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The descent imager/spectral radiometer aboard the Huygens probe successfully acquired images and spectra of the surface of Titan. To counter the effects of haze and atmospheric methane absorption it carried a surface science lamp to illuminate the surface just before landing. We reconstruct the reflectance spectrum of the landing site in the 500-1500 nm range from downward looking visual and infrared spectrometers data that show evidence of lamp light. Our reconstruction is a followup to the analysis by Tomasko et al. [2005. Rain, winds and haze during the Huygens probe's descent to Titan's surface. Nature 438, 765-778], who scaled their result to the ratio of the up- and down flux measured just before landing. Instead, we use the lamp flux from the calibration experiment, and find a significantly higher overall reflectance. We attribute this to a phase angle dependance, possibly representing the opposition surge commonly encountered on solar system bodies. The reconstruction in the visible wavelength range is greatly improved. Here, the reflectance spectrum features a red slope, consistent with the presence of organic material. We confirm the blue slope in the near-IR, featureless apart from a single shallow absorption feature at 1500 nm. We agree with Tomasko et al. that the evidence for water ice is inconclusive. By modeling of absorption bands we find a methane mixing ratio of 4.5±0.5% just above the surface. There is no evidence for the presence of liquid methane, but the data do not rule out a wet soil at a depth of several centimeters.  相似文献   

During the descent of the Huygens probe through Titan's atmosphere in January 2005, the Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer (DISR) will perform upward and downward looking measurements at various spectral ranges and spatial resolutions. This internal radiation density could be estimated by radiative transfer calculations for Titan's atmosphere. However, to do this, the optical properties—i.e. volume extinction coefficient, single scattering albedo and scattering phase function—have to be prescribed at every altitude, and these are apriori not known. Herein, an inverse approach is investigated, which retrieves the single scattering albedo and the phase function of the aerosols from DISR observations. The method uses data from a DISR subinstrument, the Solar Aureole imager (SA), to estimate the optical properties of the atmospheric layer between two successive observation altitudes. A unique solution for one layer can in principle be calculated directly from a linear system of equations, but due to the sparseness of the data and the unavoidable noise in the measurements, the inverse problem is ill-posed. The problem is stabilized by the regularization method requiring smoothness of the resultant solution. A consistent set of solutions for all layers is obtained by iterating several times downward and upward through the layers. The method is tested in a simulated radiation density scenario for Titan, which is based on a microphysical aerosol model for the haze layer. Within this scenario, the expected coverage of SA data allows a reconstruction of the angular dependence of the scattering phase function with an explained variance better than 90%.  相似文献   

We present the results from the first sonar to be deployed outside of Earth, and the first active acoustic instrument on Titan, onboard the Huygens probe, and the implications of its data for the geomorphology and characteristics of the Huygens landing site. Signals were recorded from 90 m downwards until impact, with a maximum sensor footprint diameter at the ground of 39.2 m. Probe impact speed was measured to be 4.67 m s−1. Derivation of terrain topography in a transect beneath the probe may indicate a ridge-trough terrain with an amplitude of about 1 m and a wavelength of about 10 m, although a flat surface is also consistent with the results. Modelling of the returned signal indicates that the surface acoustic properties at the landing site must be specular in nature, which may have two possible (not incompatible) causes—the surface may consist of sorted interlocking grains, smooth on the centimetre scale, which would imply either fluvial sorting or the infill of small particles interstitial to the larger particles (similar to a terrestrial playa). Alternatively, specularity may indicate the presence of methane as an interstitial liquid or as very small pools. Due to mission constraints, tens of metres around the landing site were not well-imaged by Huygens' cameras except for the narrow azimuth observed after impact (the camera did not look straight down, and was not in imaging mode during the last few hundred metres of descent). Thus the data presented are among the few direct observations of the landing site surroundings.  相似文献   

Laboratory spectra of methane-nitrogen mixtures have been recorded in the near-infrared range (1.0-1.65 μm) in conditions similar to Titan's near surface, to facilitate the interpretation of the DISR/DLIS (DISR—Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer) spectra taken during the last phase of the descent of the Huygens Probe, when the surface was illuminated by a surface-science lamp. We used a 0.03 cm−1 spectral resolution, adequate to resolve the lines at high pressure (pN2∼1.5 bar). By comparing the laboratory spectra with synthetic calculations in the well-studied ν2+2ν3 band (7515-7620 cm−1), we determine a methane absorption column density of 178±20 cm atm and a temperature of 118±10 K in our experiment. From this, we derive the methane absorption coefficients over 1.0-1.65 μm with a 0.03 cm−1 sampling, allowing for the extrapolation of the results to any other methane column density under the relevant pressure and temperature conditions. We then revisit the calibration and analysis of the Titan “lamp-on” DLIS spectra. We infer a 5.1±0.8% methane-mixing ratio in the first 25 m of Titan's atmosphere. The CH4 mixing ratio measured 90 s after landing from a distance of 45 cm is found to be 0.92±0.25 times this value, thus showing no post-landing outgassing of methane in excess of ∼20%. Finally, we determine the surface reflectivity as seen between 25 m and 45 cm and find that the 1500 nm absorption band is deeper in the post-landing spectrum as compared to pre-landing.  相似文献   

The Huygens Probe provided a wealth of data concerning the atmosphere of Titan. It also provided tantalizing evidence of a small amount of surface liquid. We have developed a detailed surface energy balance for the Probe landing site. We find that the daily averaged non-radiative fluxes at the surface are 0.7 W m?2, much larger than the global average value predicted by McKay et al. (1991) of 0.037 W m?2. Considering the moist surface, the methane and ethane detected by the Probe from the surface is consistent with a ternary liquid of ethane, methane, and nitrogen present on the surface with mole fractions of methane, ethane, and nitrogen of 0.44, 0.34, and 0.22, respectively, and a total mass load of ~0.05 kg m?2. If this liquid is included in the surface energy balance, only a small fraction of the non-radiative energy is due to latent heat release (~10?3 W m?2). If the amount of atmospheric ethane is less than 0.6×10?5, the surface liquid is most likely evaporating over timescales of 5 Titan days, and the moist surface is probably a remnant of a recent precipitation event. If the surface liquid mass loading is increased to 0.5 kg m?2, then the liquid lifetime increases to ~56 Titan days. Our modeling results indicate a dew cycle is unlikely, given that even when the diurnal variation of liquid is in equilibrium, the diurnal mass variation is only 3% of the total liquid. If we assume a high atmospheric mixing ratio of ethane (>0.6×10?5), the precipitation of liquid is large (38 cm/Titan year for an ethane mixing ratio of 2×10?5). Such a flux is many orders of magnitude in excess of the photochemical production rate of ethane.  相似文献   

Despite recent progress in the modeling of alkali atmospheres like those around the Moon and Mercury, many problems still exist. It is proposed that Rydberg Matter (RM) clusters containing Na and K atoms are the main part of the alkali atmospheres of the Moon and Mercury, forming large clouds. RM clusters are studied in the laboratory with laser fragmentation and laser spectroscopy methods. Due to the very large collision cross sections of Rydberg atoms and RM clusters, the atmospheres are not collision free, as normally assumed based on the low densities of free alkali atoms. The non-escaping radial density variation for the Na atoms, observed, e.g., on the Moon, and the Maxwellian velocity distributions observed on Mercury are caused by a true atmosphere with collisional equilibration; this process is not possible in an exosphere. Fast alkali atoms are released from the RM clusters already at large heights by solar photons and charged particle impact. The kinetic temperatures derived for the atmospheres agree with the quantized energy release. The cluster model predicts that the rate of loss from the surface is much smaller than for a purely atomic model, since the transient storage is in the RM cluster form in the atmosphere and not at the surface. The conductance of the atmosphere is of the order of 100 S due to the facile collisional ionization of the RM clusters. The apparent depletion of K in the atmosphere of Mercury is explained.  相似文献   

Abstract— A simple thermal model is developed to determine the temperature history of the inlet tube of the Huygens probe gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (GCMS) after its fortuitous emplacement on the surface of Saturn's moon Titan. The model parameters are adjusted to match the recorded temperature history of a nearby heater, taking into account heat losses by conduction to the rest of the probe and to Titan's cold atmosphere. The model suggests that after impact when forced convective cooling ceased, the inlet temperature rose from ?110 K to an asymptotic value of only ?145 K. This requires that the inlet was embedded in a surface that acted as an effective heat sink, most plausibly interpreted as wet or damp with liquid methane. The data appear inconsistent with a tar or dry, fine‐grained surface, and the inlet was not warm enough to devolatilize methane hydrate.  相似文献   

The Huygens probe landed on the then unknown surface of Titan in January 2005. A small, protruding penetrometer, part of the Surface Science Package (SSP), was pushed into the surface material measuring the mechanical resistance of the ground as the probe impacted the landing site. We present laboratory penetrometry into room temperature surface analogue materials using a replica penetrometer to investigate further the nature of Titan’s surface and examine the sensor’s capabilities. The results are then compared to the flight instrument’s signature and suggest the Titan surface substrate material consists of sand-sized particles with a mean grain size ~2 mm. A possible thin 7 mm coating with mechanical properties similar to terrestrial snow may overlie this substrate, although due to the limited data we are unable to detect any further layering or grading within the near-surface material. The unusual weakening with depth of the signature returned from Titan has, to date, only been reproduced using a damp sand target that becomes progressively wetter with depth, and supports the suggestion that the surface may consist of a damp and cohesive material with interstitial liquid contained between its grains. Comparison with terrestrial analogues highlights the unusual nature of the landing site material.  相似文献   

We report regional-scale low-resolution backscatter images of Titan's surface acquired by the Cassini RADAR scatterometer at a wavelength of 2.18-cm. We find that the average angular dependence of the backscatter from large regions and from specific surface features is consistent with a model composed of a quasi-specular Hagfors term plus a diffuse cosine component. A Gaussian quasi-specular term also fits the data, but less well than the Hagfors term. We derive values for the mean dielectric constant and root-mean-square (rms) slope of the surface from the quasi-specular term, which we ascribe to scattering from the surface interface only. The diffuse term accommodates contributions from volume scattering, multiple scattering, or wavelength-scale near-surface structure. The Hagfors model results imply a surface with regional mean dielectric constants between 1.9 and 3.6 and regional surface roughness that varies between 5.3° and 13.4° in rms-slope. Dielectric constants between 2 and 3 are expected for a surface composed of solid simple hydrocarbons, water ice, or a mixture of both. Smaller dielectric constants, between 1.6 and 1.9, are consistent with liquid hydrocarbons, while larger dielectric constants, near 4.5, may indicate the presence of water-ammonia ice [Lorenz, R.D., 1998. Icarus 136, 344-348] or organic heteropolymers [Thompson, W.R., Squyres, S.W., 1990. Icarus 86, 336-354]. We present backscatter images corrected for angular effects using the model residuals, which show strong features that correspond roughly to those in 0.94-μm ISS images. We model the localized backscatter from specific features to estimate dielectric constant and rms slope when the angular coverage is within the quasi-specular part of the backscatter curve. Only two apparent surface features are scanned with angular coverage sufficient for accurate modeling. Data from the bright albedo feature Quivira suggests a dielectric constant near 2.8 and rms slope near 10.1°. The dark albedo feature Shangri-La is best fit by a Hagfors model with a dielectric constant close to 2.4 and an rms slope near 9.5°. From the modeled backscatter curves, we find the average radar albedo in the same linear (SL) polarization to be near 0.34. We constrain the total-power albedo in order to compare the measurements with available groundbased radar results, which are typically obtained in both senses of circular polarization. We estimate an upper limit of 0.4 on the total-power albedo, a value that is significantly higher than the 0.21 total albedo value measured at 13 cm [Campbell, D., Black, G., Carter, L., Ostro, S., 2003. Science 302, 431-434]. This is consistent with a surface that has more small-scale structure and is thus more reflective at 2-cm than 13-cm. We compare results across overlapping observations and observe that the reduction and analysis are repeatable and consistent. We also confirm the strong correlations between radar and near-infrared images.  相似文献   

Temporal variations in the visible/near-infrared reflectance spectra of the radiometric calibration targets on the Mars Pathfinder (MPF) lander obtained by the Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP) camera reveal the effects of aeolian dust deposition at the MPF site throughout the mission. Sky brightness models in combination with two-layer radiative transfer models were used with these data to track changes in dust opacity on the radiometric calibration targets (RCTs) to constrain the dust deposition rate and the spectral properties of the deposited dust. Two-layer models were run assuming both linear and nonlinear dust accumulation rates, and suggest that RCT dust optical depth at the end of the 83-sol mission was 0.08 to 0.16, or on the order of 5- to 10-μm thickness for plausible values for dust porosity and grain size. These values correspond to dust fall rates of about 20-45 μm per Earth year, consistent with previous studies of dust deposition on Mars. The single scattering albedos of the dust derived from the models fall between those previously determined for atmospheric dust and bright soils. Comparisons of relative reflectance spectra calibrated using observed RCT radiances from late in the mission versus using radiances from modeled (dust-free) RCTs also reveal distinct spectral differences consistent with dust on the RCTs. Temporal variations in RCT dust opacity are not clearly linked to known passages of vortices at the MPF site, but overall suggest that deposition of dust onto the targets by local dust devils may be favored over erosion. Analyses of temporal changes in visible/near-infrared spectra will provide valuable information for future missions by constraining how dust deposition affects landed spacecraft operability (e.g., solar power availability), instrument calibration, and interpretations of surface mineralogy and composition.  相似文献   

Titan is one of the primary scientific objectives of the NASA–ESA–ASI Cassini–Huygens mission. Scattering by haze particles in Titan's atmosphere and numerous methane absorptions dramatically veil Titan's surface in the visible range, though it can be studied more easily in some narrow infrared windows. The Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) instrument onboard the Cassini spacecraft successfully imaged its surface in the atmospheric windows, taking hyperspectral images in the range 0.4–5.2 μm. On 26 October (TA flyby) and 13 December 2004 (TB flyby), the Cassini–Huygens mission flew over Titan at an altitude lower than 1200 km at closest approach. We report here on the analysis of VIMS images of the Huygens landing site acquired at TA and TB, with a spatial resolution ranging from 16 to14.4 km/pixel. The pure atmospheric backscattering component is corrected by using both an empirical method and a first-order theoretical model. Both approaches provide consistent results. After the removal of scattering, ratio images reveal subtle surface heterogeneities. A particularly contrasted structure appears in ratio images involving the 1.59 and 2.03 μm images north of the Huygens landing site. Although pure water ice cannot be the only component exposed at Titan's surface, this area is consistent with a local enrichment in exposed water ice and seems to be consistent with DISR/Huygens images and spectra interpretations. The images show also a morphological structure that can be interpreted as a 150 km diameter impact crater with a central peak.  相似文献   

S.W. Hobbs  C.F. Pain 《Icarus》2011,214(1):258-264
The study of hillslopes is a primary element of geomorphology and has successfully been used in many terrestrial arenas. In this study we take advantage of High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) imagery as well as Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) derived DEMs of the Pathfinder landing site to study regional hillslopes at resolutions many times greater than previously available and compare them with Mars Pathfinder lander images. This site was thought to be modified by massive flooding 1.8-3.5 byr ago and although evidence of flood activity was not obvious at the finer scale of this study, possible lee deposits and terracing were seen in some of the features. Evidence of post flood processes of ice related creep, aeolian and dry mass wasting were observed at the site and have likely obscured flood related morphology present in these features. Regional slopes were found to vary with aspect and suggest processes intensities operating at different orientations, possibly related to the prevailing wind direction, as well as the origin of the ancient flood event.  相似文献   

We present an analysis comparing observations acquired by the Mars Express Observatoire pour la Minéralogie l’Eau, les Glaces et l’Activité (OMEGA) and Phoenix lander measurements. Analysis of OMEGA data provides evidence for hydrous and ferric phases at the Phoenix landing site and the surrounding regions. The 3 μm hydration band deepens with increasing latitude, along with the appearance and deepening of a 1.9 μm H2O band as latitude increases ∼60° polewards. A water content of 10-11% is derived from the OMEGA data for the optical surface at the Phoenix landing site compared to 1-2% derived for subsurface soil by Phoenix lander measurements. The hydration of these regions is best explained by surface adsorbed water onto soil grains. No evidence for carbonate or perchlorate-bearing phases is evident from OMEGA data, consistent with the relatively small abundances of these phases detected by Phoenix. The identification of spectral features consistent with hydrated phases (possibly zeolites) from OMEGA data covering regions outside the landing site and the ubiquitous ferric absorption edge suggest that chemical weathering may play a role in the arctic soils.  相似文献   

A detailed petrologic survey has been made of 17 basaltic chips (sized between 1 and 10 mm) from the 12003 soil sample as part of an ongoing study of basaltic diversity at the Apollo 12 landing site. An attempt has been made to classify these samples according to the well‐established grouping of olivine, pigeonite, ilmenite, and feldspathic basalts. Particular attention has been paid to variations in major, minor, and trace element mineral chemistry (determined by electron microprobe analysis and laser ablation ICP‐MS), which may be indicative of particular basaltic suites and less susceptible to sampling bias than bulk sample characteristics. Examples of all three main (olivine, pigeonite, and ilmenite) basaltic suites have been identified within the 12003 soil. One sample is identified as a possible new addition to the feldspathic suite, which currently consists of only one other confirmed sample. Identification of additional feldspathic basalts strengthens the argument that they represent a poorly sampled basaltic flow local to the Apollo 12 site, rather than exotic material introduced to the site by impact mixing processes. Three samples are identified as representing members of one or two previously unrecognized basaltic suites.  相似文献   

Cassini observations of the surface of Titan offer unprecedented views of its surface through atmospheric windows in the 1-5 μm region. Images obtained in windows for which the haze opacity is low can be used to derive quantitative photometric parameters such as albedo and albedo distribution, and physical properties such as roughness and particle characteristics. Images from the early Titan flybys, particularly T0, Ta, and T5 have been analyzed to create albedo maps in the 2.01 and 2.73 μm windows. We find the average normal reflectance at these two wavelengths to be 0.15±0.02 and 0.035±0.003, respectively. Titan's surface is bifurcated into two albedo regimes, particularly at 2.01 μm. Analysis of these two regimes to understand the physical character of the surface was accomplished with a macroscopic roughness model. We find that the two types of surface have substantially different roughness, with the low-albedo surface exhibiting mean slope angles of ∼18°, and the high-albedo terrain having a much more substantial roughness with a mean slope angle of ∼34°. A single-scattering phase function approximated by a one-term Henyey-Greenstein equation was also fit to each unit. Titan's surface is back-scattering (g∼0.3-0.4), and does not exhibit substantially different backscattering behavior between the two terrains. Our results suggest that two distinct geophysical domains exist on Titan: a bright region cut by deep drainage channels and a relatively smooth surface. The two terrains are covered by a film or a coating of particles perhaps precipitated from the satellite's haze layer and transported by eolian processes. Our results are preliminary: more accurate values for the surface albedo and physical parameters will be derived as more data is gathered by the Cassini spacecraft and as a more complete radiative transfer model is developed from both Cassini orbiter and Huygens Lander measurements.  相似文献   

The first five Titan flybys with Cassini's Synthetic Aperture RADAR (SAR) and radiometer are examined with emphasis on the calibration and interpretation of the high-resolution radiometry data acquired during the SAR mode (SAR-radiometry). Maps of the 2-cm wavelength brightness temperature are obtained coincident with the SAR swath imaging, with spatial resolution approaching 6 km. A preliminary calibration shows that brightness temperature in these maps varies from 64 to 89 K. Surface features and physical properties derived from the SAR-radiometry maps and SAR imaging are strongly correlated; in general, we find that surface features with high radar reflectivity are associated with radiometrically cold regions, while surface features with low radar reflectivity correlate with radiometrically warm regions. We examined scatterplots of the normalized radar cross-section σ0 versus brightness temperature, finding differing signatures that characterize various terrains and surface features. Implications for the physical and compositional properties of these features are discussed. The results indicate that volume scattering is important in many areas of Titan's surface, particularly Xanadu, while other areas exhibit complex brightness temperature variations consistent with variable slopes or surface material and compositional properties.  相似文献   

The relief of polygonal structures at the Phoenix landing site on Mars has been determined with the improved photoclinometry method from the images acquired with the HiRISE camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The investigations showed that, within 1 km from the landing site, the topography amplitude of the relief on the surface scales of 5.5–65 m varies within the range of ~40 to 70 cm. The polygonal structures of 2–6 m across correspond to the small-scale relief with the topography amplitude ranging from 20 to 30 cm and the standard deviation of about 3 cm. Within 1 km from the landing site, the variations of these characteristics are small. For the small polygons that are less than 5.5 m in size, the typical height is 10–15 cm. The polygons of 18–22 m in size are up to 28 cm in height, while the polygons of 60–90 m in size reach about 44 cm in height. The error in determining the relief heights was ±5.5%. The investigations showed that the improved photoclinometry method is promising for the study of small-scale features of the Martian surface.  相似文献   

We report the observations of a coronal mass ejection (CME) using the Soft X-ray Telescope on board the Yohkoh Mission. The CME had the familiar three part structure (frontal loop, prominence core and a cavity). The erupting prominence was observed by the Nobeyama radioheliograph. We were able to determine the mass of the CME (2.6 × 1014 g) from X-ray observations which seems to be at the lower end of the range of CME masses reported before from white light observations. This is the first time the mass of a CME has been determined from X-ray observations. The height of onset of the CME was 0.3R. The CME moved much faster than the erupting prominence while its acceleration was smaller than that of the erupting prominence.J. Leonard Culhane  相似文献   

Dulk  G. A.  Sheridan  K. V. 《Solar physics》1974,36(1):191-202

Maps of the brightness distribution of the ‘quiet Sun’ at 80 and 160 MHz reveal the presence of features both brighter and darker than average. The ‘dark’ regions are well correlated with dark regions on UV maps; we deduce that they result from ‘coronal holes’. The ‘bright’ regions are associated with quiescent filaments and not plages or bright regions on microwave or UV maps; we deduce that they result from ‘coronal helmets’.

When coronal holes appear near the centre of the disk we can estimate the density and kinetic temperature in the holes from the radio observations. For a hole observed on 1972 July 20–21, we find T ≈ 0.8 × 106 inside the hole and T ≈ 1.0 × 106 in average regions outside the hole. Inside the hole the density is estimated to be about one-quarter of that in Newkirk's model of the spherically symmetric corona.

Variations in brightness at a fixed height above the limb are generally well correlated with scans at a similar height made with a K-coronameter. Occasional differences may result from streamers protruding beyond the limb from the back of the Sun. These can be seen by the K-coronameter but, because of refraction of the radio rays, not by the radio-heliograph.


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