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This paper examines the applicability of airborne remote sensing to the characterization and quantification of the spatial dynamics of water surface temperature (WST) within estuaries. For this, a series of successive airborne Thematic Mapper thermal images was acquired of Kirkcudbright Bay, an estuary in the United Kingdom, on two dates. Spatial dynamics were determined by two techniques: (1) qualitatively, which involved interpreting features ‘by eye’; and (2) by the velocimetric technique of maximum cross correlation (MCC). Qualitatively, complex spatial dynamics were identified over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, associated with the creation and dissipation of eddies, and the convergence and divergence of fronts, all of which were superimposed on the synoptic tidal flow. MCC was effective for producing synoptic velocity fields, but the minimum cell size was constrained by image noise, limiting the ability to analyze small-scale spatial dynamics. The effectiveness of MCC was related to the ratio of spatially correlated variance to spatially independent variance, as estimated from the variogram. Suggestions for optimizing the application of airborne remote sensing to estuarine spatial dynamics are presented.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Hedger, R.D., Malthus, T.J., Folkard, A.M., Atkinson, P.M. [2007. Spatial dynamics of estuarine water surface temperature from airborne remote sensing. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 71, 608–615] demonstrate that airborne thermal remote sensing shows great potential for monitoring estuarine dynamics and surface currents. One aspect needing further attention is the impact of bottom-generated vertical mixing as this can create both stationary thermal features as well as thermal patterns that advect with the flow. This dual effect is illustrated using airborne infrared imagery of a mixing front having an embedded pattern of thermal boils. The boils are several meters in diameter (in water less than 4 m deep) and are ∼0.2 °C cooler than the ambient water surface. Time sequential imagery that captures the movement of individual boils as well as their growth rate can be used to deduce both the near-surface current and the intensity of turbulent mixing.  相似文献   

从河口地区对赤潮和溢油的监测需求出发,阐述了利用遥感技术监测赤潮和溢油等问题的有效性和优越性。回顾了河口地区赤潮和溢油遥感监测的发展历程、探测机理和影响因素,并探讨了历史上不同卫星传感器对赤潮和溢油监测的优势和不足。通过对最新研究成果的总结,讨论了水环境遥感监测存在的问题,并对未来水环境遥感平台发展趋势和新的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

利用船载多参数拖曳式剖面测量系统走航观测获取的台湾岛东南海域叶绿素a浓度连续剖面数据,开展了卫星遥感产品精度检验研究。研究表明,由MERIS反演的叶绿素a浓度产品的平均相对误差优于30%,拖曳剖面观测可为卫星遥感产品检验提供高质量的现场观测数据,而且与船舶、浮标及其他固定平台等传统定点观测方式相比具有明显的效率优势。  相似文献   

基于光学遥感的安达曼海内孤立波传播速度特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
安达曼海内孤立波非常活跃且错综复杂,传播速度是内孤立波的重要特征参量,本文采用光学遥感手段建立了内孤立波传播速度的计算方法。收集并处理大量Terra/Aqua-MODIS遥感图像,利用两景图像追踪同一内孤立波与同一激发源产生的内孤立波波群两种方法定量研究安达曼海内孤立波传播速度。研究结果表明:安达曼海内孤立波传播速度在0.5~2.7 m/s之间,内孤立波传播方向主要受海底地形的影响,传播速度大小在传播过程中随水深变浅而呈减小的趋势,在深水区传播速度大小还呈现出季节性差异。  相似文献   

海草生长在热带、亚热带和温带海洋水域, 是全球海洋生态系统中重要的结构和功能组成部分, 具有极高的生态服务价值。由于受到人类活动和自然灾害的强烈影响, 海草正在全球范围内快速衰退, 因此开展海草资源监测与保护具有非常重要的意义。随着传感器技术的发展, 光学遥感在海草监测中表现出卓越优势。本文综述了国内外海草遥感监测研究现状, 重点总结了研究内容、技术和方法, 论证了海草光学遥感监测的可行性, 旨在为我国海草光学遥感监测厘清适宜数据和可靠技术方法, 并指明潜在研究方向。同时也希望能为海草遥感监测提供借鉴, 并拓展海草资源科学管理的思路。  相似文献   

<正>The TG-2(Tiangong-2,means"Heavenly Palace 2")is a Chinese space laboratory which was launched on September 15,2016 from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre aboard a Long March 2F rocket.The onboard interferometric imaging radar altimeter(In IRA)is a new generation radar altimeter developed by China and also the first on orbit wide swath imaging radar altimeter,which integrates  相似文献   

岛礁周边水深精确测量是海洋测绘工作的难点之一,光学遥感技术在浅水区域尤其是无人到达的深远海岛礁区域有其独特的优势,可作为传统测深的有效补充手段.利用蜈支洲岛WorldView-2多光谱遥感影像和实测水深数据,对比了多波段回归模型、对数波段比值模型、支持向量机回归模型(support vector regression,...  相似文献   

基于组分反演的高光谱潮间带表层沉积物自动分类研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
张东  张鹰  李欢  陈晔 《海洋学报》2008,30(3):62-71
利用星载高光谱遥感影像数据Hyperion并结合现场采样粒度分析资料,对潮间带表层沉积物类型的自动分类进行了研究.根据低潮位下沉积物的短波红外光谱反射率与沉积物组分(沙、粉砂、黏土)含量之间的强相关关系,选择2102nm为特征波段,建立了高光谱定量遥感反演模型,获取初步的逐像元沙、粉砂和黏土含量,然后采用线性均衡化处理方法对初步反演结果进行修正,并结合Shepard三角分类法建立对照表,自动确定出每一像元对应的沉积物类型,得到研究区潮间带表层沉积物的空间分布特征,总体分类验证精度为87.9%.研究结果表明,研究区分布着三种沉积物,分别为粉砂质砂、砂质粉砂和粉砂,所占比例分别为18.9%,64.6%和16.5%,它们的空间分布趋势与研究区内的植被分布状况、水动力条件以及沉积物来源密切相关.  相似文献   

利用遥感资料进行海岸带环境动态变化监测具有快速准确的优点。随着高空间分辨遥感技术的发展,遥感技术已成为海岸带资源环境管理中一个重要的信息获取手段。海岸带环境遥感信息系统以遥感数据应用为核心,根据信息产品生产的业务化需求将遥感数据的获取、预处理、专题信息提取、遥感专题图产品制作的整个过程有机地集成为一体,实现了遥感数据处理、遥感信息提取、专题信息综合、专题产品制作等信息产品的业务化生产。海岸带环境遥感信息系统由硬件集成、软件集成、功能集成、数据集成等4方面内容组成,对系统集成的优缺点作了分析和探讨,并展望了其应用前景。  相似文献   

A software detection model has been developed to predict the returned Doppler spectrum for an iceberg target for ground-wave Doppler radars. This software model is based on proposed new estimates for the backscattered Doppler-dependent iceberg cross section for assumed iceberg models, as well as the backscattered Doppler spectrum from the ocean surface. The model includes estimates for forward and reverse transmission losses, based on classical spherical earth derivations. In addition, the transmission losses account for the effects of surface roughness through a modified surface impedance. Standard estimates for man-made and atmospheric noise have been considered in the detection model. A comparison between the results predicted by the detection model and data acquired during an experiment conducted at Byron Bay, Labrador, Canada has been effected. The hardware used for the experiment was an HF Doppler radar operating at 25.40 MHz. The transmitting antenna was a three-element Yagi array and the receiving antenna a 24-element narrow-beam linear array. By using iceberg ground truthing information the Doppler spectrum for individual icebergs was predicted using the software model. The predicted spectra were compared with the received spectra on a target signal-to-noise power ratio basis. The results of this comparison give a degree of confidence to the detection model and show that ground-wave radars are effective ice hazard remote sensors.  相似文献   

经验模态与小波分解在光学遥感内波参数提取中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
内波遥感参数提取是利用遥感影像研究海洋内波的重要手段,通过提取内波的基本参数可以对海洋内波的生成与传播机制进行进一步的研究。提出了利用经验模态分解、小波分解与高阶多项式拟合从光学影像中提取内波半波宽度的方法。经验模态分解与小波分解对内波剖面数据进行尺度分解,根据归一化方差最大来提取内波分量;多项式拟合基于内波剖面的亮暗条纹变化完全由内波调制的假设,对数据进行拟合,并根据一阶导数来提取半波宽度。用南海北部东沙岛附近2004年7月10日的中-巴资源卫星(China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite,CBERS)影像对方法进行了验证。结果表明,3种方法能较好地提取所需参数,获取的内波半波宽度具有较好的一致性;上述方法在处理非平稳及非线性遥感数据上,具有非常明显的优势。基于一维非线性内波理论,通过提取的内波半波宽度,辅以水深和混合层深度数据,反演了内波的振幅。  相似文献   

舰船目标检测是进行海洋环境监管,保障海上权益的重要手段。基于深度学习的目标检测算法能在复杂环境下保持良好性能,为测试不同深度学习目标检测算法在舰船检测中的效果,本文构建了一个包含3893张图像的数据集,涵盖了复杂背景下不同类型的舰船,基于此数据集分别采用Faster RCNN、SSD、RetinaNet、YOLOv3、YOLOv4算法进行实验,结果表明,YOLOv4 、YOLOv3、RetinaNet、Faster RCNN平均精度均在83%以上,其中YOLOv4最高达到91.77%,Faster RCNN误检较多,而SSD平均精度最低,只有79.23%,总的舰船检测数目偏少。将5种模型训练结果在高分二号影像上进行测试,得到较好的检测效果,对舰船检测未来理论研究的开展具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

An underwater optical instrument, the Lighfish, measures near-surface irradiance reflectance in six spectral channels while it is towed from a research vessel at a depth of a few metres. The detectors are configured such that all downward-looking detectors observe the same instrument shadow. Effects of self-shading are negligible for waters and wavelengths having absorption coefficients less than 0.3 m−1. Variance in the derived spectral reflectance ratios is shown to be significantly reduced compared with that in single channel irradiance measurements. The instrument can be used to develop remote sensing algorithms as well as for other oceanographic applications.  相似文献   

利用设立于厦门岛西南部沿海的气溶胶地基观测站点2008年1月7日至2009年4月30日的观测资料,对厦门海域气溶胶光学厚度的每日逐时变化、逐日变化、逐月变化进行了分析研究,并利用观测结果对MODIS L2级气溶胶光学厚度(AOT)产品进行检验。结果表明,厦门海域气溶胶光学厚度每日逐时变化和逐月变化有一定的季节规律,而逐日变化随气象条件的不同有很大差异。一年中气溶胶光学厚度月平均值呈现春秋季双峰分布趋势,4月份最大,超过0.9,空气较为混浊;6月份呈现谷值,AOT小于0.3,空气相对清洁。夏季气溶胶主控粒子的粒径较大,而其余各月份的波长指数在平均值1.21附近波动,混浊系数年平均值为0.25。利用该地基观测资料对MODIS L2级AOD产品进行检验,MODIS反演的厦门海域气溶胶光学厚度逐月变化趋势和地基观测结果完全一致,表明MODIS卫星遥感气溶胶光学厚度能比较好地反映厦门海域的气溶胶季节变化特征。  相似文献   

卫星遥感海冰监测系统在渤海海冰监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海冰是渤海冬季常见的一种海洋灾害,对渤海海冰的监测是海洋防灾减灾的重要一环.本文初步分析了卫星遥感监测渤海海冰的能力,介绍了一种结合多遥感卫星数据源的海冰监测系统的搭建方法,该系统实现了从数据输入、预处理直至海冰信息提取、成果输出全过程的处理功能.最后介绍了该系统建成后在2010-2011年冬季渤海海冰监测中的应用情况...  相似文献   

有色溶解性有机物(CDOM)在河口混合过程中近似呈保守行为,可作为水团运动的示踪剂.基于2009年5月6日大洋河河口海域水体调查的实测数据,对该区域CDOM光学特性及遥感反演模型进行了研究,结果表明:研究区域CDOM主要来自河流输入,成分相对较稳定,属于典型的近岸二类水体区域;波长275~295 nm的光谱斜率和波长4...  相似文献   

Marginal water of east Hainan Island was an area that internal waves occurred frequently, however, few studies was found and mechanism for internal waves formation was unclear. In the paper, China Brazil earth Resources Satellite data (CBERS) was used to detect and calculate distribution, direction, wavelength and amplitude of internal waves in marginal water of east Hainan Island and the mechanism of internal waves formation was also analyzed, results showed that direction of internal wave was off shoreward and wavelength was about 150-200m . The mechanism for internal wave’s formation can be postulated as by upwelling or tide tracing back.  相似文献   

本文基于海浪波折射现象和浅水波理论,提出了一种基于单景高分辨率光学遥感影像的浅海地形提取方法。首先,基于浅水波理论推导出适用于浅海区域的水深与海浪波长、频率的定量关系,针对近岸光学遥感图像复杂的海浪特征,讨论了两种海浪波长提取方法,即FFT方法和剖面线法。然后提出了基于长距离波长波动分析的海浪频率计算方法,解决了单景遥感影像的波浪频率计算难题。最后,利用单景QuickBird高分辨率光学遥感影像,以海南岛三亚湾为研究区域进行了应用实验,结果表明,对12m以浅的浅海区域,在不需要任何辅助参数的情况下,反演获得了浅海地形(DEM),经与1:25000比例尺海图的水深对比验证,地形趋势吻合良好,反演水深的均方根误差为1.07m,相对水深误差为16.2%,表明该方法适合于浅海水下地形的提取,且具有无需实测水深数据和环境参数的支持的优点。  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the ice conditions in the Odden area of the Greenland Sea was carried out using data from active and passive microwave sensors, supplemented by airborne data. The study focuses on the 1992–1993 winter season, the only winter during the period 1993–1995 in which an Odden feature formed. The analysis is structured as a hierarchy of spatial resolutions where the overview is obtained by the DMSP SSM/I microwave radiometers having spatial resolutions in the 15–50 km range. Further details in cloud-free situations are obtained by data from the NOAA advanced very high resolution radiometer, which is a scanner in the visible, near-infrared and thermal infrared range with a resolution of 1.1 km. The finest resolution of 25 m per pixel is obtained from the synthetic aperture radar on the ERS-1 satellite.  相似文献   

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