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通过研究邢束地区的地温场、大地热流和其它地球物理资料,对该区的地温场分布、深部结构及其相互关系有了较深入的认识。研究证实:该区地温场具有明显的横向不均匀性,并与地壳上地幔结构有较清楚的对应关系。地温场的分布与构造的关系表明,凸起区与凹陷区相比,前者具有较高的热流值和较大的地温梯度。对该区地震分布与地温场的关系分析以及热应力的数学模拟结果说明,热应力在地震发生过程中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Petrological models of the oceanic lithosphere are tested to satisfy geophysical and geochemical constraints within the framework of plate tectonics. Quartz eclogite, olivine eclogite, peridotite and dunite are considered as the material of the lithosphere. The temperature at the base of the lithosphere is assumed to be the solidus temperature. This temperature, the thermal conductivity, and the heat flow and topography changes with age are used as the geophysical constraints. The compressional wave velocity-depth profile is used to select preferred models. Among geophysically successful models, high-temperature models are preferred to wet low-temperature models, because the low-temperature models have difficulties in explaining the mechanism of generation of oceanic basalt magmas. A preferred model is a two-layer model 70 km thick consisting of peridotite at the upper lithosphere and olivine eclogite at the lower lithosphere bounded at the base by the dry solidus.  相似文献   

The detailed structure of the Earths interior is a major field of geophysics study and the existence and the properties of mantle discontinuities are its important content. Since the lateral heterogeneity was discovered with the seismic tomography method,…  相似文献   

Erduran  M.  Oreshin  S.  Vinnik  L.  Çakır  Ö.  Makeyeva  L. 《Journal of Seismology》2022,26(2):265-281
Journal of Seismology - By using P and S wave receiver functions and P and S wave travel time residuals, we have found velocity models for 16 seismograph stations in Eastern Anatolia. Our study is...  相似文献   

We present new one-dimensional SH-wave velocity models of the upper mantle beneath the Kalahari craton in southern Africa obtained from waveform inversion of regional seismograms from an Mw = 5.9 earthquake located near Lake Tanganyika recorded on broadband seismic stations deployed during the 1997–1999 Southern African Seismic Experiment. The velocity in the lithosphere beneath the Kalahari craton is similar to that of other shields, and there is little evidence for a significant low velocity zone beneath the lithosphere. The lower part of the lithosphere, from 110 to 220 km depth, is slightly slower than beneath other shields, possibly due to higher temperatures or a decrease in Mg number (Mg#). If the slower velocities are caused by a thermal anomaly, then slightly less than half of the unusually high elevation of the Kalahari craton can be explained by shallow buoyancy from a hot lithosphere. However, a decrease in the Mg# of the lower lithosphere would increase the density and counteract the buoyancy effect of the higher temperatures. We obtain a thickness of 250 ± 30 km for the mantle transition zone, which is similar to the global average, but the velocity gradient between the 410 and 660 km discontinuities is less steep than in global models, such as PREM and IASP91. We also obtain velocity jumps of between 0.16 ± 0.1 and 0.21 ± 0.1 km/s across the 410 km discontinuity. Our results suggest that there may be a thermal or chemical anomaly in the mantle transition zone, or alternatively that the shear wave velocity structure of the transition zone in global reference models needs to be refined. Overall, our seismic models provide little support for an upper mantle source of buoyancy for the unusually high elevation of the Kalahari craton, and hence the southern African portion of the African Superswell.  相似文献   

青藏高原因其复杂的结构和演化历史,一直都是研究大陆碰撞、构造运动及其动力学的热点区域。本文采用三重震相波形拟合技术,基于中国地震观测台网和大型流动台阵记录到的某地震P波垂向记录,获得了包括拉萨、南羌塘和松潘甘孜地块在内的青藏高原上地幔P波速度结构。结果表明:①拉萨和南羌塘地块下方地幔过渡带存在高速异常,推测是俯冲的印度板片滞留体,过渡带底部的板片残余温度较低,使得660-km相变滞后约3~8km。而松潘甘孜地块下方过渡带同样存在高速异常,可能是欧亚岩石圈发生拆沉进入地幔过渡带所致。这说明印度板块俯冲作用的影响已经到达地幔过渡带,其俯冲前缘位于班公怒江缝合带附近。②从拉萨、南羌塘到松潘甘孜地块,200km之上的地幔岩石圈高速盖层速度由南向北逐渐减小,松潘甘孜地块则出现盖层缺失。推测受小规模地幔对流或者热不稳定性的影响,在南羌塘和松潘甘孜地块,增厚的欧亚岩石圈发生拆沉作用,岩石圈被减薄和弱化,造成羌塘地块上地幔低速和松潘甘孜地块上地幔高速盖层缺失。拆沉的冷的欧亚岩石圈可能部分停留在410-km上方,使得410-km抬升约10km,部分沉入地幔过渡带,表现为松潘甘孜地块地幔过渡带中存在高速异常。低温造成660-km下沉约8km,导致地幔过渡带增厚。  相似文献   

用接收函数叠加技术研究滇西上地幔间断面埋深   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对台站下方的径向接收函数进行分析和对比的基础上,通过基于动校正的接收函数叠加方法,利用云南数字地震台网记录的保山、畹町、沧源和腾冲4个台站的三分量宽频数据,计算出了各台站下方的SV分量接收函数.结果表明,在保山、畹町和沧源台下方清楚地显示出了深度700 km处的间断面,较全球平均660 km要深.另外,在深度290~500 km之间可能还存在多个间断面;腾冲台下方700 km处的间断面不太清楚,而且上地幔间断面仅为210 km深,较其它三个台要浅.  相似文献   

杨峰 《地震》2020,40(4):33-48
选取黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古区域地震台网,以及NECESSArray流动台阵记录的223个远震事件的波形资料,采用多道互相关方法得到了22569个P波相对走时数据,并计算了相应的走时灵敏度核,应用有限频率层析成像反演得到中国东北地区上地幔600 km以上的P波三维速度结构模型,利用检测板评估了反演结果的分辨率。结果表明,松辽盆地下方80~200 km的深度上呈主体的低速异常,与这一地区上地幔浅部的高地温值和低密度的特征相互对应,可能暗示了部分熔融的地幔。南北重力梯度带两侧的速度结构明显不同,这一差异可以延伸到200 km以下,表明在中国东北地区南北重力梯度带有可能是一条上地幔内部结构的变化带,或是深部结构的分界线。长白山火山区下呈大范围的低速异常,并可从上地幔浅部延伸到地幔转换带中,推测此低速异常可能反映了地幔转换带内上涌的热物质,上涌的原因则主要是受到太平洋板块俯冲运动的作用。  相似文献   

上地幔过渡带的结构形态对于研究上覆岩石圈的构造环境有十分重要的意义。本文通过对横跨华北克拉通中东部的一条北西向的测线L上分布的35个宽频带台站记录的远震数据进行接收函数的计算和共转换点叠加成像,得到了测线下方上地幔过渡带的结构。成像结果表明:华北克拉通的三个陆块处于不同的构造环境,西部陆块较为稳定,中部造山带位于地幔对流较强的构造环境内,而东部陆块由于受到太平洋俯冲板块的影响,所处环境温度较低,说明中部造山带内的裂陷盆地在形成过程中,受到地幔对流作用的影响较大,而东部陆块内的新生代裂陷盆地在形成过程中,可能主要是受到右旋拉张力的作用,两者的形成主要动力或有不同。  相似文献   

SKS and PKS splitting parameters were determined in the broader Greek region using data from 45 stations of the Hellenic Unified Seismological Network and the Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, utilizing teleseismic events that occurred between 2010 and 2017. Data were processed for shear-wave splitting with the Minimum Energy Method that was considered the optimal. The results generally confirm the existence of anisotropic zonation in the Hellenic subduction system, with alternating trench-normal and trench-parallel directions. The zonation is attributed to the upper and lower olivine fabric layers that can, potentially, be present in the subduction zone. At the edges of this zone, two possible toroidal flow cases have been identified, implying the existence of tears that allow the inflow of asthenospheric material in the mantle wedge. The high number of null measurements in the KZN and XOR stations indicates a possible anisotropic transition zone between the fore-arc and back-arc areas. SKS and PKS splitting results are jointly interpreted, given that they yield similar values in most cases.  相似文献   

Crustal receiver functions have been calculated from 128 events for two three-component broadband seismomenters located on the south coast (FOMA) and in the central High Plateaux (ABPO) of Madagascar. For each station, crustal thickness and V p /V s ratio were estimated from H- κ plots. Self-consistent receiver functions from a smaller back-azimuthal range were then selected, stacked and inverted to determine shear wave velocity structure as a function of depth. These results were corroborated by guided forward modeling and by Monte Carlo error analysis. The crust is found to be thinner (39 ± 0.7 km) beneath the highland center of Madagascar compared to the coast (44 ± 1.6 km), which is the opposite of what would be expected for crustal isostasy, suggesting that present-day long wavelength topography is maintained, at least in part, dynamically. This inference of dynamic support is corroborated by shear wave splitting analyses at the same stations, which produce an overwhelming majority of null results (>96 %), as expected for vertical mantle flow or asthenospheric upwelling beneath the island. These findings suggest a sub-plate origin for dynamic support.  相似文献   

Mantle xenoliths brought up by Cenozoic volcanic rocks onto the earth‘s surface may provide direct information about the upper mantle beneath the volcanic region. This paper presents the study on mantle xenoliths collected from Haoti village, Dangchang County, Gansu Province, western China. The main purpose of the study is to gain an insight into the thermal structure and rbeology of the upper mantle beneath the region. The results show that the upper mantle of the region is composed mainly of spinel lherzolite at shallower depth (52-75km), and garnet iberzolite at greater depth (greater than 75km), instead of harzburgite and dunite as proposed by some previous studies. The upper mantle geotherm derived from the equilibrium temperatures and pressures of xenoliths from the region is lower than that of North China, and is somewhat closer to the Oceanic geotherm. The crust-mantle boundary is determined from the geotherm to be at about 52km, and the Moho seems to be the transition zone of lower crust material with spinel iberzolite. If we take 1280℃ as the temperature of the top of asthenosphere, then the fithospbere-asthenosphere boundary should be at about 120km depth. The differential stress of the upper mantle is determined by using recrystallized grain size piezometry, while the strain rate and equivalent viscosity are determined by using the high temperature flow law of peridotite. The differential stress, strain rate and viscosity profiles constructed on the basis of the obtained values indicate that asthenospberic diapir occurred in this region during the Cenozoic time, resulting in the corresponding thinning of the lithosphere. However, the scale and intensity of the diapir was significantly less than that occurring in the North China region. Moreover, numerous small-scale shear zones with localized deformation might occur in the iithospberic mantle, as evidenced by the extensive occurrence of xenoliths with tabular equigranular texture.  相似文献   

本文对国际、国内在地壳上地幔介质各向异性研究领域的发展历史及研究现状进行了简单回顾,交待了宁夏地区的构造环境,阐述了本文所采用的上地幔各向异性分析方法的原理,介绍了地壳各向异性产生的机理并选择了适当的分析方法,首次系统得到了较好的宁夏地区地壳上地幔各向异性测量参数,并进行了解释。  相似文献   

The Carlo's V Castle, located in Crotone Town, on the Ionian coast of the Calabria Region (Italy), date back to the 13th century d.C. (Fig. 1). During its long life, the building changed several owners and sustained the damages and the consequent reconstructions due to the innumerable naval battles. Moreover, the castle suffered the action of the earthquakes which always afflict the region.With the principal aim of detecting the location, depth and geometry of the rests of destroyed structures, a systematic Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey was carried out in the area inside the boundary walls. The results are sixty-two one-meter-spaced, filtered and migrated radargrams arranged in four 3D data-sets. From each data-set, the most significant time-slice was extracted.To reduce the ambiguity in the GPR data interpretation, additional geophysical techniques, such as Magnetic (M), and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), were carried out with a partial superimposition with the GPR data. A comparison and a joint interpretation amongst different geophysical data pointed out some very remarkable features associated to buried remains and possible buried cannonballs.With the secondary aim to check the presence of an old military walkway linking two bastions a GPR profile was carried out on the sea side boundary wall. The GPR results are in agreement with an ERT survey carried out on the same profile and consistent with the presence of an underground passage.  相似文献   

Introduction In order to understand the formation of the geological structure and its evolution of the Asian continent, it is needed to investigate the driving forces from the around continents and oceans and from its underlying mantle as well. The super parallel computer has been used to simulate the geodynamical processes in the lithosphere and mantle for a long time in many international works (Bird, 1995; Tackley, 1995). We also calculated the patterns of the global mantle convection on o…  相似文献   

利用国家测震台网固定台站和"中国地震科学台阵探测"项目在南北地震带北段布设的宽频带流动台阵记录到的极远震事件,通过SS前驱波震相研究,获得了阿留申—阿拉斯加俯冲带东段及邻区下方410 km和660 km间断面的埋深和起伏形态特征.为增强对SS前驱波震相的识别,我们采用了时差校正和共反射点叠加分析.叠加结果显示,毗邻阿留申俯冲带的白令海、阿拉斯加半岛、以及阿拉斯加中南部和东部地区下方,410 km和660 km间断面的埋深基本呈正相关关系,因而具有正常的过渡带厚度.这表明在阿留申—阿拉斯加俯冲带东段,北太平洋板块还没有俯冲到地幔过渡带深度范围内.其次,在阿拉斯加西部地区下方,660 km间断面出现明显下沉,而上覆的410 km间断面埋深接近于全球平均值,从而导致过渡带明显加厚.据此,我们推测在阿拉斯加西部地区下方地幔过渡带底部可能存在库拉残留板块.  相似文献   

The use of geophysical methods in metrology is a significant tool within the wide research topic of landscape archaeology context. Since 2011, the Ancient Appia Landscapes Project aims to recognize dynamics, shapes and layout of the ancient settlement located along the Appia road east of Benevento, and cyclical elements and human activities that influenced the choice of landscapes. The integration of geophysical data with an archaeological infra-site analysis allowed us to investigate the area of Masseria Grasso, about 6 km from Benevento (Campania region, Italy). In this framework, an archaeogeophysical approach (Geomagnetic and Ground Penetrating Radar) was adopted for detecting anomalies potentially correlated with buried archaeological evidences. The geomagnetic results have given a wide knowledge of buried features in a large survey highlighting significant anomalies associated with the presence of buildings, roads and open spaces. These geophysical results permitted us to define the first archaeological excavations and, successively, a detailed Ground Penetrating Radar approach has been provided highlighting the rooms and paved spaces. The overlap between archaeological dataset and geophysical surveys has also allowed recognizing the path of the ancient Appia road near the city of Benevento and hypothesize the settlement organization of the investigated area, which has been identified with the ancient Nuceriola.  相似文献   

Yasuhiko  Ohara 《Island Arc》2006,15(1):119-129
Abstract In order to obtain a general view of the mantle process beneath a back‐arc basin spreading ridge, the diversity of peridotite petrology and tectonic occurrences in two back‐arc basin spreading ridges from the Philippine Sea were examined: the Parece Vela Rift and the Mariana Trough. The Parece Vela Basin spreading ridge (Parece Vela Rift) was a physically fast/intermediate‐spreading ridge, although many tectono‐magmatic features resemble those of slow‐ to ultraslow‐spreading ridges. Two unusual features of the Parece Vela Rift further demonstrate the uniqueness of the ridge: full‐axial development of oceanic core complexes and exposure of mantle peridotite at segment midpoints. The Parece Vela Rift yields a lithological assemblage of residual but still fertile lherzolite/harzburgite, plagioclase‐bearing harzburgite and dunite; similar assemblages are reported from the equatorial Mid‐Atlantic Ridge at the Romanche Fracture Zone and the ultraslow‐spreading ridges from the Indian and Arctic Oceans. The tectono‐magmatic characteristics of the Parece Vela Rift suggest that diffuse porous melt flow and pervasive melt–mantle interaction were the important mantle processes there. Globally, this ‘porous melt flow‐type’ mantle process is likely to occur beneath a segment midpoint of the ridge having a thick lithosphere, typically an ultraslow‐spreading ridge. In contrast, the Mariana Trough is a typical slow‐spreading ridge, exposing mantle peridotite at segment ends. The Mariana Trough yields a lithological assemblage of residual harzburgite and veined harzburgite, a common assemblage among the global abyssal peridotite suite. The tectono‐magmatic characteristics of the Mariana Trough suggest that channeled melt/fluid flow and limited melt–mantle interaction are the important mantle processes there, because of the colder wall‐rock peridotite in the segment end. This ‘channeled melt flow‐type’ mantle process is likely to occur in the shallow lithospheric mantle at the segment ends of any spreading ridges.  相似文献   

地球物理和地球化学异常的多重分形分析与分解   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
地球物理和地球化学异常是找矿的重要依据,异常的空间结构性包括奇异性和自相似性.奇异性反映了地球化学元素在岩石等介质中的局部富集和贫化规律,根据不同的自相似性特征可以分离地球物理和地球化学异常的背景场和异常场,有利于进一步评价异常与矿化的关系.近年来出现了基于空间域、付立叶域、特征值空间、沃尔什域的C-A、C-D、S-A、MSDV、W-A等异常的分解和分析方法,并成功应用于对地球物理和地球化学异常的解释中.本文对这些方法进行了概括和总结,探讨了小波域进行多重分形分析的方法在地球化学异常的分析和分解中的应用.并以山东乳山市葛口-石城测区的Au为例,以小波变换下的多重分形方法分析了该地区金成矿的可能前景,与实际情况较为吻合.  相似文献   

Integrated geophysical surveys were performed in two sites, Fossa di Fuardo and Terme di San Calogero in Lipari Island, Southern Italy with the intent of the exploration of low-enthalpy geothermal fluids. Both sites show strong geochemical and geologic evidences of hydrothermal activity. The geophysical methods consist of two microgravimetric surveys, two 2D geoelectric profiles, a seismic reflection profile and a five seismic refraction profiles. The seismic methods allowed us to locate the main subsurface seismic discontinuities and to evaluate their geometrical relationships. The gravity field was used to constraint the seismic discontinuities, while the electric prospecting let discriminate more conductive areas, which could correspond to an increase in thermal fluid circulation in the investigated sites.The results obtained by the different geophysical methods are in good agreement and permit the definition of a reliable geo-structural model of the subsurface setting of the two investigated areas. A low-enthalpy geothermal reservoir constituted by a permeable pyroclastic and lava sequence underlying two shallow impermeable formations was found at Fossa del Fuardo. The reservoir is intersected by some sub-vertical faults/fractures that probably play an important role in convoying the thermal water up to the surface. At the other site, Terme di S. Calogero, the geophysical surveys showed that an intense circulation of fluids affects the subsurface of the area. This circulation concentrates along a ENE-trending fault located at a little distance from the thermal resort. The hot fluids may upraise along the fault if the width of the ascent area is smaller than 20 m.  相似文献   

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