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IntroductionBoth traveltimes and ray paths are vital information for seismic theoretical research and practice such as stack migration, traveltime inverse, calculation of covering time and so on (Xu, et al,1992). At present, they are obtained usually by either ray shooting (Liu, el al, 1986) or finite difference solution of the eikonal equation (Vidale, 1988; Zhang, et al, 1996). The ray shootingmethod can be understood and programmed easily. However, it is difficult for the method to treatc… 相似文献
介绍了一种基于惠更斯原理和费马原理求取地震波走时及其反射波射线路径的新方法 .该方法具有原理简单、易于实现、能适应较为复杂地质模型以及易于将其推广到各向异性介质等优点 .为了克服基本算法速度较慢的缺陷 ,提出了一种地震波走时和反射波射线路径计算的改进方法 .在保证精度的条件下 ,该改进算法的计算速度显著提高 . 相似文献
We describe two practicable approaches for an efficient computation of seismic traveltimes and amplitudes. The first approach is based on a combined finite‐difference solution of the eikonal equation and the transport equation (the ‘FD approach’). These equations are formulated as hyperbolic conservation laws; the eikonal equation is solved numerically by a third‐order ENO–Godunov scheme for the traveltimes whereas the transport equation is solved by a first‐order upwind scheme for the amplitudes. The schemes are implemented in 2D using polar coordinates. The results are first‐arrival traveltimes and the corresponding amplitudes. The second approach uses ray tracing (the ‘ray approach’) and employs a wavefront construction (WFC) method to calculate the traveltimes. Geometrical spreading factors are then computed from these traveltimes via the ray propagator without the need for dynamic ray tracing or numerical differentiation. With this procedure it is also possible to obtain multivalued traveltimes and the corresponding geometrical spreading factors. Both methods are compared using the Marmousi model. The results show that the FD eikonal traveltimes are highly accurate and perfectly match the WFC traveltimes. The resulting FD amplitudes are smooth and consistent with the geometrical spreading factors obtained from the ray approach. Hence, both approaches can be used for fast and reliable computation of seismic first‐arrival traveltimes and amplitudes in complex models. In addition, the capabilities of the ray approach for computing traveltimes and spreading factors of later arrivals are demonstrated with the help of the Shell benchmark model. 相似文献
地下介质中普遍存在着各向异性,当前基于各向异性的地震波射线追踪多是在弱各向异性介质中进行且采用群速度近似表示方法,这些近似方法在强各项异性介质中会导致很大误差而无法真正模拟地震波的传播规律.根据地下普遍存在各向异性的事实和地震波基本传播规律,提出利用牛顿迭代法高效求解群速度,基于Paraview平台 自动化构建三维地质... 相似文献
地震深度定位对地壳速度结构模型有较大的依赖性。选取2017年安徽及周边 ML 1.5以上地震,使用PTD与单纯型定位方法,分别配置华南模型与AH2015模型进行重新定位,研究不同模型对安徽地震深度的定位影响。研究表明,使用PTD方法,配置AH2015模型时定位深度略大,且符合安徽区域地震实际深度的记录台站较多;使用单纯型定位法,配置两种模型所得定位深度差距不大,且深度分布均匀。说明PTD方法定位地震深度对地壳速度结构模型的依赖程度较大,AH2015模型比华南模型更加符合安徽区域实际地壳结构。 相似文献
地震深度定位对地壳速度结构模型有较大的依赖性。选取2017年安徽及周边M_L 1.5以上地震,使用PTD与单纯型定位方法,分别配置华南模型与AH2015模型进行重新定位,研究不同模型对安徽地震深度的定位影响。研究表明,使用PTD方法,配置AH2015模型时定位深度略大,且符合安徽区域地震实际深度的记录台站较多;使用单纯型定位法,配置两种模型所得定位深度差距不大,且深度分布均匀。说明PTD方法定位地震深度对地壳速度结构模型的依赖程度较大,AH2015模型比华南模型更加符合安徽区域实际地壳结构。 相似文献
通过地震波速度变化的精确测量,来监测地下应力随时间的变化,是进行地震物理预报的有效途径.介绍国内外关于地震波速变化精确测量所取得的各项结果和在地学中的应用,讨论了相关检测法的原理和应用.利用人工震源激发地震波,布设测线接收地震信号,将地震学和信息科学相结合,利用相关检测法,能有效排除干扰和不确定因素,进行地震波速度变化的精确测量,解决地震学一直以来面临的难题.本研究小组利用电落锤人工震源激发地震信号,以布设在同一条射线路径方向上的仪器接收,进行了30天连续观测直达波速度变化的实验研究,速度变化达到1.00E-05的精度. 相似文献
Variations of atmospheric pressure in the North Atlantic region during Forbush decreases of galactic cosmic rays were investigated. A noticeable pressure growth with the maximum on the 3rd and 4th days after the Forbush decrease onsets was revealed over Scandinavia and the northern region of the European part of Russia. It was shown that the observed pressure growth was caused by the formation of blocking anticyclones in the region of the climatic Arctic front, as well as by the sharp slowing of the movement of North Atlantic cyclones. It was suggested that the particles that precipitate in the regions of the climatic Arctic and Polar fronts, with the minimum energies E~20–80 MeV and ~2–3 GeV, respectively, may influence the processes of cyclone and anticyclone formation and development at extratropical latitudes. 相似文献
复杂地形条件下地震波走时算法对于研究复杂地形地区的成像问题有着重要的意义.为了得到精度高且适应于复杂地形的走时算法,首先提出阶梯网格迎风差分法.然后将该方法与不等距网格有限差分法和混合网格线性插值法进行对比研究,得出如下结论:混合网格线性插值法的计算精度最高,但其计算效率最低;阶梯网格迎风差分法的计算精度最低,但其计算效率最高;不等距网格有限差分法的计算精度和计算效率均居中;而究竟选取哪种算法作为给定复杂地形模型的地震波走时算法,应该综合考虑地形的特点、所研究问题对计算精度及计算效率的要求等因素.最后通过一个计算实例验证了三种算法在面对复杂地形、近地表及地下复杂介质等复杂地质条件时均有很好的适应性和稳定性. 相似文献
基于Pg波速度反演和地震重新定位, 运用单键群算法对Pg波速度过渡带的地震空间相关长度进行了幂律拟合分析. Pg波速度反演结果表明, 其速度的横向变化表现出构造相依的特征, 速度高低与地壳厚度呈正相关, 并在包头—西山嘴凸起和岱海凹陷两个区域形成Pg波速度过渡带. 利用重新定位的地震数据计算了这两个速度过渡区的地震空间相关长度, 结果显示其幂律拟合曲线均呈一定的增长趋势, 表明2008年以来两个Pg波速度过渡区域的应力作用不断集聚、 增强, 断层有逐步进入协同化阶段的可能, 加之速度过渡带通常是地壳运动强烈区域, 未来将成为孕育中强地震的有利场所. 在有效控制定位误差的条件下, 重新定位可以明显减小地震空间相关长度的离散形态, 提高计算精度. 相似文献
海面起伏状态对波场传播以及模型空间成像有着非常重要的影响, 在常规海洋地震数据采集和处理中, 都是将海面作为水平界面处理, 实际海洋地震数据采集中, 由于海水受风浪、洋流等的影响, 海面呈现高低起伏状态, 这样来自底层反射界面的反射波经过海水起伏界面反射后会引起波场的强烈散射, 从而造成地震记录反射波同相轴抖动和畸变, 最终影响成像效果.为了更加深入了解起伏海面存在对波场传播以及偏移成像的影响, 本文首先基于流体力学小振幅波方程, 从边界条件出发, 给出包含海浪谱信息的动态边界条件, 并在此基础上构建起伏海面速度模型; 然后在构建的起伏海面速度模型上通过冻结不同时刻海面开展波场传播特征分析, 研究起伏海面在不同冻结时刻下波场传播规律以及对反射地震记录和偏移成像的影响.研究结果表明, 不管是对于简单的层状介质模型还是海底较为复杂的大水深模型, 海面不同形态的起伏变化直接影响着波场记录以及波场快照形态, 同时会对偏移成像结果造成较大影响, 随着海水深度的增加, 该影响对于简单模型影响逐渐变小, 但对于复杂模型, 影响依然很严重. 相似文献
To investigate the vertical and horizontal impact of reservoir scale on the amplitude‐versus‐offset characteristics, we conduct seismic numerical simulations on models containing spatially confined lithologic units with different scales. We find that the reservoir scale has a nonlinear effect on the amplitude‐versus‐offset intercepts and gradients. As the reservoir width increases, amplitude‐versus‐offset intercept and gradient both first increase, then decrease, and finally remain stable. The amplitude‐versus‐offset intercept is maximum when the reservoir width is 80% larger than the Fresnel zone radius, whereas the amplitude‐versus‐offset gradient peaks at 1.5 times the Fresnel zone radius. Both amplitude‐versus‐offset intercept and gradient are approximately proportional to the reservoir width prior to reaching their maxima. When the lateral extent of the reservoir is more than three times the Fresnel zone radius, the amplitude‐versus‐offset attributes are constant. Modelling the reservoir thickness shows that intercept and gradient behave in a manner similar to that of tuning of thin beds. Both the amplitude‐versus‐offset intercept and gradient first increase and then decrease with the thickness, peaking at the tuning thickness. The thickness contribution to amplitude‐versus‐offset variations is negligible when the thickness is larger than 1.6 times of the tuning thickness. Considering the magnitude of the changes in amplitude‐versus‐offset intercept and gradient caused by reservoir scale, the width causes a maximum 433% intercept increase and a 344% gradient increase, whereas the thickness causes a maximum 100% intercept increase and a 73% gradient increase. Cross‐plotting the amplitude‐versus‐offset intercept and gradient shows the reservoir scale change gives rise to an anti‐clockwise spiraling effect. In conclusion, the lateral and vertical extents of the reservoir both play an important role in amplitude variation with offset. Our analysis shows that the lateral reservoir extent has a larger impact on the amplitude variation with offset than the vertical tuning effect. 相似文献
Abstract The temporal variation of seismic velocity near the Nojima Fault, which ruptured during the 1995 Kobe earthquake (Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake), was detected using an accurately controlled routine-operated seismic source (ACROSS). The source generates elastic waves by a centrifugal force of an eccentric mass rotating around an axis. The mass is driven with an AC servomotor whose angular position is accurately controlled with reference to a very accurate global positioning system (GPS) clock. The error of the mass' position is less than 0.002 radian and does not accumulate. As a result, the source generates sinusoidal waves of very narrow spectral peaks enabling their detection with an excellent signal-to-noise ratio. Although the stability of the rotation is quite excellent, a large daily variation was found, which seems to be caused by changes in atmospheric temperature. The daily variation was 10% in amplitude and 0.1 radian in phase of the signal observed at the 800 m borehole seismometer. A significant variation was found to be due to that of coupling between the rotational source and the foundation made of reinforced concrete in which the source was situated. In order to make a correction on the signal of the 800 m borehole seismometer, the vibration of the foundation was measured and modeled assuming a rigid body movement. The correction successfully reduced the daily variation by approximately 90%, resulting in a variation of 1% in amplitude and 0.01 radian in phase. The phase variation of 0.01 radian corresponds to 100 μs and less than 0.1% in velocity over 1000 m between the source and the receiver. 相似文献
本文针对深水环境下中深层偏移成像质量差的问题,考虑海水速度变化对中深层偏移成像质量的影响,从在大水深中加入深海声道模型入手,分析在偏移成像当中海水速度的不同选取对水平层状介质、倾斜层介质以及较复杂介质模型偏移成像质量的影响,通过在同一模型上改变海水速度进行成像,分析中深层成像效果可以得出:在大水深反射资料数据处理当中应该考虑真实的海水速度进行成像处理,否则会由于海水速度的选取不当而造成偏移成像层位的空间位置和中深层层位几何形态的变化. 相似文献
基于背景噪声自相关方法, 本文计算了云南宾川盆地及周边区域地震波在四个频段的相对走时变化(dt/t), 发现存在比较显著的年变和半年变特征, 最大变化幅度从0.1~0.2 Hz(7 km左右深度最敏感)的±0.8%逐渐降低至1.0~2.0 Hz(对应1 km以浅介质)的±0.05%.噪声源季节性变化可能是dt/t周期性起伏的一个潜在因素, 但雨水和温度与其有更直接的关联性.其中雨水渗透产生的介质孔隙压变化是年变和半年变的重要贡献因素; 而温度起伏产生的介质热力学形变, 主要对一定深度范围(3 km左右最敏感)的介质有明显的年变影响.不同频段走时变化存在幅度差异和不同步, 可能和各频段敏感核的深度范围以及水与热力学形变从地表向深部渗透/传播过程有关.研究表明, 环境因素对地下介质的地震波走时有较为显著的影响, 区分出它们的贡献, 才能更可靠地评估地震构造应力或人文生态环境的变化. 相似文献
阐述了地震波在粘弹性介质传播过程中具有的衰减特性,探讨了地震波吸收层析成像的机理,得知地震吸收CT成像方法,对岩体软弱结构面、裂隙和规模较小的断层破碎带的识别能力,要强于波速成像方法.针对这两种层析技术的优缺点,采取多参数(波速、吸收系数)综合地震层析成像的方法,使波速CT与吸收CT两者能相互印证、互为补充.作者综合利用两种成像方法,把它用于在云南省某水电站坝基岩体质量检测中,取得了较好的效果,达到了提高地震层析成像的分辨率与可靠性的目的. 相似文献
提出了地下水干扰异常识别与排除的4个“相关性”原则,即成因上的相关性、空间上的相关性、时间上的相关性与强度上的相关性;提出了地下水前兆异常确认的4个判据,即首先是非干扰性异常,其次是有震例与理论模式的支持,再次是已有前兆映震理论或模式的支持,最后是有其它测项与学科异常的配套.还介绍了利用上述原则与判据排除江苏省宿迁市大... 相似文献
计算了 1 991年~ 1 999年发生在北纬 3 9°0 0′~ 42°0 0′,东经 1 1 2°3 0′~ 1 1 6°0 0′范围内的ML≥ 2 .0级地震的波速比 ,分析了张北 6 .2级地震前后源区与场区波速比的时空变化特征及其差异 ,发现 6 .2级地震前源区和场区波速比在时间分布上都出现较明显的低值异常 :下降—低值—平静—恢复—发震过程。在空间分布上低值异常比较集中和同步。对计算结果进行了 t检验 ,源区与场区波速比的时空变化及 t检验表明 6 .2级地震前源区与场区波速比异常非常明显 ,场区 1 995年开始出现波速比在正负之间比较大的变化后持续低值。 6 .2级地震后源区和场区的波速比计算结果一致 ,时空变化均为正常 相似文献
The data collected in a well-to-well tomography experiment is inherently incomplete even when augmented by VSP data. The nature of the experiment suggests a geometric limitation to the resolution of any central structure.A parametric model has now been developed which examines the effect on reconstructed velocity due to the borehole size, transducer standoff, altered annulus, and the degree of velocity attenuation of the altered annulus, using a range of host velocities and hole separations.It was found that there are significant velocity variations caused by perturbations in borehole size. These errors are particularly significant for boreholes with large diameters and small transducer offsets. For an altered annulus, errors in both the dimensions and the degree of velocity alteration gave significant velocity variation in reconstructed velocity, particularly with large boreholes. In all cases it is observed that the variation and alteration in reconstructed velocities increased as hole separation is decreased. 相似文献
This paper investigates the effects of uncertainty in rock-physics models on reservoir parameter estimation using seismic amplitude variation with angle and controlled-source electromagnetics data. The reservoir parameters are related to electrical resistivity by the Poupon model and to elastic moduli and density by the Xu-White model. To handle uncertainty in the rock-physics models, we consider their outputs to be random functions with modes or means given by the predictions of those rock-physics models and we consider the parameters of the rock-physics models to be random variables defined by specified probability distributions. Using a Bayesian framework and Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling methods, we are able to obtain estimates of reservoir parameters and information on the uncertainty in the estimation. The developed method is applied to a synthetic case study based on a layered reservoir model and the results show that uncertainty in both rock-physics models and in their parameters may have significant effects on reservoir parameter estimation. When the biases in rock-physics models and in their associated parameters are unknown, conventional joint inversion approaches, which consider rock-physics models as deterministic functions and the model parameters as fixed values, may produce misleading results. The developed stochastic method in this study provides an integrated approach for quantifying how uncertainty and biases in rock-physics models and in their associated parameters affect the estimates of reservoir parameters and therefore is a more robust method for reservoir parameter estimation. 相似文献