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Annual direct counts of seal pups can indicate long‐term trends in population size, but mark‐recapture estimates are needed to deduce absolute numbers. A calibration between results from these two methods would facilitate the use of direct counts to estimate absolute numbers, an outcome that is relatively quick, cheap and minimises disturbance of animals. Mark‐recapture estimates for the numbers of New Zealand fur seal (Arctocephalus forsteri) pups in 2003 at 10 colonies at Otago, southeastern New Zealand, were compared with independent single counts at the same colonies. A single ratio to estimate absolute numbers (y) from direct counts x was not statistically significant. Instead, two ratios were deduced, based on differences in habitat among colonies: y = 1.51x for colonies with hiding places for pups and y = 0.96x for colonies without hiding places. Application of these calibrations and their 95% prediction intervals produce estimates and ranges for the absolute numbers of pups from single annual counts.  相似文献   

In the weeks following the 2011 Rena oil spill, a series of surveys was initiated on eight rocky intertidal reefs to describe the distribution of oil and to assess the impacts of oil on ecological communities. Consistent but relatively low cover of oil occurred at two sites (Mt Maunganui and Moturiki). The area covered by oil had decreased by c. 90% after 5 months due to natural weathering processes. There were immediate effects of oil fouling on the mussel Limnoperna pulex and its associated fauna, with reductions in the number of mussels and infaunal taxonomic richness. However, no ecological effects on any of the communities were detectable after 1 month. Overall, the ecological effects of the Rena oil spill on rocky shore intertidal communities were small and not long-lasting, but we stress that this does not consider potential sublethal effects and their consequences on organisms.  相似文献   


To meet the challenges of preventing and reversing adverse effects of land use on ecosystems, management actions need to be founded on strong evidence. We used the pressure-state-impact (PSI) framework to assess evidence of land-use effects on New Zealand freshwater ecosystems. The evidence consisted of published quantitative and categorical associations linking land-use pressures to state changes and ecological impacts in rivers, lakes and aquifers. There was substantial evidence of land-use effects, particularly where land use/land cover (LULC) classes were used as pressure variables. Proportions of catchment area in urban and pastoral LULC were consistently, positively correlated with contaminant levels in water bodies and negatively correlated with ecological-health indicators. Other consistent PSI associations included positive correlations between cattle stocking rates and river contaminant levels, increased fine sediment and decreased ecological-health scores in rivers following forest harvest, and increased river contaminant levels at sites with stock access. Despite these consistent associations, the evidence base has four general shortcomings that should be addressed: (1) inadequate integration of data and models that link land use and contaminant loss to state changes and impacts in freshwater ecosystems; (2) weak inferences based on LULC; (3) reliance on categorical PSI associations; (4) gaps in reported PSI associations.  相似文献   

Benthic macroinvertebrates were collected and the diets of shortfinned eels (Anguilla australis) and longfinned eels (Anguilla dieffenbachii) inhabiting a small coastal New Zealand stream were examined to investigate intraspecific and interspecific trophic partitioning and prey selection. Our results showed intraspecific segregation of preferred prey among three size classes of juvenile shortfinned eels, but there was significant overlap between different size classes of longfinned eels. All size classes of both species of eel fed nocturnally on similar prey, and so there was no indication of temporal or trophic segregation. Therefore, habitat separation is assumed to be the main mechanism to reduce interspecific competition in these two co‐occurring species of eels.  相似文献   

The surface areas of 12 subtidal seagrass Zostera muelleri beds at the islands and adjacent mainland shores of the eastern Bay of Islands (35° 12′ S, 174° 10′ E), New Zealand were estimated from aerial images. It appears that little subtidal seagrass existed until after the early-1950s, so significant beds here may be a relatively recent biome. Possible explanations for recent emergence of subtidal seagrass include that debilitating periods of turbid water and pulses of sedimentation associated with the land clearances of the late 1800s had worked through the marine ecosystem. An overall peak in seagrass-cover in the 1960s to 1980s was followed by declines in several beds in the 1990s to 2000s, with recovery since. The temporal presence of seagrass was well-correlated among the three mainland beds, and moderately well among the south-facing beds on the islands, consistent with mechanisms driving seagrass establishment and persistence operating at reasonably broad scales.  相似文献   

Variability within the genus Spaniocerca has been studied, and as a result S minor Kimmins has been synonymised with S. zelandica Tillyard. S zelandica is redescribed, the larva is figured, notes on ecology are given, and the nature of the variation found is discussed. Notonemoura cowleyi Winterbourn is transferred to Spaniocercoides Kimmins.  相似文献   

With the world's increasing demand for tuna and the subsequent exhaustion of tuna stocks, this paper tries to assess the different attempts and/or practices that lead towards sustainability along the tuna value chain in the Philippines. In terms of economic gains, the net margins analysis, was used to measure the level of income of the actors which was considered as a factor that could possibly incentivize the adoption of sustainable practices, along with other market phenomena which were reviewed in this paper. These significant practices in the market include the provision of price premiums for the capture of mature tuna and the stringency of the market in terms of eco-labelling and certifications in contrast to the indifference of the local Philippine market in terms of preference. Lastly, having purse seine as a less sustainable method of tuna fishing, it was seen that there is a lack of incentive for them to adopt more sustainable practices.  相似文献   

The marine aquaculture industry suffers losses due to pinniped attacks which damage net enclosures and fish stocks. Acoustic harassment devices (AHDs) emit loud sounds which are intended to deter pinnipeds from approaching aquaculture enclosures. At present, many AHDs emit sounds in the 8-20 kHz frequency range. It is not known whether sounds of higher frequencies have a deterrent effect on seals. Therefore five captive harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) were subjected to four series of tone pulses together spanning a broad frequency range (8, 16, 32 and 45 kHz). Pulse duration was 250 ms and pulse interval was 5s. Each of the four sounds was made deterrent by increasing the amplitude. The seals reacted by swimming away from the sounds. The displacement effect of each sound was judged by comparing the animals' surface positions, and number of surfacings, during ten 45 min baseline periods with ten 45 min test periods per frequency (one frequency per day in rotation, 40 sessions in total). The seals were displaced by all four frequencies throughout the 40 trial days. The seals came to the surface more often when the test tones were produced than in the baseline periods. The initial displacement distances did not change over the 40 test days. This suggests that operating AHDs for only short periods will be more effective and less likely to result in habituation by the seals than operating them continuously. The discomfort threshold sound pressure level (SPL) was established for each of the four pulse frequencies. The acoustic discomfort threshold SPL is defined as the boundary SPL between the area that the animals generally occupied during the transmission of the sounds and the area that they generally did not enter during sound transmission. The discomfort threshold SPL may depend on the context.  相似文献   

We describe the development and application of a management procedure (decision rule) that resulted in a voluntary reduction in the commercial catch of spiny rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) in the lower east coast of North Island of New Zealand. The management procedure was developed from an accepted assessment of the CRA 4 (Wellington‐Hawke's Bay) fishery, which used an integrated length‐based assessment model fitted to commercial fishery catch‐per‐unit‐effort (CPUE) biomass indices, commercial length‐frequency data, and tag‐recapture data. The assessment model had been Bayesian, and used the joint posterior distribution of parameters to predict the effect of 384 alternative harvest control rules on the future size of the CRA 4 stock. The harvest control rules all used CPUE as their input, and generated annual changes in catch, which were then simulated by the population dynamics of the operating model. Uncertainty was added to evaluations through observation error, added to the simulated CPUE observations, and stochastic serial auto‐correlation variation in recruitment. We describe how this management procedure was used to effect a voluntary reduction in catch to address the problem of a rapidly declining population.  相似文献   

The effects of the reed,Phragmites australis (Trin.), growing in a brackish water lagoon, were studied in relation to the grain-size distribution of the substratum. At the salt marshes near the lagoon, the upper soils from the surface to a depth of 20 cm contained much silt-clay. These fine particles were found to be transferred from the river and fish ponds near the lagoon, and to be deposited when the tidal rhythm changed, that is, when the water current stopped. In addition, the fine particles, which were deposited on the bottom of the lagoon adjacent to the marshes, became resuspended as a result of wind-caused wave action, and then were transported and redeposited in the salt marshes at the flood tide. Since the reeds further reduced the water current caused by the waves and tide, the reeds were thought to promote redeposition of the resuspended matter. In other words, the reeds were considered to protect deposited and redeposited particles such as silt and clay from resuspension as a result of wave action by reducing the effects of waves and wind. These processes suggested that silt-clay will become abundant in the substratum of the salt marsh adjacent to the lagoon.  相似文献   

Superficial coatings of glauconite grains have been observed on the gastropod mollusc, Fusitriton laudanum, from the Reserve Bank, Chatham Rise. The glauconite predates the shell on which it accretes and is incorporated on to the shell surface by agglutination of sand‐size material by mucus secreted by epizoic anemones.  相似文献   

This paper examines efforts to develop stakeholder led self-governance in the Bluff oyster fishery. The paper focuses on collaborative management and its ability to address some of the unintended consequences of management. The Bluff oyster fishery's administrative, biological, and economic performances are analysed to assess whether or not the participatory management model, in this case fisheries self-governance, complements individual transferable quota (ITQ) for this inshore shellfish fishery.The paper argues that the Bluff oyster fishery's current self-governance model, based on a fishery plan, aids in improving the performance of the fishery, and that the Bluff oyster fishery has the capacity to shift further towards a stakeholder led self-regulated fishery.  相似文献   

Samples of particulate matter were analysed for nitrogen by the micro‐Kjeldahl technique in an attempt to obtain an indication of the food available for mussels. The small amounts of nitrogen available in the samples prevented the detection of seasonal variation by this method. The mean concentration of 11.8 μg‐at of nitrogen per litre obtained from this study compares favourably with data from mussel farming areas in Spain.  相似文献   

Lake Manapouri in the South Island of New Zealand has a significant hydroelectric generation facility, which potentially has a negative impact on the successful emigration of longfin eels (Anguilla dieffenbachii) from the upper Waiau catchment. Consequently, a trap-and-transfer programme has been implemented to allow silver (migratory) eels access to the sea. The present study analysed data on the timing of captures and numbers of silver eels over four seasons, including the influence of possible migration cues. Silver eels were captured over an extended season of seven months (November–May), with peak numbers during December and January. Flow at the lake outflow was found to have a weak relationship with the number of eels caught, as did lake level, but moon phase and rainfall had no significant effect. These results highlight the variability in silver longfin eel behaviour both in terms of timing and response to potential environmental cues.  相似文献   

The leatherjacket Meuschenia scaber is widely distributed in Australasian waters, and is a valued bycatch of inshore bottom trawl fisheries although little is known of its life history. Here, we describe the reproductive biology of the species based on 651 leatherjackets sampled in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand, between July 2014 and March 2016. The maximum total length (LT) recorded for females and males were 320 and 315?mm, respectively, with both sexes present in all size classes. Monthly analysis of gonad condition revealed a clear spawning season from late austral winter to early summer (August–December), and histological analysis of the ovaries revealed that M. scaber is an indeterminate serial spawning gonochorist. The estimated sizes at sexual maturity (L50) for females (189.9?mm LT) and males (188.4?mm LT) did not differ significantly. Relatively small testes, sexual dimorphism and underwater observation of nesting suggest that M. scaber is a paired spawner.  相似文献   

The larval stage of fishes is critical in determining their dispersal, survival and recruitment, but little is known of the larval behaviours and tolerances of amphidromous fishes, particularly in New Zealand. We report the results of a series of observational and experimental studies on bluegill bully (Gobiomorphus hubbsi), including spawning sites and behaviours, larval characteristics at hatch, phototactic responses of larvae, and larval survival at different salinity levels. Spawning primarily occurred in the lower reaches of the river, and larvae from different nests exhibited marked differences in, and trade-offs between, larval characteristics at hatch, potentially affecting larval success. Larvae were positively phototactic to intense light, an unexpected result based on diel drift patterns and international research. Finally, larvae exhibited markedly higher survival rates when reared at intermediate salinities compared to freshwater or seawater, suggesting estuaries may play an important role as nursery grounds for bluegill bully and other amphidromous fish.  相似文献   

Temporary removal of aquatic plants in Lake Parkinson, a small, eutrophic dune lake, resulted in a number of changes to the population of stocked rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii). During each summer the lake stratified and low oxygen levels limited the distribution of trout to shallow (0–4 m) surface waters. In the first summer following weed removal the numbers of black shags (Phallacrocorax carbo) counted at the lake increased, and their predation resulted in a decline in trout density. However, the growth rate and condition of the trout population then exceeded that of trout present before weed removal. During the second summer after weed removal a cladoceran bloom was followed by low phytoplankton levels and high ammonia concentrations. A prolonged calm compounded this situation with the result that oxygen levels in bottom and surface waters dropped below 2 ppm. These low oxygen levels eliminated the trout population, but other fish species present survived. Elimination of aquatic plants affected the population dynamics of other fish species in the lake with potential implications for the trout. The experiment demonstrated the importance of weed beds in maintaining a stable fish community in lakes such as Lake Parkinson.  相似文献   

The male of Abergasilus amplexus Hewitt, 1978 is described for the first time. Previous records of A. amplexus are discussed and a new locality, Te Whanga Lagoon, Chatham Islands, is reported.  相似文献   

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