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Settlements under consecutive series of cyclic loading 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this study, consolidation settlements of soft clay caused by cyclic loading and the affecting factors such as number of cycles and stress level were experimentally investigated. A group of samples prepared in slurry consolidometer in the laboratory were tested using cyclic simple shear testing device. Normally consolidated samples were subjected to five consecutive series of cyclic loading and drainage for 60 min were applied between each cyclic loading stages. Cyclic tests were performed with stress controlled two-way sinusoidal wave loading with different stress levels and number of cycles. Frequency of cyclic loading was constant as 0.1 Hz. As a result of this study, it can be concluded that soft clays subjected to undrained cyclic loading and drainage cycles exhibit more resistance against subsequent cyclic shear stresses. The consolidation settlements, pore pressures and shear strains decrease after each stage of cyclic loading. 相似文献
Experimental investigations and modeling of nonlinear elasticity of fiber-reinforced soil under cyclic loading at small strain are conducted in this paper. The investigations include three aspects. First, cyclic shear tests are conducted using conventional triaxial apparatus. Twenty-seven specimens with three different fiber contents are employed to conduct triaxial cyclic shear tests under different confining pressure and loading repetition. Effects of geofiber, confining pressure and loading repetition on elastic shear modulus of reinforced soil are studied and analyzed. Second, a hyperbolic function is introduced to describe the nonlinear stress–strain skeletal curve under cyclic loading. Nonlinear elastic modulus is expressed as a function of shear strain and two variables A and B that are related to the initial tangential modulus and ultimate cyclic loading stress, respectively. In the present paper, variables A and B both are further assumed to be functions of geofiber content, confining pressure and loading repetition. Finally, eight constitutive coefficients of the nonlinear elastic model are calibrated using stress–strain curves from cyclic triaxial shear tests. The calibration of parameters is conducted using the technique of the linear regression for multiple variables. Impacts and effects of geofiber, confining pressure and loading repetitions on soil nonlinear elastic behavior are discussed. 相似文献
在围压10、50、100和200MPa,应变率5×10-5/s和室温条件下,采用山东掖县大理岩岩样,在800t高温高压伺服三轴流变仪上进行了连续加载和循环加载实验.对岩样的残余强度和弹性模量的变化等问题进行了初步研究.得出:在低围压下(<100MPa),残余强度与超过极限强度后的循环加载次数有关;超过极限强度后加载弹性模量随着非弹性应变的增加而减小,并趋于一个极限值.在高围压下(≥100MPa),残余强度几乎与超过极限强度后的循环加载次数无关;超过极限强度或者产生应变强化后加载弹性模量几乎不随非弹性应变的增加而减小. 相似文献
在三轴压缩下大理岩循环加载实验的初步研究 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7
在围压10、50、100和200MPa,应变率5×10-5/s和室温条件下,采用山东掖县大理岩岩样,在800t高温高压伺服三轴流变仪上进行了连续加载和循环加载实验.对岩样的残余强度和弹性模量的变化等问题进行了初步研究.得出:在低围压下(<100MPa),残余强度与超过极限强度后的循环加载次数有关;超过极限强度后加载弹性模量随着非弹性应变的增加而减小,并趋于一个极限值.在高围压下(≥100MPa),残余强度几乎与超过极限强度后的循环加载次数无关;超过极限强度或者产生应变强化后加载弹性模量几乎不随非弹性应变的增加而减小. 相似文献
三轴压缩下大理岩剪切断裂能的测定 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文采用山东掖县大理岩岩样,在800t高温高压伺服三轴流变仪上,对大理岩在室温和不同国压条件下进行连续加载和循环加载实验,并用Rice提出的滑动弱化模型,分别对大理岩在上述围压和加载条件下的剪切断裂能进行测定和计算,得到了在不同围压下大理岩剪切断裂能的变化情况,以及加载方式对大理岩剪切断裂能造成的影响,并对所得结果进行了初步分析和讨论. 相似文献
The shear modulus of soils is one of the important parameters in small strain level geotechnical problems (i.e. the study of earthquake effects and soil–structure interaction). In this paper, the shear moduli of crushable volcanic soils at small strain level were investigated in bender element and cyclic undrained triaxial tests. Comparison of results shows that the shear moduli from bender element tests agree well with those determined in cyclic triaxial tests. The influence of particle breakage, effective confining pressure, consolidation time, void ratio and fines content on the shear modulus are also discussed. In the present study, empirical equations for evaluating the shear modulus of granular materials with particle breakage are proposed based on the test results. 相似文献
M. K. Jafari K. Amini Hosseini F. Pellet M. Boulon O. Buzzi 《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》2003,23(7):619
Variation of the shear strength of rock joints due to cyclic loadings is studied in the present paper. Identical joint surfaces were prepared using a developed moulding method with special mortar and shear tests were performed on these samples under both static and cyclic loading conditions. Different levels of shear displacement were applied on the samples to study joint behaviour before and during considerable relative shear displacement. It was found that the shear strength of joints is related to rate of displacement (shearing velocity), number of loading cycles and stress amplitude. Finally, based on the experimental results, mathematical models were developed for evaluation of shear strength in cyclic loading conditions. 相似文献
This paper presents a semi-analytical solution for one dimensional consolidation problem of inelastic clays under cyclic loading considering the effect of the change of the consolidation coefficient of the soil layer. Due to change of the consolidation coefficient, and time-dependant loading, Terzaghi's theory would not be applicable in cyclic conditions. In this research, a method based on the time variable exchange along with the superimposing rule is employed to overcome these shortcomings. Changes in the consolidation coefficient are applied in the solution by modifying the loading and unloading durations introducing a Virtual Time. Based on the superimposing rule a set of continuous static loads in specified times are used instead of the cyclic load in the transformed time space. Each full cycle of loading is replaced by a pair of static loads with different signs. Based on the Terzaghi's theory the pore-water pressure distribution and the degree of consolidation are calculated for each static load and the results are superimposed. A set of laboratory consolidation tests under cyclic load and numerical analysis are performed in order to verify the presented method. The numerical solution and laboratory tests results showed the accuracy of the presented method. 相似文献
横波测井的原理和方法研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2
充液井孔中的偶极子声源能在周围岩层和土层中激发弯曲模式声波,它们在截止频率附近,沿井轴传播的速度为井壁介质的横波速度.使用可调声功率源使偶极子声波测井系统能适应软、硬地层的现场井孔测试.相关法算出横波声速,野外测试的结果和理论计算值相符.计算动弹模量和剪切模量,确定破碎层位置,可用于工程地质勘察中 相似文献
通过研究地球对表面载荷的响应来反演确定地球深部的物理参数.采用分为4层的地球模型,各层的介质被看作Maxwell粘弹性体.将柴达木盆地沉降发育过程中积累的沉积物作为随时间变化的载荷加于地表,通过拟合柴达木盆地沉降中心附近地区的沉降过程来研究该地区地壳的厚度及剪切模量、岩石层地幔的粘性及软流层的粘性等物理参数.计算结果表明,该地区地壳的剪切模量不会超过全球平均值的60%,岩石层地幔的粘性系数不大于1.5×1023Pa·s.通过研究对该地区的深部物理参数得出了新的认识. 相似文献
柴达木盆地深部物理参数的反演 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过研究地球对表面载荷的响应来反演确定地球深部的物理参数.采用分为4层的地球模型,各层的介质被看作Maxwell粘弹性体.将柴达木盆地沉降发育过程中积累的沉积物作为随时间变化的载荷加于地表,通过拟合柴达木盆地沉降中心附近地区的沉降过程来研究该地区地壳的厚度及剪切模量、岩石层地幔的粘性及软流层的粘性等物理参数.计算结果表明,该地区地壳的剪切模量不会超过全球平均值的60%,岩石层地幔的粘性系数不大于1.5×1023Pa·s.通过研究对该地区的深部物理参数得出了新的认识. 相似文献
An equivalent linear algorithm with frequency- and pressure-dependent moduli and damping for the seismic analysis of deep sites 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The seismic analysis of soil deposits is most often carried out with an iterative computational scheme, proposed by Seed and Idriss, in which inelastic effects are only approximately modeled through soil degradation curves. Laboratory experimental data indicate that for highly confined materials, the standardized reduction curves commonly used overestimate the capacity of soils to dissipate energy. This paper first presents the results obtained with a simple four-parameter constitutive soil model, which when used to simulate cyclic loading, produces results that agree well with available laboratory experiments for soils under arbitrarily large confining pressures. Thereafter, a frequency- and pressure-dependent iterative algorithm for seismic amplification is proposed, which provides time histories that match well the results obtained with a true non-linear model. Finally, the modified linear iterative analysis is successfully used for the seismic analysis of a 1 km deep model for the Mississippi embayment near Memphis, Tennessee, and a class-A prediction of the seismic amplification in Treasure Island during the Loma Prieta earthquake. 相似文献
Fernando Lopez-Caballero Arezou Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi Hormoz Modaressi 《Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering》2007,5(3):303-323
This paper, along with its companion paper, presents the importance of the adequate soil behaviour model to simulate earthquake site response analysis. An elastoplastic model taking into account the elementary necessary plastic mechanisms such as progressive friction mobilization, Coulomb type failure, critical state and dilatancy/contractance flow rule, is used. However, one of the obstacles in the use of elastoplastic models in the everyday design processes for evaluation of the seismic soil response is the difficulty in identifying their parameters. In this paper, a methodology to identify a coherent set of parameters of the elastoplastic model for a given type of soil is presented. The strategy behind the decision making process proposed here is based on the use of minimum physical and easily measurable properties of the soil to directly provide or indirectly assess the required model parameters. 相似文献
Results of in situ tests of shear wave propagation are presented and analysed to evaluate the effects of geologic processes, stress history and ageing on the shear modulus of soils. These results show clear tendencies of soil structures to get stiffer as consequence of ageing or surcharging to high stress levels. The evolution of shear modulus, as verified by these results, is significant as it changes the response of soil deposits to seismic loadings. 相似文献
This paper is a systematic effort to clarify why field liquefaction charts based on Seed and Idriss׳ Simplified Procedure work so well. This is a necessary step toward integrating the states of the art (SOA) and practice (SOP) for evaluating liquefaction and its effects. The SOA relies mostly on laboratory measurements and correlations with void ratio and relative density of the sand. The SOP is based on field measurements of penetration resistance and shear wave velocity coupled with empirical or semi-empirical correlations. This gap slows down further progress in both SOP and SOA. The paper accomplishes its objective through: a literature review of relevant aspects of the SOA including factors influencing threshold shear strain and pore pressure buildup during cyclic strain-controlled tests; a discussion of factors influencing field penetration resistance and shear wave velocity; and a discussion of the meaning of the curves in the liquefaction charts separating liquefaction from no liquefaction, helped by recent full-scale and centrifuge results. It is concluded that the charts are curves of constant cyclic strain at the lower end (Vs1<160 m/s), with this strain being about 0.03–0.05% for earthquake magnitude, Mw≈7. It is also concluded, in a more speculative way, that the curves at the upper end probably correspond to a variable increasing cyclic strain and Ko, with this upper end controlled by overconsolidated and preshaken sands, and with cyclic strains needed to cause liquefaction being as high as 0.1–0.3%. These conclusions are validated by application to case histories corresponding to Mw≈7, mostly in the San Francisco Bay Area of California during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. 相似文献
实际地震作用是多维的、随机的,框架节点在2个方向同时受力,其抗震能力相比于单向地震作用会降低。目前,对节点核心区在2个方向同时受力时抗剪承载力的研究尚未完善。在双向受力下,节点核心区2个方向传来的剪力形成合剪力作用面,在节点核心区内部形成不同于单向受力下的斜向斜压杆。本文基于软化拉-压杆模型,针对水平双向受力相同的空间边节点,在合剪力作用面内建立抗剪承载力计算模型,确定空间边节点核心区斜压杆以及钢筋拉杆的计算方法。利用有限元软件建立不同参数空间边节点模型,并收集部分空间节点试验数据,将剪力计算值与模拟值或试验值进行对比。结果表明,基于软化拉-压杆模型建立的双向受力下钢筋混凝土框架,其边节点抗剪承载力计算值与模拟值或试验值吻合良好。 相似文献