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The circulation and transport of freshwater generated by an idealized buoyant source is studied using a three-dimensional primitive equation model. Freshwater enters the continental shelf, turns anticyclonically and moves downstream in the direction of Kelvin wave propagation. In the region close to the source, the flow reaches an equilibrium in the bottom boundary layer so that freshwater does not spread offshore any further. This offshore equilibrium distance increases as we move downstream until the freshwater is able to feel the presence of the shelfbreak. A shelfbreak front forms and the shelfbreak prevents any further offshore spreading of freshwater in the bottom boundary layer.Two complimentary mechanisms are responsible for the slow cross-shelf migration of freshwater and subsequent trapping of shelfbreak fronts: bottom stress and topographic changes. The shelfbreak creates an active, dynamic process preventing leakage from the continental shelf region to the slope region. However, the dynamical process that traps the front to the shelfbreak is still unclear.The location of the shelfbreak front depends on four dimensionless parameters: scaled inlet volume transport, scaled breadth, scaled “diffusivity” and scaled shelf width. We develop empirical relations for predicting the location of the frontal bottom intersection, given these parameters.  相似文献   

Data of field observations are indicative of the periodic appearance of intrusions of cold water at depths of 250–400 m near the northeastern Sakhalin continental slope in summer. Monitoring of the oceanographic conditions in the area shows that the density contrast between shelf and offshore waters persists throughout the year. The static instability of the water column in the vicinity of shelf break and the continental slope is a permanent feature of the area during the year and is the main cause of ventilation of the Sea of Okhotsk water in summer. The energy of tides can be an additional drive for the penetration of shelf waters into the sea interior and modulate the ventilation process.  相似文献   

The major components of the marine boundary layer biogeochemical sulfur cycle were measured simultaneously onshore and off the coast of Washington State, U.S.A. during May 1987. Seawater dimethylsulfide (DMS) concentrations on the continental shelf were strongly influenced by coastal upwelling. Concentration further offshore were typical of summer values (2.2 nmol/L) at this latitude. Although seawater DMS concentrations were high on the biologically productive continental shelf (2–12 nmol/L), this region had no measurable effect on atmospheric DMS concentrations. Atmospheric DMS concentrations (0.1–12 nmol/m3), however, were extremely dependent upon wind speed and boundary layer height. Although there appeared to be an appreciable input of non-sea-salt sulfate to the marine boundary layer from the free troposphere, the local flux of DMS from the ocean to the atmosphere was sufficient to balance the remainder of the sulfur budget.  相似文献   


The effect of an abrupt headland on a barotropic oceanic boundary current with variable bottom topography is investigated. The objective is to explore with a very simple model some of the observed features of flow past Brooks Peninsula, an obstacle to boundary currents on the west coast of Vancouver Island. It is shown that the seasonal variation in the background current field causes a large change in the response to the headland. The difference is both quantitative and qualitative and results from the ability of southward alongshore flows to support topographic Rossby lee waves.

As a result of the presence of the lee waves a strong offshore flow occurs just downstream of the Peninsula and this ejects water from the continental shelf into deep water producing features reminiscent of the so‐called “squirts” and “jets”.  相似文献   

Results are presented from two sets of laboratory model experiments on the effects of an isolated seamount upon the flow of an intermediate-water slope current along a continental shelf. The experimental results for initial ambient conditions of respectively two-layer and linearly stratified fluids show that the structure of such a boundary current depends primarily on the values of the appropriate set of dimensionless dynamical parameters (namely the Burger (Bu), Ekman (Ek) and Rossby (Ro) numbers), as well as the dimensionless lateral separation of the seamount and shelf and the proportional height of the seamount relative to the distance from the bottom at which the intermediate-water flows. Comparisons of the present results with those from a previous two-layer fluid study with no obstacle present reveals that the presence of the obstacle does not alter significantly the stability of the current even when situated close to the shelf. However, for such configurations, the density, velocity and vorticity fields in the local zone of interaction between the current and the obstacle are distorted significantly by the presence of the obstacle, provided that the summit of the obstacle penetrates the level of current flow. Measurements of density, velocity and vorticity fields show no significant dependence of the flow interaction upon the detailed bathymetry of the shelf-slope. For stable intermediate-water slope currents, the nature of the interaction with the obstacle is determined primarily by (i) the lateral separation of the obstacle and the shelf edge and (ii) the Ro of the flow. For sufficiently low values of the former and high values of the latter, the interaction results in a splitting of the incident flow around the obstacle, with cyclonic and anticyclonic eddy pairs being generated in the lee. Geostrophic equilibrium is seen to be maintained in the current, even in the near wake of the obstacle. For cases in which the summit of the seamount is below the initially-undisturbed intermediate water level, no Taylor column-like division of the slope current occurs and no significant distortion of the current structure (velocity and density) occurs for the parameter ranges investigated. For linearly stratified cases, measurements show that no significant local elevation or depression of the density interfaces is observed in the interaction zone. The distributions of the local buoyancy frequencies calculated from the density profiles reveal that the minimum value of the frequency upstream of the obstacle is smaller than that downstream, indicating that the flow interactions generate local mixing downstream, with consequent erosion of the density interfaces.  相似文献   

An idealized coupled general circulation model is used to demonstrate that the surface warming due to the doubling of CO2 can still be stronger in high latitudes than in low latitudes even without the negative evaporation feedback in low latitudes and positive ice-albedo feedback in high latitudes, as well as without the poleward latent heat transport. The new climate feedback analysis method formulated in Lu and Cai (Clim Dyn 32:873–885, 2009) is used to isolate contributions from both radiative and non-radiative feedback processes to the total temperature change obtained with the coupled GCM. These partial temperature changes are additive and their sum is convergent to the total temperature change. The radiative energy flux perturbations due to the doubling of CO2 and water vapor feedback lead to a stronger warming in low latitudes than in high latitudes at the surface and throughout the entire troposphere. In the vertical, the temperature changes due to the doubling of CO2 and water vapor feedback are maximum near the surface and decrease with height at all latitudes. The simultaneous warming reduction in low latitudes and amplification in high latitudes by the enhanced poleward dry static energy transport reverses the poleward decreasing warming pattern at the surface and in the lower troposphere, but it is not able to do so in the upper troposphere. The enhanced vertical moist convection in the tropics acts to amplify the warming in the upper troposphere at an expense of reducing the warming in the lower troposphere and surface warming in the tropics. As a result, the final warming pattern shows the co-existence of a reduction of the meridional temperature gradient at the surface and in the lower troposphere with an increase of the meridional temperature gradient in the upper troposphere. In the tropics, the total warming in the upper troposphere is stronger than the surface warming.  相似文献   

When a broad ocean current encounters a large-scale topographic feature, standing Rossby wave patterns can be generated. Short Rossby waves with a scale Li = √ Q/β (Q is the speed of the approaching flow; β is the meridional gradient of f) are generated east of the topography. If the zonal scale of the topography, L, is planetary, long standing Rossby waves can be generated west of the topography, when the current has a meridional component. The long waves focus the disturbance zonally and produce alternating regions of intensified or reduced zonal flow. The meridional scale that characterizes these zonal bands is the intermediate scales, L = Li2/3L1/3. When the meridional topographic scale is comparable to L, the amplitude of the long-wave disturbance is dominant. Using multiple-scale methods to exploit the scale gap between the planetary, intermediate and Rossby wave scales, the topographically induced pressure and velocity fields due to a zonal ridge are obtained. When the planetary-scale flow field is directed poleward, a westward counterflow can occur along the poleward flank of the ridge. The meridional scales of these topographically induced flows are comparable to those observed along the Indian-Antarctic Ridge by Callahan (1971).  相似文献   

The structure of supercritical western boundary currents is investigated using a quasi-geostrophic numerical model. The basic flow is of meridional Munk balance, and the input boundary is perturbed by the most unstable wave solution obtained from linear spatial instability calculations. Self-preserving (or equilibrium) solutions are obtained for the model runs at Re=30, 60, 90, and 120, and their energy and vorticity budgets are analyzed. In an analogy with the laboratory turbulence of wall boundary layers, the western boundary layer is divided into inner and outer layers. In the inner layer, the mean energy is dissipated via direct viscous dissipation, while in the outer layer it is converted to the eddy energy via turbulence production. The main scenario is that the mean energy is produced in the inner layer via ageostrophic pressure work divergence, and it is partly removed due to viscous action within a narrow region near the wall, defined here as viscous sub-layer. The remaining portion is converted to the eddy energy via turbulence production in the outer layer, which is in turn transported to the inner layer, then again to the viscous sub-layer where it is ultimately dissipated. In the near-wall side, the vorticity balance of the mean flow is maintained by viscous effect and Reynolds flux divergence, while in the offshore side it is maintained by beta effect and Reynolds flux divergence. The length scale of the supercritical boundary current is roughly , where LM is the Munk length, as observed from a dimensional analysis.  相似文献   

Principles for incorporating the upstream effects of deep sills into numerical ocean circulation models using nonlinear analytical hydraulic models are discussed within the context of reduced gravity flow. A method is developed allowing the upstream influence of a numerically unresolvable deep sill or width contraction to be reproduced. The method consists of placing an artificial boundary in the numerical model's overflowing layer at some distance upstream of the actual sill or width contraction of the deep strait. Given the model state at time t, the dependent flow variables are then predicted at the artificial boundary at time t + Δt by using the method of characteristics in combination with quasi-steady hydraulic laws. The calculation requires the use of Riemann invariants and examples are given for a simple nonrotating flow and for rotating channel flow with uniform potential vorticity. The computation is considerably simplified by linearizing the relevant equations in the vicinity of the artificial boundary, resulting in a linear wave reflection problem. The reflection coefficients for the two cases are calculated and these can be used directly to numerically satisfy the boundary condition in a straightforward way.  相似文献   

Using simple mathematical models, it is shown that an equatorward flowing coastally confined eastern boundary current (or poleward flowing western boundary current) may have two conjugate forms which transport the same flux of each water type. In a slowly varying environment, these two conjugate forms coalesce at some critical latitude which depends on the flow. For lower latitudes there is no defined form. As the coalescence latitude is approached from higher latitudes, one of the two conjugate forms narrows, while the other widens. Furthermore, in the neighborhood of the critical latitude the wider form is subcritical and the narrower form is supercritical to possible long small amplitude shelf waves. It is also shown that a poleward flowing coastally confined eastern boundary current (or an equatorward flowing western boundary current) may be traced poleward to some critical latitude beyond which the possibility of a current in juxtaposition with the coast terminates. For latitudes higher than this terminating latitude the current separates from the coast.  相似文献   

Aircraft, surface, upper air and satellite measurements have been used to observe the evolution and growth of the convective Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (MABL) offshore of North Carolina in close proximity to the Gulf Stream, during the intense cold air outbreak of 28 January 1986 and the moderate event of 12 February 1986, as part of the Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment (GALE). Air mass modification processes, driven primarily by the ocean-atmosphere exchanges of surface turbulent sensible and latent heat fluxes, caused the overlying air mass to warm and moisten as it advected over the warmer waters of the eastern United States continental shelf. Maximum observed near-surface total heat fluxes were 1045 and 811 W·m–2 over the core of the Gulf Stream, for 28 January and 12 February 1986, respectively. The observed changes in the overlying air mass occurred almost instantaneously as the ambient flow traversed different underlying SST conditions.The turbulent structure showed a buoyancy-dominated MABL below approximately 0.8z/h. However, shear was also observed to be an important production term above 0.8z/h and below 0.1z/h for the 28 January 1986 event. Dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy was the dominant destruction term in the budgets, but vertical transport of energy was a strong contributor below 0.5z/h, above which this term became a source of turbulent energy. Additionally, the normalized standard deviations of the horizontal velocity components showed a near-equal contribution to the turbulence, while the vertical velocity components displayed the characteristic mid-layer maximum profile observed for a convective, well-mixed boundary layer.  相似文献   

A study of the circulation in the northern South China Sea (SCS) is carried out with the aid of a three-dimensional, high-resolution regional ocean model. One control and two sensitivity experiments are performed to qualitatively investigate the effects of surface wind forcing, Kuroshio intrusion, and bottom topographic influence on the circulation in the northern SCS. The model results show that a branch of the Kuroshio in the upper layer can intrude into the SCS and have direct influence on the circulation over the continental shelf break in the northern SCS. There are strong southward pressure gradients along a zonal belt largely seaward of the continental slope. The pressure gradients are opposite in the southern and northern parts of the Luzon Strait, indicating inflow and outflow through the strait, respectively. The sensitivity experiments suggest that the Kuroshio intrusion is responsible for generating the imposed pressure head along the shelf break and has no obvious seasonal variations. The lateral forcing through the Luzon Strait and Taiwan Strait can induce the southwestward slope current and the northeastward SCS Warm Current in the northern SCS. Without the lateral forcing, there is the continental slope. The wind forcing mainly causes the The wind-induced water pile-up results in the southward no high-pressure-gradient zonal belt seaward of seasonal variation of the circulation in the SCS. high pressure gradient along the northwestern boundary of the basin. Without the blocking of the plateau around Dongsha Islands, the intruded Kuroshio tends to extend northwest and the SCS branch of the Kuroshio becomes wider and stronger. The analyses presented here are qualitative in nature but should lead to a better understanding of the oceanic responses in the northern SCS to these external influence factors.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments are conducted on a physical system in which an oscillatory, along-shore, free stream flow of a homogeneous fluid occurs in the vicinity of a long coastline with vertical slope; the model sea-floor is horizontal. Particular attention is given to the resulting rectified (mean) current which is along the coastline with the shore on the right, facing downstream. In the lateral far field region defined by (1), where y is the offshore coordinate and H is the depth of the fluid, the motion field is approximately independent of the lateral distance from the coast. The vertical structure of the cross-stream motion in this region consists of Ekman layers near the sea-floor and interior adjustment flows, both periodic in time. In the near field, defined by (1), the motion is strongly dependent on the cross-stream coordinate as well as time, and rectified currents are observed. The mechanism responsible for the rectification is a complex nonlinear coupling between laterally directed adjustment flows driven by the transport in the bottom Ekman layers, and the free stream motion field. The rectified current is found to be substantially wider than the Stewartson layer thickness but much narrower than the Rossby deformation radius. The characteristic width, δy, of the rectified current is shown to scale as , where Ro is the Rossby number Rot is the temporal Rossby number and E is the Ekman number. Experiments are presented which support this scaling.  相似文献   

Considered is the water exchange in the coastal zone of natural reservoirs induced as a result of the differential heating of water above the sloping bottom. The laboratory experiment data and the constructed simple analytic model demonstrate that the main reason for the motions is the hydrostatic pressure difference in the area above the slope. It is demonstrated for different types of vertical stratification that the pressure difference maximum is reached at the depth of about 0.4D (D is the depth of the heated layer in the deep part). The respective current is directed to the shore and is a driving element of the whole circulation of water including its forced ascend along the slope, the free surface level increase, and the formation of the compensatory offshore current in the upper layers. The analysis of in situ observational data in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea at the intensive heating in July 2006 corroborates the obtained regularities indicating that the coastal heating favors the formation of upwelling along the slope.  相似文献   

The shallow meridional overturning circulation (upper 1000 m) in the northern Indian Ocean and its interannual variability are studied, based on a global ocean circulation model (MOM2) with an integration of 10 years (1987-1996). It is shown that the shallow meridional overturning circulation has a prominent seasonal reversal characteristic. In winter, the flow is northward in the upper layer and returns southward at great depth. In summer, the deep northward inflow upwells north of the equator and returns southward in the Ekman layer. In the annual mean, the northward inflow returns through two branches: one is a southward flow in the Ekman layer, the other is a flow that sinks near 10°N and returns southward between 500 m and 1000 m. There is significant interannual variability in the shallow meridional overturning circulation, with a stronger (weaker) one in 1989 (1991) and with a period of about four years. The interannual variability of the shallow meridional overturning circulation is intimately r  相似文献   


Mixing near the sloping boundaries of oceans or lakes may be a significant mechanism of diapycnal transport. The basic physics of this is reviewed, with emphasis on the reduction of the effectiveness of the process due to both reduced stratification and the restratifying secondary circulation driven by buoyancy forces. This re stratification is shown to reduce the effectiveness of intermittent mixing events as well as steady mixing. It is argued that for boundary mixing to be effective in the abyssal ocean it must extend sufficiently far from the boundary that the stratification can be maintained; this may be true for breaking bottom‐reflected internal waves. The alongslope flow implied by steady‐state boundary mixing theories is downwelling‐favourable and has a magnitude related to the thickness and other properties of the boundary layer. Mixing near a boundary may thus tend to drive a downwelling‐favourable mean circulation in the interior. If the interior circulation is imposed by other forces, the bottom boundary layer may evolve to a steady state if the interior flow is downwelling‐favourable, but if it is upwelling‐favourable initially a steady state seems unlikely and the downwelling‐favourable alongslope flow induced by the boundary mixing will tend to diffuse slowly into the interior. The nature of the solution in all these cases is sensitive to the Burger number, N2 sin2 θ/f2, where θ is the bottom slope, and to the eddy Prandtl number.  相似文献   

Ship-based acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) velocity measurements collected by several major field programs in the tropical Atlantic are averaged and combined with estimates of the mean near-surface velocity derived from drifters and Argo float surface drifts (ADCP+D) to describe the mean cross-equatorial and vertical structure of the meridional currents along 23°W and 10°W. Data from moored ADCPs and fixed-depth current meters, a satellite-derived velocity product, and a global ocean reanalysis were additionally used to evaluate the mean ADCP+D meridional velocity. The dominant circulation features in the long-term mean ADCP+D meridional velocity in the upper 100 m are the tropical cells (TCs) located approximately between 5°S and 5°N, with near-surface poleward flow and subsurface equatorward flow that is stronger and shallower in the northern cell compared to the southern cell. The thickness of the surface limb of the TCs decreases and the northern cell is found to shift further south of the equator from the central to eastern tropical Atlantic. Analysis of two-season means estimated from the ship-based ADCP, near-surface drift, and moored velocity data, as well as the simulated fields, indicates that the maximum poleward velocity in the surface limb of the TCs intensifies during December–May along 23°W largely due to seasonal compensation between the geostrophic and ageostrophic (or wind-driven) components of the meridional velocity, whereas the maximum equatorward flow in the subsurface limb of the northern cell intensifies during June–November along both 23°W and 10°W due to the seasonality of the geostrophic meridional velocity.  相似文献   

The potential for predicting interannual variations of the Leeuwin Current along the west coast of Australia is addressed. The Leeuwin Current flows poleward against the prevailing winds and transports warm-fresh tropical water southward along the coast, which has a great impact on local climate and ecosystems. Variations of the current are tightly tied to El Niño/La Niña (weak during El Niño and strong during La Niña). Skilful seasonal prediction of the Leeuwin Current to 9-month lead time is achieved by empirical downscaling of dynamical coupled model forecasts of El Niño and the associated upper ocean heat content anomalies off the north west coast of Australia from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology Predictive Ocean Atmosphere Model for Australia (POAMA) seasonal forecast system. Prediction of the Leeuwin Current is possible because the heat content fluctuations off the north west coast are the primary driver of interannual annual variations of the current and these heat content variations are tightly tied to the occurrence of El Niño/La Niña. POAMA can skilfully predict both the occurrence of El Niño/La Niña and the subsequent transmission of the heat content anomalies from the Pacific onto the north west coast.  相似文献   

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