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This paper deals with how atmospheric gravity waves produce the traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) that are observed by ionosondes. It is shown that, rather than directly producing variations of ionospheric height, a likely mechanism involves changes in ionization density by gradients in the horizontal atmospheric gravity wave air motion. These density changes can be observed as variations of the height of an ionospheric isodensity surface (the usual way of measuring TIDs). This mechanism involving enhancement/depletion of ionospheric density requires quite moderate atmospheric gravity wave air motion speeds, and works well at almost all latitudes.  相似文献   

中层大气重力波的全球分布特征   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
从2002年1月到2009年12月的SABER温度剖面数据提取了可以反映重力波活动的垂直尺度2~10 km的中尺度温度扰动,分析了全球中层大气重力波的分布.重力波扰动在夏季和冬季明显强于春季和秋季,而冬季与夏季相比,在70 km以下的高度夏季弱于冬季,在70 km以上夏季比冬季要强.从全球重力波分布来看,较大值分布在冬季半球和25°N到25°S的热带范围,其中热带范围重力波的峰值随着高度向北移动,而在南半球高纬度地区重力波扰动较大值位于极区涡流的边缘.热带范围的扰动沿着经度方向有明显的变化,这是由风过滤、地形和波动等因素共同作用的结果.重力波扰动强度随高度变化,在25~30 km处呈现下降趋势,而超过42 km后又逐渐递增.对比8年平均的重力波在不同高度的强弱分布,可以看到,在较低高度,重力波的强弱明显与地形有关,而在较高高度,重力波的分布与地形的关系变得不明显.这说明重力波的形成与地形有显著相关性,但在传播过程中重力波的分布会随高度出现明显的变化.  相似文献   

利用位于海南富克(19.5°N,109.1°E)和广西桂平(23.4°N,110.1°E)两个台站两年多的OH全天空气辉成像仪观测数据,对中国低纬地区的重力波传播统计特征进行了研究.从富克和桂平的气辉成像观测中, 分别提取了65和86个重力波事件.研究结果表明,观测水平波长,观测周期和水平相速度分别集中分布在10~35 km, 4~14 min和20~90 m·s-1范围.重力波传播方向,在夏季表现出很强的东北方向传播.然而,在冬季主要沿东南和西南方向传播. 同时,结合流星雷达风场观测和TIMED/SABER卫星的温度数据,也发现在中层-低热层中传播的大多数重力波表现为耗散传播.且低层-中层大气中背景风场的滤波作用和多普勒频移可能对纬向方向传播的重力波产生的各向异性起到重要的调制作用.然而,经向方向传播的重力波产生的各向异性可能同时被低层大气中波源的非均匀分布以及潮汐变化所影响.  相似文献   


本文使用中国科学院国家空间科学中心——子午工程朔州观测站的全天空气辉成像数据,以及FY-2气象卫星云顶亮温数据(Black Body Temperature,TBB),气象再分析数据和地闪数据,研究了2013年8月10日(LT)发生在内蒙古地区的雷暴活动激发的中高层环状重力波(Concentric Gravity Waves,CGWs)事件.根据最小二乘法的拟合结果和色散关系理论曲线,确定了激发中高层环状重力波的强对流系统,该对流中心位于内蒙古自治区中部(108.9°E,40.47°N),重力波激发于雷暴初期,此时TBB低于220 K的深对流面积较小,随着时间的推移,该次雷暴活动越来越强,深对流面积在23:00达到最大,在23:30-24:00 LT时闪电频数最高,达到120.7 fl/min,随后深对流逐渐消散.在中高层87 km处OH(羟基)气辉层观测到的一次CGWs事件的两组波纹,分别沿水平方向传播了149.64 km和174.25 km,相应位置处的水平波长分别为12.67 km和16.75 km,周期分别为8.56 min和10.72 min,激发时间分别为19:34 LT和19:40 LT;随着水平传播距离的增加,CGWs水平波长增大.


A powerful VHF radar observed characteristics of Convectively generated Gravity Waves (CGW) excited during the wet and dry spells of Indian summer monsoon over a tropical station Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E) are discussed. The characteristics of gravity waves in the lower stratosphere during these two spells are discussed in terms of their wavelet spectra along with height–time sections of vertical velocity. A total of 31 events are analyzed and in more than 50% of the events, the lower stratospheric gravity wave amplitudes were found to be relatively large in dry spell compared to that in the wet spell. The wavelet analysis of lower stratospheric vertical velocities showed a dominant periodicity of about ~20–40 min in wet spell and ~10–20 min in dry spell. The analysis also indicates that wet spell is found to be more conducive for the generation of gravity waves. However, the propagation of these waves into the stratosphere is found to be more efficient in dry spell of monsoon. The strengthening/weakening of the tropical easterly jet during wet/dry spell of monsoon is found to be the main reason for the inhibited/enhanced wave activity in the lower stratosphere during wet/dry spell. The present analysis also suggests that the static stability of the mid- and upper-troposphere during these two spells have implications in the observed frequency of the CGW. Thus, the present analyses brought out for the first time the features of CGW during two distinctive regimes of convective systems and emphasized the importance of prevailing background conditions in exciting/filtering them.  相似文献   

Superposed epoch analysis (SEA) was used to examine ionospheric drift velocities measured by a digital ionosonde located at the mid-latitude station Bundoora (145.1°E, 37.7°S geographic), near Melbourne. The control times for the SEA were the times of cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning strokes measured from August 2003 to August 2004 by the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN). Statistically, regions of concentrated lightning activity migrated from west to east across Bundoora, and the stroke frequency was higher the day prior the activity reached the station, and lower on the day after it passed to the east. For the SEA, CG strokes were separated into four directional quadrants centred on north, south, east and west. No SEA results are shown for the south quadrant due to the relatively low detection frequency of strokes across the Southern Ocean (6% of all events). The strongest downward vertical perturbations in F-region drifts, ?4.5 m s?1, were found for lightning located towards the west during ?30 to ?16 h (i.e., the afternoon prior the activity passed near the station at t=0 h). The downward perturbation decreased in amplitude to ?1.5 m s?1 for lightning located towards the north during ?6–+6 h, and was weakest (?0.7 m s?1) for lightning located towards the east during +16–+28 h (i.e., the next afternoon). There were directionally consistent perturbations in the drift azimuths associated with the lightning located in their respective quadrants; lightning located to the west of the station caused eastward azimuth enhancements, northward lightning caused southward enhancements, and eastward lightning caused westward enhancements. Velocity magnitudes and fluctuations tended to increase during the passage of lightning. The observed responses were stronger when the SEA was performed with data selected using time windows of <2 min on either side of each lightning stroke. However, they persisted at longer time scales and were strong when thunderstorm onsets (instead of lightning times) were used as controls. Our results can be explained by thunderstorm-generated atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) which subsequently gave rise to medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs), with the lightning strokes acting merely as a proxy for this coupling. The prevailing thermospheric winds were flowing from east to west across the study region, and may have acted as a directional ‘filter’ for the MSTIDs, allowing waves generated in the west quadrant to reach the station and preventing those generated in other quadrants. Displacement of the MSTIDs in the direction anti-parallel to mean neutral wind flow has been observed by (Waldock, J.A., Jones, T.B., 1986. HF Doppler observations of medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances at mid-latitudes. Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 48(3), 245–260).  相似文献   


New rates of decay are presented for temporally-attenuated gravity waves in deep water, allowance being made for the energy dissipated in the Stokes interfacial boundary layer in the air. This decay-rate, involving air drag, may then be used to deduce a new “free-surface” boundary condition for the problem of the mass transport velocity due to progressive waves; for shallow-water waves, two specific velocity profiles are calculated, and indicate large differences in comparison with the corresponding profiles of Longuet-Higgins (1953) for a vacuum-water interface.  相似文献   

Data on observations of acoustic gravity waves and variations in the electric field strength in the surface layer of the atmosphere are presented. Analysis of the obtained data shows that synchronous variations in the pressure and electric field strength appear with the passage of a weather front, solar terminator, and in some other cases. It is seen that the amplitude of electric field perturbations is approximately proportional to the amplitude of variation in the pressure. A possible mechanism of generating electric field perturbations during the passage of microbaroms has been considered.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a quantitative comparison between a large data base of medium-scale atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) observed by radio interferometry of transionospheric radio sources and the results of a numerical simulation of the observed effects. The simulation includes: (i) the propagation and dissipation of AGWs up to ionospheric heights and (ii) the calculation of the subsequent slant TEC perturbations integrated along the path to the radio sources. We show that the observed azimuthal distribution of AGWs can be deeply biased. Predicted results are found to be consistent with previous extensive observations using radio beacons aboard geostationary satellites. These observations are rediscussed in view of the present predictions.  相似文献   

During the Conjugate Point Experiment (COPEX) campaign performed at Boa Vista (2.80°N;60.70°W, dip angle 21.7°N) from October to December 2002, 15 medium-scale gravity waves in the OHNIR airglow images were observed. Using a Keogram image analysis, we estimate their parameters. Most of the waves propagate to Northwest, indicating that their main sources are Southeast of Boa Vista. Quasi-simultaneous plasma bubble activities in the OI 630 nm images were observed in seven cases. The distances between the bubble depletions have a linear relationship with the wavelengths of the gravity waves observed in the mesosphere, which suggests a direct contribution of the mesospheric medium-scale gravity waves in seeding the equatorial plasma bubbles.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, important advances have been made in the investigation of gravity waves. However, more efforts are needed to study certain aspects of gravity waves. In the real atmosphere, gravity waves occur with different properties at different altitudes and, most often, simultaneously. In this case, when there is more than one dominant wave, the determination of gravity wave characteristics, such as the vertical wavelength and the phase velocity, is difficult. The interpretation of temperature perturbation plots versus the altitude and time as well as the application of the Fourier spectral analysis can produce errors.Exact knowledge of the wave characteristics is important both for determination of other characteristics, for example, the horizontal wave components, and for study of wave climatology. The wavelet analysis of vertical temperature profiles allows one to examine the wave's location in space. Up to now, gravity waves have been studied mainly by continuous wavelet transformation to determine dominant waves. We apply wavelet analysis to a time series of temperature profiles, observed by the ALOMAR ozone lidar at Andoya, Norway, and by the U. Bonn lidar system at ESRANGE, Sweden, both for determination of the dominant waves and for specifying the vertical wavelengths and the vertical component of the phase velocities. For this purpose, the wavelet amplitude spectra and the wavelet phase spectra are filtered and Hovmöller diagrams for dominant wavelengths are constructed. The advantage of this type of diagrams is that they give clear evidence for the localization of the dominant waves in space and time and for the development of their phase fronts.  相似文献   

A global coupled thermosphere-ionosphere-plasmasphere model is used to simulate a family of large-scale imperfectly ducted atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) and associated travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) originating at conjugate magnetic latitudes in the north and south auroral zones and subsequently propagating meridionally to equatorial latitudes. A fast dominant mode and two slower modes are identified. We find that, at the magnetic equator, all the clearly identified modes of AGW interfere constructively and pass through to the opposite hemisphere with unchanged velocity. At F-region altitudes the fast AGW has the largest amplitude, and when northward propagating and southward propagating modes interfere at the equator, the TID (as parameterised by the fractional change in the electron density at the F2 peak) increases in magnitude at the equator. The amplitude of the TID at the magnetic equator is increased compared to mid-latitudes in both upper and lower F-regions with a larger increase in the upper F-region. The ionospheric disturbance at the equator persists in the upper F-region for about 1 hour and in the lower F-region for 2.5 hours after the AGWs first interfere, and it is suggested that this is due to enhancements of the TID by slower AGW modes arriving later at the magnetic equator. The complex effects of the interplays of the TIDs generated in the equatorial plasmasphere are analysed by examining neutral and ion winds predicted by the model, and are demonstrated to be consequences of the forcing of the plasmasphere along the magnetic field lines by the neutral air pressure wave.  相似文献   

A simple technique has been used to investigate gravity waves in the Antarctic and Arctic mesosphere. Data from two meteor radars are used, one at Rothera in the Antarctic (68°S) and one at Esrange in the Arctic (68°N). Observations have been made from 2005 to 2008 in the Antarctic and from 2000 to 2008 in the Arctic. The results reveal a seasonal behaviour with a semi-annual cycle. Over both sites wave activity maximises at the solstices and minimises at the equinoxes. Monthly-mean gravity-wave activity increases with height in all seasons except in summer when gravity-wave variances show little or no increase with height at heights below about 90 km. Above about 90 km in summer there is a rapid increase in wave activity. We suggest that this summer-time behaviour is a consequence of rapid wave growth as gravity waves ascend into the more stable air of the lower thermosphere. Differences between the Arctic and Antarctic gravity-wave field are also evident. In particular, a higher level of gravity-wave activity is observed in the Antarctic spring compared to the Arctic spring. We suggest that these inter-hemispheric differences may be the result of differences in the generation of gravity waves in the polar troposphere and stratosphere.  相似文献   

Radar observations at 46.5 MHz of vertical-velocity perturbations at Aberystwyth (52.4N, 4.1W) have been used to examine the incidence of mountain waves and their dependence on local topography and the wind vector at low heights. A contrast is drawn between the effects of easterly winds passing over major topographical features to the east of the radar site and those of westerly winds crossing low coastal topographical features to the west. Estimates are made of the vertical flux of horizontal momentum associated with mountain waves, and the general influence of mountain-wave activity on vertical-velocity measurements at the site is assessed.  相似文献   

The influence of background winds and energy attenuation on the propagation of atmospheric gravity waves is numerically analyzed. The gravity waves, both in the internal and ducted forms, are included through employing ray-tracing method and full-wave solution method. Background winds with different directions may cause ray paths of internal gravity waves to be horizontally prolonged, vertically steepened, reflected or critically coupled, all of which change the accumulation of energy attenuation along ray paths. Only the penetrating waves propagating against winds can easily reach the ionospheric height with less energy attenuation. The propagation status of gravity waves with different periods and phase speeds is classified into the cut-off region, the reflected region and the propagating region. All the three regions are influenced significantly by winds. The area of the reflected region reduces when gravity waves propagate in the same direction of winds and expands when propagating against wind. In propagating region, the horizontal attenuation distances of gravity waves increase and the arrival heights decrease when winds blow in the same direction of gravity waves, while the attenuation distances decrease and the arrival heights increase when gravity waves propagate against winds. The results for ducted gravity waves show that the influence of winds on waves of lower atmospheric modes is not noticeable for they propagate mainly under mesosphere, where the wind field is relatively weak. However, strong winds at thermospheric height lead to considerable changes of dispersion relation and attenuation distance of upper atmospheric modes. Winds against the wave propagating direction support long-distance propagation of G mode, while the attenuation distances decrease when winds blow in the same direction of the wave. The distribution of TIDs observed by HF Doppler array at Wuhan is compared with the simulation of internal gravity waves. The observation of TIDs shows agreement with our numerical calculations.  相似文献   

Recent investigations of atmospheric gravity waves (AGW) and travelling ionospheric disturbances (TID) in the Earth’s thermosphere and ionosphere are reviewed. In the past decade, the generation of gravity waves at high latitudes and their subsequent propagation to low latitudes have been studied by several global model simulations and coordinated observation campaigns such as the Worldwide Atmospheric Gravity-wave Study (WAGS), the results are presented in the first part of the review. The second part describes the progress towards understanding the AGW/TID characteristics. It points to the AGW/TID relationship which has been recently revealed with the aid of model-data comparisons and by the application of new inversion techniques. We describe the morphology and climatology of gravity waves and their ionospheric manifestations, TIDs, from numerous new observations.  相似文献   

The characteristics of different-scale acoustic gravity waves (wavelengths of 100–1200 km, periods of 10–50 min) under different geophysical conditions have been studied using a numerical model for calculating the vertical structure of these waves in a nonisothermal atmosphere in the presence of an altitudedependent background wind and in a situation when molecular dissipation is taken into account. It has been established that all considered acoustic gravity waves (AGWs) effectively reach altitudes of the thermosphere. The character of the amplitude vertical profile depends on the AGW scales. The seasonal and latitudinal differences in the AGW vertical structure depend on the background wind and temperature. A strong thermospheric wind causes the rapid damping of medium-scale AGWs propagating along the wind. Waves with long periods to a lesser degree depend on dissipation in the thermosphere and can penetrate to high altitudes. A change in the geomagnetic activity level affects the background wind vertical distribution at high latitudes, as a result of which the AGW vertical structure varies.  相似文献   

Summary The decay of waves of small amplitude in a viscous liquid of finite depth is investigated. It is shown that the various modes may be conveniently classified and that in many limiting cases the modes of aperiodic decay are of particular importance. Detailed numerical results are given for these modes.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an extension for the 2D (zonal mean) version of our numerical spectral mode (NSM) that incorporates Hines’ Doppler spread parameterization (DSP) for small-scale gravity waves (GW). This model is applied to describe the seasonal variations and the semi-annual and quasi-biennial oscillations (SAO and QBO). Our earlier model reproduced the salient features of the mean zonal circulation in the middle atmosphere, including the QBO extension into the upper mesosphere inferred from UARS measurements. The model is extended to reproduce the upwelling at equatorial latitudes that is associated with the Brewer–Dobson circulation — which affects significantly the dynamics of the stratosphere as Dunkerton had pointed out. In the presence of GW, this upwelling is produced in our model with tropospheric heating, which generates also zonal jets outside the tropics similar to those observed. The resulting upward vertical winds increase the period of the QBO. To compensate for that, one needs to increase the eddy diffusivity and the GW momentum flux, bringing the latter closer to values recommended in the DSP. The QBO period in the model is 30 months (mo), which is conducive to synchronize this oscillation with the seasonal cycle of solar forcing. Associated with this QBO are interannual and interseasonal variations that become increasingly more important at higher altitudes — and this variability is interpreted in terms of GW filtering that effectively couples the dynamical components of the mesosphere. The computed temperature amplitudes for the SAO and QBO are in substantial agreement with observations at equatorial and extra-tropical latitudes. At high latitudes, however, the observed QBO amplitudes are significantly larger, which may be a signature of propagating planetary waves not included in the present model. The assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium not being imposed, we find that the effects from the vertical Coriolis force associated with the equatorial oscillations are large for the vertical winds and significant for the temperature variations even outside the tropics, but the effects are small for the zonal winds.  相似文献   

利用激光雷达测量重力波三维结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

激光雷达观测得到的密度、温度等数据被广泛应用于大气重力波研究.瑞利激光雷达可以获取激光路径上的大气密度、温度数据.对于大气中的三维波动而言,单条路径上的观测参量能提取得到的波动信息有限.本文首先以单色重力波为例,分析了利用激光雷达直接观测三维波动结构的可行性.激光雷达垂直观测即可得到重力波的垂直波长,当激光雷达以一定的天顶角斜向测量时,所得到的波长包含了重力波的垂直波长以及水平波长信息.因此,利用激光雷达同时以三个方向(垂直、向南(天顶角30°)以及向西(天顶角30°))测量,可以提取得到重力波的垂直波长和水平波长.本文利用中国科学院国家空间科学中心研制的车载532 nm瑞利激光雷达的经向系统和纬向系统同时以不同的指向角观测大气重力波,对利用激光雷达获取三维波动结构的方法进行了分析研究.本文给出了北京地区激光雷达观测重力波的诸多案例,分析了30~60 km高度范围内北京地区大气重力波的垂直及水平波长信息.并以2017年11月7日观测的准单色重力波为例,结合再分析资料的风场数据,分析了该重力波的水平波长,垂直波长及传播方向等信息.


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