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印度洋海啸灾害特点及其对工程防御的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印度洋海啸现场调查表明,海啸灾害不同于地震和洪水灾害。海啸通过高水位淹没、浪涌冲击对海边地势低平地区的房屋、道路、桥梁、机场、给排水、供电、通讯等设施以及车辆、船只造成严重破坏。海啸上岸后,由于巨大的冲力,将夹带一些破损建筑产生的固体漂浮物一同前进,破坏力更强。由于淹没、浪涌、冲毁建筑物压埋以及漂浮物冲击等综合作用,造成人员死亡率极高,所过之处,财产皆空。抗御海啸灾害的工程措施主要包括:合理规划(避让、削弱、分流、阻挡)和科学设计(潜在海啸灾害等级划分、结构性态决策、海啸荷载确定、抗海啸分析、构造设计)。  相似文献   


The Tsunami Warning System for the Pacific Coast of Canada, which is part of the International Tsunami Warning System for the Pacific Ocean, is reviewed and major problems are identified. The efficiency of the present warning system is examined in view of the prediction by the international seismological community that major earthquakes are likely to occur in various seismic gaps around the Pacific rim in the near future. Whereas the present system is more or less adequate for the outer coast, at present there is no warning system for tsunamis generated locally in the Straits of Juan de Fuca and Georgia, or in Puget Sounds.  相似文献   

The tide-gauge records of large tsunamis are classified into three types, A, B and C. The “A” type record is made up of one or a few large waves near the wave front. The “B” type record consists of one or a few wave groups. The “C” type is the combination of the “A” and “B” types. The data used are; the Kamchatka Tsunami of Nov. 4, 1952, the Aleutian Tsunami of March 9, 1957, the Chilean Tsunami of May 22, 1960 and the Alaska Tsunami of March 28, 1964. The A type occurs mostly at isolated islands in the Pacific Ocean and occasionally at continental coasts. The B type is mostly distributed on the continental coast and along the island-arc. The distribution of the C type differs from tsunami to tsunami. The relation between the delay time of the maximum wave and the the travel time of the wave front is as follows:
  1. For the wave of the A type and the head wave of C type, the delay time (t D ) is constant for all travel times.
  2. For the first wave group of B and C types, the delay time (T 1) is constant or slow decreases with travel time. For the second and third wave groups of B and C types, the definite decrease of delay times (T 2 andT 3) with travel time is observed.
The height (h) of the maximum wave of A and C types decreases generally with travel time. The maximum wave height along the path between Kamchatka and Chile, however, shows the increase. For all wave groups the wave heights (H 1,H 2 andH 3) of B and C types increases with travel time. Some speculations on the causes of these features are also presented.  相似文献   

The Tsunami of December 26, 2004, in the Indian Ocean arrived on the coast of Kerala in southwest India some three hours after the tsunami was generated. The tsunami activity persisted throughout that day and, in some locations, even into the early morning of the next day. Based on interviews with eye witnesses, arrival times of tsunami waves are presented here followed by some preliminary analysis of the results.  相似文献   

介绍了日本和美国的海啸预警系统,特别介绍了NOAA的深海海啸评估及预警系统(DART)的系统组成以及工作原理,并针对用于海啸预报方法的模型(MOST)进行了阐述。  相似文献   

海啸对人类的生命和财产安全构成巨大的威胁,2004年12月26日苏门答腊特大海啸的发生,引起了国际社会对海啸预警问题的重视,并进一步认识到古海啸沉积研究的重要性.介绍了国际上对海啸预警和古海啸沉积研究的进展,重点综述古海啸沉积的研究现状、研究方法与识别标志.最近20年来,研究者们着重对滨岸、浅海或陆地上的现代海啸沉积和古海啸堆积物进行研究,而对深水区域的古海啸记录研究很少.笔者认为在海啸多发海域的深水区进行长柱状沉积物取样,通过沉积学和地球化学分析研究,把古海啸沉积从海底正常沉积中识别出来,再结合定年,有助于恢复古海啸史,明确长期的灾害风险.  相似文献   

2011 年11 月, 联合国教科文组织政府间海洋学委员会(IOC/UNESCO)发起了代号为“Exercise Pacific Wave 11”的跨国海啸演习, 演习区域为整个太平洋海区。中国应邀参加了本次演习, 演习在我国海域地震带上假设了两个震源, 分别位于琉球海沟和马尼拉海沟。为了评估这两个潜在海啸对我国的影响, 本文采用数值模拟的方式, 对其进行了计算。计算结果表明: 这两处震源所引发的海啸均能对我国造成灾害性影响, 受影响严重的省市有江苏、上海、浙江、福建、广东和海南等; 从传播时间图上看, 若发生大海啸, 海啸波将在5 h 内, 陆续影响沿海各省市; 相比琉球海沟, 马尼拉海沟震源产生的海啸会更快到达我国沿岸。  相似文献   

By measuring the maximum water level of the traces attained by the Japan Sea Tsunami on 26 May 1983, we obtained the distribution along the west coast of the northeast Japan. The level reaches a maximum at the coast eastward of the epicenter and decreases with the relationship 8.6e –0.017x (m) with distancex (km) measured from the coast nearest to the epicenter. A small increase of levels was observed at coasts to the south of the tsunami source having distance larger than 200 km. With the aid of tide gauge records we revealed an excitation of edge wave which brought about the small increase of levels at the southern coast. In comparison with the decrease with distance obtained on the coasts of the main islands of Japan, some noticeable peaks were observed at several small islands. It is suggested that the reason why a short period component is predominant for the initial wave motion of tsunami is that the source region has depth of 3, 000 meters. The feature of wave period is discussed in comparison with that of the 1964 Niigata Tsunami.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of the relation between the run-up height of historical tsunami events and the distance and magnitude of the source was performed on the basis of the known Historical Tsunami Data Base [5]. The sample from the database used for the analysis comprises 5638 run-ups caused by 628 seismic events. This analysis, together with the dimensionality theory, shows that the statistical average of the run-up height is inversely proportional to the distance from the source to a power close to 1/2 (that is characteristic of the cylindrically symmetrical case) and directly proportional to the 3/8 power of the earthquake energy.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the transformation of tsunami-type solitary waves, propagating from the abyssal part of the Black Sea towards its shelf zone. The study is performed by solving numerically unidimensional non-linear equations for non-dispersive long waves, using the finite-difference slope and shelf, with the full wave reflection prescribed at a 10 m depth contour. The non-linearity of the process is shown to throughly impact the reflection of waves by the shore and the shape of the reflected wave. Tsunami wave heights have been seen to increase by several times in the Black sea shelf area. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

The energy flux of the Japan Sea Tsunami of May 26, 1983 radiated offshore causing the destruction of ships in Shimane Prefecture, the fourth worst area hit. In 1960, a tsunami from Chile attacked the Pacific coast from the Ryukyu Islands to Adak Island Alaska. The energy flux of the latter was similar to that of the former. The angle formed at the origin off the Chilean coast by the energy flux was 68°48 or possibly slightly larger. The coincidence between the angle given by this process and that by the directivity theory of Miyoshi (1977) is good. The Sanriku District is located approximately on the center line of this angle. Judging from the fact that the Sanriku District was attacked most severely in 1960, it can be suspected that the energy flux was a little more sharply directed than estimated by the theory. The equivalent angle in the case of the Japan Sea Tsunami, which attacked the area from the tip of the Noto Peninsula to the east coast of the Korean Peninsula, was only 45°30 and the smaller angle can be explained as a refraction effect of the Yamato Bank. The above information should be useful for warnings of future tsunamis.  相似文献   

2017年9月8日4时49分(UTC),墨西哥瓦哈卡州沿岸海域(15.21°N,93.64°W)发生Mw8.2级地震,震源深度30 km。强震在该海域引发海啸,海啸对震源附近数百千米范围内造成了严重影响。位于太平洋上的多个海啸监测网络捕捉到了海啸信号并详细记录了此次海啸的传播过程。本文选用了近场2个DART浮标和6个验潮站的水位数据,通过潮汐调和分析和滤波分离出海啸信号,对近场海啸特征值进行了统计分析,并采用小波变换分析方法进一步分析了海啸的波频特征。基于Okada弹性位错理论断层模型计算得到了强震引发的海底形变分布,并采用MOST海啸模式对本次海啸事件近场传播特征进行了模拟,模拟结果与观测吻合较好。最后,基于实测和模拟结果,详细分析了此次地震海啸的近场分布特征,发现除受海啸源的强度和几何分布特征影响外,近岸海啸波还主要受地形特征控制,在与特定地形相互作用后波幅产生放大效应,会进一步加剧海啸造成的灾害。  相似文献   

Deep-sea tsunami measurements play a major role in understanding the physics of tsunami wave generation and propagation, and in the creation of an effective tsunami warning system. The paper provides an overview of the history of tsunami recording in the open ocean from the beginning (about 50 years ago) to the present day. It describes modern tsunami monitoring systems, including the Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART), innovative Japanese bottom cable projects, and the NEPTUNE-Canada geophysical bottom observatory. The specific peculiarities of seafloor longwave observations in the deep ocean are discussed and compared with those recorded in coastal regions. Tsunami detection in bottom presure observations is exemplified based on analysis of distant (22000 km) records of the 2004 Sumatra tsunami in the northeastern Pacific.  相似文献   

COMCOT数值模式的介绍和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一个成熟的海啸数值模式-COMCOT模式.COMCOT模式是一个能够模拟海啸产生、传播和增水全过程的基于浅水波方程的有限差分模型.模型采用多层网格嵌套,根据海啸在不同区域的传播特点和要求,分别选用不同的分辨率和计算设置,从而兼顾了模式的精度和计算效率.利用此模式模拟了2006年12月26日台湾南部7.2级地震产生海啸波的传播情况,结果与两个潮位站的海啸波监测数据相吻合.  相似文献   

This study investigates the morphological changes near the Nanakita River mouth in Japan. The morphology of the river mouth was greatly influenced during the Great East Japan Tsunami of 2011. The gradual morphological changes at the river mouth were investigated using two sets of data, of which, one was the continuous water level measurement data in the river entrance and in the sea, and the other being the intermittent aerial-photographs. The statistical parameters, viz., the correlation coefficient and the linear gradient between the two water level data, were analyzed, which formed as the basic for understanding the behavior of the river mouth, like river mouth closure or opening detected by the analysis of the water level variation. The proposed method is found efficient and effective in the evaluation of the morphological changes near a river mouth.  相似文献   

We describe the progress (since 2008) in the development of the network of autonomous bottom stations of the Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMGG FEB RAS), and telemetry recorders of the Tsunami Warning Service (TWS) on the Pacific coast of Russia. We show that these instrumental measurements are important for operational tsunami warning and performing an a posteriori study of tsunami manifestation features. The characteristics of the Samoan (2009), Chilean (2010), and Tohoku (2011) tsunamis in different areas of the Russian Far East coast are examined.  相似文献   

2015年9月16日22时54分(当地时间)智利中部近岸发生Mw8.3级地震,震源深度25 km。同时,强震的破裂区长200 km,宽100 km,随之产生了中等强度的越洋海啸。海啸影响了智利沿岸近700 km的区域,局部地区监测到近5 m的海啸波幅和超过13 m的海啸爬坡高度。太平洋区域的40多个海啸浮标及200多个近岸潮位观测站详细记录了此次海啸的越洋传播过程,为详细研究此次海啸近场及远场传播及演化规律提供了珍贵的数据。本文选择有限断层模型和自适应网格海啸数值模型建立了既可以兼顾越洋海啸的计算效率又可以实现近场海啸精细化模拟的高分辨率海啸模型。模拟对比分析了海啸的越洋传播特征,结果表明采用所建立的模型可以较好地再现远场及近场海啸特征,特别是对近场海啸的模拟结果非常理想。表明有限断层可以较好地约束近场、特别是局部区域的破裂特征,可为海啸预警提供更加精确的震源信息,结合高分辨率的海啸数值预报模式实现海啸传播特征的精细化预报。本文结合观测数据与数值模拟结果初步分析了海啸波的频散特征及其对模型结果的影响。同时对观测中典型的海啸波特征进行的简要的总结。谱分析结果表明海啸波的能量主要分布在10~50 min周期域内。这些波特征提取是现行海啸预警信息中未涉及,但又十分重要的预警参数。进一步对这些波动特征的详细研究将为海啸预警信息及预警产品的完善提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

The tsunami similar to the one that has occurred in December 26, 2004 (Boxing Day Tsunami) in the Indian Ocean is simulated using the expression derived from Modified Weibull Distribution (for maximum wave height simulation) for extreme wave height predictions. The tuning coefficient plays a significant role in estimating the tsunami heights at various stages. It follows well defined mathematical laws at different stages. It is time dependent in the first three stages and depth dependent in the last two stages. The beach run-up heights estimated by the expression derived from the work-energy relation are comparable with observed values with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

Super Cyclone Gonu is the strongest tropical cyclone on record in the Arabian Sea. Gonu caused coastal damage due to storm surge and storm wave impact as well as wadi flooding. High water marks, overland flow depths, and inundation distances were measured in the coastal flood zones along the Gulf of Oman from 1 to 4 August 2007. The high water marks peaked at Ras al-Hadd at the eastern tip of Oman exceeding 5 m. The storm surge of Gonu is modeled using the Advanced Circulation Model (ADCIRC). The multi-hazard aspect is analyzed by comparing observations from Cyclone Gonu with the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.  相似文献   

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