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李永祺  王蔚 《海洋与湖沼》2020,51(6):1267-1274
深海及其底部生物圈的探测和研究,是当前海洋大科学研究的焦点,是未来的海洋科学,具有重要的战略意义。深海及其底深部生态学的研究,是其中的一项重要内容。本文简要回顾了深海生态学发展的三个里程碑以及中国在该学科的研究进展,提出了大力发展深海探测和钻探设备、技术,建设深海生态站和大洋钻探船;以生态系统为中心开展深海生态研究;将深海生态研究纳入国家和有关部门的研究计划、支持多学科交叉和融合的建议。  相似文献   

This is the first record of live (stained) deep-sea benthic foraminifera in the 850 m deep silled Hardangerfjord, the second deepest fjord in Western Norway. Estimates of organic carbon flux (∼2.5 g Cm−2 y−1) show that the fjord-values are comparable to similar depths on the continental slope. Accordingly, although these first samples only provide relative abundance data, the low proportion of live to dead individuals in the top cm of the sediment suggests a low foraminifera biomass. Another similarity with the deep sea is that the abiotic environment of the deep basins is stable even though the deepest basins are isolated from the open deep sea by the continental shelf and sills in the outer parts of the fjord suggesting that the deep-sea species are introduced as propagules during deep-water renewals. There is evidence of an increase in dissolution of fragile calcareous tests (e.g., Nonionella iridea) especially in the innermost part of Hardangerfjord since the 1960s and this has led to a relative increase in dead agglutinated assemblages. The presence of larger forms with tests >1 mm provides substrata for the attachment of smaller forms and therefore an increase in species diversity. Indeed, the diversity is comparable both to that of the open deep sea and that of reported macrofauna from the same sites, reflecting similar ecological status. Holtedahl (1965) suggested that there may be some down-slope transport of sediment into the deep basins with the deposition of turbidites. Despite some evidence of transport, no major recent disturbance due to turbidite deposition seems to have occurred and hence Hardangerfjord presents a unique environment with elements of deep-sea faunas in a land-locked setting.  相似文献   

目前深海采矿潜在的生态环境影响引起来了广泛关注,文章针对工业化深海金属矿产资源开采潜在的环境影响监测评估需要,系统地总结了深海铁锰多金属结核、铁锰富钴结壳以多金属硫化物等主要深海资源的基本产状,分析了“物质迁移-羽流产生-声光电磁噪声-耗氧-有毒物质释放”等主流采矿工艺潜在的环境影响因素,基于深海采矿生态环境影响评估调查研究的技术需求,从实施深海采矿环境监测实验工程、建立深海重大装备系统、发展原位监测传感器等方面提出了深海采矿环境监测技术体系建设构架,以期为我国深海采矿生态环境监测保护技术发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

通过构建中尺度涡的数学模型,利用射线-简正波-抛物方程(RMPE)声学模型进行传播损失计算,进而分析在深海声道、深海会聚区、海底反射3种传播模式下,中尺度涡对深海声效应的影响。数值仿真结果显示,暖涡对深海声道、会聚区产生下压效果,使会聚区水平距离变大,深海声道深度方向上变宽;冷涡使会聚区上抬,距离变短,对声场散射现象明显。研究结果表明,涡旋环境条件下,声场特征会产生显著变化。试验结果揭示了中尺度涡对深海声场效应的影响,对指导海上运用中尺度涡现象开展的科学研究、工程实践、军事运用具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

The effects of low-pH, high-pCO2 conditions on deep-sea organisms were examined during four deep-sea CO2 release experiments simulating deep-ocean C sequestration by the direct injection of CO2 into the deep sea. We examined the survival of common deep-sea, benthic organisms (microbes; macrofauna, dominated by Polychaeta, Nematoda, Crustacea, Mollusca; megafauna, Echinodermata, Mollusca, Pisces) exposed to low-pH waters emanating as a dissolution plume from pools of liquid carbon dioxide released on the seabed during four abyssal CO2-release experiments. Microbial abundance in deep-sea sediments was unchanged in one experiment, but increased under environmental hypercapnia during another, where the microbial assemblage may have benefited indirectly from the negative impact of low-pH conditions on other taxa. Lower abyssal metazoans exhibited low survival rates near CO2 pools. No urchins or holothurians survived during 30–42 days of exposure to episodic, but severe environmental hypercapnia during one experiment (E1; pH reduced by as much as ca. 1.4 units). These large pH reductions also caused 75% mortality for the deep-sea amphipod, Haploops lodo, near CO2 pools. Survival under smaller pH reductions (ΔpH<0.4 units) in other experiments (E2, E3, E5) was higher for all taxa, including echinoderms. Gastropods, cephalopods, and fish were more tolerant than most other taxa. The gastropod Retimohnia sp. and octopus Benthoctopus sp. survived exposure to pH reductions that episodically reached −0.3 pH units. Ninety percent of abyssal zoarcids (Pachycara bulbiceps) survived exposure to pH changes reaching ca. −0.3 pH units during 30–42 day-long experiments.  相似文献   

深海被认为是地球上尚未被认识和开发的“最后疆域”,深海环境不仅可满足人类对未来资源的部分需求,还孕育出了独特的生态系统和特殊的生命过程。地球上绝大部分生态系统是利用光合作用来维持生命循环,而深海中存在着以化能合成为基础的生态系统。本文重点综述了国内外关于深海化能生态系统中大型生物多样性及其起源演化方面的研究进展,并对印太交汇区深海极端环境的生物多样性研究趋势和发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

针对深海运载器海底岩芯原位取样作业需求,对基于水下运载器的深海原位取芯钻机在深海低温、高压、底层流速多变等特点条件下的作业机理及受力进行分析,并选取硬质合金钻头和PDC钻头进行了取芯钻头的轴向力、切向力和切削功率的数学力学对比计算,确定了单环四齿周向均布的金刚石复合片(PDC)钻头设计方案。在理论分析基础上,针对深海钴结壳设计了台架试验,开展钻进试验研究。通过理论计算和实验研究,探寻了一种基于深海运载器的钴结壳小型钻机设计方法,确定了钻机功率、转速、钻进正向压力和取芯率等基本参数选取范围,对开展海底岩芯原位取样作业具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

走向深海大洋、探测深海环境和获取深海能源对未来国家能源战略开发至关重要。文章借助相关历史数据,回顾包括石油和天然气、天然气水合物以及可再生能源在内的深海能源的开发历史;阐述在技术、投资和全球经济环境驱动下的深海能源开发现状,即技术和产业不断发展、合作和投资亮点频出以及开发重点随全球经济变化而调整;在此基础上,分别对主要深海能源的发展前景进行展望,即石油开发步伐放缓、天然气迎来发展高峰、天然气水合物规模化商业开采有待观察以及可再生能源获得更多关注和投资。  相似文献   

如何使我国围填海的存量资源得到高效可持续利用是当今围填海研究的热门课题,生态修复是实现这一目标的有效手段.本研究基于陆海统筹的理念,以福建可门工业园区为例,针对围填海造成的"占用滨海湿地、护岸硬质化、破坏海岛、海洋生物资源损失、排放污水、生境破碎"等生态环境问题,引入了"生态流"的概念,并且因地制宜,从"构建山海通廊、...  相似文献   

通过对深海环境下直流电机一些特殊要求的分析,阐述了直浸式直流无刷电机的基本构成。利用电机内部充油平衡海水压力的自动补偿技术解决了其在深水中工作所遇到的高压、密封和工作水深等困难,增强了电机在深海环境下的适用性。同时提出一种简单可靠的深海电机密封结构。经过试验验证了理论设计的合理性。  相似文献   

Little is known about species distribution patterns in deep-sea environments, primarily because sampling surveys in the high seas are expensive and time consuming. The increasing need to manage and protect vulnerable marine ecosystems, such as cold-water corals, has motivated the use of predictive modelling tools, which produce continuous maps of potential species or habitat distribution from limited point observations and full coverage environmental data. Rapid advances in acoustic remote sensing, oceanographic modelling and sampling technology now provide high quality datasets, facilitating model development with high spatial detail. This paper provides a short overview of existing methodologies for predicting deep-sea benthic species distribution, and illustrates emerging issues related to spatial and thematic data resolution, and the use of transect-derived species distribution data. In order to enhance the ecological relevance and reliability of deep-sea species distribution models, novel techniques are presented based on a case study predicting the distribution of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa in three carbonate mound provinces in Irish waters. Specifically, the study evaluates (1) the capacity of newly developed high-resolution (250 m grid cell size) hydrodynamic variables to explain local scale cold-water coral distribution patterns, (2) the potential value of species occurrence proportion data to maintain semi-quantitative information of coral prevalence (i.e. coverage) and sampling effort per grid cell within the response variable, and (3) mixed effect modelling to deal with spatially grouped transect data. The study shows that predictive models using vertical and horizontal flow parameters perform significantly better than models based on terrain parameters only. Semi-quantitative proportion data may decrease model uncertainty and increase model reliability, and provide a fruitful avenue of research for analysing large quantities of video data in a detailed yet time-efficient manner. The study concludes with an outlook of how species distribution models could improve our understanding of vulnerable marine ecosystem functioning and processes in the deep sea.  相似文献   

深海极端波浪环境为浮式海洋平台作业时最为关键的海洋动力环境之一。在其作用下,深海浮式平台的运动、气隙以及结构响应等均为近年来的研究热点。然而,在深海环境中,入射波浪环境往往通过X波段雷达进行测量,仅能获得波浪的短时统计值,极大限制了实海域浮动平台动力响应的研究。目前,尚无成熟的方法能够对海洋浮式平台所处海域的入射波时序进行实时测量。针对深远海半潜式平台的波浪时序随船测量问题,结合平台气隙响应与运动响应数据建立基于深层神经网络的波浪非线性解耦模型,准确估计辐射、绕射波浪以及其非线性成分对时序波浪场的影响。研究显示,基于深度神经网络的波浪时序测量技术可以实现从气隙响应到入射波信息的反推,利用该方法计算得到的波浪时序具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

随着人类对海洋过度开发,我国近海环境问题日益突出,多处海域出现重度富营养化现象。目前,国内外不仅对海水富营养化现象日益关注,而且积极寻求有效的生态修复方案,其中应用大型海藻进行海洋生态环境修复得到普遍认可。大型海藻修复不仅有助于实现生态环境良性循环,构建稳定的海洋生态系统,还可使得经济发展与生态环境保护相协调。本研究基于我国近海生态环境问题以及相应的大型海藻修复策略展开综述,对现有的大型海藻生态修复特点及近海封闭海域、半封闭海域和开放海域生态修复工程案例进行总结,以期对我国近海富营养化海域生态修复起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

潘泽华  赵耀  严俊 《海洋工程》2015,33(6):119-128
FPSO系统在深海海洋油气资源开发中扮演着重要的角色,而深水FPSO系统水下立管管路较长,立管整体重量较大,立管在水流作用下产生的涡激振动也较强,这些将给FPSO主船体带来严重的稳性、强度及疲劳问题。鉴于此,深海FPSO系统在油气资源开发过程中,须在水下一定深度设置若干水下软管支撑浮体,用以支撑来自深海海底的管线,减轻深水立管对FPSO的负载作用。随着深海资源开发的深入发展,传统水下软管支撑浮体作为FPSO系统的关键装备已经无法满足深海开采的需求,寻求大型化、深海化、生命周期长久化的新型水下立管支撑平台迫在眉睫,设计简便快捷、低风险的安装方法成为其开发过程中的重点和难点。详细描述了水下软管支撑浮体的产生及其发展历程,针对深海开发的需求提出了新型立管支撑平台的新概念,着重对新概念下下水安装更便捷的耐压立管支撑平台设计原理及其下水安装方式展开了分析,最后对水下软管支撑浮体和新型立管支撑平台的关键技术进行了总结,并提出了需进一步解决的问题。  相似文献   

李力  高贺朋 《海洋工程》2018,36(5):74-82
针对深海玄武岩岩芯样品在高围压下难以破碎获得的问题,理论分析了金刚石与岩石的相互作用。采用单轴与三轴压缩实验,获得了模拟深海玄武岩的力学参数;基于颗粒流理论,建立了深海玄武岩线性平行黏结颗粒流数值模型,数值模拟高围压下金刚石颗粒破碎玄武岩的过程,获得了金刚石与玄武岩相互作用的动态力学响应规律,初步阐明金刚石破碎玄武岩机理。研究表明,玄武岩颗粒间黏接破坏主要为拉伸失效,玄武岩与金刚石接触力体现为周期应力,玄武岩产生间歇式裂隙扩散。理论分析与仿真结果基本吻合,表明建模与仿真的正确性,为深海便携式取芯钻机设计提供了理论基础与技术依据。  相似文献   

Chemoautotrophic production in seafloor hydrothermal systems has the potential to provide an important source of organic carbon that is exported to the surrounding deep-ocean. While hydrothermal plumes may export carbon, entrained from chimney walls and biologically rich diffuse flow areas, away from sites of venting they also have the potential to provide an environment for in-situ carbon fixation. In this study, we have followed the fate of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) as it is dispersed through and settles beneath a hydrothermal plume system at 9°50′N on the East Pacific Rise. Concentrations of both DOC and POC are elevated in buoyant plume samples that were collected directly above sites of active venting using both DSV Alvin and a CTD-rosette. Similar levels of POC enrichment are also observed in the dispersing non-buoyant plume, ∼500 m downstream from the vent-site. Further, sediment-trap samples collected beneath the same dispersing plume system, show evidence for a close coupling between organic carbon and Fe oxyhydroxide fluxes. We propose, therefore, a process that concentrates POC into hydrothermal plumes as they disperse through the deep-ocean. This is most probably the result of some combination of preferential adsorption of organic carbon onto Fe-oxyhydroxides and/or microbial activity that preferentially concentrates organic carbon in association with Fe-oxyhydroxides (e.g. through the microbial oxidation of Fe(II) and Fe sulfides). This potential for biological production and consumption within hydrothermal plumes highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the role of the carbon cycle in deep-sea hydrothermal systems as well as the role that hydrothermal systems may play in regulating global deep-ocean carbon budgets.  相似文献   

每一位海洋地质工作者都非常重视外业调查及第一手资料的获取,而这些往往得益于海洋地质调查仪器的帮助.以前我们常用的表层沉积物取样仪器,有普通蚌式抓斗、小箱式取样器、多管取样器等.这里介绍一种深海新型取样仪器--电视抓斗.目前,它在深海及大洋洋中脊资源调查,特别是在深海底块状硫化物、多金属结核、锰结壳调查等勘测中扮演着重要...  相似文献   

杨新平  徐鹏飞  胡震 《海洋工程》2012,30(1):137-144
以载人深潜器的各种水动力参数和实际尺寸为基础,根据几何空间坐标方程建立了其运动学模型,采用MultiGen公司的Creator建模工具和Vega视景环境完成了在深海虚拟环境下的系统仿真。该系统可以实现深海机器人的可视化,更加直观、生动和实时的反映其位姿状态和水面、水下巡航过程。该系统实际应用在中国科学技术馆深海机器人展馆项目上,一方面展示载人深潜器的水下工作过程,同时也使得观众有机会亲身体验潜水器的操纵与驾驶。实际运行结果表明,该系统逼真地演示了载人深潜器水面备航、无动力下潜以及近海底巡航等仿真过程,能够满足系统仿真的实时性要求。该系统还可以应用到深海环境模拟研究、水下机器人运动仿真、控制系统调试以及操纵驾驶训练等中。  相似文献   

为促进我国海岛的生态保护和开发利用,实现新时代海岛的可持续发展,文章概述海岛生态系统的特性以及我国相关立法过程和管理措施;重点围绕我国海岛生态保护和开发利用实践,以南麂列岛、獐子岛和舟山群岛为例,分别分析保护修复、生态利用和绿色开发3种海岛生态发展模式。研究结果表明:保护修复型以保护区建设和管理、生物资源及其生境修复为主,生态利用型以坚持生态理念、提升产业科技含量、重视环境保护和生态建设以及科学规划和管理为主,绿色开发型以制定规划、构建合理产业体系、发展循环经济以及加强基础设施和人才建设为主;3种模式的共同点为海岛资源的优化配置,可交叉选择和综合应用。在此基础上,提出海岛生态发展的6点建议,即完善法律制度体系、发展绿色能源技术、加强动态监视监测和大数据整合、建立全链条标准化体系、培养和引进专业人才以及推动应对全球挑战的国际合作。  相似文献   

全球碳增汇需求高涨,海冰消退后的北冰洋被期待是一个主要的潜在碳增汇区。北冰洋太平洋扇区因受控于楚科奇海及其邻近海域较高的海洋固碳效率和碳深海封存量,在整个北冰洋碳循环中起着举足轻重的作用。开展该海域碳循环过程对环境快速变化的响应机制研究是实现北冰洋碳汇精准预测的基础。本文重点阐述了楚科奇海及其邻近海域碳循环过程(即海洋对大气二氧化碳的吸收、生物固碳、太平洋入流携带碳经陆架生物地化过程后向深海输出封存的陆架泵)对北冰洋环境快速变化的响应,并提出未来研究需要聚焦的关键科学问题。  相似文献   

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