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This paper aims to examine how seafarers from the Pacific Republic of Kiribati cope with the experience of working with crews of different nationalities, and, further, how the exposure to different cultures during their journeys through international waters influences both their own identity as well as their perceptions of I‐Kiribati culture. Based on examples from open and semi‐structured interviews with seafarers working on German merchant ships and Japanese fishing vessels, the paper questions the application of concepts of “hybridity” in the case of these I‐Kiribati men in favour of the idea of “cultural flexibility”. It further considers to what degree seafarers strongly rooted in the clearly confined cultural values of Kiribati have adapted the values received through their training and employment by German or Japanese and Korean companies and officers. The paper adds to the framework of transnationalism by advancing the notion of emporion, in which the circular and transversal journeys of seafarers are viewed as a connecting space between land‐based areas; a space which provides a basis for an extended knowledge and understanding of different cultural outlooks as well as relations between nations.  相似文献   

A diffused but philosophically sophisticated social movement, emphasizing the importance of the sense of place and a locally responsible stewardship of Nature, has been emerging in recent years in various parts of North America. Whether “bioregionalism”is a new way of thinking about our place on Earth and our relationship to it, as some would believe, or simply the ecologic perspective familiar to geographers and environmentalists, romanticized and dressed in a new vocabulary, it deserves our attention for its adherents are kindred souls.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In Lindsborg, Kansas—“Little Sweden, U.S.A.”—the streets are lined with shops offering “An Adventure in Swedish Tradition,” and residents put on numerous festivals throughout the year highlighting Swedish folk customs. Such ethnic tourist towns have become increasingly widespread in the United States over the past thirty years. Tourists tend to perceive these places as towns where folk culture has been passed down unchanged for generations, while academics tend to dismiss residents' ethnicity as crass commercialism. Neither view is correct. Ethnicity and tradition are not static but constantly invented and reinvented. Modern folk ethnicity, among European Americans in particular, is simply the most recent incarnation of this process, one that attempts to recover ties to a specific, small‐scale landscape and history. This article explores the changing nature of the narratives of ethnicity and place‐based identity that the residents of Lindsborg have used to create a place for themselves in American society.  相似文献   

In important respects, the disciplinary field of “tropical geography” is a uniquely French field of study, and Pierre Gourou is conventionally seen as its founder and doyen. Yet Gourou did not see himself as the creator of a new paradigm or research school, and geographers were generally more influenced by his writings than by his teaching or any personal connection. With particular reference to French geographical research in and on tropical Africa during the second half of the twentieth century, it is suggested that the development of tropical geography as a subfield ‐ and tropicalism as a research orientation ‐ can be put down to a variety of factors and circumstances. Geographical research on Africa was pivotal, as was the rise to prominence in French research institutes of some of Gourou's disciples. But African academics also played a part, as did criticism of tropical geography for its marginalisation of issues of development and geopolitics. The paper examines this postwar intellectual history and attempts to draw from it a positive and forward looking legacy ‐ a reinvigorated and interdisciplinary “tropicalism”, the main axis of which would be the analysis of the specific characteristics of tropical ecology, and its use and transformation by the societies that live from it. Such a project may help us to confront the contemporary world ecological crisis, and forge critical research projects on globalisation (altermondialisme) that can discern and deal with the complex local‐global, and rural‐urban, articulations of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Detached from the mainland and with a distinct historical ethnic geography, the conquered kingdom of Hawai'i, now the fiftieth state, is the only U.S. state with an Asian and Pacific Islander majority as well as the highest percentage of racial and ethnic intermarriage. Hawai'i's population reflects the tensions between the culturally pluralistic “spirit of aloha” and the ethnic‐cum‐social stratification that has evolved from its historical economic geographies. In this article I focus on one of these strata—what is referred to as “local” culture—discussing its ethnogenesis and contemporary manifestations, and I apply Jonathan Okamura's 1981 model of situational ethnicity to examine how locals and new immigrants negotiate the ethnic dynamics and social expectations of their daily lives. I also discuss various ways in which “localness” is represented on O'ahu's economic landscape, with an analysis of the Aloha Stadium Swap Meet, as a holistic expression of local culture.  相似文献   

The academic job search process, and the applications and reference letters that are constitutive elements of that process, are central to the creation and re‐creation of a discipline. Disciplines and departments renew and re‐create themselves — or do not, and merely replicate themselves — through hirings. A job search process can serve to hinder changes in the membership, culture, “look,” and the norms of the discipline, or it can facilitate dramatic and often rapid transformations. Job search materials thus provide an insight into the prevailing norms and conventions of a discipline. A review of a recent set of such materials reveals subtle gendered and racialized differences in the job search process. Such differences are apparent in the composition of referee committees, in the evocation of marital status both by applicants and by referees, and in the surprising persistence of themes of robust manhood. The referee pool, the applicant pool, and the search committee pool in an academic discipline are interlocked constituencies, and the job search process plays a “gatekeeping” role. The extent to which gender or racial differences are inserted into the job process thus has a bearing on the long term social construction of the discipline.  相似文献   

Monumental constructions are created for a purpose, often as a symbolic representation of a particular vision of a people or a place. Spain's Cidade da Cultura, a museum conceptualized by Galicia's former president with the hubristic goal of creating a world icon, is one such example. Like many iconic constructions, the Cidade da Cultura project was highly contentious and sparked a regionwide political debate, vastly overran its projected cost, and years later remains controversial and incomplete. An actor‐network theory analysis of why the project failed reveals the different roles played by individual components in the vast network of actors, including the monument itself, which came to exercise influence over the outcome of the project. Because the former president could not fully control this expanding network of actors, events soon spun out of control in what became popularly known as “Galicia's Hurricane.”  相似文献   

全新世以来南阳盆地的新石器文化以中原类型为主导,但源于汉水中下游的屈家岭文化和石家河文化深刻影响了南阳盆地史前文化演变的内容和过程。除石家河期遗址集中分布于盆地南缘的低地外,仰韶文化、屈家岭文化和龙山文化的人类遗址均分布于100~200 m地势和缓的岗地区。盆地内史前文化相互角逐的动力源于中原型和江汉型两种原始农业的消涨,因而旱作农业快速发展期对应仰韶文化和龙山文化的南扩;粟作农业的衰落对应屈家岭文化和石家河文化的北进。南阳盆地史前时期的生业模式序列表现为:仰韶文化早期的采集捕捞业、仰韶中晚期的粟作农业、屈家岭时期的稻作农业和石家河—龙山时期的稻粟混作业。其中,屈家岭文化后期生产工具的精细化、家庭畜牧业的规模化改变了先民的食谱结构。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Contemporary storytelling among the IÑupiat of Point Hope, Alaska, is a means of coping with the unpredictable future that climate change poses. Arctic climate change impacts IÑupiat lifeways on a cultural level by threatening their homeland, their sense of place, and their respect for the bowhead whale that is the basis of their cultural identity. What I found during my fieldwork was that traditional storytelling processed environmental changes as a way of maintaining a connection to a disappearing place. In this article I describe how environmental change is culturally manifest through tales of the supernatural, particularly spirit beings or ghosts. The types of IÑupiat stories and modes of telling them reveal people's uncertainty about the future. Examining how people perceive the loss of their homeland, I argue that IÑupiat storytelling both reveals and is a response to a changing physical and spiritual landscape.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In order to perform inverse modelling of climate variability based on palaeoclimate proxy records, the complexity of intermediate steps in the chain of processes from the climate forcing to the responding proxy has to be considered. In reconstructing climate-forced glacier fluctuations from proglacial lacustrine sediments it is important to understand how climate affects glacier dynamics. A glacier system is complex with many factors influencing sediment production, transport and deposition. Fluvial and mass movement processes in the proglacial environment may affect lake sedimentation substantially. We argue that it is easy to over-interpret glaciolacustrine sediment variability by ignoring these complications. The sediment records may contain individual layers resulting from single precipitation or melt events, as well as persistent changes in climate-forced glacier dynamics. We conclude that it is necessary to consider all possible influencing factors in order to derive reliable palaeoclimate data from lacustrine sediment sequences.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. From Montreal to Madras, from Barbados to Burma, the lodges of Freemasons dotted the landscape of the British Empire from the eighteenth century to the twentieth. Together with the British grand lodges under whose authority they met, these lodges constituted a vast network that extended across the oceans and linked Freemasons in Britain's colonies to the metropole and to each other. In this article I use the fraternity to demonstrate how the age of empire can serve as a laboratory for studying transoceanic networks, institutions, and identities. Looking first at the broad imperial context, I demonstrate how the global Masonic network developed and describe its functions during the long nineteenth century. I then focus on the British North Atlantic as a case study of the brotherhood's role in connecting people on various sides of a particular ocean basin by offering practical services and encouraging an “imperialist” identity that helped consolidate the British Empire.  相似文献   

Newspaper reporters are important actors in promoting gentrification. This study of St. Louis examines their use of a prominent representation of neighborhood in this process: dying neighborhoods in need of middle‐class technical salvationists. We examine its use to help drive two processes to promoting gentrification: legitimating restructuring at actual or anticipated sites and isolating “revitalization‐contaminating” communities. We discover this neighborhood representation is applied primarily to legitimate restructuring at specific sites. Revitalization‐threatening neighborhoods, represented differently, indicates this representation is task specific in this city's “gentrification project.”  相似文献   

Geographic information systems (GIS) and cartography have traditionally been regarded as fields for the study of techniques. Yet the past ten years have witnessed geographers' increasing intellectual engagement with GIS and cartography. This essay recaps the recent intellectual discourses on GIS and cartography and speculates on possible development in the near future. Geocomputation, spatially integrated social sciences, social informatics, information ecology, and humanistic GIScience are identified as five areas of intensive new research, and it is argued that creative imaginations under the milieu of the “third culture” are urgently needed to address the challenging issues in this new technological era. Whether geography will become an intellectually more vibrant discipline hinges on the extent to which we can rekindle geographic imaginations in this computer age via GIScience to address issues of great societal concern.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Chiapas uprising of 1994 rallied an international community of supporters, largely organized through activities on the Internet, that provided an example of the possibilities and limitations of the Net as a tool for social movements. This article models the Internet as a form of rhizome: an intermediate and contested social space composed of flows that transcend boundaries and forge new connections between events and places. The success of Internet organizing in southern Mexico is due to the constant and reciprocal connections between cyberspace and other social spaces, which avoided the restriction of events to a contained space and scale.  相似文献   

Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be regarded as an attempt to understand the processes of perception and reasoning that underlie successful problem-solving and to incorporate the results of this research in effective computer programs. At present, AI is largely a collection of sophisticated programming techniques. Many of these techniques are based on the premise that the manner in which knowledge is acquired, organized, accessed and modified in both humans and machines provides the basis of “intelligent” decision-making. The techniques of AI are applicable to a wide variety of geographical problems, including the modeling of individual and aggregate decision-making, and the construction of expert systems and “intelligent” geographical information systems.  相似文献   

Wolfgang Rmer 《Geomorphology》2008,100(3-4):312-327
In southern São Paulo the Serra do Mar is characterized by three distinct terrain types: 1) highly dissected areas with closely spaced ridges and accordant summit heights; 2) multiconvex hills; and 3) terrains with highly elevated watershed areas, irregular summit heights, and locally subdued relief. The development of this landscape is considered to be the result of the Cenozoic block-faulting and of the influences that are exerted by the differing lithological and structural setting of block-faulted compartments on weathering and erosion processes.In areas characterized by pronounced accordant summits the close coincidence between hillslope angle and the angle of limiting stability against landsliding points to a close adjustment of hillslope gradients and the mechanical properties of the regolith. The relative height of the hillslopes is functionally related to the spacing of the valleys and the gradient of the hillslopes. In areas with a regular spacing of v-shaped valleys and uniform rocks, this leads to the intersection of valley-side slopes in summits and ridges at a certain elevation. This elevation is determined by the length and steepness of the valley-side slopes. Therefore, the heights of the summits are geometrically constrained and are likely to indicate the upper limit of summit heights or an “upper denudation level” that is adjusted by hillslope processes to the incising streams. Accordant summit heights of this type are poor indicators of formerly more extensive denudation surfaces as it is also likely that they are a result of the long-term adjustment of hillslopes to river incision.The steep mountain flanks of block-faulted compartments on the other hand, comprise regolith-covered hillslopes that are closely adjusted to the maximum stable gradient as well as rock-slopes that are controlled by the rock-mass strength. Their summits are usually not accommodated into uniform summit levels. Highly elevated watershed areas exhibiting a subdued relief are detached from the base level response. On granitoid rocks these areas are often characterized by the rocky hills and domal rock outcrops. However, differences in the elevation of interfluves and summits between rocks of differing resistance and in the elevation of lithologically distinct individual fault-blocks imply that long-term weathering and erosion has transformed and lowered these landscapes. Therefore, these areas cannot be interpreted as a remnant of a pre-uplift topography and it appears to be unlikely that the height of the summits correlates with formerly more widespread planation surfaces in the far hinterland.The studies indicate that concepts such as the parallel retreat of hillslopes cannot account for the observed differences in the landscape. It is suggested that the Serra do Mar is consumed from the Atlantic and the inland side by spatially non-uniform developmental states. These states are determined by local differences in the coupling and distance to the regional base level and sea-level or are due to lithological and structural controls between and within the block-faulted compartments.  相似文献   

开疆文化在海南的地域扩散与整合   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
朱竑  司徒尚纪 《地理学报》2001,56(1):99-106
在界定海南文化是一种开疆文化的基础上 ,对其地域扩散与整合进行了研究。指出 ,开疆文化在海南岛的传播扩散有别于大陆文化传播中占主流的沿江河、沿平原扩散的模式 ,而呈现出以移民和传染方式为主 ,先西后东 ,先北后南按海拔从沿海向腹部五指山 ,从低到高渐次推延的文化传播特点。此外 ,海南文化的形成 ,实际上是各种形式的开疆文化在海南地域上的一种文化长期作用的结果。即是在黎族文化本底的基础上 ,经历史时期汉、苗、回等民族文化 ,以及近代华侨文化、农垦文化等多种文化长期影响 ,并经相互碰撞、彼此融合等错综复杂的相互作用后 ,在海南这一地域环境下整合生成的一种海岛文化。  相似文献   

This paper examines the status of the floriculture industry in northwest Ohio, barriers facing firms in this transitioning sector, and strategies to promote industry competitiveness. Specifically, the paper focuses on the business practices of firms and efforts by local policymakers, academics, and business leaders to alter the regional dynamics of the industry vis-à-vis a grassroots “cluster” initiative. Using survey and focus group data, the paper demonstrates that culture, tradition, and shared values are key barriers to change and suggests that local cluster initiatives—like the Maumee Valley Growers—are an effective strategy for overcoming these barriers. From an applied perspective, the paper demonstrates the importance of contextualizing applied geographic research and the potential for geographers to chart, inform, and shape the internal geographies, practices, and trajectories of local actors and industry.  相似文献   

岱海地区原始农业文化的兴衰与环境演变的关系   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
连鹏灵  方修琦 《地理研究》2001,20(5):623-628
内蒙古中南部岱海地区考古学文化的发展受到环境条件的制约。原始农业文化的兴起与发展对应于全新世暖期的暖湿条件;农业文化的间断、南移与由农向牧的转变与4~35kaBP发生的变冷、变干的突变事件相对应;而原始农业文化阶段中间每一次文化的间断、侵入、融合总是可以在气候变化中找到相应的变化阶段,与短期寒冷事件的开始或结束对应。  相似文献   

The representation of women on geography faculties did not increase appreciably between 1971 and 1977, but women in other academic disciplines have fared somewhat better. The latter have improved their status primarily as a result of actions taken by professional associations representing their fields. When a professional association ignores its female constituency or refuses to commit itself to improving their circumstances, federal agencies now offer alternative channels for obtaining redress.  相似文献   

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