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This study demonstrates the potentials of IRS P6 LISS-IV high-resolution multispectral sensor (IGFOV  6 m)-based estimation of biomass in the deciduous forests in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, India. Regression equations describing the relationship between IRS P6 LISS-IV data-based vegetation index (NDVI) and field measured leaf area index (ELAI) and estimated above-ground biomass (EAGB) were derived. Remote sensing (RS) data-based leaf area index (PLAI) image is generated using regression equation based on NDVI and ELAI (r2 = 0.68, p ≤ 0.05). RS-based above-ground biomass (PAGB) image was generated based on regression equation developed between PLAI and EAGB (r2 = 0.63, p ≤ 0.05). The mean value of estimated above-ground biomass and RS-based above-ground biomass in the study area are 280(±72.5) and 297.6(±55.2) Mg ha−1, respectively. The regression models generated in the study between NDVI and LAI; LAI and biomass can also help in generating spatial biomass map using RS data alone. LISS-IV-based estimation of biophysical parameters can also be used for the validation of various coarse resolution satellite products derived from the ground-based measurements alone.  相似文献   

The knowledge of biomass stocks in tropical forests is critical for climate change and ecosystem services studies. This research was conducted in a tropical rain forest located near the city of Libreville (the capital of Gabon), in the Akanda Peninsula. The forest cover was stratified in terms of mature, secondary and mangrove forests using Landsat-ETM data. A field inventory was conducted to measure the required basic forest parameters and estimate the aboveground biomass (AGB) and carbon over the different forest classes. The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data were used in combination with ground-based GPS measurements to derive forest heights. Finally, the relationships between the estimated heights and AGB were established and validated. Highest biomass stocks were found in the mature stands (223 ± 37 MgC/ha), followed by the secondary forests (116 ± 17 MgC/ha) and finally the mangrove forests (36 ± 19 MgC/ha). Strong relationships were found between AGB and forest heights (R2 > 0.85).  相似文献   

Tropical forest embraces a large stock of carbon and contributes to the enormous amount of above- and below-ground biomass and the global carbon cycle. The carbon kept in the above-ground living biomass of trees is typically the largest pool and the most directly impacted by deforestation and degradation. Hence, quantifying carbon stock and fluxes from tropical forests by estimating the above-ground forest biomass is the critical step that will be investigated further in this paper. Remote sensing technology can provide many advantages in quantifying and mapping forest structure and monitoring and mapping above-ground biomass, and is both temporally and spatially accurate. Therefore, a good data-set of biomass which comprises canopy height and canopy structure can provide carbon sequestration potential for forest reserves. This paper reviews a thorough research of biomass estimation using remote sensing and geospatial technologies.  相似文献   

While crop production statistics are reported on a geopolitical – often national – basis, we often need to know, for example, the status of production or productivity within specific sub-regions, watersheds, or agro-ecological zones. Such re-aggregations are typically made using expert judgments or simple area-weighting rules. We describe a new, entropy-based approach to the plausible estimates of the spatial distribution of crop areas. Using this approach tabular crop production statistics are blended judiciously with an array of other secondary data to assess the areas of specific crops within individual ‘pixels’—typically 25–100 km2 in size. The information utilized includes crop production statistics, farming system characterization, satellite-based interpretation of land cover, biophysical crop suitability assessments, and population density. An application is presented in which Brazilian state level production statistics are used to generate pixel level crop area data for eight crops. To validate the spatial allocation we aggregated the pixel estimates to obtain synthetic estimates of municipality level areas in Brazil, and compared those estimates with actual municipality statistics. The approach produced extremely promising results. We then examined the robustness of these results compared to simplified approaches to spatializing crop production statistics and showed that, while computationally intensive, the cross-entropy method does provide more reliable spatial allocations.  相似文献   

Geographic information systems (GIS) provide a variety of tools for the manipulation and display of public health data. Few, however, enable users to interactively evaluate hypotheses on spatial trends in disease risk that may be suggested by maps of measures of disease impact. We addressed this limitation by developing a seamless interface between a commercial GIS and a suite of spatial analysis algorithms. Users of the system can utilize the GIS's capability to interactively select and manipulate geographically referenced data and, through a series of pull-down menus, apply a variety of exploratory analysis methods to this information. In the presented application, we illustrate this capability by including algorithms for the reduction of random noise in observed incidence rates, for the detection of unusual aggregations of disease events, and for the statistical evaluation of inferences drawn from spatial trends. We demonstrate this application by examining lung cancer mortality in the state of Ohio. Received: 22 September 1999 / Accepted: 8 March 2000  相似文献   

Many African countries are facing increasing risks of food insecurity due to rising populations. Accurate and timely information on the spatial distribution of cropland is critical for the effective management of crop production and yield forecast. Most recent cropland products (2015 and 2016) derived from multi-source remote sensing data are available for public use. However, discrepancies exist among these cropland products, and the level of discrepancy is particularly high in several Africa regions. The overall goal of this study was to identify and assess the driving factors contributing to the spatial discrepancies among four cropland products derived from remotely sensed data. A novel approach was proposed to evaluate the spatial agreement of these cropland products and assess the impact of environmental factors such as elevation dispersion, field size, land-cover richness and frequency of cloud cover on these spatial differences. Results from this study show that the overall accuracies of the four cropland products are below 65%. In particular, large disagreements are seen on datasets covering Sahel zone and along the West African coasts. This study has identified land-cover richness as the driving factor with the largest contribution to the spatial disagreement among cropland products over Africa, followed by the high frequency of cloud cover, small and fragmented field size, and elevation complexity. To improve the accuracy of future cropland products for African regions, the data producers are encouraged to take a multi-classification approach and incorporate multi-sensors into their cropland mapping processes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to understand the factors that explain the spatial distribution of elephant poaching activities in the areas of the mid-Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe using geographic information system (GIS) and remotely sensed data integrated with spatial logistic regression. The results showed that significant (α = 0.05) elephant poaching hot spots are located closer to wildlife protected areas. Results further demonstrated that resource availability (water and forage) are the main factors explaining elephant poaching activities in the mid-Zambezi Valley. For example, the majority of poaching activities were found to occur in areas with high vegetation fractional cover (high forage) and close to waterholes. The results also showed that poaching incidences were more prevalent during the dry season. The findings of this study highlight the significance of integrating GIS, remotely sensed data and spatial logistic regression tools for understanding and monitoring elephant poaching activities. This information is critical if poaching activities are to be minimized and it is also important for planning, monitoring and mitigation of poaching activities in similar protected areas across the sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

Land degradation is believed to be one of the most severe and widespread environmental problems. In South Africa, large areas of land have been identified as degraded, as shown by the lower vegetation cover. One of the major causes of grassland degradation is change in plant species composition that leads to presence of unpalatable grass species. Some grass species have been successfully used as indicators of different levels of grassland degradation in the country. This paper, therefore explores the possibility of mapping grassland degradation in Cathedral Peak, South Africa, using indicators of grass species and edaphic factors. Multispectral SPOT 5 data were used to produce a grassland degradation map based on the spatial distribution of decreaser (Themeda triandra) and increaser (Hyparrhenia hirta) species. To improve mapping accuracy, soil samples were collected from each species site and analysed for nutrient content. A t-test and machine learning random forest classification algorithm were applied for variable selection and classification using SPOT 5 data and edaphic variables. Results indicated that the decreaser and increaser grass species can be mapped with modest accuracy using SPOT 5 data (overall accuracy of 75.30%, quantity disagreement = 2 and allocation disagreement = 23). The classification accuracy was improved to 88.60%, 1 and 11 for overall accuracy, quantity and allocation disagreements, respectively, when SPOT 5 bands and edaphic factors were combined. The study demonstrated that an approach based on the integration of multispectral data and edaphic variables, which increased the overall classification accuracy by about 13%, is a suitable when adopting remote sensing to monitor grassland degradation.  相似文献   

The mangrove forests of northeast Hainan Island are the most species diverse forests in China and consist of the Dongzhai National Nature Reserve and the Qinglan Provincial Nature Reserve. The former reserve is the first Chinese national nature reserve for mangroves and the latter has the most abundant mangrove species in China. However, to date the aboveground ground biomass (AGB) of this mangrove region has not been quantified due to the high species diversity and the difficulty of extensive field sampling in mangrove habitat. Although three-dimensional point clouds can capture the forest vertical structure, their application to large areas is hindered by the logistics, costs and data volumes involved. To fill the gap and address this issue, this study proposed a novel upscaling method for mangrove AGB estimation using field plots, UAV-LiDAR strip data and Sentinel-2 imagery (named G∼LiDAR∼S2 model) based on a point-line-polygon framework. In this model, the partial-coverage UAV-LiDAR data were used as a linear bridge to link ground measurements to the wall-to-wall coverage Sentinel-2 data. The results showed that northeast Hainan Island has a total mangrove AGB of 312,806.29 Mg with a mean AGB of 119.26 Mg ha−1. The results also indicated that at the regional scale, the proposed UAV-LiDAR linear bridge method (i.e., G∼LiDAR∼S2 model) performed better than the traditional approach, which directly relates field plots to Sentinel-2 data (named the G∼S2 model) (R2 = 0.62 > 0.52, RMSE = 50.36 Mg ha−1<56.63 Mg ha−1). Through a trend extrapolation method, this study inferred that the G∼LiDAR∼S2 model could decrease the number of field samples required by approximately 37% in comparison with those required by the G∼S2 model in the study area. Regarding the UAV-LiDAR sampling intensity, compared with the original number of LiDAR plots, 20% of original linear bridges could produce an acceptable accuracy (R2 = 0.62, RMSE = 51.03 Mg ha−1). Consequently, this study presents the first investigation of AGB for the mangrove forests on northeast Hainan Island in China and verifies the feasibility of using this mangrove AGB upscaling method for diverse mangrove forests.  相似文献   

The fractional vegetation cover (FVC), crop residue cover (CRC), and bare soil (BS) are three important parameters in vegetation–soil ecosystems, and their correct and timely estimation can improve crop monitoring and environmental monitoring. The triangular space method uses one CRC index and one vegetation index to create a triangular space in which the three vertices represent pure vegetation, crop residue, and bare soil. Subsequently, the CRC, FVC, and BS of mixed remote sensing pixels can be distinguished by their spatial locations in the triangular space. However, soil moisture and crop-residue moisture (SM-CRM) significantly reduce the performance of broadband remote sensing CRC indices and can thus decrease the accuracy of the remote estimation and mapping of CRC, FVC, and BS. This study evaluated the use of broadband remote sensing, the triangular space method, and the random forest (RF) technique to estimate and map the FVC, CRC, and BS of cropland in which SM-CRM changes dramatically. A spectral dataset was obtained using: (1) from a field-based experiment with a field spectrometer; and (2) from a laboratory-based simulation that included four distinct soil types, three types of crop residue (winter-wheat, maize, and rice), one crop (winter wheat), and varying SM-CRM. We trained an RF model [designated the broadband crop-residue index from random forest (CRRF)] that can magnify spectral features of crop residue and soil by using the broadband remote sensing angle indices as input, and uses a moisture-resistant hyperspectral index as the target. The effects of moisture on crop residue and soil were minimized by using the broadband CRRF. Then, the CRRF-NDVI triangular space method was used to estimate and map CRC, FVC, and BS. Our method was validated by using both laboratory- and field-based experiments and Sentinel-2 broadband remote-sensing images. Our results indicate that the CRRF-NDVI triangular space method can reduce the effect of moisture on the broadband remote-sensing of CRC, and may also help to obtain laboratory and field CRC, FVC, and BS. Thus, the proposed method has great potential for application to croplands in which the SM-CRM content changes dramatically.  相似文献   


The reliable and robust monitoring of air temperature distribution is essential for urban thermal environmental analysis. In this study, a stacking ensemble model consisting of multi-linear regression (MLR), support vector regression (SVR), and random forest (RF) optimized by the SVR is proposed to interpolate the daily maximum air temperature (Tmax) during summertime in a mega urban area. A total of 10 geographic variables, including the clear-sky averaged land surface temperature and the normalized difference vegetation index, were used as input variables. The stacking model was compared to Cokriging, three individual data-driven methods, and a simple average ensemble model, all through leave-one-station-out cross validation. The stacking model showed the best performance by improving the generalizability of the individual models and mitigating the sensitivity to the extreme daily Tmax. This study demonstrates that the stacking ensemble method can improve the accuracy of spatial interpolation of environmental variables in various research fields.  相似文献   


Developing countries like India are an urbanization hotspot with many upcoming towns and cities. Growth in small and medium sized towns and cities have been unnoticed and growing without appropriate urban planning. Utilizing the available medium resolution satellite data and geospatial platforms, the growth dynamics of Kurukshetra city was analysed over a period of 24 years. The study employed a combination of change detection technique and spatial metrics (six each of class and landscape levels) analysis to delineate the growth track of the city and its environs. A significant increase in urban built up (dense 237%; open 1038%) is seen majorly at the cost of open area (70%) and tree clad (58%). Phases of city’s aggregation and diffusion are observed using class and landscape level spatial metrics. Understanding and monitoring of land use changes in and around city limits using integrated spatial tools provide better decision making capability.  相似文献   

Inventories of mixed broad-leaved forests of Iran mainly rely on terrestrial measurements. Due to rapid changes and disturbances and great complexity of the silvicultural systems of these multilayer forests, frequent repetition of conventional ground-based plot surveys is often cost prohibitive. Airborne laser scanning (ALS) and multispectral data offer an alternative or supplement to conventional inventories in the Hyrcanian forests of Iran. In this study, the capability of a combination of ALS and UltraCam-D data to model stand volume, tree density, and basal area using random forest (RF) algorithm was evaluated. Systematic sampling was applied to collect field plot data on a 150 m × 200 m sampling grid within a 1100 ha study area located at 36°38′- 36°42′N and 54°24′–54°25′E. A total of 308 circular plots (0.1 ha) were measured for calculation of stand volume, tree density, and basal area per hectare. For each plot, a set of variables was extracted from both ALS and multispectral data. The RF algorithm was used for modeling of the biophysical properties using ALS and UltraCam-D data separately and combined. The results showed that combining the ALS data and UltraCam-D images provided a slight increase in prediction accuracy compared to separate modeling. The RMSE as percentage of the mean, the mean difference between observed and predicted values, and standard deviation of the differences using a combination of ALS data and UltraCam-D images in an independent validation at 0.1-ha plot level were 31.7%, 1.1%, and 84 m3 ha−1 for stand volume; 27.2%, 0.86%, and 6.5 m2 ha−1 for basal area, and 35.8%, −4.6%, and 77.9 n ha−1 for tree density, respectively. Based on the results, we conclude that fusion of ALS and UltraCam-D data may be useful for modeling of stand volume, basal area, and tree density and thus gain insights into structural characteristics in the complex Hyrcanian forests.  相似文献   

万昌君  吴小丹  林兴稳 《遥感学报》2019,23(6):1064-1077
地理要素的时空变化分析对于了解和掌握地表的规律性有着重要的作用。利用地面站点观测、实地调查等传统方式获取数据,对地理要素进行时空变化分析是最常用的方法。但该类方法往往表现的是"点尺度"观测,不能在大尺度情况下准确地反映地表的时空变化信息。遥感卫星能以一定的时间间隔获得空间连续的对地"面尺度"观测数据,然而其特定的空间和时间分辨率使其获取的地表信息仍十分有限。同时地表的空间异质性和个别地表短时间内的快速变化,使得利用遥感数据对地理要素进行时空变化分析时,时空变化分析结果会随观测尺度而发生改变。本文从空间尺度和时间尺度两方面综述遥感数据时空尺度对地理要素的时空变化分析产生的影响和原因,并针对这些问题总结了减小时空尺度对结果不确定性影响的现行方法。可以通过多源遥感协同观测和反演、尺度转换、空间建模等方法减小空间尺度引起的不确定性;通过联合多时相遥感数据的方法减小时间尺度引起的不确定性。在实际应用中,应根据所观测地理要素的实际情况,综合分析选择合适的方法。  相似文献   

协同多源遥感数据的北亚热带森林蓄积量贝叶斯分层估测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精确估算森林蓄积量是国家实现2060年前碳中和目标的迫切需求,而基于遥感的森林蓄积量定量反演是当前遥感应用领域面临的重要挑战和研究热点.光学遥感数据由于无法获取森林高度信息并存在信号饱和问题,反演森林蓄积量的精度较低,而机载Lidar数据能获取高度信息,但成本高、观测范围有限.本研究利用Sentinel-2多光谱、资源...  相似文献   

Urban heat islands (UHIs) have attracted attention around the world because they profoundly affect biological diversity and human life. Assessing the effects of the spatial structure of land use on UHIs is essential to better understanding and improving the ecological consequences of urbanization. This paper presents the radius fractal dimension to quantify the spatial variation of different land use types around the hot centers. By integrating remote sensing images from the newly launched HJ-1B satellite system, vegetation indexes, landscape metrics and fractal dimension, the effects of land use patterns on the urban thermal environment in Wuhan were comprehensively explored. The vegetation indexes and landscape metrics of the HJ-1B and other remote sensing satellites were compared and analyzed to validate the performance of the HJ-1B. The results have showed that land surface temperature (LST) is negatively related to only positive normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) but to Fv across the entire range of values, which indicates that fractional vegetation (Fv) is an appropriate predictor of LST more than NDVI in forest areas. Furthermore, the mean LST is highly correlated with four class-based metrics and three landscape-based metrics, which suggests that the landscape composition and the spatial configuration both influence UHIs. All of them demonstrate that the HJ-1B satellite has a comparable capacity for UHI studies as other commonly used remote sensing satellites. The results of the fractal analysis show that the density of built-up areas sharply decreases from the hot centers to the edges of these areas, while the densities of water, forest and cropland increase. These relationships reveal that water, like forest and cropland, has a significant effect in mitigating UHIs in Wuhan due to its large spatial extent and homogeneous spatial distribution. These findings not only confirm the applicability and effectiveness of the HJ-1B satellite system for studying UHIs but also reveal the impacts of the spatial structure of land use on UHIs, which is helpful for improving the planning and management of the urban environment.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of altered minerals in rocks and soils in the Gadag Schist Belt (GSB) is carried out using Hyperion data of March 2013. The entire spectral range is processed with emphasis on VNIR (0.4–1.0 μm) and SWIR regions (2.0–2.4 μm). Processing methodology includes Fast Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercubes correction, minimum noise fraction transformation, spectral feature fitting (SFF) and spectral angle mapper (SAM) in conjunction with spectra collected, using an analytical spectral device spectroradiometer. A total of 155 bands were analysed to identify and map the major altered minerals by studying the absorption bands between the 0.4–1.0-μm and 2.0–2.3-μm wavelength regions. The most important and diagnostic spectral absorption features occur at 0.6–0.7 μm, 0.86 and at 0.9 μm in the VNIR region due to charge transfer of crystal field effect in the transition elements, whereas absorption near 2.1, 2.2, 2.25 and 2.33 μm in the SWIR region is related to the bending and stretching of the bonds in hydrous minerals (Al-OH, Fe-OH and Mg-OH), particularly in clay minerals. SAM and SFF techniques are implemented to identify the minerals present. A score of 0.33–1 was assigned for both SAM and SFF, where a value of 1 indicates the exact mineral type. However, endmember spectra were compared with United States Geological Survey and John Hopkins University spectral libraries for minerals and soils. Five minerals, i.e. kaolinite-5, kaolinite-2, muscovite, haematite, kaosmec and one soil, i.e. greyish brown loam have been identified. Greyish brown loam and kaosmec have been mapped as the major weathering/altered products present in soils and rocks of the GSB. This was followed by haematite and kaolinite. The SAM classifier was then applied on a Hyperion image to produce a mineral map. The dominant lithology of the area included greywacke, argillite and granite gneiss.  相似文献   

利用多时相遥感监测与分析黄河三角洲湿地变化动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河三角洲湿地地区土地利用变化信息可为有关部门制定湿地保护和经济发展提供参考.本文选取2005、2009和2019年三时相黄河三角洲入海口周边,以及东营属地内黄河沿岸的Landsat 7 ETM+遥感影像为数据源,采用监督分类方法研究土地利用类型,通过分析编码的变化判别黄河三角洲的土地利用转移情况,从而进行湿地变化动态...  相似文献   

Hedonic house price models typically impose a constant price structure on housing characteristics throughout an entire market area. However, there is increasing evidence that the marginal prices of many important attributes vary over space, especially within large markets. In this paper, we compare two approaches to examine spatial heterogeneity in housing attribute prices within the Tucson, Arizona housing market: the spatial expansion method and geographically weighted regression (GWR). Our results provide strong evidence that the marginal price of key housing characteristics varies over space. GWR outperforms the spatial expansion method in terms of explanatory power and predictive accuracy.
Christopher BitterEmail:

An assessment of gully erosion along road drainage-release sites is critical for understanding the contribution of roads to soil loss and for informed land management practices. Considering that road-related gully erosion has traditionally been measured using field methods that are expensive, tedious and limited spatially as well as temporally, it is important to identify affordable, timely and robust methods that can be used to effectively map and estimate the volume of gullies along the road networks. In this study, gullies along major roads were identified from remotely sensed data sets and their volumes were estimated in a Geographic Information Systems environment. Also, the biophysical and climatic factors such as vegetation cover, the road contributing surface area, the gradient of the discharge hillslope and rainfall were derived from remotely sensed data sets using Geographic Information Systems techniques to find out whether they could explain the morphology of gullies that existed in this area. The results of this study indicate that hillslope gradient (R2?=?0.69, α = 0.00) and road contributing surface area (R2?=?0.63, α = 0.00) have a strong influence on the volume of gullies along the major roads in the south-eastern region of South Africa, as might have been expected. However, other factors such as vegetation cover (R2 = 0.52, α = 0.00) and rainfall (R2 = 0.41 and α = 0.58) have a moderately weaker influence on the overall volume of gullies. Overall, the findings of this study highlight the importance of using remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems technologies in investigating gully erosion occurrence along major roads where detailed field work remains a challenge.  相似文献   

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