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《Basin Research》2018,30(Z1):532-549
The Podolia region is located along the western border of the Eastern European Craton, which is also known as Ukrainian Shield. From the Ordovician to the Miocene, this area formed part of an epicontinental basin system. In order to investigate the effects of orogenic cycles occurring along the plate margin, a multi‐disciplinary approach was used in this study. Paleotemperature analysis and low‐temperature thermochronometry were combined with stratigraphic data to obtain a burial model for the Paleozoic succession exposed in the study area. Maximum burial for Silurian and Devonian rocks occurred during the Devonian and Early Carboniferous at depths of 4–5 km, as constrained by vitrinite reflectance and illite content in mixed illite‐smectite layers. Thermochronometric data indicate that exhumation through the 45–120 °C temperature range took place between the Late Triassic and the Early Jurassic, and that no significant burial occurred afterwards (temperatures characterising the stratigraphically lowermost units remaining below ca. 60 °C). These results point to a major exhumation event coeval with the Cimmerian orogenesis, which took place a few hundreds of kilometres away from the study area. On the other hand, no significant effect of the Alpine orogenesis was recorded, although the collisional front was located <100 km from the Podolia region. This work shows how paleothermal and thermochronometric analyses can be successfully integrated with stratigraphic data to reconstruct the burial history, and how the burial history of a basin located on a plate margin can, in some cases, be independent from the distance of the margin from the collisional fronts.  相似文献   

A succession of depositional sequences, recording middle-late Pleistocene and Holocene glacial–interglacial cycles, documents the impact of short-term tectonic deformation on the western Adriatic margin. The western Adriatic margin is part of the Apennine foreland which was intensely, though variably, deformed during the Meso-Cenozoic evolution of the Adriatic region from a passive margin to a foreland basin. The study area extends offshore Gargano Promontory, an uplifted sector of the Adriatic foreland, and includes three major deformation belts located along or cross-strike to the margin: (1) the NW-SE Gallignani-Pelagosa ridge, (2) the WSW-ENE Tremiti-Pianosa high (both located north of Gargano) and (3) the W-E to NW-SE Gondola fault deformation belt (in the south Adriatic). Long-term deformation along these tectonic lineaments is documented on conventional low-frequency seismic profiles by regional folds and faults affecting Eocene–Miocene units overlain by dominantly draping Plio-Quaternary deposits. At this scale of observation, only north of Gargano Promontory there is some evidence of Plio-Quaternary units thinning against structural highs, thus suggesting that tectonic deformation was protracted through this interval. Based on new high-resolution seismic data, we show that deformation along these pre-existing tectonic structures continued during the Quaternary, affecting middle-late Pleistocene and even Holocene units on the shelf and upper slope north and south of Gargano Promontory. These recent deformations consist of gentle folds and high-angle faults, locally producing topographic relief that affects the stratigraphy and thickness of syn-tectonic deposits. We interpret the small-scale, shallow faults and gentle folds affecting middle-late Pleistocene and Holocene deposits, north and south Gargano Promontory, as the evidence of ongoing foreland deformation along inherited regional fold and fault systems.  相似文献   

This study undertakes a multi‐disciplinary approach (sedimentology, carbon isotopes, magnetic susceptibility and thickness distribution) to improve understanding of a major Palaeozoic carbonate platform, the Frasnian platform of Belgium. These combined techniques are used to reconstruct the platform history, which evolved in two main steps. During the first phase, the basin was strongly influenced by faulting, producing notable thickness and facies variations, with open ocean conditions, with good water circulation and no/or limited barrier reef. The second phase of platform development was less influenced by differential subsidence, as indicated by homogeneous facies distribution. However, this platform developed under restricted waters, with low circulation which is likely related to the development of a barrier reef.  相似文献   

During the Messinian—Pleistocene, the Peninsular Tyrrhenian margin underwent a NE—SW orientated stretching regime, with the formation of a NW—SE normal fault system and basins which are linked by NE—SW transfer fault zones. These fault zones border narrow and deep asymmetric basins. This paper uses geological and geophysical analysis (structural and stratigraphical data, seismic lines and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) data) to look at the evolution of one of these transfer-related basins, located south of Rome (Ardea basin). Comparison with other similar features indicates that the common characteristics of these transfer structures are: (i) the slip vector along the transfer fault is mostly dip-slip, which means that the local extensional direction is orthogonal to the regional extensional direction; (ii) development of a narrow and deep half-graben basin.  相似文献   

Multichannel high‐resolution seismic data along the northwestern margin of the Great Bahama Bank (GBB), Bahamas, detail the internal geometry and depositional history of a Neogene‐Quaternary carbonate slope‐to‐basin area. The stratigraphic architecture through this period evolves from (i) a mud‐dominated slope apron during the Miocene, (ii) a debris‐dominated base‐of‐slope apron during the Late Pliocene and then (iii) return to a slope apron with very short prograding clinoformal aprons during the Pleistocene. This geometric evolution was broadly constrained by the development of the Santaren Drift by bottom current since the Langhian. The drift expands along the northwestern GBB slope, forming a continuous correlative massive feature that shows successive phases of growth and retreat and influenced the downslope sediments distribution. Indeed, Late Pliocene deposits are confined into the moat, forming a strike‐continuous coarse debrites belt along the mid‐slope, preventing their free expansion into the basin. The occurrence of basinal drift that operated since 15 Ma showed a significant upslope growth around 3.6 Ma and is interpreted as resulting from the closure of the Central American Seaway which also coincides with a global oceanographic re‐organization and climate changes in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Sedimentary basins in the interior of orogenic plateaus can provide unique insights into the early history of plateau evolution and related geodynamic processes. The northern sectors of the Iranian Plateau of the Arabia–Eurasia collision zone offer the unique possibility to study middle–late Miocene terrestrial clastic and volcaniclastic sediments that allow assessing the nascent stages of collisional plateau formation. In particular, these sedimentary archives allow investigating several debated and poorly understood issues associated with the long‐term evolution of the Iranian Plateau, including the regional spatio‐temporal characteristics of sedimentation and deformation and the mechanisms of plateau growth. We document that middle–late Miocene crustal shortening and thickening processes led to the growth of a basement‐cored range (Takab Range Complex) in the interior of the plateau. This triggered the development of a foreland‐basin (Great Pari Basin) to the east between 16.5 and 10.7 Ma. By 10.7 Ma, a fast progradation of conglomerates over the foreland strata occurred, most likely during a decrease in flexural subsidence triggered by rock uplift along an intraforeland basement‐cored range (Mahneshan Range Complex). This was in turn followed by the final incorporation of the foreland deposits into the orogenic system and ensuing compartmentalization of the formerly contiguous foreland into several intermontane basins. Overall, our data suggest that shortening and thickening processes led to the outward and vertical growth of the northern sectors of the Iranian Plateau starting from the middle Miocene. This implies that mantle‐flow processes may have had a limited contribution toward building the Iranian Plateau in NW Iran.  相似文献   

A basin‐scale, integrated approach, including sedimentological, geomorphological and soil data, enables the reliable reconstruction of the infilling history of the southern Apenninic foredeep, with its subsequent inclusion in the wedge‐top of the foreland basin system. An example is shown from the Molise‐Apulian Apennines (Southern Italy), between Trigno and Fortore rivers, where the Pleistocene tectono‐sedimentary evolution of the basin is framed into a sequence‐stratigraphic scheme. Specifically, within the traditional subdivision into Quaternary marine (Qm) and Quaternary continental (Qc) depositional cycles, five third‐order depositional sequences (Qm1, Qm2, Qc1, Qc2 and Qc3) are identified based on recognition of four major stratigraphic discontinuities. The lower sequence boundaries are represented by angular unconformities or abrupt facies shifts and are generally associated with distinctive pedological and geomorphological features. Three paleosols, observed at top of depositional sequences Qm2, Qc1 and Qc2, represent pedostratigraphic markers that can be tracked basinwide. The geomorphological response to major tectono‐sedimentary events is marked by a series of paleosurfaces with erosional, depositional and complex characteristics. Detailed investigation of the relationships between stratigraphic architecture and development of unconformities, paleosols and paleosurfaces suggests that the four sequence boundaries were formed in response to four geomorphological phases/tectonic events which affected the basin during the Quaternary. The first three tectonic events (Lower‐Middle Pleistocene), marking the lower boundaries of sequences Qm2, Qc1 and Qc2, respectively, are interpreted to be related to the tectonic regime that characterized the last phase of thrusting recorded in the Southern Apennines. In contrast, sequence Qc3 does not display evidence of thrust tectonics and accumulated as a result of a phase of regional uplift starting with the Middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   

At high‐latitude continental margins, large‐scale submarine sliding has been an important process for deep‐sea sediment transfer during glacial and interglacial periods. Little is, however, known about the importance of this process prior to the arrival of the ice sheet on the continental shelf. Based on new two‐dimensional seismic data from the NW Barents Sea continental margin, this study documents the presence of thick and regionally extensive submarine slides formed between 2.7 and 2.1 Ma, before shelf‐edge glaciation. The largest submarine slide, located in the northern part of the Storfjorden Trough Mouth Fan (TMF), left a scar and is characterized by an at least 870‐m‐thick interval of chaotic to reflection‐free seismic facies interpreted as debrites. The full extent of this slide debrite 1 is yet unknown but it has a mapped areal distribution of at least 10.7 × 103 km2 and it involved >4.1 × 10km3 of sediments. It remobilized a larger sediment volume than one of the largest exposed submarine slides in the world – the Storegga Slide in the Norwegian Sea. In the southern part of the Storfjorden TMF and along the Kveithola TMF, the seismic data reveal at least four large‐scale slide debrites, characterized by seismic facies similar to the slide debrite 1. Each of them is ca. 295‐m thick, covers an area of at least 7.04 × 103 km2 and involved 1.1 × 10km3 of sediments. These five submarine slide debrites represent approximately one quarter of the total volume of sediments deposited during the time 2.7–1.5 Ma along the NW Barents Sea. The preconditioning factors for submarine sliding in this area probably included deposition at high sedimentation rate, some of which may have occurred in periods of low eustatic sea‐level. Intervals of weak contouritic sediments might also have contributed to the instability of part of the slope succession as these deposits are known from other parts of the Norwegian margin and elsewhere to have the potential to act as weak layers. Triggering was probably caused by seismicity associated with the nearby and active Knipovich spreading ridge and/or the old tectonic lineaments within the Spitsbergen Shear Zone. This seismicity is inferred to be the main influence of the large‐scale sliding in this area as this and previous studies have documented that sliding have occurred independently of climatic variations, i.e. both before and during the period of ice sheets repeatedly covering the continental shelf.  相似文献   

Quartz‐rich sandstones can be produced through multiple sedimentary processes, potentially acting in combination, such as extensive sedimentary recycling or intense chemical weathering. Determining the provenance of such sedimentary rocks can be challenging due to low amounts of accessory minerals, the fact that the primary mineralogy may have been altered during transport, storage or burial and difficulties in the recognition of polycyclic components. This study uses zircon and apatite U‐Pb geochronology, apatite trace elements, zircon‐tourmaline‐rutile indices and petrographic observations to investigate the sedimentary history of mineralogically mature mid‐Carboniferous sandstones of the Tullig Cyclothem, Clare Basin, western Ireland. The provenance data show that the sandstones have been dominantly and ultimately sourced from three basement terranes: older Laurentian‐ associated rocks (ca. 900–2500 Ma) which lay to the north of the basin, peri‐Gondwanan terranes (ca. 500–700 Ma) to the south and igneous intrusive rocks associated with the Caledonian Orogenic Cycle (ca. 380–500 Ma). However, the multi‐proxy approach also helps constrain the sedimentary history and suggests that not all grain populations were derived directly from their original source. Grains with a Laurentian or a Caledonian affinity have likely been recycled through Devonian basins to the south. Grains with a peri‐Gondwanan affinity appear to be first cycle and are potentially derived from south/southwest of the basin. Taken as a whole, these data are consistent with input into the basin from the south and southwest, with the reworking of older sedimentary rocks, rather than intensive first‐cycle chemical weathering, likely explaining the compositional maturity of the sandstones. This study highlights the need for a multi‐proxy provenance approach to constrain sedimentary recycling, particularly in compositionally mature sandstones, as the use of zircon geochronology alone would have led to erroneous provenance interpretations. Zircon, together with U‐Pb geochronology from more labile phases such as apatite, can help distinguish first‐cycle versus polycyclic detritus.  相似文献   

Landslide hazard assessment, effected by means of geostatistical methods, is based on the analysis of the relationships between landslides and the spatial distributions of some instability factors. Frequently such analyses are based on landslide inventories in which each record represents the entire unstable area and is managed as a single instability landform. In this research, landslide susceptibility is evaluated through the study of a variety of instability landforms: landslides, scarps and areas uphill from crown. The instability factors selected were: bedrock lithology, steepness, topographic wetness index and stream power index. The instability landform densities computed for all the factors, which were arranged in Unique Condition Unit, allowed us to derive a total of three prediction images for each landslide typology. The role of the instability factors and the effects generated by the use of different landforms were analyzed by means of: a) bivariate analysis of the relationships between factors and landslide density; b) predictive power validations of the prediction images, based on a random partition strategy.The test area was the Iato River Basin (North-Western Sicily), whose slopes are moderately involved in flow and rotational slide landslides (219 and 28, respectively). The area is mainly made up of the following complexes: Numidian Flysch clays (19%, 1%), Terravecchia sandy clays (5%, 1%), Terravecchia clayey sands (3%, 0.3%) and San Cipirello marly clays (9%, 0%). The steepness parameter shows the highest landslide density in the [11–19°] class for both the typologies (8%, 1%), even if the density distributions for rotational slides are right-asymmetric and right-shifted. We obtained significant differences in shape when we used different instability landforms. Unlike scarps and areas uphill from crowns, landslide areas produce left-asymmetric and left-shifted density distributions for both the typologies. As far as the topographic wetness index is concerned, much more pronounced differences were detected among the instability landforms of rotational slides. In contrast, the flow landslides produce normal-like density distributions. The latter and the rotational slide landslide areas produce the highest density values in the class [5.5–6.7], despite an abrupt decreasing trend starting from the first class [3.2–4.4], which is generated by the density values of the rotational slide scarps and areas uphill from crowns. The stream power index at the foot of the slopes, which was automatically derived using a GIS-procedure, shows a positive correlation with the landslide densities marked by the maximum classes: [4.8–6.0] for flows, and [6.0–7.2] for rotational slides. The validation procedure results confirmed that the choice of instability landform influences the results of the susceptibility analysis. Furthermore, the validation procedure indicates that: a) the predictive models are generally satisfactory; b) scarps and zones uphill from crown areas are the most diagnostically unstable landforms, for flow and rotational slide landslides respectively.  相似文献   

Seismic and stratigraphic data of the inland Volterra Basin and of the Tuscan Shelf (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea) have been analysed to determine the tectono-sedimentary evolution of this part of the Northern Apennines from the early Miocene (about 20 Ma) to the present. The area is a good example for better understanding the evolution of postcollisional related basins. The study area is characterized by a series of sedimentary basins separated by tectonic ridges. Similar environmental conditions existed both onshore and offshore as indicated by the occurrence of similar seismic units. The units are separated by major unconformities. The cross-sectional geometries of the deposits of these basins, as defined through seismic reflection profiles, change in a quasi-regular manner through time and space. Early stages (late Burdigalian to early Tortonian) of evolution of the basins are marked by either flat-lying deposits, quasi-uniform in thickness, probably remnants of originally wider and shallow settings, or, in places, by relatively small bowl-shaped basins. The latter may have been strongly affected by the pre-existing topography and tectonics, as they developed at or near the leading edges of pre-Neogene substrate thrusts. These early deposits represent sedimentation during a transitional period from the end of compressional tectonics to the start of an extensional phase and represent a pre-narrow rift stage of evolution of the region. The subsequent stage of tectonic evolution (late Tortonian to early Messinian), where preserved, is recorded by fault-bounded triangular-shaped basins interpreted as half-grabens. This is one of the periods of major development of narrow rifts in the area. The following stage (late Messinian to Early Pliocene) is marked by variable types of basins, showing wide and deep bowl-shaped geometries persistent in the offshore, whereas inshore (Volterra Basin) they alternate with half-graben, synrift deposits. This period thus represents a transitional stage where part of the system is still affected by synrift sedimentation and part is developing into incipient post-rift conditions. This stage was followed in early to middle Pliocene times by wide bowl-shaped to blanket-type deposits both in offshore and in inshore areas, indicating regional post-rifting conditions. The pre-, syn- and post-rift stages have followed each other through time and space, starting first in the westernmost offshore area and shifting later toward the east, inshore.  相似文献   

The Corinth rift (Greece) is one of the world's most active rifts. The early Plio‐Pleistocene rift is preserved in the northern Peloponnese peninsula, south of the active Corinth rift. Although chronostratigraphic resolution is limited, new structural, stratigraphic and sedimentological data for an area >400 km2 record early rift evolution in three phases separated by distinct episodes of extension rate acceleration and northward fault migration associated with major erosion. Minimum total N–S extension is estimated at 6.4–7.7 km. The earliest asymmetrical, broad rift accommodated slow extension (0.6–1 mm a?1) over >3 Myrs and closed to the west. North‐dipping faults with throws of 1000–2200 m defined narrow blocks (4–7 km) with little footwall relief. A N‐NE flowing antecedent river system infilled significant inherited relief (Lower group). In the earliest Pleistocene, significant fluvial incision coincided with a 15 km northward rift margin migration. Extension rates increased to 2–2.5 mm a?1. The antecedent rivers then built giant Gilbert‐type fan deltas (Middle group) north into a deepening lacustrine/marine basin. N‐dipping, basin margin faults accommodated throws <1500 m. Delta architecture records initiation, growth and death of this fault system over ca. 800 ka. In the Middle Pleistocene, the rift margin again migrated 5 km north. Extension rate increased to 3.4–4.8 mm a?1. This transition may correspond to an unconformity in offshore lithostratigraphy. Middle group deltas were uplifted and incised as new hangingwall deltas built into the Gulf (Upper group). A final increase to present‐day extension rates (11–16 mm a?1) probably occurred in the Holocene. Fault and fault block dimensions did not change significantly with time suggesting control by crustal rheological layering. Extension rate acceleration may be due to strain softening or to regional tectonic factors.  相似文献   

This is the first sedimentologic and stratigraphic attempt to demonstrate Jurassic subduction-induced basin-filling processes in the early stage of the western Circum-Pacific orogeny. The Chungnam Basin in western Korea was filled with a Lower to Middle Jurassic nonmarine succession, the Nampo Group, whose deposition postdated the Triassic final assembly of Chinese continental blocks. The Nampo Group consists of two repeated, fining- to coarsening-upward alluvio-lacustrine sequences, separated by an interval of thick breccia–gravel progradation deposits and its related strong proximal unconformities. No temporal variation in the degree of chemical weathering, along with the predominance of coals and a tropic to subtropic paleoflora, reveals little or no climate fluctuations during deposition of the Nampo Group. The observed relationships provide a record of sedimentation most likely controlled by temporal variations of tectonically driven sediment flux. Such syntectonic sedimentation of the Chungnam Basin occurred at a convergent margin of continental-arc setting during the Daebo orogeny, synchronous with the early subduction of the western paleo-Pacific ocean that resulted in formation of an accretionary complex along the East Asian continental margin during Jurassic time. Hence, synorogenic deposition in the Chungnam Basin is interpreted as sedimentary response to subduction–accretion of the western paleo-Pacific plate.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT During the Eocene in the Corbières–Minervois foreland basin, southern France, there was a transition from marine carbonate to fluvial–lacustrine sedimentation. This evolution took place in six depositional sequences, the first controlled by a eustatic rise or flexural downwarping, then following under compressive tectonic conditions. The second to the fourth sequences show marine to marshy, mainly carbonate sediments with a transgressive–regressive evolution, while the last two comprise terrigenous and carbonate continental sediments. The tectonic evolution is marked by blind fault-propagation folds which deformed the basin during the Ilerdian–Cuisian. A paroxysmal compressive tectonic phase occurred at the Bartonian when the ancient blind thrusts started to emerge. A model for the evolution of the basin is presented, involving the northward propagation of structural culminations, which focused shallow water or emergent conditions, and structural lows in which deeper water sedimentation took place. The diachronous migration of these structural zones can be constrained from the high biostratigraphic resolution of the foreland basin fill.  相似文献   

The interpretation of geodetic data in volcanic areas is usually based on analytical deformation models. Although numerical finite element (FE) modelling allows realistic features such as topography and crustal heterogeneities to be included, the technique is not computationally convenient for solving inverse problems using classical methods. In this paper, we develop a general tool to perform inversions of geodetic data by means of 3-D FE models. The forward model is a library of numerical displacement solutions, where each entry of the library is the surface displacement due to a single stress component applied to an element of the grid. The final solution is a weighted combination of the six stress components applied to a single element-source. The pre-computed forward models are implemented in a global search algorithm, followed by an appraisal of the sampled solutions. After providing extended testing, we apply the method to model the 1993–1997 inflation phase at Mt Etna, documented by GPS and EDM measurements. We consider four different forward libraries, computed in models characterized by homogeneous/heterogeneous medium and flat/topographic free surface. Our results suggest that the elastic heterogeneities of the medium can significantly alter the position of the inferred source, while the topography has minor effect.  相似文献   

Integrated analysis and modelling of apatite fission track with vitrinite reflectance (VR) data allows the timing, magnitude and pattern of Palaeogene subsidence and Neogene inversion to be established for an uplifted and largely denuded basin: the Buller Coalfield, New Zealand. At the time of maximum subsidence in the late Oligocene, the basin consisted of an extensional half graben, bounded to the west by the Kongahu Fault Zone (KFZ), with up to 6 km of upper Eocene to Oligocene section adjacent to it; currently, only a few tens of metres of basal coal measures on basement are preserved on top of a range 800–1000 m above sea level. Integrated modelling of the VR and fission track data show that the deepest parts of the basin were inverted during two Miocene compressional phases (24–19 Ma and 13–8 Ma), and are consistent with a further phase of inversion during the Quaternary that formed the present topography. Palinspastic restoration of the three phases of inversion shows that the basin was not inverted in a simple way: most of the rock uplift/denudation adjacent to the KFZ occurred during the early Miocene phase, and at the same time burial occurred in the south-eastern part of the basin (maximum temperatures were experienced at different times at different places in the basin); during the middle to late Miocene there was broad uplift in the central and eastern parts of the coalfield. Because the timing and magnitude of uplift have been derived from the zone of inversion, they can be compared independently with the timing of unconformity development and rapid subsidence in the adjacent foredeeps, particularly the Westport Trough. For the middle to late Miocene phase of inversion, we show that during the first 1–2 million years of compression, the uplift within the coalfield also involved the margins of the Westport Trough, contributing to unconformity development; subsequently, uplift continued on the inversion structure but the margins of the Westport Trough subsided rapidly. This is explained by a model of stick slip behaviour on the boundary faults, especially for the KFZ. When compression started the fault zone has locked and uplift extends into the basin, whereas subsequently the fault zone unlocks, and the inversion structure overrides the basin margin, thereby loading it and causing subsidence.  相似文献   

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