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Life on Venus     
A fundamental question in exobiology remains the degree to which habitats on Venus, past and present, were, or are suitable for life. This has relevance for assessing the exobiological potential of extrasolar Venus-like greenhouse planets. In this paper the parameters of the Venusian surface and atmosphere are considered and the biochemical adaptations required to survive them are explored in the light of new information on microbial adaptations to extreme environments. Neither the pressure (9.5 MPa) nor the high carbon dioxide concentrations (97%) represent a critical constraint to the evolution of life on the surface or in the atmosphere. The most significant constraints to life on the surface are the lack of liquid water and the temperature (464°C). In the lower and middle cloud layers of Venus, temperatures drop and water availability increases, generating a more biologically favorable environment. However, acidity and the problem of osmoregulation in hygroscopic sulfuric acid clouds become extreme and probably life-limiting. If it is assumed that these constraints can be overcome, considerations on the survival of acidophilic sulfate-reducing chemoautotrophs suspended as aerosols in such an environment show that Venus does come close to possessing a habitable niche. Conditions on the surface and in the atmosphere may have been greatly ameliorated on early Venus and may also be ameliorated on extrasolar planets with early Venus-like characteristics where temperatures are less extreme and liquid water is available.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic studies have revealed a tripartite division of the living world into two procaryotic groups, Bacteria and Archaea, and one eucaryotic group, Eucarya. Which group is the most "primitive"? Which groups are sister? The answer to these questions would help to delineate the characters of the last common ancestor to all living beings, as a first step to reconstruct the earliest periods of biological evolution on Earth. The current "Procaryotic dogma" claims that procaryotes are primitive. Since the ancestor of Archaea was most probably a hyperthermophile, and since bacteria too might have originated from hyperthermophiles, the procaryotic dogma has been recently connected to the hot origin of life hypothesis. However, the notion that present-day hyperthermophiles are primitive has been challenged by recent findings, in these unique microorganisms, of very elaborate adaptative devices for life at high temperature. Accordingly, I discuss here alternative hypotheses that challenge the procaryotic dogma, such as the idea of a universal ancestor with molecular features in between those of eucaryotes and procaryotes, or the origin of procaryotes via thermophilic adaptation. Clearly, major evolutionary questions about early cellular evolution on Earth remain to be settled before we can speculate with confidence about which kinds of life might have appeared on other planets.  相似文献   

The presence of sulfate salts and limited subsurface water (ice) on Mars suggests that any liquid water on Mars today will occur as (magnesium) sulfate-rich brines in regions containing sources of magnesium and sulfur. The Basque Lakes of British Columbia, Canada, represent a hypersaline terrestrial analogue site, which possesses chemical and physical properties similar to those observed on Mars. The Basque Lakes also contain diverse halophilic organisms representing all three Kingdoms of life, growing in surface and near-subsurface environments. Of interest from an astrobiological perspective, crushed magnesium sulfate samples that were analyzed using a modified Lowry protein assay contained biomass in every crystal inspected, with biomass values from 0.078 to 4.21 mgbiomass/gsalt; average=0.74±0.7 mgbiomass/gsalt. Bacteria and Archaea cells were easily observed even in low-biomass samples using light microscopy, and bacteria trapped within magnesium sulfate crystals were observed using confocal microscopy. Regions within the salt also contained bacterial pigments, e.g., carotenoids, which were separate from the cells, indicating that cell lysis might have occurred during entrapment within the salt matrix. These biosignatures, cells, and any ‘soluble’ organic constituents were primarily found trapped within fluid inclusions or fluid-filled void spaces between intergrown crystals. Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (reflectance IR) analysis of enrichment cultures, containing cyanobacteria, Archaea, or dissimilatory sulfate-reducing bacteria, highlighted molecular biosignature features between 550-1650 and 2400-3000 cm−1. Spectra from natural salts demonstrated that we can detect biomass within salt crystals using the most sensitive biosignatures, which are the 1530-1570 cm−1, C-N, N-H, -COOH absorptions and the 1030-1050 cm−1 C-OH, C-N, PO43− bond features. The lowest detection limit for a biosignature absorption feature using reflectance IR was with a natural sample that possessed 0.78 mgbiomass/gsalt. In a model cell, i.e., a 0.5 by 1 μm bacillus, this biomass value corresponds to approximately 7.8×108 cells/gsalt. Based on its ability to detect biomass entrapped within natural sulfate salts, reflectance IR may make an effective remote-sensing tool for finding enrichments of organic carbon within outcrops and surficial sedimentary deposits on Mars.  相似文献   

Within the context of present and future in situ missions to Mars to investigate its habitability and to search for traces of life, we studied the habitability and traces of past life in ∼3.5 Ga-old volcanic sands deposited in littoral environments an analogue to Noachian environments on Mars. The environmental conditions on Noachian Mars (4.1-3.7 Ga) and the Early Archaean (4.0-3.3 Ga) Earth were, in many respects, similar: presence of liquid water, dense CO2 atmosphere, availability of carbon and bio-essential elements, and availability of energy. For this reason, information contained in Early Archaean terrestrial rocks concerning habitable conditions (on a microbial scale) and traces of past life are of relevance in defining strategies to be used to identify past habitats and past life on Mars.One such example is the 3.446 Ga-old Kitty’s Gap Chert in the Pilbara Craton, NW. Australia. This formation consists of volcanic sediments deposited in a coastal mudflat environment and is thus a relevant analogue for sediments deposited in shallow water environments on Noachian Mars. Two main types of habitat are represented, a volcanic (lithic) habitat and planar stabilized sediment surfaces in sunlit shallow waters. The sediments hosted small (<1 μm in size) microorganisms that formed colonies on volcanic particle surfaces and in pore waters within the volcanic sediments, as well as biofilms on stabilised sediment surfaces. The microorganisms included coccoids, filaments and rare rod-shaped organisms associated with microbial polymer (EPS). The preserved microbial community was apparently dominated by chemotrophic organisms but some locally transported filaments and filamentous mat fragments indicate that possibly photosynthetic mats formed nearby. Both microorganisms and sediments were silicified during very early diagenesis.There are no macroscopic traces of fossilised life in these volcanic sediments and sophisticated instrumentation and specialized sample preparation techniques are required to establish the biogenicity and syngenicity of the traces of past life. The fact that the traces of life are cryptic, and the necessity of using sophisticated instrumentation, reinforces the challenges and difficulties of in situ robotic missions to identify past life on Mars. We therefore recommend the return of samples from Mars to Earth for a definitive search for traces of life.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the nature of dwarf low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies we have undertaken a deep B - and I -band CCD survey of a 14-deg2 strip in the Virgo Cluster and applied a Fourier convolution technique to explore its dwarf galaxy population down to a central surface brightness of ∼26 B mag arcsec−2 and a total absolute B mag of  ∼−10  . In this paper we carry out an analysis of their morphology, ( B − I ) colours and atomic hydrogen content. We compare these properties with those of dwarf galaxies in other environments to try and assess how the cluster environment has influenced their evolution. Field dwarfs are generally of a more irregular morphology, are bluer and contain relatively more gas. We assess the importance that various physical processes have on the evolution of cluster dwarf galaxies (ram-pressure stripping, tidal interactions, supernova-driven gas loss). We suggest that enhanced star formation triggered by tidal interactions is the major reason for the very different general properties of cluster dwarfs: they have undergone accelerated evolution.  相似文献   

The primary goal of exobiological research is to reach a better understanding of the processes leading to the origin, evolution and distribution of life on Earth or elsewhere in the universe. In this endeavour, scientists from a wide variety of disciplines are involved, such as astronomy, planetary research, organic chemistry, palaeontology and the various subdisciplines of biology including microbial ecology and molecular biology. Space technology plays an important part by offering the opportunity for exploring our solar system, for collecting extraterrestrial samples, and for utilizing the peculiar environment of space as a tool. Exobiological activities include comparison of the overall pattern of chemical evolution of potential precursors of life, in the interstellar medium, and on the planets and small bodies of our solar system; tracing the history of life on Earth back to its roots; deciphering the environments of the planets in our solar system and of their satellites, throughout their history, with regard to their habitability; searching for other planetary systems in our Galaxy and for signals of extraterrestrial civilizations; testing the impact of space environment on survivability of resistant life forms. This evolutionary approach towards understanding the phenomenon of life in the context of cosmic evolution may eventually contribute to a better understanding of the processes regulating the interactions of life with its environment on Earth.  相似文献   

This work reviews factors which are important for the evolution of habitable Earth-like planets such as the effects of the host star dependent radiation and particle fluxes on the evolution of atmospheres and initial water inventories. We discuss the geodynamical and geophysical environments which are necessary for planets where plate tectonics remain active over geological time scales and for planets which evolve to one-plate planets. The discoveries of methane–ethane surface lakes on Saturn’s large moon Titan, subsurface water oceans or reservoirs inside the moons of Solar System gas giants such as Europa, Ganymede, Titan and Enceladus and more than 335 exoplanets, indicate that the classical definition of the habitable zone concept neglects more exotic habitats and may fail to be adequate for stars which are different from our Sun. A classification of four habitat types is proposed. Class I habitats represent bodies on which stellar and geophysical conditions allow Earth-analog planets to evolve so that complex multi-cellular life forms may originate. Class II habitats includes bodies on which life may evolve but due to stellar and geophysical conditions that are different from the class I habitats, the planets rather evolve toward Venus- or Mars-type worlds where complex life-forms may not develop. Class III habitats are planetary bodies where subsurface water oceans exist which interact directly with a silicate-rich core, while class IV habitats have liquid water layers between two ice layers, or liquids above ice. Furthermore, we discuss from the present viewpoint how life may have originated on early Earth, the possibilities that life may evolve on such Earth-like bodies and how future space missions may discover manifestations of extraterrestrial life.  相似文献   

Hyperthermophilic life at deep-sea hydrothermal vents   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vents in 1977 considerably modified the views on deep-sea biology. For the first time, an ecosystem totally based on primary production achieved by chemosynthetic bacteria was discovered. Besides the warm vents where dense invertebrate communities and their symbiotic bacteria are located, the "black smokers" venting fluids at temperatures up to 350 degrees C were also investigated by microbiologists. Several strains of hyperthermophilic Archaea (methanogens, sulfate-reducers, sulfur-reducers) were isolated from smokers and surrounding materials. Deep-sea isolates that have been totally described, have been assigned to new species, within genera previously found in coastal geothermally heated environments. However, some species appear to exist in both deep and shallow ecosystems. Some deep-sea hyperthermophiles appear to be adapted to hydrostatic pressure and showed a barophilic response. The distribution of hyperthermophiles in the hot ecosystems of the planet, and their adaptation to pressure are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Based on various lines of geologic, geomorphic, topographic, geophysical, spectral, and elemental evidence, we conclude that hydrothermal environments have certainly existed on Mars and are likely to still exist. Here, we present candidate targets of endogenic- and exogenic-driven hydrothermal environments on Mars based on a set of selection criteria and suggest strategies for the detection of such targets. This includes a re-evaluation of potential targets using both existing and yet-to-be-released remote information provided by the instruments onboard the Mars orbiters and rovers. We also provide terrestrial analogs for possible martian hydrothermal environments to highlight the implications of these targets for potential martian life. This compilation and synthesis of data from martian localities indicating hydrothermal activity is timely and a first step towards prioritizing candidate targets for further investigation, which will likely add more targets to this list. Future in situ exploration will have to focus on the most promising of the hydrothermal targets and investigate them utilizing a novel integrated multi-tier, multi-agent reconnaissance mission architecture.  相似文献   

To assess whether life existed on Mars, it is crucial to identify geochemical biosignatures that are relevant to specific Martian environments. In this paper, thermochemical modeling was used to investigate fluid chemistries and secondary minerals that would have evolved biotically over geological time scales in Martian fluvio-lacustrine and evaporitic settings, and that could be used as potential inorganic biosignatures for life detection on Mars. Modeling was performed using fluid and rock chemistries relevant to Gale crater aqueous environments. Potential inorganic biosignatures were identified investigating alteration deposits found at the surface of a simulant exposed to short-term bio-mediated weathering and comparing experimental and modeling results. In a fluvio-lacustrine setting (water/rock of 2000–278), models suggest that less complex mineral assemblages form during biotic basalt dissolution and subsequent brine evaporation compared to what would happen in an abiotic system. Mainly nontronite, kaolinite, and quartz form under biotic conditions, whereas celadonite, talc, and goethite would also precipitate abiotically. Quartz, sepiolite, and gypsum would precipitate from the evaporation of fluids evolved biotically, whereas nontronite, talc, zeolite, and gypsum would form in an abiotic evaporitic environment. These results could be used to distinguish products of abiotic and biotic processes, aiding the interpretation of data from Mars exploration missions.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet radiation is more damaging on the surface of Mars than on Earth because of the lack of an ozone shield. We investigated micro-habitats in which UV radiation could be reduced to levels similar to those found on the surface of present-day Earth, but where light in the photosynthetically active region (400-700 nm) would be above the minimum required for photosynthesis. We used a simple radiative transfer model to study four micro-habitats in which such a theoretical Martian Earth-like Photosynthetic Zone (MEPZ) might exist. A favorable radiation environment was found in martian soils containing iron, encrustations of halite, polar snows and crystalline rocks shocked by asteroid or comet impacts, all of which are known habitats for phototrophs on Earth. Although liquid water and nutrients are also required for life, micro-environments with favorable radiation environments for phototrophic life exist in a diversity of materials on Mars. This finding suggests that the lack of an ozone shield is not in itself a limit to the biogeographically widespread colonization of land by photosynthetic organisms, even if there are no other UV-absorbers in the atmosphere apart from carbon dioxide. When applied to the Archean Earth, these data suggest that even with the worst-case assumptions about the UV radiation environment, early land masses could have been colonized by primitive photosynthetic organisms. Such zones could similarly exist on anoxic extra-solar planets lacking ozone shields.  相似文献   

Void regions of the Universe offer a special environment for studying cosmology and galaxy formation, which may expose weaknesses in our understanding of these phenomena. Although galaxies in voids are observed to be predominately gas rich, star forming and blue, a subpopulation of bright-red void galaxies can also be found, whose star formation was shutdown long ago. Are the same processes that quench star formation in denser regions of the Universe also at work in voids?
We compare the luminosity function of void galaxies in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey, to those from a galaxy formation model built on the Millennium simulation. We show that a global star formation suppression mechanism in the form of low-luminosity 'radio-mode' active galactic nuclei (AGN) heating is sufficient to reproduce the observed population of void early types. Radio-mode heating is environment independent other than its dependence on dark matter halo mass, where, above a critical mass threshold of approximately   M vir∼ 1012.5 M  , gas cooling on to the galaxy is suppressed and star formation subsequently fades. In the Millennium simulation, the void halo mass function is shifted with respect to denser environments, but still maintains a high-mass tail above this critical threshold. In such void haloes, radio-mode heating remains efficient and red galaxies are found; collectively these galaxies match the observed space density without any modification to the model. Consequently, galaxies living in vastly different large-scale environments but hosted by haloes of similar mass are predicted to have similar properties, consistent with observations.  相似文献   

We investigate how the formation and evolution of extrasolar planetary systems can be affected by stellar encounters that occur in the crowded conditions of a stellar cluster. Using plausible estimates of cluster evolution, we show how planet formation may be suppressed in globular clusters while planets wider than ≳0.1 au that do form in such environments can be ejected from their stellar system. Less crowded systems such as open clusters have a much reduced effect on any planetary system. Planet formation is unaffected in open clusters and only the wider planetary systems will be disrupted during the cluster's lifetime. The potential for free-floating planets in these environments is also discussed.  相似文献   

After initial claims and a long hiatus, it is now established that several binary stars emit high- (0.1–100 GeV) and very high-energy (>100 GeV) gamma rays. A new class has emerged called “gamma-ray binaries”, since most of their radiated power is emitted beyond 1 MeV. Accreting X-ray binaries, novae and a colliding wind binary (η Car) have also been detected—“related systems” that confirm the ubiquity of particle acceleration in astrophysical sources. Do these systems have anything in common? What drives their high-energy emission? How do the processes involved compare to those in other sources of gamma rays: pulsars, active galactic nuclei, supernova remnants? I review the wealth of observational and theoretical work that have followed these detections, with an emphasis on gamma-ray binaries. I present the current evidence that gamma-ray binaries are driven by rotation-powered pulsars. Binaries are laboratories giving access to different vantage points or physical conditions on a regular timescale as the components revolve on their orbit. I explain the basic ingredients that models of gamma-ray binaries use, the challenges that they currently face, and how they can bring insights into the physics of pulsars. I discuss how gamma-ray emission from microquasars provides a window into the connection between accretion–ejection and acceleration, while η Car and novae raise new questions on the physics of these objects—or on the theory of diffusive shock acceleration. Indeed, explaining the gamma-ray emission from binaries strains our theories of high-energy astrophysical processes, by testing them on scales and in environments that were generally not foreseen, and this is how these detections are most valuable.  相似文献   

On the Venusian surface, there can be found a rather large population of structures with prominent radial features. The term “nova” or “astrum/astra” are used to describe this special group of volcanotectonic structures with a stellate fracture pattern radiating around a central summit or fracture. In this paper, we studied the distribution and characteristics of 74 novae to determine if there are suitable ways to categorize them and to find out how this categorization could explain the differences in nova characteristics. The nova locations establish that these structures are not distributed sporadically, but they display both latitudinal and longitudinal concentrations. In addition, it is evident that the geological environments represent the major differences between individual novae. Most of them, in general, are connected to some larger volcanotectonic unit. The differences in geological surroundings can be used as the basis for characterizing novae by dividing them into different categories: (a) novae located either within or close to a rather large deformation zone, (b) novae located on plains, (c) novae located close to tessera terrain, and (d) novae situated within volcanic areas either close to volcanoes or within an area with a high density of coronae. The analysis of this characterization establishes that geological environments are the main cause for divergent nova characteristics, i.e., differences in morphology, volcanism, and topography, which, on the other hand, are possible ways to classify novae. In particular, the morphological classification (Type I, novae with features radiating from the same point; Type II, radial structures radiating from a fissure or other linear structure; Type III, lava flows or fields covering radiant point area; Type IV, semiradial structures which do not radiate from a well-defined radiant point, fissure, or area) shows some correlations between geological environments and the type of nova, indicating that the morphological appearance and the location—and, thereby, the geologic environment—of the novae are correlated to some extent.  相似文献   

Brent C. Christner 《Icarus》2005,174(2):572-584
Evidence gathered from spacecraft orbiting Mars has shown that water ice exists at both poles and may form a large subsurface reservoir at lower latitudes. The recent exploration of the martian surface by unmanned landers and surface rovers, and the planned missions to eventually return samples to Earth have raised concerns regarding both forward and back contamination. Methods to search for life in these icy environments and adequate protocols to prevent contamination can be tested with earthly analogues. Studies of ice cores on Earth have established past climate changes and geological events, both globally and regionally, but only recently have these results been correlated with the biological materials (i.e., plant fragments, seeds, pollen grains, fungal spores, and microorganisms) that are entrapped and preserved within the ice. The inclusion of biology into ice coring research brings with it a whole new approach towards decontamination. Our investigations on ice from the Vostok core (Antarctica) have shown that the outer portion of the cores have up to 3 and 2 orders of magnitude higher bacterial density and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) than the inner portion of the cores, respectively, as a result of drilling and handling. The extreme gradients that exist between the outer and inner portion of these samples make contamination a very relevant aspect of geomicrobiological investigations with ice cores, particularly when the actual numbers of ambient bacterial cells are low. To address this issue and the inherent concern it raises for the integrity of future investigations with ice core materials from terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments, we employed a procedure to monitor the decontamination process in which ice core surfaces are painted with a solution containing a tracer microorganism, plasmid DNA, and fluorescent dye before sampling. Using this approach, a simple and direct method is proposed to verify the authenticity of geomicrobiological results obtained from ice core materials. Our protocol has important implications for the design of life detection experiments on Mars and the decontamination of samples that will eventually be returned to Earth.  相似文献   

In high-salinity and water-scarce environments, such as in hot and dry deserts, species develop adaptive strategies that are necessary for living in such harsh conditions. Continental ephemeral salt lakes (sabkhas) with periodic flooding from subsurface groundwater followed by high salt concentrations, such as the ones of the northern Africa Chotts, rank among the geological settings wherein the combined effect of salt concentration and fluctuation of water availability make the environment unstable and can thereafter lead to extreme changes. The present study investigates the continental sabkha environments of southern Tunisia, in which ecological niches (i.e. water and salt precipitates, including halite, gypsum, and dolomite) host microbial life. Halophilic microorganisms can be trapped in the extensive saline crusts of halite and gypsum, which can be regarded as the first step of their delivery to the fossil record. The study of halophiles can provide clues for the understanding of life strategies in extreme terrestrial environments, such as sabkhas, which are potential good terrestrial analogs for evaporite-bearing Martian deposits.  相似文献   

The study of celestial (natural) maser-laser environment has not yet been well connected with nonlinear optics; many nonlinear optical processes and effects have been (fundamentally) neglected. It is now proposed in this Letter that nonlinear optics can (and should) actively be introduced to the study of the celestial maser-laser environment, with some modifications upon consideration of the difference of environments. This Letter provides a theoretical basis for this new approach. This is very significant to the study of celestial maser-laser environment, and may be significant to nonlinear optics as well; this may also produce an interplay between the two fields.  相似文献   

The age, mass, and size distributions of star clusters in nearby star-forming galaxies provide important clues to the formation and evolution of cluster systems. In particular, the similarities and differences between these cluster distributions in very different environments can help to disentangle formation and disruption processes. We present the age and mass distributions for clusters younger than ≈1 Gyr in the Magellanic Clouds, which are typical, star-forming irregular galaxies, and compare the results with the more “extreme” environment found in the merging Antennae galaxies. In addition, we describe some new results on the interpretation of ancient globular cluster systems, and present an emerging picture for the life cycle of star clusters.  相似文献   

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