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Based on the measured hydrological data from 1951 to 2008, the chain hydrological effect between Jingjiang River and Dongting Lake is analyzed by comparative method after the Three Gorges Project operation. The result indicates that 1) the scouring amount in Jingjiang River made up 78.9% of the total from Yichang to Chenglingji, and its average scouring intensity was higher than the latter; 2) the water and sand diversion rates at the three outlets of the Jingjiang River were reduced by 2.33% and 2.78% separately; 3) the proportion of multi-year average runoff and sediment through the three outlets in the total into the Dongting Lake decreased by 7.7% and 24.4% respectively; 4) in Dongting Lake, the speed of sediment accumulation was lowered by 26.7%, in flood season, the runoff amount was 20.2% less than the multi-year average value, leading to seasonal scarcity of water year by year. The former prolonged the lake life, while the latter induced droughts in summer and fall in successive years, shortage of drinking and industrial water, shipping insecurity, as well as ecological problems such as decrease of birds and quick increase of Microtus fortis; 5) The multi-year average values of sediment and flood transporting capacity at the lake outlet were respectively increased by 26.6% and 3.7%, the embankments were protected effectively. Then, to adapt to the new change of the river-lake relation, some suggestions were put forward, such as optimizing further operation program of the Three Gorges Reservoir, reexamining the idea of river and lake regulation, and maintaining connection of the river and the lake.  相似文献   

三峡水库调度运行初期荆江与洞庭湖区的水文效应   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
以1951-2008年实测水文资料为依据,运用对比方法,分析了三峡水库调度运行初期,荆江与洞庭湖区的连琐水文效应.结果表明:①莉江冲刷星占宜昌至城陵矶段的78.9%,其平均冲刷强度也远高于该河段;②三口分流比减少2.33%、分沙比减少2.78%;③三口多年平均入湖径流泥沙比依次减少7.7%及24.4%;④洞庭湖区淤积速率减缓26.7%、汛期水最较同期多年平均值偏少20.2%,使湖区连年季节性缺水,前者对延长湖泊寿命有利,后者酿成了连年性的夏秋连旱灾害、居民饮用水、生产用水和航运等水安全问题以及涉及到了珍禽鸟类数量和种类减少,东方田鼠种群数量极度膨胀等生态系统的稳定性;⑤湖口多年平均输沙泄洪能力增强了26.6%和3.7%,避免了溃垸决堤之灾.并认为,为适应新的江湖关系变化,必须进一步优化调整三峡水库调度运行方案,重新审视江湖治理的理念,维系江湖连通的纽带.  相似文献   

三峡工程建设背景下的洞庭湖区治水方略探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
贺清云  朱翔 《地理研究》2003,22(2):160-168
在长江三峡工程建设的大背景下,本文分析了洞庭湖区的水灾减灾机制,探讨了洞庭湖区的治水方略,提出应充分发挥三峡水库的调蓄功能,协调江湖关系,改善冲淤关系,加强水利工程建设,实现三峡水库与湖南四水水库的优化调度  相似文献   

三峡水库不同调度方式运行期洞庭湖区的水情响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用1951-2002 年典型年实测原型水文资料,对比分析2003-2010 年三峡水库不同调度方式运行期对洞庭湖区水情的影响,结果表明:(1) 影响时间为每年5 月25 日-6 月10 日、7 月1 日-8月31 日、9 月15 日-10 月31 日、12 月-次年4 月,其中枯期补水调度的影响不很敏感;(2) 预泄调度,平水年径流有所增加,平均水位、最高水位均有上升。丰、枯年影响期径流增加平均值40.25 ×108 m3;平均水位抬高平均值1.06 m,最高水位壅高平均值1.06 m;(3) 蓄洪调度,平水年洪水量稍有上涨,枯、丰年影响期洪水减少平均值444.02 × 108 m3,平均洪水位降低平均值2.64 m,最高洪水位降低平均值1.42 m;(4) 蓄水调度,除平水年影响期径流增加、水位稍有壅高外,枯、丰年影响期径流减少平均值185.27 × 108 m3,平均水位降低平均值3.13 m,最高水位降低平均值2.14 m;(5) 补水调度,平、丰年影响期径流减少平均值337.7 × 108 m3,平均水位降低平均值1.89 m,最高水位降低平均值2.39 m,但枯水年影响期径流量增加、平均水位与最高水位稍有抬高。关键词:长江三峡水库;调度方式;洞庭湖区;水情变化  相似文献   

Based on the field-survey prototype hydrology data in typical years,the effect dur-ing the running periods of different dispatch modes of the Three Gorges Reservoir on the water regimes in Dongting Lake area is comparatively analyzed.The results are shown as follows.(1) The influence periods are from 25 May to 10 June,from 1 July to 31 August,from 15 September to 31 October and from December to the next April,among which the influence of the water-supplement dispatch in the dry season is not very sensitive.(2) During the period under the pre-discharge dispatch,the runoff volume slightly increases as well as both the average water level and the highest water level rise in the usual year.While in the wet and dry years,the average increase in the runoff volume is 40.25×108 m3 and the average rises of the average water level and the highest water level are both 1.06 m.(3) As for the flood-storage dispatch,the flood volume increases slightly,in the dry and wet years,the flood volume,the average water level and the highest water level averagely reduce by 444.02×108 m3,2.64 m and 1.42 m respectively.(4) Under the water-storage dispatch,the runoff volume slightly in-creases and the water level heightens in a sort in the usual year.And in the dry and wet years,the average decreases in the runoff volume,the average water level and the highest water levels are respectively 185.27×108 m3,3.13 m and 2.14 m.(5) During the period under the water-supplement dispatch,the runoff volume,the average water level and the highest water levels averagely decline by 337.7×108 m3,1.89 m and 2.39 m respectively in the usual and wet years.However,in the dry year,the runoff volume increases as well as the average and highest water levels slightly go up.  相似文献   

三峡工程蓄水运行对鄱阳湖典型湿地植被的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以鄱阳湖1989~2009年10景秋季Landsat-TM影像为基础,对赣江主支口与饶河口交汇处三角洲和赣江南支口两处典型湿地进行了遥感解译,分析三峡工程运行后鄱阳湖典型湿地的演变趋势.结果表明:三峡工程蓄水运行之前,1989~2001年间鄱阳湖湿地草滩迅速蔓延,湿地正向演替趋势明显.距离湖口远近不同的湿地受三峡工程运...  相似文献   

洞庭湖与长江水体交换能力演变及对三峡水库运行的响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用洞庭湖区与长江干流相关控制站1951-2010 年实测水文数据, 在分析江湖水力关系的基础上, 从不同时间尺度分析江湖水体交换能力的演变特征及其对三峡水库运行的响应。结果表明:① 7-9 月长江荆南三口对洞庭湖的补给能力较强, 1-3 月洞庭湖对长江的补给能力较强;② 江湖水体交换系数具有明显的年代际波动, 其中1951-1958 年、1959-1968 年荆南三口对湖泊的补给能力较强, 而2003-2010 年湖泊对长江的补给能力增强;③ 三峡水库运行后无论是典型年还是在水库不同调度方式运行期, 三口分泄能力减弱, 入湖水量减少, 而因四水入湖水量占绝对优势, 湖泊对长江的补给能力明显增强;④ 尽管影响江湖水体交换能力的因素极为复杂, 但从总体上讲, 除受流域降水波动影响外, 江湖水体交换能力在不同时间尺度上的演变特征及其过程均随着江湖水体交换量的变化而变化, 说明江湖水体交换能力强度与江湖水体交换量之间存在着彼此消长的关系。  相似文献   

Wang  Hongyang  Lu  Yongjun  Yao  Shiming  Zuo  Liqin  Liu  Huaixiang 《地理学报(英文版)》2022,32(8):1530-1556
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Geomorphic dynamics of alluvial rivers in response to upstream damming have substantial impacts on navigation, habitat protection, and channel stability. The...  相似文献   

洞庭湖区湿地恢复的生态补偿效应评估   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
熊鹰  王克林  蓝万炼  齐恒 《地理学报》2004,59(5):772-780
洞庭湖是我国最大的淡水湖泊湿地景观生态系统之一,湿地资源丰富。但由于人类不同历史时期的围垦和不合理的开发利用,导致湖泊湿地生态系统严重退化,湿地面积大为减少。随着洞庭湖区按照国家“退田还湖,移民建镇”的整体战略部署,以及“4350”工程的实施,湖泊面积、湿地资源将会得以恢复。然而,退田还湖中移民农户为保护与恢复湿地,牺牲了部分利益,成为受损方。洞庭湖区湖泊湿地的退田还湖工程是恢复长江生态功能系统工程中一个很重要的子系统,工程能否顺利实施的关键在于退田还湖农民在其中损失的利益能否得到补偿,及其为生态恢复所作的贡献能否得到承认。作者在实地调查和试验的基础上,依据环境经济学原理和方法,对洞庭湖湿地恢复引起的湖区农户收益减少和一系列的湿地生态服务功能的恢复表现,进行了价值评估,由此得出湿地恢复应对湖区移民农户的生态补偿值。以湿地恢复的生态补偿评估为基础,探讨了评估方法与建立补偿机制重要性,以期实现“以人为本”的战略目标,也为顺利进行退田还湖的后期工作,广泛调动广大群众生态建设的积极性,为合理建立生态补偿机制提供参考。  相似文献   

By using field-survey hydrological data of the related control stations in Dongting Lake and the Yangtze River mainstream in 1951–2010, the evolution characters of water exchange abilities between the two water bodies and their response to the operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) from different time scales are analyzed based on their hydraulic relations. The results are shown as follows. Firstly, during July-September, the replenishment ability of Three Outlets to Dongting Lake is stronger, and in January-March, the replenishment ability of Dongting Lake to Yangtze River is stronger. Secondly, there has been an obvious inter-decadal wave on the water exchange coefficient between Dongting Lake and Yangtze River. In 1951–1958 and 1959–1968, the replenishment ability of Three Outlets to Dongting Lake was stronger, but in 2003–2010, the replenishment ability of Dongting Lake to Yangtze River has been strengthened. Thirdly, the spill-division ability of Three Outlets weakens, and the water of Dongting Lake coming from Three Outlets decreases either in typical years or under different dispatching modes of the TGR after the operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Furthermore, the water of Dongting Lake coming from Four Rivers takes the dominant position, which obviously enhances the replenishment ability of Dongting Lake to Yangtze River. Fourthly, if the effect of the runoff fluctuation in the basin is not considered, the evolution characters of the exchange capacities and the exchange process between Dongting Lake and Yangtze River in different time scales are generally changed with the variation of the water exchange amount between them, although the factors influencing the water exchange capacities between them is very complex. These show that there is an in-line growth or decline relation between the river-lake water exchange ability and the river-lake water exchange amount.  相似文献   

The research on the land use/cover change is one of the frontiers and the hot spots in the global change research. Based on the Chinese resource and environment spatial-temporal database, and using the Landsat TM and ETM data of 1990 and 2000 respectively, we analyzed the spatial-temporal characteristics of land use/cover changes in the Dongting Lake area during the last decade. The result shows that during the last ten years there were three land-use types that had changed remarkably. The cultivated land decreased by 0.57% of the total cultivated land. The built-up land and water area expanded, with an increase of 8.97% and 0.43% respectively. The conversion between land use types mostly happened among these three land-use types, especially frequently between cultivated land and water area. The land-use change speed of land-use type is different. Three cities experienced the greatest degree of land-use change among all the administrative districts, which means that the land use in these cities changed much quickly. The following changed area was the west and south of the Dongting Lake area. The slowest changed area is the north and east area.  相似文献   

The blocking or reversing effect of the downstream trunk river on its tributary lakes is an essential aspect of river-lake hydraulics. To measure how and the extent to which a trunk river can influence its tributary lakes, we made a case study in Changjiang River and one of its tributary lakes, Lake East Dongting (Lake ED) during a 35-year study period (1980–2014). Specifically, we investigated Lake ED’s discharge ability into Changjiang River using stage-discharge relationship curves, and hence the changes of the lake discharge ability under different hydrologic conditions of the Changjiang River. The results show that (1) the Changjiang River does exert a huge impact on the water regimes of Lake ED. And this impact varies seasonally. A variation of 3000 m3/s in Changjiang River’s runoff would change the lake water level by about 1.1 m in dry seasons, by 0.4 m in wet seasons, and by 0.6 m during severe summer floods. (2) Changes in the Changjiang River runoff triggered by the Three Gorges Dam since 2003 have led to dramatic water regime variations in Lake ED. Other factors, including reduction of lake inflow and the lake bed erosion, also exacerbated the water regime variations in Lake ED.  相似文献   

陈端吕  陈哲夫  彭保发 《地理研究》2018,37(9):1692-1703
土地利用生态服务价值体现了土地通过集约利用与空间优化所发挥生态效益的大小,可在一定程度上反映土地利用与与经济发展的协调关系。以西洞庭湖区为研究对象,在ArcGIS软件支持下,通过评价与分析生态服务价值变化,分析生态经济协调发展水平及其空间差异,探讨土地利用生态服务价值与区域经济发展的互动响应与耦合协调关系。研究表明:① 2000年以来西洞庭湖区土地利用生态服务价值呈下降趋势,2000年西洞庭湖区生态服务价值为1292.13×106元·a-1,2011年为953.03×106元·a-1,损失339.10×106元。② 从整个研究区来看,整个研究阶段处于低度冲突的县有6个,分别为常德市辖区、安乡县、汉寿县、澧县、临澧县、津市市,只有桃源县处于潜在危机状态。从数量上看,整个区域内大多为冲突状态,区域在经济发展中存在的潜在危机较大。③ 从空间分异来看,2008年与2011年土地利用生态经济协调度基本上为低度冲突状态,需采取生态服务供给恢复与重建措施,控制生态服务消费需求的过快增长。整个区域只有桃源县与汉寿县由不协调转换为协调状态,主要原因是森林覆盖率相对较高,林地类型面积大,水土保持与水源涵养生态服务功能较强,提高了生态服务价值。  相似文献   

三峡水库运行下洞庭湖盆冲淤过程响应与水沙调控阈值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以1951-2011 年洞庭湖区及荆江段干流主要控制站实测径流输沙量资料为依据,分析三峡水库不同蓄水阶段及不同调度方式下洞庭湖盆冲/淤响应,并提出上游来水来沙调控阈值。结果表明:① 荆南三(四)口流量与枝城站流量、荆南三(四)口输沙率存在极显著正相关(p < 0.0001),决定系数r2分别为0.859 及0.895。② 与三峡水库蓄水运用前(1999-2002)相比,一、二期蓄水阶段及全面试验性蓄水阶段(2008.10-2011.12)洞庭湖盆年均冲淤量由+4796.4×104 t 依次递减为+684.1×104 t、+449.8×104 t 及-559.6×104 t,湖盆冲淤率由+70.25%分别降至+31.13%、+23.56%及-42.64%。③ 预泄调度及蓄水调度期,湖盆泥沙均由以淤积为主转变为以冲刷为主,防洪补偿调度期湖盆泥沙表现为淤积,而在补水调度运用期则表现为冲刷。④ 洞庭湖盆处于冲/淤临界平衡状态时的荆南三口平均流量、输沙率及含沙量分别为970.81 m3/s、466.82 kg/s 及0.481 kg/m3。并认为,为增强湖泊调蓄功能,必须进一步优化三峡水库调度方式,合理调控下泄水沙量。  相似文献   

近10年洞庭湖区土地利用变化时空特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The research on the land use/cover change is one of the frontiers and the hot spots in the global change research. Based on the Chinese resource and environment spatial-temporal database,and using the Landsat TM and ETM data of 1990 and 2000 respectively, we analyzed the spatial-temporal characteristics of land use/cover changes in the Dongting Lake area during the last decade. The result shows that during the last ten years there were three land-use types that had changed remarkably. The cultivated land decreased by 0.57% of the total cultivated land. The built-up land and water area expanded, with an increase of 8.97% and 0.43% respectively. The conversion between land use types mostly happened among these three land-use types, especially frequently between cultivated land and water area. The land-use change speed of land-use type is different. Three cities experienced the greatest degree of land-use change among all the administrative districts, which means that the land use in these cities changed much quickly. The following changed area was the west and south of the Dongting Lake area. The slowest changed area is the north and east area.  相似文献   

该文分析三峡工程对长江三峡旅游资源、旅游交通和旅游线路变化的影响 ,指出三峡工程是促进长江三峡旅游空间格局演变的主导因素 ,预测长江三峡旅游空间格局演变趋势 ,针对即将产生的长江三峡旅游空间新格局 ,提出若干对策建议。  相似文献   

Eco-compensation is an environmental economic instrument for internalization of external cost. Returning farmland to lake is one of the important parts of restoring wetland ecosystem function in the Yangtze River Valley of China. Whether the project of lake recovery can be successful depends on the compensation to the farmers who have lost their original benefits and contributed to the wetland ecosystem recovery by returning farmland to lake. Aiming at the wetland recovery of the Dongting Lake, the practical implementation of programs of the lake recovery and flood control in this area has been challenged by the heavy task of population resettlement, so it is an ideal area for case studies to reach the academic objectives proposed as the above. Based on field survey and experimentation, this research evaluated the benefit losses of the resettled farmers and the increased values of ecosystem service functions caused by wetland recovery, and furthermore, the value of eco-compensation for relocated farmers was calculated by considering the combination of the farmers’ compensation appeal. The value of eco-compensation for relocated farmers in the Dongting Lake area was 6084.5 yuan per household by synthetic analysis of the effects on wetland ecosystem restoration. Moreover, this article took Dongting Lake area as a case to study and explore the basic issues of the eco-compensation by returning farmland to lake, that was who should pay, who should be paid, how much the payment was and what the payment means was, which sought the mechanisms of wetland restoration eco-compensation and prompted the people’s enthusiasms for ecological restoration.  相似文献   

为分析荆南三口河系水位演变规律与江湖水量交换关系。依据1956—2017年荆南三口、湖南四水、洞庭湖城陵矶站以及长江干流枝城站月平均水位及流量和该流域8个雨量站的降水数据,运用Mann-Kendall趋势检验法、回归分析、流量年特征值等方法研究了三口水位的时序演变特征及其与流量、降水、江湖水量交换、人类活动的关系。结果表明:① 与阶段一(1956—1966年)相比,阶段二(1967—1980年)、三(1981—2002年)、四(2003—2017年)河系年平均水位、年最高水位分别下降0.74 m、0.37 m,年最低水位上升0.07 m;② 在涨(4—5月)、丰(6—9月)、退(10—11月)、枯(12月—次年3月)四个水文节点上,最低水位降幅最大(-0.98 m),平均水位次之(-0.78 m),最高水位最小(0.55 m),并将其降幅按水文节点排序依次为退水期(-0.95 m)>丰水期(-0.61 m)>涨水期(-0.21 m)>枯水期(0.15 m);③ 河系水位变化与其流量变化有着较好的一致性(二者的相关系数r =0.65),与降水量相关性较弱(r =-0.16),但2002—2017年相对干旱的气候加剧了河系水位的下降。从总体上看,长江枝城来水量减少和以水利工程为代表的人类活动方式是导致荆南三口河系特征水位下降的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   

洞庭湖区湿地恢复的生态补偿效应(英文)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Eco-compensation is an environmental economic instrument for internalization of external cost.Returning farmland to lake is one of the important parts of restoring wetland ecosystem function in the Yangtze River Valley of China.Whether the project of lake recovery can be successful depends on the compensation to the farmers who have lost their original benefits and contributed to the wetland ecosystem recovery by returning farmland to lake.Aiming at the wetland recovery of the Dongting Lake,the practical im...  相似文献   

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