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Abstract— Our studies of the silicate-bearing inclusions in the IIICD iron meteorites Maltahöhe, Carlton and Dayton suggest that their mineralogy and mineral compositions are related to the composition of the metal in the host meteorites. An inclusion in the low-Ni Maltahöhe is similar in mineralogy to those in IAB irons, which contain olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase, graphite and troilite. With increasing Ni concentration of the metal, silicate inclusions become poorer in graphite, richer in phosphates, and the phosphate and silicate assemblages become more complex. Dayton contains pyroxene, plagioclase, SiO2, brianite, panethite and whitlockite, without graphite. In addition, mafic silicates become more FeO-rich with increasing Ni concentration of the hosts. In contrast, silicates in IAB irons show no such correlation with host Ni concentration, nor do they have the complex mineral assemblages of Dayton. These trends in inclusion composition and mineralogy in IIICD iron meteorites have been established by reactions between the S-rich metallic magma and the silicates, but the physical setting is uncertain. Of the two processes invoked by other authors to account for groups IAB and IIICD, fractional crystallization of S-rich cores and impact generation of melt pools, we prefer core crystallization. However, the absence of relationships between silicate inclusion mineralogy and metal compositions among IAB irons analogous to those that we have discovered in IIICD irons suggests that the IAB and IIICD cores/metallic magmas evolved in rather different ways. We suggest that the solidification of the IIICD core may have been very complex, involving fractional crystallization, nucleation effects and, possibly, liquid immiscibility.  相似文献   

Abstract— We give a nonmathematical review of recent work regarding the Yarkovsky effect on asteroidal fragments. This effect may play a critical, but underappreciated, role in delivering meteorites to Earth. Two variants of the effect cause drifts in orbital elements, notably semimajor axes. The “classic” or “diurnal” Yarkovsky effect is associated with diurnal rotation at low obliquity. More recently, a “seasonal” effect has also been described, associated with high obliquity. Studies of these Yarkovsky effects are combined with studies of resonance effects to clarify meteorite delivery. If there were no Yarkovsky drift, asteroid fragments could reach a resonance only if produced very near that resonance. However, objects in resonances typically reach Earth-crossing orbits within a few million years, which is inconsistent with stone meteorites' cosmic-ray exposure (CRE) ages (5–50 Ma) and iron meteorites' CRE ages (100–1000 Ma). In the new view, on the other hand, large objects in the asteroid belt are “fixed” in semimajor axis, but bodies up to 100 m in diameter are in a constant state of mixing and flow, especially if the thermal conductivity of their surface layers is low. Thus, small asteroid fragments may reach the resonances after long periods of drift in the main belt. Yarkovsky drift effects, combined with resonance effects, appear to explain many meteorite properties, including: (1) the long CRE ages of iron meteorites (due to extensive drift lifetimes in the belt); (2) iron meteorites' sampling of numerous parent bodies; (3) the shorter CRE ages of most stone meteorites (due to faster drift, coupled with weaker strength and more rapid collisional erosion); and (4) the abundance of falls from discrete impact events near resonances, such as the 8 Ma CRE age of H chondrites. Other consequences include: the delivery of meteorite parent bodies to resonances is enhanced; proportions of stone and iron meteorites delivered to Earth may be different from the proportions at the same sizes left in the belt, which in turn may differ from the ratio produced in asteroidal collisions; Rabinowitz's 10–100 m objects may be preferentially delivered to near-Earth space; and the delivery of C-class fragments from the outer belt may be inhibited, compared to classes in other parts of the belt. Thus, Yarkovsky effects may have important consequences in meteoritics and asteroid science.  相似文献   

Abstract— Here we present the first purely physical model for cosmogenic production rates in iron meteorites with radii from 5 cm to 120 cm and for the outermost 1.3 m of an object having a radius of 10 m. The calculations are based on our current best knowledge of the particle spectra and the cross sections for the relevant nuclear reactions. The model usually describes the production rates for cosmogenic radionuclides within their uncertainties; exceptions are 53Mn and 60Fe, possibly due to normalization problems. When an average S content of about 1 ± 0.5% is assumed for Grant and Carbo samples, which is consistent with our earlier study, the model predictions for 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar are in agreement. For 4He the model has to be adjusted by 24%, possibly a result of our rather crude approximation for the primary galactic α particles. For reasons not yet understood the modeled 36Ar/38Ar ratio is about 30–40% higher than the ratio typically measured in iron meteorites. Currently, the only reasonable explanation for this discrepancy is the lack of experimentally determined neutron induced cross sections and therefore the uncertainties of the model itself. However, the new model predictions, though not yet perfect, enable determining the radius of the meteoroid, the exposure age, the sulphur content of the studied sample as well as the terrestrial residence time. The determination of exposure ages is of special interest because of the still open question whether the GCR was constant over long time scales. Therefore we will discuss in detail the differences between exposure ages determined with different cosmogenic nuclides. With the new model we can calculate exposure ages that are based on the production rates (cm3STP/(gMa)) of noble gases only. These exposure ages, referred to as noble gas exposure ages or simply 3,4He, 21Ne, or 36,38Ar ages, are calculated assuming the current GCR flux. Besides calculating noble gas ages we were also able to improve the 41K‐40K‐and the 36Cl‐36Ar dating methods with the new model. Note that we distinguish between 36Ar ages (calculated via 36Ar production rates only) and 36Cl‐36Ar ages. Exposure ages for Grant and Carbo, calculated with the revised 41K‐40K method, are 628 ± 30 Ma and 841 ± 19 Ma, respectively. For Grant this is equal to the ages obtained using 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar but higher than the 36Ar‐ and 36Cl‐36Ar ages by ?30%. For Carbo the 41K‐40K age is ?40% lower than the ages obtained using 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar but equal to the 36Ar age. These differences can either be explained by our still insufficient knowledge of the neutron‐induced cross sections or by a long‐term variation of the GCR.  相似文献   

Abstract— Analyses of magmatic iron meteorites, plotted on LogCi vs. LogCNi diagrams, often form linear arrays. Traditionally, this linearity has been ascribed to fractional crystallization under the assumption of constant partition coefficients (i.e., Rayleigh fractionation). Paradoxically, however, partition coefficients in the Fe-Ni-S-P system are decidedly not constant. This contribution provides a rationale for understanding how trends on LogCi vs. LogCNi diagrams can be linear, even when partition coefficients are changing rapidly.  相似文献   

Abstract— Two iron meteorites, identified in 1994, have been recovered from the Province of Québec, Canada. Lac Dodon is a coarse octahedrite of 800 g, displaying only minor evidence of terrestrial weathering. A heat-affected zone up to 1 mm thick is fairly well preserved. Penouille is a medium octahedrite of 72.5 g that was recovered from an ocean beach. Traces of a heat-affected zone are preserved. Analyses reveal that both meteorites are members of group IAB, although Penouille is in the Ni-rich IB tail of the group.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Mbosi iron meteorite contains millimeter size silicate inclusions. Mbosi is an ungrouped iron meteorite with a Ge/Ga ratio >10, which is an anomalous property shared with the five-member IIF iron group, the Eagle Station pallasites and four other ungrouped irons. Neither the IIF group nor the four other ungrouped irons are known to have silicate inclusions. Chips from three Mbosi inclusions were studied, but most of the work concentrated on a whole 3.1 mm circular inclusion. This inclusion consists of a mantle and a central core of different mineralogies. The mantle is partially devitrified quartz-normative glass, consisting of microscopic crystallites of two pyroxenes and plagioclase, which are crystalline enough to give an x-ray powder diffraction pattern but not coarse enough to permit analyses of individual minerals. The core consists of silica. The bulk composition does not match any known meteorite type, although there is a similarity in mode of occurrence to quartz-normative silicate inclusions in some HE irons. Mbosi silicate appears to be unique. The bulk rare earth element (REE) pattern of the mantle is flat at ? 7×C1; the core is depleted in REE but shows a small positive Eu anomaly. The O-isotope composition of bulk silicate lies on a unit slope mixing line (parallel and close to the C3 mixing line) that includes the Eagle Station pallasites and the iron Bocaiuva (related to the IIF irons); all of these share the property of having Ge/Ga ratios >10. It is concluded that Mbosi silicate represents a silica-bearing source rock that was melted and injected into metal. Melting occurred early in the history of the parent body because the metal now shows a normal Widmanstätten structure with only minor distortion that was caused when the parent body broke up and released meteorites into interplanetary space. The cause of Ge/Ga ratios being >10 in these irons is unknown. The fact that silicates in Mbosi, Bocaiuva (related to IIF irons) and the Eagle Station trio of pallasites, all characterized by a Ge/Ga ratio >10, lie on a unit slope mixing line in the O-isotope diagram suggests that their origins are closely related. The C3 chondrites appear to be likely precursors for silicates in Mbosi, Bocaiuva and the Eagle Station pallasites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Magmatic iron meteorites are commonly thought to have formed by fractional crystallization of the metallic cores of asteroid‐sized bodies. As fractional crystallization proceeds, light elements such as P and S become enriched in the molten portion of the core. The light element content of the metallic liquid influences the partitioning behavior of trace elements and may cause liquid immiscibility to occur. The elemental trends observed in magmatic iron meteorites may have been affected by both of these processes. We have examined experimentally the effect of P on the solid‐metal‐liquid‐metal partitioning behavior of Ag and Pd, Re and Os, two element pairs used to date iron meteorite processes. Phosphorus has no effect on the partition coefficient of either Ag or Pd, which are incompatible and identical within experimental error. Compatible Re and Os also have identical partitioning behavior, within experimental error, and show increasing compatibility in the solid metal with increasing P content of the metallic liquid. Including the effects of both S and P on the partitioning behavior of Re and Os, simple fractional crystallization calculations can reproduce the large variation of Re and Os concentrations observed in four magmatic iron meteorite groups but have difficulty matching the later crystallizing portions of the trends. We have also conducted experiments with three phases—solid metal and two immiscible metallic liquids—to determine the location of the liquid immiscibility field near conditions thought to be relevant to magmatic iron meteorites. Our results show a significantly smaller liquid immiscibility field as compared to the previously published Fe‐P‐S phase diagram. Our revised phase diagram suggests that liquid immiscibility was encountered during the crystallization of asteroidal cores, but much later during the crystallization process than predicted by the previously published diagram.  相似文献   

Abstract— A major revision of the current Saikumar and Goldstein (1988) cooling rate computer model for kamacite growth is presented. This revision incorporates a better fit to the α/α + γ phase boundary and to the γ/α + γ phase boundary particularly below the monotectoid temperature of 400 °C. A reevaluation of the latest diffusivities for the Fe‐Ni system as a function of Ni and P content and temperature is made, particularly for kamacite diffusivity below the paramagnetic to ferromagnetic transition. The revised simulation model is applied to several iron meteorites and several mesosiderites. For the mesosiderites we obtain a cooling rate of 0.2 °C/Ma, about 10x higher than the most recent measured cooling rates. The cooling rate curves from the current model do not accurately predict the central nickel content of taenite halfwidths smaller than ~10 μm. This result calls into question the use of conventional kamacite growth models to explain the microstructure of the mesosiderites. Kamacite regions in mesosiderites may have formed by the same process as decomposed duplex plessite in iron meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— A compilation of the chemical analyses of 241 stony and 36 iron meteorites is presented; 196 analyses were published previously, 81 are new. This compilation includes analyses of new falls, new finds, previously analyzed meteorites, previously analyzed meteorites with suspect values, analyses of separates and inclusions, and analyses of 53 stony and 29 iron meteorites from Antarctica, including one of the “lunar” type. Mean compositions of chondrite falls, finds, and Antarctic chondrites are compared. References are listed for earlier published analyses and an appendix provides an outline of the sampling procedures, sample preparation, and the analytical methods.  相似文献   

Meteorites are impact-derived fragments from ≈ 85 parent bodies. For seven of these bodies, the meteorites record evidence suggesting that they may have been catastrophically fragmented. We identify three types of catastrophic events: (a) impact and reassembly events > 4.4 Gy ago, involving molten or very hot parent bodies(> 1200°C); this affected the parent bodies of the ureilites, Shallowater, and the mesosiderites. In each case, the fragments cooled rapidly (≈ 1–1000°C day−1) and then reassembled, (b) Later impacts involving cold bodies which, in some cases, reassembled; this occurred on the H and L ordinary chondrite parent bodies. The L parent body probably suffered another catastrophic event about 500 My ago. (c) Recent impacts of cold, multi-kilometer-sized bodies that generated meter-sized meteoroids; this occurred on the parent bodies of the IIIAB irons (650 My ago), the IVA irons (400 My ago), and the H ordinary chondrite (7 My ago).  相似文献   

Abstract— We have measured the size of the high‐Ni particles in the cloudy zone and the width of the outer taenite rim in eight low shocked and eight moderately to heavily shocked IVA irons using a transmission electron microscope (TEM). Thin sections for TEM analysis were produced by a focused ion beam instrument. Use of the TEM allowed us to avoid potential artifacts which may be introduced during specimen preparation for SEM analysis of high Ni particles <30 nm in size and to identify microchemical and microstructural changes due to the effects of shock induced reheating. No cloudy zone was observed in five of the eight moderately to highly shocked (>13 GPa) IVA irons that were examined in the TEM. Shock induced reheating has allowed for diffusion from 20 nm to 400 nm across kamacite/taenite boundaries, recrystallization of kamacite, and the formation, in Jamestown, of taenite grain boundaries. In the eleven IVA irons with cloudy zone microstructures, the size of the high‐Ni particles in the cloudy zone increases directly with increasing bulk Ni content. Our data and the inverse correlation between cooling rate and high‐Ni particle size for irons and stony‐irons show that IVA cooling rates at 350‐200 °C are inversely correlated with bulk Ni concentration and vary by a factor of about 15. This cooling rate variation is incompatible with cooling in a metallic core that was insulated with a silicate mantle, but is compatible with cooling in a metallic body of radius 150 ± 50 km. The widths of the tetrataenite regions next to the cloudy zone correlate directly with high‐Ni particle size providing another method to measure low temperature cooling rates.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity of meteorites: New measurements and analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C.P. Opeil  D.T. Britt 《Icarus》2010,208(1):449-6159
We have measured the thermal conductivity at low temperatures (5-300 K) of six meteorites representing a range of compositions, including the ordinary chondrites Cronstad (H5) and Lumpkin (L6), the enstatite chondrite Abee (E4), the carbonaceous chondrites NWA 5515 (CK4 find) and Cold Bokkeveld (CM2), and the iron meteorite Campo del Cielo (IAB find). All measurements were made using a Quantum Design Physical Properties Measurement System, Thermal Transport Option (TTO) on samples cut into regular parallelepipeds of ∼2-6 mm dimension. The iron meteorite conductivity increases roughly linearly from 15 W m−1 K−1 at 100 K to 27 W m−1 K−1 at 300 K, comparable to typical values for metallic iron. By contrast, the conductivities of all the stony samples except Abee appear to be controlled by the inhomogeneous nature of the meteorite fabric, resulting in values that are much lower than those of pure minerals and which vary only slightly with temperature above 100 K. The L and CK sample conductivities above 100 K are both about 1.5 W m−1 K−1, that of the H is 1.9 W m−1 K−1, and that of the CM sample is 0.5 W m−1 K−1; by contrast the literature value at 300 K for serpentine is 2.5 W m−1 K−1 and those of enstatite and olivine range from 4.5 to 5 W m−1 K−1 (which is comparable to the Abee value). These measurements are among the first direct measurements of thermal conductivity for meteorites. The results compare well with previous estimates for meteorites, where conductivity was derived from diffusivity measurements and modeled heat capacities; our new values are of a higher precision and cover a wider range of temperatures and meteorite types. If the rocky material that makes up asteroids and provides the dust to comets, Kuiper Belt objects, and icy satellites has the same low thermal conductivities as the ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites measured here, this would significantly change models of their thermal evolution. These values would also lower their thermal inertia, thus affecting the Yarkovsky and YORP evolution of orbits and spin for solid objects; however, in this case the effect would not be as great, as thermal inertia only varies as the square root of the conductivity and, for most asteroids, is controlled by the dusty nature of asteroidal surfaces rather than the conductivity of the material itself.  相似文献   

High thinning rates (up to − 4.0 ± 0.97 m a− 1) have been measured at Campo de Hielo Patagónico Norte (CHN) or Northern Patagonia Icefield, Chile between 1975 and 2001. Results have been obtained by comparing a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) derived from regular cartography compiled by Instituto Geográfico Militar of Chile (IGM) based upon 1974/1975 aerial photographs and a DEM generated from Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite images acquired in September 2001. A complete cloud-free Landsat ETM+ satellite image mosaic acquired in March 2001 was used to update the available glacier inventory of the CHN, including all glaciers larger than 0.5 km2 (48 new glaciers). A new delineation of ice divides was also performed over the accumulation areas of glaciers sharing the high plateau where the existing regular cartography exhibits poor coverage of topographic information. This updated glacier inventory produced a total ice area for 2001 of 3953 km2, which represents a decrease of 3.4 ± 1.5% (140 ± 61 km2 of ice) with respect to the total ice area of the CHN in 1979 calculated from a Landsat MSS satellite image. Almost 62% of the total area change between 1979 and 2001 took place in glaciers located at the western margin of the CHN, where the maximum area loss was experienced by Glaciar San Quintín with 33 km2. At the southern margin, Glaciar Steffen underwent the largest ice-area loss (12 km2 or 2.6% of the 1979 area), whilst at the eastern margin the greatest area loss took place in Glaciares Nef (7.9 km2, 5.7% of the 1979 area) and Colonia (9.1 km2, 2.7% of the 1979 area). At the northern margin of the CHN the lower debris-covered ablation area of Glaciar Grosse collapsed into a new freshwater lake formed during the late 1990s. The areal changes measured at the CHN are much larger than previously estimated due to the inclusion of changes experienced in the accumulation areas. The CHN as a whole is contributing melt water to global sea level rise at rates  25% higher than previous estimates.  相似文献   

Abstract– The 0.35–2.5 μm reflectance spectra of iron meteorite powders and slabs have been studied as a function of composition, surface texture (for slabs), grain size (for powders), and viewing geometry (for powders). Powder spectra are invariably red‐sloped over this wavelength interval and have a narrow range of visible albedos (approximately 10–15% at 0.56 μm). Metal (Fe:Ni) compositional variations have no systematic effect on the powder spectra, increasing grain size results in more red‐sloped spectra, and changes in viewing geometry have variable effects on overall reflectance and spectral slope. Roughened metal slab spectra have a wider, and higher, range of visible albedos than powders (22–74% at 0.56 μm), and are also red‐sloped. Smoother slabs exhibit greater differences from iron meteorite powder spectra, exhibiting wider variations in overall reflectance, spectral slopes, and spectral shapes. No unique spectral parameters exist that allow for powder and slab spectra to be fully separated in all cases. Spectral differences between slabs and powders can be used to constrain possible surface properties, and causes of rotational spectral variations, of M‐asteroids. The magnitude of spectral variations between M‐asteroids and rotational and spectral variability does not necessarily imply a dramatic change in surface properties, as the differences in albedo and/or spectral slope can be accommodated by modest changes in grain size (for powders), small changes in surface roughness (for slabs), or variations in viewing geometry. Since metal powders exhibit much less spectral variability than slabs, M‐asteroid spectral variability requires larger changes in either powder properties or viewing geometry than for slabs for a given degree of spectral variation.  相似文献   

Abstract— The IIIAB group is the largest of the magmatic iron meteorite groups and consequently is commonly used to test models of asteroid core crystallization. Simple fractional crystallization calculations appear to reproduce the general shape of the elemental trends observed in the IIIAB group when these trends are plotted vs. Ni, as is traditionally done. However, when the elemental trends are examined vs. another element (such as Ge vs. Ir), simple fractional crystallization fails to match a significant portion of the trend, specifically meteorites formed during the final stages of crystallization. Our simple mixing model, which attempts to account for the possibility of inhomogeneities in the molten metallic core, is able to reproduce the entire IIIAB trend observed. This model is a variant of simple fractional crystallization and involves mixing between a zone of liquid involved in the crystallization process and a second zone too far from the crystallizing solid to be actively involved in crystallization. This model does not suggest one unique solution for the method by which an asteroidal core crystallizes; rather it demonstrates that including the effects of mixing in the molten core can account for the observed IIIAB elemental trends, particularly the late-stage crystallizing members, which other models have difficulty explaining.  相似文献   

The flux of small meteoroids, originating primarily from comets, consists of sporadic, random objects and others whose orbits are related. Here, we summarize data relevant to the question of whether the flux of large meteoroids of asteroidal origin (recoverable as meteorites) also consists of objects with random orbits, as well as coorbital objects. After reviewing some relevant properties of planetary materials, applications of two nuclear techniques - radiochemical neutron activation analysis (RNAA) and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) - to this question are discussed. Contents of ten thermally labile trace and ultratrace elements determined by RNAA (Ag, Bi, Cd, Cs, In, Rb, Se, Te, Tl, Zn) act as thermometers for thermal metamorphism in parent sources. These data, together with spectral reflectivity information, establish the nature of surfaces on abundant C-, G-, B- and F-class asteroids. Data for these ten cosmothermometers in H4-6 type ordinary chondrites, when treated by multivariate statistical techniques, demonstrate that a suite chosen by one set of criteria (the circumstances of their fall in May, between 1855 and 1895) is distinguishable by another set, i.e. compositionally, from all other such falls analyzed. Hence, this suite, H Cluster 1, has an average thermal history distinguishable from those of all other falls, demonstrating that near-Earth source regions for H chondrite falls changes rapidly. AMS measurements of cosmogenic36Cl (301 kyr half-life), quantify nominal terrestrial ages for Antarctic H chondrites whose contents of thermometric trace elements were also established by RNAA. While multivariate statistical analysis of RNAA data from Antarctic H chondrites with nominal terrestrial ages 50 kyr are not distinguishable from those of falls, older Antarctic H chondrites are compositionally distinguishable from falls. Assertions that these highly significant compositional differences reflect terrestrial or methodologic causes are refutable. This result argues that near-Earth source regions of H chondrites have changed over a long time, as well. Thus, the Earth receives a highly biased sampling of planetary objects in the Solar System in any one time-period.  相似文献   

A substantial fraction of interstellar dust probably formed in the nebulae around protostars, a setting similar to that envisioned for meteoritic material. From studies of the mineralogy and composition of meteorites it is possible to obtain quantitative information on the conditions that prevailed in the nebula. For example, pressures in the range 10–3 to 10–6 atm are indicated. At these pressures the kinetics of nucleation and grain growth are favorable.The fact that the gas associated with interstellar dust has solar H/S ratios indicates that FeS, which forms at 680 K, independent of pressure, is not present in the dust. Since iron only becomes oxidized at even lower temperatures, also via pressure-independent reactions, oxidized iron is not expected in the dust. If most interstellar dust forms in nebulae and is ejected back into space, a relatively high temperature is implied, 700K. Dust formation around stars with high C/O ratios is expected to produce minerals found in the highly reduced enstatite chondrites.High-temperature fractionation processes ( 1000 K) played an important role in the nebula. Much of the Al, Ca, Ti, etc., evidently condensed and accreted into cm-sized objects, some of which are found in carbonaceous chondrites. These objects are explicable in terms of formation from a cooling neutral gas with cosmic composition. Their most important distinguishing characteristics are low volatile and low Si contents, coupled with high refractory element contents constrains formation via isothermal compression to grain temperature 1000 K.Invited contribution to the proceedings of a workshop onThermodynamics and Kinetics of Dust Formation in the Space Medium held at the Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 6–8 September, 1978.  相似文献   

Abstract— The original mass (15915 g) of the Twannberg IIG (low Ni‐, high P) iron was found in 1984. Five additional masses (12 to 2488 g) were recovered between 2000 and 2007 in the area. The different masses show identical mineralogy consisting of kamacite single crystals with inclusions of three types of schreibersite crystals: cm‐sized skeletal (10.5% Ni), lamellar (17.2% Ni), and 1–3 × 10 μm‐sized microprismatic (23.9% Ni). Masses I and II were compared in detail and have virtually identical microstructure, hardness, chemical composition, cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) ages, and 10Be and 26Al activities. Bulk concentrations of 5.2% Ni and 2.0% P were calculated. The preatmospheric mass is estimated to have been at least 11,000 kg. The average CRE age for the different Twannberg samples is 230 ± 50 Ma. Detrital terrestrial mineral grains in the oxide rinds of the three larger masses indicate that they oxidized while they were incorporated in a glacial till deposited by the Rhône glacier during the last glaciation (Würm). The find location of mass I is located at the limit of glaciation where the meteorite may have deposited after transport by the glacier over considerable distance. All evidence indicates pairing of the six masses, which may be part of a larger shower as is indicated by the large inferred pre‐atmospheric mass.  相似文献   

The behavior of rare earth elements (REEs) during hot desert weathering of meteorites is investigated. Ordinary chondrites (OCs) from Atacama (Chile) and Lut (Iran) deserts show different variations in REE composition during this process. Inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS) data reveal that hot desert OCs tend to show elevated light REE concentrations, relative to OC falls. Chondrites from Atacama are by far the most enriched in REEs and this enrichment is not necessarily related to their degree of weathering. Positive Ce anomaly of fresh chondrites from Atacama and the successive formation of a negative Ce anomaly with the addition of trivalent REEs are similar to the process reported from Antarctic eucrites. In addition to REEs, Sr and Ba also show different concentrations when comparing OCs from different hot deserts. The stability of Atacama surfaces and the associated old terrestrial ages of meteorites from this region give the samples the necessary time to interact with the terrestrial environment and to be chemically modified. Higher REE contents and LREE‐enriched composition are evidence of contamination by terrestrial soil. Despite their low degrees of weathering, special care must be taken into account while working on the REE composition of Atacama meteorites for cosmochemistry applications. In contrast, chondrites from the Lut desert show lower degrees of REE modification, despite significant weathering signed by Sr content. This is explained by the relatively rapid weathering rate of the meteorites occurring in the Lut desert, which hampers the penetration of terrestrial material by forming voluminous Fe oxide/oxyhydroxides shortly after the meteorite fall.  相似文献   

Abstract— The abundances of alkali elements in the Earth's core are predicted by assuming that accretion of the Earth started from material similar in composition to enstatite chondrites and that enstatite achondrites (aubrites) provide a natural laboratory to study core-mantle differentiation under extremely reducing conditions. If core formation on the aubrite parent body is comparable with core formation on the early Earth, it is found that 2600 (±1000) ppm Na, 550 (±260) ppm K, 3.4 (±2.1) ppm Rb, and 0.31 (±0.24) ppm Cs can reside in the Earth's core. The alkali-element abundances are consistent with those predicted by independent estimates based on nebula condensation calculations and heat flow data.  相似文献   

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