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孔压探杆贯入及潮汐作用下超孔压响应规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Excess pore water pressure is an important parameter that can be used to analyze certain physical characteristics of sediment. In this paper, the excess pore water pressure of subseafloor sediment and its variation with tidal movement was measured following the installation of a wharf in Qingdao, China by using a fiber Bragg grating(FBG) piezometer. The results indicated that this FBG piezometer is effective in the field. The measured variation of excess pore water pressure after installation is largely explained by the dissipation of excess pore water pressure. The dissipation rate can be used to estimate the horizontal consolidation coefficient, which ranged from1.3×10~(–6) m~2/s to 8.1×10~(–6) m~2/s. The measured values during tidal phases are associated with the variability of tidal pressure on the seafloor and can be used to estimate the compressibility and the permeability of the sediment during tidal movement. The volume compression coefficient estimated from tidal oscillation was approximately2.0×10~(–11) Pa~(–1), which was consistent with the data from the laboratory test. The findings of this paper can provide useful information for in situ investigations of subseafloor sediment.  相似文献   

We use flume experiments and numerical modeling to examine the penetration depth of internal solitary waves (ISWs) on partially saturated porous sandy silt and clayey silt seabed. The results of the experiment and model showed that the instantaneous excess pore water pressure in both the sandy silt and clayey silt seabed followed the same trend of decreasing with the seabed depth. In general, the excess pore water pressure generated by the sandy silt was bigger than that by clayey silt at the same depth. The ISW-induced excess pore water pressure greatly influenced the surface seabed and showed a linear relationship. The penetration depth was approximately one order of magnitude smaller than the half-wavelength of the ISWs, which might be larger than the penetration depth induced by surface waves. Our study results are helpful for understanding the damage that ISWs inflict upon the seabed and for informing future field experiments designed to directly measure the interaction between ISWs and seabed sediments.  相似文献   

The coupling numerical model of wave interaction with porous medium is used to study waveinduced pore water pressure in high permeability seabed.In the model,the wave field solver is based on the two dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes(RANS) equations with a k-ε closure,and Forchheimer equations are adopted for flow within the porous media.By introducing a Velocity-Pressure Correction equation for the wave flow and porous flow,a highly efficient coupling between the two flows is implemented.The numerical tests are conducted to study the effects of seabed thickness,porosity,particle size and intrinsic permeability coefficient on regular wave and solitary wave-induced pore water pressure response.The results indicate that,as compared with regular wave-induced,solitary wave-induced pore water pressure has larger values and stronger action on seabed with different parameters.The results also clearly show the flow characteristics of pore water flow within seabed and water wave flow on seabed.The maximum pore water flow velocities within seabed under solitary wave action are higher than those under regular wave action.  相似文献   

To simulate the wave-induced response of coupled pore fluids and a solid skeleton in shallow water, a set of solutions with different formulations (fully dynamic, partly dynamic, and quasi-static) corresponding to each soil behavior assumption is presented. To deal with Jacobian elliptic functions involved in the cnoidal theory, a Fourier series approximation is adopted for expanding the boundary conditions on the seabed surface. The parametric study indicates the significant effect of nonlinearity for shallow water wave, which also enhances the effect of soil characteristics. The investigation of the applicability of reduced formulations reveals the necessity of a partly or even fully dynamic formulation for the wave-induced seabed response problem in shallow water, especially for thickened seabed. The analysis of liquefaction in the seabed indicates that the maximum depth of liquefaction is shallower, and the width of liquefaction is broader under cnoidal wave loading. The present analytical model can provide more reasonable result for the wave-induced seabed response in the range of shallow water wave.  相似文献   

In this study, a new analytical solution for the wave-induced seabed response in a multi-layered poro-elastic seabed is developed. The seabed is treated as a multi-layered porous medium and characterized by Biot’s theory. The displacements of the solid skeleton and the pore pressure are expressed in terms of two scalar potentials and one vector. Then, the Biot’s dynamic equation can be solved using Fourier transformation and reducing to Helmholtz equations. To obtain the general solutions for the multi-layered poro-elastic seabed in the frequency-wave-number domain, the transmission and reflection matrices (TRM) method is used to form the equivalent stiffness. Using the boundary conditions and continuous conditions, the frequency-wave-number domain solutions are obtained. Finally, the time-space domain solutions for the multi-layered poro-elastic seabed are obtained by means of the inverse Fourier transformation with respect to the horizontal coordinate. Based on the new solution, a parametric study is carried out to examine the effects of soil characteristics (number of layers, permeability and shear modulus) and wave characteristics (water depth and wave steepness) on seabed responses. The results indicate that the seabed response is affected significantly by permeability, shear modulus and relative water depth.  相似文献   

近岸水深较浅,波浪具有较强的非线性,海床破坏与波浪作用下孔隙水压力的分布有着密切的关系。波浪场控制方程采用雷诺时均方程和k-ε紊流模型,入射波采用椭圆余弦波,采用PLIC-VOF法追踪自由表面;海床域以Biot动力固结理论为基础,建立了非线性波浪与海床相互作用的弱耦合数学模型,获得椭圆余弦波作用下沙质海床中孔隙水压力响应规律。计算结果表明,与线性波浪相比,浅水非线性波作用下沙质海床中孔隙水压力幅值增大非常显著。  相似文献   

D.-S. Jeng  H. Zhang   《Ocean Engineering》2005,32(16):1950-1967
The evaluation of the wave-induced liquefaction potential is particularly important for coastal engineers involved in the design of marine structures. Most previous investigations of the wave-induced liquefaction have been limited to two-dimensional non-breaking waves. In this paper, the integrated three-dimensional poro-elastic model for the wave-seabed interaction proposed by [Zhang, H., Jeng, D.-S., 2005. An integrated three-dimensional model of wave-induced pore pressure and effective stresses in a porous seabed: I. A sloping seabed. Ocean Engineering 32(5/6), 701–729.] is further extended to simulate the seabed liquefaction potential with breaking wave loading. Based on the parametric study, we conclude: (1) the liquefaction depth due to breaking waves is smaller than that of due to non-breaking waves; (2) the degree of saturation significantly affects the wave-induced liquefaction depth, and no liquefaction occurs in full saturated seabed, and (3) soil permeability does not only significantly affect the pore pressure, but also the shear stresses distribution.  相似文献   

The long-term distribution of seabed shear stresses under random waves is presented. The approach combines short-term distribution of maximum bottom shear stresses with a joint frequency table of significant wave height and peak period. An example of application is given where the long-term probability of exceeding a given level of the maximum bottom shear stress in the central North Sea is presented. The example includes estimation of the return period of the critical shear stress for sheet flow conditions, as well as the bottom shear stresses associated with the 1, 10 and 100 years return periods.  相似文献   

粉土在波浪等动荷载作用下极易发生液化破坏,而孔隙水压力在粉土动力学行为中扮演了一个很重要的角色,其发展变化会直接影响到土体的稳定性。因此,通过室内波浪作用下的粉土孔压响应模型试验探讨了孔压与波浪之间的响应情况,发现波浪能量的影响沿土层深度递减,水深条件相同时,响应的孔压随波高的增大而增加,当波浪作用足够长时间后粉土发生液化破坏,此时粉土内累积的孔压小于上覆土体的自重应力。根据结果提出了1种评价粉土海床稳定性的方法。  相似文献   

Acoustic signals from small explosive charges have been measured with sonobuoys on twelve tracks in Australian northern shallow waters with the aim of assessing whether useful geoacoustic information could be obtained. Using the frequency band from 14 to 70 Hz, travel times of head waves were monitored, and the sound speeds and depths of corresponding interfaces in the seabed were derived. The water sound speed varied a little with range, and its depth dependence was allowed for by using its average value. Head waves from interfaces indistinguishable from the seafloor (the water/seabed interface) were detected on only three of the tracks, with derived sound speeds of 2100 to 2300 m/s. The first sub-bottom interfaces were from 50 to 600 m beneath the seafloor, and their sound speeds ranged from around 2000 m/s to 6400 m/s. Thus the head waves were from chalk or limestone, cemented sediments in which sound-speed gradients would be small. The amount of data obtained for the seafloor was limited by incoherence of the signals and, for some tracks, by excessive spacing between shots. The incoherence is generally attributed to multiple head waves that are individually unresolvable, while on two tracks there were indications of medal ground waves. Occasional anomalous data were obtained, but generally the assumptions of the simple interpretation method were found to be valid. Since no curvature in the range-time lines was observed, there was no evidence of sub-bottom sound-speed gradients being significant  相似文献   

To simplify the complicated mathematical process, most previous investigations for the water waves-seabed interaction problem have assumed a porous seabed with isotropic soil behavior, even though strong evidence of anisotropic soil behavior has been reported in soil-mechanics literature. This paper proposes an analytical solution of the short-crested wave-induced soil response in a cross-anisotropic seabed. As shown in the numerical results presented, the wave-induced seabed response, including pore pressure, effective stresses and soil displacements, is affected significantly by the cross-anisotropic elastic constants. A parametric study is performed to clarify the relative differences in pore pressure between isotropic and cross-anisotropic solutions.  相似文献   


Independent and complementary methods were used for pore pressure assessment in the eastern Tunisian basins. Drilling data and surveys allow settling the pore pressure profile in these basins. The main used parameters are mud weights, formation pressure surveys, drilling parameters, well logs, fluids exchange with formation and borehole issues. In the eastern Tunisia platform, the pore pressure profiles show changes in overpressure magnitude in all the three dimensions of the basin (location and depth/stratigraphy). We highlighted two overpressure intervals form bottom to top: The late Cretaceous in the North-eastern part, and the Tertiary overpressure interval hosted in the Palaeocene to Miocene series. The structural analysis of overpressure location shows that the Tertiary interval is likely to have originated in a disequilibrium compaction in Cenozoic grabens. Pore pressure cross sections and maps confirm the link between active normal faults that segmented the basin to grabens and highs and pore pressure anomalous area. In the Senonian interval, we noted mature source-rocks that can explain the overpressure in the late Cretaceous interval. In addition, the recent to active compressive tectonics may have contributed to both pore pressure anomaly generations. The fluid overpressures characterization in the eastern Tunisian sedimentary basins helps in hydrocarbons exploration. Indeed, the overpressure interval in the reservoir levels stimulates and improves the production in the oilfields and contributes to hydrocarbon trapping. Moreover, the adequate prediction of pore pressure profile contributes to reduce drilling cost and enhance the drilling operations safety.  相似文献   

Unfluidized soil responses of a silty seabed to monochromatic waves   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A flume experimental study on unfluidized responses of a silty bed (d50=0.05 mm) to monochromatic water waves had shown that pore pressure variations were generally poro-elastic in the bulk body and displayed two other characteristic features not found in previous laboratory sand tests. They were an immediately fluidized thin surface layer induced by wave stresses inside the seabed's boundary layer and a porous skeleton with internally suspended sediments due to channeled flow motions. The analyses verified that on soils beneath the measurement points, both features resulted in relatively small-step pore pressure build-ups, while the former played a primary role. Besides, laboratory observations confirmed that there were some near-bed sediment suspensions during wave actions resulting in a flat bed form over a silty bed compared to small-scaled ripples over a sandy bed with no clearly identified suspended sediments. These characteristic silt responses suggest that sediment transport is critically associated with the internal soil responses and some field-observed sediment suspensions near above sandy beaches can further be approached in the laboratory by utilizing fine-grained soils.  相似文献   

T. C. Lee  C. P. Tsai  D. S. Jeng   《Ocean Engineering》2002,29(12):1577-1601
In the past few decades, considerable efforts have been devoted to the phenomenon of wave-seabed interaction. However, conventional investigations for determining wave characteristics have been focused on the wave nonlinearity. On the other hand, most previous works have been only concerned with the seabed response under the wave pressure, which was obtained from the assumption of a rigid seabed. In this paper, the inertia forces and employing a complex wave number are considered in the whole problem. Based on Biot’s poro-elastic theory, the problem of wave-seabed interaction is first treated analytically for a homogeneous bed of finite thickness and a new wave dispersion relationship is also obtained, in which the soil characteristics are included. The numerical results indicate that the effects of soil parameters significantly affect the wave characteristics (such as the damping of water wave, wave length and wave pressure). Furthermore, the effects of inertia forces on the wave-induced seabed response cannot always be ignored under certain combination of wave and soil conditions.  相似文献   

单桩基础周围斜坡海床中的波致孔隙水压力响应与纯斜坡海床存在较大差异。为了解不同波高、波周期条件下,单桩基础周围波浪传播变形及其对斜坡海床孔压振荡响应的影响,在波浪水槽末端铺设了长6 m、坡度1∶16的斜坡砂床进行试验。通过改变桩身位置和波浪参数,测量斜坡段各处波面形态,采集单桩周围孔隙水压力,分析了桩身位置及波浪参数对斜坡海床孔压响应的影响。结果表明:相同入射波条件下,随距坡脚水平距离增加,波高、近底流速和桩周孔隙水压力幅值都随之增大;桩周孔隙水压力幅值分布规律为:桩前孔压幅值明显大于桩侧与桩后孔压幅值。当Keulegan-Carpenter数大于6时,随着波高和波周期增大,马蹄涡产生的负压区使得桩侧海床孔隙水压力与纯斜坡海床孔隙水压力差值迅速增加。  相似文献   

破碎波对近海海岸地形以及海岸建筑物影响强烈,通过物理模型实验对孤立波、规则波作用下破碎带的床面形态以及孔隙水压力进行分析。破碎波冲击海床,破碎处床面上形成沙坝和沙坑,与规则波相比,孤立波破碎时对床面的冲刷更加剧烈,床面形成的沙坝和沙坑尺度更大,且土体内孔隙水压力幅值也较大。同时研究了波面变化对孔隙水压力的影响,发现波面变化历时曲线与孔隙水压力历时曲线相似,与孔隙水压力梯度历时曲线更为相似,说明波面变化更能反映海床内部孔隙水压力梯度的变化。通过探讨波浪与海床之间相互耦合作用,发现破碎带地形变化使得波浪出现不同破碎类型,分析得出卷破波比崩破波作用下孔隙水压力幅值大。  相似文献   

We have developed an analytical treatment for the wave-induced response of a seabed with inhomogeneous permeability, by employing the boundary layer approximation. By assuming an exponential function for vertically distributed permeability, the inhomogeneous consolidation equation was formulated as Bessel's differential equation. Subsequently, we proposed some representative quantities for examining the effects of inhomogeneity of permeability. The main effects of inhomogeneity are that the boundary layer becomes thinner and the phase delay in the direction of depth becomes larger as the inhomogeneity becomes significant. In addition, it was shown that the boundary layer is properly evaluated by using the averaged permeability.  相似文献   

The unsteady shallow-water vorticity equation dominating nearshore flow on a gently sloping plane beach has been solved by using the implicit finite difference technique under the assumption of constant viscosity over the flow field. The result of computation showed that pairs of nearshore circulation cells are generated through the nonlinear effect of flow in the boundary layer formed by the run-up movement of a standing edge wave along a shoreline and the paired cell has the spacing of half a wavelength of the edge wave. When the leaky-mode standing wave of Lamb with the same wave period as the edge wave and the wave crest parallel to a shoreline was superposed on the edge wave field, the alongshore spacing of circulation cell doubled and seaward flow in the cell concentrated in the narrow zone like a ‘rip current’. Although no effect of breaking waves is considered in the computation, such a mechanism may also generate some kinds of nearshore circulation systems observed in a sea.  相似文献   

In this study, a set of generalized analytical solutions are developed for the wave-induced response of a saturated porous seabed under plane strain condition. When considering the water waves originating in deep water and travelling towards the shore, their velocities, lengths and heights vary. Depending on the characteristics of the wave and the properties of the seabed, different formulations (fully dynamic, partly dynamic, quasi-static) for the wave-induced response of the seabed are possible. The solutions for the response with these formulations are established in terms of non-dimensional parameters. The results are presented in terms of pore pressure, shear stress and vertical effective stress distributions within the seabed. For typical values of wave period and seabed permeability, the regions of applicability of the three formulations are identified and plotted in parametric spaces. With given wave and seabed characteristics, these regions provide quick identification of the appropriate formulation for an adequate evaluation of the wave-induced seabed response.  相似文献   

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