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We study the space-and-time variability of the concentrations of 27 microelements (Sc, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sn, Se, Sb, Ba, La, Ce, Sm, Eu, Tb, Hf, Hg, Pb, Au, Th, and U) and Sr in the sea, river, and waste waters of the South Coast of Crimea in 2002–2007. Parallel with the data about elements studied earlier, we present, for the first time, the data of investigations of the contents of rareearth elements (Lu, Nd and Yb) whose concentrations in the major part of the analyzed samples of seawater were lower than the limit of their quantitative determination. We present the ranges of the concentrations of elements and perform their comparison with the data of the previous period of monitoring.  相似文献   

相建海 《海洋与湖沼》2020,51(4):673-683
著名生物学家童第周、曾呈奎、张玺奠基的中国科学院海洋研究所建所70年来,面向国际学科前沿、国家重大需求和国民经济主战场;刘瑞玉、吴尚懃、张福绥、郑守义为代表的科学家和一批批优秀学科带头人努力攀登,攻坚克难,前仆后继,薪火相传,为我国海洋生物学学科的系统、全面发展做出了重要建树和奠基性贡献,夯实了海洋科学技术发展的根基。近30多年,可为海洋生产力及其可持续性提供解决方案的海洋生物技术受到国内外普遍重视,海洋研究所为国家海洋生物高技术发展战略出谋划策,并在关键技术突破上发力,引领了海洋生物技术的创新发展。在实现产业化,推动蓝色生物产业的征途上,海洋研究所为世界最大的海洋增养殖产业发展壮大做出突出贡献,直接催生了海藻、贝类和对虾三次养殖浪潮的兴起,带动了基础性、战略性海水增养殖种业发展;此外,海洋研究所在海洋药物、海洋生物制品的研究与开发以及着力挖掘和提升海洋生态系统服务功能和价值上,成果斐然,有力支撑了蓝色生物新型产业的发展。新近,海洋研究所牵头筹建的中国科学院海洋大科学研究中心必将为建设海洋强国,铸造蓝色辉煌注入强劲活力。  相似文献   

陈楠生 《海洋与湖沼》2021,52(2):274-286
在大气圈、水圈、岩石圈和生物圈等多圈层相互作用下,全球范围内海洋生物多样性中心的地理位置、物种组成结构和优势度都呈动态变化.迄今,海洋生物多样性中心的形成与演变机制在生态、遗传和分子等层面正逐步得到解析.在生态层面,学界涌现出了物种形成中心、物种汇聚中心、物种重叠中心和物种保存中心等重要科学假说,解析了生物多样性分布格...  相似文献   

殷丽婷  郑伟  高猛  路景钫 《海洋学报》2020,42(6):110-118
利用ArcGIS10.2、ENVI5.1、SPSS26等软件,本文基于经典CASA模型估算了2005年、2010年、2017年庙岛群岛北五岛的净初级生产力(Net Primary Productivity, NPP),从季节、岛屿、景观类型、地形梯度等多种角度分析了NPP的时空分布异质性;进而分析了2005年、2010年、2017年北五岛的景观格局时空分布异质性;探讨了NPP与景观格局时空变化之间的关系及其原因。结果表明:庙岛群岛北五岛平均全年NPP总量为7 520.54 t/a(以碳计),平均密度为406.07 g/(m2·a)(以碳计);NPP分布呈明显的时空分异性;各景观类型平均面积由大到小依次为:针叶林、阔叶林、建设用地、草地、耕地;其NPP平均密度由大到小依次为:阔叶林、针叶林、耕地、草地、建设用地;各景观NPP平均密度随坡度和高差的增大先上升后出现平缓下降态势;坡向对林地NPP影响较大,半阴坡林地NPP平均密度最大;不同地形梯度的NPP年平均密度随时间推移总体呈下降态势;NPP高值出现在山林区域,低值主要在建设用地区域;由于自然地理条件、植物自身生长条件和人类活动强度等原因...  相似文献   

Shelf sediments at the mouth of the Hooghly River which forms the western part of the Ganges—Brahmaputra delta consist of sands, silts and clays and their various admixtures. The bulk of the sediments consists of moderately sorted fine sand to very fine sand. There is variation in lithology in the vertical and horizontal directions, as revealed from the study of the grab and core samples collected in this area, suggesting growth of the delta in different stages. In most of the samples three populations have been recognised. The grain-size variation has resulted from mixing of a number of different grain-size populations. A detailed study of the heavy minerals indicates that the suite consists of hornblende, tremolite/actinolite, opaques, zircon, pyroxenes (ortho-and clino-), garnet, sillimanite, chlorite, muscovite, biotite, epidote, monazite, kyanite, staurolite, riebeckite, carbonates and glauconite. The assemblage and the distribution patterns suggest two distinct mixed igneous and metamorphic sources for the sediments—the Himalayas to the north, mainly drained by the Ganges—Brahmaputra and their tributaries, and the peninsular shield drained by the Dhamra and other easterly-flowing rivers debouching into the Bay of Bengal. The mineralogy of the core samples in the top and bottom layers does not differ, indicating that the source area remained the same during the time of deposition of the sediments. The mineralogy of the sediments in this area, when compared with the mineralogy of the Deep-Sea Drilling Project site in the Bengal fan situated very far to the south, shows similarity because the sediments of the Ganges are carried to the deep-sea. Depending on the mineral assemblage, the area has been divided into four distinct zones: (1) Hooghly River province, consisting of hornblende, tremolite/actinolite, epidote and garnet; (2) a mixed province characterised by epidote, monazite, zircon, kyanite, staurolite, hornblende, tremolite/actinolite, biotite; (3) Dhamra River province characterised by opaques, sillimanite and orthopyroxene; (4) an offshore province comprising muscovite, chlorite and pyroxene. ILlite and kaolinite are the principal clay minerals in the sediments. The mineralogical, grain size and the lithologic studies of the sediments from the core samples suggest a southward to south-southwestward direction of dispersals of the sediments in the eastern part of the area.  相似文献   

亚洲海域鲎的种类和分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
审核有关亚洲海域鲎种类和分布的历史文献发现,亚洲海域只有圆尾鲎Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda、中国鲎Tachypleus tridentatus和南方鲎Tachypleus gigas3种鲎分布。圆尾鲎分布于中国香港、北部湾、雷州湾以南、印度尼西亚爪哇岛北岸以北、菲律宾南部以西和恒河河口印度东北部以东的海域。中国鲎分布于长江口以南的中国海域、日本濑户内海、九州岛北岸以南、印度尼西亚爪哇岛北岸以北、苏门答腊岛印度洋侧以东和苏拉威西岛以西的海域。南方鲎分布于越南西贡以南、爪哇岛北岸以北、菲律宾南部以西的太平洋海域及印度恒河印度东北部以东的印度洋海域。以前有关中国北部湾海域和香港海域有南方鲎的报道是错误的,把中国鲎的幼体及成体误当成了南方鲎。中国海域只有中国鲎和圆尾鲎2种鲎分布。中国的海南、广西、广东西部和香港(可能还包括台湾)等是圆尾鲎分布的海域。其沿岸要严禁食鲎,以防误食圆尾鲎而引起河豚毒素中毒。  相似文献   

通过现场调查研究报道了长江口及邻近海域表层沉积物中重金属、有机碳、石油类、硫化物以及氮磷的分布、来源以及沉积物环境质量.结果显示,长江口及邻近海域表层沉积物中重金属、有机碳、石油类、硫化物以及氮磷的分布很不均匀,除硫化物外,重金属、有机碳、石油类以及氮磷基本呈现长江口和杭州湾东北近岸的上海外海出现高值,其他区域浓度较低...  相似文献   

基于Landsat遥感影像,建立1988年、2000年和2015年3个时期马六甲海峡两侧的岸线数据,并从岸线结构、岸线变化速率、海陆格局和岸线开发利用强度等方面分析1988—2000年、2000—2015年和1988—2015年不同时段区域陆体以及槟城港等12个主要港口区域的岸线时空变化特征。结果如下:岸线结构变化显著,人工岸线长度和比例急剧增加,港口区域逐渐从单一类型主导向多元结构转变;除个别港口外,两侧岸线均呈向海扩张状态,南北两岸的岸线平均变化速率分别为0.91m/a和1.20m/a;因海峡南岸沼泽广布、地势低平及海平面上升等原因,其岸线稳定性差于海峡北岸;岸线开发利用强度持续增强,并表现出明显的海峡北岸强于南岸的空间差异,以及北岸第一阶段增长快于第二阶段,南岸第一阶段增长慢于第二阶段的时间差异。马六甲海峡的交通运输功能是两岸岸线变化的主要驱动因素。本研究对认识马六甲海峡两岸及港口区域岸线的时空变化和发展特征有重要意义,对海峡及港口岸线的综合管理具有一定借鉴作用。  相似文献   

饵料对锯缘青蟹大眼幼体生长发育的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以不同比例的轮虫和卤虫无节幼体搭配成各种饵料组合,分别喂养不同发育期的锯缘青蟹幼体,重点研究大眼幼体的存活、生长发育、变态和干重及化学元素(C、H、N)含量的情况.结果表明饵料搭配得当,适时适量的投喂,其幼体的生长发育和变态都正常,并可获得较高的存活率,若饵料搭配不当不仅会导致幼体出现高死亡率,而且还能诱发发育期变化的现象;不同饵料搭配对大眼幼体干重及化学元素(C、H、N)含量的影响很显著,相差60%~70%,约一个发育期,而这差异可以通过该期幼体投喂足量卤虫无节幼体来加以弥补,大眼幼体的C、H、N占干重的百分比仅次于溞V,这表明青蟹幼体在这两次变态前需在体内积累高比例的有机营养物质来保证变态的顺利进行.  相似文献   

New data on the microstructures and the mineral and chemical compositions of ferromanganese crusts obtained from the western slope of the Kuril Island Arc in the Sea of Okhotsk during cruises of the R/V Vulkanolog are discussed. The study of the crusts using analytical electron microscopy methods revealed that their manganese phase is represented by vernadite, Fe-vernadite, todorokite, asbolane, and asbolane-buserite, while the iron phase consists of hematite, hydrohematite, ferroxyhite, and magnetite. The assemblage of lithic minerals includes apatite, quartz, epidote, and montmorillonite. According to the chemical analysis, most of the crusts contain a significant share of volcanogenic and hydrothermal material, which is evident from the elevated values of the Mn and Ti modules, the low concentrations of some trace elements, and the positive Eu anomaly in the rare earth elements composition.  相似文献   

We study the space-and-time variations of the delivery of fluxes of 26 elements (Na, K, Rb, Cs, Cu, Ag, Au, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn, Cd, Hg, Hf, Ta, As, Sb, Cr, Se, Mo, W, Mn, Br, Fe, Co and Ni) with atmospheric precipitations to the sea surface in the regions of Sevastopol and the South Coast of Crimea. It is established A series of general regularities of the delivery of the sum of these elements and their soluble and insoluble forms. We also give the characteristics of their space-time variability.  相似文献   

根据2009-2017年9个航次对西沙永兴岛附近海域共6个站位的沉积物重金属监测结果,应用数理统计法估算了该区域7种重金属元素的背景值,分析了重金属的含量及年际变化,采用单因子标准指数法和潜在生态危害指数法对其重金属含量进行了评价.结果表明:研究区域沉积物重金属具有低背景值,均符合海洋沉积物质量第一类标准,沉积物质量为...  相似文献   

西湖凹陷中-下始新统宝石组油气地质与勘探潜力   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
西湖凹陷是东海陆架盆地油气勘探潜力最好的凹陷之一。通过西湖凹陷宝石一井中下始新统宝石组井震资料,厘定了影响油气资源计算结果较大的关键参数,如烃源岩厚度、有机质油气产率、排聚系数等;建立了构造、沉积、孔隙度与油气生、运、聚模型,编绘了西湖凹陷宝石组生油岩厚度图、有机碳、Ro、生油气强度等值线图;采用BASIMS 4.5盆地综合模拟系统重现了西湖凹陷宝石组的地史、热史、生烃史、排烃史和运聚史,分析了宝石组空间展布特征与生、储、盖、圈、运、保等地质条件,提出并建立了宝石组合油气系统。利用多种方法定量计算的宝石组生烃量和资源量与西湖凹陷已证实的主力烃源岩系平湖组相似,认为宝石组是西湖凹陷又一重要烃源岩及油气勘探目的层系,拥有巨大的油气勘探潜力。  相似文献   

随着长江流域水土保持、上游水库拦蓄调节、沿江用水增加及气候变化,进入长江口的水沙通量发生改变,入海泥沙量锐减。此外,长江口相继实施了深水航道治理、青草沙水源地、浅滩圈围等大型工程。因此,需要针对长江口水沙变化开展相关研究。对长江口陆相和海相水沙变化规律及趋势、河床容积与泥沙收支变化以及整治工程下分汊河口演变预测等进行了概述,预测了今后10~50年大通站流量、含沙量、输沙量变化以及南北槽的演变趋势,为进一步研究变化条件下的长江口重大工程安全提供基础条件。  相似文献   

本文运用沉积动力学的理论和方法,对褚岛连岛沙坝的形成与演变进行了动力机制方面的探讨。  相似文献   

分别检测采自台湾北部和平岛沿岸海域及淡水河出海口海域的侧扁软柳珊瑚(Subergorgia suberosa)、扁刺柳珊瑚(Echinogorgia complexa)、网刺柳珊瑚(Echinogorgia reticulata)和1未定种柳珊瑚4种软珊瑚样品体内18种金属元素。比较同株珊瑚中金属累积于共内组织与中轴骨骼含量的特性.研究结果显示铜(Cu)及钒(V)于4种珊瑚中累积于中轴骨骼的量高于共内组织,Zn、Fe、Mn、Ca、Cd、Ni、Pb及Se则恰相反,Al、As、Co、Cr及Sn累积部位没有规则,Ag,Au及Ba因有ND值(未检出值)无法归纳其累积倾向,但若忽略ND值,则Ag与Ba累积于共肉组织较高,Au累积于中轴骨骼较高.此研究结果显示环境中金属倾向累积于软珊瑚共肉组织或中轴骨骼可能有一定之脉络可循.  相似文献   

纤毛虫原生动物的细胞发生模式研究--多样性与新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以纤毛门腹毛亚纲内两个目(游仆目、腹毛目)之部分代表性阶元为例,介绍了该大类高度分化的原生动物在细胞分裂过程中皮膜、纤毛器、核器的发生、演化模式以及基本规律,这些工作涉及纤毛虫口器发生中表层与深层远生型等不同亚型类群在无性分裂中皮膜结构的分化模式与发生学,包括对各相关类群特殊发生型的介绍以及对作者等所揭示的部分新发现等内容的报道。文中同时对纤毛虫细胞发生学与系统学研究间的关系、意义、目前所存在的若干未明和热点问题以及发生学资讯与当今其它系统学研究方法的互补与拟和问题做了归纳性讨论和表述。  相似文献   

M. S. Barash 《Oceanology》2009,49(3):385-395
Climate fluctuations with the optimum in the Early Eocene and subsequent cooling were the main abiotic factor that controlled the development of the oceanic biota in the Paleogene. The Paleogene represented the transitional stage from the greenhouse climate of the Mesozoic to the partly glacial Neogene and was characterized by changes in the distribution of the temperatures in the ocean with the replacement of the dominant latitudinal thermal circulation by the largely meridional thermohaline one. The climate changes were also determined by other factors: the opening and closure of seaways between basins, the position of major currents, volcanic activity, the sea-level fluctuations, the composition of the hydro- and atmosphere, and others. These changes were, in turn, determined by factors of higher order, primarily, by tectonic movements: vertical and horizontal (motions of lithospheric plates). The contribution of impact events to this process is also highly probable. All these factors influenced, via the hydrological and hydrochemical parameters of the water column, the evolution of the oceanic biota: their distribution areas, the sizes of the organisms, the diversity of the communities, the bioproductivity, and the mass extinction (for example, the extinction of 30–50% of the benthic foraminifers at the Paleocene-Eocene transition in response to the abrupt temperature increase). The Eocene-Oligocene transition (38 Ma ago) was marked by a global biotic crisis, the most significant one in the Cenozoic, when the abyssal part of the ocean was filled with cold water to form the psychrosphere. At least five major impact events, which preceded the Oligocene mass extinction of the biota, occurred in the terminal Eocene (36–35 Ma ago).  相似文献   

部分元素对氧化还原环境非常敏感,氧化还原条件往往决定着这些元素的迁移或富集,这些元素被称为氧化还原敏感性元素(redox sensitive elements, RSE)。除Fe、Mn外大部分RSE在氧化环境条件下以溶解态离子形式存在于海洋水体而发生迁移,在还原环境条件下则容易从海洋水体中析出向沉积物中迁移并发生富集。RSE的这种特性常被用来判断现代或地质历史中的沉积环境。本文在总结RSE与沉积氧化还原环境判别的基础上,分析了影响RSE地球化学行为的因素,进而探讨了RSE应用中存在的主要问题及今后研究方向。RSE及相关指标在沉积环境判别中的应用主要包括:氧化还原状态的识别、指示海洋水体生产力变化、指示海洋水体的局限程度、指示沉积物物源等。影响或控制RSE迁移、转化、沉积和富集的主要因素有:成岩作用、陆源物质加入、粒控效应、Fe-Mn氧化物/氢氧化物的吸附、有机质含量、水体局限、人类活动等。迄今对部分RSE的迁移富集机制还不十分清楚,元素指标的应用较粗略。近期在RSE的应用中应重视样品的选取与保存、测量分析技术的提升以及多指标的互相印证,通过综合分析判断,才能得出更接近实际的结果。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of long-term in situ and satellite measurements at shelf areas adjacent to the estuaries of the small rivers of the Russian coast of the Black Sea (Mezyb, Pshada, Vulan, Tuapse, Bitkha, Sochi, Cudepsta, Mzymta). The quantitative characteristics of the response of the hydrophysical and hydrochemical fields at the sea shelf on the influence of the continental river discharge are presented for each of these areas. A number of indicators of the water quality (the concentrations of the nitrate and nitrite forms of nitrogen, the phosphorus, the silica, the dissolved oxygen, the value of the total alkalinity and pH, the mineral and organic suspended matter, and the chlorophyll a) are considered in the context of the anthropogenic and terrigenous influence. In this paper, the emphasis was placed on the Mzymta River plume at the shelf area adjacent to the city of Sochi, where the measurements were repeatedly performed during the spring flooding conditions in the period from 2007 until 2012. The interannual variability of the water quality indicators and the seasonal and short-term variability of the area and the configuration of the plume, which transports suspended matter and anthropogenic pollution, were considered.  相似文献   

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