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This paper reports on progress in developing a regional research and education strategy for Pacific Island countries and communities wishing to transition to a low carbon sea transport future. Sea transport is an absolute necessity for most such communities. All current services are fossil fuel based and are becoming increasingly unaffordable and unsustainable. The countries in the Pacific region are the most dependent on imported fossil fuels in the world, importing more than 95% of needs. Such dependency is having a crippling effect on national budgets and major impacts on key productive sectors. The region's transport issues are unique; small and vulnerable economies scattered at the ends of some of the longest transportation routes in the world and arguably the most challenging to maintain per capita and per sea mile. Alternatives to current fossil fuel powered sea transport have been almost totally ignored in recent regional and national debates and the issue has been largely invisible within the policy and donor strategy space at all levels despite concerted efforts over more than two decades to transition Pacific countries' electricity sector fossil fuel use. The University of the South Pacific has been collaborating with a network of stakeholders and knowledge partners since 2012 to advance this agenda, building off previous doctoral research and the resultant Sustainable Sea Transport Talanoa 2012. Prasad et al. (2013) set out the basis for a catalytic research program following from the consensually agreed outputs of SSTT 2012 and this paper records the progress made since.  相似文献   

This paper outlines research on the sea transport need and potential options for the future for the islands of Gau, Batiki and Nairai, Southern Lomaiviti, Fiji. Sea transport is vital for this island group but is limited to infrequent commercial ferry services and outboard driven punts. The Fiji Government subsidises the ferries through its Shipping Franchise Scheme to ensure commercial operators service the route. The absence of commercial development within the group has meant high biodiversity and cultural values have been preserved and there are a number of projects, especially on Gau, with a common aim of building resilience or ‘climate change proofing’ the communities and their island environments. These projects are focused on supporting local communities to maintain well-being through improved reliance on local and natural assets. It is logical to add analysis of low carbon sea transport options to these initiatives. Lomaiviti has been selected as representative of a number of isolated Maritime Provinces in the Pacific. This paper is expected to pave the way for greater research in this field and assist in solving the crippling effect of the region's current fossil fuel dependency.  相似文献   

The collection of articles in this volume reviewing eastern tropical Pacific oceanography is briefly summarized, and updated references are given. The region is an unusual biological environment as a consequence of physical characteristics and patterns of forcing – including a strong and shallow thermocline, the ITCZ and coastal wind jets, equatorial upwelling, the Costa Rica Dome, eastern boundary and equatorial current systems, low iron input, inadequate ventilation of subthermocline waters, and dominance of ENSO-scale temporal variability. Remaining unanswered questions are presented.  相似文献   

A numerical study using a 3-D nonhydrostatic model has been applied to baroclinic processes generated by the K 1 tidal flow in and around the Kuril Straits. The result shows that large-amplitude unsteady lee waves are generated and cause intense diapycnal mixing all along the Kuril Island Chain to levels of a maximum diapycnal diffusivity exceeding 103 cm2s−1. Significant water transformation by the vigorous mixing in shallow regions produces the distinct density and potential vorticity (PV) fronts along the Island Chain. The pinched-off eddies that arise and move away from the fronts have the ability to transport a large amount of mixed water (∼14 Sv) to the offshore regions, roughly half being directed to the North Pacific. These features are consistent with recent satellite imagery and in-situ observations, suggesting that diapycnal mixing within the vicinity of the Kuril Islands has a greater impact than was previously supposed on the Okhotsk Sea and the North Pacific. To examine this influence of tidal processes at the Kurils on circulations in the neighboring two basins, another numerical experiment was conducted using an ocean general circulation model with inclusion of tidal mixing along the islands, which gives a better representation of the Okhotsk Sea Mode Water than in the case without the tidal mixing. This is mainly attributed to the added effect of a significant upward salt flux into the surface layer due to tidal mixing in the Kuril Straits, which is subsequently transported to the interior region of the Okhotsk Sea. With a saline flux into the surface layer, cooling in winter in the northern part of the Okhotsk Sea can produce heavier water and thus enhance subduction, which is capable of reproducing a realistic Okhotsk Sea Mode Water. The associated low PV flux from the Kuril Straits to the open North Pacific excites the 2nd baroclinic-mode Kelvin and Rossby waves in addition to the 1st mode. Interestingly, the meridional overturning in the North Pacific is strengthened as a result of the dynamical adjustment caused by these waves, leading to a more realistic reproduction of the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) than in the case without tidal mixing. Accordingly, the joint effect of tidally-induced transport and transformation dominating in the Kuril Straits and subsequent eddy-transport is considered to play an important role in the ventilation of both the Okhotsk Sea and the North Pacific Ocean. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

There exists a tongueshaped swelldominance pool known as Swell Pool (SP) in the Eastern Pacific region. The monthlymean wave transports (WT) for each month of 2000 is computed using the wave products of ECMWF reanalysis data. By comparing the 2000 monthlymean WT and monthlymean wind field from QUICKSCAT, large differences are found between the wave transport direction and the wind direction over the Eastern Pacific. This may serve as an evidence for the existence of the SP in this region. The work done in this study indicates that the sources of swell in the Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) are in the westerly regions of the Southern and Northern Pacific.  相似文献   

Primary production in the eastern tropical Pacific: A review   总被引:2,自引:12,他引:2  
The eastern tropical Pacific includes 28 million km2 of ocean between 23.5°N and S and Central/South America and 140°W, and contains the eastern and equatorial branches of the north and South Pacific subtropical gyres plus two equatorial and two coastal countercurrents. Spatial patterns of primary production are in general determined by supply of macronutrients (nitrate, phosphate) from below the thermocline. Where the thermocline is shallow and intersects the lighted euphotic zone, biological production is enhanced. In the eastern tropical Pacific thermocline depth is controlled by three interrelated processes: a basin-scale east/west thermocline tilt, a basin-scale thermocline shoaling at the gyre margins, and local wind-driven upwelling. These processes regulate supply of nutrient-rich subsurface waters to the euphotic zone, and on their basis we have divided the eastern tropical Pacific into seven main regions. Primary production and its physical and chemical controls are described for each.Enhanced rates of macronutrient supply maintains levels of primary production in the eastern tropical Pacific above those of the oligotrophic subtropical gyres to the north and south. On the other hand lack of the micronutrient iron limits phytoplankton growth (and nitrogen fixation) over large portions of the open-ocean eastern tropical Pacific, depressing rates of primary production and resulting in the so-called high nitrate-low chlorophyll condition. Very high rates of primary production can occur in those coastal areas where both macronutrients and iron are supplied in abundance to surface waters. In these eutrophic coastal areas large phytoplankton cells dominate; conversely, in the open-ocean small cells are dominant. In a ‘shadow zone’ between the subtropical gyres with limited subsurface ventilation, enough production sinks and decays to produce anoxic and denitrified waters which spread beneath very large parts of the eastern tropical Pacific.Seasonal cycles are weak over much of the open-ocean eastern tropical Pacific, although several eutrophic coastal areas do exhibit substantial seasonality. The ENSO fluctuation, however, is an exceedingly important source of interannual variability in this region. El Niño in general results in a depressed thermocline and thus reduced rates of macronutrient supply and primary production. The multi-decadal PDO is likely also an important source of variability, with the ‘El Viejo’ phase of the PDO resulting in warmer and lower nutrient and productivity conditions similar to El Niño.On average the eastern tropical Pacific is moderately productive and, relative to Pacific and global means, its productivity and area are roughly equivalent. For example, it occupies about 18% of the Pacific Ocean by area and accounts for 22–23% of its productivity. Similarly, it occupies about 9% of the global ocean and accounts for 10% of its productivity. While representative, these average values obscure very substantial spatial and temporal variability that characterizes the dynamics of this tropical ocean.  相似文献   

赵军  高山  王凡  陈永利 《海洋科学》2018,42(8):71-78
中尺度涡的半径与涡动能之间的关系及其内在机制的研究,对我们理解中尺度涡旋的三维结构特征及其变异规律有很大的帮助。本文利用AVISO卫星高度计融合数据,基于流场几何特征的识别方法对西北太平洋(10°~52°N, 120°~180°E)的中尺度涡进行了识别追踪,并由此分析了该区域内中尺度涡的半径与涡动能(Eddy Kinetic Energy, EKE)的统计关系。结果表明该区域中尺度涡的半径与EKE之间存在类似翻转高斯函数的递增关系,特别是在涡旋半径达到一定程度后,EKE将不随半径的变大而继续增强。而且该关系与纬度密切相关,相同半径条件下,涡旋的EKE近似与其所在纬度的第一斜压Rossby变形半径的平方呈反比。进一步分析表明该统计关系与中尺度涡所处的发展阶段没有明显的联系。该结果为建立一个实用性的参数化、归一化的中尺度涡模型提供了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

王茹  李海艳  孟雷 《海洋学报》2019,41(11):1-14
不同科研工作者对黑潮延伸体区域和北太平洋副热带逆流区域的中尺度现象进行过不同的研究,但对两区域中尺度涡进行统一比较分析的工作较少。因此,本文利用11年的卫星高度计海表面高度异常资料分别对这两个区域的中尺度现象特征及其能量变化过程进行系统的分析和对比。研究发现,两区域的气旋涡与反气旋涡在分布、振幅、能量和寿命上均存在差异;进一步的动能谱分析和能量串级讨论发现:两区域的动能谱密度虽均集中在2×10–3~4×10–3 周/km的波数域上,但黑潮延伸体区域大部分涡旋信号分布在经向上,而北太平洋副热带逆流区域主要分布在纬向上,这可能与两区域中尺度涡能量来源的不同有关。由于两区域在2×10–3~3×10–3 周/km的波数域上动能转移项以负值为主,这说明两区域在此波数域上均存在能量源,并且发生能量逆向串级。  相似文献   

刘姝  高山红 《海洋科学》2021,45(6):79-91
基于2004—2018年的地面观测数据和大气再分析数据,探究了西太平洋副热带高压(简称西太副高)对黄海夏季海雾年际变化的影响.结果表明:1)黄海夏季海雾雾日数存在明显的年际变化;多雾年偏南水汽通量输入可以达到少雾年的2.54倍,水汽通量净收支约是少雾年的2.76倍.2)在对流层中低层,多雾年的水汽输送存在2个通道,分别...  相似文献   

Mesoscale eddies and tropical instability waves in the eastern tropical Pacific, first revealed by satellite infrared imagery, play an important role in the dynamics and biology of the region, and in the transfer of mass, energy, heat, and biological constituents from the shelf to the deep ocean and across the equatorial currents.From boreal late autumn to early spring, four to 18 cyclonic or anticyclonic eddies are formed off the coastal region between southern Mexico and Panama. The anticyclonic gyres, which tend to be larger and last longer than the cyclonic ones, are the best studied: they typically are 180–500 km in diameter, depress the pycnocline from 60 to 145 m at the eddy center, have swirl speeds in excess of 1 m s−1, migrate west at velocities ranging from 11 to 19 cm s−1 (with a slight southward component), and maintain a height signature of up to 30 cm. The primary generating agents for these eddies are the strong, intermittent wind jets that blow across the isthmus of Tehuantepec in Mexico, the lake district in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, and the Panama canal. Other proposed eddy-generating mechanisms are the conservation of vorticity as the North Equatorial Counter Current (NECC) turns north on reaching America, and the instability of coastally trapped waves/currents.Tropical Instability Waves (TIWs) are perturbations in the SST fronts on either side of the equatorial cold tongue. They produce SST variations on the order of 1–2 °C, have periods of 20–40 days, wavelengths of 1000–2000 km, phase speeds of around 0.5 m s−1 and propagate westward both north and south of the Equator. The Tropical Instability Vortices (TIVs) are a train of westward-propagating anticyclonic eddies associated with the TIWs. They exhibit eddy currents exceeding 1.3 m s−1, a westward phase propagation speed between 30 and 40 km d−1, a signature above the pycnocline, and eastward energy propagation. Like the TIWs, they result from the latitudinal barotropically unstable shear between the South Equatorial Current (SEC) and the NECC with a potential secondary source of energy from baroclinic instability of the vertical shear with the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC).This review of mesoscale processes is part of a comprehensive review of the oceanography of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Atmospheric forcing of the eastern tropical Pacific: A review   总被引:1,自引:8,他引:1  
The increase in marine, land surface, atmospheric and satellite data during recent decades has led to an improved understanding of the air–sea interaction processes in the eastern tropical Pacific. This is also thanks to extensive diagnoses from conceptual and coupled ocean–atmosphere numerical models. In this paper, mean fields of atmospheric variables, such as incoming solar radiation, sea level pressure, winds, wind stress curl, precipitation, evaporation, and surface energy fluxes, are derived from global atmospheric data sets in order to examine the dominant features of the low level atmospheric circulations of the region. The seasonal march of the atmospheric circulations is presented to depict the role of radiative forcing on atmospheric perturbations, especially those dominating the atmosphere at low levels.In the tropics, the trade winds constitute an important north–south energy and moisture exchange mechanism (as part of the low level branch of the Hadley circulation), that determines to a large extent the precipitation distribution in the region, i.e., that associated with the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Monsoonal circulations also play an important role in determining the warm season precipitation distribution over the eastern tropical Pacific through a large variety of air–sea–land interaction mechanisms. Westward traveling waves, tropical cyclones, low latitude cold air intrusions, and other synoptic and mesoscale perturbations associated with the ITCZ are also important elements that modulate the annual rainfall cycle. The low-level jets of the Gulf of California, the Intra-Americas Sea (Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea) and Chocó, Colombia are prominent features of the eastern tropical Pacific low-level circulations related to sub-regional and regional scale precipitation patterns. Observations show that the Intra-Americas Low-Level Jet intensity varies with El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phases, however its origin and role in the westward propagation and development of disturbances that may hit the eastern tropical Pacific, such as easterly waves and tropical cyclones, are still unclear. Changes in the intensity of the trade winds in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico (associated with eastern tropical Pacific wind jets) exert an important control on precipitation by means of wind–topography interactions. Gaps in the mountains of southern Mexico and Central America allow strong wind jets to pass over the continent imprinting a unique signal in sea surface temperatures and ocean dynamics of the eastern tropical Pacific.The warm pools of the Americas constitute an important source of moisture for the North American Monsoon System. The northeastern tropical Pacific is a region of intense cyclogenetic activity, just west of the coast of Mesoamerica. Over the oceanic regions, large-scale properties of key variables such as precipitation, moisture, surface energy fluxes and wind stress curl are still uncertain, which inhibits a more comprehensive view of the region and stresses the importance of regional field experiments. Progress has been substantial in the understanding of the ocean and atmospheric dynamics of the eastern tropical Pacific, however, recent observational evidence such as that of a shallow meridional circulation cell in that region, in contrast to the classic concept of the Hadley-type deep meridional circulation, suggests that more in situ observations to validate theories are still necessary.This paper is part of a comprehensive review of the oceanography of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

西北冰洋中太平洋入流水营养盐的变化特征   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用1999,2003和2008年夏季(7-9月)三次中国北极科学考察数据资料,分析和讨论太平洋入流水营养盐的分布和楚科奇海关键生物地球化学过程对太平洋水化学性质的改造.结果表明,2003和2008年在白令海峡南部64.3°N纬向断面(BS断面)由于水团性质差异显著,营养盐呈西高、东低的分布趋势.2003年BS断面水柱...  相似文献   

The destiny of the North Pacific Intermediate Water in the South China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The previous studies show that the spreading path of the subtropical salinity minimum of the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) is southwestward pointing to the Luzon Strait. Based on the P -vector method and generalized digital environmental model (GDEM) data, the volume transport of NPIW through Luzon Strait and the upward transport on the NPIW lower and upper boundaries are calculated to examine the destiny of NPIW in the South China Sea (SCS). On the annual mean, the estimation of NPIW transport into the SCS through the Luzon Strait is 1.72 Sv (1Sv=10 6 m 3 /s). The upward transport over the SCS is 0.31 Sv on the NPIW upper boundary and 1.31 Sv on the NPIW lower boundary. There is no strait or passage deeper than the surface for the NPIW to extend, except for the Luzon Strait. For the volume balance in the SCS NPIW, the volume transport of 2.72 Sv has to flow out of the SCS NPIW layer through the Luzon Strait.  相似文献   

Satellite-tracked Lagrangian drifters are used to investigate the transport pathways of near-surface water around the Luzon Strait. Particular attention is paid to the intrusion of Pacific water into the South China Sea(SCS).Results from drifter observations suggest that except for the Kuroshio water, other Pacific water that carried by zonal jets, Ekman currents or eddies, can also intrude into the SCS. Motivated by this origin problem of the intrusion water, numerous simulated trajectories are constructed by altimeter-based velocities. Quantitative estimates from simulated trajectories suggest that the contribution of other Pacific water to the total intrusion flux in the Luzon Strait is approximately 13% on average, much smaller than that of Kuroshio water. Even so, over multiple years and many individual intrusion events, the contribution from other Pacific water is quite considerable. The interannual signal in the intrusion flux of these Pacific water might be closely related to variations in a wintertime westward current and eddy activities east of the Luzon Strait. We also found that Ekman drift could significantly contribute to the intrusion of Pacific water and could affect the spreading of intrusion water in the SCS. A case study of an eddy-related intrusion is presented to show the detailed processes of the intrusion of Pacific water and the eddy-Kuroshio interaction.  相似文献   

Consumption of silicate and nitrate (Si:N molar ratio) in the upper layer of the pelagic subarctic Pacific in summer was evaluated by a regression analysis of silicate vs. nitrate concentrations at the upper 100 m depth. Based on data of three cruises, the pelagic subarctic Pacific can be classified into two groups. First group is characterized by roughly 1:1 consumption of silicate and nitrate, and occupies rather larger area of subarcfic Pacific, i.e., the Gulf of Alaska and the Western Subarctic gyre (averaged slope of Si:N linear regression: 1.21, n = 10 and 1.45, n = 9, respectively). Second group is the regions of the Bering Sea basin and the Oyashio region, and showed higher silicate consumption compared to that of nitrate (averaged slope of Si:N linear regression: 2.14, n = 9 and 2.36, n = 3, respectively). The Si:N difference observed is possibly attributed to relative contribution of diatoms production among the phytoplankton assemblages in the regions, i.e., dominance of diatoms production in the regions of the second group. Higher accumulation of ammonium at the bottom of euphotic layer in the summer Bering Sea basin would also contribute to increase consumption ratio of Si:N amounts.  相似文献   

A set of phytoplankton pigment measurements collected on eight quarterly transects from France to New Caledonia is analyzed in order to identify the main assemblages of phytoplankton and to relate their occurrence to oceanic conditions. Pigment concentrations are first divided by the sum [monovinyl chlorophyll a plus divinyl chlorophyll a] to remove the effect of biomass, and second are normalized to give an equal weight to all pigments. The resulting 17 pigments × 799 observations matrix is then classified into 10 clusters using neural methodology. Eight out of these 10 clusters have a well marked regional or seasonal character, thus evidencing adapted responses of the phytoplankton communities. The main gradient opposes two clusters with high fucoxanthin and chlorophyll c1+2 in the North Atlantic in January, April and July, to three clusters in the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre with high divinyl chlorophyll a, zeaxanthin and phycoerythrin. One of the clusters in the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre has relatively high zeaxanthin and phycoerythrin contents and dominates in November and February (austral summer), while another with relatively high divinyl chlorophylls a and b dominates in May and August (austral winter). The third one in the South Pacific is characterized by high carotene concentration and its occurrence peaks in February and May. In the equatorial current system, one cluster, rich in chlorophylls b and c1+2, is strictly located in a narrow zone centred at the equator, while another with relatively high violaxanthin concentration is restricted to the high nutrient - low chlorophyll waters in only the southern part of the South Equatorial Current. One cluster with relatively high prasinoxanthin content has a spatial distribution spanning the entire South Equatorial Current. Two clusters have a ubiquitous distribution: one in the equatorial Pacific, the Carribbean Sea and the North Atlantic during summer has pigment concentrations close to the average of the entire dataset, and the other in the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre, the Carribbean Sea and the North Atlantic during autumn clearly has an oligotrophic character. Many of the differences between clusters are caused by diagnostic pigments of nano- or picoflagellates. While the space and time characteristics of the clusters are well marked and might correspond to differences in physical and chemical forcing, knowledge of the ecological requirements of these flagellates is generally lacking to explain how the variability of the environment triggers these clusters.  相似文献   

北太平洋经向翻转环流是北太平洋所有经向翻转环流圈的总称,目前它拥有五个环流圈,即副热带环流圈(the subtropical cell,STC)、热带环流圈(the tropical cell,TC)、副极地环流圈(the subpolar cell,SPC)、深层热带环流圈(the deep tropical cell,DTC)和温跃层环流圈(the thermohaline cell,THC)。这些环流圈是北太平洋经向物质和能量交换的重要通道,它们的变化对海洋上层热盐结构和气候变化皆有重要影响。迄今,人们已对STC、TC和DTC的结构形态、变化特征与机理开展了广泛而深入的研究,并对STC的极向热输送特征也做了一些初步分析。但应指出的是,关于SPC和THC的研究仍较少,迄今尚不清楚这两个环流圈的三维结构和变异机理;而且,对北太平洋经向翻转环流的热盐输送研究尚处于起步阶段,目前对各环流圈的热盐输送特征、变化规律和变异机理仍知之甚少,这些科学问题亟待深入研究。  相似文献   

太平洋东边界波浪输运   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过计算2000年涌浪指标(swell index)的全球分布,发现太平洋东边界赤道附近区域存在涌浪池.利用ECMWF再分析波浪资料,计算出2000年全球月平均波浪体积输运.比较2000年全球月平均波浪体积输运和2000年QUICKSCAT月平均风场,发现在赤道太平洋东边界涌浪池区域内的波浪输运方向和风向存在很大的差别,两者方向相差大约90°.这进一步验证了该地区涌浪池存在的真实性.研究发现,赤道太平洋东边界涌浪主要来源于北太平洋和南太平洋的西风带对应的海区.在涌浪池区域内分别在2.5°S和2.5°N取两条边界(边界起点为125°W,终点为美洲大陆西边界),计算通过这两条边界进入赤道区域涌浪的Stokes体积净输运量.结果表明,不同月份通过南、北两条边界波浪的净输运量与当月南、北太平洋西风带的风浪强度密切相关.同时指出了,涌浪的体积输运将会对大洋环流系统产生潜在的重要影响.  相似文献   

综述了近20年来国内外学者在研究北太平洋西边界流的平均结构及NEC分叉动力机制、NM K流系平均输运的分配及变化、NM K流系季节及年际变化规律及其与EN SO之间的关系、NM K流系在热带和亚热带水交换中的作用以及水团的平均分布特征等方面所取得的主要成果。通过分析,发现东亚季风、R ossby波和K e lv in波等是影响北太平洋西边界流的主要因素;而缺乏长期直接的海流观测资料是深入研究北太平洋西边界流遇到的最大障碍。  相似文献   

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