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William K. Hartmann 《Icarus》1976,27(4):553-559
Significant fractions of each planet's late-accreted mass originated not at its own distance from the Sun, but from a neighboring planet's orbit, according to results that follow from calculations by Wetherill (1975). “Late-accreted” refers to a loosely defined period after planets acquired most of their present mass. In an idealized model, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars received 47, 45, 37, and 52% of their late-accreted mass from planetesimals formed closer to other planets. Resulting compositional anomalies in outer parts of early planets could be significant; atmospheric tests of Lewis's predicted S deficiency on Venus may be inconclusive.The Moon's orbit around Earth puts it in a special category: sorting occurs between Moon-impacting and Earth-impacting material according to approach velocity. In the above model, the moon receives 60% of its late-accreted mass from planetesimals formed near Venus' orbit. Distant planetesimals could be perturbed into the Earth-Moon system and cause major changes in the Moon's composition with only minor effect on Earth. The entire lunar bulk composition anomaly could be explained by plausible reservoirs of distant low-density material.  相似文献   

Abstract– Two suites of lunar impact melt samples have been measured in NASA’s Reflectance Experiment Laboratory (RELAB) at Brown University. Suite 1 comprises seven Apollo 17 crystalline impact melt breccias and seven quenched glass equivalents. Suite 2 is made up of 15 additional impact melt samples (from Apollo 12, 15, 16, and 17) which exhibit a range of textures and compositions related to cooling conditions and glass abundance. A few of these samples have cooled slowly and fully crystallized, and thus have the same spectral properties as igneous rocks of similar texture and composition; they cannot be uniquely distinguished without geologic context. However, most of the impact melts and melt breccias contain either quantities of quenched glass and/or have developed microcrystalline nonequilibrium textures with well‐defined, diagnostic spectral properties. The microcrystalline textures are associated with a distinctive 600 nm absorption feature, apparently due to submicroscopic ilmenite inclusions in a transparent host (typically fine‐grained plagioclase). The reflectance properties of these lunar sample suites contribute to and constrain the identification and characterization of impact melts in remote sensing data.  相似文献   

As on Earth, Titan’s atmosphere plays a major role in the cooling of heated surfaces. We have assessed the mechanisms by which Titan’s atmosphere, dominantly N2 at a surface pressure of 1.5 × 105 Pa, cools a warm or heated surface. These heated areas can be caused by impacts generating melt sheets and (possibly) by endogenic processes emplacing cryolavas (a low-temperature liquid that freezes on the surface). We find that for a cooling cryolava flow, lava lake, or impact melt body, heat loss is mainly driven by atmospheric convection. Radiative heat loss, a dominant heat loss mechanism with terrestrial silicate lava flows, plays only a minor role on Titan. Long-term cooling and solidification are dependent on melt sheet or flow thickness, and also local climate, because persistent winds will speed cooling. Relatively rapid cooling caused by winds reduces the detectability of these thermal events by instruments measuring surface thermal emission. Because surface temperature drops by ≈50% within ≈1 day of emplacement, fresh flows or impact melt may be difficult to detect via thermal emission unless an active eruption is directly observed. Cooling of flow or impact melt surfaces are orders of magnitude faster on Titan than on airless moons (e.g., Enceladus or Europa).Although upper surfaces cool fast, the internal cooling and solidification process is relatively slow. Cryolava flow lengths are, therefore, more likely to be volume (effusion) limited, rather than cooling-limited. More detailed modeling awaits constraints on the thermophysical properties of the likely cryomagmas and surface materials.  相似文献   

Abstract— We investigated the ballistically dispersed melts from Meteor Crater, Arizona, USA to determine the stratigraphic extent of its melt zone from the compositional relationship of melts and target rocks. Most melt particles are crystallized, hydrated, and oxidized; pristine glasses are rare. Hydration and oxidation occurred at ambient temperatures long after the impact. The preserved glasses are generally clear and texturally homogeneous, but unlike typical impact melts, they have unusually heterogeneous compositions, both within individual particles and from sample to sample. For example, the average SiO2 for individual particles ranges from 43 to 65%. The projectile content is unusually high and it is distributed bimodally, with specific samples containing either 5–10% or 20–30% FeO. These compositional heterogeneities most likely reflect the high carbonate content of the target rocks and the release of copious CO2 that dispersed the melts, thereby terminating melt flow and mixing. The high projectile content and the CO2 depleted residue of purely sedimentary rocks produced mafic melts that crystallized fine‐grained olivine and pyroxene. The melts fall into three compositional groups reflecting variable proportions of the major target formations, Moenkopi, Kaibab, and Coconino. Least‐square mixing calculations revealed one group to contain 55% Moenkopi, 40% quartz‐rich, upper Kaibab, and 5% meteorite, suggesting a source depth of <30 m from the pre‐impact surface. The other two melt groups have higher contents of meteorite (15–20%) and Kaibab (50–70%) and contain more SiO2 than average Kaibab. The additional quartz may have been derived from Coconino or the upper Kaibab, implying melt depths >90 m or <30 m, respectively. Additional studies, especially hydrocode calculations, are needed to better understand the source depth of these melts and their exceptionally high projectile content.  相似文献   

Differences in crater morphology between the Jovian and Saturnian-Uranian ice satellites implies a weaker surface strength for Ganymede and Callisto and thus a more concentrated composition of water. This compositional anomaly among the ice satellites is apparently due to a more complete migration of heavy material toward the inner part of the pre-planetary disc of the Jovian system than occurred in the discs of the Saturnian and Uranian systems.  相似文献   

Abstract— To test different hypotheses of moldavite formation, a major and trace-element study of 25 moldavite tektites and Sm-Nd isotope measurement of three moldavite tektites was completed. The samples were selected from the classical substrewnfields and the newly described locations in Lusatia (Saxony, Germany). Samples with unusual bulk composition were also included. The results confirm earlier studies that the variation in the chemical composition can be explained by single impact and through incomplete mixing of at least three lithographical components dominated by one of the three minerals or mineral groups: dolomite, clay minerals and quartz. An additional endmember, possibly a rare Earth's mantle component, containing high Co, Cr and Ni concentrations is also needed to explain the observed variations in compatible elements of some tektites. Volatile element abundances are low but not necessarily the result of selective volatilization.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have analyzed small, ballistically dispersed melt samples in the form of aerodynamically shaped spheres, dumbbells, teardrops, etc., from Wabar Crater, Saudi Arabia, and have compared these to our previous study of the more massive, black and white melt specimens. The smaller melt samples differ from the more massive melts in that they are petrographically and chemically more homogeneous, possess fewer, more diffuse schlieren and contain much less clastic detritus. These observations suggest higher peak temperatures for the smaller melt samples than for the massive black and white melts which represent Wabar's major melt-zone. Analyses of the Wabar and Nejed (paired with Wabar) meteorites permit detailed comparison of the unaltered projectile with impactor residues in the melts. Siderophile element concentrations indicate that the small glass beads commonly contain > 10% meteoritic component, compared to < 5% for the massive black and white melts. One glass bead was found to contain ~ 17% meteoritic component. Based on models for melt production during cratering, we deduce that more meteoritic material was mixed with the upper stratigraphic horizons of Wabar's melt zone than with the lower parts. Siderophile elements in all Wabar melt specimens are fractionated relative to the Wabar-Nejed meteorite and have Fe/Ni ratios up to ~ 1.8 times that of Wabar-Nejed for the most siderophile element-rich glasses. The abundance sequence of siderophiles in the melts relative to the projectile is Fe ? Co > Ni ? Ir ? As » Au. Although this sequence seems incompatible with simple vapor fractionation of either elements or oxides, we believe that a complex vapor fractionation process most likely produced the observed siderophile element abundances. Our sample suite should be representative of all materials found in and around the Wabar structure, and we conclude that substantial quantities of the projectile were lost to the atmosphere, most likely as vapor. No fractionation of lithophile elements is observed in the glasses relative to the target rocks. Although fractionation of the impactor must have occurred prior to intimate mixing of projectile and target, details of the actual fractionation mechanism(s) remain poorly understood. The results of this study indicate that caution is necessary when attempting to define impactor types and masses from compositional data for impact melts from other craters.  相似文献   

Impact melt‐bearing clastic deposits (suevites) are one of the most important records of the impact cratering process. A deeper understanding of their composition and formation is therefore essential. This study focuses on impact melt particles in suevite at Ries, Germany. Textures and chemical evidence indicate that the suevite contains three melt types that originate from different shock levels in the target. The most abundant melt type (“melt type 1”) represents well‐mixed whole‐rock melting of crystalline basement and includes incompletely mixed mafic melt schlieren (“melt type 1 mafic”). Polymineralic melt type 2 comprises mixes between monomineralic melt types 3 and melt type 1. Melt types 2 and 3 are located within melt type 1 as small patches or schlieren but also isolated within the suevite matrix. The main melt type 1 is heterogeneous with respect to trace elements, varying geographically around the crater: in the western sector, it has lower values in trace elements, e.g., Ba, Zr, Th, and Ce, than in the eastern sector. The west–east zoning likely reflects the heterogeneous nature of crystalline basement target rocks with lower trace element contents, e.g., Ba, Zr, Th, and Ce, in the west compared to the east. The chemical zoning pattern of suevite melt type 1 indicates that mixing during ejection and emplacement occurred only on a local (hundreds of meters) scale. The incomplete larger scale mixing indicated by the preservation of these local chemical signatures, and schlieren corroborate the assumption that mixing, ejection, and quenching were very rapid, short‐lived processes.  相似文献   

We present petrologic and isotopic data on Northwest Africa (NWA) 4799, NWA 7809, NWA 7214, and NWA 11071 meteorites, which were previously classified as aubrites. These four meteorites contain between 31 and 56 vol% of equigranular, nearly endmember enstatite, Fe,Ni metal, plagioclase, terrestrial alteration products, and sulfides, such as troilite, niningerite, daubréelite, oldhamite, and caswellsilverite. The equigranular texture of the enstatite and the presence of the metal surrounding enstatite indicate that these rocks were not formed through igneous processes like the aubrites, but rather by impact processes. In addition, the presence of pre‐terrestrially weathered metal (7.1–14 vol%), undifferentiated modal abundances compared to enstatite chondrites, presence of graphite, absence of diopside and forsterite, low Ti in troilite, and high Si in Fe,Ni metals suggest that these rocks formed through impact melting on chondritic and not aubritic parent bodies. Formation of these meteorites on a parent body with similar properties to the EHa enstatite chondrite parent body is suggested by their mineralogy. These parent bodies have undergone impact events from at least 4.5 Ga (NWA 11071) until at least 4.2 Ga (NWA 4799) according to 39Ar‐40Ar ages, indicating that this region of the solar system was heavily bombarded early in its history. By comparing NWA enstatite chondrite impact melts to Mercury, we infer that they represent imperfect petrological analogs to this planet given their high metal abundances, but they could represent important geochemical analogs for the behavior and geochemical affinities of elements on Mercury. Furthermore, the enstatite chondrite impact melts represent an important petrological analog for understanding high‐temperature processes and impact processes on Mercury, due to their similar mineralogies, Fe‐metal‐rich and FeO‐poor silicate abundances, and low oxygen fugacity.  相似文献   

Abstract– We have done bulk rock compositional analyses (INAA, ICP‐MS) and petrologic study of a suite of diogenite meteorites. Most contain orthopyroxenes with mg#s of 70.6–79.0. Meteorite Hills (MET) 00425 is magnesian (mg# of 83.9). Lewis Cliff (LEW) 88011 contains orthopyroxene grains of varying mg# (76.3–68.6). Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 93009 (orthopyroxene mg# 70.6) contains coarse‐grained noritic clasts (plagioclase An84.7–88.3), and is rich in incompatible trace elements. It has Eu/Eu* < 1, indicating that cumulate norites do not dominate its trace element inventory. Queen Alexandra Range 93009 may be transitional between diogenites and magnesian cumulate eucrites. Lewis Cliff 88679, a dimict breccia of harzburgite and orthopyroxenite, has anomalously low concentrations of highly incompatible elements (e.g., Nb, La, Ta, U) compared to other diogenites, but is similar to them in less highly incompatible elements (e.g., Y, Zr, Yb, Hf). It is unlikely that this characteristic reflects a low proportion of a trapped melt component. The highly incompatible elements were likely mobilized after impact mixing of the two parent lithologies. Graves Nunataks 98108 shows an extreme range in Eu/Eu* attributable to the heterogeneous distribution of plagioclase; one sample has the lowest Eu/Eu* among diogenites. We find no compelling evidence to support the hypothesis that diogenite parent magmas were contaminated by partial melts of the eucritic crust. We posit that subsolidus equilibration between orthopyroxene and minor/trace phases (including phosphates) resulted in preferential redistribution of Eu2+ relative to Eu3+ and other rare earth elements, and results in anomalously low Eu/Eu* in samples leached in acids that dissolve phosphates.  相似文献   

Seven impact melts from various places in the Nördlinger Ries were dated by 40Ar‐39Ar step‐heating. The aim of these measurements was to increase the age data base for Ries impact glasses directly from the Ries crater, because there is only one Ar‐Ar step‐heating spectrum available in the literature. Almost all samples display saddle‐shaped age spectra, indicating the presence of excess argon in most Ries glass samples, most probably inherited argon from incompletely degassed melt and possibly also excess argon incorporated during cooling from adjacent phases. In contrast, moldavites usually contain no inherited argon, probably due to their different formation process implying solidification during ballistic transport. The plateau age of the only flat spectrum is 14.60 ± 0.16 (0.20) Ma (2σ), while the total age of this sample is 14.86 ± 0.20 (0.22) Ma (isochron age: 14.72 ± 0.18 [0.22] Ma [2σ]), proofing the chronological relationship of the Ries impact and moldavites. The total ages of the other samples range between 15.77 ± 0.52 and 20.4 ± 1.0 Ma (2σ), implying approximately 2–40% excess 40Ar (compared to the nominal age of the Ries crater) in respective samples. Thus, the age of 14.60 ± 0.16 (0.20) (2σ) (14.75 ± 0.16 [0.20 Ma] [2σ], calculated using the most recent suggestions for the K decay constants) can be considered as reliable and is within uncertainties indistinguishable from the most recent compilation for the age of the moldavite tektites.  相似文献   

Jets can be probed in their innermost regions (d≲0.1 pc) through the study of the relativistically boosted emission of blazars. On the other extreme of spatial scales, the study of structure and dynamics of extragalactic relativistic jets received renewed impulse after the discovery, made by Chandra, of bright X-ray emission from regions at distances larger than hundreds of kpc from the central engine. At both scales it is thus possible to infer some of the basic parameters of the flow (speed, density, magnetic field intensity, power). After a brief review of the available observational evidence, I discuss how the comparison between the physical quantities independently derived at the two scales can be used to shed light on the global dynamics of the jet, from the innermost regions to the hundreds of kpc scale.  相似文献   

E.M. Parmentier  J.W. Head 《Icarus》1981,47(1):100-111
Spacecraft images show that the icy Galilean satellites have surfaces with very low topographic relief. Impact craters on Ganymede and Callisto are anomalously shallow and are characterized by sharp well-defined rims and domed floors. These morphological characteristics can be explained by viscous relaxation of topography on an icy crust in which the viscosity is uniform or decreases with depth. Under these conditions, large craters relax more rapidly than small craters, therefore explaining a possible underabundance of large craters. Viscous relaxation on an icy crust that is thin compared to the crater diameter or on a thick icy crust in which viscosity increases with depth could not produce this crater morphology and would result in the more rapid relaxation of small craters rather than large craters. The results of this study suggest that more detailed analysis of relaxing impact crater morphology may resolve the rate of viscosity decrease with depth and so provide evidence on the interior thermal evolution of icy planetary bodies.  相似文献   

Ancient, SiO2‐rich achondrites have previously been proposed to have formed by disequilibrium partial melting of chondrites. Here, we test the alternative hypothesis that these achondrites formed by fractional crystallization of impact melts of Rumuruti (R) chondrites. We identified two new melt clasts in R chondrites, one in Pecora Escarpment (PCA) 91241 and one in LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 031275. We analyzed major, minor, and trace element concentrations, as well as oxygen isotopes, of these two clasts and a third one that had been previously recognized (Bischoff et al. 2011) as an impact melt in Dar al Gani (DaG) 013. The melt clast in PCA 91241 is an R chondrite impact melt closely resembling the one previously recognized in DaG 013. The melt clast in LAP 031275 has an L chondrite provenance. We show that SiO2‐rich melts could form from the mesostases of R chondrite impact melts. However, their CI‐normalized rare earth element patterns are flat, whereas those of ancient SiO2‐rich achondrites (Day et al. 2012; Srinivasan et al. 2018) and those of disequilibrium partial melts of chondrites (Feldstein et al. 2001) have positive Eu anomalies from preferential melting of plagioclase. Thus, we conclude that ancient SiO2‐rich achondrites were probably formed by disequilibrium partial melting (due to an internal heat source on their parent bodies), rather than from impact melts.  相似文献   

We simulated entrainment of carbonates (calcite, dolomite) in silicate impact melts by 1-bar laser melting of silicate–carbonate composite targets, using sandstone, basalt, calcite marble, limestone, dolomite marble, and iron meteorite as starting materials. We demonstrate that carbonate assimilation by silicate melts of variable composition is extremely fast (seconds to minutes), resulting in contamination of silicate melts with carbonate-derived CaO and MgO and release of CO2 at the silicate melt–carbonate interface. We identify several processes, i.e., (1) decomposition of carbonates releases CO2 and produces residual oxides (CaO, MgO); (2) incorporation of residual oxides from proximally dissociating carbonates into silicate melts; (3) rapid back-reactions between residual CaO and CO2 produce idiomorphic calcite crystallites and porous carbonate quench products; (4) high-temperature reactions between Ca-contaminated silicate melts and carbonates yield typical skarn minerals and residual oxide melts; (5) mixing and mingling between Ca- or Ca,Mg-contaminated and Ca- or Ca,Mg-normal silicate melts; (6) precipitation of Ca- or Ca,Mg-rich silicates from contaminated silicate melts upon quenching. Our experiments reproduce many textural and compositional features of typical impact melts originating from silicate–carbonate targets. They reinforce hypotheses that thermal decomposition of carbonates, rapid back-reactions between decomposition products, and incorporation of residual oxides into silicate impact melts are prevailing processes during impact melting of mixed silicate–carbonate targets. However, by comparing our results with previous studies and thermodynamic considerations on the phase diagrams of calcite and quartz, we envisage that carbonate impact melts are readily produced during adiabatic decompression from high shock pressure, but subsequently decompose due to heat influx from coexisting silicate impact melts or hot breccia components. Under certain circumstances, postshock conditions may favor production and conservation of carbonate impact melts. We conclude that the response of mixed carbonate–silicate targets to impact might involve melting and decomposition of carbonates, the dominant response being governed by a complex variety of factors.  相似文献   

W.M. GrundyM.W. Buie 《Icarus》2002,157(1):128-138
We present four new near-infrared spectra of Pluto, measured separately from its satellite Charon during four HST/NICMOS observations in 1998, timed to sample four evenly spaced longitudes on Pluto. Being free of contamination by telluric absorptions or by Charon light, the new data are particularly valuable for studies of Pluto's continuum absorption. Previous studies of the major volatile species indicate the existence of at least three distinct terrains on Pluto's surface: N2-rich, CH4-rich, and volatile-depleted. The new data provide evidence that each of these three terrains has distinct near-infrared continuum absorption features. CH4-rich regions appear to show reddish continuum absorption through the near-infrared spectral range. N2-rich regions have very little continuum absorption. Visually dark, volatile-depleted regions exhibit intermediate continuum albedos with a bluish continuum slope. By analogy with Triton, we expected that careful spectral modeling would reveal strong evidence for the existence of H2O ice on Pluto's surface, but we found only very weak evidence for its existence in the volatile-depleted regions. These data require H2O ice to play a much less prominent role on Pluto's surface than it does on Triton's.  相似文献   

Abstract We report here analyses of olivines and pyroxenes, and petrofabrics of 27 chondritic interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), comparing those from anhydrous and hydrous types. Approximately 40% of the hydrous particles contain diopside, a probable indicator of parent body thermal metamorphism, while this mineral is rarely present in the anhydrous particles. Based on this evidence, we find that hydrous and anhydrous IDPs are, in general, not directly related, and we conclude that olivine and pyroxene major-element compositions can be used to help discriminate between IDPs that are (1) predominantly nebular condensates, and lately resided in anhydrous or icy (no liquids) primitive parent bodies, and (2) those originating from more geochemically active parent bodies (probably hydrous and anhydrous asteroids).  相似文献   

We investigate the structure of convective flows in the solar photosphere on subgranulation scales. The solar granulation pattern is reproduced by solving the inverse problem of nonequilibrium radiation transfer on the basis of the profiles of the neutral iron line λ 523.42 nm. The wave motions are excluded by the k-ω filtration. The line-of-sight velocity has an asymmetric distribution inside the convective flows in large granules (1.5″ and larger) in the lower photosphere and at the bottom of the middle photosphere. This asymmetry is weaker in the upper photosphere. For smaller flows the distribution is more symmetric at all heights. The asymmetry of the temperature distribution is less pronounced. Large convective flows were found to have a fine structure: they are fragmentized into several smaller flows. The fine structure of large flows and spatial smearing are responsible for the observed asymmetry of the convection velocity distribution inside flows.  相似文献   

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