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汶川地震砾性土液化场地特征解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

通过成都平原砾性土场地勘察测试,研究汶川地震中大量砾性土液化场地的基本特性,找出一般规律,对砾性土场地液化发生主客观原因提出解释,并修正以往若干认识偏差.分析表明:汶川地震液化砾性土层粒径范围宽,含砾量5%~85%甚至更大,同时其实测剪切波速140~270 m·s-1,修正剪切波速160~314 m·s-1,都远超历史记录;液化砾性土场地1/2集中在Ⅷ度区内,表明如砂土层液化一样,砾性土场地大规模液化需要较强地震动触发,但超过触发强度后液化规模增长均有限;成都平原浅表地层二元基本结构是汶川地震中出现大量砾性土场地的客观条件之一,该结构可使饱和砾性土层处于封闭状态,构成了砾性土液化的基本条件;虽然液化砾性土层剪切波速很高,但实际上大多松散状态,是此次地震大量砾性土场地发生液化的客观条件之二;地震中地表(井中)喷出物与地下实际液化土类大相径庭,且液化层埋深大多小于6.0 m,以往以地表喷出物反推地下液化层土性类型的做法不再成立;认为砾性土层波速大、透水性好而不会液化的传统认识也不再成立,但砾性土层液化条件与砂土层液化条件不同,前者要求更高.


Gravelly soil is generally recognized to have no liquefaction potential. However, liquefaction cases were reported in central Taiwan in the 1999 Chi-Chi Taiwan earthquake and in the 1988 Armenia earthquake. Thus, further studies on the liquefaction potential of gravelly soil are warranted. Because large particles can impede the penetration of both standard penetration test and cone penetration test, shear wave velocity-based correlations and large hammer penetration tests (LPT) are employed to evaluate the liquefaction resistance of gravelly soils. A liquefied gravelly deposit site during the Chi-Chi earthquake was selected for this research. In situ physical properties of soil deposits were collected from exploratory trenches. Instrumented LPT and shear wave velocity (Vs) measurements were performed to evaluate the liquefaction resistance. In addition, large-scale cyclic triaxial tests on remolded gravelly soil samples (15 cm in diameter, 30 cm in height) were conducted to verify and improve LPT-based and Vs-based correlations. The results show that the LPT and shear wave velocity methods are reasonably suitable for liquefaction assessment of gravelly soils.  相似文献   

The liquefaction behavior and cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) of reconstituted samples of non-plastic silt and sandy silts with 50% and 75% silt content are examined using constant-volume cyclic and monotonic ring shear tests along with bender element shear wave velocity (Vs) measurements. Liquefaction occurred at excess pore water pressure ratios (ru) between 0.6 and 0.7 associated with cumulative cyclic shear strains (γ) of 4% to 7%, after which cyclic liquefaction ensued with very large shear strains and excess pore water pressure ratio (ru>0.8). The cyclic ring shear tests demonstrate that cyclic resistance ratio of silt and sandy silts decreases with increasing void ratio, or with decreasing silt content at a certain void ratio. The results also show good agreement with those from cyclic direct simple shear tests on silts and sandy silts. A unique correlation is developed for estimating CRR of silts and sandy silts (with more than 50% silt content) from stress-normalized shear wave velocity measurements (Vs1) with negligible effect of silt content. The results indicate that the existing CRR–Vs1 correlations would underestimate the liquefaction resistance of silts and sandy silt soils.  相似文献   

Shear moduli of volcanic soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The shear modulus of soils is one of the important parameters in small strain level geotechnical problems (i.e. the study of earthquake effects and soil–structure interaction). In this paper, the shear moduli of crushable volcanic soils at small strain level were investigated in bender element and cyclic undrained triaxial tests. Comparison of results shows that the shear moduli from bender element tests agree well with those determined in cyclic triaxial tests. The influence of particle breakage, effective confining pressure, consolidation time, void ratio and fines content on the shear modulus are also discussed. In the present study, empirical equations for evaluating the shear modulus of granular materials with particle breakage are proposed based on the test results.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study is for presenting some simple-to-use expressions relating the shear and dilatational wave velocities (VS and VP) to some physical and constitutive parameters of unsaturated soils. To this purpose, a simplified formulation is developed using the theory of linear poroelasticity in conjunction with some constitutive parameters widely used in geotechnical engineering. The derived expressions are of practical interest in view of the fact that they could be employed for evaluating the involved soil parameters from VS and VP measurements by in-situ or laboratory geophysical tests.  相似文献   

饱和黄土液化判别方法的两点发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
黄土液化实例多与现有可液化土地质年代规定不符。采用动三轴弯曲元试验设备对原状黄土饱和过程进行剪切波速跟踪测试,发现黄土浸水、结构先破坏再固结形成新的稳定结构的特点,证明经历过饱和的黄土已不能再视其为饱和前的地质年代。兰州马兰黄土中的黏粒有些是以黏土团块的形式存在,而黏土团块并不影响其他部分粉质土的液化,因此对于此类土应用黏粒含量进行液化判别时,应考虑将黏土团块不计入黏粒含量。  相似文献   

地震液化是引起地基失稳和上部结构损害的直接原因之一,而液化震害预防的第一步就是对工程场地进行液化预测和判别。静力触探(CPT)作为最主要的原位测试技术,因其具有快速、低廉、高效等优点,被广泛用于液化判别。根据国内外近年来CPT技术的发展,对不同形式的CPT[孔压静力触探技术(CPTU)技术,电阻率孔压静力触探(RCPTU)技术、地震波孔压静力触探技术(SCPTU)技术等]在地震液化评价中的应用进行系统的论述。特别介绍一种基于状态参数进行液化判别的方法,另外还简要介绍基于概率统计分析法。比较和梳理各种液化判别方法的差异性,最后,在已有研究成果的基础上分析现有CPT液化判别法存在的问题与不足。分析结果表明:状态参数法能够同时考虑围压应力和孔隙比的影响,有效地将室内试验与现场试验联系起来;SCPTU、RCPTU液化判别框架还需进一步拓展与完善;概率统计分析法需结合相应软件使其更具适用性。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to develop an analytical methodology to evaluate the effectiveness ofvibro stone column (S. C.) and dynamic compaction (D.C.) techniques supplemented with wick drains to densify and mitigate liquethctionin saturated sands and non-plastic silty soils. It includes the following: (i) develop numerical models to simulate and analyze soil densification during S.C. installation and D.C. process, and (ii) identify parameters controlling post-improvement soil density in both cases, and (iii) develop design guidelines for densification of silty soils using the above techniques. An analytical procedure was developed and used to simulate soil response during S.C. and D.C. installations, and the results were compared with available case history data. Important construction design parameters and soil properties that affect the effectiveness of these techniques, and construction design choices suitable for sands and non-plastic silty soils were identified. The methodology is expected to advance the use of S.C. and DC. in silty soils reducing the reliance on expensive field trials as a design tool. The ultimate outcome of this research will be design charts and design guidelines for using composite stone columns and composite dynamic compaction techniques in liquefaction mitigation of saturated silty soils.  相似文献   

循环荷载下液化对土层水平往返变形的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用多工况振动台实验研究液化对土层水平往返变形的影响.以干砂实验为参照,分析孔压增长与土层加速度和土层往返变形之间的关系.结果表明:液化将引起土表加速度显著降低,减小惯性力传递,但同时会引起土层往返剪应变明显增大.对往返变形而言,液化土层往返剪应变就可达到1%~5%的大变形状态,且液化土层往返剪应变沿深度呈下大上小分布.土层中孔压比0.4~0.8是往返变形出现放大的敏感段,在孔压比0.8左右而不是在1.0达到最大.作为其结果,土层液化将对刚性上部结构振动起减震作用,但同时增大的往返剪应变也易导致基础和地下结构破坏,特别是对液化层与下部非液化层交界处的构件更敏感.  相似文献   

The influence of a driving static shear stress on the liquefaction resistance of medium dense granular soils is investigated. A laboratory study of the behavior of five sands (percentage of silt varying between 2 and 42%, and D50 varying between 0.55 and 0.09 mm) was undertaken. These five sands were sampled from the foundations of two dams in Quebec (Canada). Sixty cyclic direct simple shear (DSS) tests were performed with and without a driving static shear stress. Relative densities Dr varied between 60 and 70%, and static shear stress ratios =τst/σvc varied between 0.2 and 0.6. The presence of static shear stress increased the cyclic strength of these soils. A relation between and K() factor giving the effect of preshearing on cyclic shear resistance is obtained. The mechanical competence is examined as a function of D50 and percentage of fines. The observed dilatancy yielded rather cyclic mobility than liquefaction.  相似文献   

Results of in situ tests of shear wave propagation are presented and analysed to evaluate the effects of geologic processes, stress history and ageing on the shear modulus of soils. These results show clear tendencies of soil structures to get stiffer as consequence of ageing or surcharging to high stress levels. The evolution of shear modulus, as verified by these results, is significant as it changes the response of soil deposits to seismic loadings.  相似文献   

Current techniques for liquefaction screening, ground modification for liquefaction mitigation, and post-improvement verification rely on knowledge gained from extensive research on clean sands, field observations of liquefied ground, and judicial correlation of normalized penetration resistance [(N1)60,qc1N] or shear wave velocity (vs1) data with field liquefaction observations. Uncertainties prevail on the direct extrapolation of such techniques for silty soil sites. This paper examines laboratory data on liquefaction resistance, strength, and vs1 of sands and silty soils using grain contact density as the basis. Effect of silt content on cyclic resistance, strength, mv, and cv is examined in this light. Rational insights on effects of silt content on the current screening techniques based on (N1)60, qc1N, and vs1 to silty soils are offered. Recent advances and modifications to the traditional densification, drainage, and permeation grouting techniques to make them viable for silty soils are discussed.  相似文献   

针对目前剪切波速判别饱和砂土层震动液化方法中存在的问题,提出了结合场况条件计算临界剪切波速的改进式。实例应用表明改进方法更具有合理性。  相似文献   

Here, we propose that an earthquake can trigger the failure of a landslide mass while simultaneously triggering liquefaction of runout‐path materials before the arrival of the landslide mass, thus greatly increasing the size and mobility of an overriding landslide. During the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, about 60 000 landslides were triggered, directly resulting in about 20 000 casualties. While these landslides mainly originated from steep slopes, some landslides with high mobility formed in colluvial valley deposits. Among these, the most catastrophic was the Xiejiadian landslide in Pengzhou city, which traveled hundreds of meters before coming to rest. Through field investigation and laboratory testing, we conclude that this landslide primarily formed from colluvial deposits in the valley and secondarily from failure of slopes in granitic rock located uphill. Much of the granitic slope failure was deposited in the upper part of the travel path (near the slide head); the remainder was dispersed throughout the main landslide deposit. Superposition of deposits at the landslide toe indicates that landslide debris derived from colluvial soil was deposited first. The deposits at the landslide toe displayed flow characteristics, such as fine materials comprising basal layers and large boulders covering the deposit surface. We hypothesize that the main part of the landslide resulted from seismogenic liquefaction of valley colluvium, rather than from liquefaction potentially caused by undrained loading from the granitic slope failures impacting the colluvium. To examine the likelihood that seismogenic liquefaction occurred, we took samples from different areas of the landslide deposit and performed undrained cyclic shear tests on them in the laboratory. The results showed that the sandy soils that comprise most of the deposit are highly liquefiable under seismic loading. Therefore, we conclude that liquefaction of the colluvium in the valley during the earthquake was the main reason for this rapid (~46 m/s) long‐runout (1·7 km) landslide. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过一系列野外及实验室试验,对澳门地区土层地震波速进行了初步测量,从初步的现场试验结果来看,浅层的地震波速受到堆填物料的影响颇大,变化显得较为宽广,随着深度的增加,由于天然土层较为均一,地震波速的变化亦见收窄,现场剪切波速数据与标准贯人试验(SPT)数据可见一定吻合性。而通过等向及异向固结的实验室试验,发现澳门海泥的剪切波速在同一平均有效应力而不同应力路径下大致相同,此外,比较野外及实验室试验结果,亦显示澳门海泥的剪切波速受土体天然结构影响不大。  相似文献   

In the framework of the Catania Project supported by GNDT (Gruppo Nazionale per la Difesa dai Terremoti) seismic measurements have been carried out in the shore sands of Catania to define their detailed shear wave velocity (V) profiles and attenuation properties (Q). The method used, FTAN, is based on the analysis of the dispersion curve extracted from signals generated by controlled sources. The computation of complete synthetic seismograms enables the estimation of the attenuation properties of the surface layers. Hereinafter we analyse the shear seismic characteristics of the shore sands as indicators of potential liquefaction phenomena.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of cyclic triaxial (CT) tests on sand with a simultaneous variation of the axial and the lateral stresses. Furthermore, a cyclic multidimensional simple shear (CMDSS) device and corresponding test results are discussed. For in-phase cycles with a constant strain amplitude it is demonstrated that the accumulation rate is independent of the polarization of the cycles in the strain space. Polarization changes lead to a temporary increase of the accumulation rate: they increase the effectiveness of compaction. For out-of-phase (e.g. elliptical) cycles the shape of the strain loop significantly influences the residual strain. A circular strain loop generates twice larger accumulation rates than a one-dimensional strain loop with identical span. The accumulation rate is not influenced by the circulation of the strain loop. It is shown that the direction of accumulation (so-called “cyclic flow rule”) is only moderately affected by the polarization and the shape of the cycles.  相似文献   

在对山西大同市区3个主要地貌单元共72个钻孔的剪切波速资料分析整理的基础上,利用指数形式的剪切波速与深度经验公式,对测点较多的粉质黏土、粉土、粗砂三类土层的剪切波速Vs与土层深度H的关系进行统计回归,并将实测剪切波速值与利用上述统计结果得到的预测值进行对比检验,结果表明,分地貌单元各类土层的Vs-H经验关系是可靠的,符合当地岩土特征,可用于对该地区地层剪切波速进行推测。  相似文献   

The fabric anisotropy of a granular soil deposit can strongly infl uence its engineering properties and behavior. This paper presents the results of a novel experimental study designed to examine the effects of fabric anisotropy on smallstrain stiffness and its evolution with loading on the elastic shear modulus of granular materials under a K0 condition. Two primary categories of fabric anisotropy, i.e., deposition-induced and particle shape-induced, are investigated. Toyoura sand deposits with relative densities of 40% and 80% were prepared using deposition angles oriented at 0o and 90o. Piezoelectric transducers were used to obtain the elastic shear modulus in the vertical and horizontal directions(Gvh and Ghh). The measurements indicate distinct differences in the values of G with respect to the different deposition angles. Particle shapeinduced fabric anisotropy was examined using four selected sands. It was concluded that sphericity is a controlling factor dominating the small-strain stiffness of granular materials. The degree of fabric anisotropy proves to be a good indicatorin the characterization of stress-induced fabric evolution during loading and unloading stress cycles. The experimental data were used to calibrate an existing micromechanical model, which was able to represent the behavior of the granular material and the degree of fabric anisotropy reasonably well.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of nature of the earthquake on the assessment of liquefaction potential of a soil deposit during earthquake loading. Here, the nature of the earthquake is included via the parameter V, the ‘pseudo-velocity’, that is the gross area under the acceleration record of the earthquake at any depth below the ground surface. By analysing a number of earthquake records from different parts of the world, a simple method has been outlined to assess the liquefaction potential of a soil deposit based on the pseudo-velocity. For many earthquakes occurred in the past, acceleration records are available or can be computed at the ground level or some other depth below the ground surface. Therefore, this method is a useful tool at the preliminary design stage to determine the liquefaction potential before going into a detailed analysis. Validation of the method is carried out using a database of case histories consisting of standard penetration test values, acceleration records at the ground surface and field observations of liquefaction/non-liquefaction. It can be seen that the proposed method has the ability to predict soil liquefaction potential accurately, despite its simplicity.  相似文献   

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