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针对甘南黄河水源补给区实施的退牧还草工程, 基于"可持续生计框架", 建立生计资本指标, 利用农户调查资料, 测算生态补偿前后农户的生计资本, 采用均值比较分析和协方差分析评估生态补偿对农户生计资本的影响, 最后提出应建立多样化、差别化的补偿方式, 来提高不同地区农户的生计资本. 结果表明: 与退牧前相比, 农户的生计总资本显著增加, 由退牧前的0.216增至目前的0.277, 其中人力资本、物质资本、金融资本、社会资本分别增加了0.094、0.075、0.115、0.040, 自然资本显著下降, 降低了0.023. 生态补偿对农户生计资本结构的影响具有区域差异性, 生计资本总指数增幅最大的是半农半牧区, 依次是农区、纯牧区; 生态补偿对农户各生计资本关系的影响具有区域差异性, 实施生态补偿后纯牧区农户各生计资本之间的相关程度增强, 而半农半牧区和农区农户各生计资本之间的相关程度减弱.  相似文献   

Desertification in areas where traditional pastoral nomadism was common is a phenomenon of this century. Nomads possessed institutions and management practices that avoided excess concentrations of people and animals, rotated grazing pressure seasonally between major pasture zones, protected dry season resources that were critical to their survival, and limited access to pastoral resources. These systems of management and control have broken down and degradation of pastoral lands has been the result. The pressures promoting desertification include agricultural expansion into pastoral zones, the loss of critical dry season pasture, sedentarization of former nomads, the impacts of war and civil conflict, nationalization of pastoral resources, the collapse of traditional common property resource management systems, and social change and economic intensification. These processes have concentrated pastoral pressures into more limited spaces and increased the stress placed on natural resources to the point where land degradation takes place. These adverse changes can be avoided and desertification arrested if principles of proper management are applied. By planning holistically, using the ethnoscientific wisdom of nomadic pastoralists as a basis for development, protecting zones critical to the survival of pastoralists, retaining mobility and flexibility in contemporary pastoral systems, and strengthening common property systems developed by nomadic pastoralists, land degradation in dryland rangelands can be halted.  相似文献   

矿产资源在西部大开发战略中的地位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
余瑞祥  洪水峰 《地球科学》2001,26(6):661-664
矿产资源开发活动对区域经济社会发展的作用主要体现在工业化贡献、市场化贡献、城市化贡献和交通贡献4个方面, 是区域经济高速增长的重要引擎.从总体上讲, 中国西部地区的资源优势体现在矿产资源而不在农业资源.由于历史的原因, 西部地区的智力支持系统和科技能力发育程度比较低, 旅游资源的开发利用还有一个资金积累和市场发育过程.工业化是实现西部经济发展不可逾越的阶段.以矿业为主导产业, 大规模地开发矿产资源并注重矿业后问题, 是实施西部大开发战略的重要内容.   相似文献   

地热资源是集“热、矿、水”三位一体的清洁资源,开发利用地热资源,可以带动并提升旅游休闲业、现代农业和服务业的快速发展。盐城市地热资源开发利用程度较低,开发时间短,形式粗放、单一。对盐城市地热资源赋存条件、分布特征、地热水质特征、地热资源开发利用现状、旅游景区建设需求、旅游市场条件、环境条件和地区社会经济发展等不同层面进行了综合分析。结果表明: 盐城市地热资源具有旅游休闲度假、商务休闲度假、农业观光旅游和综合开发示范等功能价值; 滨海—阜宁一线、盐城市区、盐城丹顶鹤海滨湿地旅游区、马家荡景区—大纵湖旅游景区、东台和大丰市区以及中华麋鹿园—黄海森林公园一线可划定为地热资源重点开发区。此外,在分析研究区地热资源分布特点、开发利用程度及其交通条件、经济状况、旅游资源分布特征和发展水平等因素的基础上,提出盐城市范围内现代旅游业地热资源开发利用要形成以地热富集区和县、市区为中心并以重要风景旅游区为节点向周边辐射扩散的地热资源多元开发和综合利用的基本格局。  相似文献   

山东省地质灾害种类全、分布广、发生频繁,对社会经济发展带来重大影响。根据地质灾害发育特点以及分布规律,按照地质灾害发育种类和数量将山东省划分为8个易发性分区,并针对易发性分区特征,将其分为重点、次重点、一般防治分区,对每个防治分区内地质灾害治理工作主要内容进行安排,便于治理工作顺利开展。  相似文献   

Socialist industrialization, with its multiple economic and social consequences, has helped Romania to become, within a short stage of development, an industrial-agrarian country, with a well-balanced and dynamic economy. The changing structure of its industry is characterized chiefly by the ever increasing importance of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, machine building and chemicals. The well-balanced regional distribution of industry is based on geographical, economic and social criteria, such as distance from sources of raw material or consumption centres, intensive use of transport and the use of the available industrial basis, the raw materials, and labour. Unlike the previous periods, the geographical distribution of industry today is characterised by four great industrial areas —the south, the south-west, the centre and the east as well as other more restricted areas and an important number of industrial centres.  相似文献   

Gadag district in Karnataka, being drought prone with vast stretches of dry land, holds substantial prospect for overall development in general and gold resources in particular. The Kappatagudda hill ranges in the district can be a target of economic and environmental development initiatives as it encompasses huge gold reserves that are partially exploited and physiographic features that could be used for impounding river water pumped during rainy season for use in the dry seasons and development of medicinal plant reserves besides wind power.. The proposal to declare the Kappatagudda hill ranges as wildlife sanctuary may not be in the public interest of more than 100,000 population whose mainstay is agriculture. The cause of public opposition and also the better prospects of the region have to be understood before declaring a large area as wildlife sanctuary that imposes restriction for the development opportunity at a later date. This article presents an overview of the natural resources potential and opportunities for harnessing the same.  相似文献   

产业转移背景下区域能源消费、碳排放格局时空格局变化是近期研究者关注的热点。以处于产业转移期的泛长三角地区为例,以工业能源消费为对象,分析了1990,1995,2000,2005和2010年5个年份碳排放的空间格局和演变规律,探索了产业转移对碳排放格局演变的影响。结果表明,1990年以来工业碳排放稳步增长,高值区集中于长三角核心区;碳排放增长的区域差异较大,热点区域由长三角核心区向外围区转移;碳排放格局发生变化,排放重心呈现先东南向、后西北向移动的态势;工业重心和碳排放重心空间分离,但移动过程类似。研究认为,产业转移所引起的各地区工业产值、产品结构和碳排放强度的变化,与碳排放格局变化具有较大关联性,是影响区域碳排放格局变化的重要因素。  相似文献   

Prior to the penetration of the European capitalist economy into central and northern Australia, the Aboriginal mode of production was one of hunting and gathering. Spiritual, economic and social relationships betwen people and land produced a spatial distribution of small bands of people living on their traditional lands. To the incoming white settlers the low population density and type of land use appeared uneconomic. This observation was used as ideological justification for the expropriation and development of the land for commercial pastoralism. This paper discusses the articulation of the Aboriginal and European modes of production in the East Kimberley region of northwest Australia. It argues that the introduced capitalist economy virtually destroyed the Aboriginal means of subsistence, incorporating Aborigines into the new mode of production within various subordinate roles. The exploitation of Aborigines, formerly as labour and now predominantely as consumers, is fundamental to the maintenance of the capitalist mode of production in pastoral areas. The spatial effects of the dominant mode of production have been to centralise Aborigines in locations suited to the various phases of development of the European economy, undermining the traditional Aboriginal social-spatial structure. The centralisation of the Aboriginal population also enhances the opportunities for the further development of the mining industry, which is in direct competition with Aboriginal interests in land. Aboriginal resistance to these spatial tendencies is intense in many quarters, but efforts to return to living on traditional lands and to develop alternative ways of living are hampered by the dominant mode of production.  相似文献   

Wadi Wurayah area is one of the major wadis originating and running on the Oman Mountains and drains into the Oman Gulf. These wadis in general and Wadi Wurayah in particular are characterized with a rich diversity of rare and mountainous and freshwater habitats and species. These wadis contain unequal, representative, and sensitive areas of the dry lands ecosystem with natural, outstanding landscapes and cultural heritage, while the socioeconomic situation indicates that it has enough socioeconomic infrastructures to develop new alternatives ecologically and economically sustainable. As most of the United Arab Emirates and the region, the study area is undergoing dramatic changes linked to economic diversification and promotion of tourism. Established under the UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Program, Wurayah Biosphere Reserve represents protected areas intended to demonstrate well-balanced relationship between conservation of biodiversity and an appropriate local development. The main objectives of this study are to develop an environmental information system to understand the dynamics of human activities associated to land use in the study area, highlight the threats to the environment, educate people about the basic environmental issues and positive traditional practices, and promote tourism. Based on the gained results, the concept of biosphere reserve as a model is to implement ideas of sustainable land use in practice.  相似文献   

Shunzan Ye  Qingyu Ma 《GeoJournal》1990,21(1-2):39-48
This paper analyzes the regional base for urbanization in rural areas of the Coastal Development Region: the natural conditions; the historical changes, and present-day levels and characteristics of the development of the economy, population, cities and towns.The internal differentiations of the Coastal Development Region are characterised as the general differences between the North and the South of China; The three gradations of the economic development level between the coastal provinces are similar to the differences between the provinces and autonomous regions of the whole country; open areas have been introduced, into this region.  相似文献   

县域是统筹城乡发展最为关键和迫切的地域单元。统筹城乡发展,须以区域经济社会发展进入一定阶段为前提,涉及城乡经济、社会、文化、基础设施等多个方面,构建统筹城乡发展评价体系具有明显的复杂性。在回顾总结已有测评研究和对统筹城乡发展进行再认识的基础上,构建了3个一级指标、18个二级指标组成的评价指标体系,据此对陕西省华阴市统筹城乡发展水平进行综合评判,提出了统筹城乡发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

The Chinese salt lake mega-region is controlled by an arid and semi-arid climate, and modern salt lakes are mainly distributed within areas with mean annual precipitation <500 mm. According to their geomorphological features, structural conditions, and material composition, salt lakes in China can be broadly divided into four regions. The degrees of exploitation and utilization of these salt lakes differ because these four regions have experienced different climatic changes and structural activities and have had their own characteristics of salt lake evolution since the beginning of the Quaternary. The salt lakes in these regions have different scales, economic value, and technical conditions for traffic. Among others, Jarantai (Jartai) Salt Lake and Yuncheng Salt Lake are better in terms of comprehensive utilization and environmental protection, and the potash salt lakes represented by Qarhan are most important in terms of exploitation. At present, there exist many environmental problems in the salt lake regions of China, especially in remote, small and medium-sized basins, where abusive or wasteful mining, low recovery, and mining of a single saline mineral have caused impoverishment and large quantities of byproducts. Furthermore, climatic environmental factors can also cause significant changes of salt lake environment. Since 1987, against the background of global warming, the climate in the northwest salt lake region has turned warm and wet, and lakes have exhibited a tendency for expansion and rise, whereas in the east of the region, the climate has remained in a warm dry stage, lake levels have dropped, and salt lakes have become desertified. With the implementation of the strategy of building an environmentally friendly society in China, increasing attention is being paid to eco-environmental protection. It is suggested that experience and advanced techniques in terms of comprehensive utilization, overall development, and environmental protection of salt lakes at home and abroad be further developed to strengthen observation and monitoring of environmental changes of salt lakes and build an environmentally friendly, great salt lake industry.  相似文献   

Aeolian Facies Belts in the Taklimakan Desert   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
At least at the beginning of the last glacial epoch, the facies belts of dune sand, sandy loam and loess formed by winds had existed in the Taklimakan desert and areas south of it. There were no appreciable changes in the NE and NW wind systems and their wind fqrces that deposited dune sand, sandy loam and loess in the global cold stage since the last glacial epoch (accordingly no marked shifts of the boundaries of these aeolian facies belts took place. In the global warm stage since then, the climate in the Taklimakan desert and areas south of it became warm and dry, resulting in ablation of substantial volumes of ice and snow in their surrounding mountains and thus forming alluvial and diluvial deposits in the region. The alluvial-diluvial actions, however, failed to change the general framework of aeolian facies belts.  相似文献   

At least at the beginning of the last glacial epoch, the facies belts of dune sand, sandy loam and loess formed by winds had existed in the Taklimakan desert and areas south of it. There were no appreciable changes in the NE and NW wind systems and their wind forces that deposited dune sand, sandy loam and loess in the global cold stage since the last glacial epoch; accordingly no marked shifts of the boundaries of these aeolian facies belts took place. In the global warm stage since then, the climate in the Taklimakan desert and areas south of it became warm and dry, resulting in ablation of substantial volumes of ice and snow in their surrounding mountains and thus forming alluvial and diluvial deposits in the region. The alluvial-diluvial actions, however, failed to change the general framework of aeolian facies belts.  相似文献   

李阳兵 《中国岩溶》2021,40(4):698-706
系统阐明岩溶石漠化的演变趋势,对正确认识岩溶石漠化发生发展过程及实施有效的石漠化综合防治措施具有重要意义。研究表明:(1)驱动石漠化发生与形成的因素有岩溶山地农户生计单一、土地压力大、土地承载力低和生态脆弱等4个主要因素;石漠化发生扩展其实质就是在低土地承载力背景下,过伐、过垦、过牧等土地利用方式触发了岩溶山地土地退化,即石漠化。(2)岩溶石漠化在发生发展到一定阶段后,随着社会经济背景的演变和石漠化驱动因素的变化、消失,石漠化面积扩张的趋势会发生根本性的转折,即石漠化转型。(3)中国西南岩溶山地土地利用方式改变引起生态系统机制改变,从而引起石漠化转型演变。石漠化转型是土地利用系统对经济社会发展与生态系统综合作用的响应,符合经济社会发展和生态系统演化的总体趋势。(4)中国西南岩溶山地石漠化演变对揭示该区域人地关系变化具有指导意义。   相似文献   

通过室内模拟试验,采用膨润土粉末对压实膨润土砌块之间的接缝区进行二次填充,利用自主设计的刚性壁膨胀仪,以砌块干密度为基本变量,对恒体积条件下不同干密度砌块接缝以及砌块顶部的膨胀应力进行监测,分析接缝密封后砌块体系的膨胀特性。试验表明:经二次填充后的含接缝砌块体系,其膨胀应力优先向接缝区域发展,径向膨胀应力发展快于轴向,有利于砌块接缝区域的封闭。在相同接缝充填的条件下,随着砌块初始干密度的增大,砌块体系接缝区域的最终膨胀应力增大,到达最大膨胀应力时间缩短,接缝区域愈合速度加快。由于接缝的存在,砌块区膨润土吸水膨胀后首先对接缝内孔隙进行充填,轴向应力降低,产生“应力补偿”现象。砌块干密度越低,应力补偿现象越明显。根据砌块的轴向应力曲线将砌块轴向应力发展过程分为3个阶段:快速增长阶段、稳步发展阶段和应力调整阶段。其中快速发展阶段主要受砌块初始干密度的控制,而稳步增长阶段则受到水分迁移、侧壁摩擦力以及接缝愈合速率的影响更多。相较于完整样,含充填接缝的砌块体系膨胀应力分布状态趋向于等向应力分布,提高了整个屏障体系的均质化程度。  相似文献   

邯郸市西部岩溶地下水的利用与开发   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
华解明 《中国煤田地质》2004,16(2):23-25,65
根据区域内岩溶地下水供需水现状,特别是通过对岩溶地下水最新开采动态资料分析,认为邯郸市西部岩溶水区尚具有一定的开发潜力,并提出了解决岩溶山区(革命老区)人畜用水的可行性和拦蓄滞洪、人工补给的有效途径,为地方经济持续发展提供决策依据,也可为北方类似岩溶地区所借鉴。  相似文献   

泛珠三角地区地质环境综合调查工程进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,由中国地质调查局组织实施的“泛珠三角地区地质环境综合调查工程”取得了一批重要成果和认识。梳理了支撑泛珠三角地区绿色发展的优势资源环境条件: ①富硒耕地资源优势显著,可有力支撑富硒产业发展; ②地下水资源丰富,水质总体优良,应急/后备供水保障能力强; ③地质遗迹类型较多,典型稀有,价值高,可助推旅游产业发展; ④地热资源保有量大,有利于清洁能源产业布局和发展; ⑤海岸带资源禀赋优越,但局部存在海岸侵蚀、淤积等环境地质问题; ⑥矿产资源区域特色鲜明,海上能源资源开发潜力大; ⑦工程地质条件整体较好。指出了区内需要关注的重大地质环境问题及局部存在的崩滑流地质灾害、岩溶塌陷、水土污染和地面沉降等环境地质问题。查明了珠江口土壤中硒含量高背景值是富硒大米形成的基础,探查了红层盆地压性构造带找水优势区域,研究了泛珠三角城市群经济社会发展与资源环境绿色生态保持间的协调程度。这些进展可为区域国土空间规划、绿色产业发展、生态环境保护提供支撑。  相似文献   

生态功能优先背景下的西南岩溶区石漠化治理问题   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:4  
文章分析了现有石漠化治理模式、物种选择、石漠化治理综合效益评估、消除贫困等方面存在的不足,并结合国家对西南岩溶石漠化区主体生态功能的定位,对未来石漠化治理过程中的几个关键问题进行了探讨,认为未来石漠化治理要更有效地兼顾生态与经济效益,提高生态补偿标准,完善生态补偿体制,促进石漠化区农村人口的城镇化转移,减少人口压力,消除农户破坏环境的驱动因素,促进石漠化治理成效的长期可持续发展,以保证西南岩溶石漠化区水土保持和生物多样性维护主体生态功能的实现。   相似文献   

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