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Abstract— Argon-isotopic abundances were measured in neutron-irradiated samples of Martian meteorites Chassigny, Allan Hills (ALH) 84001, ALH 77005, Elephant Moraine (EET) 79001, Yamato (Y) 793605, Shergotty, Zagami, and Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94201, and in unirradiated samples of ALH 77005. Chassigny gives a 39Ar-40Ar age of 1.32 ± 0.07 Ga, which is similar to radiometric ages of the nakhlites. Argon-39-Argon-40 data for ALH 84001 indicate ages between 3.9 and 4.3 Ga. A more precise definition of this age requires detailed characterization of the multiple trapped Ar components in ALH 84001 and of 39Ar recoil distribution. All six shergottite samples show apparent 39Ar-40Ar ages substantially older than the ~165–200 Ma range in ages given by other isotope dating techniques. Shergottites appear to contain ubiquitous Ar components acquired from the Martian atmosphere, the Martian mantle, and commonly terrestrial atmospheric contamination. Zagami feldspar also suggests inherited radiogenic 40Ar. These data analyses indicate that the recent Martian atmospheric component trapped in shergottites has a 40Ar/36Ar ratio possibly as low as ~1750 and no greater than ~1900. These ratios are less than the value of 3000 ± 500 reported by Viking. The 40Ar/36Ar ratio for the Martian mantle component is probably <500 but is poorly constrained. The correlation between trapped 40Ar/36Ar and 129Xe/132Xe ratios in shergottite impact glasses and unirradiated samples of ALH 77005 shows considerable scatter and suggests that the 36Ar/132Xe ratio in the Martian components may vary. Resolution of Martian atmospheric 40Ar/36Ar ratio at different time periods (i.e., at ~4.0 and 0.2 Ga) is also difficult without an understanding of the composition of various trapped components.  相似文献   

Abstract— Isotopic abundances of the noble gases were measured in the following Martian meteorites: two shock glass inclusions from Elephant Moraine (EET) 79001, shock vein glass from Shergotty and Yamato (Y) 793605, and whole-rock samples of Allan Hills (ALH) 84001 and Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94201. These glass samples, when combined with literature data on a separate single glass inclusion from EET 79001 and a glass vein from Zagami, permit examination in greater detail of the isotopic composition of Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe trapped from the Martian atmosphere. The isotopic composition of Martian Ne, if actually present in these glasses, remains poorly defined. The 40Ar/36Ar ratio of trapped Martian atmospheric Ar is probably considerably lower than the nominal ratio of 3000 measured by Viking, and data on impact glasses suggest a value of ~1900. The atmospheric 36Ar/38Ar ratio is ≤4.0. Martian atmospheric Kr may be enriched in lighter isotopes by ~0.5%/amu compared to both solar-wind Kr and to the Martian composition previously reported. The isotopic composition of Xe in these glasses agrees with that previously reported in the literature. The Martian atmospheric 36Ar/132Xe and 84Kr/132Xe elemental ratios are higher than those reported by Viking by factors of ~2.5–1.6 (depending on the 40Ar/36Ar ratio adopted) and ~1.8, respectively, and are discussed in a separate paper. Cosmogenic gases indicate space exposure ages of 2.7 ± 0.6 Ma for QUE 94201 and Shergotty and 14 ± 1 Ma for ALH 84001. Small amounts of 21Ne produced by energetic solar protons may be present in QUE 94201 but are not present in ALH 84001 or Y-793605. The space exposure age for Y-793605 is 4.9 ± 0.6 Ma and appears to be distinctly older than the ages for basaltic shergottites. However, uncertainties in cosmogenic production rates still makes somewhat uncertain the number of Martian impact events required to produce the exposure ages of Martian meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— This study provides a complete data set of all five noble gases for bulk samples and mineral separates from three Martian shergottites: Shergotty (bulk, pyroxene, maskelynite), Zagami (bulk, pyroxene, maskelynite), and Elephant Moraine (EET) A79001, lithology A (bulk, pyroxene). We also give a compilation of all noble gas and nitrogen studies performed on these meteorites. Our mean values for cosmic‐ray exposure ages from 3He, 21Ne, and 38Ar are 2.48 Myr for Shergotty, 2.73 Myr for Zagami, and 0.65 Myr for EETA79001 lith. A. Serious loss of radiogenic 4He due to shock is observed. Cosmogenic neon results for bulk samples from 13 Martian meteorites (new data and literature data) are used in addition to the mineral separates of this study in a new approach to explore evidence of solar cosmic‐ray effects. While a contribution of this low‐energy irradiation is strongly indicated for all of the shergottites, spallation Ne in Chassigny, Allan Hills (ALH) 84001, and the nakhlites is fully explained by galactic cosmic‐ray spallation. Implanted Martian atmospheric gases are present in all mineral separates and the thermal release indicates a near‐surface siting. We derive an estimate for the 40Ar/36Ar ratio of the Martian interior component by subtracting from measured Ar in the (K‐poor) pyroxenes the (small) radiogenic component as well as the implanted atmospheric component as indicated from 129Xe, * excesses. Unless compromised by the presence of additional components, a high ratio of ~2000 is indicated for Martian interior argon, similar to that in the Martian atmosphere. Since much lower ratios have been inferred for Chassigny and ALH 84001, the result may indicate spatial and/or temporal variations of 40Ar/36Ar in the Martian mantle.  相似文献   

Abstract— In a study of the isotopic signatures of trapped Xe in shock-produced glass of shergottites and in ALH 84001, we observe three components: (1) modern Martian atmospheric Xe that is isotopically mass fractionated relative to solar Xe, favoring the heavy isotopes, (2) solar-like Xe, as previously observed in Chassigny, and (3) an isotopically fractionated (possibly ancient) component with little or no radiogenic 129Xerad. In situ-produced fission and spallation components are observed predominantly in the high-temperature steps. Heavy N signatures in ALH 84001, EET 79001 and Zagami reveal Martian atmospheric components. The low-temperature release of ALH 84001 shows evidence for the presence of a light N component (δ15N ≤ -21%), which is consistent with the component observed in the other Shergotty, Nakhla and Chassigny (SNC) group meteorites. The highest observed 129Xe/130Xe ratio of 15.60 in Zagami and EET 79001 is used here to represent the present Martian atmospheric component, and the isotopic composition of this component is compared with other solar system Xe signatures. The 129Xe/130Xe ratios in ALH 84001 are lower but appear to reflect varying mixing ratios with other components. The consistently high 129Xe/130Xe ratios in rocks of different radiometric ages suggest that Martian atmospheric Xe evolved early on. As already concluded in earlier work, only a small fission component is observed in the Martian atmospheric component. Assuming that a chondritic 244Pu/129I initial ratio applies to Mars, this implies that either Pu-derived fission Xe is retained in the solid planet (in fact, in situ-produced fission Xe is observed in ALH 84001) or may reflect a very particular degassing history of the planet.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the elemental and isotopic composition of the noble gases as well as the chemical abundances in pyroxene, maskelynite/mesostasis glass, and bulk material of Shergotty and of bulk samples from Chassigny and Yamato 793605. The 40K-40Ar isochron for the Shergotty minerals yields a gas retention age of 196 Ma, which is, within errors, in agreement with previously determined Rb-Sr internal isochron ages. Argon that was trapped at this time has a 40Ar/36Ar ratio of 1100. For Chassigny and Y-793605, we obtain trapped 40Ar/36Ar ratios of 1380 and 950, respectively. Using these results and literature data, we show that the three shergottites, Shergotty, Zagami, and QUE 94001; the lherzolites ALH 77005, LEW 88516, and Y-793605; as well as Chassigny and ALH 84001 contain a mixture of Martian mantle and atmospheric Ar; whereas, the trapped 40Ar/36Ar ratio of the nakhlites, Nakhla, Lafayette, and Governador Valadares cannot be determined with the present data. We show that Martian atmospheric trapped Ar in Martian meteorites is correlated with the shock pressure that they experienced. Hence, we conclude that the Martian atmospheric gases were introduced by shock into the meteoritic material. For the Shergotty minerals, we obtain 3He-, 21Ne-, and 38Ar-based cosmic-ray exposure ages of 3.0 Ma, and for the lherzolite Y-793605, 4.0 Ma, which confirms our earlier conclusion that the lherzolites were ejected from Mars ~1 Ma before the shergottites. Chassigny yields the previously known ejection age of 11.6 Ma.  相似文献   

Abstract— Cosmic-ray produced nuclear tracks and noble gases have been studied in the martian orthopyroxenite Allan Hills 84001 to delineate its cosmic-ray exposure history, preatmospheric size, and fall characteristics. A K-Ar age of 3.9 Ga, cosmic-ray exposure duration of 16.7 Ma, and a preatmospheric radius of 10 cm have been deduced from the noble gas and track data. The track data suggest ALH 84001 to be a single fall that has suffered atmospheric mass ablation in excess of 85%, higher than the value deduced for the shergottites, ALHA 77005, EETA 79001, and Shergotty. The formation age, as well as the cosmic-ray exposure duration, determined in this work are in good agreement with values reported earlier and are distinctly different from other shergottite, nakhlite, and chassignite (SNC) meteorites analysed so far. The high cosmogenic 22Ne/21Ne ratio of 1.22 most probably reflects an effect due to non-chondritic composition of ALH 84001 as the track data suggest high shielding (<5cm) for the analysed samples. There are signatures in the noble gas data that indicate the possible presence of trapped Ar and Ne of martian atmospheric origin in ALH 84001.  相似文献   

Abstract Shock recovery experiments to determine whether magnetite could be produced by the decomposition of iron‐carbonate were initiated. Naturally occurring siderite was first characterized by a variety of techniques to be sure that the starting material did not contain detectable magnetite. Samples were shocked in tungsten‐alloy holders (W = 90%, Ni = 6%, Cu = 4%) to further ensure that any iron phases in the shock products were contributed by the siderite rather than the sample holder. Each sample was shocked to a specific pressure between 30 to 49 GPa. Transformation of siderite to magnetite as characterized by TEM was found in the 49 GPa shock experiment. Compositions of most magnetites are >50% Fe+2 in the octahedral site of the inverse spinel structure. Magnetites produced in shock experiments display the same range of sizes (?50–100 nm), compositions (100% magnetite to 80% magnetite‐20% magnesioferrite), and morphologies (equant, elongated, euhedral to subhedral) as magnetites synthesized by Golden et al. (2001) and as the magnetites in Martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 84001. Fritz et al. (2005) previously concluded that ALH 84001 experienced ?32 GPa pressure and a resultant thermal pulse of ?100–110°C. However, ALH 84001 contains evidence of local temperature excursions high enough to melt feldspar, pyroxene, and a silica‐rich phase. This 49 GPa experiment demonstrates that magnetite can be produced by the shock decomposition of siderite as a result of local heating to > 470°C. Therefore, magnetite in the rims of carbonates in Martian meteorite ALH 84001 could be a product of shock devolatilization of siderite as well.  相似文献   

Abstract— Fines, microbreccias and agglutinates from the Luna 16 mature regolith 1635 and fines from the immature/submature Luna 24 regolith have been analysed for N and argon isotopes in order to understand the origin of isotopically distinct N released at different temperatures. All high‐resolution runs reveal a similarity in the release of 36Ar, 40Ar and N over a wide temperature interval. The similarity in the 40Ar and 36Ar releases and the near coincidence in the 1635 agglutinates implies that the implanted species were redistributed and homogenised during regolith processing such that, regardless of the huge difference in ion implantation energy between solar 36Ar and non‐solar 40Ar, their present distribution and their release temperatures are now essentially equal. A small amount of 40Ar released in the lower temperature steps with elevated 40Ar/36Ar is considered to be trapped after reworking. While such mixing and homogenisation may also be expected for N components of different origins, to date all known stepped runs regularly demonstrate a reproducible variation in δ15N, suggesting no homogenisation. We consider regolith N to be a mixture of several components trapped at different times, and some nitrogen that was not involved in the reworking. Relatively heavy N released around 500 °C appears to be the most pure form of the component trapped after reworking, probably from accreted meteoritic matter. Middle‐temperature isotopically lighter N appears to be a mixture of solar and non‐solar N largely homogenised, and therefore solar N can not be seen in its pure form. Bulk δ15N as well as formally deconvoluted δ15N thermal profiles imply that the non‐solar N has a variable δ15N value. Several non‐solar N sources are considered with their input resulting in increasing regolith δ15N with time. Because N from meteorites and interplanetary dust particles appear to be dominant, a mechanism is required to reduce the C/N ratio typical of meteoritic matter to that approaching the low value observed in the lunar regolith. Preferential loss of methane appears to be a viable explanation, following generation either by proton sputtering or in reducing vapour plumes.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have measured the 13C/12C and 14C/12C ratios in CO2 released by acid etching of the carbonate-bearing SNC meteorites Allan Hills 84001 and Nakhla. Most of the C released is strongly enriched in 13C. In 10 out of 12 samples, 15‰ <δ13C < 55‰. Terrestrial values of carbonateδ13C from weathering products are generally between ?10 and +10‰. Two leachate samples especially rich in 13C, ALH 84001,27 and Nakhla 25, have elemental Si/Mg ratios much lower than those of the bulk meteorites and 14C activities that are much lower than the values expected for terrestrial carbonates. The former observation indicates that these leachates consist primarily of carbonates and, less likely, phosphates. The latter observation implies that heavy C was introduced not by terrestrial weathering but by extraterrestrial processes. For ALH 84001,121 (sample 27) and Nakhla (BM 1913,26) δ13C = +41‰ and +35‰, respectively. The measured 18O/16O ratios in the leaches are similar: δ18O ~ 15 ± 5‰, contrasting with 4.2‰ in the bulk silicates. We infer that the C in the carbonates retains an extraterrestrial isotopic signature, but probably not O, due to its ease of isotopic exchange (Cole and Ohmoto, 1986).  相似文献   

Abstract— Nitrogen abundances and isotopic compositions of four CK chondrites (ALH85002, EET92002, Yamato6903 and Karoonda) were measured by a stepped-combustion method. Neon and Ar were also measured for the same samples. Two types of isotopically light N were observed. One of them is labile N released at low temperatures (~300 °C). This N is observed only in ALH85002. The other N is extracted at high temperatures (900?1200 °C) from all CK chondrites; although, the isotopic compositions are somewhat variable. There is a fair correlation between the excess 15N values and the abundance of trapped 36Ar for the high-temperature component, suggesting presolar origin of these species. The light N (δ15N = ?106.8‰) observed in Karoonda is one of the lightest N components ever reported for bulk chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Hydrogen‐isotopic compositions of carbonate and maskelynite in Allan Hills (ALH) 84001 were measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). the δd values of both minerals show considerable deviation. The deviation seems to be caused by addition of varying amounts of terrestrial water in the case of carbonate. In the case of maskelynite, H is heterogeneously distributed and the deviation in δD values seems to be due to mixing of this indigenous heavy H with isotopically normal H present in the SIMS chamber. The indigenous δD value in ALH 84001 seems to be ~2000%‰. Carbonate rather than maskelynite seems to be the main carrier of H in ALH 84001. Because ALH 84001 is ~4 Ga old, the H‐isotopic composition suggests that a large fraction of the initial martian atmosphere had already escaped by 4 Ga.  相似文献   

Abstract— Olivine from Martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 84001 occurs as clusters within orthopyroxene adjacent to fractures containing disrupted carbonate globules and feldspathic shock glass. The inclusions are irregular in shape and range in size from ~40 μm to submicrometer. Some of the inclusions are elongate and boudinage-like. The olivine grains are in sharp contact with the enclosing orthopyroxene and often contain small inclusions of chromite. The olivine exhibits a very limited range of composition from Fo65 to Fo66 (n = 25). The δ18O values of the olivine and orthopyroxene analyzed by ion microprobe range from +4.3 to +5.3‰ and are indistinguishable from each other within analytical uncertainty. The mineral chemistries, O-isotopic data, and textural relationships indicate that the olivine inclusions were produced at a temperature >800 °C. It is unlikely that the olivines formed during the same event that gave rise to the carbonates in ALH 84001, which have more elevated and variable δ18O values, and were probably formed from fluids that were not in isotopic equilibrium with the orthopyroxene or olivine. The reactions most likely instrumental in the formation of olivine could be either the dehydration of hydrous silicates that formed during carbonate precipitation or the reduction of orthopyroxene and spinel. If the olivine was formed by either reaction during a postcarbonate heating event, the implications are profound with regards to the interpretations of McKay et al. (1996). Due to the low diffusion rates in carbonates, this rapid, high-temperature event would have resulted in the preservation of the fine-scale carbonate zoning, while partially devolatilizing select carbonate compositions on a submicrometer scale (Brearley, 1998a). This may have resulted in the formation of the minute magnetite grains that McKay et al. (1996) attributed to biogenic activity.  相似文献   

Abstract— Rare earth element (REE) and other selected trace and minor element concentrations were measured in individual grains of orthopyroxene, feldspathic glass (of plagioclase composition) and merrillite of the ALH 84001 Martian meteorite. Unlike in other Martian meteorites, phosphate is not the main REE carrier in ALH 84001. The REE pattern of ALH 84001 bulk rock is dependent on the modal abundances of three REE-bearing phases, namely, orthopyroxene, which contains most of the heavy rare earth elements (HREEs); feldspathic glass, which dominates the Eu abundances; and merrillite, which contains the majority of the light rare earth elements (LREEs). Variations in the REE abundances previously observed in different splits of ALH 84001 can easily be explained in terms of small variations in the modal abundances of these three minerals without the need to invoke extensive redistribution of LREEs. At least some orthopyroxenes (i.e., those away from contacts with feldspathic glass) in ALH 84001 appear to have preserved their original REE zonation from igneous fractionation. An estimate of the ALH 84001 parent magma composition from that of the unaltered orthopyroxene “core” (i.e., zoned orthopyroxene with the lowest REE abundances) indicates that it is LREE depleted. This implies that the Martian mantle was already partly depleted within ~100 Ma of solar system formation, which is consistent with rapid accretion and differentiation of Mars. Although equilibration and exchange of REEs between phases (in particular, transport of LREEs into the interstitial phases, feldspathic glass and merrillite) cannot be ruled out, our data suggest that the LREE enrichment in melts “in equilibrium” with these interstitial phases is most likely the result of late-stage infiltration of the cumulate pile by a LREE-enriched melt.  相似文献   

Abstract— Crystallographic relationships between magnetite, sulfides, and carbonate rosettes in fracture zones of the Allan Hills (ALH) 84001 Martian meteorite have been studied using analytical electron microscopy. We have focused on those magnetite grains whose growth mechanisms can be rigorously established from their crystallographic properties. Individual magnetite nanocrystals on the surfaces of carbonates are epitaxially intergrown with one another in “stacks” of single-domain crystals. Other magnetite nanocrystals are epitaxially intergrown with the surfaces of the carbonate substrates. The observed magnetite/carbonate (hkl) Miller indices orientation relationships are (?, ?, 3)m ‖ (1, ?, 0)c and (1, ?, 1)m ‖ (0,0, 3)c with lattice mismatches of ~13% and ~11%, respectively. Epitaxy is a common mode of vapor-phase growth of refractory oxides like magnetite, as is the spiral growth about axial screw dislocations previously observed in other magnetite nanocrystals in ALH 84001. Epitaxy rules out intracellular precipitation of these magnetites by (Martian) organisms, provides further evidence of the high-temperature (>120 °C) inorganic origins of magnetite in ALH 84001, and indicates that the carbonates also have been exposed to elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

Abstract— To contribute to the understanding of the impact history of asteroids, we performed a high-resolution 40Ar-39Ar study of ten moderately to highly shocked chondrites, which we selected according to the shock classification given by Stöffler et al. (1991). Two recent shocked chondrite falls and two highly shocked eucrites completed our sample suite. When possible, we separated impact melt from host rock for separate analysis. In total, we studied 28 samples from 14 meteorites. In some cases, atmospheric Ar that we associate with terrestrial weathering was identified and corrected for. The ages we obtained range between ~100 Ma and ~4.1 Ga and are clearly distinct from primordial ages that correspond to solar system formation. We reproduced the previously reported cluster of L-chondrite ages, ~500 Ma. The most prominent result of our study is that, in the case of chondrites, melts generally are older than host rocks or melt-embedded unmolten rocks. To solve this apparent paradox, we propose that the melt-forming event, which was the most severe shock episode in the history of these meteorites, has not been the only occasion affecting their K-Ar systems. At least one later impact metamorphism must have occured. The response of the K-Ar clock to this second event was more severe in the host rock than in the previously (in the first event) generated melt veins and pockets because of different Ar retention rates. Hence, impact metamorphism on meteorite parent bodies indeed was a multistage process extending in time over billions of years.  相似文献   

Abstract— Several experimentally and naturally shocked silicate samples were analyzed for noble gas contents to further characterize the phenomenon by which ambient gases can be strongly implanted into silicates by shock and to evaluate the possible importance of this process in capturing planetary atmospheres in naturally shocked samples. Gas implantation efficiency is apparently mineral independent, as mono-mineralic powders of oligoclase, labradorite, and diopside and a powdered basalt shocked to 20 GPa show similar efficiencies. The retentivity of shock-implanted gas during stepwise heating in the laboratory is defined in terms of two parameters: activation energy for diffusion as determined from Arrhenius plots, and the extraction temperature at which 50% of the gas is released, both of which correlate with shock pressure. These gas diffusion parameters are essentially identical for radiogenic 40Ar and shock-implanted 40Ar in oligoclase and labradorite shocked to 20 GPa, suggesting that the two 40Ar components occupy analogous lattice sites. Our experiments indicate that gas implantation occurs through an increasing production of microcracks/defects in the lattice with increasing shock pressure. The ease of diffusive loss of implanted gas is controlled by the degree of annealing of these microcracks/defects. Identification of a shock-implanted component requires relatively large concentrations of implanted gas which is strongly retained (i.e., moderate activation energy) in order to separate implanted gas from surface adsorbed gases. Literature data on shocked terrestrial samples indicate only weak evidence for shock-implanted gases, with an upper limit for 40Ar of ~ 10?6 cm3STP/g. New analyses of shocked samples from the Wabar Crater indicate the presence of shock-implanted Ar, having concentrations (~ 10?4 cm3STP/g) and activation energies for diffusive loss which are essentially that expected from experimental studies. Lack of sufficient target porosity or the presence of ground water may explain the sparse evidence for shock-implanted gas at other terrestrial craters. Although Wabar Crater may represent an unusually favorable environment on Earth for shock-implanting gases, surfaces of other planetary bodies, such as Mars, may frequently provide such environments. Analyses of returned samples from old Martian terraines may document temporal changes in earlier atmospheric composition.  相似文献   

Abstract— A single orthopyroxene crystal from the Martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 84001 was studied by X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) to retrieve information about its thermal history. Both sets of data were used to measure the Fe2+‐Mg order degree between the M1 and M2 sites expressed by the distribution coefficient kD. The 529 ± 30°C closure temperature (Tc) of the Fe2+‐Mg ordering process of ALH 84001 orthopyroxene (Fs28) was calculated using Stimpfl (2005a, 2005b) ln kD versus 1/T equation obtained for intermediate iron sample. At this Tc, the orthopyroxene cooling rate, calculated by Ganguly's (1982) numerical method, was 0.1 °C/day. This study puts new constraints on the last high‐temperature thermal episode recorded by orthopyroxene. With reference to the geological history (Treiman 1998), we ascribe this episode to the I3 event, and we interpret the Tc of 529 °C as a lower limit for this impact heating. Our data confirm that experimentally defined physical conditions for the formation of magnetite from decomposition of carbonates took place on the Martian surface during event I3.  相似文献   

Water is not currently stable in liquid form on the martian surface due to the present mean atmospheric pressure of ~7 mbar and mean global temperature of ~220 K. However, geomorphic features and hydrated mineral assemblages suggest that Mars’ climate was once warmer and liquid water flowed on the surface. These observations may indicate a substantially more massive atmosphere in the past, but there have been few observational constraints on paleoatmospheric pressures. Here we show how the 40Ar/36Ar ratios of trapped gases within martian meteorite ALH 84001 constrain paleoatmospheric pressure on Mars during the Noachian era [~4.56–3.8 billion years (Ga)]. Our model indicates that atmospheric pressures did not exceed ~1.5 bar during the first 400 million years (Ma) of the Noachian era, and were <400 mbar by 4.16 Ga. Such pressures of CO2 are only sufficient to stabilize liquid water on Mars’ surface at low latitudes during seasonally warm periods. Other greenhouse gases like SO2 and water vapor may have played an important role in intermittently stabilizing liquid water at higher latitudes following major volcanic eruptions or impact events.  相似文献   

Clay minerals, although ubiquitous on the ancient terrains of Mars, have not been observed in Martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 84001, which is an orthopyroxenite sample of the early Martian crust with a secondary carbonate assemblage. We used a low‐temperature (20 °C) one‐dimensional (1‐D) transport thermochemical model to investigate the possible aqueous alteration processes that produced the carbonate assemblage of ALH 84001 while avoiding the coprecipitation of clay minerals. We found that the carbonate in ALH 84001 could have been produced in a process, whereby a low‐temperature (~20 °C) fluid, initially equilibrated with the early Martian atmosphere, moved through surficial clay mineral and silica‐rich layers, percolated through the parent rock of the meteorite, and precipitated carbonates (thereby decreasing the partial pressure of CO2) as it evaporated. This finding requires that before encountering the unweathered orthopyroxenite host of ALH 84001, the fluid permeated rock that became weathered during the process. We were able to predict the composition of the clay minerals formed during weathering, which included the dioctahedral smectite nontronite, kaolinite, and chlorite, all of which have been previously detected on Mars. We also calculated host rock replacement in local equilibrium conditions by the hydrated silicate talc, which is typically considered to be a higher temperature hydrothermal phase on Earth, but may have been a common constituent in the formation of Martian soils through pervasive aqueous alteration. Finally, goethite and magnetite were also found to precipitate in the secondary alteration assemblage, the latter associated with the generation of H2. Apparently, despite the limited water–rock interaction that must have led to the formation of the carbonates ~ 3.9 Ga ago, in the vicinity of the ALH 84001 source rocks, clay formation would have been widespread.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report a high‐resolution 40Ar‐39Ar study of mineral separates and whole‐rock samples of olivine‐phyric (Dhofar 019, Sayh al Uhaymir [SaU] 005) and basaltic (Shergotty, Zagami) shergottites. Excess argon is present in all samples. The highest (40Ar/36Ar)trapped ratios are found for argon in pyroxene melt inclusions (?1500), maskelynite (?1200), impact glass (?1800) of Shergotty and impact glass of SaU 005 (?1200). A high (40Ar/36Ar)trapped component‐usually uniquely ascribed to Martian atmosphere‐can also originate from the Martian interior, indicating a heterogeneous Martian mantle composition. As additional explanation of variable high (40Ar/36Ar)trapped ratios in shocked shergottites, we suggest argon implantation from a “transient atmosphere” during impact induced degassing. The best 40Ar‐39Ar age estimate for Dhofar 019 is 642 ± 72 Ma (maskelynite). SaU 005 samples are between 700–900 Ma old. Relatively high 40Ar‐39Ar ages of melt inclusions within Dhofar 019 (1086 ± 252 Ma) and SaU 005 olivine (885 ± 66 Ma) could date entrapment of a magmatic liquid during early olivine crystallization, or reflect unrecognized excess 40Ar components. The youngest 40Ar‐39Ar age of Shergotty separates (maskelynite) is ?370 Ma, that of Zagami is ?200 Ma. The 40Ar‐39Ar chronology of Dhofar 019 and SaU 005 indicate >1 Ga ages. Apparent ages uncorrected for trapped (e.g., Martian atmosphere, mantle) argon components approach 4.5 Ga, but are not caused by inherited 40Ar, because excess 40Ar is supported by 36Artrapped. Young ages obtained by 40Ar‐39Ar and other chronometers argue for primary rather than secondary events. The cosmic ray exposure ages calculated from cosmogenic argon are 15.7 ± 0.7 Ma (Dhofar 019), 1.0–1.6 Ma (SaU 005), 2.1–2.5 Ma (Shergotty) and 2.2–3.0 Ma (Zagami).  相似文献   

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