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A versatile approach is employed to generate artificial accelerograms which satisfy the compatibility criteria prescribed by the Chinese aseismic code provisions GB 50011-2001. In particular, a frequency dependent peak factor derived by means of appropriate Monte Carlo analyses is introduced to relate the GB 50011 -2001 design spectrum to a parametrically defined evolutionary power spectrum (EPS). Special attention is given to the definition of the frequency content of the EPS in order to accommodate the mathematical form of the aforementioned design spectrum. Further, a one-to-one relationship is established between the parameter controlling the time-varying intensity of the EPS and the effective strong ground motion duration. Subsequently, an efficient auto-regressive moving-average (ARMA) filtering technique is utilized to generate ensembles of non-stationary artificial accelerograms whose average response spectrum is in a close agreement with the considered design spectrum. Furthermore, a harmonic wavelet based iterative scheme is adopted to modify these artificial signals so that a close matching of the signals' response spectra with the GB 50011-2001 design spectrum is achieved on an individual basis. This is also done for field recorded accelerograms pertaining to the May, 2008 Wenchuan seismic event. In the process, zero-phase high-pass filtering is performed to accomplish proper baseline correction of the acquired spectrum compatible artificial and field accelerograms. Numerical results are given in a tabulated format to expedite their use in practice.  相似文献   

不同类别场地地震震动反应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于GB50011-2001建筑抗震设计规范划分的4类场地,设计了115个一维成层场地,计算模型用场地地震反应分析的等效线性化波动分析方法,对场地地震反应进行了计算,找出了4类分类场地条件对场地地震动影响的特点及规律。得出对于Ⅲ类、Ⅳ类场地,当计算基底输入幅值较大时,地震动长周期成分十分丰富,短周期成分少的结论。  相似文献   

We estimated the source parameters of 53 local earthquakes (2.0<ML<5.7) of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Northeastern Italy) area, recorded by the short-period local seismic network of the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), in the period 1995-2003. Data were selected on the basis of high quality locations and focal mechanisms. Standard H/V spectral ratios (HVRS) of the three-component stations of the network were performed in order to assess local amplifications, and only stations showing HVRS not exceeding two were considered for the source parameters estimation. Both velocity and acceleration data were used to compute the SH-wave spectra. Observed spectra were corrected for attenuation effects using an independent regional estimate of the quality factor Q and a station dependent estimate of the spectral decay parameter k. Only earthquakes with ML>3.0 recorded with a sampling rate of 125 cps were used to compute k, thus allowing to visualize a linear trend of the high frequency acceleration spectrum up to 40-50 Hz. SH-wave spectra, corrected for attenuation, showed an ω−2 shape allowing a good fit with the Brune model. Seismic moments and Brune radii ranged between 1.5×1012 and 1.1×1017  N m and between 0.1 and 2.7 km respectively. We obtained Mo=1.1×1017  N m for the seismic moment of the Kobarid (SLO) main shock, in good agreement with the Harvard CMT solution (Mo=3.5×1017  N m). Brune stress drops were confined to the range from 0.07 to 5.31 MPa, with an average value of 0.73 MPa and seem to be approximately constant over five orders of magnitude of seismic moment. Radiated seismic energy computed from two nearby stations scales with seismic moment according to , and apparent stress values are between 0.02 and 4.26 MPa. The observed scatter of Brune stress drop data allowed to hypothesize a scaling relation between seismic moment and corner frequency in order to accommodate both Brune stress drop and apparent stress scalings. No systematic differences are evidenced between stress parameters of earthquakes with different focal mechanisms. As a consequence, a relation of the seismic stress release with the strength of rocks can be hypothesized. A high correlation (r>0.9) of Brune stress drop is found with both apparent stress and RMS stress drop, according to and respectively.  相似文献   

The seismic ground rotations are important with respect to spatial structural models, which are sensitive to the wave propagation. The rotational ground motion can lead to significant increasing of structural response, instability and unusual damages of buildings. Currently, the seismic analyses often take into account the rocking and torsion motions separately using artificial accelerograms. We present an exact analytical method, proposed by Nazarov [15] for computing of three rotational accelerograms simultaneously from given translational records. The method is based on spectral representation in the form of Fourier amplitude spectra of seismic waves, corresponding to the given three-component translational accelerogram. The composition, directions and properties of seismic waves are previously determined in the form of a generalized wave model of ground motion. It is supposed that seismic ground motion can be composed by superposition of P, SV, SH- and surface waves. As an example, the dynamic response analysis of 25-story building is presented. Here recorded (low-frequency) and artificial (high-frequency) accelerograms were used; each of them includes three translational and three rotational components. In this structural analysis, we have clarified primarily conditions under which rotational ground motion should be taken into account. Next, we have calculated three rotational components of seismic ground motion. Then they were taken as additional seismic loads components for further seismic analysis of the building. Note, soil–structure interaction (SSI) is not considered in this study. For computing, we use the special software for structural analyses and accelerogram processing (FEA Software STARK ES and Odyssey software, Eurosoft Co., Russia). It was developed and is used in engineering practice in the Central Research Institute of Building Constructions (TsNIISK, Moscow, Russia).  相似文献   

地震反应分析中输入界面选取合理与否对设计地震动参数有重要影响。基于唐山地区钻孔剖面,分别选取剪切波速为500m/s的硬黏土和800m/s的岩石顶面作为基岩输入界面,采用一维等效线性化方法讨论中硬场地输入界面的选取对地表地震动参数的影响,结果表明:(1)地表峰值加速度放大倍数及地表加速度反应谱特征周期都随输入界面深度的增加而递增,且这种递增与输入地震动的强度及频谱特性都有密切联系;(2)随着输入界面深度的增加,地表加速度反应谱几乎全频段内增大,仅在短周期内出现减小的情况,但幅度十分有限;(3)中硬场地地震反应分析中基岩输入界面宜取剪切波速为800m/s的土层顶面。  相似文献   

目前,底部剪力法是各国计算水平地震作用的基本方法,应用该方法时需要使用各自国家的抗震设计反应谱。本文汇总了中、美、欧抗震设计规范的反应谱和底部剪力法,在相同重现期和场地条件的基础上,对比了不同烈度下3本规范反应谱的异同,并通过算例对比了分别采用3本规范的底部剪力法算出的不同设防烈度下同一结构的底部地震剪力和层间地震剪力。对比结果表明,3本规范的反应谱和底部剪力法在本质上是相同的,只在表达形式和参数设置上存在差异。  相似文献   

区分建筑物的抗震设防类别是进行抗震设计的前提和依据。本文针对当前我国室内地震应急避难场所认定面临的现有建筑的抗震安全性问题,根据不同版本的《建筑工程抗震设防分类标准》和《建筑抗震设计规范》,对现有体育、会展、教育建筑等设计、施工时依据的抗震设防类别、标准、规范进行分析研究,以为室内地震应急避难场所的选择提供参考,从而推动室内地震应急避难场所的认定工作。  相似文献   

Earthquake codes have been revised and updated depending on the improvements in the representation of ground motions, soils and structures. These revisions have been more frequently seen in recent years. One of the key changes in earthquake codes has been performed on the design spectra. In this paper, the design spectra recommended by Turkish Earthquake Code and three other well known codes (Uniform Building Code, Eurocode 8, and International Building Code) are considered for comparison. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the differences caused by the use of different codes in the dynamic analysis and seismic verification of given types of buildings located at code defined different sites. The differences in expressions and some important points for elastic and inelastic spectra defined by the codes are briefly illustrated in tables and figures. Periods, base shears, lateral displacements and interstory drifts for the analyzed buildings located at code defined ground type are comparatively presented.  相似文献   

The building code of any country is considered to be a basic technical guidance document for the seismic design of structures. However, building codes are typically developed for the whole country, without considering site specific models that incorporate detailed site-specific data. Therefore, the adequacy of the design spectrum for building codes may sometimes be questionable. To study the sufficiency of the building codes of Pakistan (BCP-SP-2007), a deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA) based spectrum was developed for a site in the Muzaffargarh area, Pakistan, using an updated earthquake catalogue, seismic source model, and a next generation attenuation model (NGA-WEST-2). Further, an International Building Code (IBC-2000) spectrum was developed for the study area to compare the results. The DSHA-based response spectrum resulted in a peak ground acceleration (PGA) value of 0.21 g for the Chaudwan fault. The evaluation of BCP-SP-2007 and IBC-2000 spectra provided a critical assessment for analyzing the associated margins. A comparison with the DSHA-based response spectrum showed that the BCP-SP-2007 design spectrum mostly overlapped with the DSHA spectrum unlike IBC-2000. However, special attention is needed for designing buildings in the study area when considering earthquake periods longer than 1 s, and the BCP-SP-2007 spectrum can be enhanced when considering a period range of 0.12–0.64 s. Finally, BCP-SP-2007 is based on a probabilistic approach and its comparison with deterministic results showed the significance of both methods in terms of design.  相似文献   

新一代强制性国家标准《中国地震动参数区划图》(GB 18306—2015)已于2016年6月1日正式实施,它是保障人民生命财产安全和社会经济可持续发展的重要标准。借助日益普及的移动智能终端和快速发展的互联网技术,我们面向公众服务和行业应用,分别研发了地震动参数区划图APP(Android和iOS版)及B/S架构的数据库管理系统,对新一代区划图所涉及的“四级地震作用”、“土层影响双参数调整”等技术方法进行无纸化、自动化和智能化处理。此外,针对市县基层防震减灾管理工作的特点和需求,为新一代区划图提供了一套实用的信息服务系统。该服务系统在部分市县工作部门进行了推广和试用,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

This study investigates the seismic demands due to the catastrophic 1999 Mw=7.4 Kocaeli and the Mw=7.1 Duzce earthquakes. The inelastic response spectra for the Kocaeli and Duzce earthquakes are investigated for systems with known strength and ductility. An analytical fiber element model is developed for a typical reinforced concrete building in Turkey. The interstory drifts are calculated from nonlinear dynamic analysis using 26 recorded strong-motion data from the 1999 Kocaeli and the Duzce earthquakes. In the dynamic analysis, the structural members are modeled by employing distributed plasticity fiber elements and both geometrical as well as material nonlinearities are taken into account. This study shows that the ductility and interstory drift demands due to the Kocaeli and the Duzce earthquakes were very severe (well above the code prescribed values) even for moderately inelastic structures. It is apparent from the results that the forward directivity effect is the most influential factor on the interstory drift demand. Both the distance to the fault rupture and the site conditions affect seismic demands, but the site conditions and the local topography are more influential than the distance from the fault rupture. This study shows that substantial damage should be expected in a future earthquake at all districts of Istanbul, but especially at Avcilar, Cekmece, Fatih, Bakirkoy and the Zeytinburnu districts. It is also shown that base isolation may substantially improve the performance of a structure in the inelastic domain and base isolated structures may be designed for lower minimum lateral strengths and higher strength reduction factors.  相似文献   

建筑物易损性和地震损失与地震加速度谱值的关系(上)   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
为与新的地震动参数区划图接轨,克服目前以烈度为依据的震害预测方法中的缺陷,这项研究提出了以地震加速度谱值为输入参数的建筑物易损性分析和地震损失估计方法。这些内容分上、中、下三篇介绍。本文是其中的上篇,介绍了砖砌体结构的易损性分析方法;这一方法可以根据我国2001年颁布的以峰值加速度为参数的新地震区划图给出的加速度和特征周期或根据地区的地震安全性评估给出的反应谱,估计这类结构单体和群体在未来地震中可能发生的震害及可能造成的损失。  相似文献   

福建地区中小地震加速度反应谱衰减规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于收集福建省地震监测台网7个基岩台站从1999年至2007年获得的94个地震(ML=2.8~4.9,△=13~462 km) 的1974条宽频带速度记录,利用实时仿真方法得到了相应的加速度记录,进而得到了福建地区基岩场地中小地震绝对加速度反应谱的衰减关系.对基岩反应谱有影响的因素主要有震源、传播途径,本文简要分析这两个因素对地震动的影响.此项工作对于福建省抗震设防具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

当前,合理确定地震动峰值加速度与反应谱特征周期是工程场地地震动参数确定工作的主要内容。本文以北京地区典型中硬场地为研究对象,分析场地条件对不同周期地震动反应谱值的影响。首先,计算不同震级、震中距条件下的基岩地震动加速度反应谱,合成基岩输入地震动时程;再利用110个工程场地的钻孔资料进行土层地震反应计算,分析中硬场地条件对不同输入环境下的地震动加速度反应谱值的放大效应。结果表明,中硬场地对高、中频震动放大效应明显,尤其是对0.2-0.5s周期段地震动加速度反应谱值的放大倍数大多在1.3以上;场地覆盖层厚度变化对不同频段地震动加速度反应谱值的放大倍数所产生的影响是不同的,与场地自振周期的相关性很强;在不同的地震动输入环境下,中硬场地对不同频段地震动加速度反应谱的影响是不同的,这一结论对实际的抗震设防工作具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

The source parameters of the major events of a swarm and of two seismic sequences, occurred in the Friuli area (Northeastern Italy) and in Western Slovenia, were estimated. The Claut swarm (C96) occurred since the end of January to June 1996, with a MD 4.3 major shock and it appears composed of three sub-sequences. The two sequences are the Kobarid sequence (K98) started on April 12, 1998 with a MD 5.6 mainshock and the M.te Sernio (S02) sequence caused by the February 14, 2002 earthquake (MD = 4.9). Acceleration and velocity data recorded by the local seismic network of the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimenale (OGS) and corrected for attenuation, were employed to estimate seismic moments and radiated energies. Source dimensions were inferred from the computed corner frequencies and the stress release was estimated from the Brune stress drop, the apparent stress and the RMS stress drop. On the whole, seismic moments range from 1.7 × 1012 to 1.1 × 1017 N m, and radiated energies are in the range 106–1013 J. Brune stress drops are scattered and do not show any evidence of a self-similarity breakdown for sources down to 130 m radius. The radiated seismic energy scales as a function of seismic moment, with a slope of the scaling relation that decreases for increasing seismic moments.The mechanism of stress release was analyzed by computing the ɛ parameter of Zuniga [Zuniga, R., 1993. Frictional overshoot and partial stress drop. Which one? Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 83, 939–944]. The K98 and S02 sequences are characterized by a wide range of the ɛ parameter with stress drop mechanism varying from partial locking to overshoot cases. The ɛ values of the C96 swarm are more homogeneous and close to the Orowan's condition. The radiated seismic energy and the ratio of stress drop between mainshock and aftershocks appear different among the analyzed cases. We therefore investigated the relationship between the stress parameters of the main shock and the energy radiated by the aftershock sequences. For this purpose, we also estimated the source parameters of two other sequences occurred in the area, with mainshocks of MD 4.1 and 5.1, respectively. We found a positive correlation between the Brune stress drop of the mainshock and the ratio between the radiated energy of the mainshock and the summation of the energies radiated by the aftershocks.  相似文献   

Introduction Developing local attenuation relations of ground motion is one of the key steps in seismic hazard assessment. Because of inadequate strong ground motion records in China, the attenuation relations used in China are usually developed by using the transforming method (Hu, Zhang, 1983; HU, ZHANG, 1984). To use this method, we need to have both the attenuation relation of seismic intensity for the studied region and the attenuation relations of seismic intensity and ground mo-tion…  相似文献   

强震观测资料包括强震动时程记录资料和宏观震害调查资料两大类, 前者是定量的微观数据, 后者则是定性的宏观指标. 本文明晰给出了微观仪器烈度与宏观仪器烈度、 微观考察烈度与宏观考察烈度的概念, 并在此基础上提出了只有在宏观仪器烈度与宏观考察烈度之间进行比较才具有实质性的意义;同时对国内外常见的仪器烈度算法进行了比较性研究, 得出了袁一凡仪器烈度算法可靠性更高的结论;最后以四川地区历年来重要震例的强震动记录为依据, 对修正的袁一凡仪器烈度算法的可靠性进行了比较应用. 结果表明, 对袁一凡仪器烈度算法修正与扩展的应用是可行的, 同时也验证了将微观仪器烈度与宏观考察烈度直接进行比较会存在较大的差距.   相似文献   

耐震时程法(ETM)是一种基于动力时程的结构抗震分析方法,其典型表征在于随着持续时间的增加,地震动强度逐渐增大。本文合成了基于中国抗震反应谱的耐震时程曲线,并以此作为输入,对一个8层3跨钢框架结构的抗震性能进行了分析和评估。采用增量动力分析方法(IDA)对结构在不同耐震持时下的整体响应进行了评估;以大震下天然地震动分析结果为标准,对比了结构在耐震时程曲线(ETA)作用下的塑性铰分布概率、形成顺序和延性分布。研究结果表明:耐震时程法能较好地预测钢框架结构的非线性动力响应及破坏过程,且分析次数少,这为钢框架结构的抗震性能快速分析与评估提供了一种新的手段。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the development of a procedure aimed at defining a seismic risk mitigation strategy for public buildings in terms of prioritization, time required and funds. The procedure is based on a global risk index involving the entire building stock under study thus facilitating an examination of risk variation over time up to its final value. Relationships between the current seismic capacity–demand ratios and the required strengthening costs (cost models) have been developed. Each of the assumed cost models has a different target in terms of capacity–demand ratio to be obtained after strengthening, basically ranging between full retrofit and upgrading. The procedure has been applied to 69 hospital buildings located in Basilicata region for which the vulnerability data was available as a result of a large assessment program set up by the regional government. Priorities have been defined on the basis of seismic capacity, local hazard and number of human beings possibly involved (exposure). The results of different strengthening strategies have been outlined with a special focus on the pros and cons of the upgrading strategy with respect to various retrofit strategies. The procedure may be applied to different categories of public buildings by properly modifying some input parameters and partially redefining criteria for prioritization.  相似文献   

紫坪铺水库地区蓄水前后视应力标度率变化研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
杨志高  张晓东 《地球物理学报》2010,53(12):2861-2868
本文利用紫坪铺水库台网记录到的波形资料,计算了2004~2008年170个ML≥1.0级地震的震源参数.紫坪铺水库震源参数计算结果与其他大陆地区有明显不同:(1)拐角频率远低于其他大陆地区结果,表明库区地震波传播经过了较强的衰减过程;(2)视应力计算结果比其他地区小3个数量级,可能是由于库区地震波的高频成分衰减强烈,低估了能量集中在高频的小地震的地震辐射能量.分析了蓄水前后拐角频率和地震矩以及视应力和地震矩关系(视应力标度率)变化,结果表明:相同地震矩的地震蓄水后拐角频率增加,地震高频成分相对丰富;蓄水前视应力与地震矩的关系不明显,蓄水后视应力随地震矩的增加而增加.视应力标度率的改变可能是蓄水后地震震源物理过程逐渐改变的直接反映.  相似文献   

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