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There has been a resurgence of interest in time geography studies due to emerging spatiotemporal big data in urban environments. However, the rapid increase in the volume, diversity, and intensity of spatiotemporal data poses a significant challenge with respect to the representation and computation of time geographic entities and relations in road networks. To address this challenge, a spatiotemporal data model is proposed in this article. The proposed spatiotemporal data model is based on a compressed linear reference (CLR) technique to transform network time geographic entities in three-dimensional (3D) (x, y, t) space to two-dimensional (2D) CLR space. Using the proposed spatiotemporal data model, network time geographic entities can be stored and managed in classical spatial databases. Efficient spatial operations and index structures can be directly utilized to implement spatiotemporal operations and queries for network time geographic entities in CLR space. To validate the proposed spatiotemporal data model, a prototype system is developed using existing 2D GIS techniques. A case study is performed using large-scale datasets of space-time paths and prisms. The case study indicates that the proposed spatiotemporal data model is effective and efficient for storing, managing, and querying large-scale datasets of network time geographic entities.  相似文献   


This is the first of two papers elaborating a framework for embedding urban models within GIS. This framework is based upon using the display capabilities of GIS as the user interface to the conventional modelling process, beginning with data selection and analysis, moving to model specification and calibration, and thence to prediction. In this paper, we outline how various stages in this process based on purpose-built software outside the system, are accessed and operated through the GIS. We first deal with display based on thematic maps, surfaces, graphs and linked windows, standard to any data from whatever source, be it observations, model estimates or predictions. We then describe how various datasets are selected, how the spatial system can be partitioned or aggregated, and how rudimentary exploratory spatial data analysis enables scatterplots to be associated with thematic maps. We illustrate all these functions and operations using the proprietary GIS ARC-INFO applied to population data at the tract level in the Buffalo region. In the second part of the paper, various residential location models are outlined and the full modelling framework is assembled and demonstrated.  相似文献   

A Pedagogic Framework to Link GIS to the Intellectual Core of Geography   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):578-591

This paper aims to develop a new pedagogic framework for teaching GIS at the college and university level using Berry's geographic matrix. By synthesizing different schools of thought, this paper argues that GIS education essentially involves two aspects—how to teach about GIS and how to teach with GIS. Berry's geographic matrix can be used to tie these dual aspects of GIS education together neatly. As an abstract representation of geographical phenomena, the geographic matrix embeds all three entities of GIS—location, attribute, time—and thus can help GIS instructors teach about GIS. As a synthesis of geographical approaches, the geographic matrix can assist GIS instructors teach with GIS. This paper demonstrates that GIS is actually an implementation of Berry's geographic matrix. Furthermore, the 10 approaches to geographical analysis, originally proposed by Berry for the geographic matrix, can be executed routinely in a GIS environment. By incorporating Berry's geographic matrix into GIS education, teachers can enable students to surpass technical issues and to appreciate the conceptual and functional linkages between GIS and geography's intellectual core.  相似文献   

“面向区域”的GIS控件的设计与使用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈正江 《地理研究》2003,22(2):227-236
本文提出了一个“面向区域”GIS控件的概念———即以特定的地理区域为对象,将基础地理信息连同有关的GIS功能操作融合为一个可重用的程序模块,以Microsoft的COM(即“组件对象模型”)技术为基础,组织为“GIS化”的ActiveX控件。这种GIS控件,将面向对象技术中的“对象”扩展到了整个特定的地理区域空间,其核心思想是不仅封装了GIS的数据模型,必要的功能操作,而且封装了所有的基础地理信息。由于省去了对空间数据的处理,因而这种GIS控件可被广大非GIS专业的信息系统开发者灵活、简便地用于各种管理信息系统、办公自动化系统和决策支持系统的GIS功能扩充,也可用于构建一般的地理信息系统,因而有利于GIS技术应用的普及。文章最后给出了有关陕西省的应用实例  相似文献   

It has been recently recognized that fuzzy set theory provides useful concepts and tools for both the representation and analysis of the uncertainty related to geographical data. Hence the incorporation of fuzzy set methodologies into a DBMS repository for the application domain of GIS should be beneficial and will improve its level of intelligence. Focusing in this area the paper addresses both a representation and a reasoning issue. Specifically, it extends a general spatial data model to deal with the uncertainty of geographical entities, and shows how the standard data interpretation operations available in GIS packages may be extended to support the fuzzy spatial reasoning. Representative geographical operations, suchas the fuzzy overlay, fuzzy distance and fuzzy select, are examined, while several real world examples are given.  相似文献   

While current Geographic Information Systems (GISs) can represent observational spatial data well, they have limited capabilities in representing some non‐observational social elements and goal‐driven behaviours that can be important factors in a wide range of geographic issues. Such social components may include laws, regulations, polices, plans, culture, and customs, as well as their relations and interactions with the geographic environment at different scales. Getting beyond traditional data‐centred approaches, this research presents a knowledge‐oriented strategy in order to address these issues within a GIS context. We incorporate two major conceptual elements. First, extending from conventional agent notions and their geographic applications, geographic agents (GeoAgents) are considered as a basic representation component to specifically address social rules and goal‐driven behaviours that impact the Earth and environmental systems. Second, in order to incorporate GeoAgents with current space–time representation, a new conceptual representation framework, called ‘fields, objects, time, GeoAgents, and relations’ (FOTAR), is introduced to address the cross‐scale processes of both social and natural interactions. A Java‐based prototype, GeoAgent‐based Knowledge System (GeoAgentKS), is described to implement this framework by integrating agent technologies with multiple data and knowledge representation techniques, such as expert systems, concept maps, mathematical models, and geospatial databases. The application of this prototype in a case study is also presented, investigating scale‐dependent human–environment interactions under different emergency situations for community water systems in Central Pennsylvania, USA. In this case study, a systematic set of methodologies of knowledge acquisition, representation, and confirmation for constructing GeoAgents' knowledge bases by using expert systems were explored to formalize high‐level knowledge and social behaviours in the FOTAR‐based representations. The results show that the proposed conceptual representation framework is achievable at both implementation and application levels, and the prototype tool is demonstrated to be valuable in facilitating knowledge sharing, policymaking, municipal management, and decision‐making, especially for real‐world emergency management.  相似文献   

A common concern when working with health‐related data is that national standard guidelines are designed to preserve individual statistical information, usually recorded as text or in a spreadsheet format (‘statistical confidentiality’), but lack appropriate rules for visualizing this information on maps (‘spatial confidentiality’). Privacy rules to protect spatial confidentiality become more and more important, as governmental agencies increasingly incorporate Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a tool for collecting, storing, analysing, and disseminating spatial information. The purpose of this paper is to propose the first step of a general framework for presenting the location of confidential point data on maps using empirical perceptual research. The overall objective is to identify geographic masking methods that preserve both the confidentiality of individual locations, and at the same time the essential visual characteristics of the original point pattern.  相似文献   

一种针对海洋GIS应用的建模方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高海洋GIS分析效率,使系统分析模型更简洁、更具领域特性,在分析相关针对GIS建模研究的基础上,利用UML的扩展机制,定义针对海洋GIS的面向对象建模语言UML-M。描述UML-M的元模型,研究基于UML-M的空间对象和空间关系的模型表现方法,包括简单空间对象、覆盖对象、复杂空间对象、时空对象等。实例分析表明,UML-M可以很好地应用在海洋GIS中。  相似文献   

Depression is a common chronic disorder. It often goes undetected due to limited diagnosis methods and brings serious results to public and personal health. Former research detected geographic pattern for depression using questionnaires or self-reported measures of mental health, this may induce same-source bias. Recent studies use social media for depression detection but none of them examines the geographic patterns. In this paper, we apply GIS methods to social media data to provide new perspectives for public health research. We design a procedure to automatically detect depressed users in Twitter and analyze their spatial patterns using GIS technology. This method can improve diagnosis techniques for depression. It is faster at collecting data and more promptly at analyzing and providing results. Also, this method can be expanded to detect other major events in real-time, such as disease outbreaks and earthquakes.  相似文献   

GIS research has a continuing thread devoted to classifying the operations performed by analytical software. Prior efforts to classify GIS operations have limitations and inconsistencies, often arising from an attempt to establish overly direct links between geographic procedures and arithmetical operations. The transformational view of cartography provides a more solid basis for classifying GIS operations. This paper presents a new scheme for geographical transformations based on measurement frameworks as the principal distinction. Transformations between measurement frameworks can be summarized in terms of a spatial neighbourhood and a rule to process attribute information. This scheme organizes most analytical GIS operations by their geometric and attribute assumptions.  相似文献   

GIS elemental unit representations of spatial data are often defined in terms of points, lines and areas. However, another type of spatial data that is becoming frequently captured, but as yet is largely ignored in GIS, is that of video. While digital video recording is a commonly encountered medium in modern society and encompasses many forms, from simple personal camcorders through to sophisticated survey and surveillance systems, its geographical representation in a GIS has not been fully examined or realised. In the majority of cases the video footage is usually captured while the device and/or the objects being viewed are in motion. What is of particular interest is when video streams can be, or have been, associated with spatial data such as location and orientation to create geographically referenced videographic data, which, for simplicity, will be defined as spatial video. Fundamentally, the nature of video is to record space, so when spatial properties can be accurately acquired and associated with this footage, an important geographical element can be considered for integration and analysis within a GIS.

Existing spatial video systems, both commercial and research, are predominantly used in survey or LBS roles and are usually bespoke and application specific. These systems do not model spatial video to any recognised standards that is generalised to be both data and platform independent. They do not support GIS integration and/or analysis from a purely spatial content perspective. A video-image/remote-sensing centric approach prevails where usage options range from simple visualisation interfaces to interactive computer vision systems. What has been largely overlooked is a spatial approach where the inherent geographical extent recorded in each video frame can be modelled and used in a geo-spatial analysis context. While this modelling approach has not been fully realised, it does exist in a GIS form based on Open Geospatial Consortium standards, where the spatial context of video is defined in a structure called a ViewCone. However, a ViewCone only defines a 2D model of the geographical extent of each frame and is restricted to a three-or-five sided polygon representation.

Thus, this article examines the potential of modelling spatial video through the use of elemental data types within GIS; gives some examples of using this approach; describes some problems in using spatial video within GIS; and then demonstrates how these problems are being solved. This is done in three stages: Firstly, a detailed overview of spatial video in its current GIS role is provided – this is achieved through a complete introduction to the distinct elements of spatial video followed by a review of its use in both commercial and academic application areas. Secondly, a brief theoretical overview of an alternative GIS-constrained ViewCone data structure is given that defines a more flexible spatial video model for both 2D and 3D GIS analysis and visualisation. Thirdly, a selective sample of results is presented based on an implementation of this approach being applied to a constrained spatial video data source in a specific study area.  相似文献   

The original purpose of addresses was to enable the correct and unambiguous delivery of postal mail. The advent of computers and more specifically geographic information systems (GIS) opened up a whole new range of possibilities for the use of addresses, such as routing and vehicle navigation, spatial demographic analysis, geo‐marketing, and service placement and delivery. Such functionality requires a database which can store and access spatial data effectively. In this paper we present address databases and justify the need for national address databases. We describe models used for national address databases, and present our evaluation framework for an address database at a national level within the context of a spatial data infrastructure (SDI). The models of data harvesting, federated databases and data grids are analyzed and evaluated according to our novel framework, and we show that the data grid model has some unique features that make it attractive for a national address database in an environment where centralized control and/or coordination is difficult or undesirable.  相似文献   

A most fundamental and far-reaching trait of geographic information is the distinction between extensive and intensive properties. In common understanding, originating in Physics and Chemistry, extensive properties increase with the size of their supporting objects, while intensive properties are independent of this size. It has long been recognized that the decision whether analytical and cartographic measures can be meaningfully applied depends on whether an attribute is considered intensive or extensive. For example, the choice of a map type as well as the application of basic geocomputational operations, such as spatial intersections, aggregations or algebraic operations such as sums and weighted averages, strongly depend on this semantic distinction. So far, however, the distinction can only be drawn in the head of an analyst. We still lack practical ways of automation for composing GIS workflows and to scale up mapping and geocomputation over many data sources, e.g. in statistical portals. In this article, we test a machine-learning model that is capable of labeling extensive/intensive region attributes with high accuracy based on simple characteristics extractable from geodata files. Furthermore, we propose an ontology pattern that captures central applicability constraints for automating data conversion and mapping using Semantic Web technology.  相似文献   


A neglected aspect of facility location problems is the geometric representation of the facilities sited and clients served. Point objects represent these entities in most facility location problems. This can cause solution error and limit the range of potential solutions. The increasing capabilities of geographical information systems (GIS) to represent, store and manipulate spatial entities provides a substantial but unrealized potential for more sophisticated geometric representation in facility location problems. This paper provides a framework for realizing this potential. Specifically, this paper: (i) synthesizes existing formulations; (ii) develops a unified mathematical framework; (iii) identifies feasible computational strategies that can be implemented within a GIS framework, and; (iv) discusses potential GIS-based solution algorithms.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于GIS的地理元胞自动机模型框架:SimUrban,用于城市发展和演化的模拟与预测。该框架基于面向对象技术,在GIS环境下利用VS.NET开发而成,可以集成遥感和GIS数据以及新的转换规则和地理CA模型,从而模拟城市演化并进行精度评定。以上海市嘉定区为例,在SimUrban环境下利用基于主成分分析(PCA)的地理CA模型模拟了该区域1989-2006年城市发展和演化过程。  相似文献   

The availability of continental and global-scale spatio-temporal geographical data sets and the requirement to efficiently process, analyse and manage them led to the development of the temporally enabled Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS GIS). We present the temporal framework that extends GRASS GIS with spatio-temporal capabilities. The framework provides comprehensive functionality to implement a full-featured temporal geographic information system (GIS) based on a combined field and object-based approach. A significantly improved snapshot approach is used to manage spatial fields of raster, three-dimensional raster and vector type in time. The resulting timestamped spatial fields are organised in spatio-temporal fields referred to as space-time data sets. Both types of fields are handled as objects in our framework. The spatio-temporal extent of the objects and related metadata is stored in relational databases, thus providing additional functionalities to perform SQL-based analysis. We present our combined field and object-based approach in detail and show the management, analysis and processing of spatio-temporal data sets with complex spatio-temporal topologies. A key feature is the hierarchical processing of spatio-temporal data ranging from topological analysis of spatio-temporal fields over boolean operations on spatio-temporal extents, to single pixel, voxel and vector feature access. The linear scalability of our approach is demonstrated by handling up to 1,000,000 raster layers in a single space-time data set. We provide several code examples to show the capabilities of the GRASS GIS Temporal Framework and present the spatio-temporal intersection of trajectory data which demonstrates the object-based ability of our framework.  相似文献   

As coastlines face increased development pressure, it is important to have the best available spatial information on coastal activities, including commercial fishing. This article describes the creation of a fine-scale spatial representation of lobster fishing activity along the Maine coast of the United States using a combination of participatory geographic information systems (GIS) and dasymetric mapping methods. These methods are employed here to support data collection from a large number of active lobster harvesters while maintaining individual privacy. The resulting representation of the fishery is designed as a planning tool for identifying potential interactions between marine resources and human activities.  相似文献   

多源空间数据无缝集成研究   总被引:72,自引:2,他引:70  
随着地理信息系统的社会化发展 ,空间数据共享成为一种必然要求 ,然而要真正实现空间数据共享 ,多格式空间数据集成是一个亟待解决的问题。多源空间数据无缝集成( SIMS)技术实现了一种特殊的数据访问机制 ,不仅提供了直接存取多种数据格式的能力 ,而且使 GIS软件具有跨数据源复合分析功能 ,是实现空间数据共享的有效的技术基础。本文阐述了 SIMS技术体系结构 ,并探讨了 SIMS技术在 GIS软件开发中的应用。  相似文献   

Great strides have been made in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) research over the past half-century. However, this progress has created both opportunities and challenges. From a geographic perspective, certain challenges remain, including the modelling of geographic-featured environments with GIS data model, the enhancement of GIS’s analysis functions for comprehensive geographic analysis and achieving human-oriented geographic information presentation. Several basic theoretical and technical ideas that follow the workflow and processes of geographic information induction, geographic scenario modelling, geographic process analysis and geographic environment representation are proposed to fill the gaps between GIS and geography. We also call for designing methods for big geographic data-oriented analysis, making best use of videos and developing virtual geographic scenario-based GIS for further evolution.  相似文献   

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