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Imaging spectrometers are highly effective instruments for investigation of planetary atmospheres. They present the advantage of coupling the compositional information to the spatial distribution, allowing simultaneous study of chemistry and dynamics in the atmospheres of Venus and Mars. In this work, we summarize recent results about the O2(a1Δg) night and day glows, respectively obtained by VIRTIS/Venus Express and OMEGA/Mars Express, the imaging spectrometers currently in orbit around Venus and Mars. The case of the O2(a1Δg - X3Σg) IR emission at 1.27 μm on the night side of Venus and the day side of Mars is analyzed, pointing out dynamical aspects of these planets, like the detection of gravity waves in their atmospheres. The monitoring of seasonal and daily airglow variations provides hints about the photochemistry on these planets.  相似文献   

The upper ionospheres of Mars and Venus are permeated by the magnetic fields induced by the solar wind. It is a long-standing question whether these fields can put the dense ionospheric plasma into motion. If so, the transterminator flow of the upper ionosphere could explain a significant part of the ion escape from the planets atmospheres. But it has been technically very challenging to measure the ion flow at energies below 20 eV. The only such measurements have been made by the ORPA instrument of the Pioneer Venus Orbiter reporting speeds of 1-5 km/s for O+ ions at Venus above 300 km altitude at the terminator ( [Knudsen et al., 1980] and [Knudsen et al., 1982]). At Venus the transterminator flow is sufficient to sustain a permanent nightside ionosphere, at Mars a nightside ionosphere is observed only sporadically. We here report on new measurements of the transterminator ion flow at Mars by the ASPERA-3 experiment on board Mars Express with support from the MARSIS radar experiment for some orbits with fortunate observation geometry. We observe a transterminator flow of O+ and O2+ ions with a super-sonic velocity of around 5 km/s and fluxes of 0.8×109/cm2 s. If we assume a symmetric flux around the terminator this corresponds to an ion flow of 3.1±0.5×1025/s half of which is expected to escape from the planet. This escape flux is significantly higher than previously observed on the tailside of Mars. A possible mechanism to generate this flux can be the ionospheric pressure gradient between dayside and nightside or momentum transfer from the solar wind via the induced magnetic field since the flow velocity is in the Alfvénic regime. We discuss the implication of these new observations for ion escape and possible extensions of the analysis to dayside observations which may allow us to infer the flow structure imposed by the induced magnetic field.  相似文献   

The influence of solar EUV and solar wind conditions on ion escape at Mars is investigated using ion data from the Aspera-3 instrument on Mars Express, combined with solar wind proxy data obtained from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft. A solar EUV flux proxy based on data from the Earth position, scaled and shifted in time for Mars, is used to study relatively long time scale changes related to solar EUV variability. Data from May 2004 until November 2005 has been used. A clear dependence on the strength of the subsolar magnetic field as inferred from MGS measurements is seen in the ion data. The region of significant heavy ion flows is compressed and the heavy ion flux density is higher for high subsolar magnetic field strength. Because of the difference in outflow area, the difference in estimated total outflow is somewhat less than the difference in average flux density. We confirm previous findings that escaping planetary ions are mainly seen in the hemisphere into which the solar wind electric field is pointed. The effect is more pronounced for the high subsolar magnetic field case.The average ion motion has a consistent bias towards the direction of the solar wind electric field, but the main motion is in the antisunward direction. The antisunward flow velocity increases with tailward distance, reaching above at 2 to 3 martian radii downtail from Mars for O+ ions. Different ion species reach approximately the same bulk flow energy. We did not find any clear correlation between the solar EUV flux and the ion escape distribution or rate, probably because the variation of the solar EUV flux over our study interval was too small. The results indicate that the solar wind and its magnetic field directly interacts with the ionosphere of Mars, removing more ions for high subsolar magnetic field strength. The interaction region and the tail heavy ion flow region are not perfectly shielded from the solar wind electric field, which accelerates particles over relatively large tail distances.  相似文献   

We have performed a numerical simulation to analyze the energy spectra of escaping planetary O+ and O2+ ions at Mars. The simulated time-energy spectrograms were generated along orbit no. 555 (June 27, 2004) of Mars Express when its Ion Mass Analyzer (IMA)/ASPERA-3 ion instrument detected escaping planetary ions. The simulated time-energy spectrograms are in general agreement with the hypothesis that planetary O+ and O2+ ions far from Mars are accelerated by the convective electric field. The HYB-Mars hybrid model simulation also shows that O+ ions originating from the ionized hot oxygen corona result in a high-energy (E>1 keV) O+ ion population that exists very close to Mars. In addition, the simulation also results in a low-energy (E<0.1 keV) planetary ion population near the pericenter. In the analyzed orbit, IMA did not observe a clear high-energy planetary ion or a clear low-energy planetary ion population near Mars. One possible source for this discrepancy may be the Martian magnetic crustal anomalies because MEX passed over a strong crustal field region near the pericenter, but the hybrid model does not include the magnetic crustal anomalies.  相似文献   

In June 2006 Venus Express crossed several times the outer boundary of Venus induced magnetosphere, its magnetosheath and its bow shock. During the same interval the Cluster spacecraft surveyed the dawn flank of the terrestrial magnetosphere, intersected the Earth's magnetopause and spent long time intervals in the magnetosheath. This configuration offers the opportunity to perform a joint investigation of the interface between Venus and Earth's outer plasma layers and the shocked solar wind. We discuss the kinetic structure of the magnetopause of both planets, its global characteristics and the effects on the interaction between the planetary plasma and the solar wind. A Vlasov equilibrium model is constructed for both planetary magnetopauses and provides good estimates of the magnetic field profile across the interface. The model is also in agreement with plasma data and evidence the role of planetary and solar wind ions on the spatial scale of the equilibrium magnetopause of the two planets. The main characteristics of the two magnetopauses are discussed and compared.  相似文献   

The sunlit portion of planetary ionospheres is sustained by photoionization. This was first confirmed using measurements and modelling at Earth, but recently the Mars Express, Venus Express and Cassini-Huygens missions have revealed the importance of this process at Mars, Venus and Titan, respectively. The primary neutral atmospheric constituents involved (O and CO2 in the case of Venus and Mars, O and N2 in the case of Earth and N2 in the case of Titan) are ionized at each object by EUV solar photons. This process produces photoelectrons with particular spectral characteristics. The electron spectrometers on Venus Express and Mars Express (part of ASPERA-3 and 4, respectively) were designed with excellent energy resolution (ΔE/E=8%) specifically in order to examine the photoelectron spectrum. In addition, the Cassini CAPS electron spectrometer at Saturn also has adequate resolution (ΔE/E=16.7%) to study this population at Titan. At Earth, photoelectrons are well established by in situ measurements, and are even seen in the magnetosphere at up to 7RE. At Mars, photoelectrons are seen in situ in the ionosphere, but also in the tail at distances out to the Mars Express apoapsis (∼3RM). At both Venus and Titan, photoelectrons are seen in situ in the ionosphere and in the tail (at up to 1.45RV and 6.8RT, respectively). Here, we compare photoelectron measurements at Earth, Venus, Mars and Titan, and in particular show examples of their observation at remote locations from their production point in the dayside ionosphere. This process is found to be common between magnetized and unmagnetized objects. We discuss the role of photoelectrons as tracers of the magnetic connection to the dayside ionosphere, and their possible role in enhancing ion escape.  相似文献   

We present the first results from the ion mass analyzer IMA of the ASPERA-3 instrument on-board of Mars Express. More than 200 orbits for May 2004-September 2004 time interval have been selected for the statistical study of the distribution of the atmospheric origin ions in the planetary wake. This study shows that the martian magnetotail consists of two different ion regimes. Planetary origin ions of the first regime form the layer adjacent to the magnetic pile-up boundary. These ions are accelerated to energy greater than 2000 eV and exhibit a gradual decreasing of energy down to the planetary tail. The second plasma regime is observed in the planetary shadow. The heavy ions (considered as planetary ones) are accelerated to the energy of the solar wind protons. Obviously the acceleration mechanism is different for the different plasma regimes. Study of two plasma regimes in the frame referred to the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) direction (we used MGS magnetometer data to obtain the IMF clock angle) clearly shows their spatial anisotropy. The monoenergetic plasma in the planetary shadow is observed only in the narrow angular sector around the positive direction of the interplanetary electric field.  相似文献   

Mars Global Surveyor detected cold electrons above the Martian ionopause, which can be interpreted as detached ionospheric plasma clouds. Similar observations by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter electron temperature probe showed also extreme spatial irregularities of electrons in the form of plasma clouds on Venus, which were explained by the occurrence of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. Therefore, we suggest that the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability may also detach ionospheric plasma clouds on Mars. We investigate the instability growth rate at the Martian ionopause resulting from the flow of the solar wind for the case where the interplanetary magnetic field is oriented normal to the flow direction. Since the velocity shear near the subsolar point is very small, this area is stable with respect to the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. We found that the highest flow velocities are reached at the equatorial flanks near the terminator plane, while the maximum plasma density in the terminator plane appears at the polar areas. By comparing the instability growth rate with the magnetic barrier formation time, we found that the instability can evolve into a non-linear stage at the whole terminator plane but preferably at the equatorial flanks. Escape rates of O+ ions due to detached plasma clouds in the order of about 2×1023-3×1024 s-1 are found. Thus, atmospheric loss caused by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability should be comparable with other non-thermal loss processes. Further, we discuss our results in view of the expected observations of heavy ion loss rates by ASPERA-3 on board of Mars Express.  相似文献   

Long-exposure spectroscopy of Mars and Venus with the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) has revealed emissions of He 584 Å on both planets and He 537 Å/O+ 539 Å and He+ 304 Å on Venus. Our knowledge of the solar emission at 584 Å, eddy diffusion in Mars' upper atmosphere, electron energy distributions above Mars' ionopause, and hot oxygen densities in Mars' exosphere has been significantly improved since our analysis of the first EUVE observation of Mars [Krasnopolsky, Gladstone, 1996, Helium on Mars: EUVE and Phobos data and implications for Mars' evolution, J. Geophys. Res. 101, 15,765-15,772]. These new results and a more recent EUVE observation of Mars are the motivation for us to revisit the problem in this paper. We find that the abundance of helium in the upper atmosphere, where the main loss processes occur, is similar to that in the previous paper, though the mixing ratio in the lower and middle atmosphere is now better estimated at 10±6 ppm. Our estimate of the total loss of helium is almost unchanged at 8×1023 s−1, because a significant decrease in the loss by electron impact ionization above the ionopause is compensated by a higher loss in collisions with hot oxygen. We neglect the outgassing of helium produced by radioactive decay of U and Th because of the absence of current volcanism and a very low upper limit to the seepage of volcanic gases. The capture of solar wind α-particles is currently the only substantial source of helium on Mars, and its efficiency remains at 0.3. A similar analysis of EUV emissions from Venus results in a helium abundance in the upper atmosphere which is equal to the mean of the abundances measured previously with two optical and two mass spectrometers, and a derived helium mixing ratio in the middle and lower atmosphere of 9±6 ppm. Helium escape by ionization and sweeping out of helium ions by the solar wind above the ionopause is smaller than that calculated by Prather and McElroy [1983, Helium on Venus: implications for uranium and thorium, Science 220, 410-411] by a factor of 3. However, charge exchange of He+ ions with CO2 and N2 between the exobase and ionopause and collisions with hot oxygen ignored previously add to the total loss which appears to be at the level of 106 cm−2 s−1 predicted by Prather and McElroy [1983, Science 220, 410-411]. The loss of helium is compensated by outgassing of helium produced by radioactive decay of U and Th and by the capture of the solar wind α-particles with an efficiency of 0.1. We also compare our derived α-particle capture efficiencies for Mars and Venus with observed X-ray emissions resulting from the charge exchange of solar wind heavy ions with the extended atmospheres on both planets [Dennerl et al., 2002, Discovery of X-rays from Venus with Chandra, Astron. Astrophys. 386, 319-330; Dennerl, 2002, Discovery of X-rays from Mars with Chandra, Astron. Astrophys. 394, 1119-1128]. The emissions from both disk and halo on Mars agree with our calculated values; however, we do not see a reasonable explanation for the X-ray halo emission on Venus. The ratio of the charge exchange efficiencies derived from the disk X-ray emissions of Mars and Venus is similar to the ratio of the capture efficiencies for these planets. The surprisingly bright emission of He+ at 304 Å observed by EUVE and Venera 11 and 12 suggests that charge exchange in the flow of the solar wind α-particles around the ionopause is much stronger than in the flow of α-particles into the ionosphere.  相似文献   

We have studied the escape and energization of several O+ populations and an population at Mars by using a hybrid model. The quasi-neutral hybrid model, HYB-Mars model, included five oxygen ion populations making it possible to distinguish photoions from oxygen ions originating from charge exchange processes and from the ionosphere.We have identified two high-energy ion components and one low-energy ion component of oxygen. They have different spatial and energy distributions near Mars. The two high-energy oxygen ion components, consisting of a high-energy “beam” and a high-energy “halo”, have different origins. (1) The high-energy (>∼100 eV) “beam” of O+ and ions are originating from the ionosphere. These ions form a highly asymmetric spatial distribution of escaping oxygen ions with respect to the direction of the convective electric field in the solar wind. (2) The high-energy (>∼100 eV) “halo” component contains O+ ions which are formed from the oxygen neutral exosphere by extreme ultraviolet radiation (EUV) and by charge exchange processes. These energetic halo ions can be found all around Mars. (3) The low energy O+ and ions (<∼100 eV) form a relatively symmetric spatial distribution around the Mars-Sun line. They originate from the ionosphere and from charge exchange processes between protons and exospheric oxygen atoms.The existence of the low- and the high-energy oxygen components is in agreement with recent in situ plasma measurements made by the ASPERA-3 instrument on the Mars Express mission. The analysis of the escaping oxygen ions suggests that the global energization of escaping planetary ions in the martian tail is controlled by the convective electric field.  相似文献   

The asymmetry of fluxes of solar wind and planetary ions is studied by using the ASPERA-3 observations onboard the Mars Express spacecraft in February 2004 to March 2006. Due to the small scale of the Martian magnetosphere and its induced origin, the flow pattern near Mars is sensitive to the directions of the interplanetary magnetic and electric (-V×B) fields. Asymmetry of the magnetic field draping produces an asymmetry in plasma flows in the plane containing the IMF. The crustal magnetic fields on Mars also influence the flow pattern. Scavenging of planetary ions is less efficient in the regions of strong crustal magnetization and therefore the escape fluxes of planetary ions in the southern hemisphere are smaller. The results of the observations are compared to simulations based on a 3D hybrid model with several ion species.  相似文献   

A model has been developed for the currents induced in the ionospheres of Venus and Mars by the flowing magnetized solar wind in a previous paper (Cloutier and Daniell, 1973). The altitudes of the ionopauses on both planets, determined from the electrodynamical models of the previous paper, are used here to calculate the total rates of atmospheric mass loss to the solar wind for Venus and Mars. These loss rates are compared to the rates calculated by Michel (1971) based upon the limit of mass loading of the solar wind flow determined from hydrodynamic constraints. The distributions of planetary ions in the downstream wakes of Venus and Mars are calculated, and the interpretation of ion spectrometer measurements from close planetary encounters is discussed.  相似文献   

Atmospheric angular momentum variations of a planet are associated with the global atmospheric mass redistribution and the wind variability. The exchange of angular momentum between the fluid layers and the solid planet is the main cause for the variations of the planetary rotation at seasonal time scales. In the present study, we investigate the angular momentum variations of the Earth, Mars and Venus, using geodetic observations, output of state-of-the-art global circulation models as well as assimilated data. We discuss the similarities and differences in angular momentum variations, planetary rotation and angular momentum exchange for the three terrestrial planets. We show that the atmospheric angular momentum variations for Mars and Earth are mainly annual and semi-annual whereas they are expected to be “diurnal” on Venus. The wind terms have the largest contributions to the LOD changes of the Earth and Venus whereas the matter term is dominant on Mars due to the CO2 sublimation/condensation. The corresponding LOD variations (ΔLOD) have similar amplitudes on Mars and Earth but are much larger on Venus, though more difficult to observe.  相似文献   

The investigation of plasma tails of comets is an important part of comet research. Different classifications of plasma tails of comets are proposed. Plasma acceleration in the tails is investigated in sufficient detail. Several cometary forms are explained. Plasma tails of Mars and Venus were observed during the first studies of these planets. They are associated with the capture of ionized atoms and exosphere molecules by the solar wind magnetized plasma flow. Distinct plasma tails of Mars and Venus are caused by the mass loading of the solar wind with heavy ions. It was shown that the transverse dimension of the tails of Mars, Venus, and comets can be quite accurately determined by production rate of the obstacle to the solar wind flow. While plasma tails of Mars and Venus are investigated by in situ measurements from spacecraft, observations of comet tails from the Earth make it possible to see the entire object under study and to monitor changes in its structure. A certain similarity of cometary and planetary tails can be explained by the nonmagnetic nature of both types of bodies. Thus, it is reasonable to suppose that investigations of plasma tails of comets can supplement the information obtained by in situ methods of the study of the planets. In this paper, plasma tails of comets, presumably analogous to the plasma tails of Mars and Venus, have been identified on modern photographs of comets (more than 1500 photographs viewed). Only quasi-steady laminar tails are considered. They are divided into two types: double structures and outflows. The paper attempts to define the 3D structure of double structures and to determine certain characteristics of outflows.  相似文献   

2000—2049年行星天象(一)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文给出 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 4 9年行星天象的一部分 ,包括水星、金星的东、西大距 ,留及上、下合日 ;金星最亮和最接近地球 ;外行星冲日、最接近地球、合日、留 ;地球和外行星过远近日点计1 5个表  相似文献   

The results of two theoretical investigations concerning the destabilizing effects of radiative transfer on stably stratified shear flows are applied to the CO2 atmospheres Mars and Venus. It is found that radiatively modified critical Richardson numbers remain below plausible atmospheric values throughout the stratospheres of both planets. Above certain altitudes, however, in the upper stratospheres of these planets (≈50 km on Mars and ≈100 km on Venus), critical Richardson numbers begin to increase significantly above the nonradiating critical value. This trend continues until, in the lower thermosphere, critical Richardson numbers eventually surpass atmospheric values. This effect could lead to observably greater turbulent mixing in the upper atmospheres of Mars and Venus than might be expected from terrestrial observation and from nonradiating theoretical calculations.  相似文献   

We have analysed ion escape at Mars by comparing ASPERA-3/Mars Express ion measurements and a 3-D quasi-neutral hybrid model. As Mars Express does not have a magnetometer onboard, the analysed IMA data are from an orbit when the IMF clock angle was possible to determine from the magnetic field measurements of Mars Global Surveyor. We found that fast escaping planetary ions were observed at the place which, according to the 3-D model, is anticipated to contain accelerated heavy ions originating from the martian ionosphere. The direction of the interplanetary magnetic field was found to affect noticeably which regions can be magnetically connected to Mars Express and to the overall 3-D Mars-solar wind interaction.  相似文献   

Measurements of water vapor in the atmospheres of Venus or Mars by spectroscopic techniques in the infrared range are being made routinely by instruments onboard the Venus Express and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The interpretation of these measurements in the 2250-4450 cm−1 region is being complicated by the presence of HDO lines absorbing radiation in this region. These spectra cannot be modeled properly because line shape parameters for CO2 broadening (principal gas in these atmospheres) of HDO are not available. Here semi-classical line shape calculations for the HDO-CO2 collision system are made using the Robert-Bonamy formalism for some 2300 rotational band transitions of HDO. From these calculations, the half-width, its temperature dependence, and the line shift are determined to aid in the reduction of the measured spectra. These data will greatly reduce the uncertainty of the reduced profiles from the Venus and Mars measurements and will also allow better estimates of the D/H ratio on these planets.  相似文献   

An analysis of ion data from 390 Venus Express, VEX, orbits demonstrates that the flow of solar wind- and ionospheric ions near Venus is characterized by a marked asymmetry. The flow asymmetry of solar wind H+ and ionospheric O+ points steadily in the opposite direction to the planet’s orbital motion, and is most pronounced near the Pole and in the tail/nightside region. The flow asymmetry is consistent with aberration forcing, here defined as lateral forcing induced by the planet’s orbital motion. In addition to solar wind forcing by the radial solar wind expansion, Venus is also subject a lateral/aberration forcing induced by the planet’s orbital motion transverse to the solar wind flow.The ionospheric response to lateral solar wind forcing is analyzed from altitude profiles of the ion density, ion velocity and ion mass-flux. The close connection between decreasing solar wind H+ mass-flux and increasing ionospheric O+ mass-flux, is suggestive of a direct/local solar wind energy and momentum transfer to ionospheric plasma. The bulk O+ ion flow is accelerated to velocities less than 10 km/s inside the dayside/flank Ionopause, and up to 6000 km in the tail. Consequently, the bulk O+ outflow does not escape, but remains near Venus as a fast (km/s) O+ zonal wind in the Venus polar and nightside upper ionosphere. Furthermore, the total O+ mass-flux in the Venus induced magnetosphere, increases steadily downward to a maximum of 2 × 10−14 kg/(m2 s) at ≈400 km altitude, suggesting a downward transport of energy and momentum. The O+, and total mass-flux, decay rapidly below 400 km. With no other plasma mass-flux as replacement, we argue that the reduction of ion mass-flux is caused by ion-neutral drag, a transfer of ion energy and momentum to neutrals, implying that the O+ plasma wind is converted to a neutral (thermosphere) wind at Venus. Incidentally, such a neutral wind would go in the same direction as the Venus atmosphere superrotation.  相似文献   

Data from the magnetometer MAG aboard the Venus Express S/C are investigated for the occurrence of cyclotron wave phenomena upstream of the Venus bow shock. For an unmagnetized planet such as Venus and Mars the neutral exosphere extends into the on-flowing solar wind and pick-up processes can play an important role in the removal of particles from the atmosphere. At Mars upstream proton cyclotron waves were observed but at Venus they were not yet detected. From the MAG data of the first 4 months in orbit we report the occurrence of proton cyclotron waves well upstream from the planet, both outside and inside of the planetary foreshock region; pick-up protons generate specific cyclotron waves already far from the bow shock. This provides direct evidence that the solar wind is removing hydrogen from the Venus exosphere. Determining the role the solar wind plays in the escape of particles from the total planetary atmosphere is an important step towards understanding the evolution of the environmental conditions on Venus. The continual observations of the Venus Express mission will allow mapping the volume of escape more accurately, and determine better the present rate of hydrogen loss.  相似文献   

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