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In recent decades, the Kou watershed in south-western Burkina Faso has suffered from poor water management. Despite the abundance of water, most water users regularly face water shortages because of the increase in the amount of land under irrigation. To help them achieve a more equitable allocation of irrigated land, local stakeholders need an easily managed low-cost tool for monitoring and mapping these irrigated zones. The aim of this study was to develop a fast and low-cost procedure for mosaicing and geo referencing amateur small-scale aerial photographs for land-use surveys. Sets of tens (2009) and hundreds (2007) of low-altitude aerial photographs, with a resolution of 0.4 m and 0.8 m, respectively, were used to create a detailed land-cover map of typical African small-scale irrigated agriculture. A commercially available stitching tool and GIS allowed geo referenced 'mono-images’ to be constructed; both mosaics were warped on a high-resolution SPOT image with a horizontal root mean square error (RMSE) of about 11 m. The RMSE between the two image datasets was 2 m. This approach is less sensitive to atmospheric conditions that are non-predictable in programming satellite imagery. 相似文献
This study assesses the usefulness of Nigeriasat-1 satellite data for urban land cover analysis by comparing it with Landsat and SPOT data. The data-sets for Abuja were classified with pixel- and object-based methods. While the pixel-based method was classified with the spectral properties of the images, the object-based approach included an extra layer of land use cadastre data. The classification accuracy results for OBIA show that Landsat 7 ETM, Nigeriasat-1 SLIM and SPOT 5 HRG had overall accuracies of 92, 89 and 96%, respectively, while the classification accuracy for pixel-based classification were 88% for Landsat 7 ETM, 63% for Nigeriasat-1 SLIM and 89% for SPOT 5 HRG. The results indicate that given the right classification tools, the analysis of Nigeriasat-1 data can be compared with Landsat and SPOT data which are widely used for urban land use and land cover analysis. 相似文献
Successful development of approaches to quantify impacts of diverse landuse and associated agricultural management practices on ecosystem services is frequently limited by lack of historical and contemporary landuse data. We hypothesized that ground truth data from one year could be used to extrapolate previous or future landuse in a complex landscape where cropping systems do not generally change greatly from year to year because the majority of crops are established perennials or the same annual crops grown on the same fields over multiple years. Prior to testing this hypothesis, it was first necessary to classify 57 major landuses in the Willamette Valley of western Oregon from 2005 to 2011 using normal same year ground-truth, elaborating on previously published work and traditional sources such as Cropland Data Layers (CDL) to more fully include minor crops grown in the region. Available remote sensing data included Landsat, MODIS 16-day composites, and National Aerial Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery, all of which were resampled to a common 30 m resolution. The frequent presence of clouds and Landsat7 scan line gaps forced us to conduct of series of separate classifications in each year, which were then merged by choosing whichever classification used the highest number of cloud- and gap-free bands at any given pixel. Procedures adopted to improve accuracy beyond that achieved by maximum likelihood pixel classification included majority-rule reclassification of pixels within 91,442 Common Land Unit (CLU) polygons, smoothing and aggregation of areas outside the CLU polygons, and majority-rule reclassification over time of forest and urban development areas. Final classifications in all seven years separated annually disturbed agriculture, established perennial crops, forest, and urban development from each other at 90 to 95% overall 4-class validation accuracy. In the most successful use of subsequent year ground-truth data to classify prior year landuse, an overall 57-class accuracy of 75% was achieved despite the omission of 10 entire classes, most of which were annually disturbed or perennial crops grown on very few fields. Synthetic ground-truth data for the 2004 harvest year based on the most common landuse classes over the following 7 years classified 49 of 57 categories at an overall accuracy of 96% in a final version that included CLU polygon majority rule, default smoothing and aggregation, and forcing of urban development and forest from multi-year majority-rule. 相似文献
M. Heinl J. Walde G. Tappeiner U. Tappeiner 《International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation》2009
The study investigates the performance of image classifiers for landscape-scale land cover mapping and the relevance of ancillary data for the classification success in order to assess and to quantify the importance of these components in image classification. Specifically tested are the performance of maximum likelihood classification (MLC), artificial neural networks (ANN) and discriminant analysis (DA) based on Landsat7 ETM+ spectral data in combination with topographic measures and NDVI. ANN produced high accuracies of more than 75% also with limited input information, while MLC and DA produced comparable results only by incorporating ancillary data into the classification process. The superiority of ANN classification was less pronounced on the level of the single land cover classes. The use of ancillary data generally increased classification accuracy and showed a similar potential for increasing classification accuracy than the selection of the classifier. Therefore, a stronger focus on the development of appropriate and optimised sets of input variables is suggested. Also the definition and selection of land cover classes has shown to be crucial and not to be simply adaptable from existing land cover class schemes. A stronger research focus towards discriminating land cover classes by their typical spectral, topographic or seasonal properties is therefore suggested to advance image classification. 相似文献
Optimizing support vector machine learning for semi-arid vegetation mapping by using clustering analysis 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In remote sensing communities, support vector machine (SVM) learning has recently received increasing attention. SVM learning usually requires large memory and enormous amounts of computation time on large training sets. According to SVM algorithms, the SVM classification decision function is fully determined by support vectors, which compose a subset of the training sets. In this regard, a solution to optimize SVM learning is to efficiently reduce training sets. In this paper, a data reduction method based on agglomerative hierarchical clustering is proposed to obtain smaller training sets for SVM learning. Using a multiple angle remote sensing dataset of a semi-arid region, the effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated by classification experiments with a series of reduced training sets. The experiments show that there is no loss of SVM accuracy when the original training set is reduced to 34% using the proposed approach. Maximum likelihood classification (MLC) also is applied on the reduced training sets. The results show that MLC can also maintain the classification accuracy. This implies that the most informative data instances can be retained by this approach. 相似文献
Very high spatial and temporal resolution remote sensing data facilitate mapping highly complex and diverse urban environments. This study analyzed and demonstrated the usefulness of combined high-resolution aerial digital images and elevation data, and its processing using object-based image analysis for mapping urban land covers and quantifying buildings. It is observed that mapping heterogeneous features across large urban areas is time consuming and challenging. This study presents and demonstrates an approach for formulating an optimal land cover classification rule set over small representative training urban area image, and its subsequent transfer to the multisensor, multitemporal images. The classification results over the training area showed an overall accuracy of 96%, and the application of rule set to different sensor images of other test areas resulted in reduced accuracies of 91% for the same sensor, 90% and 86% for the different sensors temporal data. The comparison of reference and classified buildings showed ±4% detection errors. Classification through a transferred rule set reduced the classification accuracy by about 5%–10%. However, the trade-off for this accuracy drop was about a 75% reduction in processing time for performing classification in the training area. The factors influencing the classification accuracies were mainly the shadow and temporal changes in the class characteristics. 相似文献
无人机航空摄影是应急测绘保障的重要手段。近年来,大载荷长航时无人机已逐步进入民用领域。以往关于航空应急测绘系统的研究主要是针对轻小型无人机和有人机,缺少适用于大载荷长航时无人机性能和特点的系统设计方法。本文首先分析了不同固定翼无人机产品的性能差异,从无人机平台、任务传感器、遥感数据处理软件等的集成关系入手,提出了基于航测控制器的多载荷一体化集成的设计方案,以及涵盖航摄规划、视频实时处理、影像高精度处理的软件系统集成方案。采用该设计方案研制实现了CH-4航空应急测绘系统,并在四川广元某区域进行了试验,结果表明该系统不仅可以同时获取视频、光学影像和SAR数据,而且数据获取质量能够满足大比例尺测图的要求。 相似文献
Image classification from remote sensing is becoming increasingly urgent for monitoring environmental changes. Exploring effective algorithms to increase classification accuracy is critical. This paper explores the use of multispectral HJ1B and ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite) PALSAR L-band (Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar) for land cover classification using learning-based algorithms. Pixel-based and object-based image analysis approaches for classifying HJ1B data and the HJ1B and ALOS/PALSAR fused-images were compared using two machine learning algorithms, support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF), to test which algorithm can achieve the best classification accuracy in arid and semiarid regions. The overall accuracies of the pixel-based (Fused data: 79.0%; HJ1B data: 81.46%) and object-based classifications (Fused data: 80.0%; HJ1B data: 76.9%) were relatively close when using the SVM classifier. The pixel-based classification achieved a high overall accuracy (85.5%) using the RF algorithm for classifying the fused data, whereas the RF classifier using the object-based image analysis produced a lower overall accuracy (70.2%). The study demonstrates that the pixel-based classification utilized fewer variables and performed relatively better than the object-based classification using HJ1B imagery and the fused data. Generally, the integration of the HJ1B and ALOS/PALSAR imagery can improve the overall accuracy of 5.7% using the pixel-based image analysis and RF classifier. 相似文献
Relevance of airborne lidar and multispectral image data for urban scene classification using Random Forests 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Li GuoNesrine Chehata Clément MalletSamia Boukir 《ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing》2011,66(1):56-66
Airborne lidar systems have become a source for the acquisition of elevation data. They provide georeferenced, irregularly distributed 3D point clouds of high altimetric accuracy. Moreover, these systems can provide for a single laser pulse, multiple returns or echoes, which correspond to different illuminated objects. In addition to multi-echo laser scanners, full-waveform systems are able to record 1D signals representing a train of echoes caused by reflections at different targets. These systems provide more information about the structure and the physical characteristics of the targets. Many approaches have been developed, for urban mapping, based on aerial lidar solely or combined with multispectral image data. However, they have not assessed the importance of input features. In this paper, we focus on a multi-source framework using aerial lidar (multi-echo and full waveform) and aerial multispectral image data. We aim to study the feature relevance for dense urban scenes. The Random Forests algorithm is chosen as a classifier: it runs efficiently on large datasets, and provides measures of feature importance for each class. The margin theory is used as a confidence measure of the classifier, and to confirm the relevance of input features for urban classification. The quantitative results confirm the importance of the joint use of optical multispectral and lidar data. Moreover, the relevance of full-waveform lidar features is demonstrated for building and vegetation area discrimination. 相似文献
A method for monitoring building construction in urban sprawl areas using object-based analysis of Spot 5 images and existing GIS data 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Laurent Durieux Erwann Lagabrielle Andrew Nelson 《ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing》2008,63(4):399-408
Urban sprawl has been identified as one of the most negative effects of global population growth on the environment and biodiversity. Frequent monitoring of urban sprawl is needed to limit the impact of this ongoing phenomenon. This paper proposes precise monitoring of building construction using an object-based classification methodology applied to Spot 5 images with a 2.5 m resolution. An application at a regional scale on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean shows that this building extraction methodology has limitations in the production of reference urban maps because of difficulties in defining the shape and the number of buildings compared to classical photo-interpretation of aerial photography. However, these results are of great value for planning in urban sprawl areas where up-to-date information is lacking because of the rapid pace of house construction and residential development. 相似文献
This study developed an analytical procedure based upon a spectral unmixing model for characterizing and quantifying urban landscape changes in Indianapolis, Indiana, the United States, and for examining the environmental impact of such changes on land surface temperatures (LST). Three dates of Landsat TM/ETM+ images, acquired in 1991, 1995, and 2000, respectively, were utilized to document the historical morphological changes in impervious surface and vegetation coverage and to analyze the relationship between these changes and those occurred in LST. Three fraction endmembers, i.e., impervious surface, green vegetation, and shade, were derived with an unconstrained least-squares solution. A hybrid classification procedure, which combined maximum-likelihood and decision-tree algorithms, was developed to classify the fraction images into land use and land cover classes. Correlation analyses were conducted to investigate the changing relationships of LST with impervious surface and vegetation coverage. Results indicate that multi-temporal fraction images were effective for quantifying the dynamics of urban morphology and for deriving a reliable measurement of environmental variables such as vegetation abundance and impervious surface coverage. Urbanization created an evolved inverse relationship between impervious and vegetation coverage, and brought about new LST patterns because of LST's correlations with both impervious and vegetation coverage. Further researches should be directed to refine spectral mixture modeling by stratification, and by the use of multiple endmembers and hyperspectral imagery. 相似文献
This paper presents a land use and land cover (LULC) classification approach that accounts landscape heterogeneity. We addressed this challenge by subdividing the study area into more homogeneous segments using several biophysical and socio-economic factors as well as spectral information. This was followed by unsupervised clustering within each homogeneous segment and supervised class assignment. Two classification schemes differing in their level of detail were successfully applied to four landscape types of distinct LULC composition. The resulting LULC map fulfills two major requirements: (1) differentiation and identification of several LULC classes that are of interest at the local, regional, and national scales, and (2) high accuracy of classification. The approach overcomes commonly encountered difficulties of classifying second-level classes in large and heterogeneous landscapes. The output of the study responds to the need for comprehensive LULC data to support ecosystem assessment, policy formulation, and decision-making towards sustainable land resources management. 相似文献
Jixian Zhang Liu Zhengjun Sun Xiaoxia 《International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation》2009
The eco-environment in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (TGRA) in China has received much attention due to the construction of the Three Gorges Hydropower Station. Land use/land cover changes (LUCC) are a major cause of ecological environmental changes. In this paper, the spatial landscape dynamics from 1978 to 2005 in this area are monitored and recent changes are analyzed, using the Landsat TM (MSS) images of 1978, 1988, 1995, 2000 and 2005. Vegetation cover fractions for a vegetation cover analysis are retrieved from MODIS/Terra imagery from 2000 to 2006, being the period before and after the rising water level of the reservoir. Several analytical indices have been used to analyze spatial and temporal changes. Results indicate that cropland, woodland, and grassland areas reduced continuously over the past 30 years, while river and built-up area increased by 2.79% and 4.45% from 2000 to 2005, respectively. The built-up area increased at the cost of decreased cropland, woodland and grassland. The vegetation cover fraction increased slightly. We conclude that significant changes in land use/land cover have occurred in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. The main cause is a continuous economic and urban/rural development, followed by environmental management policies after construction of the Three Gorges Dam. 相似文献
Plague is a zoonotic infectious disease present in great gerbil populations in Kazakhstan. Infectious disease dynamics are influenced by the spatial distribution of the carriers (hosts) of the disease. The great gerbil, the main host in our study area, lives in burrows, which can be recognized on high resolution satellite imagery. In this study, using earth observation data at various spatial scales, we map the spatial distribution of burrows in a semi-desert landscape.The study area consists of various landscape types. To evaluate whether identification of burrows by classification is possible in these landscape types, the study area was subdivided into eight landscape units, on the basis of Landsat 7 ETM+ derived Tasselled Cap Greenness and Brightness, and SRTM derived standard deviation in elevation.In the field, 904 burrows were mapped. Using two segmented 2.5 m resolution SPOT-5 XS satellite scenes, reference object sets were created. Random Forests were built for both SPOT scenes and used to classify the images. Additionally, a stratified classification was carried out, by building separate Random Forests per landscape unit.Burrows were successfully classified in all landscape units. In the ‘steppe on floodplain’ areas, classification worked best: producer's and user's accuracy in those areas reached 88% and 100%, respectively. In the ‘floodplain’ areas with a more heterogeneous vegetation cover, classification worked least well; there, accuracies were 86 and 58% respectively. Stratified classification improved the results in all landscape units where comparison was possible (four), increasing kappa coefficients by 13, 10, 9 and 1%, respectively.In this study, an innovative stratification method using high- and medium resolution imagery was applied in order to map host distribution on a large spatial scale. The burrow maps we developed will help to detect changes in the distribution of great gerbil populations and, moreover, serve as a unique empirical data set which can be used as input for epidemiological plague models. This is an important step in understanding the dynamics of plague. 相似文献
We propose an automatic and robust approach to detect, segment and classify urban objects from 3D point clouds. Processing is carried out using elevation images and the result is reprojected onto the 3D point cloud. First, the ground is segmented and objects are detected as discontinuities on the ground. Then, connected objects are segmented using a watershed approach. Finally, objects are classified using SVM with geometrical and contextual features. Our methodology is evaluated on databases from Ohio (USA) and Paris (France). In the former, our method detects 98% of the objects, 78% of them are correctly segmented and 82% of the well-segmented objects are correctly classified. In the latter, our method leads to an improvement of about 15% on the classification step with respect to previous works. Quantitative results prove that our method not only provides a good performance but is also faster than other works reported in the literature. 相似文献
Urban heat islands (UHIs) have attracted attention around the world because they profoundly affect biological diversity and human life. Assessing the effects of the spatial structure of land use on UHIs is essential to better understanding and improving the ecological consequences of urbanization. This paper presents the radius fractal dimension to quantify the spatial variation of different land use types around the hot centers. By integrating remote sensing images from the newly launched HJ-1B satellite system, vegetation indexes, landscape metrics and fractal dimension, the effects of land use patterns on the urban thermal environment in Wuhan were comprehensively explored. The vegetation indexes and landscape metrics of the HJ-1B and other remote sensing satellites were compared and analyzed to validate the performance of the HJ-1B. The results have showed that land surface temperature (LST) is negatively related to only positive normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) but to Fv across the entire range of values, which indicates that fractional vegetation (Fv) is an appropriate predictor of LST more than NDVI in forest areas. Furthermore, the mean LST is highly correlated with four class-based metrics and three landscape-based metrics, which suggests that the landscape composition and the spatial configuration both influence UHIs. All of them demonstrate that the HJ-1B satellite has a comparable capacity for UHI studies as other commonly used remote sensing satellites. The results of the fractal analysis show that the density of built-up areas sharply decreases from the hot centers to the edges of these areas, while the densities of water, forest and cropland increase. These relationships reveal that water, like forest and cropland, has a significant effect in mitigating UHIs in Wuhan due to its large spatial extent and homogeneous spatial distribution. These findings not only confirm the applicability and effectiveness of the HJ-1B satellite system for studying UHIs but also reveal the impacts of the spatial structure of land use on UHIs, which is helpful for improving the planning and management of the urban environment. 相似文献
《International Journal of Digital Earth》2013,6(3):194-216
Information on Earth's land surface cover is commonly obtained through digital image analysis of data acquired from remote sensing sensors. In this study, we evaluated the use of diverse classification techniques in discriminating land use/cover types in a typical Mediterranean setting using Hyperion imagery. For this purpose, the spectral angle mapper (SAM), the object-based and the non-linear spectral unmixing based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) techniques were applied. A further objective had been to investigate the effect of two approaches for training sites selection in the SAM classification, namely of the pixel purity index (PPI) and of the direct selection of training points from the Hyperion imagery assisted by a QuickBird imagery and field-based training sites. Object-based classification outperformed the other techniques with an overall accuracy of 83%. Sub-pixel classification based on the ANN showed an overall accuracy of 52%, very close to that of SAM (48%). SAM applied using the training sites selected directly from the Hyperion imagery supported by the QuickBird image and the field visits returned an increase accuracy by 16%. Yet, all techniques appeared to suffer from the relatively low spatial resolution of the Hyperion imagery, which affected the spectral separation among the land use/cover classes. 相似文献