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We have used the Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera Wide Angle (MGS MOC WA) dataset to study albedo trends on the martian northern residual cap. Six study regions were selected, the Chasma Boreale source region, three regions near the center of the cap (“fish hook” region, latitude = 87°; “bottle opener” region, latitude = 87°, “steep-shallow” region, latitude = 85°), and two lower latitude regions (crater, latitude = 77°, and polar outlier, latitude = 82°), and the albedos of these six regions were examined. These regions were chosen due to their good temporal coverage in the MOC dataset, as well as having been studied by other researchers (Bass et al., 2000, Icarus 144, 382-396; Calvin and Titus, 2004, Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXV, Abstract 1455). The picture which emerges is complex. Most areas experience a combination of darkening and brightening through the northern summer; only one area consistently brightens (the polar outlier region). A good deal of interannual repeatability in each region's albedo behavior is seen, however. Possible causes for the observed complex behaviors include dust deposition from late summer storms, sintering of frost grains over the course of the summer, and cold trapping of volatiles on bright, cold surfaces.  相似文献   

Atmospheric water vapor abundances in Mars’ north polar region (NPR, from 60° to 90°N) are mapped as function of latitude and longitude for spring and summer seasons, and their spatial, seasonal, and interannual variability is discussed. Water vapor data are from Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) and the Viking Orbiter (VO) Mars Atmospheric Water Detector (MAWD). The data cover three complete northern spring-summer seasons in 1977-1978, 2000-2001 and 2002-2003, and shorter periods of spring-summer seasons during 1975, 1999 and 2004. Long term interannual variability in the averaged NPR abundances may exist, with Viking MAWD observations showing twice as much water vapor during summer as the MGS TES observations more than 10 martian years (MY) later. While the averaged abundances are very similar in TES observations for the same season in different years, the spatial distributions in the early summer season do vary significantly year over year. Spatial and temporal variabilities increase between Ls ∼ 80-140°, which may be related to vapor sublimation from the North Polar Residual Cap (NPRC), or to changes in circulation. Spatial variability is observed on scales of ∼100 km and temporal variability is observed on scales of <10 sols during summer. During late spring the TES water vapor spatial distribution is seen to correlate with the low topography/low albedo region of northern Acidalia Planitia (270-360°E), and with the dust spatial distribution across the NPR during late spring-early summer. Non-uniform vertical distribution of water vapor, a regolith source or atmospheric circulation ‘pooling’ of water vapor from the NPRC into the topographic depression may be behind the correlation with low topography/low albedo. Sublimation winds carrying water vapor off the NPRC and lifting surface dust in the areas surrounding the NPRC may explain the correlation between the water vapor and dust spatial distributions. Correlation between water vapor and dust in MAWD data are only observed over low topography/low albedo area. Maximum water vapor abundances are observed at Ls = 105-115° and outside of the NPRC at 75-80°N; the TES data, however, do not extend over the NPRC and thus, this conclusion may be biased. Some water vapor appears to be released in plumes or ‘outbursts’ in the MAWD and TES datasets during late spring and early summer. We propose that the sublimation rate of ice varies across the NPRC with varying surface winds, giving rise to the observed ‘outbursts’ at some seasons.  相似文献   

The residual south polar cap of Mars (RSPC) is distinct from the residual north polar cap both in composition and in morphology. CO2 frost in the RSPC is stabilized by its high albedo during southern spring and summer despite the relatively large insolation during that period. The morphology of the RSPC in summer displays a bewildering variety of depressions that are formed in relatively thin layers of CO2. The increase of the size of these depressions between each of the first three years of Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) observations may possibly signal some sort of climate change on the planet. For example, the erosion of the bright plateaus might reduce the RSPC albedo and affect the energy balance. The Mars Orbiter Cameras (MOC) on MGS observed Mars for four consecutive martian years before contact with the spacecraft was lost in late 2006. During this period coverage of the polar regions was particularly dense because MGS flew over them on every orbit. In this paper we report on the four-year behavior of the morphological features in the RSPC and on the large-scale variability in RSPC albedo over the period. The changes in the size of the surface features in the RSPC due to backwasting that were first observed between Mars years (MY) 24 and 25 and subsequently between MY25 and M26 was observed to continue at the same rate through MY 27. The results indicate that on average thicker layers in the RSPC retreat faster than thinner ones, roughly in proportion to their thickness. We argue that a simple difference in porosity between the A and B layers can explain this difference although other factors could be involved. The large-scale albedo of the RSPC decreases as the depressions are uncovered by sublimation of seasonal CO2. However, any interannual differences in albedo due to the backwasting process are masked by interannual differences in the summer dust opacity in the RSPC region.  相似文献   

Joseph Levy  James W. Head 《Icarus》2010,209(2):390-404
Hypotheses accounting for the formation of concentric crater fill (CCF) on Mars range from ice-free processes (e.g., aeolian fill), to ice-assisted talus creep, to debris-covered glaciers. Based on analysis of new CTX and HiRISE data, we find that concentric crater fill (CCF) is a significant component of Amazonian-aged glacial landsystems on Mars. We present mapping results documenting the nature and extent of CCF along the martian dichotomy boundary over −30 to 90°E latitude and 20-80°N longitude. On the basis of morphological analysis we classify CCF landforms into “classic” CCF and “low-definition” CCF. Classic CCF is most typical in the middle latitudes of the analysis area (∼30-50°N), while a range of degradation processes results in the presence of low-definition CCF landforms at higher and lower latitudes. We evaluate formation mechanisms for CCF on the basis of morphological and topographic analyses, and interpret the landforms to be relict debris-covered glaciers, rather than ice-mobilized talus or aeolian units. We examine filled crater depth-diameter ratios and conclude that in many locations, hundreds of meters of ice may still be present under desiccated surficial debris. This conclusion is consistent with the abundance of “ring-mold craters” on CCF surfaces that suggest the presence of near-surface ice. Analysis of breached craters and distal glacial deposits suggests that in some locations, CCF-related ice was once several hundred meters higher than its current level, and has sublimated significantly during the most recent Amazonian. Crater counts on ejecta blankets of filled and unfilled craters suggests that CCF formed most recently between ∼60 and 300 Ma, consistent with the formation ages of other martian debris-covered glacial landforms such as lineated valley fill (LVF) and lobate debris aprons (LDA). Morphological analysis of CCF in the vicinity of LVF and LDA suggests that CCF is a part of an integrated LVF/LDA/CCF glacial landsystem. Instances of morphological continuity between CCF, LVF, and LDA are abundant. The presence of formerly more abundant CCF ice, coupled with the integration of CCF into LVF and LDA, suggests the possibility that CCF represents one component of the significant Amazonian mid-latitude glaciation(s) on Mars.  相似文献   

We have used the complete set of Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Daily Global Maps (MDGMs) to study martian weather in the southern hemisphere, focusing on curvilinear features, including frontal events and streaks. “Frontal events” refer to visible events that are morphologically analogous to terrestrial baroclinic storms. MDGMs show that visible frontal events were mainly concentrated in the 210-300°E (60-150°W) sector and the 0-60°E sector around the southern polar cap during Ls = 140-250° and Ls = 340-60°. The non-uniform spatial and temporal distributions of activity were also shown by MGS Thermal Emission Spectrometer transient temperature variations near the surface. “Streaks” refer to long curvilinear features in the polar hood or over the polar cap. They are an indicator of the shape of the polar vortex. Streaks in late winter usually show wavy segments between the 180° meridian and Argyre. Model results suggest that the zonal wave number m = 3 eastward traveling waves are important for their formation.  相似文献   

A detailed examination of the location and orientation of sand dunes and other aeolian features within the north polar chasmata indicates that steep scarps strongly influence the direction and intensity of prevailing winds. These steep scarps are present at the heads and along the margins of the north polar chasmata. Topographic profiles of the arcuate head scarps and equator-facing wall of Chasma Boreale reveal unusually steep polar slopes ranging from ∼6°-30°. The relatively steep-sloped (∼8°), sinuous scarp at the head of two smaller chasmata, located west of Chasma Boreale, exhibits an obvious resistant cap-forming unit. Scarp retreat is occurring in places where the cap unit is actively being undercut by descending slope winds. Low-albedo surfaces lacking sand dunes or dust mantles are present at the base of the polar scarps. A ∼100-300 m deep moat, located at the base of the scarps, corresponds with these surfaces and indicates an area of active aeolian scour from descending katabatic winds. Small local dust storms observed along the equator-facing wall of Chasma Boreale imply that slope wind velocities in Chasma Boreale are sufficient to mobilize dust and sand-sized particles in the Polar Layered Deposits (PLD). Two amphitheater forms, located above the cap-forming unit of the sinuous scarp and west of Chasma Boreale, may represent an early stage of polar scarp and chasma formation. These two forms are developing within a younger section of polar layered materials. The unusually steep scarps associated with the polar chasmata have developed where resistant layers are present in the PLD, offering resistance during the headward erosion and poleward retreat of the scarps. Steep slopes that formed under these circumstances enhance the flow of down-scarp katabatic winds. On the basis of these observations, we reject the fluvial outflood hypothesis for the origin of the north polar chasmata and embrace a wind erosion model for their long-term development. In the aeolian model, off-pole katabatic winds progressively remove materials from the steep slopes below chasmata scarps, undermining resistant layers at the tops of scarps and causing retreat by headward erosion. Assuming a minimum age for the onset of formation of Chasma Boreale (105 yr) results in a maximum volumetric erosion rate of . Removal of this volume of material from the equator-facing wall and head scarps of chasma would require a rate for scarp retreat of .  相似文献   

Springtime low albedo features, called Dark Dune Spots, on the seasonal frost covered dunes on Mars between 77°N and 84°N latitude have been analyzed. Two groups of these spots have been identified: “small” and “large” ones, where large spots have diameters above 4 m, and complex internal structure. From these “large” spots branching seepage-like features emanate and grow on the steep slopes. They show a characteristic sequence of changes: first only wind-blown features emanate from them, while later a bright circular and elevated ring forms, and dark seepage-features start from the spots. These streaks grow with a speed between 0.3 m/day and 7 m/day respectively, first only from the spots, later from all along the dune crest.During this “seepage period” the temperature is between 150 K and 180 K at a 3-9 km spatial resolution scale, indicating that CO2 ice-free parts must be present at the observed dark spots. Around the receding northern seasonal CO2 cap, an annulus of water ice lags behind, which is probably present in the spots too where the CO2 frost has sublimated. Our model estimates show in the present work and in Kereszturi et al. (Kereszturi, A., Möhlmann, D., Berczi, Sz., Ganti, T., Kuti, A., Sik, A., Horvath, A. [2009b]. Icarus 201, 492-503) that the warming driven by solar insolation may produce not only interfacial water, but also bulk brines around the dune grains. The brine can support the movement of liquids and dune grains, enhances the sublimation of CO2 frost, and produce the dark features, as well as liquid modifies the optical properties of the surface.Signs of movement of dune material after the total defrosting of the terrain is also visible but it is uncertain because of the limit of resolution. In our previous work (Kereszturi et al., 2009b) we showed that resembling seepage-like streaks at the southern hemisphere might have been formed by ephemeral interfacial water, as well as these northern features. Such wet environments may have astrobiological importance too.  相似文献   

Following the work of Kieffer and Titus (2001, Icarus 154, 162-180), we present results of thermal IR observations of Korolev crater, located at ∼73° latitude in the martian northern polar region. Similar to techniques employed by Titus et al. (2003, Science 299, 1048-1050), we use infrared images from the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) aboard Mars Odyssey to identify several regions within the crater basin with distinct thermal properties that correlate with topography. The THEMIS results show these regions exhibit temperature variations, spatially within the crater and throughout the martian year. In addition to the variations identified in the THEMIS observations, Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) observations show differences in albedo and temperature of these regions on both daily and seasonal cycles. Modeling annual temperature variations of the surface, we use TES observations to examine the thermal properties of these regions. This analysis reveals the crater interior deposits are likely thick layers (several meters) of high thermal inertia material (water ice, or extremely ice-rich regolith). Spatial variations of the physical properties of these regions are likely due to topography and possibly variations in the subsurface material itself. The nature of these deposits may help constrain polar processes, as well as provide context for the polar lander mission, Phoenix.  相似文献   

This paper reports on mapping of water frost and ice on Mars, in the range of latitudes between 30°S and 30°N. The study has been carried out by analysing 2485 orbits acquired during almost one martian year by the Mars Express/OMEGA imaging spectrometer. Water frost/ice is identified by the presence of ∼1.5 μm, ∼2 μm and ∼3.0 μm absorptions. Although the orbits analysed in this study cover all seasons, water frost/ice is observed only near the aphelion seasons, at Ls = 19° and at Ls = 98-150°. Water frost/ice is detected mainly on the southern hemisphere between 15°S and 30°S latitude while it has not been identified within 15°S-15°N. In the northern hemisphere, the water frost/ice detection is complicated by the presence of clouds. Usually, water frost/ice is found in shadowed areas, while in few cases it is exposed to the sunlight. This indicates a clear relationship with the local illumination conditions on the slopes which favour the water frost/ice deposition on the surface when the temperatures are very low. OMEGA observations span from 10 to 17 LT and the frost/ice is detected mainly between 15 and 16 LT, with practically no detection before 13 LT. We think this is due to the fact that the 10-12 LT observations occur at large distances and it is not a local time effect. A thermal model is used to determine the deposition conditions on the sloped surfaces where water frost/ice has been found. There, daily atmospheric saturation does not occur on pole facing 10-25° slopes with current water vapour abundances but only by assuming values greater than 40 pr μm. Moreover, the water frost/ice is not detected during the northern winter, even if the thermal model foresees daily saturation on 25° slopes.  相似文献   

The condensing CO2 south polar cap of Mars and the mechanisms of the CO2 ice accumulation have been studied through the analysis of spectra acquired by the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) during the first two years of ESA's Mars Express (MEX) mission. This dataset spans more than half a martian year, from Ls∼330° to Ls∼194°, and includes the southern fall season which is found to be extremely important for the study of the residual south polar cap asymmetry. The cap expands symmetrically and with constant speed during the fall season. The maximum extension occurs sometime in the 80°-90° Ls range, when the cap edges are as low as −40° latitude. Inside Hellas and Argyre basins, frost can be stable at lower latitudes due to the higher pressure values, causing the seasonal cap to be asymmetric. Within the seasonal range considered in this paper, the cap edge recession rate is approximately half the rate at which the cap edge expanded. The longitudinal asymmetries reduce during the cap retreat, and disappear around Ls∼145°. Two different mechanisms are responsible for CO2 ice accumulation during the fall season, especially in the 50°-70° Ls range. Here, CO2 condensation in the atmosphere, and thus precipitation, is allowed exclusively in the western hemisphere, and particularly in the longitudinal corridor of the perennial cap. In the eastern hemisphere, the cap consists mainly of CO2 frost deposits, as a consequence of direct vapor deposition. The differences in the nature of the surface ice deposits are the main cause for the residual south polar cap asymmetry. Results from selected PFS orbits have also been compared with the results provided by the martian general circulation model (GCM) of the Laboratoire de Météorologie dynamique (LMD) in Paris, with the aim of putting the observations in the context of the global circulation. This first attempt of cross-validation between PFS measurements and the LMD GCM on the one hand confirms the interpretation of the observations, and on the other hand shows that the climate modeling during the southern polar night on Mars is extremely sensitive to the dynamical forcing.  相似文献   

We used MGS-MOC and MRO-MARCI daily mapping images of the North Polar Region of Mars from 16 August 2005 (Ls = 270°) to 21 May 2009 (Ls = 270°), covering portions of three consecutive martian years (MY 27-MY 29), to observe the seasonal behavior of the polar ice cap and atmospheric phenomena. The rate of cap regression was similar in MY 28 and MY 29, but was advanced by 3.5° of Ls (∼7-8 sols) in MY 29. The spatial and temporal behaviors of dust and condensate clouds were similar in the two years and generally in accord with prior years. Dust storms (>100 km2) were observed in all seasons, with peak activity occurring at Ls = 10-20° from 50°N to 70°N and at Ls = 135-140° from 70°N to 90°N. The most active quadrant was 0-90°W in MY 28, shifting to 180-270°W in MY 29. The majority of regional storms in both years developed in longitudes from 10°W to 60°W. During late summer the larger storms obscure the North Polar Region in a cloud of dust that transitions to north polar hood condensate clouds around autumnal equinox.Changes in the distribution of perennial ice deposits, especially in Olympia Planum, were observed between the 2 years, with the MY 29 ice distribution being the most extensive observed to date. Modeling suggests that the small, bright ice patches on the residual cap are not the result of slope or elevation effects. Rather we suggest that they are the result of local meteorological effects on ice deposition. The annual darkening and brightening of peripheral areas of the residual cap around summer solstice can be explained by the sublimation of a brighter frost layer revealing an underlying darker, ice rich layer that itself either sublimes to reveal brighter material below or acts as a cold trap, attracting condensation of water vapor that brightens the surface. An alternative explanation invokes transport and deposition of dust on the surface from the cap interior, and later removal of that dust. The decrease in cap albedo and accompanying increase in near surface atmospheric stability may be related to the annual minimum of polar storm activity near northern summer solstice.  相似文献   

Michael D. Smith 《Icarus》2009,202(2):444-452
We use infrared images obtained by the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) instrument on-board Mars Odyssey to retrieve the optical depth of dust and water ice aerosols over more than 3.5 martian years between February 2002 (MY 25, Ls=330°) and December 2008 (MY 29, Ls=183°). These data provide an important bridge between earlier TES observations and recent observations from Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. An improvement to our earlier retrieval [Smith, M.D., Bandfield, J.L., Christensen, P.R., Richardson, M.I., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. 108, doi:10.1029/2003JE002114] to include atmospheric temperature information from THEMIS Band 10 observations leads to much improved retrievals during the largest dust storms. The new retrievals show moderate dust storm activity during Mars Years 26 and 27, although details of the strength and timing of dust storms is different from year to year. A planet-encircling dust storm event was observed during Mars Year 28 near Southern Hemisphere Summer solstice. A belt of low-latitude water ice clouds was observed during the aphelion season during each year, Mars Years 26 through 29. The optical depth of water ice clouds is somewhat higher in the THEMIS retrievals at ∼5:00 PM local time than in the TES retrievals at ∼2:00 PM, suggestive of possible local time variation of clouds.  相似文献   

Michael D Smith 《Icarus》2004,167(1):148-165
We use infrared spectra returned by the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) to retrieve atmospheric and surface temperature, dust and water ice aerosol optical depth, and water vapor column abundance. The data presented here span more than two martian years (Mars Year 24, Ls=104°, 1 March 1999 to Mars Year 26, Ls=180°, 4 May 2003). We present an overview of the seasonal (Ls), latitudinal, and longitudinal dependence of atmospheric quantities during this period, as well as an initial assessment of the interannual variability in the current martian climate. We find that the perihelion season (Ls=180°-360°) is relatively warm, dusty, free of water ice clouds, and shows a relatively high degree of interannual variability in dust optical depth and atmospheric temperature. On the other hand, the aphelion season (Ls=0°-180°) is relatively cool, cloudy, free of dust, and shows a low degree of interannual variability. Water vapor abundance shows a moderate amount of interannual variability at all seasons, but the most in the perihelion season. Much of the small amount of interannual variability that is observed in the aphelion season appears to be caused by perihelion-season planet-encircling dust storms. These dust storms increase albedo through deposition of bright dust on the surface causing cooler daytime surface and atmospheric temperatures well after dust optical depth returns to prestorm values.  相似文献   

Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) images of the whiter areas of the residual North Polar Cap (P. C. Thomas et al. 2000, Nature404, 161-164) show a gentle hummocky pitted surface that has been popularly called “cottage cheese” terrain. The pits are 1 or 2 m deep and tens of meters across. They are typically joined in roughly linear strings or long depressions and these features are referred to here as “lineations.” The lineations tend to have one or occasionally two preferred directions. We have examined the MOC imagery for the North Cap and using high-resolution images that have good wide-angle context images were able to determine the lineation angles for 31 sites scattered over most of the ice cap.We propose a process that will produce linear features in the white areas, then relate the orientation of the lineations over much of the North Cap to these processes and the inferred ice flow direction. There is first-order agreement between the measured sign of the lineation angles and those predicted assuming ice flow. Higher accumulations and velocities are predicted in the catchment for ice that flows into Chasma Boreale. This comes from the indications that katabatic winds are concentrated in this catchment.  相似文献   

Water-ice and dust optical depths in Mars’ north polar region are mapped as function of season, latitude and longitude, and their characteristics and variability on a geographic, seasonal, and interannual basis are discussed. We use water-ice and dust optical depth data provided by the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES), covering nearly three northern spring and summer periods. We find that interannual variability exists in both the water ice and dust behavior, although there are trends that repeat year to year as well. The optical thickness of the north polar hood (NPH) exhibits interannually varying longitudinal structure, both during springtime recession and late-summer onset. We define the characteristics associated with the transition to and from the NPH and find that the disappearance occurs near Ls=75° and the reappearance near Ls=160-165°. We find that the late spring to early summer time frame is characterized by very low water-ice optical depths and enhanced dust activity, with a preference for lower water-ice and higher dust optical depths in the 0-90°W quadrant. We see possible evidence for stationary wavenumber 2 systems in a few of the maps examined.  相似文献   

The Mars Express spacecraft has a highly inclined orbit around Mars and so has been able to observe the south pole of Mars in illuminated conditions at the end of the southern summer (Ls=330). Spectra from the planetary Fourier spectrometer (PFS) short wavelength (SW) channel were recorded over the permanent ice cap to study its composition in terms of CO2 ice and H2O ice. Models are fitted to the observed data, which include a spatial mixture of soil (not covered by ice) and CO2 frost (with a specific grain size and a small amount of included dust and H2O ice). Two different kinds of spectra were observed: those over the permanent polar cap with almost pure CO2 ice, negligible water ice, no soil fraction required, and bright; and those over mixed terrain (at the edge of the cap or near troughs) containing a significant soil spatial fraction, more water ice and smaller CO2 grain size. The amount of water ice given by fits to scaled albedo models is less than 10 ppm by weight. When using multi-stream reflectance models with the appropriate lighting geometry, the water amount must be 2-5 times greater than the albedo fit (less than 50 ppm). At the periphery of the residual polar cap, we found a region almost completely covered by water frost, modeled as a mixture of micron-sized and sub-mm sized grains. Our result using a granular mixture of micron-sized grains of water ice and dust with the CO2 grains is different from the modeling of OMEGA polar cap observations using molecular mixtures.  相似文献   

A systematic mapping of water vapor on Mars has been achieved using the imaging spectrometer OMEGA aboard the Mars Express spacecraft, using the depth of the 2.6 μm (ν1, ν3) band of H2O. We report results obtained during two periods: (1) Ls=330–40° (January–June 2004), before and after the equinox, and (2) Ls=90–125°, which correspond to early northern summer. At low latitude, our results are globally consistent with previous measurements from ground-based and space (MAWD/Viking and TES/MGS) observations. However, at early northern summer and at high northern latitude (70–80 °N), the water vapor abundances, which we retrieved, appear to be weaker than MAWD and TES results. At the time of water sublimation during early northern summer, there is a maximum of water vapor content at latitudes 75–80°N and longitudes 210–24°E. This region is not far from the area where OMEGA identified a high abundance of calcium-rich sulfates, most likely gypsum. Our data provide the first high-resolution map of the martian water vapor content above the northern polar cap.  相似文献   

The case for an ocean having once occupied the northern lowlands of Mars has largely been based indirectly on the debouching of the outflow channels into the lowlands, and directly on erosional features along the margins of the lowlands interpreted to be the result of wave action. Two global shorelines were previously mapped from albedo variation, embayment relationships, and scarps interpreted as coastal cliffs. However, not since the early, Viking-based studies, has there been a focused assessment of the presence or absence of coastal constructional landforms such as barrier ridges and spits, located on or near the mapped “shorelines.” Such constructional landforms are typically found in association with coastal erosional features on Earth, and therefore warrant a detailed search for their presence on Mars. All presently available THEMIS VIS and MOC NA images located on or near either of the two “shorelines,” within the Chryse Planitia/Arabia Terra region (10° to 44° N; 300° to 0° E) and the Isidis Planitia region (0° to 30° N; 70° to 105° E), were examined in search of any features that could reasonably be considered candidate coastal ridges. Additionally, raw MOLA profiles were used in conjunction with a technique developed from Differential Global Positioning System profiles across terrestrial paleo-shorelines, to search for coastal ridges throughout these same regions. Out of 447 THEMIS VIS and 735 MOC NA images examined, only four candidates are observed that are plausibly interpreted as coastal ridges; no candidate coastal ridges are observed in the MOLA profiles. This overwhelming paucity of candidate features suggests one of five possible scenarios in terms of the existence of standing bodies of water within the martian lowlands: (1) No ocean existed up to the level of either of the previously mapped “shorelines”; (2) An ocean existed, however wave action, the primary agent responsible for construction of coastal landforms, was minimal to non-existent; (3) An ocean existed, but sediment input was not significant enough to form coastal deposits; (4) An ocean existed, but readily froze, and over time sublimated; and lastly (5) An ocean existed and coastal landforms were constructed, but in the intervening time since their formation they have nearly all been eroded away.  相似文献   

Remote-sensing observations of Gale Crater and Melas Chasma are synthesized to better understand the present surface layer in these two scientifically interesting regions. Data sets analyzed include geologic maps, Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) elevation, Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) albedo, TES thermal inertia, MOLA residual pulse width, TES rock abundance, and Viking and Mars Orbiter Camera images. Using these data sets, we constrain the properties of and processes acting on the present surface and create self-consistent models for the surface layer. Surface properties within Gale Crater are variable and complex, and interpreting the surface layer is not straightforward. Observations indicate that aeolian processes have shaped some of the intracrater surface, but other areas do not comply with this model and have counterintuitive surface characteristics. In contrast, aeolian activity appears to have played a large role in shaping the present-day physical structure of all surfaces in Melas Chasma and is reflected in the remote-sensing data sets. Here we summarize our analysis and discuss the surface attributes as determined from these data sets.  相似文献   

Building upon previous studies, we have used Mars Orbiter Camera and Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter data to characterize in detail the newly discovered north polar basal unit. Lying stratigraphically between the polar layered deposits, from which it is likely separated by an unconformity, and the Vastitas Borealis Formation, this unit has introduced new complexity into north polar stratigraphy and has important implications for polar history. Exposures of the basal unit in Olympia Planitia and Chasma Boreale reveal relatively dark layers which exhibit differential erosion. Eroded primarily by wind, the basal unit may be the major if not sole source for the north polar dunes and ergs and has contributed material to the lower polar cap layers. We investigate four possible origins for the basal unit (outflow channel/oceanic deposits, basal ice, paleopolar deposits, and eolian deposits). The patchy layering within the unit, its likely sandy grain size, and presence only in the north polar basin suggest that it is primarily an eolian deposit, supporting Byrne and Murray's 2002 earlier conclusion. This implies that at some time during the Early to Late Amazonian, migrating sand was mixed with water ice, forming a relatively dark, sandy deposit. During this time, either no classic polar layered deposits were forming or smaller caps were growing and shrinking, possibly adding material to the basal unit.  相似文献   

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