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研究了基于完全拉格朗日(Total Lagrangian)描述的大变形有限元法分析地基沉降问题的几何刚度效应。在有限元列式的推导过程中严格考虑了土力学表述习惯的影响。通过算例分析,主要研究了几何刚度效应对荷载-沉降曲线的影响,并对比分析了不同率型大变形分析中的几何刚度效应问题。结果表明,几何刚度效应的存在减小了地基大变形有限元系统的刚度;忽略几何刚度效应将导致沉降计算结果偏小,在地基变形较大的情况下误差更明显,Truesdell率型大变形分析的最终沉降结果与小变形法的结果一致。几何刚度效应在地基大变形有限元分析中具有一定程度的影响,处理不当可能出现结构刚度增大的现象。大变形分析结果的性质偏于刚硬。  相似文献   

岩体初始应力场的遗传算法与有限元联合反演法   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
易达  陈胜宏  葛修润 《岩土力学》2004,25(7):1077-1080
岩土工程问题的有限元分析一般需要考虑初始应力场。实际工程中,岩体往往为非线性。本文采用遗传算法与有限元联合反演法求解非线性岩体初始应力场,通过算例说明文中所提方法是合理的,可在工程应用中推广。  相似文献   

三维油藏中应力与渗流的摄动-有限元分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈洁  李尧臣 《岩土力学》2000,21(2):113-118
提出了一个较为实际的石油油藏的三维力学模型。以已有的三维介质中应力与渗流耦合问题的变分原理为基础,用摄动法证明了光油藏厚度变化为小量时,三维问题或简化为平面应变问题,并可采用不同厚度的平面应变单元进行有限元分析,所得到的解即是该三维问题的零阶摄动解。给出了摄动法的推导和有限元格式,计算了一个水驱法进行油田二次开发的算例并给出了计算结果。  相似文献   

殷德胜  汪卫明  陈胜宏 《岩土力学》2009,30(8):2535-2539
岩体中的裂隙分布具有随机性,且渗流主要通过裂隙面进行。运用蒙特卡罗法模拟生成岩体中的随机裂隙面,基于矢体的概念,实现了包括凹块体和多连通体在内的三维随机裂隙岩体的块体单元自动识别。假定岩块不透水、渗流仅通过裂隙面进行,建立了三维随机裂隙岩体渗流分析的块体单元法。通过算例分析,验证了所提方法的准确性和有效性。  相似文献   

基于蒙特卡罗随机有限元法的三维随机渗流场研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王林  徐青 《岩土力学》2014,35(1):287-292
通过建立改进Latin超立方抽样和对偶抽样相结合的复合抽样法,以提高Monte Carlo方法的计算效率,并将其引入Monte Carlo随机有限元(MSFEM)。基于三维有限元模型,采用MCSFEM对山坪土石坝进行随机渗流场分析,研究渗透系数和水头边界条件的随机特性对渗流场的干扰,进行变异系数和抽样次数的敏感性分析。最后,对渗流场的求解量进行概型分析。研究表明:总水头势、流速及渗透体积力的变异性随着渗透系数随机性的增强而变大;复合抽样法既能有效加快Monte Carlo的收敛速度,又能降低样本间的统计相关性,说明了该方法的实用性与有效性;当渗透系数服从正态分布时,渗流场中所取结点的水头和坡降也服从正态分布。  相似文献   

Within the last 10 years Slovenia has been constructing its highway network. The Golovec tunnel, as a part of Slovenia's capital ring is thus one of the most important connections of Ljubljana to the east and to the north. It is a double tube three-lane tunnel in soft rock with small to medium overburden. Its construction, following NATM, caused huge problems to all parties involved. The tunnel support was well monitored during its construction, which gave the authors a good opportunity to analyse the results.The Golovec tunnel is constructed through one of few hills surrounding Ljubljana, of Carboniferous age, consisting of clastic rock: siltstone, claystone and sandstone. Golovec hill belongs to the first of two overthrusting zones from this area, so the rock is strongly faulted.Tunnel monitoring consisted of daily 3-D tunnel tube displacement measurements in 97 measuring sections, and of two measuring sections within the tunnel with more complex measuring equipment, to monitor stress changes and rock deformations around both tunnel tubes. Monitoring of the surface 3-D movements gave us the opportunity to study the influence of the tunnel construction on the surface above it. The tunnel, its geology, construction procedure and monitoring results are described in the first part of the paper.The second part consists of the interpretation of monitored results, with an emphasis on results concerning development and evolution of the excavation-damaged zone in the rock around the tunnel. Back-calculations, performed as a basis for the interpretation procedure, are also presented in this part. Calculations of the propagation of the tunnel destressed zone and stress-field around the tunnel, up to the surface, were performed by means of numerical model with the finite difference method. The evolution of tunnel displacements and their prediction was based on the use of Back Propagation Neural Networks, whose principles are presented in one chapter of this paper. Results showed that the most important, for the final settlement at the surface above the tunnel, was the time of installation and rigidity of the primary support. On the basis of the calculated final displacements, this support could easily be strengthened in a short time, when necessary.  相似文献   

Site and laboratory investigation of the Slano blato landslide   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Slano blato landslide is situated above the village of Lokavec, in the western part of Slovenia. This area is one of the seismically most active parts of the country. Considering just the last decade, movement of the landslide was observed in November 2000, when the displaced material reached a velocity of 60–100 m/day. Silty and clayey gravel above flysch layers of marl and sandstone formed the landslide mass.Geotechnical investigations of the landslide were performed in 2003 and 2004, when the depth of the landslide was determined, as well as the geotechnical parameters and the sliding mechanism. Rheological tests were also carried out for further analysis. Based on the investigation results and the observed landslide velocity, the landslide was classified as an earth flow. Inclinometer measurements showed that the landslide has two shear surfaces, with different behaviour shown as each.A stability analysis was carried out numerically by applying the Mohr–Coulomb and Burger elasto–plastic models. The Mohr–Coulomb model indicated that the high water level influences the landslide instability. In the case of the Burger elasto-plastic model, a higher velocity was calculated, at a water content of between 35 and 40%.  相似文献   

三维高密度电法用于工程勘查的试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国内三维高密度电法在工程上的应用,大都采用二维数据反演,通过三维成图软件把视电阻率剖面连成三维视电阻率分布立体图,而很少将三维数据拼接在一起,通过三维软件反演。结合管线探测,对真三维高密度电法进行了探测试验,并取得了良好的勘探效果,为三维高密度电阻率法的进一步推广提供了宝贵的实践经验。  相似文献   

黄诚  杨维好 《岩土力学》2004,25(8):1307-1310
土体在重力作用下的固结变形历史上大多已经完成,土体内的自重应力场和重力场处于相互平衡状态。以此为初始条件的土工有限元计算,如果直接在模型上施加重力作外载,将产生一个较大固结变形,而这个变形对土体来说是先期完成了的,所以计算会产生不合理的结果。为此,先把初应力作为一种载荷进行理论推导,并据此提出一个如何剔除先期固结变形的方法,即先加重力,通过求解,导出土体自重应力场;然后重新开始分析,把自重应力场当初始应力导入土体单元中,再加重力进行求解,这样就剔除了先期固结变形;最后进行了算例对比分析,证明其是一种合理的方法。  相似文献   

裴启涛  丁秀丽  卢波  黄书岭  付敬  韩晓玉 《岩土力学》2016,37(10):2961-2970
在建的乌东德水电站区域构造运动强烈,断层、褶皱及节理较为发育,加之河谷纵横、沟谷深切,导致该区域岩体地应力分布极为复杂,非线性特征显著。为准确获取坝址区初始地应力场的分布特征,通过对地应力分布形式进行优化,提出了考虑地应力张量分布特征的岩体应力场二次反演方法。首先,将地应力张量分解成自重应力、构造应力及非线性应力3个部分,同时依据坝址区地形地貌、地质构造及非均匀性岩层等因素,构建FLAC3D计算模型,利用叠加法原理对坝址区初始地应力场进行一次反演。然后,主要考虑坝址区附近小规模构造及局部开挖条件的影响,构建三维离散元(3DEC)精细模型,同时从一次反演中提取精细模型的初始地应力侧压系数和自重修正系数,并利用均匀设计法进行优化,对精细模型进行二次反演。研究结果表明:一次反演计算获得的初始应力场整体上与实际情况吻合较好,但在局部构造附近与实测值相差较大;二次反演考虑局部地质构造及开挖条件的影响,同时结合一次反演的计算成果,各测点的应力计算值与实测值基本一致;通过将大型商业软件FLAC3D和3DEC相结合来反演复杂条件下工程区初始应力场,在一定程度上实现了岩体应力场在大范围内整体连续、小范围内受局部地质构造等影响导致不连续分布的特点。该研究方法可为类似工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Strain‐softening in geomaterials often leads to ill‐posed boundary‐valued problems (BVP), which cannot be solved with finite element methods without introducing some kind of regularization such as nonlocal plasticity. Hereafter we propose to apply spectral analysis for testing the performance of nonlocal plasticity in regularizing ill‐posed BVP and producing mesh‐independent solutions when local plasticity usually fails. The spectral analysis consists of examining the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the global tangential stiffness matrix of the incremental equilibrium equations. Based on spectral analysis, we propose a criterion for passing or failing the test of constitutive regularization in the context of BVP. If the eigenvalues of the tangential operator are all positive then the regularization succeeds, otherwise it fails and may not prevent artificial mesh‐dependent solutions from appearing. The approach is illustrated in the particular case of a biaxial compression with strain‐softening plasticity. In this particular case, local softening plasticity is found to produce negative eigenvalues in the tangential stiffness matrix, which indicates ill‐posed BVP. In contrast, nonlocal softening plasticity always produces positive eigenvalues, which regularizes ill‐posed BVP. The dominant eigenvectors, which generate localized deformation patterns, have a bandwidth independent of mesh size, provided that the mesh is fine enough to capture localization. These mesh‐independent eigenmodes explain why nonlocal plasticity produces numerical solutions that are mesh‐independent. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

建立近地表层析反演模型时,通常利用射线追踪方法来计算模型初至旅行时,再与观测的初至实际旅行时进行比较,反复修改模型直到计算值与观测值的误差达到最小。因此,初始模型建立的质量直接影响到层析反演的精度、收敛速度和迭代次数。通过模拟近地表模型,利用时间项反演方法快速建立初始模型,提高了层析反演的精度,加快了收敛速度,减少了迭代次数。  相似文献   

首先从电磁场所满足的麦克斯韦方程组出发,介绍了大地电磁测深正演的基本理论,并针对一维大地电磁模型加以讨论.运用有限单元法及有限差分法分别推导了大地电磁测深一维正演算法,并运用Matlab 7.0软件编写了相应的程序.为了检验这两种一维正演算法的准确性,设计了均匀半空间模型和层状介质模型,并给出了由本文程序、解析解得到的相应结果和图件,从而对正演结果进行对比分析.结果表明:两种方法的正演结果均真实地反映了模型的地电参数.  相似文献   

A modified three‐dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis (3D‐DDA) method is derived using four‐noded tetrahedral elements to improve the accuracy of current 3D‐DDA algorithm in practical applications. The analysis program for the modified 3D‐DDA method is developed in a C++ environment and its accuracy is illustrated through comparisons with several analytical solutions that are available for selected problems. The predicted solutions for these problems using the modified 3D‐DDA approach all show satisfactory agreement with the corresponding analytical results. Results presented in this paper demonstrate that the modified 3D‐DDA method with discontinuous modeling capabilities offers a useful computational tool to determine stresses and deformations in practical problems involving fissured elastic media with reasonable accuracy. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper concerns analysis of the impact of construction of urban tunnels on adjacent pile foundations. It is carried out using an elastoplastic three‐dimensional finite element modelling. Numerical simulations are performed in two stages, which concern, respectively, the application of the pile axial loading and the construction of the tunnel in presence of the pile foundations. Analysis is carried out for both single piles and groups of piles. Results of numerical simulations show that tunneling induces significant internal forces in adjacent piles. The distribution of internal forces depends mainly on the position of the pile tip regarding the tunnel horizontal axis and the distance of the pile axis from the centre of the tunnel. Analysis of the interaction between tunneling and a group of piles reveals a positive group effect with a high reduction of the internal forces in rear piles. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to present questions associated with the stability of advanced vault excavations which are driven according to the New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM) without lining of the temporary invert. The dimensions of the investigated cross-section correspond to those of the tunnels driven on the new high-speed tracks for the German Federal Railways. Two possible modes of failure are investigated with the aid of continuum mechanics analyses according to the finite element method. Reference is made to structural measures which may positively influence the stability of this construction stage. Furthermore, the manner in which the stress-strain behaviour of a horizontal alternating sequence with open vertical discontinuities may be taken into consideration in a continuum mechanics analysis is also demonstrated. The analysis results presented clearly show that the load-carrying action of the rock mass which characterizes the NATM may be better described by rock mechanics analyses according to the finite element method than by conventional procedures.  相似文献   

Quantification of mass and heat transport in fractured porous rocks is important to areas such as contaminant transport, storage and release in fractured rock aquifers, the migration and sorption of radioactive nuclides from waste depositories, and the characterization of engineered heat exchangers in the context of enhanced geothermal systems. The large difference between flow and transport characteristics in fractures and in the surrounding matrix rock means models of such systems are forced to make a number of simplifications. Analytical approaches assume a homogeneous system, numerical approaches address the scale at which a process is operating, but may lose individual important processes due to averaging considerations. Numerical stability criteria limit the contrasts possible in defining material properties. Here, a hybrid analytical–numerical method for transport modeling in fractured media is presented. This method combines a numerical model for flow and transport in a heterogeneous fracture and an analytical solution for matrix diffusion. By linking the two types of model, the advantages of both methods can be combined. The methodology as well as the mathematical background are developed, verified for simple geometries, and applied to fractures representing experimental field conditions in the Grimsel rock laboratory.  相似文献   

The dam area of the SUOXI hydropower project shows high terrain undulation and complex geological conditions, containing 6 faults and 7 weak inter-beds. A geometric model developed to represent the geology and engineering structures should incorporate the geological realities and should allow suitable mesh generation to perform numerical stress analysis. This is an important precondition to perform rock mass stability analysis of a dam foundation based on a numerical stress analysis software such as FLAC3D. Using the modeling tools available in FLAC3D, it is difficult to construct a complex geological model even after performing a large amount of plotting and data analyses. The 3-D geological modeling technique suggested in this paper, named as Sealed Geological Modeling (SGM), is a powerful tool for constructing complex geological models for rock engineering projects that require numerical stress analysis. Applying this technique, first, the geological interfaces are constructed for the dam area of SUOXI hydropower project using various interpolation procedures including geostatistical techniques. Then a unitary wire frame is constructed and the interfaces are connected seamlessly. As the next step, a block tracing technique is used to build a geological model that consists of 130 seamlessly connected blocks. Finally, based on the Advancing Front Technique (AFT), each block is discretized into tetrahedrons and a mesh is generated including 57,661 nodes and 215,471 tetrahedrons which is suitable to perform numerical stress analysis using FLAC3D.  相似文献   

Non‐linear soil–structure interactions are usually analysed using an incremental finite element approach. There a constitutive subroutine provides for each element the stress increment for a given strain increment. In geotechnical calculations, uncertainties in material parameters and initial conditions are abundant. Sensitivity analysis can be a first step to account for such uncertainties. Sensitivities of the system response with respect to material parameters and initial conditions can be calculated by differentiating the whole numerical scheme. It turns out that the essential information from the constitutive subroutine are the derivatives of the stress increment with respect to the strain increment, as well as the derivatives with respect to material parameters and all state variables involved in the problem. We propose a method to compute these quantities numerically for any constitutive model that can be written in rate form and for any suitable integrator of such a model. We further present a concise way to supply the output of the sensitivity analysis to the designing engineer. Our theoretical investigations are illustrated with element tests and with a typical geotechnical application. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Failure in geotechnical engineering is often related to tension‐induced cracking in geomaterials. In this paper, a coupled meshless method and FEM is developed to analyze the problem of three‐dimensional cracking. The radial point interpolation method (RPIM) is used to model cracks in the smeared crack framework with an isotropic damage model. The identification of the meshless region is based on the stress state computed by FEM, and the adaptive coupling of RPIM and FEM is achieved by a direct algorithm. Mesh‐bias dependency, which poses difficulties in FEM‐based cracking simulations, is circumvented by a crack tracking algorithm. The performance of our scheme is demonstrated by two numerical examples, that is, the four‐point bending test on concrete beam and the surface cracks caused by tunnel excavation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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