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Macrobrachium lamarrei is exposed to 0.008, 0.017 and 0.021 mg/1 aldrin (0.4, 0.8 and 1.0 of the LC50,96h) for 24… 96 h and after exposure the activities of the acid, alkaline and glucose-6-phosphatases are determined. With concentration and time of exposure the acid phosphatase shows an increasing activity up to 170 % compared with the control, which is interpreted as a part of prenecrotic changes in the cells. With concentration and time of exposure the alkaline phosphatase shows a decreasing activity down to 20 % of the control, which is indicative of considerable disturbances of the total metabolism. The glucose-6-phosphatase shows an increasing activity with the aldrin concentration up to 150 % during 72 h; then the activity drops to 60… 80 %. The initial rise in the glucose concentration of blood caused by that is the clear consequence of a stress reaction and the change of metabolism resulting from it.  相似文献   

In batch experiments with exposure for 24 to 96 h Macrobrachium naso and M. dayanum were exposed to solutions of the sodium salt of 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid. The LC50,96h are 2.397 g/l for Macrobrachium naso and 2.275 g/l for M. dayanum. No mortality was observed in solutions of 2.1 and 1.85 g/l. The differences in toxicity are not dependent on the size of the organisms, but they are species-specific.  相似文献   

The effect of different concentrations, viz. 0.01, 0.001 and 0.0001 ppm of methyl mercuric chloride on survival, growth behaviour and chlorophyll content of Chlorella vulgaris has been studied under various environmental conditions. Methyl mercury at 0.01 ppm is 100% toxic to the test alga. At a sublethal (0.001 ppm) dose of CH3HgCl, Chlorophyll a was more inhibited than Chlorophyll b. Toxicity was found to be very much under the influence of pH as at acid pH growth is highly reduced by a sublethal concentration, whereas the same concentration does not have an inhibitory influence in the alkaline range of pH. Eutrophic waters seem to reduce the heavy metal toxicity in general.  相似文献   

The short-term toxicity of mercury, copper and zinc was studied using a freshwater pulmonate snail, Lymnaea luteola (LAMARCK ). The median period of survival increases with decreasing the toxicant concentration. The 96 h LC50 values and their confidence limits were 0.135 (0.112 … 0.186) ppm of Hg2+; 0.172 (0.118 … 0.355) ppm of Cu2+; and 6.13 (5.73 to 7.19) ppm of Zn2+. The relative potency ratio indicates that the Hg2+ ions were most toxic, followed by Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions.  相似文献   

The toxicity of phenol, pentachlorophenol and Na-pentachlorophenate to Cypris subglobosa is determined in the batch experiment for 96. h. In the sequence mentioned, the LC50,96h of the three substances are 71.8, 6.56 and 4.41 mg/l, respectively. In the range of 6 … 95 h the mean survival time shows a negative regression to the toxicant concentration, which, however, is not significant statistically for Na-pentachlorophenate. In agreement with this, the LC50 for 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h of exposure shows a significant decrease. Due to the comparatively high LC50,96h for pentachlorophenol and Na-pentachlorophenate for C. subglobosa about in comparison with fish, the species is little suited to the toxicological investigation of wastewater.  相似文献   

Static bioassay tests were carried out on Channa punctatus Bloch in the laboratory after renewal of concentrations every 24 h. The LC50 values and 95 per cent confidence limits were 45.21 (39.62 … 51.11) ppm at 12 h and 29.8 (27.49 … 31.95) ppm of Zn at 96 h of exposure. The actual dissolution values of zinc were also determined in test solutions using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Behavioural changes were the higher rate of opercular movements, surfacing, loss of equilibrium and haemorrhage near mouth and caudal fin. The LT50 values indicate that survival was increased with decreasing Zn concentration. The histopathological changes observed due to Zn toxicity in the gills have been discussed in relation to fish mortality.  相似文献   

Static bioassay tests were conducted to determine the acute toxic effects of copper, cadmium and their mixtures on Heteropneustes fossilis in two different seasons. Median lethal concentrations (24, 48, 72 and 96 h LC50) revealed that copper is more toxic to fish even at very low concentrations in comparison to cadmium, tested separately or in combination with cadmium. The data indicate that the level of tolerance of the fish to metallic ions tested was temperature specific. Generally, fishes were found to be more susceptible to metallic ions at higher temperatures as revealed by the threshold concentration, MATC and LC50 values. The behavioural changes of the test fishes were also observed in reference to different concentrations of the metallic ions and temperatures.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out on the toxicity of diluted dyeing and printing industry effluent to a penaeid prawn, Parapenaeopsis sculptilis (Heller). Effluent tolerance experiments showed that both juvenile and adult prawns were unable to withstand the increasing concentration of the effluent. Juveniles were more susceptible to effluent than adults. As a consequence of higher consumption of energy due to the disturbed metabolism a decrease in the metabolite content was observed, whereas the content of ions showed an irregular trend with all the concentrations. The behavioural study showed that before death both juvenile and adult prawns became inactive, followed by paralysis. The physico-chemical nature of the effluent showed high amounts of solids, BOD, COD, sodium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, ammonium nitrogen, sulphate and absence of DO, probably causing an osmotic imbalance in the prawn body which leads to early mortality. Even a 1% concentration of such an effluent of a physico-chemical nature was reported to be toxic to the prawns.  相似文献   

Lebistes reticulatus (Peters) was exposed to various concentrations of phenol, pentachlorophenol and sodium pentachlorophenolate to determine their toxicity, lethal concentrations and slope functions by a static bioassay procedure. Simultaneous controls were also run. The 94h LC50 values were 47.5mg/l (42.04 … 53.68) for phenol, 0.77 mg/l (0.616 … 0.963) for sodium pentachlorophenate and 0.97 mg/l (0.866 … 1.086) for pentachlorophenol. On this basis, the rank order is sodium pentachlorophenolate-pentachlorophenol-phenol. During the treatment, fish showed an abnormal swimming reflex, excessive mucus secretion, haemorrhage near lips, abdomen and basis of fins and loss of equilibrium followed by death.  相似文献   

The LC50 for 12… 96 h of a distillery waste water were determined for Lebistes reticulatus, Lymnaea luteola, Lymnaea acuminata and Viviparus bengalensis in the batch experiment with daily exchange of the medium. The sensitivity of the species increases in the given sequence with values of the LC50,96 h of 10.77 to 3.72 % proportion of wastewater in the medium. Compared with this, with values of the LC50,48 h of 14.06… 15.71 % after 48 h of exposure there is no significant difference in sensitivity, whereas after exposure for 12 and 24 h the sensitivity grows in the following order: V. bengalensis, L. acuminata, L. luteola, Lebistes reticulatus. Toxicity is obviously primarily determined by the sulphides; with increasing time of exposure also the suspended matter and other factors act toxically.  相似文献   

In batch tests with daily exchange of the medium the toxicity of endosulfan, lindane, aldrin, chlordane, rogor and novocron is investigated during times of exposure of 12… 96 h. The mean survival periods and the LC50 are determined. Toxicity increases in the following sequence (LC50,96h) (in mg/1): novocron (22.65), rogor (18.97), chlordane (0.341), aldrin (0.017), lindane (0.0160), endosulfan (0.0027). The following safe concentrations in mg/1 are recommended: 0.0006 endosulfan, 0.0041 lindane, 0.0010 aldrin, 0.1436 chlordane, 5.4086 rogor and 7.2309 novocron.  相似文献   

Summary: The paper deals with the abundance of juveniles and adults of the Ganga river prawn in relation to seasonal variations in certain hydrological features in the stretch between Buxar and Ballia in view of its organic and industrial pollution. Temperature was found to be the most critical environmental variable affecting availability and reproduction of this prawn species while others were observed to fluctuate within an acceptable range.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the toxicity of sodium nitrite to freshwater fishes, Channa punctatus (BL.) and Mystus (M). vittatus (Bl.) as to determine the acute toxicity. The LC 50 values were obtained by using a static bioassay method for a period of 24, 48, 72 and 96 hour intervals. The LC 50 values of sodium nitrite for C. punctatus were 375, 325, 250 and 200 ppm and for M. (M). vittatus 164, 140, 90 and 64 ppm, respectively. A profuse mucus secretion was evident at higher concentrations as compared to lower ones. The probable causes of mortality of the fishes are also discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the inhibition of the specific activity of the acid and alkaline phosphatases in the kidney tissue of mudskipper Boleophthalmus dentatus, exposed to different sublethal concentrations of mercuric chloride. There was a more or less linear inhibition of the specific activity of both the enzymes with increasing concentration of mercuric chloride as well as exposure time. The inhibition of acid phosphatase could be due to the rupture of lysosomal membrane in the presence of mercury compound, which acts as a labilizing agent. The inhibition of alkaline phosphatase probably caused a breakdown of the membrane transport system.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the changes in composition and density of bottom fauna of the Ganga river at Buxar and Ballia in relation to soil texture and water quality observed between March 1984 and Feb. 1986 with its possible role in the seasonal abundance of M. birmanicum choprai. No marked differences were noted in the quality of water at the two centres. The texture of bottom was sandy at both the centres, but the soil at Ballia was found to consist almost of sand with a negligible quantity of clay content. The benthic fauna mainly consisted of dipterans, amphipods and annelids and exhibited a higher abundance at Buxar. It showed a major pulse in the month of March with a minor one in December. The macrobenthos including gastropods and bivalves were abundant during summer (March–June). The bottom fauna on which the prawns generally feed becomes a potential source of food during winter when the prawns get confined to a unit area.  相似文献   

In static bioassays the toxicity of heavy metal ions against Lymnaea acuminata over 24 … 96 h is tested. The values of the LC50,96h for the metals tested are, in mg/l: Hg2+ ?0.023; Cu2+-0.034, Cd2+ ?0.872, Ni2+ ?2.78, Cr6+ ?5.97 and Zn2+ ?10.49. In the combined solutions of Cu2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+ at least an additive effect of toxicity occurs in the presence of two metals. The same holds for the presence of the three metals; in this case, the relative toxicity against the mixture of two metallic salt solutions appears to be slightly reduced. The acute manifestation of the toxic effect occurs within 48 h, subsequently the relative mortality decreases especially in the mixed solutions.  相似文献   

The acute toxicity of copper and copper plus complexing agents to common guppy Lebistes reticulatus was studied for 96 h by a static bioassay technique. The addition of complexing agents viz. disodium salt of EDTA, citric acid, sodium thiosulphate and glycine in Cu2+ solutions caused a great decrease in the per-cent mortality as compared to that of Cu2+ test solutions alone. 10 mg/l of complexing agent was added in each copper concentration in all the test series. The 96 h LC50 values and 95% confidence limits in mg/l of Cu2+ plus were 1.23 (0.95…1.65) for Cu2+ alone; 4.30 (4.04 … 4.55) for Cu2+ plus EDTA; 1.94 (1.69 … 2.18) for Cu2+ plus citric acid; 3.44 (2.96 … 3.74) for Cu2+ sodium thiosulphate and 2.29 (2.22 … 3.02) for Cu2+ plus glycine.  相似文献   

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