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An aquifer can be used not only as water source but also as a regulating reservoir linked to a water supply system, planning the operation of such reservoirs calls for a good knowledge of the characteristics and limitations of the aquifer, an estimate of its natural replenishment and outflows, as weil as the determination of a programme for pumping and artificial recharge.

A limestone aquifer of karstic nature, heavily exploited and artificially recharged, has been studied recently with respect to its storage capacity and responses to a planned scheme of operations established for the national water supply systems.

The physical characteristics of this aquifer, its inflows, outflows and dynamic behaviour, were first determined by geological and hydrological investigations. The dynamic model obtained was then verified and improved by use of a resistor-capacitor electric analog constructed for this purpose. Later on, several operational alternatives were tested on the same analog. An optimization analysis was performed on a simplified single cell model representing the aquifer system. The methodology of such integrational operation is discussed in light of the results obtained.  相似文献   


The problem of analysing and predicting the effect of vegetation removal on the hydrological regime or soil water potential on steep slopes was approached through an experimental model set up in a greenhouse. A tilting soil bin positioned at different slope angles simulated a soil layer overlying impervious bedrock, and a forest cover was modelled by a number of small trees. The response of the soil water potential to simulated rain storms was studied first for the forested and later for the cutover slope. Transpiration in the greenhouse was measured by means of phytometers.

The results showed that a forest cover accelerates the soil moisture depletion in a shallow soil mantle regardless of the steepness of the slope. For a storm of given intensity and duration, the recharge phase for the clear-cut slope was therefore much shorter than for the forested one. The slope angle was only responsible for the distribution of recharge and the initial hydrological conditions when drainage had ceased. During the drainage phase the flow in the slope was two-dimensional, whereas it was essentially one-dimensional (i.e. vertical upwards) after field capacity had been reached. At this point the matric suction increased exponentially with time for suctions within the tensiometer range. Within this same range water loss from any point in the soil took place at a constant rate. This result is consistent with field observations.  相似文献   

The International Journal of Sediment Research (edited, published and distributed by IRTCES) has, since a long time, been a valuable tool for circulating technical and scientific results in the field of erosion and sedimentation. With the present issue the Journal has become the official publication of WASER. What will this affiliation imply for the journal itself and for the readership ?  相似文献   


A new method is presented to generate stationary multi-site hydrological time series. The proposed method can handle flexible time-step length, and it can be applied to both continuous and intermittent input series. The algorithm is a departure from standard decomposition models and the Box-Jenkins approach. It relies instead on the recent advances in statistical science that deal with generation of correlated random variables with arbitrary statistical distribution functions. The proposed method has been tested on 11 historic weekly input series, of which the first seven contain flow data and the last four have precipitation data. The article contains an extensive review of the results.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Ilich, N., 2014. An effective three-step algorithm for multi-site generation of stochastic weekly hydrological time series. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (1), 85–98.  相似文献   

本文在前人基础上,从理论计算角度研究了两层大地下球形导电体的偶极激发音频电磁场。探讨了电模式、磁模式场的耦合及其意义,并列出了剖面数据和频率响应数据,以适应移动源音频电磁法的实际需要。  相似文献   

本文的目的是预测今后四个月内我国大陆是否有大地震发生。根据我国大陆以外地方最近半年的地震建立一个判断量X,如果X>0.53,则认为将有大震发生。进一步的分析还可大致确定发震的地区。  相似文献   


In the Southwestern intermountain and high plains areas, precipitation is seasonal, with the major part of the rainfall occurring in the summer. Most winter precipitation occurs as low-intensity rain or snow along slow-moving cold fronts. Most summer precipitation occurs as short-duration, high-intensity thunderstorms from purely convective buildup or from convective cells developing along a weak fast-moving cold front. Almost all runoff occurs from the summer convective storms.

Since runoff-producing precipitation is of primary interest at the Southwest Watershed Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, Tucson, Arizona, the convective storms have been most thoroughly analyzed. Duration, intensity, areal extent, movement, character, and return frequencies for varying volumes and intensities of these convective storms are analyzed from records from dense networks of recording rain gages in four study areas in Arizona and New Mexico. The primary study areas are the 58-square-mile Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed at Tombstone, Arizona, and the 67-squaremile Alamogordo Creek Watershed near Santa Rosa, New Mexico. Three “record” storms of differing character occurring in 1960 and 1961 on Alamogordo Creek Watershed and one “record” storm in 1961 on the Wlanut Gulch Watershed are analyzed and compared in detail.  相似文献   


Basing their studies on an extended Reynolds principle of similarity, the authors present in this paper a thorough theoretical investigation of the turbulent flow in pipes.

Making appropriate assumptions regarding the distribution of the turbulent apparent viscosity over the entire pipe diameter, the well-known discharge formulas, i. e. the resistance laws, of Prandtl-V. Kármán for the hydraulically smooth and the hydraulically rough region, and of Colebrook for the transition region—the accuracy of these being well established by measurements—can be clearly shown to be correct.

Thus it is also possible to determine the velocity distribution in the region near the wall for the hydraulically smooth region and the transition region, as well as for the hydraulically rough region.

The concept, that the flow with a fully developed roughness effect begins when the laminar boundary layer at the wall disappears can be seen to be in close agreement with the asssumptions made. The limits which were established for the hydraulically rough region and the transition region correspond well with the curve plotted by PRANDTL and the boundary curve of Rouse.  相似文献   

本文针对工程物探中主要任务与要求,着重讨论了查找陷伏断层,鹇基岩面及其风化壳的划分,第上系分层等问题,分析当前常用物控方法的有效性,探讨提高勘查能力,合理选用方法的途径,文中以直流电法,电磁法,声纳法和地震法等的应用实例进行对比,阐述它们的应用前提并对其进行评价。说明充分了解各工区的地质地球物理特征及工作前的方法技术试验是不容忽视的基础工作。  相似文献   

杨修信 《地震研究》1989,12(2):115-124
本文提出一个单断裂多段闭锁的孕震力学模型,对其产生的附加应力场进行了推导和计算;讨论了震前多源应力场的时空分布特征。证明多源前兆场演变过程的复杂性和震前地应力变化形态的多样性。  相似文献   

为了避免地震计由强振动引起的不同程度的位移、偏转或倾倒,研制出1套地震计固定装置,该装置使地震计能够经受强烈振动.与其他类似装置不同的是,该装置是通过地震计的3个底脚进行固定的,不与地震计其他位置接触,这有效避免了混入其他噪声.通过测试试验发现,在安装固定底座后,地震计运行和产出的波形均正常,噪声略有变小,平均信噪比变...  相似文献   

We hereby present a review on solar oblateness measurements. By emphasizing historical data, we illustrate how the discordance between experimental results can lead to substantial improvements in the building of new technical apparatus as well as to the emergence of new ideas to develop new theories. We stress out the need to get accurate data from space to enhance our knowledge of the solar core in order to develop more precise ephemerids and ultimately build possible new gravitational theories.  相似文献   

本文讨论了地震发生时传播的剪切断层遇到横交的粘锁不好的静止断层时的各种情况。文中指出,传播的剪切断层端部有压应力和张应力,静止断层对压应力和张应力的反应是不同的。压应力可以通过静止断层而传入该断层的另一侧介质中(尽管有衰减),但张应力就可能把静止断层拉裂而传不到静止断层的另一侧介质中去。这样,当一个传播的剪切断层在未和静止断层相遇时,它的端部有很高的剪切应力,但越过静止断层后只剩下(或主要剩下)压力所引起的剪切应力了。此时剪切应力大大衰减,因之剪切断层的传播就停止了。当然在断层交会地区介质破碎松软,这也是断裂停止的一个原因。震前确定停止地点有助于确定孕震体的长度,由此可对未来震级大小作出估计。  相似文献   

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