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Geographic phenomena and our models of them are closely linked to the spatial-temporal contexts in which they are observed. The expansion method is a procedure that incorporates contextual effects into mathematical models. More importantly, it is the basis for a movement by some geographers away from the classical spatial science paradigm. The evolving paradigm associated with the expansion method represents a reformulation of the way in which geographers think about and use models, and is consistent with a more realistic perspective on the nature of geographic inquiry.  相似文献   

The concentration of poor, service-dependent groups in aging central cities results both from suburbanization of the affluent and from the reliance of the service-dependent population upon place-specific human services provided by the public sector. Such concentration of services and their users in deteriorating inner-city sites may be functional for the larger society, but it has adverse impacts upon those who are service dependent. This paper argues that the implications of locational interdependence between such groups and their support services demand a paradigm for urban geography that centers upon the fundamental structure and impacts of population/service-provision linkages.  相似文献   

The use of historical sources in geomorphological analysis has had a long tradition in geography and is now undergoing a resurgence. A substantial body of data is available, and the search for it should extend from the National Archives to state and company records and county and city offices.  相似文献   

橘子洲位于长沙市境的湘江之中,自然-人文复合型旅游资源丰富,具有良好的开发前景,但丰水期江心洲淹没机率大,枯水期河滩显露时间长,在一定程度上制约了旅游业的发展.为此,在分析本洲旅游资源潜力和洪水风险性的基础上,提出了"堤-路-景"一体化防洪工程的建设构想和"一环、四轴、七区、八景"的景观布置,并从以下几方面展开思路:(1)协调好防洪占地与景观用地之间的矛盾;(2)选择防洪堤形形态,在确保防洪功能的同时,强化其"景"的功能,保证亲水性,堤形的设计与布设力求既有利于挡水、隔水,又有利于亲水.  相似文献   

Apart from the tragic certainty of death which accompanies AIDS everywhere, the means of its transmission, the spatial patterns of its diffusion, and the groups at highest risk of infection vary considerably among world regions. This paper reviews the disease and its transmission, then proposes three models of AIDS diffusion to assess the implications of the epidemic on various regions. AIDS North, of North America and western Europe, is urban based and primarily confined to homosexuals and IV drug abusers. AIDS South, in central Africa and the Caribbean, is spreading from cities into rural regions and affects primarily heterosexuals. The third, an AIDS North/South hybrid, is postulated as a model of diffusion of the disease in other Third World regions. The final section addresses the potential contribution of geographic research to policy-makers in attempting to cope with the diffusion of AIDS and in curbing the epidemic's advance.  相似文献   

Year-month mean 500mb contour positions are used to estimate Northern Hemisphere temperature variations for 1946–1980. The method is capable of giving early evidence of climatic change. Global application awaits accumulation of similar data from the Southern Hemisphere. Results are compatible with those obtained using surface data.  相似文献   

In 1977, I published a set of coarse-resolution dot maps that showed the general distributions of soil orders in the 48 states. Through a sequence of copies made by various people, one of those maps eventually appeared in a planning document as a shaded-area map with the title “Principal Peatlands of the United States.” Along the way a saline desert muck of conjectural extent and location was “transformed” into a documented energy resource for the nation. The history of this map offers a clear lesson for mapmakers: we have a three-fold duty, to the data, to the map reader, and to any third party who might be affected by a foreseeable misinterpretation of our maps.  相似文献   

The scope of manufacturing research and development (R&D) in the intermetropolitan region of Limburg, Belgium, is analyzed within the context of the spatial, organizational, and size-theoretical attributes of R&D and of the core-periphery model. In spite of its peripheral location, Limburg exhibits vivid R&D activity associated with the trickled-down manufacturing from neighboring West European industrial cores. R&D in Limburg is mostly centered in multinational/locational branch plants, but also in a few modernizing, old sector establishments engaged in high and medium-level “off the shelf” technology processes. R&D was significant in terms of spending, number of newly developed prototypes, and number of patents registered. It revealed strong sector concentration with relatively dispersed spatial patterns. R&D departments and spending disclosed a positive correlation with plant size, but showed particularly high concentration coefficients when medium-size high- and medium-level technology plants were considered.  相似文献   

新疆典型区耕地资源卫星遥感调查分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文根据土地对农业生产的适宜程度,考虑到卫星遥感与地理信息系统相结合技术在耕地资源调查中的实际可操作性,划分耕地资源类型^〔1 ̄3〕,并运用卫星遥感分析方法,对新疆典型地区耕地资源进行调查研究,搞清新疆典型地区耕地资源类型特征、分布规律,进而探索该区耕地资源区域开发与中低产田分区治理的方法理论与措施。  相似文献   

The open-ended corporate interview as a qualitative research method is proposed as a valuable component of an evidentiary strategy in economic geography. It is argued to be more sensitive than other survey methods to historical, institutional, and strategic complexity. The corporate interview method is particularly appropriate in periods of economic and social change that challenge traditional analytical categories and theoretical principles. Some problems inherent to the method, and strategies for minimizing their impact on the research project, are described.  相似文献   

云南逐月雨量和气温的格点数据资料场建立   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
根据云南各气象台站的逐月雨量和气温观测数据资料,采用距离平方加权平均的格点插值方法,建立了云南(98.0°E~106.0°E、21.0°N~29.0°N)1951年1月~2002年12月0.25°×0.25°经纬度分辨率的逐月格点降水和气温数据资料场。应用该格点数据资料场,分析得到了云南年降水量场和年气温场变化的一些基本空间分布特征和时间演变特征。  相似文献   

云南坝子的成因与特征研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在以山地高原为主、缺乏大平原的云南省,人口、耕地.经济、文化活动的中心主要分布和集中在“坝子”中,“坝子”是云南经济发展的基础,其在国民经济发展中的地位远较其他地貌类型重要. “坝子”常被等同于“山间中小盆地”,但在现实中,“坝子”已远远超出了“山间中小盆地”的范畴,包括成因各异的多种小地貌类型,是对云南省一类较为特殊的小地貌的统称.云南“坝子”一般由地球内力作用形成雏形,再经各种外营力改造而成,其中流水作用和人为地质作用最为重要.因成因不同,“坝子”的形态及特征各异,据此可划分出构造坝、水成坝、冰成坝、火山坝四大成因类型.  相似文献   

广州和深圳城市发展的经济基础比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶春  王为 《热带地理》2004,24(4):366-370
应用城市经济基础理论,计算广州和深圳1997、2001年两个年度区位商,对两市近年来城市经济基础的变化作比较分析.结果发现,广州的制造业实力有所增强,第三产业的服务输出功能却有不同程度下降,总体上广州大部分行业仍具有比较优势;深圳的城市经济基础正向多元化方向发展,其优势在于高新技术产业及金融业.  相似文献   

随着区域旅游合作成为世界旅游业发展的一种趋势,"珠中江"区域旅游合作在"珠中江"经济一体化的背景下应运而生。空间利益驱动力、市场驱动力和利益驱动力从宏观角度推动3地区域旅游合作,在此基础上,3地政府应该逐步建立合作制度体系、建立利益补偿机制、加强区域旅游协同规划机制、建设完整的旅游企业合作等机制,推动3地旅游形成横向、纵向、多层次的联合协作,加快3地区域旅游的转型升级,以期获得最大的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,最终提升区域旅游的竞争能力。  相似文献   

从居民旅游交通决策行为、居民出游空间、居民出游行为预期影响3个角度分析芜湖市高铁建设对城市居民出游的影响.结果表明:(1)旅游交通是影响居民旅游决策的重要因素.(2)居民出游市场以近程为主,空间分布主要集中在100-400 km范围内,且东向出游特征明显,目的地以长三角地区为主.(3)高速铁路开通将增加芜湖居民出游交通工具的选择,改变原有的旅游市场空间,中远程出游比例增加,同时也会影响居民出游次数与天数以及景区的选择.最后,依据国内外学者对高铁旅游研究成果,结合本次问卷调查实际情况,初步探讨高速化背景下,芜湖市旅游的发展对策.  相似文献   

国内外旅游口号研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述国内外44篇文献,得出6个理论关注点:旅游口号的概念和类型,旅游口号的功能和作用,旅游口号的设计误区和改进建议,旅游口号的语言特征和有效性,旅游口号的设计原则与设计方法,旅游口号的评价标准与评价方法。与国内相比,国外旅游口号研究的文献数量少、内容窄。国内外旅游口号的研究视角以旅游目的地市场营销为主,研究方式以理论与实证结合研究为主,研究方法以定性描述为主。国内外旅游口号的研究存在研究概念不清、研究内容零散、研究视角单一、研究方法欠佳、研究深度不足等问题。  相似文献   

本文以作者建立和科尔沁典型沙区专题图形库为例,对利用库信息进行沙漠化定量研究的图形方法进行了系列探讨,设计了可用于沙漠化定量研究的专题分析软件,并对该区的沙漠化现状进行了示例性研究。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. How can an artificial island and a bridge‐building project shape the dreams and plans for a transnational region? In this article I examine the making of the öresund region of Denmark and Sweden by analyzing the intertwining of bridge construction and region building, from the early dreams and plans, to the actual construction phase, to the ceremonial opening in 2000, and to the difficult transition into an everyday transportation system. The ways in which the construction was organized and staged came to mirror some important trends of the so‐called new economy and many of its buzzwords. Engineering and imagineering were combined in new ways.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The history of kudzu illustrates the fluidity with which people can redefine their cultural relationship with exotic species. Although much of American society views the fast‐growing Asian vine as a pest, this has not always been the case. During the first half of the twentieth century, individual entrepreneurs and government officials touted kudzu as a “miracle vine” and carried out massive planting campaigns across the southeastern United States. This study traces the changing place of kudzu within southern society from its introduction in the late 1800s to the present. Specific attention is devoted to the role that the gentleman farmer, author, and radio personality Channing Cope played in popularizing the cultivation of kudzu. Cope's promotional activities are interpreted as environmental claims making. Analysis focuses on the metaphors he used in persuading the public of kudzu's supposed benefits. Conducting such an examination advances our general understanding of the historical geography of exotics in America and the importance of human agency and cultural representation in the spread of non‐native organisms.  相似文献   

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