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Results of simultaneous TV observations of pulsating auroral patches and ELF-VLF-emissions in the morning sector carried out in Sodankylä (Finland) on February 15, 1991 are presented. Auroral pulsating activity was typical having pulsating patches with characteristic periods of about 7 s. Narrow-band hiss emissions and chorus elements at intervals of 0.3–0.4 s formed the main ELF-VLF activity in the frequency range 1.0–2.5 kHz at the same time. The analysis of auroral images with time resolution of 0.04 s allowed perfectly separate analysis of spatial and temporal variations in the auroral luminosity. Mutual correspondence between the behaviour of the luminous auroral patches and the appearance of ELF noise type hiss emissions and VLF chorus trains was found in two intervals chosen for analysis. While the hiss emissions were associated with the appearance of luminosity inside a limited area close to the zenith, the structured VLF emissions were accompanied by rapid motion of luminosity inside the area. The spatial dimension of the pulsating area was about 45–50 km and luminosity propagated inside it with velocity of about 10–12 kms. We discuss a new approach to explain the 5–15 s auroral pulsation based on the theory of flowing cyclotron maser and relaxation characteristics of ionosphere.  相似文献   

Statistical study on the universal time variations in the mean hourly auroral electrojet index (AE-index) has been undertaken for a 21 y period over two solar cycles (1957–1968 and 1978–1986). The analysis, applied to isolated auroral substorm onsets (inferred from rapid variations in the AE-index) and to the bulk of the AE data, indicates that the maximum in auroral activity is largely confined to 09–18 UT, with a distinct minimum at 03–06 UT. The diurnal effect was clearly present throughout all seasons in the first cycle but was mainly limited to northern winter in the second cycle. Severe storms (AE > 1000 nT) tended to occur between 9–18 UT irrespective of the seasons whereas all larger magnetic disturbances (AE > 500 nT) tended to occur in this time interval mostly in winter. On the whole the diurnal trend was strong in winter, intermediate at equinox and weak in summer. The implication of this study is that Eastern Siberia, Japan and Australia are mostly at night, during the period of maximum auroral activity whereas Europe and Eastern America are then mostly at daytime. The minimum of auroral activity coincides with near-midnight conditions in Eastern America. It appears that the diurnal UT distribution in the AE-index reflects a diurnal change between interplanetary magnetic field orientation and the Earths magnetic dipole inclination.  相似文献   

We examine here three sets of recently published data: (1) Updated Indian Rainfall (IRF) time series of the entire country covering the time span of 1826–1994, (2) coral growth rate time series for a period of 42 years spanning 1948–1990 from the Arabian Sea, and (iii) NINO3 temperature records to investigate the signature of ENSO response of the Indian monsoon. Multiple spectral techniques (e.g., multi-taper method (MTM), maximum entropy method (MEM), wavelet and cross spectra) are used to identify the coherent cyclic and nonstationary modes in these records. MTM analysis of IRF time series resolves statistically significant variability (>90% C.I) (i) at multi-decadal (66–70 years) scales related to the well-known global temperature variability of internal atmospheric-ocean origin, (ii) relatively weak signals at 13 and 22 years (solar cycles) and (iii) the 2.5 to 7.5-year cycles associated with the ENSO frequency band. The MTM spectra of the coral growth rate record also reveal statistically significant periodicities (>90% C.I.) within 1.8–4.2 ENSO frequency band, and a relatively weak signal at 12.8 years. MEM analysis confirms the stability of above spectral peaks. Wavelet spectral analyses of the above time series reveal nonstationary localized modes of ENSO evolution corresponding to 2–7 years and higher order terms. Although matching periodicities are present in these records, cross-spectral analysis of IRF and NINO3 temperature records exhibits significant coherency (>80% CI) only at periods 5.4 years and 2.7 years, suggesting the significant role of ENSO dynamics in organizing the subtle Indian monsoon at these frequencies. These results may provide significant implication for the modeling of Indian monsoon.  相似文献   

Photometric measurements of pulsating auroras have been carried out in the Pi3 range of geomagnetic pulsations with periods of 2–10 min with the use of auroral all-sky camera films obtained at the Lovozero Observatory. The new all-sky camera developed at the Polar Geophysical Institute uses the CCD matrix. This makes it possible to obtain simultaneous images in red, green, and blue spectral ranges and thus to investigate temporal luminosity variations in these spectral regions. The hardness of penetrating auroral electrons with a time resolution of a few seconds is qualitatively estimated. It is found that the energy of the electrons that cause auroras in the Pi3 pulsation range is not constant over the pulsation period. It is maximal at the lowest luminosity and minimal at its peaks. Luminosity pulsations are compared with geomagnetic pulsations, and it is established that large differences between luminosity variations in different parts of the sky explain the incomplete correspondence between the records of auroral and geomagnetic pulsations.  相似文献   

A case is described of multiple current sheets crossed by the MAGION-2 satellite in the near-midnight quieting auroral oval. The data were obtained by the magnetometer experiment onboard. Results show during a quieting period after a preceding substorm, or during an early growth phase of the next substorm, two double-sheet current bands, POLE and EQUB, located at respectively the polar and equatorial borders of the auroral oval separated by about 500 km in latitude. This is consistent with the double-oval structure during recovery introduced by Elphinstone et al. (1995). Within the POLE, the magnetic field data show simultaneous existence of several narrow parallel bipolar current sheets within the upward current branch (at 69.5–70.3° invariant latitude) with an adjacent downward current branch at its polar side at (70.5–71.3°). The EQUB was similarly stratified and located at 61.2–63.5° invariant latitude. The narrow current sheets were separated on average by about 35 km and 15 km, respectively, within the POLE and EQUB. A similar case of double-oval current bands with small-scale structuring of their upward current branches during a quieting period is found in the data from the MAGION-3 satellite. These observations contribute to the double-oval structure of the late recovery phase, and add a small-scale structuring of the upward currents producing the auroral arcs in the double- oval pattern, at least for the cases presented here. Other observations of multiple auroral current sheets and theories of auroral arc multiplicity are briefly discussed. It is suggested that multiple X-lines in the distant tail, and/or leakage of energetic particles and FA currents from a series of plasmoids formed during preceding magnetic activity, could be one cause of highly stratified upward FA currents at the polar edge of the quieting double auroral oval.  相似文献   

A unique multispectral imager and an associated multispectral analysis framework are described which together constitute a new diagnostic tool for auroral research. By acquiring spatial and spectral data simultaneously, multispectral imaging allows one to exploit physical connections between auroral morphology and the auroral optical spectrum in a way that sequential spectral imaging cannot. The initial research focus is on imaging the transition in the incident energy spectrum during the formation of discrete arcs—that is, when the precipitating population is characterized by <1 keV electrons. A technique is presented which uses two spectral bands (centered at 4278 and 7325 Å) to extend the effective dynamic range of passive imaging to much lower energies.  相似文献   

Ionospheric heating experiments were done by the EISCAT Heater in Tromsø on 15–19 November, 1993. A low-light TV camera was installed at the VLF receiving station at Porojärvi about 100 km to the south-east of Tromsø. The spectral analysis of the auroral luminosity variations showed that the brightness of the aurora varied at the modulation frequency of the heating wave. The results of this analysis and the numerical simulations of the auroral luminosity variations caused by the HF heating are shown. The variations of the optical emission intensity at the heating frequency occur during the auroral ionosphere modification. The observed intensity variation of the auroral green line during the interval of enhanced electron temperature is explained by a decreasing rate of the O2+ ion dissociative recombination when the electron temperature increases. The brightness variation depends on the characteristic energy and the intensity of the auroral electron flux and the heating wave parameters. The artificial luminosity pulsations caused by HF heating are estimated.  相似文献   

The equatorial ionospheric response to 228 isolated, rapid-onset auroral substorms (as defined from the auroral electrojet index AE) was found from enhancements of the virtual (minimum) height of the F-region (hF) in the declining phase of a solar cycle (1980-85). The responses, found for three longitudinal sectors at the equator: Africa (Ouagadougou and Dakar), Asia (Manila) and America (Huancayo), were compared with the response close to the auroral source region at Yakutsk (northern Siberia). The auroral substorm onsets were centered at 17 and 15 UT at sunspot maximum (1980-82) and minimum (1983-85), preceding by 3–5 h the period of post-sunset height rise in the African sector whereas other sectors were in the early afternoon (Huancayo) and morning (Manila). The African response, particularly at Ouagadougou, was distinctly different from other sectors. In the sunspot maximum years (1980-81) the auroral surges were followed after about 3 h by a sharp depression (hF<0) in the post-sunset height rise, with a period of little or no response (hF=0) in 1982. A response polarity reversal (hF>0) was noted in this sector for sunspot minimum (1983-85) when large hF enhancements were observed at the sunset region. The responses in the Asian and American sector were positive except for a case in Huancayo when response was negative, following an auroral surge before the sunset at this station. It appears that the aurorally generated large-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (LSTIDs), which first cause positive height enhancements in a sub-auroral location (Yakutsk), subsequently affect the unstable post-sunset ionosphere in the equatorial Africa.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the relation of auroral substorm onset to the sharp decrease in the local AL index (IL) during substorms. With a database of over 4200 onsets determined from auroral images, we have statistically examined the timing between the auroral substorm onset and the sharp decrease in the IL index, as determined with data from the IMAGE magnetometer network. From the database of onsets, 54 substorms were determined to be within 6° of the central meridian of the IMAGE ground array. Our superposed epoch median curve shows that the IL index begins to sharply decrease 3 min before the auroral onset, which is twice the 2 min resolution of the auroral imager. However, the mean difference determined by measuring the time between the start of the IL decrease and the auroral substorm onset is about 1.1±0.6 min. An analysis of the superposed epoch median curves of the SOPA particle data for the LANL spacecraft closest to the auroral onset meridian indicates that both the electron and proton injections begin about 3 min before the auroral onset. However, the mean time of the difference between the minimum of the particle dispersionless injection and the auroral onset is simultaneous within the uncertainty of the auroral onset and the error of the mean for the injection. The location of the electron injection relative to the IMAGE ground array seems to be 01–04 MLT, while the proton injection appears to be in the 22–01 MLT sector. These statistical results support the idea that the field aligned and ionospheric currents of the substorm current wedge begin to flow before the auroral onset.  相似文献   

A common feature of evening near-range ionospheric backscatter in the CUTLASS Iceland radar field of view is two parallel, approximately L-shell-aligned regions of westward flow which are attributed to irregularities in the auroral eastward electrojet region of the ionosphere. These backscatter channels are separated by approximately 100–200 km in range. The orientation of the CUTLASS Iceland radar beams and the zonally aligned nature of the flow allows an approximate determination of flow angle to be made without the necessity of bistatic measurements. The two flow channels have different azimuthal variations in flow velocity and spectral width. The nearer of the two regions has two distinct spectral signatures. The eastern beams detect spectra with velocities which saturate at or near the ion-acoustic speed, and have low spectral widths (less than 100ms–1), while the western beams detect lower velocities and higher spectral widths (above 200ms–1). The more distant of the two channels has only one spectral signature with velocities above the ionacoustic speed and high spectral widths. The spectral characteristics of the backscatter are consistent with E-region scatter in the nearer channel and upper-E-region or F-region scatter in the further channel. Temporal variations in the characteristics of both channels support current theories of E-region turbulent heating and previous observations of velocity-dependent backscatter cross-section. In future, observations of this nature will provide a powerful tool for the investigation of simultaneous E- and F-region irregularity generation under similar (nearly co-located or magnetically conjugate) electric field conditions.  相似文献   

Poleward-moving auroral forms, as observed by meridian-scanning photometers, in the vicinity of the cusp region are generally assumed to be the optical signature of flux transfer events. Another class of quasi-continuous, short period (1–2 min) wave-like auroral emission has been identified, closely co-located with the convection reversal boundary in the post-noon sector, which is similar in appearance to such cusp aurora. It is suggested that these short period wave-like auroral emissions, the optical signature of boundary plasma sheet precipitation in the region 1 field-aligned current system, are associated with ULF magnetohydrodynamic wave activity, which is observed simultaneously by ground magnetometer stations. This association with ULF wave activity is strengthened by the observation of several harmonic frequencies in the pulsation spectrum, each an overtone of the fundamental standing wave resonance frequency.  相似文献   

A set of EISCAT UHF and VHP observations is used for calibrating a coupled fluid-kinetic model of the ionosphere. The data gathered in the period 1200–2400 UT on 24 March 1995 had various intervals of interest for such a calibration. The magnetospheric activity was very low during the afternoon, allowing for a proper examination of a case of quiet ionospheric conditions. The radars entered the auroral oval just after 1900 UT: a series of dynamic events probably associated with rapidly moving auroral arcs was observed until after 2200 UT. No attempts were made to model the dynamical behaviour during the 1900–2200 UT period. In contrast, the period 2200–2400 UT was characterised by quite steady precipitation: this latter period was then chosen for calibrating the model during precipitation events. The adjustment of the model on the four primary parameters observed by the radars (namely the electron concentration and temperature and the ion temperature and velocity) needed external inputs (solar fluxes and magnetic activity index) and the adjustments of a neutral atmospheric model in order to reach a good agreement. It is shown that for the quiet ionosphere, only slight adjustments of the neutral atmosphere models are needed. In contrast, adjusting the observations during the precipitation event requires strong departures from the model, both for the atomic oxygen and hydrogen. However, it is argued that this could well be the result of inadequately representing the vibrational states of N2 during precipitation events, and that these factors have to be considered only as ad hoc corrections.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison between different techniques for evaluation of predominant periods in soft soil, for the urban area of Pereira city, Western Colombia. In this study we used microtremor and strong ground motion records obtained by a local array of seven accelerographs stations deployed in the city. Response spectra and spectral ratios have been calculated and compared with strong seismic events recorded in solid rock and soft soil stations. These observations allowed the determination of dominant response spectra for several sectors in the urban area. For the microtremor measurements and earthquake data, dominant periods were determined using interpretation of Fourier amplitude spectra and Nakamura's technique. A comparison between dominant periods obtained from strong ground motion records and those obtained from microtremor measurements show similarities, which is in the range 0.2–0.5 s. A preliminary version of a site response map for Pereira city was obtained from this analysis.  相似文献   

The AE indices are generally used for monitoring the level of magnetic activity in the auroral oval region. In some cases, however, the oval is either so expanded or contracted that the latitudinal coverage of the AE magnetometer chain is not adequate. Then, a longitudinal chain in the key region would give more information of the real situation, but, of course, only during some limited UT-period. In order to find out the UT coverage of a single meridional chain, we have compared the global AL and AU indices with corresponding local indices determined using data from the meridional part of the EISCAT Magnetometer Cross during the years 1985–1987. A statistical study shows that the local indices are close (within relative error of 0.2) to the global AU and AL during periods 1500–2000 UT ( 1730–2230 MLT) and 2130–0130 UT (000–0400 MLT), respectively. In the middle of these optimal MLT-sectors the EISCAT Cross sees more than 70% of the cases when the global AE chain records activity. Then, also the correlation between the local and global indices is generally good (>0.7). Thus we conclude that five to six evenly located meridional chains are needed for covering all the UT-periods. On the other hand, already the combination of IMAGE, CANOPUS, and the Greenland chains catches 50% of the substorms. Case-studies show that usually during 2130 – 1100 UT the AL achieved from these chains reproduces the real AL with good timing, although it does not follow all transient variations.  相似文献   

The north-south asymmetry of the Fe XIV 530.3 nm coronal emission line (the green corona) over cycle 22 was investigated. The green corona line brightness was dominant in the southern hemisphere during cycle 22 (A = –0.07), except for short periods of the ascending phase of the activity cycle. The asymmetry of the semi-annual mean over the period 1940 – 1996 was also studied. The asymmetry, during these years, reached its maximum in 1962 – 1966, and then decreased. Important periodicities of the asymmetry in cycle 22, e.g., 158 and 350 days, 2.39 years were found. Similar periodicities were also detected in the years 1940 – 1996. An FFT analysis was used to detect these periodicities.  相似文献   

Summary The possibility of atmospheric electrical effects due to the aurora has been considered by investigators since 1875. An unsatisfactory theoretical basis for an explanation of observed effects and the measurements of only a few of the related parameters for short periods of time has led to uncertainty in the matter. Nevertheless, since the IGY2), new discoveries related to the aurora portray an unusual complexity, and a wide range of energy input. When considered with recent discussions on atmospheric electrification some interesting interpretations of the observed effects are suggested. On the ground, large negative excursions of the atmospheric electric field (E) during fair weather, and above 100 mb3) peculiar increases in negative ion densities and variations in air-earth current density (I) all appear to be related to auroral activity. A difference in (I) measured simultaneously at geomagnetic latitudes 55° and 68°N which is greater than what one would expect from a difference in conductivity due to cosmic rays may also be due to the aurora. Several models of the observed effects will be considered: (1) the high influx of negative space charge, i.e. a precipitation of around 1014 elementary charges m–2 s–1; (2) the auroral bremsstrahlung flux acts as an atmospheric current generator; (3) plasma instability in the auroral electrojet; (4) a combination of (2) and (3). The infrequent observation of the auroral effects on atmospheric electricity is probably due to limitations in detecting an extreme local fluctuation in such a large-scale complex phenomenon.  相似文献   

Wavelet and cross-wavelet analysis are used to identify and describe spatial and temporal variability in Canadian seasonal precipitation, and to gain further insights into the dynamical relationship between the seasonal precipitation and the dominant modes of climate variability in the Northern Hemisphere. Results from applying continuous wavelet transform to seasonal precipitation series from 201 stations selected from Environment Canada Meteorological Network reveal striking climate-related features before and after the 1940s. The span of available observations, 1900–2000, allows for depicting variance and covariance for periods up to 12 years. Scale-averaged wavelet power spectra are used to simultaneously assess the temporal and spatial variability in each set of 201 seasonal precipitation time series. The most striking feature, in the 2–3-year period and in the 3–6-year period—the 6–12-year period is dominated by white noise and is not considered further—is a net distinction between the timing and intensity of the temporal variability in autumn, winter and spring–summer precipitation. It is found that the autumn season exhibits the most intense activity (or variance) in both the 2–3 year and the 3–6 year periods. The winter season corresponds to the least intense activity for the 2–3 year period, but it exhibits more activity than the spring–summer for the 3–6 year period.Cross-wavelet analysis is provided between the seasonal precipitation and four selected climatic indices: the Pacific North America (PNA), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Northern Hemisphere Annular Mode (NAM) originally called the Arctic Oscillation, and the sea surface temperature series over the Niño-3 region (ENSO). The wavelet cross-spectra revealed coherent space–time variability of the climate–precipitation relationship throughout Canada. It is shown that strong climate/precipitation activity (or covariance) in the 2–6 year period starts after 1940 whatever the climatic index and the season. Prior to year 1940, only local and weaker 2–6 year activity is revealed in western Canada essentially in winter and autumn, but overall a non-significant precipitation/climate relationship is observed prior to 1940. Correlation analysis in the 2–6 year band between the seasonal precipitation and the selected climatic indices revealed strong positive correlations with the ENSO, the NAO, and the NAM in eastern and western Canada for the post-1940 period. For the period prior to 1940, the correlation tend be negative for all the indices whatever the region. A particular feature in the correlation analysis results is the consistently stronger and positive NAM–precipitation correlations in all the regions since 1940. The cross-wavelet spectra and the correlation analysis in the 2–6 year band suggest the presence of a change point around 1940 in Canadian seasonal precipitation—that is found to be more likely related to NAM dynamics.  相似文献   

High-beta plasma blobs in the morningside plasma sheet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Equator-S frequently encountered, i.e. on 30%0of the orbits between 1 March and 17 April 1998, strong variations of the magnetic field strength of typically 5–15-min duration outside about 9RE during the late-night/early-morning hours. Very high-plasma beta values were found, varying between 1 and 10 or more. Close conjunctions between Equator-S and Geotail revealed the spatial structure of these “plasma blobs” and their lifetime. They are typically 5–10° wide in longitude and have an antisymmetric plasma or magnetic pressure distribution with respect to the equator, while being altogether low-latitude phenomena (<15°). They drift slowly sunward, exchange plasma across the equator and have a lifetime of at least 15–30 min. While their spatial structure may be due to some sort of mirror instability, little is known about the origin of the high-beta plasma. It is speculated that the morningside boundary layer somewhat further tailward may be the source of this plasma. This would be consistent with the preference of the plasma blobs to occur during quiet conditions, although they are also found during substorm periods. The relation to auroral phenomena in the morningside oval is uncertain. The energy deposition may be mostly too weak to generate a visible signature. However, patchy aurora remains a candidate for more disturbed periods.  相似文献   

We document the detailed dynamics of the dayside aurora in the ≈1200–1600 MLT sector in response to a sharp southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) under negative IMF By conditions. Features not documented in previous work are elucidated by using two meridan scanning photometers (separated by 2 h) and an all-sky auroral imager in Ny Ålesund, Svalbard (75.5^MLAT) in combination with magnetograms from stations on Svalbard, covering the latitude range 71^–75^MLAT. The initial auroral response may be divided into three phases consisting of: (1) intensification of both the red (630.0 nm) and green (557.7 nm) line emissions in the cusp aurora near 1200 MLT and ≈100 km equatorward shift of its equatorward boundary, at ≈75^MLAT, (2) eastward and poleward expansions of the cusp aurora, reaching the 1430 MLT meridian after 5–6 min, and (3) east-west expansion of the higher-latitude aurora (at ≈77^–78^MLAT) in the postnoon sector. The associated magnetic disturbance is characterized by an initial positive deflection of the X-component at stations located 100–400 km south of the aurora, corresponding to enhanced Sunward return flow associated with the merging convection cell in the post-noon sector. The sequence of partly overlapping poleward moving auroral forms (PMAFs) during the first 15 min, accompanied by corresponding pulsations in the convection current, was followed by a strong westward contraction of the cusp aurora when the ground magnetograms indicated a temporary return to the pre-onset level. These observations are discussed in relation to the Cowley-Lockwood model of ionospheric response to pulsed magnetopause reconnection.  相似文献   

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