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The descent imager/spectral radiometer (DISR) instrument aboard the Huygens probe into the atmosphere of Titan measured the brightness of sunlight using a complement of spectrometers, photometers, and cameras that covered the spectral range from 350 to 1600 nm, looked both upward and downward, and made measurements at altitudes from 150 km to the surface. Measurements from the upward-looking visible and infrared spectrometers are described in Tomasko et al. [2008a. Measurements of methane absorption by the descent imager/spectral radiometer (DISR) during its descent through Titan's atmosphere. Planet. Space Sci., this volume]. Here, we very briefly review the measurements by the violet photometers, the downward-looking visible and infrared spectrometers, and the upward-looking solar aureole (SA) camera. Taken together, the DISR measurements constrain the vertical distribution and wavelength dependence of opacity, single-scattering albedo, and phase function of the aerosols in Titan's atmosphere.Comparison of the inferred aerosol properties with computations of scattering from fractal aggregate particles indicates the size and shape of the aerosols. We find that the aggregates require monomers of radius 0.05 μm or smaller and that the number of monomers in the loose aggregates is roughly 3000 above 60 km. The single-scattering albedo of the aerosols above 140 km altitude is similar to that predicted for some tholins measured in laboratory experiments, although we find that the single-scattering albedo of the aerosols increases with depth into the atmosphere between 140 and 80 km altitude, possibly due to condensation of other gases on the haze particles. The number density of aerosols is about 5/cm3 at 80 km altitude, and decreases with a scale height of 65 km to higher altitudes. The aerosol opacity above 80 km varies as the wavelength to the −2.34 power between 350 and 1600 nm.Between 80 and 30 km the cumulative aerosol opacity increases linearly with increasing depth in the atmosphere. The total aerosol opacity in this altitude range varies as the wavelength to the −1.41 power. The single-scattering phase function of the aerosols in this region is also consistent with the fractal particles found above 60 km.In the lower 30 km of the atmosphere, the wavelength dependence of the aerosol opacity varies as the wavelength to the −0.97 power, much less than at higher altitudes. This suggests that the aerosols here grow to still larger sizes, possibly by incorporation of methane into the aerosols. Here the cumulative opacity also increases linearly with depth, but at some wavelengths the rate is slightly different than above 30 km altitude.For purely fractal particles in the lowest few km, the intensity looking upward opposite to the azimuth of the sun decreases with increasing zenith angle faster than the observations in red light if the single-scattering albedo is assumed constant with altitude at these low altitudes. This discrepancy can be decreased if the single-scattering albedo decreases with altitude in this region. A possible explanation is that the brightest aerosols near 30 km altitude contain significant amounts of methane, and that the decreasing albedo at lower altitudes may reflect the evaporation of some of the methane as the aerosols fall into dryer layers of the atmosphere. An alternative explanation is that there may be spherical particles in the bottom few kilometers of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Laboratory spectra of methane-nitrogen mixtures have been recorded in the near-infrared range (1.0-1.65 μm) in conditions similar to Titan's near surface, to facilitate the interpretation of the DISR/DLIS (DISR—Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer) spectra taken during the last phase of the descent of the Huygens Probe, when the surface was illuminated by a surface-science lamp. We used a 0.03 cm−1 spectral resolution, adequate to resolve the lines at high pressure (pN2∼1.5 bar). By comparing the laboratory spectra with synthetic calculations in the well-studied ν2+2ν3 band (7515-7620 cm−1), we determine a methane absorption column density of 178±20 cm atm and a temperature of 118±10 K in our experiment. From this, we derive the methane absorption coefficients over 1.0-1.65 μm with a 0.03 cm−1 sampling, allowing for the extrapolation of the results to any other methane column density under the relevant pressure and temperature conditions. We then revisit the calibration and analysis of the Titan “lamp-on” DLIS spectra. We infer a 5.1±0.8% methane-mixing ratio in the first 25 m of Titan's atmosphere. The CH4 mixing ratio measured 90 s after landing from a distance of 45 cm is found to be 0.92±0.25 times this value, thus showing no post-landing outgassing of methane in excess of ∼20%. Finally, we determine the surface reflectivity as seen between 25 m and 45 cm and find that the 1500 nm absorption band is deeper in the post-landing spectrum as compared to pre-landing.  相似文献   

In the frame of fractal modeling of tholin aggregates we made a systematic analysis of their optical properties. Ballistic particle-cluster aggregation (BPCA) and diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) of spherical primary particles (monomers) identical in material composition were considered. Aggregates composed of identical particles (monodisperse cluster), as well as of size-distributed particles (polydisperse cluster), were simulated. To calculate the light-scattering models, the code based on the superposition T-matrix method is used. Orientationally averaged properties of light scattering by model particles were extracted, and the normalized phase function and the degree of linear polarization were calculated as functions of scattering angle. We concluded that: (a) aggregation mechanism as well as specific internal structure of the clusters play only a minor role, and for the future it is not necessary to investigate aggregates of different types; (b) the intensity is very sensitive both to the size parameter of forming particles x and to the size parameter of the aggregates X; (c) characterization of the aggregates by the number of monomers is insufficient to retrieve physical properties of aggregates from optical measurement; and (d) it is very desirable to include into the analysis polarization data calculated for the different clusters.  相似文献   

The Huygens descent through Titan's atmosphere in January 2005 will provide invaluable information about Titan's atmospheric composition and aerosol properties. The Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) will perform upward and downward looking radiation observations at various spectral ranges and spatial resolutions. To prepare the DISR data interpretation we have developed a new model for radiation transfer in Titan's atmosphere. The model solves for the full three-dimensional polarized radiation field in spherical geometry. However, the atmosphere itself is assumed to be spherically symmetric. The model is initialized with a fast-to-compute plane–parallel solution based on the doubling and adding algorithm that incorporates a spherical correction for the incoming direct solar beam. The full three-dimensional problem is then solved using the characteristics method combined with the Picard iterative approximation as described in Rozanov et al. (J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 69 (2001) 491). Aerosol scattering properties are calculated with a new microphysical model. In this formulation, aerosols are assumed to be fractal aggregates and include methane gas absorption embedded into the extinction coefficient. The resulting radiance of the model atmosphere's internal field is presented for two prescribed DISR wavelengths.  相似文献   

New low-temperature methane absorption coefficients pertinent to the Titan environment are presented as derived from the Huygens DISR spectral measurements combined with the in-situ measurements of the methane gas abundance profile measured by the Huygens Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer (GCMS). The visible and near-infrared spectrometers of the descent imager/spectral radiometer (DISR) instrument on the Huygens probe looked upward and downward covering wavelengths from 480 to 1620 nm at altitudes from 150 km to the surface during the descent to Titan's surface. The measurements at continuum wavelengths were used to determine the vertical distribution, single-scattering albedos, and phase functions of the aerosols. The gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GCMS) instrument on the probe measured the methane mixing ratio throughout the descent. The DISR measurements are the first direct measurements of the absorbing properties of methane gas made in the atmosphere of Titan at the pathlengths, pressures, and temperatures that occur there. Here we use the DISR spectral measurements to determine the relative methane absorptions at different wavelengths along the path from the probe to the sun throughout the descent. These transmissions as functions of methane path length are fit by exponential sums and used in a haze radiative transfer model to compare the results to the spectra measured by DISR. We also compare the recent laboratory measurements of methane absorption at low temperatures [Irwin et al., 2006. Improved near-infrared methane band models and k-distribution parameters from 2000 to 9500 cm−1 and implications for interpretation of outer planet spectra. Icarus 181, 309-319] with the DISR measurements. We find that the strong bands formed at low pressures on Titan act as if they have roughly half the absorption predicted by the laboratory measurements, while the weak absorption regions absorb considerably more than suggested by some extrapolations of warm measurements to the cold Titan temperatures. We give factors as a function of wavelength that can be used with the published methane coefficients between 830 and 1620 nm to give agreement with the DISR measurements. We also give exponential sum coefficients for methane absorptions that fit the DISR observations. We find the DISR observations of the weaker methane bands shortward of 830 nm agree with the methane coefficients given by Karkoschka [1994. Spectrophotometry of the jovian planets and Titan at 300- to 1000-nm wavelength: the methane spectrum. Icarus 111, 174-192]. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results for computations of methane absorption in the atmospheres of the outer planets.  相似文献   

We use Titan's geometric albedo to constrain the vertical distribution of the haze. Microphysical models incorporating fractal aggregates do not readily fit the methane features at 0.62 μm band and the dark 0.88 μm of the albedo spectrum simultaneously. We take advantage of this apparent discrepancy to constrain the haze vertical profile.We used the geometric albedo and several results and constraints from other works to better constrain the vertical haze extinction profile, especially in the low stratosphere. The objective of this model is to give a solution that simultaneously fits the main constraints known to apply to the haze.We find that the haze extinction increases with decreasing altitude with a scale height about equal to the atmospheric scale height down to 100 km. Below this altitude, extinction must decrease down to 30 km. This is necessary in order to have enough haze to sustain a relatively high albedo (0.076) in the dark 0.88 μm methane band and to show the 0.62 μm band in the haze continuum. We set the haze production rate around 7×10−14 kgm−2 s−1, and the aerosols production altitude around 400 km (or at pressure 1.5 Pa).The physical processes which generate such a profile are not clear. However, purely one-dimensional effects such as condensation, sedimentation, and rainout can be ruled out, and we believe that this relative clearing in Titan's troposphere and lower stratosphere is due to particle horizontal transport by the mean circulation.  相似文献   

Organic aerosols play a significant role in the properties and evolution of Titan's atmosphere. But our knowledge of them and their physico-chemical mechanisms of formation and evolution are currently limited to a few data obtained by Titan observations from the Earth or from space probes. For this reason, laboratory experiments are developed to simulate the atmospheric chemistry and produce analogues of these aerosols in order to understand better their properties and how they are formed. The plasma discharges are the most efficient devices for the production of such analogues. However, the existing plasmas simulations introduce experimental biases compared with the conditions of aerosols production in Titan's atmosphere: chemistry is induced by electrons instead of photons; the solid analogues are produced and deposited on solid surfaces; direct analysis of the particles inside the reactive chamber is not easy. In order to avoid some of these experimental problems, we have developed another method of production of Titan's aerosols analogues. It is based on a capacitively coupled radio-frequency (RF) cold plasma system at low pressure in a N2-CH4 gaseous mixture. In this plasma, solid particles produced from the gas phase are in levitation, thus preventing any wall effect on their production, and allowing the study of the formation and growth of the particles directly in the plasma. Moreover, the electron energy distribution of this plasma can be compared with the solar spectrum. This article describes the RF plasma experiment and presents the first results obtained with an initial N2-CH4 (90:10) gaseous mixture which produced our first studied analogues of Titan's aerosols.  相似文献   

A combination of laboratory experiments, theoretical modeling, and spacecraft observations is employed to characterize the aerosols in the atmosphere of Titan. The scattering properties of model aerosols were measured using the Microwave Analog Light Scattering Facility at the University of Florida and complemented with theoretical modeling of single scattering characteristics and radiative transfer in Titan's atmosphere. This study compares these modeling results with photopolarimetric observations made over a range of phase angles by the Pioneer 11 and Voyagers 1 and 2 spacecraft. Important results of this work include a survey of the scattering properties of different particle morphologies and compositions necessary to accurately interpret these observations without introducing non-physical assumptions about the particles or requiring additional free parameters to the radiative transfer models. Previous studies use calculation methods which, due to computing memory and processing time requirements, a priori exclude much of the parameter space that the microwave analog laboratory is ideal for exploring. The goal of the present work, to directly constrain aerosol physical characteristics, is addressed by studying in a consistent manner how a variety of particle morphologies and refractive indices affect the polarization and intensity reflected by Titan's atmosphere. Based on comparisons of model results to spacecraft observations, many model morphologies are excluded from further consideration. The most plausible physical particle models suggest that a combination of Rayleigh-like single particles and aggregates that are larger than those previously suggested and investigated [West, R.A., Smith, P.H., 1991. Evidence for aggregate particles in the atmospheres of Titan and Jupiter. Icarus 90, 330-333; Rannou, P., Cabane, M., Botet, R., Chassefière, E., 1997. A new interpretation of scattered light measurements at Titan's limb. J. Geophys. Res. 102, 10997-11013] provide the best fit to the existing data. Additional laboratory experiments and more refined modeling awaits the results of the new rich observational dataset from the Cassini/Huygens encounter with Titan.  相似文献   

W.J. Borucki  R.C. Whitten  E. Barth 《Icarus》2006,181(2):527-544
The electrical conductivity and electrical charge on the aerosols in atmosphere of Titan are computed for altitudes between 0 and 400 km. Ionization of methane and nitrogen due to galactic cosmic rays (GCR) is important at night where these ions are converted to ion clusters such as CH+5CH4, C7H+7, C4H+7, and H4C7N+. The ubiquitous aerosols observed also play an important role in determining the charge distribution in the atmosphere. Because polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are expected in Titan's atmosphere and have been observed in the laboratory and found to be electrophilic, we consider the formation of negative ions. During the night, the very smallest molecular complexes accept free electrons to form negative ions. This results in a large reduction of the electron abundance both in the region between 150 and 350 km over that predicted when such aerosols are not considered. During the day time, ionization by photoemission from aerosols irradiated by solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation overwhelms the GCR-produced ionization. The presence of hydrocarbon and nitrile minor constituents substantially reduces the UV flux in the wavelength band from the cutoff of CH4 at 155 to 200 nm. These aerosols have such a low ionization potential that the bulk of the solar radiation at longer wavelengths is energetic enough to produce a photoionization rate sufficient to create an ionosphere even without galactic cosmic ray (GCR) bombardment. At altitudes below 60 km, the electron and positive ion abundances are influenced by the three-body recombination of ions and electrons. The addition of this reaction significantly reduces the predicted electron abundance over that previously predicted. Our calculations for the dayside show that the peaks of the charge distributions move to larger values as the altitude increases. This variation is the result of the increased UV flux present at the highest altitudes. Clearly, the situation is quite different than that for the night where the peak of the distribution for a particular size is nearly constant with altitude when negative ions are not present. The presence of very small aerosol particles (embryos) may cause the peak of the distribution to decrease from about 8 negative charges to as little as one negative charge or even zero charge. This dependence on altitude will require models of the aerosol formation to change their algorithms to better represent the effect of charged aerosols as a function of altitude. In particular, the charge state will be much higher than previously predicted and it will not be constant with altitude during the day time. Charging of aerosol particles, whether on the dayside or nightside, has a major influence on both the electron abundance and electrical conductivity. The predicted conductivities are within the measurement range of the HASI PWA instrument over most but not all, of the altitude range sampled.  相似文献   

Four broad spectral features were identified in far-infrared limb spectra from the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS), two of which have not been identified before. The features are broader than the spectral resolution, which suggests that they are caused by particulates in Titan's stratosphere. We derive here the spectral properties and variations with altitude for these four features for six latitudes between 65° S and 85° N. Titan's main aerosol is called Haze 0 here. It is present at all wavenumbers in the far-infrared and is found to have a fractional scale height (i.e., the aerosol density scale height divided by the atmospheric density scale height) between 1.5 and 1.7 with a small increase in opacity in the north. A second feature around 140 cm−1 (Haze A) has similar spatial properties to Haze 0, but has a smaller fractional scale height of 1.2-1.3. Both Haze 0 and Haze A show an increase in retrieved abundance below 100 km. Two other features (Haze B around 220 cm−1 and Haze C around 190 cm−1) have a large maximum in their density profiles at 140 and 90 km, respectively. Haze B is much more abundant in the northern hemisphere compared to the southern hemisphere. Haze C also shows a large increase towards the north, but then disappears at 85° N.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional composition model of Titan's upper atmosphere is constructed, coupling 36 neutral species and 47 ions. Energy inputs from the Sun and from Saturn's magnetosphere and updated temperature and eddy coefficient parameters are taken into account. A rotating technique at constant latitude and varying local-time is proposed to account for the diurnal variation of solar inputs. The contributions of photodissocation, neutral chemistry, ion-neutral chemistry, and electron recombination to neutral production are presented as a function of altitude and local time. Local time-dependent mixing ratio and density profiles are presented in the context of the TA and T5 Cassini data and are compared in detail to previous models. An independent and simplified ion and neutral scheme (19-species) is also proposed for future 3D-purposes. The model results demonstrate that a complete understanding of the chemistry of Titan's upper atmosphere requires an understanding of the coupled ion and neutral chemistry. In particular, the ionospheric chemistry makes significant contributions to production rates of several important neutral species.  相似文献   

A global-mean model of coupled neutral and ion chemistry on Titan has been developed. Unlike the previous coupled models, the model involves ambipolar diffusion and escape of ions, hydrodynamic escape of light species, and calculates the H2 and CO densities near the surface that were assigned in some previous models. We tried to reduce the numbers of species and reactions in the model and remove all species and reactions that weakly affect the observed species. Hydrocarbon chemistry is extended to C12H10 for neutrals and C10H+11 for ions but does not include PAHs. The model involves 415 reactions of 83 neutrals and 33 ions, effects of magnetospheric electrons, protons, and cosmic rays. UV absorption by Titan's haze was calculated using the Huygens observations and a code for the aggregate particles. Hydrocarbon, nitrile, and ion chemistries are strongly coupled on Titan, and attempt to calculate them separately (e.g., in models of ionospheric composition) may result in significant error. The model densities of various species are typically in good agreement with the observations except vertical profiles in the stratosphere that are steeper than the CIRS limb data. (A model with eddy diffusion that facilitates fitting to the CIRS limb data is considered as well.) The CO densities are supported by the O+ flux from Saturn's magnetosphere. The ionosphere includes a peak at 80 km formed by the cosmic rays, steplike layers at 500-700 and 700-900 km and a peak at 1060 km (SZA = 60°). Nighttime densities of major ions agree with the INMS data. Ion chemistry dominates in the production of bicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons above 600 km. The model estimates of heavy positive and negative ions are in reasonable agreement with the Cassini results. The major haze production is in the reactions C6H + C4H2, C3N + C4H2, and condensation of hydrocarbons below 100 km. Overall, precipitation rate of the photochemical products is equal to 4-7 kg cm−2 Byr−1 (50-90 m Byr−1 while the global-mean depth of the organic sediments is ∼3 m). Escape rates of methane and hydrogen are 2.9 and 1.4 kg cm−2 Byr−1, respectively. The model does not support the low C/N ratio observed by the Huygens ACP in Titan's haze.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the photochemistry of small molecules in Titan’s atmosphere found it difficult to have hydrogen atoms removed at a rate sufficient to explain the observed abundance of unsaturated hydrocarbons. One qualitative explanation of the discrepancy nominated catalytic aerosol surface chemistry as an efficient sink of hydrogen atoms, although no quantitative study of this mechanism was attempted. In this paper, we quantify how haze aerosols and macromolecules may efficiently catalyze the formation of hydrogen atoms into H2. We describe the prompt reaction model for the formation of H2 on aerosol surfaces and compare this with the catalytic formation of H2 using negatively charged hydrogenated aromatic macromolecules. We conclude that the PRM is an efficient mechanism for the removal of hydrogen atoms from the atmosphere to form H2 with a peak formation rate of ∼ 70 cm−3 s−1 at 420 km. We also conclude that catalytic H2 formation via hydrogenated anionic macromolecules is viable but much less productive (a maximum of ∼ 0.1 cm−3 s−1 at 210 km) than microphysical aerosols.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic studies of the homogeneous and heterogeneous crystallization of supercooled ethane aerosol droplets performed under conditions representative of those in Titan's lower atmosphere are presented. Pure ethane aerosols and both internally- and externally-mixed ensembles of ethane/acetylene and ethane/carbon dioxide aerosols were generated in a bath gas cooling cell and their freezing dynamics monitored using infrared absorption spectroscopy. A detailed overview of the spectroscopic signatures of pure ethane and mixed ethane/acetylene and ethane/carbon dioxide aerosols and their phase-dependence is provided. The ice-nucleating efficiencies of acetylene and carbon dioxide aerosols were compared, as were the efficiencies of freezing via an immersion or contact freezing mechanism. The spectral data provided will be of significant use for remote sensing applications, while the nucleation studies have important consequences for models of Titan's ethane clouds.  相似文献   

Erika L. Barth  Owen B. Toon 《Icarus》2006,182(1):230-250
Theoretical arguments point to and recent observations confirm the existence of clouds in Titan's atmosphere, yet we possess very little data on their particle size, composition and formation mechanism. A time-dependent microphysical model is used to study the evolution of ice clouds in Titan's atmosphere. The model simulates nucleation, condensational growth, evaporation, coagulation, and transport of particles in a column of atmosphere. A variety of cloud compositions are studied, including pure ethane clouds, pure methane clouds, and mixed methane-ethane clouds (all with tholin cores). The abundance of methane cloud particles may be limited by the number of ethane coated tholin nuclei rather than the number of tholins with hydrocarbon coatings. However, even the condensation of methane onto these relatively sparse ethane/tholin cloud particles is sufficient to keep the methane close to saturation. Typical methane supersaturations are of order 0.06 on the average. For simulations which take into account recent lab measurements indicating it is relatively easy for methane to nucleate onto tholin particles without an ethane-layer present, the three types of clouds (methane, ethane, and mixed) exist simultaneously. Pure methane clouds are the most abundant cloud type and serve to lower the supersaturation to about 0.04. Cloud production does not require a continuous surface source of methane. However, clouds produced by mean motions are not the visible methane clouds seen in recent Cassini and ground-based observations. Ethane clouds in the troposphere almost instantaneously nucleate methane to form mixed clouds. However, a thin ethane ‘haze’ remains just above the tropopause for some scenarios and the mixed clouds at the tropopause remain ?50% ethane by mass. Also, evaporation of methane from the mixed cloud particles near the surface leaves a thicker layer of ethane cloud particles at ∼10 km. Nevertheless, the precipitation rate of methane to Titan's surface is between 0.001 and 0.5 cm/terrestrial-year, depending on various initial conditions such as critical saturation, size and abundance of cloud condensation nuclei, surface sources and eddy diffusion.  相似文献   

The dynamics of Titan's stratosphere is discussed in this study, based on a comparison between observations by the CIRS instrument on board the Cassini spacecraft, and results of the 2-dimensional circulation model developed at the Institute Pierre-Simon Laplace, available at http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/titanDbase [Rannou, P., Lebonnois, S., Hourdin, F., Luz, D., 2005. Adv. Space Res. 36, 2194-2198]. The comparison aims at both evaluating the model's capabilities and interpreting the observations concerning: (1) dynamical and thermal structure using temperature retrievals from Cassini/CIRS and the vertical profile of zonal wind at the Huygens landing site obtained by Huygens/DWE; and (2) vertical and latitudinal profiles of stratospheric gases deduced from Cassini/CIRS data. The modeled thermal structure is similar to that inferred from observations (Cassini/CIRS and Earth-based observations). However, the upper stratosphere (above 0.05 mbar) is systematically too hot in the 2D-CM, and therefore the stratopause region is not well represented. This bias may be related to the haze structure and to misrepresented radiative effects in this region, such as the cooling effect of hydrogen cyanide (HCN). The 2D-CM produces a strong atmospheric superrotation, with zonal winds reaching 200 m s−1 at high winter latitudes between 200 and 300 km altitude (0.1-1 mbar). The modeled zonal winds are in good agreement with retrieved wind fields from occultation observations, Cassini/CIRS and Huygens/DWE. Changes to the thermal structure are coupled to changes in the meridional circulation and polar vortex extension, and therefore affect chemical distributions, especially in winter polar regions. When a higher altitude haze production source is used, the resulting modeled meridional circulation is weaker and the vertical and horizontal mixing due to the polar vortex is less extended in latitude. There is an overall good agreement between modeled chemical distributions and observations in equatorial regions. The difference in observed vertical gradients of C2H2 and HCN may be an indicator of the relative strength of circulation and chemical loss of HCN. The negative vertical gradient of ethylene in the low stratosphere at 15° S, cannot be modeled with simple 1-dimensional models, where a strong photochemical sink in the middle stratosphere would be necessary. It is explained here by dynamical advection from the winter pole towards the equator in the low stratosphere and by the fact that ethylene does not condense. Near the winter pole (80° N), some compounds (C4H2, C3H4) exhibit an (interior) minimum in the observed abundance vertical profiles, whereas 2D-CM profiles are well mixed all along the atmospheric column. This minimum can be a diagnostic of the strength of the meridional circulation, and of the spatial extension of the winter polar vortex where strong descending motions are present. In the summer hemisphere, observed stratospheric abundances are uniform in latitude, whereas the model maintains a residual enrichment over the summer pole from the spring cell due to a secondary meridional overturning between 1 and 50 mbar, at latitudes south of 40-50° S. The strength, as well as spatial and temporal extensions of this structure are a difficulty, that may be linked to possible misrepresentation of horizontally mixing processes, due to the restricted 2-dimensional nature of the model. This restriction should also be kept in mind as a possible source of other discrepancies.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of images of Saturn's moon Titan, obtained by the Voyager 1 spacecraft on November 8-12, 1980. Orange filter (590-640 nm) images were photometrically corrected and a longitudinal average removed from them, leaving residual images with up to 5% contrast, and dominated by surface reflectivity. The resultant map shows the same regions observed at 673 nm by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Many of the same albedo features are present in both datasets, despite the short wavelength (600 nm) of the Voyager 1 images. A very small apparent longitudinal offset over the 14 year observation interval places tight constraints on Titan's rotation, which appears essentially synchronous at 15.9458±0.0016 days (orbital period =15.945421±0.000005 days). The detectability of the surface at such short wavelengths puts constraints on the optical depth, which may be overestimated by some fractal models.  相似文献   

Titan's tholins are used as analogs of Titan's aerosols and N-rich organic solids present on many icy surfaces. However, it is not clear whether or not they are relevant analogs, and which kind of tholins should be used among a wide set available in literature. This paper presents reflectance spectral data of two tholins selected as end-members of a series of samples covering a very wide range of continuous chemical and optical properties. These samples were formed under experimental conditions fairly consistent with Titan's stratosphere. A general framework for using these laboratory data to the analysis of spectral observation of Titan's surface or other objects is suggested. Furthermore, the study reports the first in situ unambiguous identification of aromatics compounds and evidences variations in the sp2 carbon structure, which controls the absorption properties in the visible/NIR. These results also point out it is very unlikely to derive quantitative chemical information (e.g., N content, sp2/sp3 ratio) from remote sensing reflectance data.  相似文献   

The atmospheres of Mars and Titan are loaded with aerosols that impact remote sensing observations of their surface. Here we present the algorithm and the first applications of a radiative transfer model in spherical geometry designed for planetary data analysis. We first describe a fast Monte-Carlo code that takes advantage of symmetries and geometric redundancies. We then apply this model to observations of the surface of Mars and Titan at the terminator as acquired by OMEGA/Mars Express and VIMS/Cassini. These observations are used to probe the vertical distribution of aerosols down to the surface. On Mars, we find the scale height of dust particles to vary between 6 km and 12 km depending on season. Temporal variations in the vertical size distribution of aerosols are also highlighted. On Titan, an aerosols scale height of 80 ± 10 km is inferred, and the total optical depth is found to decrease with wavelength as a power-law with an exponent of −2.0 ± 0.4 from a value of 2.3 ± 0.5 at 1.08 μm. Once the aerosols properties have been constrained, the model is used to retrieve surface reflectance properties at high solar zenith angles and just after sunset.  相似文献   

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