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Unnaturally steep hydraulic gradients below foundations or across abutments of dams may cause solutional widening of fractures in karstifiable rocks of carbonates or gypsum. This could cause increasing leakage which may endanger the performance of the construction. To investigate this problem recent models on natural karstification have been applied. We have performed numerical simulations of leakage below a model dam with a grouting curtain reaching down to 100 m below its impermeable foundation of 100 m width. Water is impounded to a depth of 100 m. The dam is located on a terrane of fractured rock dissected by two perpendicular sets of fractures with spacing of 5 m, and with a log-normal distribution of their initial aperture widths of about 0.02 cm. In the first state of karstification these fractures widen slowly, until a pathway of widened fractures below the grouting has reached the downstream side with exit widths of about 1 mm. This causes a dramatic increase of leakage, and turbulent flow sets in. After this breakthrough at time T, in the second state of karstification, dissolution rates become even along these fractures and cause widening of about 0.1 cm year-1 for limestone, and at least of 1 cm year-1 for gypsum. This leads to an increase in leakage to excessive rates within 25 years for limestone, but only 5 years for gypsum. We have performed a sensitivity analysis of breakthrough time T for the various parameters which determine the problem. The result shows breakthrough times in the order of several tens of years for both limestone and gypsum. We have also modelled leakage to caves or karst channels 200 m below the bottom of the reservoir, which could induce the formation of sinkholes. The model can be extended to more realistic settings. In conclusion, our results support the prediction that increasing leakage at dam sites can be caused by recent karstification which is activated after filling the reservoir, possibly leading to serious problems within its lifetime.  相似文献   

Treatment of the seepage problems at the Kalecik Dam (Turkey)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Sedat Turkmen   《Engineering Geology》2003,68(3-4):159-169
This paper describes the seepage prevention measures at Kalecik Dam. Water leaked from the foundation of the dam after the impoundment. The dam, 77 m in height, was constructed for irrigation purposes.

The foundation consists of Mesozoic ophiolite, Paleocene allochthonous units composed of different lithologies and Miocene conglomerate. Karstified and fractured Paleocene limestone outcrops on the right bank of the dam foundation. This unit extends into, and its thickness increases within, the right abutment. The leakage occurs towards the downstream springs through the right bank limestone.

The main grout curtain is 200 m long and 60 m deep and was constructed on the right bank. After reservoir impounding, new springs were observed in the downstream area. Therefore, after the construction of the dam, remedial curtain grouting was required and carried out in three stages. Firstly, the main grout curtain was supplemented by additional grouting to seal the fractures and infill karstic cavities. The diversion tunnel was also repaired. The curtain depth was the same as the depth of the previous curtain. The second stage of additional treatment consisted of new deep grouting. Some investigation holes were also drilled along the same alignment as the main curtain to locate the seepage in the region. These holes were extended to an elevation of 442 m. The final stage of grouting measures was between the spillway and the dam body and underneath the spillway.

As a result of the additional grouting measures, the spring discharges observed downstream of the dam embankment decreased. However, the seepage paths were extended and were moved with time so that the seepage problems are still continuing.  相似文献   

某水库主坝为均质土坝,劈裂灌浆施工前,坝体出现多条裂缝,坝坡及坝坡脚等多处渗漏水,坝土体渗透系数为6.41×10-4cm/s,坝体稳定性差。经采用劈裂灌浆施工后,其渗透系数降低至2.62×10-8cm/s,帷幕泥墙厚度及其连续性达到设计要求;坝坡及坝坡脚的渗漏水点已消除,坝体未出现新的裂缝,达到除险加固的目的。  相似文献   

采用综合物探等方法对南京赭山头水库长期存在的渗漏问题进行探测,在物探探测渗漏区结合地质钻探确定大坝的渗漏通道,对存在渗漏通道的左右坝肩部位,采用薄壁混凝土防渗墙和帷幕灌浆的方法进行防渗处理,经过汛期高水位的检验,水库多年存在的渗漏险情得到了根本解决。  相似文献   

岩溶水库坝基防渗帷幕灌浆幕深与幕长的结构形式及处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄洪海 《贵州地质》2003,20(4):223-227
防渗帷幕灌浆是处理岩溶地区水库坝基坝肩渗漏的主要方法之一,它可以杜绝深、浅层的复杂的岩溶漏水问题,帷幕设计的合理性及其效果取决于水文地质、地下水的补排条件,水工建筑物结构之间的帷幕体的搭接形式,布置格局和边界范围。本文根据34处渗漏水库的灌浆实践,提出确定帷幕的深度和长度的原则,并得出了相关曲线和经验公式,对岩溶地区水库的渗漏处理进行探讨。  相似文献   

黄全海  赵尊亭  王利芳 《探矿工程》2015,42(11):66-69,79
由于施工质量问题,洛阳一个赤泥库大坝在试运行中发生大面积渗漏及管涌。在对渗漏原因进行分析的基础上实施的在坝内坡增设土工膜、坝轴线上游增设帷幕灌浆防渗墙、坝体下游坡面增设排渗沟和排水棱体等抢险加固措施,有效地解决了坝体渗漏问题。在灌浆处理过程中,针对筑坝材料的复杂性和不均匀性,通过施工前的灌浆试验,取得了适合本场地条件的钻孔施工工艺参数及灌浆方式、灌浆压力、灌浆段确定、水灰比比级等施工技术参数,确保了灌浆处理的效果。  相似文献   

卡拉水电站坝区渗流控制效应精细模拟与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑华康  张枫  李毅  陈益峰  周创兵 《岩土力学》2012,33(9):2743-2748
卡拉水电站坝址区河谷狭窄,岸坡陡峻,地质条件复杂,渗漏问题突出。为减小卡拉坝区渗漏并改善大坝的渗透稳定性,工程设计采取防渗帷幕、排水孔幕和排水洞等防渗排水措施。采用子结构、变分不等式和自适应罚函数相结合的方法(简称SVA方法),结合典型溢流坝段与坝区整体渗流场分析成果,评价卡拉大坝及坝基渗流控制方案的合理性,并论证其优化的可能性。研究表明:①防渗帷幕有效雍高了帷幕上游侧岩体内的地下水位、增加了绕坝渗流的渗径长度并降低了坝基的扬压力,排水系统则显著降低了坝体内的孔隙水压力以及坝基扬压力;②排水孔幕间距对坝体内的自由面分布有着显著影响,排水孔幕间距取3.0~4.5 m是合适的。  相似文献   

西南某水电站坝址基岩为碳酸盐岩,坝区断层构造和岩溶较发育。水库蓄水后,坝址右岸抗力体1 315 m排水洞出现持续渗漏。随库区水位升高,涌水量逐渐加大至约1.9 m3·s?1,水库无法正常蓄水。为查明库水渗漏途径,有针对性地采取措施减少渗漏量,开展了岩溶渗漏研究。通过工程地质测绘、岩溶水文地质调查、钻探、压水试验、孔内电视、孔内电磁波CT等勘察手段,结合前期平硐、基坑开挖和物探等勘查成果,并利用灌浆孔灌浆过程试验数据,最终查明库水渗漏通道:在水压力作用下,库水沿断裂构造F12下渗,在深部沿层间溶蚀带绕过防渗帷幕,呈30°倾角向下游逐步抬升,最终通过竖向岩溶发育带,从1 315 m排水洞地质薄弱点涌出。通过对灌浆帷幕采取补强措施,封堵了主要渗漏通道,库水渗漏得到有效控制,达到了设计要求。   相似文献   

为满足矿山尾矿坝的渗漏治理,从抗酸稳定性、防渗等级和帷幕完整性三个方面阐述了尾矿坝防渗帷幕的性能要求,基于矿物晶体结构的理论分析和对纯水与酸性渗透液的对比试验,分析了粘土固化浆液的抗酸稳定性,研究了粘土固化注浆帷幕的防渗特性,并结合工程实例,介绍了尾矿坝基础防渗中粘土固化注浆帷幕的设计、施工工艺和质量控制措施.通过对实际工程的质量检查,验证了该防渗技术应用在矿山尾矿坝中的有效性和可靠性.  相似文献   

高活性粉煤灰注浆材料与普通水泥注浆相比较,具有颗粒细、渗透性好、结石率高,强度可靠,耐久性好,成本低等优点,适用于岩土工程的防渗加固处理。实践证明,高活性粉煤灰注浆材料用于水库在坝的帷幕灌浆有较好的防渗抗渗效果,能显著提高坝基的防渗质量,是一种较为理想的防渗注浆材料。  相似文献   

湖南新田水浸窝水库渗漏分析及其治理   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
水浸窝水库是采用全封闭式堵洞而成的地下、地表水库。其渗漏类型按渗漏及出流状况分,属于集中管道渗漏、集中管道式出流;以渗漏场在水库中所处的地貌部位分,属于近坝库岸渗漏类型(坝下渗漏)。解决该水库渗漏的最佳方案是在原坝址上游83. 0m处修建新坝并辅以适当的帷幕灌浆处理。该处工程地质条件好,无需清基,坝前有天然通气孔,经济安全。   相似文献   

新疆下坂地水库坝基防渗墙试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆下坂地水利枢纽工程地处高寒、高海拔的山区,坝基覆盖层厚度达147.95m,透水性强,易坍塌和漏浆,块石坚硬,坝基防渗处理难度罕见。针对这一工程问题进行了坝基防渗墙试验研究,结果表明,以大深度混凝土防渗墙为主墙,下接帷幕灌浆的墙幕结合方案。本文针对新疆下坂地深厚覆盖层坝基防渗墙进行了试验研究,找出了防渗墙有效的施工深度及合理的施工方法,从而为坝基防渗墙设计施工提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

Permeation grouting is used to improve rock conditions under dams and foundations. During recent decades, there has been a substantial increase of understanding of the mechanism behind grout spread in fractured rock. It is the penetrability of the grout mix and the spread in the joints which will be the governing factors for the quality of the grout curtain. The flow properties and the pressure will give the required time to achieve the quality. The empirical based refusal and completion criteria of today can be replaced by a more engineering based grouting process. An active control method has been developed in order to govern the grout spread during the grouting operation based on the new theory of spreading of grout. The concept is called the ??real time grouting control method??. The concept and the latest finding of the mechanism of spreading of the grout in the fractures of the rock mass are presented in the paper. The application of the method on two dam projects is also presented.  相似文献   

王钢城  黄超 《世界地质》2009,28(3):367-370
江雄水库施工中认为坝区存在较严重的渗漏问题, 由此, 在设计中对河床段坝基采用了上墙 (防渗墙) 下幕(帷幕灌浆) 组合防渗结构, 对两岸坝肩采用了帷幕灌浆防渗结构处理措施。利用渗流理论, 在分析坝区地质条件和概化水文地质模型的基础上, 建立了坝区三维渗流数值模型, 对坝区防渗处理设计条件下(方案Ⅰ和Ⅱ) 的坝基渗漏及渗透变形进行了计算和比较分析。结果表明, 两种防渗方案均可行, 但方案Ⅰ优于方案Ⅱ。  相似文献   

灌浆工程为地下隐蔽工程,其地质条件约束着实际的现场施工工艺,且不同地质条件对应不同的岩石属性,并将直接影响着防渗帷幕的优化设计,同时地质条件分析不足也将给整个灌浆工程带来很多不确定的风险。目前,地质条件预测在隧洞开挖过程中的研究较充分,但在灌浆工程中地质因素的研究较少。本文以乌东德水电站大坝防渗帷幕工程为例,分析了对防渗帷幕成幕有影响的岩溶、角砾岩、断层、岩层走向与帷幕走向大角度相交及长大结构面等地质因素,并针对不同地质因素的特点,提出了采取浓浆回填、灌浆孔加密加深、灌浆压力及浆材动态调整等处理措施,为帷幕灌浆工程优化提供了必要支持。  相似文献   

以一般基岩上的混凝土重力坝为例,采用改进的遗传算法对坝基有排水时的帷幕灌浆参数组合进行优化研究.根据帷幕的厚度进行单元网格剖分,用有限元数值方法计算渗流场,以坝基渗流量、坝基渗透压力和幕体本身的最大水力坡降不超过允许值为约束条件,以帷幕的工程造价最小为目标函数建立优化设计数学模型,寻找一般情况下的帷幕参数的最优组合,为工程设计提供参考依据.  相似文献   

崔文娟  柴军瑞  许增光  伍美华 《岩土力学》2008,29(12):3349-3352
以一般基岩上的混凝土重力坝为例,采用改进的遗传算法对坝基有排水时的帷幕灌浆参数组合进行优化研究。根据帷幕的厚度进行单元网格剖分,用有限元数值方法计算渗流场,以坝基渗流量、坝基渗透压力和幕体本身的最大水力坡降不超过允许值为约束条件,以帷幕的工程造价最小为目标函数建立优化设计数学模型,寻找一般情况下的帷幕参数的最优组合,为工程设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   

In this study, seepage phenomena through the right abutment of Shahid Abbaspour dam are investigated. The Shahid Abbaspour dam is a 200 m high arch dam, which regulates the waters of the Karun River, serves power generation, and flood control and irrigation needs. The dam site lies in the Zagros Mountains of southern Iran. This region presents continuous series of mainly of karstic limestone, marl, shale and gypsum ranging in age from Jurassic to Pliocene. The region has subsequently been folded and faulted. Seepage from the Shahid Abbaspour reservoir occurs mainly through the karstic limestone.The basic foundation treatment of the dam consisted of consolidation grouting, a high-pressure grout curtain and a drainage curtain. Moreover, a 144 m high and 30 m wide concrete cutoff wall was built to prevent reservoir seepage through a clay-filled fracture zone in the right abutment. The grout curtain penetrates the “Principal Vuggy Zone” only beneath the central portion of the dam and below the cutoff wall. In the right abutment fan curtains were constructed to reduce drainage flows, but the seepage problem could not be solved. In order to determine the seepage direction and karstification pattern, hydrogeological studies have been carried out. Additional investigation boreholes have been drilled to monitor fluctuations in groundwater level. Besides these, water chemistry, dye tracer, pinhole and XRF tests have been carried out. As a result of these studies, seepage paths have been identified in the karstic limestone in the right abutment of the dam.  相似文献   

北盘江流域沿线山高谷深,岩溶水文地质条件复杂,局部区域水资源短缺,岩溶渗漏问题成为水利水电工程建设的瓶颈。文章综合地质调查测绘、钻探及物探、水文地质试验、岩溶水系统分析、地下水均衡分析等方法,论证了PCH水库不会发生邻谷渗漏及绕坝基深部的岩溶管道型渗漏,但发生溶隙型渗漏的可能性较大。采用有限元法模拟溶隙渗漏显示:随着T1yn1-1灰岩溶蚀率的增大,坝基抗滑稳定系数稍有降低,潜在失稳模式为后缘剪断T1yn1-2岩体,前缘沿T1yn1-2层内岩屑夹泥型软弱结构面剪出;坝基渗漏量呈线性增加,T1yn1-1灰岩溶隙密集带为坝基主要渗漏区。当溶隙密集带沿T1yn1-1灰岩与T1yn1-2泥灰岩接触带水平发育且集中分布时,坝基抗滑稳定系数将明显减小,坝基渗漏量将明显增大;当溶隙密集带垂直发育、分散发育或主要分布于坝后区域时,其对坝基抗滑稳定及坝基渗漏量影响微弱。岩溶水文地质分析及数值模拟均显示,复杂岩溶水系统势汇区下游区域多以溶隙渗漏为主,其工程影响有限,具备建坝成库条件。   相似文献   

在“5·12”汶川大地震中,北川通口水电站遭受到了重创,大坝的渗漏量加大,已影响到大坝的安全运行。通过对该水电站坝基采取帷幕灌浆的方法进行处理,在具体施工过程中对关键环节进行了控制。实践证明,大坝渗漏量比地震前的渗漏量还有降低,达到预期效果,确保了大坝运行安全。  相似文献   

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