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The shoreline trajectory of Damietta city, locates at the Northern coast of Egypt, is dramatically subjected to kinematic changes. These variations mainly occur based on the incessant duel hydrodynamic impacts of both wave action and coastal currents. Several types of coastal measures have been applied substantially along the coastal stretch of Damietta to protect shoreline such as detached breakwaters, Jetties, groins, and seawalls. This study is essentially focused on the assessment of shoreline kinematics response due to the existence of these structures during the period from 1990 to 2015. In addition, the future changes of the shoreline at 2020, 2025 and 2035 are predicted using satellite images, Geo-spatial tools and Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) by the meaning of End Point Rate (EPR) and Linear Regression Rate (LRR) methods. Four Landsat images at different periods; TM1990, TM 1999, ETM 2003 and ETM 2015 are used to detect shoreline changes. Three semi-automatic extraction techniques are initially tempted for Landsat ETM 2003 imagery namely; Iso cluster technique, threshold method, and onscreen digitizing method to select the optimal one. Iso cluster technique is used as the optimal technique which achieves the least errors with the corresponding field data in 2003 by value of 0.34. Furthermore, the extraction shoreline change for Damietta coast is extensively measured for three zones: zone (1) the western sector encompassing Damietta port with two jetties; zone (2) the central sector including detached breakwaters; zone (3) the eastern portion of Damietta estuary passing through a seawall. Verification analysis shows that the EPR is the optimum method for shoreline detection with a value of RMSE by 0.27. The results show that, for zone (1), the western shoreline of Damietta port is progressed by a rate of +10.0 m/year. On the other hand, the shoreline on the down drift side at zone (2) has retreated by a rate of -5.0 m/year. While the shoreline behind the detached breakwaters in the central sector has advanced by +12.0 m/year from 1999 to 2003, then decreased gradually until become stable in 2015. For zone (3), alongshore currents have derived the disassembled sandy soil from west to east leaving a highly eroded area by average rate of -78m/year. The results of this study give indication to shoreline trend of near future which should be under consideration in planning of Damietta coastal zone.  相似文献   

The Bransfield Basin is a narrow and elongated active rift basin located between the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands. The Bransfield Basin is composed of three small basins, and two of them, the Central and Eastern Bransfield Basins, were surveyed during a recent cruise (GEBRA 93). The full swath bathymetry coverage as well as the single-channel seismic reflection and magnetic profiles that have been acquired, help us to better understand the morphostructure and recent evolution of the Bransfield Basin. Six large volcanic edifices aligned with the basin axis stick out of the sedimented seafloor of the Central Bransfield Basin. In contrast, the Eastern Bransfield Basin is characterised by four deep troughs displaying a rhombic-shape, and small, scattered volcanic cones located in the southwestern half basin. Seamount volcanism plays an important role in the formation of new crust in the Bransfield Basin. The larger seamounts of the Central Bransfield Basin are located at the intersection of the two main orthogonal sets of faults (longitudinal ENE-WSW and transversal NNW-SSE). Morphological analysis of the seamounts indicates a multi-staged volcano-tectonic construction. The distribution and shape of these edifices suggests that both volcanism and extension are concentrated at the same preferential areas through time. This might be related to the fracturation style of the continental crust. The Central and Eastern Bransfield Basins are very different in morphostructure, volcanism, and sedimentary cover. The Central Bransfield Basin shows evidence of NW-SE extensional faulting and focused active MORB-volcanism interpreted as result of incipient seafloor spreading. The Eastern Bransfield Basin is still in a rifting stage, mainly dominated by a NW-SE extension and some left-lateral strike-slip component probably related to the South Scotia Ridge.J. Acosta, J. Baraza, P. Bart, A.M. Calafat, J.L. Casamor, M. De Batist, G. Ercilla, G. Francés, E. Ramos, J.L. Sanz, and A. Tassone.  相似文献   

We present the results of a marine geophysical investigation of the northern Prince Gustav Channel. By comparative analysis of multibeam bathymetric data, single channel seismic reflection profiles, underway chirp sonar data, ADCP current data and sediment coring, we define the main morphological elements of the area. In particular we define the glacial morphogenesis in relation to the excavation of inner shelf basins and troughs along structural discontinuities and lithologic boundaries. We identify streamlined surfaces that testify to the grounding of ice and past ice flow directions. These glacial forms are found only on glacial tills preserved in the deepest part of the basins, while net erosion to bedrock has occurred elsewhere. Since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the relict glacial morphology has been draped by hemipelagic and diatomaceous mud, and bottom currents have played a major role in focusing sedimentation within small depocentres, that we define as contouritic drifts. Based on shallow sediment architecture and supported by direct measurements, we propose that the direction of bottom water flow is from the outer shelf into the Prince Gustav channel as a result of a combination of tidal currents and ice shelf-related thermohaline circulation.  相似文献   

Despite the wide distribution of zoanthids, little is known about their pattern of reproduction. Here we investigate the reproductive biology of two Mediterranean species, the common Parazoanthus axinellae (Schmidt) and the rare Savalia savaglia (Bertoloni). For both species, samples were collected during an annual cycle, from January to December 2005, in the Western Mediterranean (Ligurian Sea, Italy). Both species are gonochoric. In P. axinellae the sex‐ratio (n colonies = 30) showed a slight predominance of male colonies (M/F = 1.35), whereas in the population of S. savaglia (n colonies = 15) a predominance of females was found (M/F = 0.3). In P. axinellae the first gametocytes were visible in March, whereas in S. savaglia they became visible in May. Both species reproduce at the end of autumn when seawater temperature begins to decrease. Parazoanthus axinellae (10 m depth) spawns eggs and sperms in November, whereas S. savaglia (67 m depth) spawns in December. In P. axinellae sexes were segregated on a rocky wall, with males occurring deeper, whereas male and female colonies of S. savaglia were irregularly dispersed in the population. The maximum number of oocytes differed between the species, being higher in P. axinellae than in S. savaglia.  相似文献   

The management of the coastline around Sabah (Borneo, Malaysia) faces numerous conflicting interests from the public, private and industry groups. The public demands socio-economic growth, sustainable development and preservation of natural resources while the private sector and industry demand local coastal protection and often reckless development. Subsequently, there are numerous multi-disciplinary conflicts across user groups, over the use of coastal resources. To resolve these issues the creation of a management plan for Sabah's coastline has been initiated. A baseline was established from historical investigations, data collection and using a combination of visual inspections and photos. Understanding of the physical, chemical and biological processes involved as well as the dynamics of the integrated processes and a holistic impact assessment is also required. To do so numerical models were used to integrate available information and knowledge and to hind-cast and now-cast conditions and predict the consequences of different development scenarios. In some cases the models results needed further detailed analysis in combination with specific knowledge on local habitats to determine the impacts. The focus of the paper is on the integration of information, but some details are also given on the important conflicts and habitat threats.  相似文献   

Abstract. The population biology of the portunid crab Liocarcinus arcuatus is analyzed over a yearly cycle in beach zones and mussel raft culture areas in the Ria de Arousa.
The breeding cycle of this species has two annual peaks, which result in two annual cohorts that are recruited in different areas. The growth rate is higher in the group settled in spring than in autumn, and, especially, in the culture areas compared with the beach zones. There are movements from the beach zones to the raft polygons related to reproductive and feeding behavior as well as growth. The role of mussel culture in the dynamics of this species is discussed.  相似文献   

After years of facing problems such as overfishing, illegal fisheries and the consequences of the Prestige oil spill, the fishermen's association (cofradia) of Lira, a small town in the coast of Galicia (NW Spain), has pioneered a co-management initiative in the region by proposing the creation of a marine reserve. The proposal was designed and developed by the fishers in partnership with biologists and social scientists, environmentalists and members of the autonomous government of Galicia in a highly participatory process. The views of different stakeholders on the implementation process for the marine reserve were assessed through a programme of semi-structured interviews. These findings were also used to analyse issues related to the implementation process employing a governance analysis framework. It was observed that the inclusion of fishers in the decision-making and the use of their traditional ecological knowledge in the design of the reserve promoted a better understanding of its benefits and an improved compliance with the fishing regulations. The effectiveness of the marine reserve was very high during the first years but it has been recently undermined due to the reduction of financial state support for enforcement in the light of the current economic recession. Whilst this marine reserve was driven by the stakeholders, the prospects depend on an adequate state enforcement capacity.  相似文献   

中国近海共有枝鳃亚目、蓑海牛亚目软体动物40种,隶属于16科30属,主要分布在浙江以南的热带、亚热带海区,有些种类向北可以分布到达黄、渤海,部分种类仅分布于黄、渤海。区系性质属于印度,西太平洋区的中国,日本亚区。  相似文献   

The need for quantifying and understanding the distribution of shallow gas is both of academic interest and of relevance to offshore facilities. The combination of seafloor mapping, subbottom profiling, and multi-channel seismic data can provide information on regions of possible shallow gas, where the gas impacts the acoustic properties of the host material and the seafloor. In this paper, we present two case studies – one academic and one industry – that evaluate the distribution of shallow gas in two field areas in the Mediterranean. In the first case study, geophysical data from Iskenderun Bay, southeastern Turkey, indicate the presence and distribution of shallow gas. Pockmarks on the seafloor are associated with acoustic wipeout in the shallow subbottom data. Although deeper seismic data do not show bright spots or other indicators of possible gas, instantaneous frequency analysis clearly shows laterally restricted anomalies indicating gas-rich zones. The interpretation of possible shallow gas resulted in moving a proposed drilling location to a nearby area characterized by fewer (but still present) shallow gas signatures. In the second case study, cores acquired in the Po Delta, Adriatic Sea, provide quantitative ground-truthing of shallow gas – as suggested by geophysical data – and provide minimum estimates of the percentage of gas in the subsurface. Cores targeted on anomalous subbottom data yielded up to 41,000 ppm methane; cores with anomalous gas content are associated with thick recent flood deposits which may effectively isolate reactive terrigenous organic matter from biologic and physical re-working.  相似文献   

The Quaternary evolution of the Gulf of İzmit, situated on the tectonically active North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ), was investigated using seismic reflection, paleontologic, and sediment textural data. On the basis of seismic stratigraphic and sedimentologic-paleontologic interpretations, four depositional units were distinguished within the Plio-Quaternary sequence of the Gulf of İzmit. According to these data, Plio-Quaternary deposits supplied from the northern terrestrial area started to accumulate during a progradational phase, in a south-facing half-graben. A coarse-grained sedimentary unit prograding into the gulf from the south since 200 ka b.p. indicates a dramatic variation in the evolution of the gulf, with the initiation of a new strike-slip fault of the NAFZ and a corresponding uplift of the Armutlu Peninsula in the south of the gulf. During the evolution of this fault from a wide shear zone consisting of right-stepped strike-slip faults and pull-apart basins to a localized principal fault zone, sediments were deposited under the influence of northerly prograding terrestrial and shallow-marine conditions due to relative sea-level fluctuations in the Marmara Sea. During this period, the Gulf of İzmit was invaded mainly by Mediterranean and partly by Black Sea waters. In the latest glacial period, shallow areas in the gulf became subaerially exposed, whereas the central and western sub-basins of the gulf turned into lakes. The present evolution of the Gulf of İzmit is controlled by the after effects of the new rupture of the NAFZ and the estuarine nature of the gulf environment.  相似文献   

We observed the onshore migration (3.5 m/day) of a nearshore sandbar at Tairua Beach, New Zealand during 4 days of low-energy wave conditions. The morphological observations, together with concurrent measurements of waves and suspended sediment concentrations, were used to test a coupled, wave-averaged, cross-shore model. Because of the coarse bed material and the relatively low-energy conditions, the contribution of the suspended transport to the total transport was predicted and observed to be negligible. The model predicted the bar to move onshore because of the feedback between near-bed wave skewness, bedload, and the sandbar under weakly to non-breaking conditions at high tide. The predicted bathymetric evolution contrasts, however, with the observations that the bar migrated onshore predominantly at low tide. Also, the model flattened the bar, while in the observations the sandbar retained its steep landward-facing flank. A comparison between available observations and numerical simulations suggests that onshore propagating surf zone bores in very shallow water (< 0.25 m) may have been responsible for most of the observed bar behaviour. These processes are missing from the applied model and, given that the observed conditions can be considered typical of very shallow sandbars, highlight a priority for further field study and model development. The possibility that the excess water transported by the bores across the bar was channelled alongshore to near-by rip-channels further implies that traditional cross-shore measures to judge the applicability of a cross-shore morphodynamic model may be misleading.  相似文献   

Plankton samples (20-350 microm and >350 microm) collected at three transects along the Galician coast (NW Spain) were analysed for individual aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons by GC-MS. Sample collection was performed in April-July 2003, after the Prestige oil spill (November 2002), to determine whether the hydrocarbons released into the water column as a consequence of the spill were accumulated by the planktonic communities during the subsequent spring and early summer blooms. Surface sediments were also collected to assess the presence of the spilled oil, removed from the water column by downward particle transport. Plankton concentrations of PAHs (Sigma14 parent components) were in the range of 25-898 ng g(-1)dw, the highest values being close to coastal urban areas. However, the individual distributions were highly dominated by alkyl naphthalenes and phenanthrenes, paralleling those in the water dissolved fraction. The detailed study of petrogenic molecular markers (e.g. steranes and triterpanes, and methyl phenanthrenes and dibenzothiophenes) showed the occurrence of background petrogenic pollution but not related with the Prestige oil, with the possible exception of the station off Costa da Morte in May 2003, heavily oiled after the accident. The dominant northerly wind conditions during the spring and early summer 2003, which prevented the arrival of fresh oil spilled from the wreck, together with the heavy nature of the fuel oil, which was barely dispersed in seawater, and the large variability of planktonic cycles, could be the factors hiding the acute accumulation of the spilled hydrocarbons. Then, with the above exception, the concentrations of PAHs found in the collected samples, mostly deriving from chronic pollution, can be considered as the reference values for the region.  相似文献   

海岸线变化对海岸带生态环境改变、滨海土地侵蚀有着极其重要的影响,海岸线的提取和监测对海岸带生态系统的保护和管理具有重要意义。本研究基于数字化海岸线分析系统(DSAS,Digital Shoreline Analysis System),研究了黄河三角洲和莱州湾的海岸线时空变化规律。研究结果表明:通过提取1985-2015年6期的Landsat影像,发现近30年来黄河三角洲和莱州湾地区海岸线均呈现显著的向海方向扩张的趋势,且增长速率逐渐加快。黄河三角洲的终点变化速率(EPR,End Point Rate)约为73.0 m/a、线性回归速率(LRR,Linear Regression Rate)约为75.5 m/a,黄河港-大咀沟增长速度最快(129.2 m/a),受黄河泥沙输送的影响,黄河口和老黄河口岸线的几何形态呈现平滑的变化趋势;莱州湾岸线的EPR和LRR约为139.5 m/a和144.3 m/a,淄脉河河口-白浪河河口段增长速度最快(197.6 m/a),岸线变化较为显著的区域主要集中在港口、圈海堤坝、海水养殖等的地方。DSAS模型在海岸线定量化分析中具有显著优势,利用EPR和LRR指标能够科学有效地模拟岸线在时间和空间上的变化速率。  相似文献   

Hemimysis lamornae mediterranea Bacescu, 1936 has been recently reported in the Ebro Delta (Spain, NW Mediterranean). Little is known about the biology and ecology of this mysid and we provide the first information about its population biology. H. l. mediterranea were collected from Sant Carles de la Ràpita harbor from June 2010 to March 2012 at night. The H. l. mediterranea population was composed of two main individual size categories: larger-sized winter/spring individuals and smaller-sized spring/summer individuals. The overall sex ratio is highly skewed; mature females are 2.5 times more abundant than mature males. Reproductive activity was higher during late winter and spring but was almost continuous throughout the year. The intra-marsupial development and growth of juveniles has been studied in the laboratory. The mean duration of incubation period (intra-marsupial stages) in laboratory conditions was 11 days (20 °C) and the age at first maturity ranged from14 to 20 days. The growth rate was faster in early juveniles and declined with age, showing a maximum of 0.152 mm d 1. The laboratory results and demographic data suggest that H. l. mediterranea will produce several generations per year in the Ebro Delta. H. l. mediterranea was characterized by a combination of early maturation of individuals (short juvenile period), rapid growth, small adult size, a continuous reproduction all year round, iteroparous females, a relatively high fecundity and a high number of generations per year.  相似文献   

Abstract. The secondary production and population dynamics of the mole crab Emerita brasiliensis Schmitt, 1935 (Decapoda: Hippidae) were studied by taking monthly samples from June 1993 to May 1995 at each of three intertidal transects at Prainha beach, Brazil. The lifespan was ca. 8 months for males and females, but females showed higher growth, mortality, secondary production, and turnover rate. The higher production in spring versus autumn and winter was related to intense recruitment during that period. The population production was estimated at between 39.86 and 46.88 g (AFDW) · m?2 · a?1 for the first year (June 93–May 94) and between 150.95 and 156.07 g (AFDW) · m?2 · a?1 for the second year (June 94–May 95); the mean annual biomass was 4.91 and 23.09 g (AFDW) · m?2, respectively. High P/B rates, between ca. 6 and 9 · a?1, reflected the fast growth, high mortality, and low lifespan of the population, characterized by a high percentage of recently recruited individuals.  相似文献   

Sidescan-sonar surveys were performed on a 2×4 km area of seafloor in the southern Baltic Sea (Pomeranian Bight) in 1996 and 1998. Overlapping sub-areas of the individual surveys showing characteristic details were processed into geographically referenced mosaics. Sediment types were identified from echo characteristics and by comparison with granulometric data. The sea bottom covered by the mosaics consists predominantly of sand, with subordinate lag sediments with stones and small ripple fields consisting of coarse sand to fine gravel. A comparison of the two mosaics did not reveal any significant changes of the sea bottom over the 2-year period. Characteristic sedimentary features remained almost unchanged over this period on detailed sonar images of smaller sub-areas. Substantial transport of sandy sediments can thus be excluded in the course of the observation period. Grid files of advective velocity components and orbital velocity of wave motion of a three-dimensional hydrodynamical model for the period from September 1996 to October 1997 were used to estimate the current regime in the study area for the interval between the two sidescan surveys. Comparing critical velocities for the dominant sediment types with the results of the numerical bottom current simulations and the observations from sidescan images, it is apparent that strong current events during the modelled time interval were still too weak to resuspend and transport sand of any grain size, even though maximum current velocities of 30 cm/s at the seafloor were modelled. Only a few patches of newly accumulated (acoustically soft) material (mud, fluff and/or soft plant remnants), with a horizontal extension of about 10 m at a terrain step feature, were recognised in the 1998 mosaic. Our results imply that sand deposits in the southern Baltic Sea can remain stationary over time periods of several years, and that the transport of organic material, nutrients and associated pollutants to depositional areas in deeper water is predominantly accomplished by the movement of material finer than sand. A significant portion of this fine material is evidently transported in the bottom boundary layer under conditions of moderate hydrodynamical forcing.  相似文献   

The development of embryos and larvae of Babylonia formosae habei living along the southeast coast of China is observed under laboratory conditions. The egg masses are laid by females on hard substrate at night and each capsule contains 100-500 eggs. Each egg is 250-280 mm in diameter. The first two cleavages of the embryo are meridional and equal, and a polar lobe is produced. Larval kidney, which only consists of a single cell, appears during the gastrula stage on each side of the embryo. The right tentacle develops prior to the left one. At 25-27℃, an intracapsulate veliger stage is reached about 4.5 d after deposition. The larvae hatch on the fifth day as swimming veligers with a shell length of 360 -500 mm. The newly hatched larva can ingest suspended algal cells from the water column and remains in the pelagic stage for 8-10 d. The newly settled juveniles are 900-1 200 mm in shell length.  相似文献   

The larval stages of the acorn barnacles Chamaesipho columna, Chamaesipho brunnea, Elminius plicatus, Elminius modestus, Balanus trigonus, and Tetraclita purpurascens are described from larvae reared in the laboratory. A key and a table are included for separating larval stages and species.

Skeletonema costatum appears to have a wide application as a food in the rearing of larvae of the Balanidae.

The two Chamaesipho species show typical chthamalid characters of hispid antennal setae and unilobed labrum. The similarity between the larvae of Elminius plicatus and Tetraclita purpurascens supports the classification of E. plicatus as a tetraclitid.  相似文献   

Time-series observations were made over a one-month period (May 1995, DYNAPROC cruise) in the open northwestern Mediterranean at a fixed station where horizontal advection remained weak throughout the observational period. Changes in the dynamics of the pelagic ecosystem and influence of wind events were examined at time scales of a few hours to a few days. This paper gives a summary of the strategies and multidisciplinary observation methods of the cruise program. It describes in detail the physical and meteorological background and provides an overview of the chemical and biological features encountered over the course of the study. Effects of two different wind events were observed. The first wind event was associated with a low pressure system and an important wind stress curl. During this event, an upward advective shift of deeper layers, related to Ekman pumping, was superimposed upon the wind-induced mixing of the superficial layers. Despite the resulting enhanced availability of nitrate in the euphotic layer, phytoplankton biomass decreased drastically; the processes (vertical advection, primary production, grazing pressure, etc.) controlling this decrease are examined. In contrast, the second wind event, slightly lower and of longer duration, resulted in increased downward mixing and a higher phytoplankton biomass. However, it is shown that this transient increase would not have occurred without the previous influence of the first wind event. This study also allowed documentation of the transition from a mesotrophic to an oligotrophic system over a short time scale.  相似文献   

Land—ocean transfer of sediment and organic matter along the Moroccan Atlantic margin (NW Africa) seems to have been very effective during the last 130 ka. In a marine core from this region, we found total organic carbon (TOC) values ranging from 0.3 to 1.7 dry wt% of bulk sediments. These relatively high values are fairly unusual, as the core was recovered from an open-ocean environment that is currently oligotrophic. In order to explain this trend, more typical of an upwelling eutrophic setting, three processes were evaluated: (1) in situ primary production associated with the extension of the Cape Ghir upwelling filament, (2) bottom water conditions that may favour organic carbon preservation and (3) lateral organic carbon advection. The site occasionally experienced more eutrophic conditions, especially during termination I; here, we recorded a relative high abundance of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerina bulloides, suggesting high primary production. However, given the absence of correlation between TOC and G. bulloides records, high TOC storage cannot be attributed exclusively to primary production. Preservation factors such as bottom water ventilation are also ruled out. Lateral TOC advection seems to be the most plausible process. Today, lateral advection and offshore transport of nutrients and organic matter characterize the study region. However, the triggering mechanisms deserve further investigation. Different controlling factors influencing the mobilization and advection of organic carbon from coastal upwelling sites to the deep basin are discussed. The correlation found between down-core TOC and sea-level changes suggests sea-level fluctuations as the most effective mechanism driving nepheloid layer detachment and seaward material transport.  相似文献   

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