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高分辨率的古地磁场长期变(Paleomagnetic Secular Variation,简称PSV)和相对古强度(Relative Paleomagnetic Intensity,简称RPI)研究是解决全新世湖泊研究定年难题的有效途径之一,也能为认识区域古地磁场的变化提供不可或缺的基础数据。然而,目前我国中部地区仍缺少年代序列可靠、时间分辨率在百年尺度的全新世PSV和RPI记录。先前的研究显示山西宁武公海全新世岩芯具有稳定的粉砂质粘土湖泊沉积,并通过25个(本文在全新世时段用到18个)陆生植物残体AMS 14C测年建立了可靠的高分辨率年代序列,为重建高质量的全新世PSV和RPI记录提供了良好条件。本文通过特征剩磁磁倾角的变化建立了PSV序列,利用磁化率(χ)、非磁滞剩磁(ARM)、饱和等温剩磁(SIRM)等环境磁学参数对特征剩磁强度(NRM25mT)进行归一化,估算了RPI变化序列。结果表明,公海全新世湖泊沉积物的PSV和RPI记录与北半球其他湖泊和海洋记录具有较好的一致性,同时存在着显著的区域差异,可以作为我国中部地区湖泊沉积的对比曲线。


The Holocene paleoclimate of the Caucasus region is rather complex and not yet well understood: while existing studies are mainly based on pollen records from high-altitude and humid lowland regions, no records are available from the semi-humid to semi-arid south-eastern Caucasian lowlands. Therefore, this study investigated compound-specific δ2H and δ13C isotopes of leaf wax biomarkers from Holocene floodplain soils in eastern Georgia. Our results show that the leaf wax δ2H signal from the paleosols mostly reflects changes in the moisture source and its isotopic composition. Depleted δ2H values before ~8 cal ka bp change towards enriched values after ~5 cal ka bp and become again depleted after ~1.6 cal ka bp. This trend could be caused by Holocene changes of the isotopic compositions of the Black and eastern Mediterranean Sea, and/or by varying contribution of both moisture sources linked with the North Atlantic Oscillation. The leaf wax δ13C signal from the paleosols directly indicates varying local water availability and drought stress. Depleted δ13C values before ~8 and after ~5 cal ka bp indicate wetter local conditions with higher water availability, whereas more enriched values during the middle Holocene (~8 until at least 5 cal ka bp ) indicate drier conditions with increased drought stress.  相似文献   

通过对冲绳海槽北部沉积物柱状样S9进行AMS 14C 测年和粒度分析,获取了全新世以来高分辨率的古环境演化记录.结果显示,千年尺度上,S9柱粒度组成呈现明显的两段式变化特征:10.5~8.0ka B.P.,平均粒径逐渐变粗并达到最高值,粉砂含量逐渐增加并达到最高值; 8.0~1.0ka B.P.,沉积物平均粒径呈现递减的趋势,粘土含量相对增加.S9柱粒度千年尺度上变化与区域海平面变化密切相关,显示了海平面对区域物质输运的控制作用.7.5ka B.P. 以来,海平面趋于稳定,粒度特征呈现出百年尺度上波动.S9柱粒度变化参数与源区指示季风降雨量石笋记录的 δ18O具有良好的相关性,7.5ka B.P. 以来持续减小的平均粒径对应持续减弱的区域夏季风降雨.此外,S9柱记录了约8.2ka B.P.,6.5ka B.P.,4.2ka B.P. 以及3.8ka B.P. 等多期粒度显著变细的百年尺度的气候事件,对应了区域季风降雨的减少时期.S9柱粒度组成信息揭示了全新世以来区域海平面变化及季风降雨的强弱对冲绳海槽沉积物组成的影响,同时也为利用海洋沉积物来重建区域季风降雨提供了有力的手段.  相似文献   

This paper reexamines the stratigraphy, sources, and paleoclimatic significance of Holocene Bignell Loess in the central Great Plains. A broadly similar sequence of loess depositional units and paleosols was observed in thick Bignell Loess sections up to 300 km apart, suggesting that these sections record major regional changes in the balance between dust deposition and pedogenesis. New optical ages, together with previously reported radiocarbon ages, indicate Bignell Loess deposition began 9000–11,000 yr ago and continued into the late Holocene; some Bignell Loess is <1000 yr old. There is little evidence that Holocene Loess was derived from flood plain sources, as previously proposed. Instead, thick Bignell Loess occurs mainly near the downwind margins of inactive dune fields, particularly atop escarpments facing the dunes. Thus, the immediate loess source was dust produced when the dunes were active. Previous work indicates that widespread episodes of dune activity are likely to have resulted from drier-than-present climatic conditions. The regionally coherent stratigraphy of Bignell Loess can be interpreted as a near-continuous record of climatically driven variation in dune field activity throughout the Holocene.  相似文献   

A geochemical and paleontological reconstruction of paleoproductivity, upwelling intensity and sea surface temperature (SST) off central Chile at 35°S (GeoB3359-3) reveals marked changes from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) through the Early Holocene. Surface-water productivity was determined by the interaction between the atmospheric (the Southern Westerlies) and oceanographic (the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, ACC) systems from the LGM through early Termination I (TI). The northward shift of the climate zones during the LGM brought the ACC, as the main macronutrient source, closer to the GeoB3359-3, SST lowered, and surface water productivity and accumulation rates of biogenic components enhanced. With the poleward return of the Southern Westerlies and the ACC, the subtropical high-pressure system became the dominant atmospheric component southward till 35°S during the late TI and Early Holocene and caused surface water productivity to increase through enhanced upwelling.  相似文献   

Ombrotrophic mires can provide records of palaeoclimate over the mid- to late- Holocene in several areas of the world. Their potential is currently partly limited by difficulties with scaling indices based on plant macrofossils and humification, and the need to account for the internal variability of the mire system. This paper explores the use of testate amoebae analysis as a third technique and assesses the minimum within-site variability by comparing results from two closely spaced cores. Reconstruction of surface wetness changes was carried out on cores from the centre of an intermediate raised-blanket mire, Coom Rigg Moss, Northumberland, by analysis of testate amoebae, plant macrofossils and humification. Surface wetness changes were expressed as mean annual water table changes inferred from testate amoebae assemblages, two separate indices based on plant macrofossils and percentage transmission of humification extracts. Comparisons between the proxies suggest good agreement of general trends in Sphagnum peats but some differences in monocot and ericaceous peats. The magnitude of surface wetness changes also differs within Sphagnum peats. The records from the separate cores converge over time and replicability between cores is best in the last 1000 yr. Changes over this period are similar to those shown by estimates based on documentary sources. Good agreement is obtained between a normalised plant macrofossil index and normalised reconstructed water-table values and it is suggested that this approach could form the basis for improved composite, multiproxy records from peatlands. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

张肖剑  靳立亚 《第四纪研究》2018,38(5):1244-1254

南亚高压是亚洲夏季风系统的重要组成部分,它的强度及位置变化对亚洲夏季风降水有非常重要的影响,对其变化特征和物理机制的研究可以加深对亚洲夏季风演化的认识。论文利用一个海-气耦合模式(KCM),在轨道参数的强迫下模拟了全新世以来(9.5~0 ka B.P.)的气候变化,分析了全新世南亚高压的南北移动特征,并探讨其与亚洲夏季风降水的关系。研究发现,全新世以来南亚高压持续向南移动,同时也反映了对流层上层西风逐渐向南扩张,响应逐渐减少的夏季太阳辐射。早全新世南亚高压偏北主要是由于夏季太阳辐射增加导致伊朗高原感热加热加强。南亚高压的南北移动与亚洲夏季风降水有显著的关系,它与东亚季风区北部和印度季风区降水呈正相关关系,而与东亚季风区南部和西南季风区降水呈负相关关系。偏北的南亚高压在东亚北部上空产生异常反气旋,有利于对流层低层空气辐合上升,降水增加,此外异常反气旋还可以加强西太副高,使得输送到东亚北部的水汽增加。南亚高压偏北时还会在中低纬地区产生异常东风带,减弱了来自孟加拉湾的水汽输入,从而使得东亚南部和西南季风区降水减少。偏北的南亚高压还在阿拉伯海上空产生异常气旋,有利于印度夏季风降水的增加。南亚高压的南北振荡可以部分解释相同轨道强迫下亚洲夏季风降水出现显著空间差异的原因。


Lake sediments provide archives of various parameters correlative with climatic oscillations such as seasonal temperature and humidity. However, geochemical records from many European and Asian lakes cannot be directly correlated with meteorological data within densely populated areas, because of anthropogenic pollution there. The human impact has greatly increased within the instrumental period of the last 150-200 years. However, the pollution problem is not essential for the mountain lakes of Siberia and Mongolia remote from industrial and agricultural centers. For such lakes a correlation between sedimentological-geochemical (inorganic) parameters and climatic data is correct enough. It is able to estimate any type of transfer functions for quantification of that dependence.  相似文献   


始新世暖期可作为当代全球变暖的历史相似型,研究始新世气候变化及其机制对于理解现代气候变暖的幅度和速率具有重要意义。卢氏盆地位于中国中部秦岭东段,发育了连续的、富含碳酸盐矿物的始新世湖相沉积物,是重建始新世暖期陆地气候的良好材料。本研究在卢氏盆地郑家山-三角沟一带(34°04'N,111°10'E)采集了张家村组中上部和卢氏组的样品,采样层厚约288 m,共采集样品505个。根据岩石薄片镜下鉴定,卢氏盆地中始新世湖相沉积物物质组成以碳酸盐、粘土和粉砂为主,其中碳酸盐沉积为表生条件下封闭或半封闭淡水湖或微咸水湖化学作用自生成因。使用傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)漫反射法测定沉积物碳酸盐含量,发现其与磁化率具有一定的负相关关系,分别指示了内源化学沉积和外源碎屑输入的贡献量,受控于流域蒸发量与降水量的共同作用,揭示了中始新世卢氏盆地的干湿变化。当流域更加湿润,即降水量增加(蒸发量减少)时,径流量相应增加,不利于碳酸盐沉淀而有利于外源碎屑输入,表现为沉积物碳酸盐含量降低、磁化率数值升高,反之同理。在已有年代框架的基础上,建立了卢氏盆地湖相沉积物碳酸盐含量时间序列,其记录了在中始新世气候适宜期(MECO)卢氏盆地较为湿润的气候环境,并且具有多旋回变化,与地球运动轨道的周期变化相关。


This paper presents new evidence from the Dhamar highlands, Yemen, of paleohydrologic response to fluctuations in Holocene climate. Stratigraphic, geochemical, and chronological analyses of highland peat and lacustrine deposits contribute to knowledge of the timing of early Holocene moisture changes on the Arabian Peninsula, providing a backdrop to understanding early cultural development in the Arabian highlands. The location of the Dhamar highlands, characterized by intermontane valleys surrounded by the highest mountains on the Arabian Peninsula and adjacent to the Indian Ocean is ideal for examining the influence of the Indian Ocean Monsoon (IOM) on the moisture history of this region. Fluctuations in the lacustrine and paleosol records of the Dhamar highlands reflect both local changes in paleohydrology and regional influences on the Holocene paleoclimatic conditions in southwest Arabia. In addition, a peat deposit with a radiocarbon age of 10,253 – 10,560 cal yr BP documents some of the earliest Holocene high moisture conditions on the Arabian Peninsula.  相似文献   

High resolution sampling of sediment cores covering approximately the last 4000 yr from Lochan Uaine, a small corrie loch in the Scottish Cairngorm Mountains, show quasi‐periodic cycles in organic matter (measured as percentage loss on ignition). Analysis of these cycles show correspondences between loss on ignition, δ13C values and chironomid head capsule abundance. We interpret the changes as reflecting changes in lake productivity and hypothesise that they are driven by climate variability. However, it is not yet clear whether the periods of relatively high organic matter production and preservation are associated with colder or with warmer conditions. Nevertheless the results indicate the value of using sediments from remote, undisturbed mountain lakes as recorders of Holocene climate variability. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过对羌塘地区中部羌D1井长181·6m第四系岩芯的研究,分析湖泊沉积记录的岩相旋回和Fe/Mn和Sr/Ba等微量元素古环境参数的变化,结合样品的热释光(TL)测年数据,讨论晚更新世该区湖泊扩张和湖面升降变化过程。结果表明,晚更新世以来该区湖泊环境的演化,经历了二次湖进过程,二次湖平面上升期之间出现了一次广泛的干化低水位时期。其中15~7万年期间的湖泛事件可以在区域上进行追踪对比,它对应于深海氧同位素的第5阶段,可以作为高原中央气候转型期的标志。  相似文献   

洞穴沉积物—石笋已成为研究岩溶区环境气候变化历史的重要载体。在我国湘西地区,某些洞穴石笋原始沉积多为不稳定的文石矿物,极易发生重结晶,可能使石笋中相关化学元素含量最终偏离原生矿物的特征,限制了文石石笋某些代用指标在古气候研究中的应用。文章以前人研究成果为基础,总结梳理了文石石笋发生重结晶的影响因素及其对石笋记录古气候的影响:(1)石笋剖面特征、XRD结果、显微镜观察和地球化学元素特征等可作为石笋发生重结晶的判别依据;(2)洞穴滴水和石笋孔隙水饱和度、文石晶体缺陷和晶体之间的方解石胶结物以及岩溶水体中Mg2+浓度等均会影响文石石笋的矿物转变;(3)在文石向方解石转变过程中,石笋铀含量会有一定程度的流失,可导致放射性铀系定年的异常或年代倒序;(4)矿物重结晶可导致δ18O、δ13C及石笋微量元素浓度(或比值)等指标发生改变,其变化特征因洞穴而异,从而影响其作为环境指示器的可靠性;(5)湖南龙山惹迷洞石笋(RM2)发生了不均一的矿物重结晶,自顶部至20.3 cm以放射状为主,20.3 cm至底部主要为糖粒状,并结合年代结果发现文石重结晶对石笋铀系定年产生了影响,而重结晶作用对该石笋其他指标的影响还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Seismic stratigraphy, sedimentary facies, pollen stratigraphy, diatom-inferred salinity, stable isotope (δ18O and δ13C), and chemical composition (Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca) of authigenic carbonates from Moon Lake cores provide a congruent Holocene record of effective moisture for the eastern Northern Great Plains. Between 11,700 and 950014C yr B.P., the climate was cool and moist. A gradual decrease in effective moisture occurred between 9500 and 710014C yr B.P. A change at about 710014C yr B.P. inaugurated the most arid period during the Holocene. Between 7100 and 400014C yr B.P., three arid phases occurred at 6600–620014C yr B.P., 5400–520014C yr B.P., and 4800–460014C yr B.P. Effective moisture generally increased after 400014C yr B.P., but periods of low effective moisture occurred between 2900–280014C yr B.P. and 1200–80014C yr B.P. The data also suggest high climatic variability during the last few centuries. Despite the overall congruence, the biological (diatom), sedimentological, isotopic, and chemical proxies were occassionally out of phase. At these times the evaporative process was not the only control of lake-water chemical and isotopic composition.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examined the response of geochemical records in lacustrine sediments to climate and human activity in Mengjin, Henan Province of China during the middle Holocene. Indices used in this study include K, Na, Mn, Ba, Sr, Al, Ti, cation ratios, and Gramineae pollen in lacustrine sediments. Results indicate a drought event in this area around 5660 cal a BP, which weakened soil leaching and changed the element composition of surface soil runoff entering the paelo-lake and lacustrine sediments. Human activity appearing from 4695 cal a BP to 4000 cal a BP also affected the chemical composition of lake sediments. Human activities led to enhanced soil erosion and destroyed soil leaching horizons. Therefore, the substance of soil illuvial layer exposed to the surface and entering the paleo-lake were substantially altered by human activities.  相似文献   

为深入研究准噶尔盆地南缘新生界古气候演化过程,采用X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)等手段对准噶尔盆地南缘(准南)新生界地层泥岩、砂岩中粘土矿物成分、坡缕石矿物学特征进行了系统分析。分析结果表明,新生界泥岩中粘土矿物组成主要有蒙脱石、伊利石、坡缕石和绿泥石等;坡缕石是指示干旱-半干旱气候条件的特征矿物,呈纤维状、束状等形态,其形态及与周围矿物的接触关系说明坡缕石为典型自生成因,坡缕石、伊利石、绿泥石构成的粘土矿物组合所反映的干旱气候与地层颜色变化相吻合。  相似文献   


我国东北地区地处东亚季风北缘,在高、低纬过程的共同影响下,区域气候和环境变化较为复杂。文章选取大兴安岭中段的阿尔山天池长2.5m的全新世以来的湖泊沉积岩芯(ACL17C)作为研究对象,对源于植物叶蜡的正构烷烃及相关代用指标进行分析,结果表明阿尔山天池自10.0cal. ka B.P.以来,正构烷烃浓度所代表的湖泊及流域的生产力逐渐增强,并在5.0~3.0cal. ka B.P.期间达到峰值,结合其他指标推测该阶段湖泊水位较高,有机物输入稳定,沉积速率较慢,气候温暖湿润,可能是全新世气候适宜期;2.3~1.5cal. ka B.P.期间,正构烷烃浓度下降,沉积物颗粒变粗,指示湖泊水位突降,藻类含量上升,植被状况较差,可能发生了区域性的气候变干事件;1.5cal. ka B.P.之后,相关指标显示植被状况转好,湖泊水位上升。通过对比大、小兴安岭及附近区域的植被及气候演化结果,表明该区域全新世气候适宜期可能发生在中、晚全新世,与其他地区记录的早、中全新世适宜期存在显著差异。


崔巧玉  赵艳 《第四纪研究》2019,39(6):1346-1356

阿尔山天池是大兴安岭中部一个封闭的火山口湖,地处东亚夏季风尾闾区,是研究区域气候快速变化的良好载体。通过对阿尔山天池岩芯(深度243~100 cm,年代10.0~1.3 cal.ka B.P.)开展连续、高分辨率的XRF元素扫描和粒度分析,选取岩芯中12种含量较高且环境指示意义明确的地球化学元素开展相关分析及因子分析发现:全新世时段阿尔山天池湖泊沉积物中Sr、Rb、Zr、Fe、Ca、K、Ti、Si、S、Mn、Cl等元素变化一致且均与Cr元素变化趋势相反,其中Sr、Rb、Zr、Fe、Ca、K、Ti、Si等8个迁移积累型元素之间相关性较高,且为湖泊元素变化的主控因子,说明阿尔山天池湖泊沉积物中元素来源主要受外源碎屑物质的影响,湖泊沉积物元素变化主要决定于区域气候的干湿状况。基于精确的年代框架,通过阿尔山天池沉积物Ca/Ti,Cr/Ti,Fe/Mn,Rb/Sr和Fe/Ti元素比值、粒度数据,与同一地区的月亮湖TOC和乔木花粉百分比记录对比分析表明:大兴安岭中部地区全新世以来气候-环境和湖泊水位经历了温暖偏干-低湖水位期(10.0~7.3 cal.ka B.P.)、温凉湿润-高湖水位期(7.3~6.1 cal.ka B.P.)、温暖湿润-低湖水位期(6.1~4.3 cal.ka B.P.)、温凉湿润-高湖水位期(4.3~3.0 cal.ka B.P.)、温暖湿润-较高湖水位期(3.0~1.4 cal.ka B.P.)等5个阶段的演变;元素记录15次显著快速干旱气候事件,其中发生在7.8cal.ka B.P.、7.3cal.ka B.P.、6.9cal.ka B.P.、6.5cal.ka B.P.、6.3cal.ka B.P.、6.1cal.ka B.P.、5.5 cal.ka B.P.、4.2 cal.ka B.P.、3.8 cal.ka B.P.、3.6 cal.ka B.P.、3.0 cal.ka B.P.、2.6 cal.ka B.P.及1.8 cal.ka B.P.的13次干旱事件与已有大兴安岭地区其他钻孔记录均有较好的对应。此外,阿尔山天池湖泊记录中Fe/Ti元素比值与粉砂和粘土含量变化趋势基本一致,表明在东北封闭湖泊中Fe/Ti可作为湖泊细颗粒组分的良好代用指标。本研究表明湖泊沉积物高分辨率的XRF元素扫描分析在气候快速变化研究方面具有很大的潜力。


中国东部陆架边缘海发育多个全新世泥质区,是研究古海洋和古气候的理想区域。本研究从现代沉积过程和全新世沉积记录的视角,对山东半岛近岸泥质区的前人研究结果进行总结梳理,为后续相关研究提供参考。山东半岛近岸泥质区位于山东半岛沿岸,主要是来自黄河的沉积物在沿岸流、上升流、潮汐等相互作用下沉积而成,呈现独特的“Ω”形沉积模式。山东半岛近岸泥质区形成于全新世,物质来源主要是黄河,近岸侵蚀和当地小河流也贡献一定的物质来源。山东半岛近岸泥质区的形成和演化与古海洋条件、海平面升降、内陆古气候演变等多种因素有关,蕴藏着丰富的环境演化信息。山东半岛近岸泥质区沉积能够快速记录东亚季风的演变,其较高的沉积速率为研究黄河流域的古气候和古生态演化提供高分辨率的材料,可为预测未来全球变化背景下黄河流域的发展趋势提供参考。虽然前人对现代沉积过程进行了大量工作,但仍需加强现代观测和数值模拟等方面的工作,为更好地重建研究区的沉积动力过程提供数据和理论支撑。此外,该区在长时间尺度上的沉积物和有机质的沉积过程对古海洋和古气候的响应机制也亟待开展研究。  相似文献   

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