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An automatic technique for the determination of the coefficients of models for soil–water characteristic curves (SWCC) or water retention curves (WRC) is presented. The technique is based on optimisation using genetic algorithms, in which the error between predictions and experimental data is minimised by varying the model parameters. The method is powerful and reasonably efficient in finding the best parameters. Four models are analysed including one accounting for hysteresis behaviour. Details of a simple genetic algorithm (SGA) and its complete application are explained. To account for the hysteresis of the SWCC, the models are programmed in a rate form, in which numerical integration is employed to advance the state variables. One advantage of the optimisation presented is that the best curves averaging both the drying and wetting paths are obtained when hysteresis is present.  相似文献   

Soil–water characteristic curves can be defined as the relationship between the degree of saturation and suction of an unsaturated soil. Geomaterials, such as clays, sands, and geotextiles, usually exhibit hysteresis between drying and wetting curves. In addition, each drying and wetting curve is nonlinear in shape, which may be approximated by sigmoid curves. In geotechnical engineering, it is common to adopt analytical expressions for these curves that must be calibrated iteratively by trying different values for the constitutive parameters. In this paper, a novel approach for modelling the nonlinear saturation–suction response with hysteresis is presented, where a simple differential equation is introduced to describe the shapes of the curves. The great advantage of this new technique is the ease with which the parameters can be determined. In addition, the implementation of the resulting equations into fully hydro-mechanical models for numerical analyses is straightforward. Some features of the behaviour predicted with the new representation are studied and validations against real laboratory curves for soils are presented. The technique is simple, yet versatile due to the rational basis used in the deduction of the equations, which allows for future extensions to soils displaying more complex unsaturated behaviour.  相似文献   

Zhai  Qian  Rahardjo  Harianto  Satyanaga  Alfrendo  Dai  Guoliang 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(12):3371-3381
Acta Geotechnica - During heavy rainfalls, the surface soil on a slope may be eroded and the erosion is much dependent on the tensile strength of soil. In addition, the tensile strength of soil is...  相似文献   

Zhai  Qian  Rahardjo  Harianto  Satyanaga  Alfrendo  Dai  Guoliang 《Acta Geotechnica》2019,14(6):1977-1990
Acta Geotechnica - Many shallow foundations are constructed within the soil layer above the groundwater table, where the soil remains unsaturated, and the failure of shallow foundation is mostly...  相似文献   

Bate  Bate  Nie  Shaokai  Chen  Zejian  Zhang  Fengshou  Chen  Yunmin 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(6):1949-1960
Acta Geotechnica - The soil–water characteristic curve (SWCC) of granular materials is crucial for many emerging engineering applications, such as permeable pavement and methane hydrate...  相似文献   

The present study extends the numerical manifold method to investigate the effective permeability coefficient (keff) of soil–rock mixtures. The influence of rock content, rock size, rock shape, and rock blocks' major axis direction on keff is studied. The results show the following: (1) keff decreases as the rock content increases; (2) the influence of rock size on keff can be neglected if other parameters are fixed; (3) the values of keff are nearly the same if rock blocks are in circular or regular hexagon shapes; and (4) the major axis direction of rock blocks has some influence on keff.  相似文献   

As one of the largest copper–molybdenum (Cu–Mo) mines in the world, the Erdenet Mine in Mongolia has been active since 1978 and is expected to continue operations for at least another 30 years. In this study, the potential impacts of mining activities on the soil and water environments have been evaluated. Water samples showed high concentrations of sulfate, calcium, magnesium, Mo, and arsenic, and high pH values in the order of high to low as follows: tailing water > Khangal River > groundwater. Statistical analysis and the δ2H and δ18O values of water samples indicate that the tailing water directly affects the stream water and indirectly affects groundwater through recharge processes. Soil and stream sediments are highly contaminated with Cu and Mo, which are major elements of ore minerals. Based on the contamination factor (CF), the pollution load index (PLI), and the degree of contamination (Cd), soil appears to be less contaminated than stream sediments. The soil particle size is similar to that of tailing materials, but stream sediments have much coarser particles, implying that the materials have different origins. Contamination levels in stream sediments display a tendency to decrease with distance from the mine, but no such changes are found in soil. Consequently, soil contamination by metals is attributable to wind-blown dusts from the tailing materials, and stream sediment contamination is caused by discharges from uncontained subgrade ore stock materials. Considering the evident impact on the soil and water environment, and the human health risk from the Erdenet Mine, measures to mitigate its environmental impact should be taken immediately including source control, the establishment of a systematic and continuous monitoring system, and a comprehensive risk assessment.  相似文献   

During the planning of an urban environment, usually only economic and social parameters are taken into account. As a result, urban areas are susceptible to natural disasters, which cause extensive damages in them, because the cities or towns have been repeatedly located in vulnerable areas. In this study, for the protection of human environment, is proposed a unique approach of urban planning and sustainable development. The study area is Trikala Prefecture (Western Thessaly, Central Greece). An integrated evaluation of the suitable areas for urban growth and light industry development is proposed by using mainly natural hazards as well as geological–geomorphological–geographical characteristics of the study area. The used parameters were correlated by using the analytical hierarchical process (AHP) method and incorporated into a geographic information system (GIS) in order to produce the corresponding suitability maps. The study area is classified in five categories of very high, high, moderate, low, and very low suitability for urban growth and industrial development. Moreover, the spatio-temporal changes of the urban limits are studied since 1885 for the three major towns (Trikala, Kalambaka and Pyli) of the study area. These changes sketch out the urban growth trend. The comparison between the urban growth trend with the potential suitability for urban growth and industrial development of these towns lead to discrepancies. These can be attributed mainly to the fact that in the majority of cases, only geographical, social, and economical factors were used for urban development, whereas in our study, natural hazards, geomorphological, and geographical parameters were quantified and taken into account.  相似文献   

Triton X-100 (TX100) and Brij 35 (B35) were used to investigate the elevated critical micelle concentration (CMC) induced by surfactant sorption and its influence on PAH removal in soil washing systems. The surface tension technique was applied to determine the CMC and the apparent CMC (CMCsoil) in soil–water systems. Surfactant sorption experiments were conducted by the batch equilibration technique. Surfactants sorbed on the soil at concentrations below the CMCsoil were quantified with data from the surface tension experiments for both an aqueous system and a soil–water system. Due to sorption, the CMCsoil values of the two surfactants are 2.75 and 6.31 times their corresponding CMC values in aqueous solutions, respectively. At concentrations below CMCsoil, the loss of B35 (92–99.7 %) was greater than that of TX100 (63–92 %). The PAH removal efficiencies are greatly dependent on the CMCsoil value. At surfactant concentrations below CMCsoil, the PAH removal is very low and remains almost invariable. Whereas, at concentrations above CMCsoil, the PAH removal increases greatly. B35 inhibited PAH desorption at concentrations below its CMCsoil. For TX100, some degree of PAH desorption enhancement was observed at concentrations below its CMCsoil. CMCsoil is a key parameter while selecting a surfactant for a specific soil washing system, only surfactant concentrations above their CMCsoil should be evaluated.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of an experimental study on the effects of the initial water content and dry density on the soil–water retention curve and the shrinkage behavior of a compacted Lias-clay. The initial conditions after compaction (initial water content and initial dry density) have been chosen on the basis of three Proctor tests of different compaction efforts. According to the eight chosen initial conditions clay samples have been compacted statically. The relation between total suction and water content was determined for the drying path starting from the initial conditions without previous saturation of the specimens. A chilled-mirror dew-point hygrometer was used for the suction measurements. For the investigation of the shrinkage behavior cylindrical specimens were dried to desired water contents step-by-step without previous saturation. The volume of the specimens was measured by means of a caliper. Based on the test results the influence of different initial conditions on the soil suction and the shrinkage behavior is analyzed. The soil–water retention curves obtained in terms of the gravimetric water content are independent of the initial dry density. At water contents above approximately 11–12.5% a strong influence of the compaction water content is observed. At smaller water contents, the soil–water retention curve is independent of the compaction water content. The results of the shrinkage tests show that the influence of the compaction dry density on the shrinkage behavior is negligible. Similar to the drying behavior of saturated samples a primary and a residual drying process could be distinguished. The primary drying process is strongly influenced by the initial water content. In contrast, the rate of the volume change of the residual drying process is unaffected by the initial water content.  相似文献   

Soil–water interaction is a pivotal process in many underwater geohazards such as underwater landslides where soil sediments gradually evolve into turbidity currents after interactions with ambient water. Due to the large deformations, multiphase interactions and phase changes this involves, investigations from numerical modelling of the transition process have been limited so far. This study explores a simple numerical replication of such soil–water mixing with respect to changes in average strength using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). A uniform viscoplastic model is used for both the solid-like and fluid-like SPH particles. The proposed numerical solution scheme is verified by single-phase dam break tests and multiphase simple shear tests. SPH combinations of solid-like and fluid-like particles can replicate the clay–water mixture as long as the liquidity index of the solid-like particles is larger than unity. The proposed numerical scheme is shown to capture key features of an underwater landslide such as hydroplaning, water entrainment and wave generation and thus shows promise as a tool to simulate the whole process of subaquatic geohazards involving solid–fluid transition during mass transport.  相似文献   

For seepage failures of dike due to water level-up and rainfall, surface infiltration and strength change induced by suction reduction are important factors; thus, numerical analysis should consider the coupling of water and soil, as well as the effect of saturation to obtain more precise failure mechanism. Based on the advanced smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method, this work proposed a two-phase-coupled SPH model in coordination with a novel constitutive model for unsaturated soils. Then, a triaxial compression test is simulated to check the applicability of the SPH method on the soil phase. After that, the failure test of a dike due to water level-up is discretized and simulated, from which the seepage process, the distribution of maximum shear strain, the slip surface, and pore water pressure are obtained. The two-phase-coupled SPH model is also applied to a slope failure test of heavy rainfall, and the results are compared to the model test. Finally, a dike failure test due to rainfall is analyzed using the proposed SPH model to reproduce the surface infiltration and suction reduction. The proposed SPH model provides several insights of seepage failures and can be a helpful tool for the analysis of dike failures induced by water level-up and rainfall.  相似文献   

Cai  Guoqing  Zhou  Annan  Liu  Yi  Xu  Runze  Zhao  Chengang 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(12):3327-3341
Acta Geotechnica - This paper presents an experimental investigation of the soil water retention curve (SWRC) and volume change curve over a large suction range (0–286.7 MPa), and...  相似文献   

Accumulations of rare earth elements (REEs) in human body through multiple pathways including food ingestion, air inhalation and dermal absorption have received considerable attention due to their chronic toxicity to human health. The distribution and fractionation of 14 REEs were conducted in soil, well water, human blood and hair in the vicinity of a large-scale mining site in southwest Fujian Province, China. The LREEs/HREEs ratios were 9.17 for soil, 2.18 for water, 36.93 for human blood and 7.24 for human hair, respectively. The distribution patterns of REEs in soil, human blood and hair samples were characterized by LREEs enrichment and HREEs depletion, but LREEs depletion and HREEs enrichment in water sample. LaN/YbN values of these samples ranged from 0.41 to 1.83, LaN/SmN values from 0.43 to 4.92, and GdN/YbN values from 0.81 to 4.71. Soil and human blood showed enrichments of Ce, Gd and Er, but water showed a depletion of Ce. In addition, the normalized patterns showed a weak negative anomaly of Eu in soil and a weak negative anomaly of Nd in human blood and hair. Consequently, enrichment and depletion of REEs differ significantly among soil, water and human blood and hair, thus the REEs after entering into human body can undergo fractionation effects.  相似文献   

Alborz twin tunnel along with an exploratory or service tunnel between the two main tunnels, are the longest tunnels section in Tehran–Shomal highway with 6.3 km length. The service tunnel is designed to be used for geological investigations, ventilation, transportation during the construction of main tunnels, water drainage, ground improvement by grouting, and emergency exit. An open tunnel boring machine (TBM) of Wirth Company was used to drive this service tunnel. With regard to the fact that in such mechanized tunneling projects, performance of the TBMs is of the most importance, which affects the economy and timing of the projects; on the other hand, geotechnical conditions of the region play a significant role in this respect, this effect was investigated during this study. In this study, two main elements of the TBM performance including the rate of penetration and utilization factor were investigated using artificial neural network and Statistical Package for Social Sciences. It is shown that geotechnical conditions have considerable effect on the rate of penetration. Whereas, utilization is largely affected by management and non-rock mass-related parameters including delays, wasted times, maintenance, labor, etc. With regard to the available data, four parameters including uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), friction angle, Poisson’s ratio, and cohesion were selected to be studied. Based on assessments conducted using these approaches, the rate of effectiveness of four selected parameters on penetration rate, in a descending order, was as follows: UCS, friction angle, Poisson’s ratio, and cohesion. For increasing utilization, it was concluded that minimizing time delays by good management is the most effective way. Furthermore, with regard to the relative error percentages and the coefficient of correlation of the input and output data, it was concluded that the method artificial neural network yields more reliable results than the statistical approach.  相似文献   

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