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This paper describes the geomorphology of rock avalanche deposits that resulted from a major mountain slope failure at Keylong Serai on the north slope of the Indian High Himalaya, an area of high altitude desert. Cosmogenic 10Be exposure ages of the widespread deposits indicate their formation 7,510 ± 110 years BP. Proxy records for this region of the Himalaya imply a similar dry climatic regime to the present day at this time, suggesting that precipitation was an unlikely trigger for this rock avalanche. An alternative mechanism associated with rock-wall stress relaxation is also unlikely, given the earlier timing of deglaciation in this area. Given the enormous volume of debris generated by this event, the most likely trigger for this mountain collapse and resultant rock avalanche is high ground acceleration during a great earthquake (M > 8). It is proposed that rock avalanches can be used to extend the limited palaeoseismic record and improve information on the recurrence interval of great earthquakes within the Himalaya arc.  相似文献   

The Kashmir Earthquake of the 8 October killed an estimated 87 350 people, 25 500 through co-seismic landslides. The largest landslide associated with the earthquake was the 68 × 106 m3 Hattian Bala rock avalanche that destroyed a village and killed around 1000 people. The deposit blocks the valley to a depth of 130 m impounding a lake that reached the dam-crest in April 2007. An outburst flood now threatens a major settlement 3 km downstream. A series of space images reveals landslide clusters in the rock avalanche source area prior to the earthquake. The images also reveal a large slow-moving landslide with its toe in the lake, failure of this landslide may induce dam failure through overtopping and scour. Eighty five landslides in the Hattian Bala catchment predate the shaking of 8 October 2005, a further 73 are co-seismic with the main shock, and 21 postdate it in the period up to October 2006. Landslide magnitude–frequency distribution plots derived from satellite images allow an assessment of the contribution of seismically triggered events as compared to background rates of activity.  相似文献   

Most systematic research on large rock-slope failures is geographically biased towards reports from Europe, the Americas, the Himalayas and China. Although reports exist on large rockslides and rock avalanches in the territory of the former Soviet Union, they are not readily available, and few translations have been made. To begin closing this gap, we describe here preliminary data from field reconnaissance, remote sensing and geomorphometry of nine extremely large rock-slope failures in the Tien Shan Mountains of central Kyrgyzstan. Each of these catastrophic and prehistoric failures exceeds an estimated 1 km3 in volume, and two of them involve about 10 km3. Failure of rock slopes in wide valleys favoured the emplacement of hummocky long-runout deposits, often spreading out over >10 km2, blocking major rivers. Most of these gigantic slope failures are located on or near active faults. Their spatial clustering and the high seismic activity in the Tien Shan support the hypothesis that strong seismic shaking caused or triggered most of these large-scale rock-slope failures. Nevertheless detailed field studies and laboratory analyses will be necessary to exclude hydroclimatic trigger mechanisms (precipitation, fluvial undercutting, permafrost degradation), and to determine their absolute ages, frequency and the large-landslide hazard of central Kyrgyzstan.  相似文献   

The Cheam rock avalanche,Fraser Valley,British Columbia,Canada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Cheam rock avalanche, which occurred about 5,000 years ago in the lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia, is the largest known catastrophic landslide in western Canada (175×106 m3). A photo-draped digital elevation model of the rock avalanche reveals two morphologically distinct areas, an eastern area of arcuate hummocky ridges separated by flat-floored depressions and a lower western area with a subdued, gently rolling surface. Debris is up to 30 m thick and consists of rubbly, clast- and matrix-supported diamicton derived from local argillaceous metasedimentary rocks. Failure was probably caused by high pore water pressures on a thrust fault that daylights in the source area. Plastic deformation of sediment beneath the rock avalanche debris suggests that liquefaction occurred due to undrained loading when the debris struck the Cheam terrace. Liquefaction also explains the morphology and travel distance of the western debris lobe. The coincidence of well-sorted sands (the Popkum Series soil) with the rock avalanche debris indicates that significant amounts of water flowed over the surface of the landslide just after it came to rest. Stó:lõ Nation oral history suggests that the debris may have buried a village, causing the first known landslide fatalities in Canada.  相似文献   

滑坡堵江坝溃决洪水及其演进的理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崩滑堵江事件在世界范围内,尤其在山区广泛存在.溃坝后形成的洪水异常凶猛,洪峰高达几米至几十米,演进过程中常造成下游严重灾害.因此,崩滑堵江事件及其灾害链已严重影响人类的工程经济活动.本文对溃决洪水流量、洪峰及其演进过程进行了理论分析,建立了一套预测溃坝洪水特征的计算公式,并用实例验证,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

Generally landslide dams which exist for several hundreds to thousands of years are considered as stable. We show with an example from the Argentine Andes that such dams can exist for several thousands of years but still may fail catastrophically. Multiple rock avalanches impounded two lakes with surface areas of ~8 km2 and ~600 km2, respectively, in Las Conchas valley, NW Argentina. Surface exposure dating (SED) by 10Be of the rock-avalanche deposits or landslide scars indicates that these landslides occurred at 15,300±2,000 yr and 13,550±900 yr. The dams were stable during a strong earthquake, as suggested by seismites within related lake sediments and by multiple coeval landslides in this region, which occurred at ~7.5 kyr. However, when a further rock-avalanche fell into the lower, smaller lake at 4,800±500 yr the dam downriver was destroyed, presumably by the resulting tsunami wave. The resulting flood also destroyed an additional rock-fall dam which had formed at ~5,630 yr 14C cal BP 30 km downriver. The new dam formed by the second rock avalanche was eroded prior to 3,630 yr 14C cal BP. This dam erosion coincides with an important climatic shift towards more humid conditions in the Central Andes. Our results show that instead of direct effects of strong seismicity on landslide dams, (1) landsliding into a landslide-dammed lake, (2) abrupt hydrological changes, and (3) climate change towards conditions related to enhanced run-off are processes which can produce failures of quasi-stable natural dams.  相似文献   

Landslides are self-organizing and self-referenced systems. The conditions which lead to their emergence along Himalayan highways are not the same as those which govern their subsequent evolution. Landslides originate at sites which differ from average conditions by having significantly higher, steeper roadcuts, carved into steeper hillsides, with more finely bedded but less steeply dipping rocks, and fewer trees upslope. These variables do not correlate with measures of landslide size. Landslide morphometric variables correlate with other landslide variables and with few external factors. The system exhibits independence (autopoiesis) from its environment. Additionally, landslides dominated by rock-mechanical processes tend to produce lower angle outfalls from higher, north-facing, roadcuts than those dominated by soil-mechanical processes which are associated with greater depths of below-soil regolith. However, the outfall volumes produced by the landslides of different type are similar. These findings are generated from statistical (correlation/T-test/stepwise discriminant) analyses of data produced by a field survey of average environmental conditions, and the morphometry and environmental contexts of 88 landslides, on 7.6 km of the Almora Bypass.  相似文献   

Landslide Lake Outburst Floods (LLOFs) are common in the Himalayan river basins. These are caused by breaching of lakes created by landslides. The active and palaeo-landslide mapping along the Satluj and Spiti Rivers indicate that these rivers were blocked and breached at many places during the Quaternary period. In the present article, we document LLOFs during 2000 and 2005 caused by the breaching of landslide lakes created in the Trans-Himalayan region along the Satluj River and Paree Chu (stream), respectively, both in the Tibetan region of China and its impact on the channel and infrastructure in the Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh, India. It has been observed that the loss of life and property due to these LLOFs is directly related to the disposition of the Quaternary materials and the different morphological zones observed in the area.  相似文献   

Landslides in Himalaya cause widespread damage in terms of property and human lives. It the present study, an attempt is made to derive information on causative parameters and preparation of landslide-susceptible map using fuzzy data integration in one of the seismically active region of Garhwal Himalaya that was recently devastated by a huge landslide. High-resolution remotely sensed data products acquired from Indian Remote Sensing Satellite before and after the landslide event were processed to improve interpretability and derivation of causative parameters. Spatial data sets such as lithology, rock weathering, geomorphology, lineaments, drainage, land use, anthropogenic factor, soil type and depth, slope gradient, and slope aspect were integrated using fuzzy gamma operator. The final map was reclassified in to five classes such as highly to lowly susceptible classes based on cumulative cutoff. The result shows around 72% of known landslide areas including the large Uttarkashi landslide in the high and very high susceptibility classes comprising of only 37% of the total area. The precipitation data from ground- and satellite-based observations were compared; the precipitation threshold and the role of seismic activity were analyzed for initiation of landslide.  相似文献   

An extreme rainfall event on August 9, 2009, which was close to setting a world record for 48-h accumulated rainfall, induced the Xiaolin deep-seated landslide, which was located in southwestern Taiwan and had volume of 27.6?×?106?m3, and caused the formation of a landslide dam. The landslide dam burst in a very short time, and little information remained afterward. We reconstructed the process of formation and failure of the Xiaolin landslide dam and also inferred the area of the impoundment and topographic changes. A 5?×?5-m digital elevation model, the recorded water stage of the Qishan River, and data from field investigation were used for analysis. The spectral magnitude of the seismic signals induced by the Xiaolin landslide and flooding due to failure of the landslide dam were analyzed to estimate the timing of the dam breach and the peak discharge of the subsequent flood. The Xiaolin landslide dam failure resulted from overtopping. We verified the longevity of the Xiaolin landslide dam at about 2 h relying on seismic signals and water level records. In addition, the inundated area, volume of the impoundment behind the Xiaolin landslide dam, and peak discharge of the flood were estimated at 92.3 ha, 19.5?×?106?m3, and 17?×?103?m3/s, respectively. The mean velocity of the flood-recession wave front due to the dam blockage was estimated at 28 km/h, and the peak flooding velocity after failure of the dam was estimated at 23 km/h. The Xiaolin landslide provides an invaluable opportunity for understanding the mechanism of deep-seated landslides and flooding processes following a landslide dam failure.  相似文献   

Debris flows and debris avalanches are the most widespread and hazardous types of landslides on the British Columbia north coast. Triggered by heavy rain, they pose risks to forestry workers in sparsely developed regions. The scarcity of long-term quality rain gauges and the lack of weather radar information create significant challenge in predicting the timing of landslides, which could be used to warn and, when necessary, evacuate forestry personnel. Traditional methods to relate rainfall antecedents and rainfall intensity to known landslide dates have proven to be unsatisfactory in this study due to extreme spatial variability of rainfall, enhanced by the orographic effect and the scarcity of rain gauges in a very large area. This has led to an integration of meteorological variables in a landslide advisory system that classifies three types of approaching storms by the 850-mbar wind speed and direction, the occurrence of subtropical moisture flow, and the existence of a warm layer characterized by high thickness values of the 500- to 1,000-mbar pressure levels. The storm classification was combined with a 4-week antecedent rainfall and the 24-h rainfall measured near or in the watershed where logging operations are taking place. This system, once implemented, is thought to reduce loss of life, injury, and economic losses associated with forestry works in the study area.  相似文献   

Large, rapid, low-gradient landslides are common in clay-rich glacial sediments in northeastern British Columbia. Many of the landslides create upstream impoundments that may persist for years in small watersheds in the region. We have documented such events in the Halden Creek watershed, 60 km southeast of Fort Nelson. The events are recorded geologically in two ways. First, trees are drowned in lakes dammed by the landslides and subsequently buried by deltaic sediments, where they are protected from decay. Bank erosion later exhumes the drowned trees. Second, landslide deposits with entrained wood are exposed along stream banks. We have reconstructed the recent history of landslide damming at Halden Creek by performing radiocarbon dating on exhumed trees and wood in and beneath landslide deposits at 13 sites in the watershed. Drowned trees range in age from 169±59 to 274±49 14C year bp. Wood in and below landslide deposits yielded radiocarbon ages ranging from modern to 965±49 14C year bp.  相似文献   

Snow avalanche hazards in mountainous areas of developing countries have received scant attention in the scientific literature. The purpose of this paper is to describe this hazard and mitigative measures in Kaghan Valley, Pakistan Himalaya, and to review alternatives for future reduction of this hazard. Snow avalanches have long posed a hazard and risk to indigenous populations of the Himalaya and Trans-Himalaya mountains. Land use intensification due to population growth, new transportation routes, military activity and tourism is raising levels of risk. The history of land use in the study area is such that investigations of avalanche hazard must rely on different theoretical bases and data than in most industrialised countries. Despite the intensive use of valley-bottom land which is affected by avalanches, a number of simple measures are currently employed by the indigenous population to mitigate the hazard. Out-migration during the winter months is the most important one. During the intensive use period of summer avalanche-transported snow provides numerous resources for the population. In Kaghan the avalanche hazard is increasing primarily as a result of poorly located new buildings and other construction projects. The large scale of avalanche activity there rules out any significant improvement or protection of the currently difficult winter access. Instead, future mitigation of the hazard should focus on protecting the small number of winter inhabitants and minimising property damage.  相似文献   

滑坡坝及形成的堰塞湖在世界各国的山区广泛分布。它能够形成天然水库,在发生溃坝和洪水漫坝的情况下,造成的灾害损失很大。历史上产生过许多天然滑坡坝,有些很快发生溃坝,有些存在时间很长。存在时间较长的滑坡坝,它周围风景秀丽,成为旅游热点地区,同时也可开发其水资源。在开发和利用这种滑坡坝时,它的安全性需要分析评价。由于它的坝高是自然形成,不受人为控制,坝高的安全程度需要分析研究。在人工坝高超高设计方法中,库区风速、浪高等是影响坝高的因素。计算时考虑最危险的情况和风速、波浪等因素叠加,滑坡坝的坝高符合设计坝高,满足规范要求,在这种情况下不会发生洪水漫坝和溃坝,不会对下游造成危害。某滑坡坝位于拟建某水电站的上游,在国家级自然保护区内,是著名的旅游景点,其安全性对旅游开发、工程建设和下游居民生命财产安全影响很大。为了评价滑坡坝的稳定性,需要对其发生洪水漫坝和溃坝的可能性进行研究,论证其安全性。通过使用人工坝超高计算方法进行计算,结果表明:它的天然坝高超过同等规模人工坝的设计超高要求,不会发生洪水漫坝和溃坝,对电站建设和下游居民不会产生威胁。滑坡坝是稳定的,可以进行综合开发。这种计算方法对类似工程也有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

堰塞坝是由崩塌、滑坡等堵塞河道而形成的天然坝体。区别于人工坝,堰塞坝具有坝体结构松散、材料分布不均的特点,其一旦形成,极易在短时间内发生失稳破坏(漫顶溢流、渗流破坏及坝坡失稳),威胁下游群众的生命财产安全。堰塞坝的失稳破坏主要受到上游水位、坝体渗流及余震作用的影响,本文以唐家山堰塞坝为研究背景,基于通用有限元软件ABAQUS建立堰塞坝渗流及动力响应分析模型,研究堰塞坝在渗流及余震作用下的稳定性,并进一步分析渗流及坝体余震对堰塞坝溃坝模式的影响。研究结果表明,(1)唐家山堰塞坝坝体发生渗透破坏的可能性较小,但随着上游水位的上升,堰塞坝发生渗流破化的概率增大;(2)堰塞坝内部动力响应特征表现为沿坝高从上到下,坝体的加速度放大倍数逐渐减小,动力响应呈现明显的“表面放大”效应;(3)余震作用下,堰塞坝不会发生整体失稳破坏,但余震使得堰塞坝坝高降低,从而加速其发生漫顶溢流破坏。  相似文献   

龚泉  胡汉兵  饶锡保 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z2):829-832
云南某病险水库主坝在除险加固期间发生滑坡,分别从设计、施工和运行管理等方面对具体原因进行了深入分析,并介绍了针对性的处理措施,提出了一些有意义的结论,可供类似工程借鉴。  相似文献   

About 5400 cal yr BP, a large landslide formed a > 400-m-tall dam in the upper Marsyandi River, central Nepal. The resulting lacustrine and deltaic deposits stretched > 7 km upstream, reaching a thickness of 120 m. 14C dating of 7 wood fragments reveals that the aggradation and subsequent incision occurred remarkably quickly (∼ 500 yr). Reconstructed volumes of lacustrine (∼ 0.16 km3) and deltaic (∼ 0.09 km3) deposits indicate a bedload-to-suspended load ratio of 1:2, considerably higher than the ≤ 1:10 that is commonly assumed. At the downstream end of the landslide dam, the river incised a new channel through ≥ 70 m of Greater Himalayan gneiss, requiring a minimum bedrock incision rate of 13 mm/yr over last 5400 yr. The majority of incision presumably occurred over a fraction of this time, suggesting much higher rates. The high bedload ratio from such an energetic mountain river is a particularly significant addition to our knowledge of sediment flux in orogenic environments.  相似文献   

Lacustrine and alluvial terraces and sediments record the extent of at least two Holocene glacially dammed lakes immediately upstream of the Tsangpo River gorge at the eastern syntaxis of the Himalaya. The larger lake covered 2835 km2, with a maximum depth of 680 m and contained an estimated 832 km3 of water; the smaller lake contained an estimated 80 km3 of water. Radiocarbon dating of wood and charcoal yielded conventional radiocarbon ages of 8860 ± 40 and 9870 ± 50 14C yr B.P. for the higher set of lake terraces, and 1220 ± 40 and 1660 ± 40 14C yr B.P. for sediments from the lower terraces. Catastrophic failure of the glacial dams that impounded the lakes would have released outburst floods down the gorge of the Tsangpo River with estimated peak discharges of up to 1 to 5 × 106 m3 s−1. The erosive potential represented by the unit stream power calculated for the head of the gorge during such a catastrophic lake breakout indicates that post-glacial megafloods down the Tsangpo River were likely among the most erosive events in recent Earth history.  相似文献   

Assessment and inventory of landslide susceptibility are essential for the formulation of successful disaster mitigation plans. The objective of this study was to assess landslide susceptibility in relation to geo-diversity and its hydrological response in the Lesser Himalaya with a case study using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. The Dabka watershed, which constitutes a part of the Kosi Basin in the Lesser Himalaya, India, in the district of Nainital, has been selected for the case illustration. The study constitutes three GIS modules: geo-diversity informatics, hydro informatics and landslide informatics. Through the integration and superimposing of spatial data and attribute data of all three GIS modules, Landslide Susceptibility Index (LSI) has been prepared to identify the level of susceptibility for landslide hazards. This resonance study, carried out over a period of five years (2007–2011), found that areas of most stressed geo-diversity (comprising very steep slopes above 30°, geology of Lower Krol and Lariakanta formation, geomorphology of moist areas and debris sites, land use of barren land with a very high drainage frequency and spring density) have a high landslide susceptibility because of high rate of average runoff (33 l/s/km2), flood magnitude (307.28 l/s/km2), erosion (398 tons/km2) and landslide density (5–10 landslides/km2). The areas of least stressed geo-diversity (comprising gentle slopes below 10°, geology of Kailakhan and Siwalik formation, geomorphology of depositional terraces, land use of dense forest with low drainage frequency and spring density) have the lowest landslide susceptibility because of the low rate of average runoff (6.27 l/s/km2), flood magnitude (20.49 l/s/km2), erosion (65.80 tons/km2) and landslide density (1–2 landslides/km2).  相似文献   

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