative interpretation of the data instead of the conventional qualitative visual examination.  相似文献   

Problem of the distribution of clay minerals in water areas of the World Ocean and their relation to different (humid, arid, and volcanosedimentary) types of lithogenesis is considered. It is shown that layer silicates can be used as index minerals for distinguishing types of lithogenesis under conditions of marine sedimentation. Humid marine lithogenesis is represented by sediments of the White, Baltic, Black, and Mediterranean seas. Genetic link of marine clay formation with soil-climatic zones is clearly manifested in recent sediments of the World Ocean. Accumulation of statistic data on the mineral composition of clays allowed us to distinguish two modes of spatial-latitudinal distribution of clay minerals: maximal concentrations of illites and chlorites are confined to high latitudes, whereas kaolinite and smectite accumulate in the equatorial zone. In the arid lithogenesis, the dependence of clay formation on drainage areas is practically absent. The whole process is realized in surficial sediments and bottom waters: under conditions of intense evaporation, especially in closed water basins, the concentration of elements in the medium is enough for the synthesis of layer silicates, such as palygorskite and sepiolite. The processes were studied based on the Paleogene Fergana Bay and bottom sediments of the Sea of Aral, as well as DSDP core materials from the Atlantic (near the western coast of Africa) and Indian (the Arabian Peninsula area) oceans. The investigation of processes of volcanosedimentary lithogenesis was carried out within the East Pacific Rise (on the basis of core materials obtained during cruises of R/V Dmitry Mendeleev and Akademik Kurchatov). The results obtained made it possible to establish authigenic (primarily celadonite) K-Fe mineralization in the most active geothermal zones. The formation of clay minerals has specific features in each of the studied (humid, arid, and volcanosedimentary) types of lithogenesis. This should be taken into consideration during the lithological investigations and the study of clay mineralogy of past geological epochs. Clay minerals (particularly, unstable mixed-layered phases) are actively used as index minerals for paleogeographic and climatologic reconstructions.  相似文献   


大量陆源碎屑物质主要通过以长江、黄河为代表的大江大河和以瓯江、浊水溪为代表的山溪性小河流的携带输移至中国东部海域,海域沉积物的物源识别是当前的研究热点。本文通过原子吸收光谱法测试了磁性矿物中的11种元素(Ti、Fe、Cr、Mg、Al、V、Ca、Co、Zn、Mn和S),旨在探讨这些河流沉积物( < 45μm)的磁性矿物群体化学特征,提取其物源指示意义,为边缘海沉积物物源判别提供依据。研究结果表明,这些河流沉积物的磁性矿物主要是以铁氧化物(磁铁矿)为主,铁硫化物含量很低( < 2%),只有台湾浊水溪沉积物中含有相对较多的铁硫化物(主要是磁黄铁矿),为1.84%。除此之外,各河流沉积物磁性矿物中铁氧化物的化学元素组成(Ti、Mg、Ca、Al、Cr、V、Mn、Co和Zn)差异也很明显,其中黄河富含Mg和Ca,长江富含Ti,钱塘江富含Al,瓯江富含Cr,台湾浊水溪相对来说富含Al和Co,而其余元素含量远低于其他河流。从磁性矿物成因图上看,黄河沉积物中磁性矿物落在碱性岩浆岩成因区,但这并不是反映了流域磁性矿物的母岩为碱性岩浆岩,而是由于流域中黄土土壤化过程中产生的细颗粒磁性矿物中含有较高的碱土金属元素(如Mg和Ca)所致;其他河流磁性矿物成因与其流域母岩关系密切,如长江和浙闽河流主要为超基性-基性-中性岩浆岩成因,浊水溪为沉积变质-接触交代成因,都与其所处流域的磁性矿物的母岩类型较为一致。利用Ti+V-S+Co-Ca+Mg三角图可以有效地区分黄河、长江和浙闽河流、浊水溪沉积物物源。磁性矿物群体中的Mn、Zn、Al、Cr元素的差异有助于进一步确定长江和浙闽河流的泥沙来源。同时,发现磁性矿物单颗粒和群体化学组成特征具有一定差异性,很可能是由于分析方法不同所造成。


提要:成都平原晚更新世成都粘土地球化学分析表明,不同剖面样品的化学组成具有较好的一致性,以SiO2(平均75.24%)、Al2O3(平均14.12%)、Fe2O3(平均5.81%)为主,地球化学特征与UCC基本相似。与北方黄土相比,成都粘土具有较高的TiO2/Al2O3、Zr/Al、Zr/Ti和Y/Al以及较低的Eu/Eu?鄢、LaN/SmN和LaN/YbN比值,这些特征与成都平原第四系深层土壤样品组成一致,表明成都粘土来源于当地,与北方黄土物源不同。成都粘土CIA平均值为78.59,高于北方黄土平均值(69.34),经历了中期的K迁移阶段,在风化过程中Ca、Na、Mg和K是主要的活动性元素。与北方黄土相比,成都粘土Na、Mg、K和Ca亏损较大,表明经历了更强的化学风化。  相似文献   

The Sm-Nd systematics in a variety of mantle-derived samples including kimberlites, alnoite, carbonatite, pyroxene and amphibole inclusions in alkali basalts and xenolithic eclogites, granulites and a pyroxene megacryst in kimberlites are reported. The additional data on kimberlites strengthen our earlier conclusion that kimberlites are derived from a relatively undifferentiated chondritic mantle source. This conclusion is based on the observation that the Nd values of most of the kimberlites are near zero. In contrast with the kimberlites, their garnet lherzolite inclusions show both time-averaged Nd enrichment and depletion with respect to Sm. Separated clinopyroxenes in eclogite xenoliths from the Roberts Victor kimberlite pipe show both positive and negative Nd values suggesting different genetic history. A whole rock lower crustal scapolite granulite xenolith from the Matsoku kimberlite pipe shows a negative Nd value of -4.2, possibly representative of the base of the crust in Lesotho. It appears that all inclusions, mafic and ultramafic, in kimberlites are unrelated to their kimberlite host.The above data and additional Sm-Nd data on xenoliths in alkali basalts, alpine peridotite and alnoite-carbonatites are used to construct a model for the upper 200 km of the earth's mantle — both oceanic and continental. The essential feature of this model is the increasing degree of fertility of the mantle with depth. The kimberlite's source at depths below 200 km in the subcontinental mantle is the most primitive in this model, and this primitive layer is also extended to the suboceanic mantle. However, it is clear from the Nd-isotopic data in the xenoliths of the continental kimberlites that above 200 km the continental mantle is distinctly different from their suboceanic counterpart.  相似文献   

对鲁西隆起北侧博兴洼陷新生界碎屑重矿物组份和稳定性组合的研究发现:古近纪孔店组沉积期、沙河街组四段沉积晚期和沙河街组二段沉积期金红石、电气石、锆石和白钛矿等稳定碎屑莺矿物占优势,指示盆-山的构造古地理分异较弱;沙四段沉积早期、沙三段和沙一段沉积期绿帘石、榍石等不稳定碎屑重矿物占优势,表明构造古地理分异强烈.新近纪馆陶组稳定重矿物自下而上逐渐占据优势,表明该时期构造活动逐渐趋缓;明化镇组自下而上不稳定重矿物逐渐占优势,指示构造活动逐渐加强.根据砂岩中自生矿物赤(褐)铁矿的分析,认为其含量较高的孔店组、沙四段、沙段沉积期气候干旱,而含量较低的沙四段沉积末期一沙二段沉积期气候湿润;新近纪里赤(褐)铁矿含量向上增大,可能指示气候干旱程度加剧.  相似文献   

通过对闽江和九龙江沿岸沉积物中重矿物的分析,发现重矿物组合与源区岩石具有极好的相关性。两条河流流域重矿物组合为不透明铁矿类—绿帘石—锆石—电气石—角闪石,特征矿物为绿帘石,含量高达原生透明重矿物比重的70%,其成因除与高级变质岩有关外,还与中酸性岩浆岩及其与围岩接触蚀变发生的绿帘石化有关。从重矿物组合、重矿物特征指数以及与锆石年龄谱系的比对分析发现,闽江流域重矿物源自闽西北武夷山前寒武纪的变质岩、闽东广泛出露的燕山期岩浆岩和接触变质岩,而九龙江流域重矿物源自闽西南的印支—燕山期花岗岩。闽江上游沉积物重矿物以源自高级变质岩的重矿物为特征,中下游由上游来源的重矿物和下游酸性岩浆岩及接触变质岩形成的重矿物共同构成;九龙江以印支—燕山期花岗岩中的副矿物组合为特征。研究结果显示,对于中小流域面积的河流,由于搬运距离有限,重矿物组合保存的源岩信息量大,可作为研究流域内构造演化和源汇对比的重要手段。  相似文献   

Surface geophysics and a priori information were employed to delineate the subsurface geology at Idi-oro in Abijo, Ibeju Lekki area of Lagos, Nigeria for foundation investigation purpose. Resistivity measurement was conducted using 1-D and 2-D resistivity probing techniques. The resistivity measurements were made with ABEM tetrameter model SAS 1000 system. The 1-D vertical electrical resistivity sounding data were obtained using the Schlumberger electrode array while the 2-D resistivity data were obtained using the dipole–dipole array. The interpreted results revealed three to five subsurface geological layers. This is made up of the top soil with resistivity values that vary from 132.4 to over 2,313.5 Ω?m and thickness values that range from 0.3 to 4.8 m, the fine sand with resistivity values that vary from 221.0 to 3,032.7 Ω?m and thickness values that range from 0.4 to 5.5 m, the medium sand with resistivity values that vary from 202.8 to 1,247.7 Ω?m and thickness values that range from 4.9 to 58.4 m. On the other hand, the clayey sand has the resistivity values that vary from 146.1 to 1,744.0 Ω?m and thickness values that vary from 2.2 to 26.3 m, while the coarse sand has resistivity values that vary from 238.3 to 14,313.9 Ω?m but with no thickness value because the current terminated in this layer. The resistivity data correlate well with borehole logs. On the whole, it is concluded that the investigated area has competent sand layer that can support medium to giant engineering structures with resistivity values that vary from 202 to 14,314 Ω?m and thickness values that vary from 0.8 to 58.4 m.  相似文献   

A study of the distribution of lanthanide rare earths in a granodiorite from the eastern Peninsular Ranges batholith, southern California, reveals that a large fraction of the REE in this rock resides in the accessory phases sphene and allanite. The minerals plagioclase, alkali feldspar, biotite, epidote and apatite each contribute approximately 1% or less of each REE to the whole rock, with the exception of Eu for which plagioclase contributes 7%. Sphene and allanite together contain 80% to 95% of each REE. Each of these phases is zoned in REE concentration with substantial decreases from core to margin. Textural observations argue for relatively early saturation and precipitation of sphene and allanite in the magma. REE zoning trends in sphene and allanite, and unexpectedly low REE concentrations in largely later crystallizing minerals such as feldspar, indicate that the precipitation of sphene and allanite significantly reduced REE concentrations in residual melts. These results illustrate the potential that sphene and allanite have for controlling the behavior of REE in granitic magmas.Available information collectively suggest that the sampled granodiorite existed as a complete melt, that the REE contained in the assemblage of phases were derived by direct crystallization from the melt, and that the melt behaved essentially as a closed system once crystallization of the phases now present began. Close correspondences between the major and trace element chemistries of the granodiorite and phenocryst-poor lavas from similar tectonic settings support these conclusions. The REE pattern of the granodiorite melt appears to have originated at depth and is characteristic of its source regions and derivation mechanism. The high liquidus temperature of a granodiorite melt (~ 1000°C) indicates the importance of mantle-derived components within the sources of batholithic magmas in the Peninsular Ranges.  相似文献   

砂岩地球化学特征对物质来源、古气候和沉积环境具有十分重要的示踪和指示作用。通过分析砂岩的微量元素和稀土元素含量的变化,研究了囊谦盆地沉积环境、古气候及物源特征。结果表明:囊谦古近纪盆地的古环境为气候干旱炎热、氧化环境;微量元素中的深源元素低于地壳粘土岩中的平均值,说明物源为陆源物质,而陆源元素则与地壳粘土岩中的平均值相当,反映沉积速度快;砂岩的REE北美页岩和球粒陨石标准化配分模式表现出轻稀土元素富集、重稀土元素亏损但变化平缓,反映典型的沉积成因特征;Th/Sc、Th/U、La/Th元素比值和La/Sc-Co/Th、Th-Hf-Co、La/Yb-∑REE以及砂岩函数判别图解显示囊谦古近纪盆地碎屑岩物源具有多样性,主要来自于上地壳长英质源区,源岩可能为沉积岩、酸性火山岩和拉斑玄武岩的混合。  相似文献   

The thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) sensitivities of quartz grains from deserts and loess–red clay sequences are used to trace eolian provenances in northern China. Our results indicate that the 110°C TL peak and OSL sensitivities of quartz grains show differences among Chinese deserts, which can be subdivided into four groups according to the spatial variations of luminescence sensitivities. Such differences are related mostly to the regional difference in rock types of mountains surrounding or adjacent to the deserts. We also examine the possible provenance changes between the Quaternary loess and the Tertiary eolian red clay, and the results indicate that the luminescence sensitivity of Tertiary red clay is higher than that of Quaternary loess (L1, L15, and L33), implying source materials of the eolian deposits changed relative to those of the Quaternary.  相似文献   

The great Indian Ocean earthquake of December 26, 2004 caused significant vertical changes in its rupture zone. About 800 km of the rupture is along the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which forms the outer arc ridge of the subduction zone. Coseismic deformation along the exposed land could be observed as uplift/subsidence. Here we analyze the morphological features along the coast of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, in an effort to reconstruct the past tectonics, taking cues from the coseismic effects. We obtained radiocarbon dates from coastal terraces of the island belt and used them to compute uplift rates, which vary from 1.33 mm yr− 1 in the Little Andaman to 2.80 mm yr− 1 in South Andaman and 2.45 mm yr− 1 in the North Andaman. Our radiocarbon dates converge on  600 yr and  1000 yr old coastal uplifts, which we attribute to the level changes due to two major previous subduction earthquakes in the region.  相似文献   

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