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认识和把握科技创新的辩证法,对于搞好科技创新至关重要。科技创新的辩证法主要包括它的系统性、过程性和变动性及其辩证关系。科技创新的系统性主要包括八要素和五个环节;科技创新的过程性主要包括四个阶段和正反两个过程;科技创新的变动性主要集中反应在其水平、规模和效益的变动上。应集中力量突破几个难关,努力获取科技创新的最佳效益。  相似文献   

通过对登革热疫情分布及时空变化的分析,发现该病的分布和流行规律,将有助于登革热防控工作的开展。本文以2004-2013年间传染病网络直报系统的全国地市级登革热逐月发病率资料为基础,就发病率、涉及地市以及与输入性病例之间的关系,进行空间统计学分析。结果表明:中国登革热发病率的对数值与国外输入性病例数呈显著相关(r=0.669,p<0.05);登革热输入性病例地市(有输入性病例的地市)数量与登革热本地病例地市(有登革热本地病例的地市)数量呈显著线性相关(r=0.939,p<0.05);疫情整体呈稳步递增的趋势,且发病率重心不稳定,从东南沿海(广东、福建)逐步向内陆和西南地区(云南边界)迁移,显示登革热可能流行范围正在扩大;中国登革热疫情呈现波动性非随机空间分布,其高聚集区主要分布在广东的珠江三角洲、韩江三角洲,以及西南边境的云南德宏傣族景颇族自治州和西双版纳傣族自治州。中国登革热疫情是由输入性病例引起的本地流行,因此,加强入境人员(特别是来自东南亚疫区)的健康教育,尤其在输入性病例输入高风险时间段(7-10月),对控制登革热疫情有重要意义。  相似文献   

North China, whose total area is 420,000 km2, covers 2 provinces and 2 cities (Shanxi and Hebei provinces, Beijing and Tianjin) and the territories of Henan and Shandong provinces to the north of the Huanghe (Yellow) River, and part of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Liaoning Province. Most of this region, which is situated in the semi-humid, semi-arid continental climate temperate zone, gets an annual precipitation of 500-600 mm, whereas, the perennial average amount of total water resource is 50.99 billion m3, including 33.82 billion m3 of surface water, 32.94 billion m3 of ground water and 15.77 billion m3 of their duplication. Due to the intensive exploitation of water resource caused by the deficiency of water resource in North China, key elements of water balance was changed, runoff volume reduced, evaporation increased, vertical movement of moisture strengthened, water circulation pattern transformed from open system into regionally closed system; meanwhile, due to the incompetent water  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Northeast China is located in the eastern marginal part of Eurasian plate. There are about 700 Cenozoic volcanoes and about 50 000km2 volcanic rocks in Northeast China. The Cenozoic volcanism is related to the Pacific plate subducting, back-arc spreading and corresponding marginal continental rifting. About 700 Cenozoic volcanoes in Northeast China are concentrated at some places, so Shuangliao, Keluo, Wudalianchi, Yitong, Shulan, Shangzhi, Longgang, Jingbo Lake, …  相似文献   

By studying the county-level census data of 1990 and 2000, we analyzed the spatial and temporal changes in the floating population in China between 1990 and 2000. The results of the analysis revealed the following characteris- tics. First, the spatial distribution of the migrants (referred to as 'floaters' in this paper) became increasingly concentrated in the cities during the 1990s. Second, the number of floaters increased rapidly during this period, and the area in which the floaters settled expanded quickly into four population explosion belts: the coast, the Changjiang River Delta, the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway and national border belts. Third, the number of inter-province floaters increased rapidly and exceeded that of intra-province floaters in the 1990s. In addition, to obtain a quantitative relationship between the number of floaters and 10 socio-economic variables by using statistical methods and also to find the chiefly important pulling factors of the migration destination, the authors selected approximately 100 cities with the largest population of floaters. Consequently, we found that four factors-GDP, passenger trips per 10,000 persons, per capita GDP and foreign direct investment-could provide an explanation for 83.7% of the number of floaters in 2000. The GDP showed the highest correlation with the number of floaters, suggesting that a highly developed economy is the most important factor that attracts floaters. Furthermore, a fairly close relationship between the number of floaters and the GDP was also found in 2000 for all the counties.  相似文献   

The unconventional oil and gas resources presented in oil shales have meant these potential sources of hydrocarbons,which has become a research focus. China contains abundant oil shale resources,ranking fourth in the world,with ca. 7 254. 48 × 10~8 t within 24 provinces,including 48 basins and 81 oil shale deposits. About 48% of the total oil shale resources are concentrated in the eastern resource region,with a further 22% in the central resource region. 65% of the total quantity of oil shale resources is present at depths of 0-500 m,with 17% of the total resources being defined as high-quality oil shales yielding more than 10% oil by weight.Chinese oil shale resources are generally hosted by Mesozoic sediments that account for 78% of the total resources. In terms of the geographical distribution of these resources,some 45% are located in plain regions,and different oil shale basins have various characteristics. The oil shale resources in China represent a highly prospective future source of hydrocarbons. These resources having potential use not only in power generation and oil refining but also in agriculture,metal and chemical productions,and environmental protection.  相似文献   

This paper aims to establish an index system for evaluation of agricultural resources use efficiency (ARUE) in grain production and discuss the causes of low efficiency and high consumption of agricultural resources in Changshu of Jiangsu Province, Taihe of Jiangxi Province and Ausai of Shaanxi Province in China by analyzing the data about meteorology, soil, water consumption and grain production. Agro-ecological Zone (AEZ) method was adopted to calculate the potential productivity, and synthetically multivariate equation was used to evaluate the ARUE of study areas. This paper can be concluded as: 1) the agricultural resources in grain production can be classified into five categories, i.e., climatic resources, water resources, land resources, biological resources and assistant resources, and 15 indexes were selected to evaluate their use efficiency in grain production; 2) the values of ARUE in grain production are 0.5868, 0.6368 and 0.5390 respectively in Changshu, Taihe and Ansai; and 3) Changshu ranks the highest among the three study areas in terms of the use efficiency of climatic resources and biological resources (evaluation values are 0.0277 and 0.1530), but Taihe tops the three in terms of the use efficiency of water resources, land resources and assistant resources (evaluation values are 0.0502, 0.2945 and 0.1379 respectively). However, the ARUE remains always low in Ansai for all the resources. The inefficiencies are caused by poor grain revenue in Changshu, deficient agriculture investments in Taihe and unfavorable natural conditions in Ansai.  相似文献   

Cropgermplasmresourcesaretheindispensablematerialbaseforcropbreedingandagriculturalproduction.Theresearchondistributionofcropgermplasmr~urcesisofgreatimportanceinstudyingonorigin,evolutionandclassificationofcrops,expeditingandcollectinggermplasm,ascertainingofcentersofdiversity,protectinggermplasmr~urcesandmakingagriculturalproductiondivision.Since1949,researchesofexploration,collection,preservation,cha-racterizationandevaluationofcropgermplasmresourceshavebeendoneinChina.Atpresent,thenational…  相似文献   

关于我国空间信息产业发展的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着空间信息技术的不断成熟,空间信息产业作为一种新兴的产业形式也得到了蓬勃发展。本文分析了空间信息产业的特点,概述了我国空间信息产业的发展现状,提出了发展我国空间信息产业的几点建议。  相似文献   

在生态危机日益严峻和生态文明建设日益加快的背景下,中国特殊的区域差异与自然环境限制了人口的均匀分布与社会经济全空间布局,形成了面积大、分布广的荒野地(Wilderness Areas,WAs)。客观、准确界定荒野地的空间范围并分析其时空演变格局,对于开展资源环境承载力评价、生物多样性保护、国家公园与生态安全屏障建设等具有重要意义。当前,对荒野地面积、分布特征与时空演变格局等研究少有定论。本文以2000、2010、2020年多源空间数据为基础,从决定和影响的角度出发,构建荒野地多要素识别模型,对中国荒野地空间范围进行界定,分析其地理分布特征及时空演变格局。研究结果表明:(1)基于多源空间数据,通过建立荒野地决定-影响的耦合关系模型,可准确、有效地识别中国荒野地空间范围;(2)中国荒野地在空间上呈现大范围集中分布,小区域零散分布的状态,3个时期荒野地总面积分别为344.18、297.67、279.86万km2,主要分布在西藏、新疆、青海、内蒙古、黑龙江等省区;(3)中国荒野地面积大部分来源于草地和未利用地,2000—2020年,荒野地面积呈现出逐渐减少的趋势,且200...  相似文献   

人口分布的研究对实现人口、环境、资源可持续管理具有深刻意义。相对于洛伦斯曲线、基尼系数等传统度量指标,运用空间自相关分析可以较好地表达人口分布的集聚现象,揭示人口格局的空间结构和空间相互作用。空间自相关测度的关键因素之一为空间权重矩阵。当前人口空间自相关特征测度多采用单一邻近关系定义空间权重矩阵,忽视了不同空间邻近关系对自相关特征分析结果的影响。本文根据距离阈值和邻接关系定义了八种空间权重,包括新定义的高铁两小时可达性空间权重。基于2010年《中国人口年鉴》统计资料,结合GeoDa软件测度了中国人口空间分布自相关特征并分析空间权重定义对自相关特征分析结果的影响。发现:(1)在不同空间邻近关系下,中国省域人口密度分布在全局自相关上均呈现空间正自相关,但其显著性水平有差异;(2)局部自相关分析结果Moran's I表现出明显的区域差异。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the constraining factors to sustainable utilization of water resources in China,and the countermeasures to realize sustainable water utilization.The result of comprehensive analysis shows that constraining factors to sustainable utilization of water resources in China are complicated, including physical geographi cal factors and socio-economic factors, such as uneven distribution of water resources at temporal and spatial scales,inappropriate institutional arrangement and non-water-saving and non-water-conservation production and life mode.The countermeasures against constraining factors to water resources sustainable development are put forward as follows: l) using wetlands and forests, and through spatial conversion to realize temporally sustainable supply of water resources; 2) transferring water between basins and areas and developing various water resources in water shortagearea; 3) establishing water-saving society; 4) strengthening water pollution control and water resources protection;and 5) establishing unified water resources management mechanism.  相似文献   

Mineral resources exploitation significantly affects the spatial structure and evolutive trend of urbanization in arid areas.In this study,the spatial autocorrelation method and the spatial computation model were used to investigate the spatial impacts of mineral resources excavation and processing on comprehensive level of urbanization in the Tarim River Basin,Xinjiang,China for the years of 2000,2006 and 2008.The results are as follows:1)There was a spatial correlation of the development of mineral resources industry and the comprehensive level of urbanization in 2006 and 2008,with the spatial concentration trend rising significantly in 2006 and decreasing in 2008.2)The patterns of local spatial concentration of mineral resources industry and of the comprehensive level of urbanization were relatively stable,and the two patterns showed signs of spatial correlationship.The higher was the degree of the concentration of mineral resources industry,the stronger was its impact on the spatial clustering of urbanization.3)In 2000, mineral resources excavation and processing had a significant positive impact on the comprehensive level of urbanization in the region but not in its adjacent regions.However,in 2008,mineral resources excavation and processing significantly raised the comprehensive level of urbanization not only in the region but also in its neighboring regions.This research demonstrates that the development of mineral resources industry can strongly affect the trends and spatial patterns of urbanization.  相似文献   

Based on recent year's advances in geothermal resources studies and explorations in China, this paper reviews the basic distributive characteristics of hot springs in the uplifted area and geothermal water in the Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary basins, suggests that two hydrothermal activity concentrated zones (South Tibet Autonomous Region - West Sichuan Province - West Yunnan Province and coastalarea of Southeast China), one large basin(North China Basin) and two smaller basins(Weihe Basin and Leiqiong Basin) are major areas of study and exploration of geothermal resources in China continent, considers that geothermal resources in China have certain potential of exploitation and should be used, but the scale of exploitation seems to be limited, they cannot occupy an important position in energy supply and can only be regarded as a supplementary energy source.  相似文献   

Spatial Disparity of Slope Farmland and Food Security in Three Gorges Area   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
As an important measure of ecoenvironmental construction, the process of de-farming in slope farmland is being undertaken gradually in the whole China. Meanwhile, the problem of reducing in food yield in de-farming areas can not be neglected any more. It is especially the case in areas with concentrated slope farmland and inconvenient transportation. In this paper, we analyze the causes of hidden troubles in food security, and the spatial relationship between farmland and slope farmland in the reservoir area of Three Gorges, and unveil the spatial disparity of contradictions between food supply and demand. Finally, combining the accessibility of areas, three different spatial types of food security, food security area, food alert area, and food crisis area, are divided.  相似文献   

Studying the carrying capacity of resources and environment of city clusters in the central China has impor-tant practical guidance significance for promoting the healthy,sustainable and stable development of this region.Ac-cording to their influencing factors and reciprocity mechanism,using system dynamics approaches,this paper built a SD model for measuring the carrying capacity of resources and environment of the city clusters in the central China,and through setting different development models,the comprehensive measurement analysis on the carrying capacity was carried out.The results show that the model of promoting socio-economic development under the protection of resources and environment is the optimal model for promoting the harmony development of resources,environment,society and economy in the city clusters.According to this model,the optimum population scale of the city clusters in2020 is 42.80×106 persons,and the moderate economic development scale is 22.055× 1012 yuan(RMB).In 1996-2020,the carrying capacity of resources and environment in the city clusters took on obvious phase-change characteristics.During the studied period,it is basically at the initial development stage,and will come through the development process from slow development to speedup development.  相似文献   

信息科学与矿产预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿产预测实质上就是对成矿系统演化过程精确性表达的探索。面对时代发展的挑战,矿产预测将从过去以分析为主转变为以分析与信息综合相结合。一方面,人们将继续采用新的实验技术去了解地层、构造等因素的控矿机理。另一方面,现代信息科学的发展为理解成矿系统的非线性特性以及信息运动过程提供了必要的理论基础,虚拟现实技术的出现,为定量研究成矿系统各要素间相互作用提供了新的技术支持,为高精度成矿预测综合信息模型的建立创造条件。  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of its basic characteristics, this article investigated the disparities of Chinese service industry among the three regions (the eastern China, the western China and the middle China) and inter-provincial disparities of that in the three regions by Theil coefficient and cluster analysis. Then, major factors influencing its spatial disparity were explored by correlation analysis and regression analysis. The conclusions could be drawn as follows. 1) The development of Chinese service industry experienced three phases since the 1980s: rapid growth period, slow growth period, and recovery period. From the proportion of value-added and employment, its development was obviously on the low level. From the composition of industrial structure, traditional service sectors were dominant, but modern service sectors were lagged. Moreover, its spatial disparity was distinct. 2) The level of Chinese service industry was divided into five basic regional ranks: well-developed, developed, relatively-developed, underdeveloped and undeveloped regions. As a whole, the overall structure of spatial disparity was steady in 1990–2005. But there was notable gradient disparity in the interior structure of service industry among different provinces. Furthermore, the overall disparity expanded rapidly in 1990–2005. The inter-provincial disparity of service industry in the three regions, especially in the eastern China, was bigger than the disparity among the three regions. And 3) the level of economic development, the level of urban development, the scale of market capacity, the level of transportation and telecommunication, and the abundance of human resources were major factors influencing the development of Chinese service industry.  相似文献   

This paper comprehensively evaluates and analyzes the tourism resources in Jilin Province,China.And it consists of three parts.The first two parts are on the resources evaluation and analysis.Based on the results of evaluation about the structural and spatial distribution of the tourism resources,it is found that ,the natural resources play fundamen-tal roles in Jilin,while the human and cultural resources are important complementary parts as well .In the spatial distribu-tion analysis,the resources show the characteristic of “six clusters“and “three belts “spatial relations.Four clusters are centered on the cities,which are Changchum,Jilin,Baicheng,Tonghua and Jiˊan;one cluster is around the Changbai Moutains and one cluster nears the frontier at Tumen between China,Russia and P.D.R.Korea.And the three belts are;1)The west belt.It contains Xianghai and Momoge natural protection region.The evident of this zone is its ecologi-cal and ethical tourism resources.2)The middle belt characterized by urban traveling and recreation,including Jilin and Changchum,together with their nearby Nongˊan and Siping.3)The last belt is also the most important one,which is the east zone.It covers the Changbai Mountains,the golden triangles of Tonghua and the Tumen River.This zone is remark-able for its abundant natural landscapes and unique folk-customs.In the last part the concept planning is briefly construct-ed for the tourism resources in Jilin Province according to the above evaluation and analysis.  相似文献   

国土资源空间数据一体化的集成与管理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从分析国土资源空间数据的特点出发,提出国土资源空间数据一体化的集成与管理。指出采用空间数据库技术是一体化管理的基础;同时,对多源空间数据一体化集成、多尺度空间数据的一体化管理、历史空间数据的管理等问题进行了分析,并给出了相应的实现方法。  相似文献   

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