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In this study, magnetic field measurements obtained by the Venus Express spacecraft are used to determine the bow shock position at solar minimum. The best fit of bow shock location from solar zenith angle 20-120° gives a terminator bow shock location of 2.14 RV (1 RV=6052 km) which is 1600 km closer to Venus than the 2.40 RV determined during solar maximum conditions, a clear indication of the solar cycle variation of the Venus bow shock location. The best fit to the subsolar bow shock is 1.32 RV, with the bow shock completely detached. Finally, a global bow shock model at solar minimum is constructed based on our best-fit empirical bow shock in the sunlit hemisphere and an asymptotic limit of the distant bow shock which is a Mach cone under typical Mach number of 5.5 at solar minimum. We also describe our approach to making the measurements and processing the data in a challenging magnetic cleanliness environment. An initial evaluation of the accuracy of measurements shows that the data are of a quality comparable to magnetic field measurements made onboard magnetically clean spacecraft.  相似文献   

We have studied the H+ velocity distribution function at Mars and Venus near the bow shock both in the solar wind and in the magnetosheath by a simple analytical one-dimensional model. We found that over half of the ions in the ring velocity distribution which moved towards the magnetosheath were scattered back into the bow shock. The original ring distribution is destroyed in less than an ion gyro period. Ions contained in the magnetosphere which hit the bow shock bounce back into the solar wind with a maximum energy exceeding twice the energy of solar wind protons. The ions finite gyroradius causes an asymmetric flow in the magnetosheath with respect to the direction of the convective electric field, which can be observed already a few ion gyroradius downstream of the bow shock.  相似文献   

Plasma and magnetic field measurements made onboard the Venus Express on June 1, 2006, are analyzed and compared with predictions of a global model. It is shown that in the orbit studied, the plasma and magnetic field observations obtained near the North Pole under solar minimum conditions were qualitatively and, in many cases also, quantitatively in agreement with the general picture obtained using a global numerical quasi-neutral hybrid model of the solar wind interaction (HYB-Venus). In instances where the orbit of Venus Express crossed a boundary referred to as the magnetic pileup boundary (MPB), field line tracing supports the suggestion that the MPB separates the region that is magnetically connected to the fluctuating magnetosheath field from a region that is magnetically connected to the induced magnetotail lobes.  相似文献   

Fast forward interplanetary (IP) shocks have been identified as a source of large geomagnetic disturbances. However, the shocks can evolve in the solar wind, they are modified by interaction with the bow shock and during their propagation through the magnetosheath. A few previous papers refer the inclination and deceleration of the IP shock front in this region. Our contribution continues this effort and presents the study of an IP shock interaction with the bow shock. Since the bow shock is a reversed fast shock, the interaction of the IP shock and bow shock is a problem of interaction of two fast MHD shocks.

We compare profiles of magnetic field and plasma parameters observed by several spacecraft in the solar wind and magnetosheath with the profiles of the same parameters resulting from the MHD numerical model. The MHD model suggests that the interaction of an IP shock with the bow shock results in an inward bow shock displacement that is followed by its outward motion. Such motion will result in an indentation propagating along the bow shock surface. This scenario is confirmed by multipoint observations. Moreover, the model confirms also previous suggestions on the IP shock deceleration in the magnetosheath.  相似文献   

We have performed a numerical simulation to analyze the energy spectra of escaping planetary O+ and O2+ ions at Mars. The simulated time-energy spectrograms were generated along orbit no. 555 (June 27, 2004) of Mars Express when its Ion Mass Analyzer (IMA)/ASPERA-3 ion instrument detected escaping planetary ions. The simulated time-energy spectrograms are in general agreement with the hypothesis that planetary O+ and O2+ ions far from Mars are accelerated by the convective electric field. The HYB-Mars hybrid model simulation also shows that O+ ions originating from the ionized hot oxygen corona result in a high-energy (E>1 keV) O+ ion population that exists very close to Mars. In addition, the simulation also results in a low-energy (E<0.1 keV) planetary ion population near the pericenter. In the analyzed orbit, IMA did not observe a clear high-energy planetary ion or a clear low-energy planetary ion population near Mars. One possible source for this discrepancy may be the Martian magnetic crustal anomalies because MEX passed over a strong crustal field region near the pericenter, but the hybrid model does not include the magnetic crustal anomalies.  相似文献   

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