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To study the development of spatial and social behavior of preschool children, micro-level spatiotemporal data were collected for the first time in both spatial and social context using a novel behavioral coding system. These unique behavioral data enable us to explore the group-level, dynamic, spatial, and social patterns of preschool children's playing behavior from a hybrid geographic and social perspective. In this research, GIS and exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) techniques are employed together to study group-level spatial and social behavior emerging from children's everyday activities and interactions. ESDA with social weights is proposed to explore spatial and social patterns of preschool children's behavior at the same time. The results highlight the utility of this approach for studying the relationships between preschool children's playing behavior and preschool's environmental settings and the relationships between preschool children's personal activities and the formation of their social network space.  相似文献   

The 2015 Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) outbreak in South Korea gave rise to chaos caused by psychological anxiety, and it has been assumed that people shared rumors about hospital lists through social media. Sharing rumors is a common form of public perception and risk communication among individuals during an outbreak. Social media analysis offers an important window into the spatiotemporal patterns of public perception and risk communication about disease outbreaks. Such processes of socially mediated risk communication are a process of meme diffusion. This article aims to investigate the role of social media meme diffusion and its spatiotemporal patterns in public perception and risk communication. To do so, we applied analytical methods including the daily number of tweets for metropolitan cities and geovisualization with the weighted mean centers. The spatiotemporal patterns shown by Twitter users' interests in specific places, triggered by real space events, demonstrate the spatial interactions among places in public perception and risk communication. Public perception and risk communication about places are relevant to both social networks and spatial proximity to where Twitter users live and are interpreted in reference to both Zipf's law and Tobler's law.  相似文献   

Pattern analysis techniques currently common within geography tend to focus either on characterizing patterns of spatial and/or temporal recurrence of a single event type (e.g., incidence of flu cases) or on comparing sequences of a limited number of event types where relationships between events are already represented in the data (e.g., movement patterns). The availability of large amounts of multivariate spatiotemporal data, however, requires new methods for pattern analysis. Here, we present a technique for finding associations among many different event types where the associations among these varying event types are not explicitly represented in the data or known in advance. This pattern discovery method, known as T-pattern analysis, was first developed within the field of psychology for the purpose of finding patterns in personal interactions. We have adapted and extended the T-pattern method to take the unique characteristics of geographic data into account and implemented it within a geovisualization toolkit for an integrated computational-geovisual environment we call STempo. To demonstrate how T-pattern analysis can be employed in geographic research for discovering patterns in complex spatiotemporal data, we describe a case study featuring events from news reports about Yemen during the Arab Spring of 2011–2012. Using supplementary data from the Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone, we briefly summarize and reference a separate validation study, then evaluate the scalability of the T-pattern approach. We conclude with ideas for further extensions of the T-pattern technique to increase its utility for spatiotemporal analysis.  相似文献   


Spatiotemporal association pattern mining can discover interesting interdependent relationships among various types of geospatial data. However, existing mining methods for spatiotemporal association patterns usually model geographic phenomena as simple spatiotemporal point events. Therefore, they cannot be applied to complex geographic phenomena, which continuously change their properties, shapes or locations, such as storms and air pollution. The most salient feature of such complex geographic phenomena is the geographic dynamic. To fully reveal dynamic characteristics of complex geographic phenomena and discover their associated factors, this research proposes a novel complex event-based spatiotemporal association pattern mining framework. First, a complex geographic event was hierarchically modeled and represented by a new data structure named directed spatiotemporal routes. Then, sequence mining technique was applied to discover the spatiotemporal spread pattern of the complex geographic events. An adaptive spatiotemporal episode pattern mining algorithm was proposed to discover the candidate driving factors for the occurrence of complex geographic events. Finally, the proposed approach was evaluated by analyzing the air pollution in the region of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. The experimental results showed that the proposed approach can well address the geographic dynamic of complex geographic phenomena, such as the spatial spreading pattern and spatiotemporal interaction with candidate driving factors.  相似文献   

杜云艳  易嘉伟  薛存金  千家乐  裴韬 《地理学报》2021,76(11):2853-2866
地理事件作为描述地理过程的基本单元,逐渐成为地理信息科学(GIS)核心研究内容。由于受人类活动数据获取限制,GIS对地理事件的建模和分析主要关注事件所引起的地理空间要素变化及要素之间的相互影响与作用机制。然而,近年来随着基于位置服务数据(LBS)爆炸式的增长和人类活动大数据定量刻画手段的快速发展,地理事件对人类活动的影响以及公众对地理事件的网络参与度都引起了多个领域的广泛关注,对地理事件的时空认知、建模方法和分析框架提出了巨大的挑战。对此,本文首先深入分析了大数据时代地理事件的概念与分类体系;其次,基于地理事件的时空语义给出了基于图模型的事件数据建模,建立了事件本体及其次生或级联事件的“节点—边”表达结构,开展了事件自身时空演化及其前“因”后“果”的形式化描述;第三,从时空数据分析与挖掘的角度,给出了大数据时代地理事件建模与分析的整体框架,拟突破传统“地理实体空间”事件探测与分析方法的局限性,融合“虚拟空间”事件发现与传播模拟思路,实现多源地理大数据支撑下的面向地理事件的人类活动多尺度时空响应与区域差异分析;最后,本文以城市暴雨事件为例诠释了本文所提出的地理事件建模与分析方法,从城市和城市内部两个尺度进行了暴雨事件与人类活动的一致性响应及区域差异分析,得到了明确的结论,验证了前文分析框架的可行性与实用性。  相似文献   

The appearance and disappearance of immovable points are important spatiotemporal events in geographical information science. They represent phenomena such as the birth and death of trees in forests, construction and destruction of buildings in cities and openings and closures of shops and restaurants. This paper proposes a new method for analyzing the appearance and disappearance of points. The method helps analysts capture the overall picture and regional variation of event pattern and detecting significant local patterns. Four measures are defined that indicate the intensity of spatial and temporal patterns of events. The measures are visualized as grid maps. A statistical test is used to evaluate the significance of the measures to extract the regions of significant patterns. The proposed method is applied in an analysis of shops and restaurants in Shibuya, Tokyo. Technical soundness of the method is discussed along with empirical findings.  相似文献   

In recent years, social media emerged as a potential resource to improve the management of crisis situations such as disasters triggered by natural hazards. Although there is a growing research body concerned with the analysis of the usage of social media during disasters, most previous work has concentrated on using social media as a stand-alone information source, whereas its combination with other information sources holds a still underexplored potential. This article presents an approach to enhance the identification of relevant messages from social media that relies upon the relations between georeferenced social media messages as Volunteered Geographic Information and geographic features of flood phenomena as derived from authoritative data (sensor data, hydrological data and digital elevation models). We apply this approach to examine the micro-blogging text messages of the Twitter platform (tweets) produced during the River Elbe Flood of June 2013 in Germany. This is performed by means of a statistical analysis aimed at identifying general spatial patterns in the occurrence of flood-related tweets that may be associated with proximity to and severity of flood events. The results show that messages near (up to 10 km) to severely flooded areas have a much higher probability of being related to floods. In this manner, we conclude that the geographic approach proposed here provides a reliable quantitative indicator of the usefulness of messages from social media by leveraging the existing knowledge about natural hazards such as floods, thus being valuable for disaster management in both crisis response and preventive monitoring.  相似文献   

Cyberbullying is an emerging social issue along with the prevalence of social media. Previous studies have used extensive surveys or firsthand data primarily from conventional social networks11 Social media whose users primarily use their real name and provide identifiable information, although some might use pseudonyms (e.g., Facebook and Twitter).View all notes (e.g., Twitter) to study cyberbullying, which often ignores the factor of anonymity and location. Considering the sensitive nature and contagious effect of cyberbullying, a better understanding of the spatiotemporal pattern in cyberbullying is sorely needed to develop effective policies to combat this toxic social behavior. Grounded in the dramaturgy theory and the emerging literature on technoself, this study aims to compare cyberbullying in the anonymous social media (Yik Yak) with the conventional social media (Twitter) and explore its spatiotemporal patterns. A support vector machine is used to help identify records with bullying content. Average nearest neighbor, kernel density, and Ripley's K-function are used to explore the spatiotemporal patterns of cyberbullying behavior. We have found that cyberbullying is more likely to occur in anonymous than conventional social media. We also detected a clustering pattern corresponding to the student population, which can be explained by the dramaturgy theory and recent studies on technoself. In addition to making suggestions to help reduce cyberbullying in the future, this article also sheds light on the need for future studies.  相似文献   

社区生活圈的新时间地理学研究框架   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
柴彦威  李春江  张艳 《地理科学进展》2020,39(12):1961-1971
社区生活圈从居民日常活动及行为视角考察城市社区,是城市地理学和城市相关学科的研究前沿,也是中国国土空间规划体系创新的重要组成部分,以及中国城市社会可持续发展的重要抓手。伴随着流动性和信息化的不断深入,社区生活圈的主体日益多元化、社区活动和居民时空行为日益多样化、社区空间的功能与意义日益丰富化,亟需城市地理学的研究创新与实践引导。时间地理学是理解人与环境关系的社会—技术—生态综合方法,为早期基于时空行为与生活空间的社区生活圈研究提供了重要基础。新时间地理学重视家庭及其他组织企划的交互与时空组合,可为社区生活圈内个体—家庭—社区之间的复杂互动关系研究、时空行为的社会文化制约与多情境分析及模拟提供重要支撑。论文基于新时间地理学方法,从理论、方法和实证3个维度提出社区生活圈的新时间地理学研究框架,具体包括构建社区生活圈的时空行为理论,揭示社区生活圈的时空间结构;创新社区生活圈的时空行为分析和模拟方法;从社区生活圈时空行为优化、社区交往生活圈、社区安全生活圈等方面创新中国城市规划与管理等研究内容。  相似文献   


Individual activity patterns are influenced by a wide variety of factors. The more important ones include socioeconomic status (SES) and urban spatial structure. While most previous studies relied heavily on the expensive travel-diary type data, the feasibility of using social media data to support activity pattern analysis has not been evaluated. Despite the various appealing aspects of social media data, including low acquisition cost and relatively wide geographical and international coverage, these data also have many limitations, including the lack of background information of users, such as home locations and SES. A major objective of this study is to explore the extent that Twitter data can be used to support activity pattern analysis. We introduce an approach to determine users’ home and work locations in order to examine the activity patterns of individuals. To infer the SES of individuals, we incorporate the American Community Survey (ACS) data. Using Twitter data for Washington, DC, we analyzed the activity patterns of Twitter users with different SESs. The study clearly demonstrates that while SES is highly important, the urban spatial structure, particularly where jobs are mainly found and the geographical layout of the region, plays a critical role in affecting the variation in activity patterns between users from different communities.  相似文献   

Viral maps—ones that are shared widely on social media and media outlets—have become an increasingly common part of online conversations about a range of issues. Despite the increasing prevalence of these viral maps, only a few academic researchers have examined the factors leading to their popularity or their social use and effect. In this article, we analyze two case studies of viral maps, a viral tweet about the August 2017 total eclipse and an interactive tool for exploring educational attainment by neighborhood in the United States. By reflecting on our experience as authors of these maps and analyzing the reactions they elicited, we identify several key elements of these maps and their circulation. First, viral maps act as a form of phatic communication, allowing users to restate and react to shared social identities. Second, maps are read from specific times and places, and this spatiotemporal context significantly shapes the reactions of map readers. Finally, viral maps illustrate gaps or improvements in trust between mapmakers and map readers, including questions about map accuracy or the intentions behind the map. We close by considering implications for future research and viral cartography. Key Words: online maps, social networks, viral cartography.  相似文献   

Probability maps of landslide reactivation are presented for the Pra Bellon landslide located in the southern French Alps based on results obtained with dendrogeomorphic analysis. Spatiotemporal patterns of past landslide activity was derived from tree-ring series of 403 disturbed mountain pine trees growing in the landslide body. In total, 704 growth disturbances were identified in the samples indicating 22 reactivation phases of the landslide body between 1910 and 2011. The mean return period was 4.5 years. Given the spatiotemporal completeness of the reconstruction, probabilities of landslide reactivation were computed and illustrated using a Poisson distribution model and for 5, 20, 50, and 100 years. Probability of landslide reactivation is highest in the central part of the landslide body and increases from 0.13 for a 5-year period to 0.94 for a 100-year period. Conversely, probabilities of reactivation are lower at its margins. The proposed method differs from conventional approaches based on statistical analyses or physical modeling that have demonstrated to have limitations in the prediction of spatiotemporal reactivation of landslides. Our approach is, in contrast, based on extensive data on past landslides and therefore allowed determination of quantitative probability maps of reactivation derived directly from the frequency of past events. This approach is considered a valuable tool for land managers in charge of protecting and forecasting people and their assets from the negative effects of landslides as well as for those responsible for land use planning and management. It demonstrates the reliability of dendrogeomorphic mapping that should be used systematically in forested shallow landslides.  相似文献   

Volunteered Geographic Information, social media, and data from Information and Communication Technology are emerging sources of big data that contribute to the development and understanding of the spatiotemporal distribution of human population. However, the inherent anonymity of these crowd-sourced or crowd-harvested data sources lack the socioeconomic and demographic attributes to examine and explain human mobility and spatiotemporal patterns. In this paper, we investigate an Internet-based demographic data source, personal microdata databases publicly accessible on the World Wide Web (hereafter web demographics), as potential sources of aspatial and spatiotemporal information regarding the landscape of human dynamics. The objectives of this paper are twofold: (1) to develop an analytical framework to identify mobile population from web demographics as an individual-level residential history data, and (2) to explore their geographic and demographic patterns of migration. Using web demographics of Vietnamese–Americans in Texas collected in 2010 as a case study, this paper (1) addresses entity resolution and identifies mobile population through the application of a Cost-Sensitive Alternative Decision Tree (CS-ADT) algorithm, (2) investigates migration pathways and clusters to include both short- and long-distance patterns, and (3) analyze the demographic characteristics of mobile population and the functional relationship with travel distance. By linking the physical space at the individual level, this unique methodology attempts to enhance the understanding of human movement at multiple spatial scales.  相似文献   

Debris flows are a major threat in many parts of the Alps, where they repeatedly cause severe damage to infrastructure and transportation corridors or even loss of life. Nonetheless, the spatial behavior of past debris-flow activity and the analysis of areas affected during particular events have been widely neglected in reconstructions so far. It was therefore the purpose of this study to reconstruct spatio-temporal patterns of past debris flows on a forested cone in the Swiss Alps (Bruchji torrent, Blatten, Valais). The analysis of past events was based on a detailed geomorphic map (1:1000) of all forms related to debris flows as well as on tree-ring series from 401 heavily affected trees (Larix decidua Mill. and Picea abies (L.) Karst.) growing in or next to deposits. The samples were analyzed and growth disturbances related to debris-flow activity assessed, such as tangential rows of traumatic resin ducts, the onset of reaction wood or abrupt growth suppression or release.In total, 960 growth disturbances were identified in the samples, belonging to 40 different event years between A.D. 1867 and 2005. In addition, the coupling of tree-ring data with the geomorphic map allowed reconstruction of eleven formerly active channels and spatial representation of individual events. Based on our results we believe that before 1935, debris flows preferentially used those channels located in the western part of the cone, whereas the eastern part of the cone remained widely unaffected. The spatial representation of the 40 events also allowed identification of five different spatial patterns for debris flows at the study site.  相似文献   


An increasing number of social media users are becoming used to disseminate activities through geotagged posts. The massive available geotagged posts enable collections of users’ footprints over time and offer effective opportunities for mobility prediction. Using geotagged posts for spatio-temporal prediction of future location, however, is challenging. Previous studies either focus on next-place prediction or rely on dense data sources such as GPS data. Introduced in this article is a novel method for future location prediction of individuals based on geotagged social media data. This method employs the hierarchical density-based clustering algorithm with adaptive parameter selection to identify the regions frequently visited by a social media user. A multi-feature weighted Bayesian model is then developed to forecast users’ spatio-temporal locations by combining multiple factors affecting human mobility patterns. Further, an updating strategy is designed to efficiently adjust, over time, the proposed model to the dynamics in users’ mobility patterns. Based on two real-life datasets, the proposed approach outperforms a state-of-the-art method in prediction accuracy by up to 5.34% and 3.30%. Tests show prediction reliability is high with quality predictions, but low in the identification of erroneous locations.  相似文献   

Spatial sciences are confronted with increasing amounts of high-dimensional data. These data commonly exhibit spatial and temporal dimensions. To explore, extract, and generalize inherent patterns in large spatiotemporal data sets, clustering algorithms are indispensable. These clustering algorithms must account for the distinct special properties of space and time to outline meaningful clusters in such data sets. Therefore, this research develops a hierarchical method based on self-organizing maps. The hierarchical architecture permits independent modeling of spatial and temporal dependence. To exemplify the utility of the method, this research uses an artificial data set and a socio-economic data set of the Ostregion, Austria, from the years 1961 to 2001. The results for the artificial data set demonstrate that the proposed method produces meaningful clusters that cannot be achieved when disregarding differences in spatial and temporal dependence. The results for the socio-economic data set show that the proposed method is an effective and powerful tool for analyzing spatiotemporal patterns in a regional context.  相似文献   

We examined three different ways to integrate spatial and temporal data in kernel density estimation methods (KDE) to identify space–time clusters of geographic events. Spatial data and time data are typically measured in different units along respective dimensions. Therefore, spatial KDE methods require special extensions when incorporating temporal data to detect spatiotemporal clusters of geographical event. In addition to a real-world data set, we applied the proposed methods to simulated data that were generated through random and normal processes to compare results of different kernel functions. The comparison is based on hit rates and values of a compactness index with considerations of both spatial and temporal attributes of the data. The results show that the spatiotemporal KDE (STKDE) can reach higher hit rates while keeping identified hotspots compact. The implementation of these STKDE methods is tested using the 2012 crime event data in Akron, Ohio, as an example. The results show that STKDE methods reveal new perspectives from the data that go beyond what can be extracted by using the conventional spatial KDE.  相似文献   

基于微博数据的北京市热点区域意象感知   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
谢永俊  彭霞  黄舟  刘瑜 《地理科学进展》2017,36(9):1099-1110
“城市意象”研究对城市文化感知、城市管理与规划、旅游资源开发等具有重要意义。近年来,随着智能移动终端和社交媒体的普及,产生了大量城市内包含有文本和地理位置等信息的社交媒体数据,涉及城市的各个区域,为开展城市意象的综合感知研究提供了新的途径。本文以2016年北京市带位置签到的新浪微博数据为例,在空间聚类发现热点区域的基础上,采用词频—逆文件频率(TF-IDF)与文档主题生成模型LDA两类典型的文本分析的方法,挖掘城市不同热点区域的主题,以感知北京市不同热点区域的社会文化功能和人群行为,并在此基础上通过对热点区域高频主题词进行共词聚类分析,深度挖掘北京市的总体意象。研究表明,运用文本挖掘及地理大数据分析的城市意象研究方法,能及时感知人群在城市不同场所的活动、态度、偏好,从而揭示城市的社会文化及功能特征,是对刻画城市物质形态的城市意象五要素模型的重要补充。此外,以北京市热点区域为例的实证研究结果对现实中的城市特色传承与空间品质塑造等有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

Location-based social media provide an enormous stream of data about humans' life and behavior. With geospatial methods, those data can offer rich insights into public health. In this research, we study the effect of climate and seasonality on the prevalence of depression in Twitter users in the U.S. Text mining and geospatial methods are used to detect tweets related to depression and their spatiotemporal patterns at the scale of Metropolitan Statistical Area. We find the relationship between depression rates, climate risk factors and seasonality are varied and geographically localized. The same climate measure may have opposite association with depression rates at different places. Relative humidity, temperature, sea level pressure, precipitation, snowfall, weed speed, globe solar radiation, and length of day all contribute to the geographic variations of depression rates. A conceptual compact map is designed to visualize scattered geographic phenomena in a large area. We also propose a three-stage framework that semi-automatically detects and analyzes geographically distributed health issues using location-based social media data.  相似文献   

Spatial data can be represented at different scales, and this leads to the issue of multi-scale spatial representation. Multi-scale spatial representation has been widely applied to online mapping products (e.g., Google Maps and Yahoo Maps). However, in most current products, multi-scale representation can only be achieved through a series of maps at fixed scales, resulting in a discontinuity (i.e., with jumps) in the transformation between scales and a mismatch between the available scales and users' desired scales. Therefore, it is very desirable to achieve smoothly continuous multi-scale spatial representations. This article describes an integrated approach to build a hierarchical structure of a road network for continuous multi-scale representation purposes, especially continuous selective omission of roads in a network. In this hierarchical structure, the linear and areal hierarchies are constructed, respectively, using two existing approaches for the linear and areal patterns in a road network. Continuous multi-scale representation of a road network can be achieved by searching in these hierarchies. This approach is validated by applying it to two study areas, and the results are evaluated by both quantitative analysis with two measures (i.e., similarity and average connectivity) and visual inspection. Experimental results show that this integrated approach performs better than existing approaches, especially in terms of preservation of connectivity and patterns of a road network. With this approach, efficient and continuous multi-scale selective omission of road networks becomes feasible.  相似文献   

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